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, ' ■ . ■ . : ._ / ■■..).• ■■.-, ■. - ■:.. ■•■-.. -'j t*NP NOTIC-'e. - . ■' ■ ORIENTAL BAY. . .' : ; JN THIS CHARMING RESIDENTIAL LOCALITY we have for Sale a Modern , ~ Ke si«ence of six rooms. The liouso contains every modern convenience, including hot. and cold ivater, gas, gas-cooker, etc. The rooms are large and lofty, arm command a glorious view of the harbour. Tho property is situated in aJ meal position on the flat, and can be recommended to those in. 6earch "of V good home. Price, .£1300; good terms arranged. .-• . For full particulars, apply— . W. H. TURNBULL : &■ CO, / - 27' PANAMA STREET, WELLINGTON. . . ' . CHEAP SHEEP COUNTRY. 2500 A . CRES > > two leases of 1230 acres-each; owner will'sell half the blocS.' , ~ ~l f required; Native 42 years, 21 years at Is. 6d. and 21 years, at 1, i ; if 5 miles from Tβ Kuiti; all'easy fern and tjtree land, 70 per cen-t. ploughable; would make splendid dairy farms. This is easily ,£lO per acre land linen piu into grass. We have personally, inspected this block, and consider that I S? M J S a turnover of 100 per cent, in this property in 12 mpnths. Goodwill £1 10s. per acre; terms, .£2OOO cash, balance 5 per cent. ' ' Pall particulars from • ■ ■ - ' BAGGETT & POTTS, _ WANGANUI AND HAMILTON. ■ ' ■' _ A DELIGHTFUL SUBURBAN RESIDENCE. Wj, . , A BARE BARGAIN. . ■ ; Ji can offer for Sale, one of the most delightful Homes close to Wellington, consisting of an 8-roomed Residence of unique design, built about 12 months ago, from picked timbers, under the supervision of an architect, and fitted with m?l mV a .PP wnces and domestic offices. The Land area is 3J acres of rich , wi, "" v ■ t }? d T? ut - and the balance, namely, one acre, is in Native bush. Price for the Residence, Furniture, and Land, .£IBOO. rm? O'SULLIVAN AND CO., CORNER GREY AND FEATHERSTON STREETS, WELLINGTON, : . SOLE AGENTS. . : 2 SHEEP COUNTRY AT £6 10s. ACRE. 1 ROfi Freehold, situated only 3 miles from railway station; aD in prass, , . J y ?ut 50 acres shelter bush, subdivided into 8 paddocks, post and wire lencing, wintered and now carrying 2000 breeding ewes, besides cattle; 6-roomed ■ e ?' Y°° !sn <*l. dip-yards, etc. The property is for the most part hilly, but is nne healthy sheep country. Price, .£6 10s. per acre. Terms, £2000 cash, balance can remain at 4J per cent, and 5 per cent. Stock at Valuation. Only on the maw i net for one month. Apply, sharp . : H. P. M°NEILL AND CO.-, " ■ -, ( 155 FEATHEESTON STREET. WELLINGTON. . > FARM GIVEN AWAY. -'* I %% SHEEP TO THE ACRE, ONLY <r?Q-if)S. CD. PEB ACEE. * ! 9,(\(\(l ACHES, Freehold, only 7 miles from Railway by Motor Scad, . «o&'£ • «WW within 10 miles of good town. . \ MAGNIFICENT S'-fKKP COUNTRY, ':' ' v - Good English Grasses. All well fenced and subdivided by Totara Post and Galvan-ised-wire Fencing. Well watered, School and Post Office only 2 miles distant. Good 6-roomed houae, washhouse, stable, trapshed, sheepyard, and roomjj woolshed, fitted with shearing machines. , • - • TERMS :-One-Quarter Cash. APPLY, PROMPTLY, TO-- • ,W. 'H. LAMBERT' AND CO., No. 20 CUBA STREET, PALMERSTON NORTH- f 8 SHEEP TO ACRE LIMESTONE COUNTRY. f>OA ACRES, , aII down in English pasture, 8 paddocks, ALL PLOTJGHABLB &m\j when stumped, 7-roQmed house, modern, woolshed, dip, yards, 6table, etc Wintered f>2o ewes, 40 hoggets, 30 head other stock. L.I.P. rent <.£IO. First-clasa home farm, i miles from (Jtiku. Price J213 acre. Terms .£IOOO Cash. AQ(\ ACRES, 'Title 0.R.P., at 225. 