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ST. PATRICK'S COLLEGE. VISIT OF LORD ISLINGTON. . , • NEW SCHOLARSHIPS. - " St. Patrick's College, which has been so inncli before the public during the last few days in connection witli the celebration of its silver jubilee was the scene of another.auspicious gathering last evening. The matter in hand was the annual presentation of prizes, and the central figure of tho occasion was his Excellcncy the Governor (Lord Islington). ■ The large study hall was filled witli students, stair, and many-of the parents and friends of the p'upus, as well as Roman Catholic 'clergy and laity in considerable, number. His iJxceliency itas received by the president of tho collego (His Grace Archbishop Redwood), and the Rector (Very Rev. father Kennedy), and took his seat between tho Archbishop and his Lordship Bishop Grimes, of Christchurch. On the other side of the Archbishop sat-Mon-signor I'owler, of Sioux City, America, and near them were tho Very Rev. Dr. Kennedy, Rector of the College, and tho Very liev. Father Keogh, ex-Rector.

Address of Welcome.' Tho Rector ,welcomed Lord Islington, whose presence, ho said; crowned in a most fitting manner the jubilee He then read an address of welcome to his. Excellency as follows:— "To His Excellency Lord Islington, "Governor of N.Z. "May it', please your Excellency,— "We,. tile rcctor, masters, and boys of St. Patrick's College, beg to express 'our deep and lively sense of the hign honour conferred on us by this, the first official visit of your Excellency. It has been our privilege from our infant days to receive at the hands of his Majesty's representatives in tho Dominion, the encouraging patronage of a persona! visit. 'We : feel especially proud that, in this our jubilee year we snouid' be favoured by orio who was to signally honoured by his lalo Majesty King Edward VII. '.'llepresenting, as wo do, a system of education whicn weds knowledge into religion, and seeking at some sacrilice to give practical effect to our thnc-honoured convictions, ' wo take solace and .comfort in our labours and responsibilities -from tho fact that the representatives of-the Crown should at times display such a kindly interest in our school as this . visit of your. Excellency evinces. : / "We, therefore, beg to express through your Excellency our/loyalty to ..his Hajesty the' J'Jng, and to vrisn your Excellency in person a, hearty welcome, a.hd to venture to express the hope that wo may soon again and often enjoy 'the privilege of welcoming you to our college. '."Signed, on behalf of tho masters .'and boys, by D. Kennedy, S.M., rector,' C. Olieilly, 8.H., J. Casey, B. Malone, Wm. B. Buckley."

Lord Islington's Reply. His Excellency acknowledged the ■ address in the following .terms:—"l have much pleasure in acknowledging the cordial welcome that you have extended,to me as -the representative of his Majesty King George \V, and noto with satisfaction your expressions l of. loyalty to the i'hrone and person of his Majesty the King. My visit to-day is of more than passing interest, as it affords me an opportunity, of coming among you whilst celebrating, tho silver jubilee .of your college. . The energy, zeal, and personal sacrifice that have marked the efforts of the supporters of this institution during the last twenty-five years are characteristic of its founders, and the ■ remarkable progress of the college since its inception Speaks well for its future'''career. (Applause.)- I understand that your college differs from, others in. the ijdminion m that it is the only one of its kind connected with, the.system' of secondary education, ,ind the 1 scholars being assembled from- all parts'of- the country, its influence is disseminated throughout New Zealand. The scholars whom 1 see befpro me this evening will, in a'. fev«; years' time, bo taking their place as useful citizens in various portions of ~ this' Dominion, and will, I ani sure, throughout their; life recollect, with pride and satisfaction' the .opportunities afforded-them at their col- • lego to develop their character and education. (Applause.) Tho record of your college show's how successful its administrators have been in the past, and I trust that the.future may.hold an.even greater prospect: of' useful learning to Catholics ill this Dominion. (Applause.) I appreciate highly .tho kindly sentiments that you have expressed towards me, and so long as I have tho honour of being Governor of New Zealand I shall watch with interest- the development, of St. Patrick's College. May I add that I hope to' have the pleasure of coming in contact- with you from tiin,e to time. ..(Loud.applause.)

