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p;}\ : ,THE MATTER OP COMPLAINTS. t/r;-"- 'in his reply to. Mr. Field"in the House 1 i .-off Representatives .on' ■ Wednesday, the SJ?n. J. A. Millar, Minister for RaU- ;.':.■ 'ways,' said tbat so far as the Depart- :';.. Mont was concerned it was ; only awaro -;■;. of j two or three. isolated cases in which ;■', horses .had been injured while in transit '■': :■/• in'\cattle-trucks. .- *:'/-:'r '.-A , : Dominion reporter questioned Mr. I'•■■''•': Field on the subject yesterday, and the jv> \ mamber for Otaki stated that he had hnd r- '■:■ .'arperal complaints within the last week. [■-;'■' iH'j' jbeEoved that sometimes when horse-" [,?,:■ trucks werq ordered,., the owners arrived I ■:. let! the station and found that they had t'i Vlto!" accept cattle-trucks or' be delayed. J'l'-.'Hs mentioned that ho knew of a recent p-iiVPiilmerston North, case of that kind.; It '?.■■ wiis because of the several complaints f ; ;l-. ho brought the matter up before f-". : '. !P<irUament. ■ • r-;': Mr; peld said that if a fc )'\i iharse. got a knock when in a cattle-truck, f.^ihti'would probably "never bo tho same ■■•,■. 'ai.imal again." ■'. '■■■' ■■'■: ■v. -'In reply to a question, he said that : ; : ; .perhaps it' was ■ necessary 'that thero t-V. should be; some lietter type of carriage p- . for horses than the Department possesses. p; ti ,; I ■ COULOMMIER'S CHEESE. j;;V: : '.I ; A. CANADIAN PROPOSAL. ■■[ i : ' V " ;-.!. There is'a movement iu certain quarters i ,'f':}n ; Canada just now in advocacy of the (•"•■-Mniiking, of Coiiloiumiers cheese. _ , '■■ In a bulletin, Mr. J. A. Euddick, the p'\ Canadian Dairy Commissioner, says--r-'.'• ■•':: "CanaSa offers an'exccllent field for the i^ ; .introduction of-a simnle. and inexpensive '■■'■ ■■■':,' .process for the manufacture of a cheese, !■•'.. ':■; on'- a small scale, which will be ready for E; .' use in a few days; There is,a'large and i' .' ■ wbwing demand-for cheese of this class, f. '"■;.■■"■*;!-dbmand that .would: be . enormously f"-,. : iinireased if. tho . cheese were offered to i'''-'.-'-. *he-public in any quantity. [•-V''. :are many, people-keeping one j ; ! , er| more cows who-could,.-if possessed of [■'-'■ ithß necessary information, furnish their !■ ■ ■'-•- .own tables, at least, with a wholesome [<'■■': and nutritious article of diet at slight I-'.'-.':--:«ost'- and very little trouble. This > '- 'ehould appeal particularly, to those who l ■': i■■■-'' *re so situated that supplies of fresh h*v ■-ffliiat: are hard; to ' obtain during hot •'-. -wVather. • : ' ■'.." • ■•■■ , "There is no better substitute, for meat r ':■ r i»t : any time of ! the year than mildi V<-.flavoured, well-matured cheese, .and tho ! -■" cost of cheese, nutritive value considered, f- : . iis;;at present, very" much'less than-the j-/- 1 -coiit of meat. . ' '." . , f ; ;: i "That some of tho small soft cheese 'i : -' : '" : .'ofii the French type canvDO. successfully t ; - ' jniinufactured in Canada has been amply j•■■"- ' demonstrated at Macdonald CoUege. Ihe f. ; '■ ' -Coulommiers made during the past two ?''"