6d.;4-V miles from TJTIKTJ, all in English' tca/l/ grass, 12 paddocks; good house and buildings in Al order; wintered 1400 eheep, 70 big stock. Price, ,£l4 acre. Terms arranged. A splendid paying farm, with only 50 acres hills in it, and aU LIMESTONE COUNTRY of the very beet RECOMMENDED. : ' ■ . ■ ' W. H. MORE AH AND CO., ' AUCTIONEERS AND LAND AGENTS. WELLINGTON. TWO SOUND INVESTMENTS. IOK ACRES, L.1.P., rent 2s. per acre. Rich dairying land; very well grassed, i-50 fenced and subdivided; 2-roomed Oottage. Price, .£l2 per acre; .£350 cash ; required; balance in 5 years. Well worth i2O per acre to a dairyman, on A A ACRES standing Bush; first-class 2-sheep-to-the-acre country; most_ of 01/UU it of easy formation; lease 42 years to ;un at 9d. per acre for first / term, Is. 3d. for second, and Is. 9d. lor third term; goodwill, 15s. per acre. Good situation. ■ ■ ' .. . ! , ■ LATHAM AND. CO.. ; ; WOODVILLR LAND AGENCY. M'LEAN STBEt.T. WOODVILLE. GOOD SHEEP FARMS. ■ .. ' QiyO ACRES. O.R.P. at lCs. per aero; 225 acrea In grass and ] balance good bnsß 01/ i country; 3-roomed house, shed, and orchard; 5 paddocss; all good papa i land, and estimated 2 to 2V sheep per aore when in erass; two miles to store and . post office; school few chaiDS away. Terms, .£SOO cash, and balanco for 5 years at i '5i --per. cent. • • ' . ■ ■■ ■ ™ u j 1A A A ACRES, O.E.P. at £1 per acre; 700 acres in grass, balance good bush, j land all urdilating country with good fattening flats. Dmded into ■. 10 paddocks; 3-roomed uouse, bathroom, sheep yards »nd dip; papa land, 2J sneefi ) to .acre country. Price. per acre. . '_ ■ I KAA ACRES, Freehola Jevel count land, suitable for subdivision. All improved, j OIPU well fenced and subdivided into convenient paddocks; 7-roomed h°o«V ' large r cewshed well fitted up with machines, good road.-handy t- factory, townshis'-j and school. Price. £'2C per acre. _ i O£JA ACRES, O.R.P. a. 153. pef acre; 190 acres in grass, and balance in bush* ' iJoU situate on the Stratford-Ongarue Line, fronting good formed road. ; £2 10s. per acre. -Estimated to carry 2 sheep to.tho acre well when ail improved. .■■ Terms, about half cash required.' . . r»017 ACRES, 420 acre in grass and balance in bush, all well ring fenced ani : Xi/d i subdivided into convenient paddocks. Good 6-ioomed house, 7-bailed cow* , fhed and outbuildings; frontage to good metal road; 10 miles t> freezing wortft j : 'Price., £& per acre. Easv terms. ! :'■; NEWTON KING, . . AUCTIONEER. LAND AGENT, AND GENIiUAL MERCHANT," j Established 1879. NEW PLYMOUTH. . -■./■■'■ "CHEAP SHEEP PROPERTY, MANAWATU LINE." ■ ! r(1 A ACRES-520 freehold,' balance 0.R.P.; all grassed except.l2o acres is , /*U bush,'divided into 7 paddocks, 7-roomed residence, conveniences, wash.-, house, U-bail cowshed (concrete floor), woolshed, dip, and yards. School, cream- , ery and post office abut 2 miles. Price, 10s. per acre. > Full particulars from i. ~ ■ / ' *■:>• • FABKEH & ( VINCENT .- ■' I .;..-. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, LEVIN. j CHEAP B.AWD AT WAJROA, HAWKE'S BAY. - { ' Iflfti K-'ACRES, consisting of 4446 acres freehold, 6519 leasehold; >0 years rt 19,015 > run at XI9U per annum, with purchasing clause at 16s. peracrer--6050 acres eduction lease, 6 years to run, at £50 - rental. The property is. Si slipd Tiul outbuildiflss on the freelio d. It is subdivided into 13 paddocks, and the whole of tlecofntry is permanently watered by mors, creeks, and springs, ' PRICE Joooo as a Goin" Concern; only about .£6OOO cash required.. Thia propel iranabSute bargain, and « cau honestly recommend it. For fur. ther particulars apply to ' __-» . « T tt T t mT . j DALGETY AND COMPANY, LTD.; I ... WAIRUA. HAWKK'a BAY. I