The Spirit of the College. ' Tho rector, before. reading the prize list,'expressed the welcome of the stall' to all the friends of. the college who were present. After a reference to the position of the college in relation to tho national. education., system „ (as ..reported elsewhere),, Dr. Kennedy went on to say, that the'work' of the boys at tho college' during the" year had been most satisfactory. The spirit which, animated tliein was excellent, and this was no doubt due to the line .tradition that had come down from previous students, and to the work of his revered predecessor, the Very Rev. Father Keogh.- (Applause:) While thanking the hoys for their application -to study and their devotion to their masters', he desired also to thank the staff all of whom tfere most Joyal and devotdd to their work. (Applause.) ■ The spirit of friendly rivalry among the boys had .been. so - strong -that in many instances the marks for general excellence of work did not differ by more, than. a l , decimal point,- aiid, in such cases, of two prizes liad been awarded. (Applause.) Ihe prizes were then presented',by his Excellency.

. Scholarships Awarded, ; ; ; The rector next announced that the two college scholarships, of j;2O each, tenable for four year (which the i college owed -to the generosity of Mr. Martin Kennedy) had been awarded to Patrick Handahan, of Ashburton, and John Hally, of' Wellington. (Applause.) He also' announced that through the generosity-of another AYellingtan Catholic gentleman, who did not wish to be named, -the collet was 111 a .position to offer further, scholarships next year. -.These, would not be awarded to pupils in,the college, ihere win f, onie ' 01 ' : >^0. and the col ego would - add to this sum so as to provide altogether six scholarships of £10 each. One would be given for tho highest marks in English language and literature, ,'one for highest niaiks in Latin and ono.- modern language, one for tjio highest marks in mathematics and science. It was.intended to • oiler them in the. second and third classes, and no boy would T>o.allowed to hold two at tho same time. .Any boy who won hvo of the scholarships- would bo awarded a special gold medal. ■ Ho was sure they, would' all unite in thanking the gentleman who ivas makin- this generous provision for these perpetual scholarships. (Applause.)

The Governor Addresses the Boys. Lord Islington congratulated tho • students on enjoying, in its fullest sense, a public seliool career, with that most invaluablo thing, a public school influence. They would be able, like their: predecessors, to make this felt in all parts of tho Dominion. He was convinced from what ho had seen that a trulv practical education was given at St. Patrick's—an education that would stand them in good stead in their after lives. He was glad that that most important of practical subjects, scientific agriculture, occupied a prominent placo in the curriculum" of St'. Patrick's. This subject was of, the most vital importance to tho Dominion and ho would never lose an opportunity of emphasising the extreme desirability of enabling the youth of New Zcalanil. to obtain; a sound scientific knowledge of agriculture. (Applause;) He was- also pleased to know that tho commercial side of education was also fully kept up at the college. Initially, his Excellency wished all tho boys a most pleasant, enjoyable, and agreeable Christmas holiday. (Much' applause.) ' Archbishop Redwood proposed a heartv vote of thanks t'o his Excellency, anil after carrying this with hearty acclama-tion,-the gathering dispersed. THE PRIZE LIST. Below is tho lirizo list. It should be mentioned that "hon. mention" is awarded to students who, whilo entitled to place,-yet from, having taken the prize in the eamo conditions in a previous year.

