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A.-lecture-will.Bo. given; .at the Wellington. Lodge,. of .. the .Theosophical Society, ; Ballance Street,'?: to-night at 8 o'clock. ' . . Messrs. Thomson and Brown will sell to-day at their rooms, Customhouse Quav, at noon, some valuable freehold property situate at Petone. The blocks,' particulars of which are .advertised in. this issue, contain 20 perches each. Further particulars and conditions of the sale may be inspected at (he. office of the auctioneers.

■ • _ J^rn .;, ■ i„." i. j. .iii.'; u .jl U L m........ ' ' • " •. .. PITS M ■ •'W 3 "® 43 l W fE^ a E ® S O ' I TE ARO HOUSE beg-, to announce that again they intend to condense their ANNUAL SUMMER SALE into 9 DAYS OHLY.'.I K PSH ' Jf|a It#!' ■S 11 •:. •'.' (M ■Iy' '| . ' llLgj ■' | ; ." • Space Trill, not allow ns .to enumerate the thousands of Bargains offered-in. every,, department.. In every case the Bednc- 1 P'- '""a 'HI iNlllirilli Ml' ' 1; iw| ■:■§& u *? I tions are AB&OLUTELT. GENTJINE, and not in the least exaggerated. The few. items on this page are given just as-Examples I :: : : : Ikg# dllteßc-:' .arc I: of s the Hundreds of,Oiher Cen uiiie Sale Values-offered'at this GREAT DAYSrsALE. J -' . , ••...•• •- r , ; | ' ' ■ It will certainly be to yiour advantage-to : visit Cuba Street TO-MOREOTF", and inspect our windows, in-which'will'be show-- | • ••;.••■»• - . " ■• ' ! , j ng yhree Thousand irresistable Bargains in Men's, Women's and Children's Wear, and General Drapery, and then make straight 1 ' IQISpA HP ' : 1811 JANU!IM ; "Ml | *'»»**■*»...■ A :■ ; gnn' lbn Tae Wed Tim■ Fri Sat | CONDITIONS?-OF SALE/ . I ; -,'V '•' Commencing ' THURSDAY rfY I • Goods will be sent on approval, at Sale Prices. No' Goods will '-be exchanged during- Sale, except those sent, "in response 'to' v 1 '• 'J* '• wrowW ' m ■ WW <A,< 'T'liTiTin-iT ' ' ■ 3lail Orders,which must be returned within three days. All discounts will be'suspended during the Sale.- -1 :ATOUAL:\ v™ . :.j , 1 .*.l® • : . tS:Your Orders- will.receive the same attention as if you were purchasing over the coimter■ yourself. > . - -I .|0 §: C asll Remittances,must, accompany all orders from Country Customers who- have not an account, which will be willingly re- ! £7Hk v y' a ! _* ' ■ " -4® p funded if goods are not fully,approved. . " ° ' | - 1 -1 WW ' iWi i ' 23 "2# Promptness .is necessary to the Wonderful, Bargains being offered in Every Department, so THURSDAY MORNING " 1 M V - , • , _ . i MAKE STRAIGHT FOR TE ARO HOUSE. SALE CO?iIMENCES AT 9 O'CLOCK A.M. SHARP. . ■ ■■■ v ; v ; .... ■ ■rk;. ' CS©sed ; Day To-Day preparmg.^p ; re-marking: for-SaSe. J .- ./» A -.: • ' ' Q-- ; ■Q _ llfti • ' ■ W fi -fef ' TAPESTRY .CARPET SQUARES; CURTAIN ENDS.. Sale Prlco 6tl. Sizos, and--good fitting.' Very 100 BOYS' TWEED f \ Pi - a ". 'jgi-r ■ -ra .. p • fc - , 6m - s 7ft. • p" 0 ]• I™- 0 and ,Is. each. Special Liiie. tJsual,Price, 325. ' dark patterns, size's Ito 9* 1 •' sj ' : ' r - ' ■-' M• ' jm- ili ' M : ■' ® i ® " . worth 15s. 6d. NOWIIS.6d.- sals. Price, 19s. IHI. and "253.; . UsualPrices'3s el 3s llrl 1 • '- d$L <?..,>> drnkmrnm' -M - ' F|. EASTERN CARPET SQTjARES,. - LACE CURTAINS, SO- Sample Iln - WrtT^TTf , •" • 4 s llcf isad' •i. -- -- - if • U - —• • 9ft- i 9ft., in-nice bright col-- . Pairs, in "White and Cream, GARMENT ' 2s. 3d.. 2s.