••-. ,7ciirs,has met with a ready sale, and has '! igiven .the highest satisfacHoh." RI DAIRY COW COMPETITION. F^-.'" FEOM PAHIATUA. i- I '■'-'•■.-■ '.Following- is the result of tEe weight &V'-"-.of'imilk, given) by , the J." -■■:■■■'■' ■ yariotis cows' entered'. , for the. Pahiatua- [%::':• ikitio and -Pastoral AssopvVYiciatibn.V'Oofr'! Competitioniy .. ;,' ■■. ■■•.-. ?•'•-'■■■'' V. 'S. Holdaway's Tlorry, 591b.;; E. t.'x'-'Wugstaff'.s:Minnie, l\Vd.; A'.- Eadess i'v"' !Kosv,' 541b;;. E: Holdaway's Tip, 52J1b.; i'-n Messrs. M'Govern Bros.' Pearl, 5251b.; Mvi Mrs. Matthew's Topsey, ,521b.; W. A.-P. r f.v- Bailey's■ Rose, 5141b.; N. Polglase's.Tsig-p.•■•'■:.■;';.-ger; SlJllJ.-;-T.- Quirk's Jersey.^solb.; A.. Vj- \ -Gi'bert's' Topsey, 481b.; ?J; ■ Loon's -Skip, I ■.-■'-. 471b.; :H. E. Wilton's Black Kose, 47i1b.; !:' : '."■': ■■• Daisy, 471b.; Mrs. G. A. '.'-. '■■:■ ' -•Safe I Beauty, 461b.; Miss Cleghorn's 461b.; W. ToSowilVs Kaitawa, 34J-lb -."■■-' v '- - "■ ~ . r ■: ..The testing 'was ! carried", on by Mr. I.'■-■' : i'ibenny'- -Kelly, manager of the Konini f =■'-■■ Ibrancli-'of the Ballance Dairy Company, f>': 'yeiiterday, in thei'presence of ■Messrs. G.' f:'v:l.i Burgess, J. B. Westlake,4. D. Wilson, f-:'- :. ''and--the secretary, Mr.- 'J/ A. Walsh. '' p-K DAIRY; PRODUCE CONTESTS; fe ; ; ; :•■• % TAEANAKIiSdW .EEBXJLTS. t- ; ;'.. 'A'good: deal of interests was taken in ' ;. ';this.competitions in dairy produce at tho t '.'■' '.. 'Taranaki show. Despite the.fact that a !:.':'. I'-: > EUmber of .factories'in Taranaki are now f;t-;i.: maiiufactnrmg cheese, there was no com- ';•'■'"" ■•,'i.-|pekrtion''''in these classes. ■ Two entries r,:V'-.■•■' :ha.i been received, but'the exhibits did i'■'.':':> inot 1 come to hand. 'There was very good j •'. ' tho' privately-made butter ;,'.'•: 'classes, Mr. : Thornton, Government riV-Mgrader at Auckland, was the judge. ;, : - . : . ' 'Kaponga' dairy' faotory: secured, first place :• ;• 'iin". two. classes, and is thus entitled" to : ! ,■•.'■:'. ;hare' ! 'its naihe engraved' on -Messrs.. Loyelly.-.: ■■■■ iani. Christinas's challenge trophy, and' i- -'''«lsb on the Taranaki Agricultural So-. ;>:. .; ;ciety's, challenge /trophy. Whenuakura iv'-'. -Dairy Company won the dairy factories'; ;■ ■'■-.. . icqinpetitibir. Mr. and Mrs. R.Benefield ;; .. : : .were.most; successful in the private , but-' [ ; -■ ■■■'■'■ itcrmakers', glasses.; Following aredetailed I":"-.,...'-.-iJBijulls of;exhibits grading 92 pointe and i-\;> /Bp'waVds:— " ! . ~ ': . ■ '.. L-"-V.v/v' FACTORY BUTTER FOE r -'^ r -T ■'■:-:[■.:--.---. - ..EXPORT.

b-. : : SEPARATOR BUTTER FOR EXPORT. {/■"':' '■'■' r E.'ißcDc6eU.'(Kent Road) 1 j •"'. ■■••-■■"■ C.' Warren' (Korito) 2 >.■•■'■" ■ ■F.j.Paddison, (Tarurutongi) .3 f; ; ;, : '' : :I ';"otheu kinds. !- . ■"' Butter in rolls—Mrs. R, Bencfield, 1; : r'riy-' Paddi'son,.2i'Miss.Putt (New Ply- ; v 3. ; .: There.were, eleven; compe- :'. ■•'■'• Fancy butter-Miss.l. Martin (Carring- ;■■'■.,• ■-.■; tea Eoad); i; . .:■■-•.;■ ;■. : The Paparoa was to commence loading wool for-England at Waitara ;roadsteau : ' . vestwdav. .