or' for other reasons, do cot enter into competition. • * Good Conduct. Senior. Division.—Gold uieda!, presented by liis Grace Archbishop liedwood, S.M., awarded to Brian Malonc; tost iu merit, William Buckley, Paul Kane, iloran Mahoney/ John Beaton, Arnold Roche 1 ; lion, mention, Joiiu Casey. junior Division.—Gold medal presented by Very Kcv. Father O'Shea, S.M., V.U:, awardea to Joseph Kumeroa; next in merit, Edward Cullinan, Howard Buckley,ThomaQ iliggins, Patrick O'Connor. Extern Division.—Gold medal presentea by Vcn. Arclidcacou Devoy, S.M., awarded to Fergus Youreile; next is merit, Cyril Andrews, Leonard Daniel, Cyril Dealy, John. Walker Diligsncc. Gold medal presented by Very Roy. Dean Hegnauit, Prow S.M., awarded to John Casey; next in merit, Paul Kane, Moran Mahonoy, John Beaton, Joseph Kuineroa, Bdward Cullinan, Thomas iliggihs; hon. mention, William Buckley. First Class. • General .Exccllehco iu Class Work-—Gold metlal presented by the Old Boy 6' Association, awarded to William Buckley (dux); next in merit, John Casey, Briau. „Malone. Christian Doctrine.—Gold medal presented by the Itight Kcv. Dr. Grimes, S.H., Bishop of Christchurch, awarded to-Wil-liam. Buckley; next in merit, Brian, John Casey. Essay.—.prise, presented • by Very Rev. Father Keogh, S.M., 8.A., awaraed to Brian .ilalouo;- next in merit, 'William Buckley, John Casey. English.—Prize, William Buckley; next in merit, Brian Alalofle, John Casey. La'tiu.—Prize, Wiiiiain Buckley; next in merit, Brian llalone, John Casey. French—Prize presented by Very Rev. Father Jloran, S.jiL, 8.A., awarded to William Buckley; next in merit, Brian Malone, John Casey. Arithmetic and Algebra—Prize, "William Buckley; next in merit, John Casey. Goomotry and Trigonometry.—Prize, William Buckley; next in merit, John Casey. Scsond Class. , General Excellence in Cla&a Work.—First prize, Courtenay O'Rourke; seconu William ifeunessy, Paul Kane; next in merit, James M'Giniey, * Albert Eeswick, Daniel Bradley, Itforan Jlahoney. - Christian Doctrine.—Gold medal presented by Very Rev. Dean Carew, S.M., waiued to' iVlbert Beswick; next in merit, William Hennessy, Fergus Youreile, Courtenay O'Rourke, Paul Kane. ! Essay.—Prize, Paul Kane; next in merit, William Ilennessy, Arnold Roche, Moran Malioney, Redmond Prinduble. English.—Prize, Psiul Kane; next in merit, Albert Beswick, James iTGinley, William Ilennessy, Daniel Bradley. Latin.—Prize, Puul Kane and Courtenay O'Rourke, equal; next in merit, William Henncssy, James M'Giniey, Thomas Stack, John Engel, Raymond Kitchen. French.—Prize, Thomas Stack; next in merit, James M'Giniey, William Ilenneesy, Paul Kane, John Engel, Courtenay O'Rourke. Arithmetic.—Prias, Courtenay o'Rou»tfc; next in merit, James M'Giniey, William Il'cimessy, Moran Mahonoy, Albert Beswick. V Algebra and • Geometry.—First prize. James M'Giniey; second .prize, William Hoiinessy; next in' merit, Courtenay O'Rourke, John Sullivan,. Moran Mahoney. Philip-Blake, Albert-Beswick; Chemistry.—prize, Daniel Bradley. Drawing.—Prize,, ,Cyril Kilgour; ueit -In merit,-Louis Weight; Paul Kane. .