".THE DOMINION." ■; j : LOWER HUTT AGENCY. '! ME. J. Hi PAEKEK has been, appointed ' Agent for "The Dominion" at ' Lower Hutt, and is prepared to delivei . the Paper to any address in the district. | Instructions left at the LXL Cycla > Works, Main Road, will bo promptly at.i • tended to. ' : , [ "-■ . ' - J i THE DOMINION ! ' SUB.SCRIPTION RATES. i P ■ . .■■'•■: e POSTED. ; ! 1 Year 395. 8 Months ' 19s. Gd. : I' 3 Months 9s. 9d. ■ ' i- If paid strictly in advance for fnfl ) : J 12 Months, 365. . / ; 1 DELIVERED. i 2 I I Year .1... 265.. '; a C Months - 13s. a 3 Mouths 6s. Gd. ' ' i Special Note to Country Subscribers, .. , For the convenience of Subscribers' J . residiug in districts, where there is no J local agent, " THE DOMINION " wiU i 'be posted regnlarlj- on receipt of 365., ' being One Year's Subscription, if j) PAID IN ADVANCE. l : : ; ■* ",THE DOMINION," !' ' . __ ' ' ' OVERSEA AGENCIES. [ i - ; "El O LLOTV I N G are the names of > . JT Oversea Agencies, where Copies ol ' ' "THE DOMINION," and particulars re- • garding Advertisement Rates may be ob- _, tained and files inspected:— ', LONDON-. Messrs. .1. W. Smith and ; .. Co., Danes Inn House, 265 Strand. ' SYDNEY, N.S.W.: Messrs. Gordon ~ ' and (Jotch, Pitt Street. ! MELBOURNE-. Messrs. Gordon and ■ Gotch, 00 Queen Street. [ HOB ART:-Messrs. T. L. Hood'and Co - I 85 Elizabeth Street. .'■ \ "

NELSON .-For Sale, Superior Bungalow Residence, . coachhouse, stable, vinery, fowlhonsa, three acres-of land; near I Boys' Colleges; good water supply. Price,''.£l2so. Terms. Mrs. Cousins, "Dewlands."' Waiinea fioad, Nelson. HARCOURT APSD CO., HOUSE AND LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, AND SHARh- , BROKERS, LAMBTON QUAY,- , WELLINGTON. Exceptional chance of securing a FIRSTCLASS SITE for.THREE GuOD BESIDE NOES right in tho HEART OF TiiORNDON, at a very low figure, the land is PERFECTLY LEVEL, lias WVTER AND.DRAINAGE LAID ON; is VERY SUNNS and ABSOLUTELY SECLUDED. The buildings at present on the property' comprise soundly-built 4ROOMED COTTAGE and a BUILDING divided off fur , THREE ROOMS (builder's estimate for converting to six-roorned 1-ouse, .£275). PRICE, .£3OO. 92 YORK B-VY—T WO SECTIONS, having a ■total frontage of over 110 FEET by a depth of 323 FEET. ' PRICE, .£250; .£l3O cash. '90 KETONE, Main Road-NINE-ROOMED RESIDENCE on one floor, with all conveniences, gas, h.c., water, two bays, all large rooms; ALSO LAKGE FACTORY AND .OUTBUILDINGS. Mortgage, £UW. PRICE, £1900. GOVERNMENT VALUATION, JE2SOO. 121 SHEEP COUNTRY. I,|AA ACRES, 1000 acres in English -LtfcUy grass, 30 acres felled bush', balance green bush, 200 acres flat, balanco easy country, no rough or broken laud, watered by permanent creeks, firstclass sheep country, will easily carry 2 sheep per acre; 5-roomed bouse, iron woolshed, cowshed, , concrcto dip, detached kitchen and dairy, separator ■ room, yards. Stock: 1300.owes and-hoggets. Go dairy cows, 75 yearlings, Co calves, 12 horses; school and creamery, S miles, railway 22 miles. Price, £o 10s. per acre. Terms can be arranged. £091 -ifJAA ACRES, SOO acres grass, 10 I'Vuy acr:-5 crops, balance green bush; an up-to-dato farm in every particular, fencing and buildings iirstclsss;'good rqnus, splendid«sale of grass; will carry 2 sheep per acre and 100 head of cattle, now; all beautiful rolling limestone and papa country, well watered. Present stock: 1400 Romncy sheep, , 100 big cattle, and 20 horses; 8-roomed house, shearing-shed, stable, cowshed, dip, 42ft. long, sheep and cattlo yards; convenient" to railway and port; school and creamery six miles. Price, £o 10s. per acre. Terms arranged. 5092

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 989, 2 December 1910, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 989, 2 December 1910, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 989, 2 December 1910, Page 10