«EW8 AND N \ RAILING OF HORSES. t THE MYTTER OP COMPLAINTS. [n his reply to 111 Field in the Houso of Repre entatncs on Wednc chy, the ' M Hjn J V Millar, Mimstci foi K.iU- t]i ; w.ijs said tbat s> fai as the Dcpait- te( j-■■••"'■•■ mont. was concerned it-was' , only aware γ-v, .of i two or three isolated cases in which _ ;'... horses .had been injured while in transit i-fi K'. in:\fcattle-trucks. . p:'; : . '-":: ' .-A. , Dominion reporter questioned Mr. „„ I'•■■''•■: Field on the subject yesterday, aud the „,' I v> \m amber for Otaki stated that he had hnd "" V '■'■'- .'arperal complaints within the last week. R'-' ,iH;3'iteHoved that sometimes when horse-" i,. I. -trucks wero ordered,-the owners arrived i, I ■:. :at; the station and found that they had 7-j i-% .V-'-ltoVaccept cattle-trucks or' be delayed, g.. J'ii'v'Hs mentioned that ho knew of a recent 10P :; i iVPiilmerston North, case of that kind. ; It H '"■■ wiis because of the several complaints 16. r'l-. ho brought, the. matter up before p' : '. JPiirliament. ■ • r: : . ; ;: Mr; F>ld said that if a .' b; '-ri jharse. got a knock when in a cattle-truck, f-jihti.would probably "never bo the same K-r ■■' ai.imal again." ■'. '. V-vv -..Jn. reply to a question, he saw that Bn ■;" : 4 '. perhaps it' was .■ necessary 'that thero tr: t-■'*"'■ should be some better tyne of carriage p- . for horses than the Department possesses. Rr K '= " lv :: ■"'■ ■—-— : th , i; l;C0ULOMMIER'S CHEESE. nc [;0: '.■■'■'. I ; /A CANADIAN PROPOSAL. - r<? &■■ '■■ There is' a movement iu pertain quarters j|; t'~.-ln ; Canada just now in advocacy of the fa f. ■■ -jniiking, of Coiiloiumiers cheese._ , . j' ; ' . Iα a bulletin, Mr. J. A. Ruddick, the jjtV.. Canadian Dairy .Commissioner, says:— r0 i ■'■ : ''CanaSa offers an'exccllent field for the ( i^ ; .introduction of-a simnle.and inexpensive m '■'■ -':, process for the manufacture of a cheese, t; '.'■.. I; on'-a small scale, which will be ready for t:"-':' -nse in a few days; There is,a-large and n i,' '■ ,nn-bwing demand-for cheese of this class, cr t-■'■'■; that would: be . enormously bt. I , ;.-iin'treas'ed if the cheese : were offered to ru j>'- : .. Hie. public in any quantity. . i'.-'v-.:'" C'Thero are many, people-keeping one =° &<:■ ' jorfmoro- cows who could, if possessed of »a p ; ' ' lilie necessary information, furnish their n> !■ •'■'-'•■■ .own tables, at least, with a wholesome fV':'": »nd: nutritious article of diet at slight ;„ i-'.'-.'.'--:«ost'- and very little trouble. Ihis s t j ;V:. .ehpiild appeal particularly, to those who .ft t-.i.' ; *te so situated that supplies of fresh O i ; ; ,^'...I jniiat are hard; to ' obtain during hot 0I [>■.'■"/ - : w*atiicr. •': ' ■'/" •■' . . *'" ■ -: ■ ,':'Thero is no better substitute for meat A f ": r i»t : any. time of 1 the year' than mild- to '•--'i'■■■'■ .flavoured, well-matured cheese, .and the . i;'-: 1 - coiit of cheese, nutritive value considered, ,. j.