Third Class. ■ General Excellence in Class Work.—Prize. Howard . Buckley; next in merit, James Hennessy, John Barry, William Poppelivell, Owen ■ Craighead, Leonard Daniel, Timothy Smith. Christian Doctrine—Prize, James Hennessy; next in merit, Howard Buckley, Cecil Parsons. Owen Craighead, ximomy Smith, John Barry. Essay.—Prize, Charles Laird; nest in niferit, Howard Buckley, John Barry, James Hennessy, Cecil Parsons, Bernard Chapman. English.—Prize, Charles Laird; next ■ in merit, James; Heniiessy, Howard Buckley, .vnMiam Poppelweil, Owen Craighead. History ana Geography—Prize, Charles Laird;- next in merit, James Hennessy, Timothy Smith, Howard Buckley, William Poppelweil, Owen ■ Craighead. ■ Latin,—Prize, Howard Buckley;, next in merit, William Poonclwell, James Hcn--y, Leonard Daniel. French.—Prize, darned Hennessy; next'in merit, John.Barry, Howard Buckley, William Poppelweil, Daniel Connor, Owen Craighead. German.—Prize, James Hennessy; next in merit, Charles Laird, Leonard. Daniel, Daniel Connor., . Arithmetic.—Prize,, Owen Craighead; next in merit, William Poppelweil, Howard liuckley, James Hennessy, Leonard Daniel, Timothy Smith? - ■ • • • Algebra; and . Geometry.—Prize, Howard Buckley; next in merit, Owen Craighead, Leonard Daniel, James Hennessy, William Ponpchvcll, Timothy Smith. , Chemistry.—Prize, Howard Buckley; next m merit,- Brian Dignan, Charles Kuscoe, Francis ,Kelly. Mochariicsi-Pme, Howard ' Buckley: next, in- merit, Loonard ' Daniel. William Arthur Brcnnan, Cccil ParGOTUa. . _ ' Drawing.—Prize, Leonard Daniel; next in .merit, John Barry, John O'Shca, Howard Buckley,. Arthur Brcnnan, Bernaru Chapman. ... Fourth Class.—A, General' Excellent in Class Work.—First Desmond O'Sullivan; second prize,William Craighead*, next in merit, Mcrvyn Stiles; • Frederick M'Kcnr.a, John Dore,t'ninck O'Connor, Edward Cullinan. . , Christian Doctrine.—Prize, William Craighead; next in merit Mervyn Miles,, John Dore, Desmond O'Sullivan, Patrick O'Connor, Frederick M'Kenca. Essay.—Prize, • Von Browne; nest in merit, Mervyn Miles, William Cra-ighcad, Desmond O'Sullivan, Frederick M'Kcnna, Frederick King. English.—Prize. William Craighead; Desmond O'Sullivan, Mcrvyn Mites, Thomas bullivan, John Dore, Frederick M'Kenna. History ..and- Geography—Prize, tnond O'Sullivan; next in merit, Frederick SSP" • Craighead, Frederick MKenna; Mervyn Miles, Patrick O'Connor, •John Dore, Von Browne. Latin.—Prize, Timothy Smith; next in merit. John Barry, Andrew Cummins, Patrick M'Cartliy, Desmond O'Sullivan. Fronch.—Prize, Mervyn Miles; next in merit. Desmond O'Sullivan. William Craighead. Frederick M'Ke/ma, " Thomas iiu. gorald. Arithmetic—Prize, Desmond O'Sullivan; next in merit, Mervyn Miles, Thomas Sul-r-aiv Leslie Flood. William Craighead, Joseph Connell. , Algobra. and Geometry.—Prize, Desmond O'Sullivan;. next in merit, William Craig'lead, 1 Mervyn Miles, John Dore.. Oscar Lynch, Walter Jennings, Thcmas Sullivan. Chemistry.—Priz-?. William . Craighead; •Text in merit., William Blake, Desmond O'Sullivan, John Dore, Thomas Sullivan, Frederick King. > Physics.—Prize, Desmond O'Sullivan; next ir l . merit, William Craighead, Thomas Sullivan. Edward Cullinan. Frederick King, Leslie Flood, William Blake.. Drawing—Prize, Oscnr Lynch; next in merit, John Benton. Jeremiah Coughlan, Tb"*nr>s Fitzgerald, Frederick King, Archibald .Balmcr. Fourth Class.—B. General Excellence in Class Work.