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(Before M'Artlmr,'. -- INTERESTING, TO SHIPPING. : John Lynch, a seaman,' claimed £9<f.. from the Union Steamship Company as_ wnges for November, and.also board'andf lodging. Mr. (J. ]}. Dix appeared"forvt. the complainant," and -Mr. IV Levi' the defendant company.; Tho case presented, some, interesting7-f. features from -a . shipping standpoint. *?„ It appears that while, a. seaman 'on .theafi. Kotuku,-Lynch was arrested for assault, and' fined £2' the -following riiorniugAp Ho went to rejoin his vessel, hut she had sailed, and that his wages bid ii boon [oft behind for him. However, Superintendent ■ of' Marine . to-, >hand over his wages as ho had not bcenX signed off. . Meantime-' ho ,was/uriableil; to pet any other employment', arid -now.® 1 ?, claimed £7 wages, as lie alleged that'herr* was still legally on the articles, and he_ - further, claimed £2. board and Mr. Dix contended! that the 'riiasferttj of -the ship /should liavo. signed Lyriehia off at the Police Station or-else- have givenhim 24 hours' notice... ~- For the defence it , was "contendedvjJ that, as,' Lynch had been left in custodj-jj. of the police his'contract was broken,/"}] and that if, tile ship paid his wages up-.iT* till that date it was then'justifiable" treat him as a deserter., ' t'' : 1 Tho. magistrate reserved decision, untfly.i.Tuosday next. ' -~ . . TRAM, CONDUCTOR ASSAULTED T A. middle-aged man, named Shaw, was charged with throwing;clay ' 't-5 tho danger of a tramcar,. and with:-.:.. having assaulted Hugh Joseph: --Cairns/'V. a tram conductor. hr.A.L.Herdman;;; appeared for accused, who pleaded not""* guilty. Mr. A. H.-Hindmarsh prose— : ' cuted, for the City' Tramways! '- ,the. evidence it appeared .that: got off a .tramcar at lvilbirnie at o'clock ono night,' and threw a lump_J. of clay ,- which ■■•just- missed the and hit, the, tramcar. "When tho -con-'-*-doctor got off ihe car,'and asked accused"' I '' what ho meant, Shaw struct him ■ blow in the facc. At the conclusion of-"-* tho evidence for the prosecution, accused withdrew his plea of not'guiity.-^" ; Mr. Herdma'n called evidence -, to that accused, was a steady-worker'■and!:, of good character, but on accounts# a*J'. sunstroke he sustained; in India!',some'X ,' years ago, a; little drink had the'effected of upsetting him. ■ Mr.. Hindmarsh"-"-pressed for. a heavy penalty, as' accused-: bad -.been -fined ,-some time, ago: forcaulting the police. The after . giving -Sliaw' spine, good advice,tl*,' imposed; a .ti'no of 20s. ~ on- .the ."first"" charge, 'with costs 175., witnesses', expenses 245., and : solicitors'fee, £1-ls;,ff; in default seven days' On the sccond charge a fine'.of 205." was"" imposed,'default being, the same.'as. oni-f the .first.,cliargo. ; Joseph Shaw -was also ; charged using-improper language. He,..was aibtif.s represented: by counsel in' this-case.: A;;, fine:of.4os.-was.imposed, with costs,9s;,£j. in default seven days', imprisonment.'- .la '. THE FIRST .TIME-IN HIS LIFE.'-M Francis William :Towri£eud, : ; a-ybniigAtt man, was charged wjth;wilfully-daniag- " ing a fence', .value los.,~thc property', of t-j ■ Joe Dwong. ; Accused;; stated "that'ihVrf;. was under, the influence of liquor fbr .first - time-in.. his :life,., and .'.did iiot '.'s&•s member any,thing, of, t,hi; ; .affaifAccord- " ing to tho poli-ce (Plo.ver.gavo liiih chavartfji 1 aim expressed- ;surpiSso A . man 'had got into "trouble, 1 '/it'"''fine of" 20s.