- ltd Don't" | • ours, good ■ hard-wearing 3i and 4yds. long." Marked TWEED ] SUITS, all good pat-. :. . . those the beach- I " % , , squares. Usual Price, 3Ss. 6d. nearly Half Price. Sale Prioo, terns. All ;sizes to fit boys, up m t>t-pc< nr. »r. t. . ' f S .VALUES IN mm EXCELLENT VALUES iH ' sell during tbo Sole. Satin arid WIW SSSI*«Si \ fe.J 1£ «f' J MiBCERY. ; StS™?.', f£ ' ' : FURNISHIMCS. :■. >?;,» ««.... . be D ™m and-.EDDIIBG « f>J ' Al" oS.Sfe, %. S 1 '12 -Doz -MES'S TTINTO s n rAo^n 1 " 100 ' 2s - 11d ' DAMASK AND DRAWN-THREAD 'Sale Price, 2s. 11d. each. IC Sala S prlco' 4s lid ordinary prices We mak6 mat- „. - - . ' I 'A ■ Sf»S 0 ™«, SVLd 1 s -™rW™, S bakKEf japanesk ste« mats', 3ft JBT-iMbSy&.'SS VALUES: in MEN-S AND I a L-fS;.,., D ± 8 S " *" - ,S a."'- BOYB' V/ASHINC GOODS. | e Doz PANCY COLOURED HATS )n' S T BL f''^ K O ? ARD - TEA CLOTHS, WHITE FRILLED MUSLIN COV- , 4TT) S ?|® p f ic0 '. ea °Y BRUSSELS CARPETS, with 80 BOYS' TWPFD TUNTr quiTq SPECIAL WASHINC GOODS.- '' I rmpif WffiTO oif . aAXb, ;in Latest Shapes, 30 x S2in. Usual Price, Is. 6d. ERS, Embroidered in Colours, MOHAIR DOOR MATS, I<ringed . • Border to match • all • "nod °° "".t,® 5 11MC SUIIS, Viomvn To™ J Shnrlo? ', n j et ; nanov,' and medium brims., and 2s. Sale Prioo, -is. each. . ' Usual Price 4s 3d , ends, in crimson and green colours Usuil Price 5s 3d with fanrar collars. Aery MENS ASHING \ESTS, g PS 4 • UsuaUy 6s. 6d and-7s. 6d. FRINGED. TEA CLOTHS, Col- , 25.-11 d. each. only. Usual. Pricc, 4s. - • • Sate Prioc, X'sd!' yart. Wo, here ' $ usual irico, 4S. lid. • ■ „ ■ Sale Prlco, 3s. ad. oui-ed Border Usual Price, m T-VPFSTRY Cltarnvi• TOPS Sate Prico, «s. lid. each.. «#re n»i ■» .w. *«lU. north 21s. -and-.205.. 6d.; 125.-6 d.. 16s. | 10 Doz FANCY STRIPED NEP 100 7}Vf-mD TIES, ouito Is. 6d. Sale Price, "o*d. ' no alil^ & a,id Various MOHAIR HEARTHRUGS, Fringed AXMINBTER CARPETS, in good Sa,a Pr,ce ' A " al ' 9B " 11d " s t' ' -LI6E SHIRTS,. .soft cuffs, Price,ls" Cd" °' : : S e nf '• 0110 , tlle Usta'l Price "lte °oT S ° *'' ' shades. Usual Price, 8s 6:1. 70 . BOYS' TWEED CONWAY ' Youths, ? 38. CW ° J starched, neckband. Usua Now A I'to Co if'l, «ir.h «„ w S il ' -•/ ' wo have over Usl 13 s fid each Sale' Price, ss. 11d. Border, to SUITS," smart tweeds, - fancy . I ' "s'i,. P«a. „■« "/MA'S: ««....»• SSSS 11 ™''"" 1 '" : *"»*''* —»• - faaSrSSa BOYS- WASHING BLOUSES," ' . • 'fl'Doz. WHITE-TTTMr smrcW T7 C , M e I*V tllc Ne "'- SUPPER CLOTHS, Drawn-thread Sale Prlco, Is. 11d. LINOLEUM.—2yds. wide 1 rutted. yfll lIP<B IM UPM'« - AND ' " Sala Price' 9s lid. great. assortment. All Sizes. [a '•' ®''■ ,ff •W i- ft- -Usually Sold -at from Linen, '15 x 'loin. Worth'7s. WHITE QUI LTS.-DOUIiLE BED •• ■ Linoleum, Nairn's make. Usual VALUES IN MEN'S AND &aie P.noe, a*, lid... , Sale Prices, 13.'3d;, Is. 11d„ 1 j': ' Price, 5s 6d ' 10(1 n'n» ITlvnv hIt ll'd. and Bs. lid. MARCELLA QUILTS. Usual Price, 4s. b'd. ■ BOYS' CLOTH ING. 25 BOYS' BLUE SERGE SAILOR' 28.-'lld., 3s. 11d.- Don't Miss " | ' - 1 ' saie Price as lid ' ' R'" m A^Cl ' HALF. HOSE, ' Sale Price, ss. 6d. Price, 13s. Cd. ' - ' Sale Prico, 38. 9d. yard. ' vuwinmM. SUITS. Usually 10s, 6d. and' them.. | ,J2 Doz. MEN'.S PYJAMA SUITS, ■ .:. ■ Grounds,-. 