— Prize, Thomas Higgius; next in merit, Philip Flood, Edward Clarke, Henry Beirne. Christian Doctrine.—Prize, Thomas Hin-' gins,; next in merit. Henry Beirne, Philip flood, Michael Nottingham, . Edward Clarke. Essay—Prize, Edward Clarke; next in merit,- Thomas Higgins, Philip Flood, Henry Beirne. English.—Prize, Thomas Higgins; next in merit, Philip Flood, Edward. Clarke, Henry Beirne. History and Geography.—Prize, .Thomas Higgins; r.ext in merit, Henry Beirne, Philip Flood, Michael Nottingham. Latin.—Prize, Thomas Higgins; next in merit, Patrick O'Connor. Thomas Fitzgerald, Edward Clarke, Philip Flood. French—Prize, Joseph Spillane; 'next in merit, Patrick O'Connor, Thomas Higgins, Von Browne, Tufi Noon. . Arithmetic—Prize, Paul' Stratford; next in merit-, Philip Flood, Thomas Higgins, Edward Clarke. o'cience—Prize, Thomas Higgins; next in merit. Philip Flood, Henry Beirne, Paul Stratford. Drawing.—Prize, Edward Clarko; next in merit. Philip Flood, Thomas Higgins, Paul Stratford. Writing.—Prize, Edward Clarke; next in merit, Thomas Higgins, Philip Flood, Henry Beirne. Fifth Class. General N Excellence in Class Work.— First prize, George Fitzsimmons; second prize, Orton Burke; next in merit, Atlielstane Bunny, William Ecdmond, .Cyril Dealy. Christian Doctrine—Prize, George Fitzsimmons; next in merit, Orton Burko, Leo Hayward, Cyril Dealy, Athelstauc Bunny, William Redmond. Essay.—Prize, Orton Burko: next in merit, George Fitzsimmons, Cyril Dealy, George Reynolds. English—Prize, Orton Burke; next in merit, George Fitzsimmons, Atlielstane Bunny, Cyril Dealy, William Redmond. History and Geography—Prize, George Fitzsimmons; next in merit, Orton Burke, William Redmond, Atlielstane Bunny, Alfred Sievers. . Arithmetic.—Prize, George Fitzsimmons; next in merit, Orton Burke, At-helstane Bunny, William Redmond, William Redmond, Cyril Dealy. Scicncc.—Prize, George Fitzsimmons; next in merit, Orton Burke, Atlielstane Bunny, William Redmond, Cyril Dealy. Writing.—Prize, Orton Burke; next in merit, George Fitzsimmons, William Redmond, Vernon Hickey, Atlielstane Bunny.' Drawing.—Prize, Vernon Hickey; noxtin merit, Alfred Sievers, Orton Burke, John Walker. Agriculture—Prize, Philip Blake; next in merit, John Dore, Edward .Peters, Syd-: ncy Hickey, Joseph Council, Ernest Burns. Commercial Course—Prize, Albert BeswicUj next in merit, Louis Weight, Tiki Fraser, Cecil Parsons, John O'Shca, Walter Jennings. • • ■

. Oratory and Debate. f Senior Debating Society.—Debating: Gold medal presented by Stanislaus Moran, Lsq., LL.B., awarded to • Charles Laird; next in merit, Paul Kane, William Neylon, Daniel Connor, Arthur Brennan, Raymond Kitchen; lion, .mention, Brian Malone. Oratory: Gold medal presented by Mr. i Malone, New Plymouth, awarded to Paul 1 Kane; next in merit, Charles Laird, Johu j Sullivan, Daniel ConnoT, William Neyldn. 1 Junior Debating Society.—Gold meuui I presented by Mrc. T. G.-M'Carthy, awara-' ed to John Barry; prize, Owen Craig- 1 head; next' in merit, Timothy Smitn, Joseph - Kumeroa, Thomas Fitzgerald, James Hennessy, Tiki Fraser. . Music. Pianoforte.—First Division: Prize, Francis Kelly; nest iu merit, Raymond Kitchen, Brian - Malone. Second Division: Prize, Vernon Hickey; next in merit, Cecil Parsons, Edward Clarke, ChaTlcs Laird. Violin.—First Division: Prize, A. Brennan; next in merit, W. Neylon, E. Burns, R. Kitchen. Seeo-d Division: Prize, E. Peters; next iu merit, H. Buckley, J. Hennessy. Singing-.