- was imposed; and' accused ;was or- ~- dered''lss. for the damage done. T': Default : was-fixed at seven days' im-j/, ' prisonnient.-- >■ , . \ J (JVKNILE. COURI ,"In tho JUv.cnile Court yesterday. small boys, tlireo aged 9 years,and:oiieT' 8 years, 'were charged with .straying vegetables,- valuo, 7sv" ; 6d:, theii property vof Sarah : "Worthy.'."..Thg lady, wore cautioned and discharged., k; {' ~" '£. PROHIBITED PERSONS ~ William Haydon; charged with . curing- liquor■ during Hhe currency; of prohibition order; was fined 405.,- .with ' tho alternative of fourteen days' im~ prisoiiment. 'l'or being,drunk- ill 1 - charge of a horse and an express, saino accused ivas fined -205.7 in throo days'-imprisonment: : ; ' Mary Donaldson..'wild entered licensedpremises'during tnc currency' of 'a -p'ro-JJ'. liibitiori order, was fined. 10s.. and 7a.,' in- default •tS .-hdurs' 'iniprisoiimeiit.r" . 'Miles pleaded guilty to'■ hv'o-. separate charges, of: breach -of -'a* 'pro-a hibition. order:'' For. the first offence was fined 205., with costs 135.,' in do-;""' fault scvcii days'- imprisonment, arid. foi^ c . the second offence lie was iincd 'os., wit costs 7s.;"in-default '48 hours' impri-3' sonmeut. •' "" ";\ l - BY-LAWS BROKEN. Turnbull arid Jones, for whom . . S;. Grundy appeared, . admitted cmiiloy-2' ; ing men to carry' out clcctric light work, when 'such men'■ w-ere-. r.ot ■■ licensed.--There wero three separate charges.". Grimdy. stated that altliough - the-meiCo. were not liceiiEod thoy were competent ! workmen, arid their, work had beonu. passed. . They were now qualified to bojl ! licensed.; A fine.-'ofios., with costs' 75., was imposed on each charge. , '' ' For allowing a horse to wander: in* a'-. : public place, Frederick Biggswas fined 7' 55., with costs' 7s; -A similar was' imrioncd on Albert'King,-charged.,' with-a like c!fcncc. ; . .ti. Roderick M'Lood was-fined os., -ivifh—-i coits-'./s . lor driving a vcliiclc with/i't - a light between sunset-;and sunrise. .- •."£ George "Ward, an expressman, i .was'fi.; firicthos:,'with.costs Us., for solicitingis business on,the Thorndon railway station. ; George Longhurst," similarly/., charged, was fined os. and,Costs,?s.' ;1 : Norman E. Aitken was fined osV,' costs 75., for affixing.a calico"sign:to r a verandah- in contravention of the by- ' law.:., -■" ! . j ■ . oTs'lliß CASKS. Denis Mulhane pleaded not, guilty to - ; a charge of working at his calling oriJV Decembe.r 25 wilhin view ofpassers-by. It appeared that on account of the bad" weather prior to Christmas Day, Mul-,. hano had not been able to gfet .iinhis.-* liay. As Christmas Day and" the :fol-*' lowing day were fine, he'thought necessary to gather' in tho ha.v on days, else it might .be spoiled: ■ Provi-"j sion is made in the Act tor exceptional-'" circumstances, and the ' magistratetherefore dismissed the- information. Henry. Nicholas .Martin was- "charged with..failure to maintain his wife. Mr. „ A. L. He.rdman appeared for ant, and Mr. H. J. Webb for After hearing tho evidence, the magis- ' trate intimated that he would give a ■ decision on Tuesday next.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1031, 21 January 1911, Page 3

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MAGISTRATE'S COURT. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1031, 21 January 1911, Page 3

MAGISTRATE'S COURT. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1031, 21 January 1911, Page 3