'with "14 SprS'^ed- 42 ' Sl\rr F ' Br'n INLAID LINOLEUM-We' 1-eep JIEN ' S PLANNEL CTITS ' a " - 1 - 28 - 61 . Now 38. lid. eaph. . BOYS' WASHING SAILOR COL- -J " V ' '' Ud d f r ptS * n r ip" ey vertical ' NOW k fld. '. . 'QUILTS. . Usuailv 6s. 6d. * only British make in Inlaid 6d" C and Also, 12 CREAM SERGE SAILOR « ISd • 1 well made. Usual Price, 5s lid. stripes. Usual Priccs from Is. . 40 Doz. DAMASK SERVIETTES, 'Now 88. 6d.- Linoleums. Sals Prices, 33. ,1 Sp'ri .Vii Iri SUITS. Usually 17s. Gd. ' TT T T l' J o- tw ' rrnimm 'w S M. per pair. hemmed ready for use. Usual DOUBLE BED HONEYCOMB - od., 4s. 6d. and ss. 6d. square s : -alo Prlc.B, 198. lid. Now 10s. 9d. BOYS DRILL FROMS. All Half- | 20 N - S -j S ™A W o „ Sale Price to Clear, ,lod. pair. Price, 12s. 6d. ' QUILTS.- -Usual Pric- Os 6-1 yard. and 275. 6d. RT xrK - . TP . r . Price,- Gd. each. J SAiLOE HAIS, wide hrtms.- 2o Doz. Only MEN'S FANCY Sale Price, ss, 1 id. por doz. Sale-Prlco! 7s."etL REMNANTS OF LINOLEUM, lnn TW „ pn 12 CHESTERFIEID mis' J - WtafteM',!? ' LISLE .HOSE, in Newest DAMASK TABLECLOTHS, .slight- SINGLE BED HONEYCOMB under 6yds. long, To bo Sold ■ 100 .^ d & S™,i Ono Lhlo to Cleir Usufi 25 BOYS' WASHING CONWAY I bifws-'rfl afi.::Su s SSf^,i£.-: .fcWJlKSyfe-i'v .-WW-JK&NSE " HrvirtVfe r "' "-M. U - Hd. to 3s. |d • -12 Doz. NEGLIGE SHIRTS, in 7s. eil .Bs. 6d., Hs.'ed., ami to and 7S. !Id. (&,zeß 3to ~) good <»ats ,ffl)i„ to SGiu.'loug. BOYS , WASHING 'VARSITY ' | 5 Doz WHITE GAUZE UNDER Regular 15s, 6d. • 6s. Gd. Sala Price 3s. Bd..each. Salo Prico, 3s. 6d. - flO MEN'S SADDLE TWEED Reduced. Usual Price, SUITS, Plain White Drill. Also 5 PNNI'S Usual Price 2s 6d ' D „ 6 ' 6d '' 11 "" .BRUSSELS CARPET ENDS, 1J to 2yds. x 2yds., Plain Centres with TROUSERS, Special Colonial 40s. to. 60s • in Plain Grey and Crash. Usual ' I Usual J. rice, Js. bJ. w\-'5 nnS otjidto' .and 108. Bd. . 2yds. long. Worth Ss, 6d. to Fancy Borders. Usually 12s. 6d. make, dark and licht colours. Saia Prico, 225. 6d. Price, Ss. lid. - ■ S 10 Doz FANCY CELLULAR UN k F CUli^' . SHIB „% ' 2jd V fiS dS 'ii„ri V, "bh® *M" 01 each. Now 108. 6'd. Usual Price, 10s. Cd. 200' BOYS' 'VAESITY SUITS, best . Salo Price, 6s. lid. ' ,-| wnVmlVTc; Itrnntr ,r-nnl '' f'„fr, f SI cy ,St "l ]cs ; & "f l 12s - and 10s ' Gd ' ... Salc Pric0 ' ss ' 11d - oacll - 2 J' cls - x 2 .vds., Fringed, Plain or Salo Prlco, 7s. 11d. makes only. Kaiapoi, and Pe- % „Ji «iJ Tkinll?' •><; o,|' oi •!* T- S>orvicc;ibio . AXMINSTER CARPET ENDS, Figured Centres, in green, rod, tone, All Piirb Wool. Usual Special Line in STRIPE 'V\RS- ' and seruceahle. - Usuallj s 9d. Shirt. Usual Price, <ls. 6d CUSHION COVERS. \\o have liyds. long. Usual .Price, 12s. , terra ootta, blue. Usual Price, 25 MEN'S TWEED AND BLUE Prices, 14s. 6d. and 16s 6d . ITY SUITS Usuailv 7s lid' J sale Price,_ is..lid. Sale Price, as, 6d, about 100 Cushion Covers to . od. Sale price,.7B...lid.:oaoh.. 18s. 6d. • sale Price, «s. 6d! VICUNA SAC SUITS. All sale Prices, 103. fid., 12S. ad! 1X - . nVss. IW-. '- | CUBAA piXON m-p ABA WATTQW CUBA * DIXON '- » I marking for STREETS JL-JEU - Ajl'U' U '.' ' STREETS 1 : ——™_—; ' ; Sale. M

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1028, 18 January 1911, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1028, 18 January 1911, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1028, 18 January 1911, Page 7