—Senior Division: Gold medal presented by Jlr. P. Hanlev, awarded to Brian Malone. - Junior Division: Gold medal presented by Mrs. D. Kennedy, awarded to Patrick O'Connor. Board of Honour Prlzo. John Beaton, Howard Buckley, John Casey, Owen Craighead, Edward Cullinan, Thomas Higgins, Joseph Kumeroa, Brian Malone, Patrick O'Connor, Joseph • Spillane, Daniel Bradley, Leonard Daniel, Louis Weight, Arthur Brennan, William Buckley, Joseph Connolly, William Craighead, Philip Flood, Paul Kane, Moran Mahoney, Manuhiri Mariu, Arnold Roche, Cyril Andrews, Bernard Chapman, Tufi Noon, Fergus Yourcllc. Prizes for Four Mentions. Raymond Kitchen, Daniel Connor, Thomas Fitzgerald, Frederick H'Kenna, Henry Beine, Cyril Dealy, John Dore, Frederick ICing, Thomas Sullivan, Athelstanc Bunny, William Redmopd. Spccial* Prizes, Awarded to boys who are first in various class subjects, yet have not beenloug enough in the college to compete for prizes.—Joseph Connolly, Leo Cranby, Thomas M'Court,' Edward Whittle. Cynwastics. Senior Division.—Prize, Philip Blalcc. Middle Division.—Prize, Patrick M'Carthy. Junior • Division.—Prize, H. Buckley (champion). Drill. Prize, Sergeant Sullivan's section. ' Swimming. Senior.—Fifty Yards Handicap: First prize, Patrick M'Carthy; second prize, Mutu To Waoro. Junior.—Fifty Yard 3 Handicap: First prize, Frederick M'Kenna; second prize, Lawrence Henrys. Boxing. Gold medal presented by Messrs. Bourke Bros, for scientific boxing, awarded to Henry Beirne; silver medal, Stewart Henrys. Heavy-weights: Prize, Thomas Hodgins. Middle-weights; Prize, Howard Buckley. Light-weights: Prize, Henry Beirne. • Rlfilo Shooting. Gold medal presented by Colonel Collins for highest aggregate, awarded to Lieutenant W. Buckley. , No. 1 Company.—Prize, Lieutenant Kane. No. 2 Company.—Prize, Sergeant Weight. Tennis Tournament. Senior.—Prize, Brian Malono and Paul Kane. Junior.—Prize, Brian Dignan and John Foley. Handball Tournament. - Senior.—Prize, Philip Blake and Thomas Hodgins. Junior.—Prize, John Dore and Thomas Dwycr. Football. Caps presented by. Dr. M'Evedy, Messrs. J. E. Butler, and A. Fay.—Awarded to Patrick M'Carthy, Arthur Brennan, PhUip Blake, Moran Mahoney, Paul Kane. Result of Mld-Summ6r Examinations. New Zealand University. Passed Matriculation Examination.—J. Hogan, J.. P. M'Mahon-Box, W. B. Buckley, J. Casey, B. Malone, It. Collins, B. F. Doherty. Passed Solicitor's General Knowledge Examination.—J. Hogan, J. P. M'MahonBox, W. B. Buckley, J. Casey, B. Malone, R. Collins. Passed Medical Preliminary ExaminaHogan, J. P. M'Mahon-Box, W. B. Buckley, J. Casey. Passed Engineering Preliminary Examination.—B. -F. Doherty. Education Department. , Senior Civil Service.—R. Mulgan (full pass), J. Fulton (full pass), J. Roche (partial pass; 4 subjects). Junior Civil Service Examination.— Passed with credit: W. B. Buckley, R. Mulgan, B. Doherty, J. -M'Mahtfn-Box, J. Hogan, B. Malone, J. Casey, W. Hennessy, 0. 0 Rourkc, A. Beswiclc, T/ Stack, J. M'Ginley, P.'Hawkins. Passed: P. Kane, J. Sullivan, M. Mahoney, W. Key lon, G. Mahoney, 0. M'Kay, J. Punch, P. Blake, F. Yourelle, P. Lawlor, J. Engel. B. Collins.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 999, 14 December 1910, Page 6

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SCHOOL PRIZE GIVING. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 999, 14 December 1910, Page 6

SCHOOL PRIZE GIVING. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 999, 14 December 1910, Page 6