- : , iis;iat present, very' much'less than-the |- : - l jcoiit of meat. . ■ " '' ■ i- i: l "That some of tho small soft chees© in :V- V "'..'ofii the French type can\ bo successfully r« *: : ~-'■'■■■ "'mimiifactufed in Canada has been amply st j•■■"- ■ demonstrated at Macdonald CoUege. The ai ?"'■ ' 'Coulommiers made during the past two gi ;•'.. ,7ciirs,has met with a ready sale, and has : / : igii^n.the highest satisfacfioh. w (■■■■'v.- , ,-i '... .:■: ■' .■": -.-•-' . ; .-' di P'i : ;DAIRY COW COMPETITION. h( ..;.,; ■; ■, .•; .' ■_ . ■ t\ ■■'■ ;■'-'.■'--KESTJLTS FEOM PAHUTUA. oi iy.-;■-."'. ' •': ,■'■■; .• ■,-.■_ . ' w i- 1 '■'-'•■.-■ '.Following- is the result of tEe weight, ■ f ; V : : of-imilk, two, .ihilkmgs, given) by _. the i-: : yarious cows' entered'. , for the. Pahiatuat% : -■ Akitio and-.-Pastoral Assot:' : ';'-,ici'ation'6 Co* 1 Competi.tioniy .. ; ,; ■■. ■■;-. (,-'■ '-'■■■'■ V. ■■•S. Holdaway's Tlorry, 59lb.;; E. r.*:'-'Wngstaff , .s:Minnie, l\Vd.; A'.- Eades's i ';'■': -Jicsv.'Silbi';. E; Holdaway's Tip, 5211b.; fivl' :ilessrs. M'Govem Bros.' Pearl, 5251b.; h' -<v.Mrs. Matthew's Topsey, 52lb.; W. A. P. r f.v- Bailey's• Rose, 5141b.; N. Polglase's p••■•■>;''■■g'er'; 51ilb.; T. Quirk's Jersey.^501b.; A.. V- ■'; ! Gi'bert's" Topsey, 481b.;? J; ■ Loon's 'Skip, i-.-■'■. 471b.; :H. E. Wilton's Black Kose, 4711b.; '■: ■'■ ■: ■ Daisy, 471b.; Mrs. G. A. :. ■: ' -ffiaf s [Beauty, 461b.; Miss Cleghorn's i< ■-■=*' 461b.; W. ToSowill's Kaitawa, f:'■"■ '■■'■': The -testing 'was carried-, on by Mr. I.'---jTieiray- -Kelly, manager of the Konini f ;,; ■- !brancti-'of the Ballance Dairy Company, f.:-'': 'yeiiterday, in the rpresence of ■Messrs. G.' }'"'■-■ iA.iBnrgess, J. B. Westlake,-J. D. Wilson, p/- the secretary, Mr.-'J.-' A. Walsh.- -■ p -K DAIRY; PRODUCE CONTESTS; fe ;: ; ; ;•-• % TABANAKlilidW .EE8XJLTS. t- ; ;' . - 'A.'good: deal of interests was taken in ':•'"-'■';.' -this, competitions in dairy produce at the ! ':'"'.'. ''Taranaki show.. Despite the.fact that a I; 1 : , .' ■:' - number of .factories', in Taranaki are now f;t-;i.: manufacturing cheese, there was no com- ';•'■'"" -i in these classes. ■ Two entries r.- : -'''■■ '•■' ihaii been received,;but'the exhibits did ?' - % inofcome to hand. 'There was very good ;•'. 'competition, in the'privately-made butter ;,'.'•: 'classes, ' Mr. : Thornton, Government ;L'.' : "> igrader at .'AuckliLhd, was the judge. i! " : . 'Ka.ponga' dairy' faotory: secured first place :■ - tin-'.two classes, and is thus entitled" to : ! , .■''- ';hare' ! 'its:naihe engraved- on -Messrs.. Loyell-5-j;..- - iand'.. Christinas's challenge trophy, and' K ■-,''«hb on the Taranaki Agricultural So-. ff: ; '-ciety's challenge • trophy. Whenuakura iv'-:. 'Dairy Company won the dairy factories'; ;■■'■-.. -competitidii'. Mr. and Mrs. R. Benefield I; .'. : : .were, most successful in the private , -but-- ?■■■■■■ itermakers',classes. 'Following are detailed j \: : ,...';. -ijiKJults of;exhibits grading 92 points and I■'.■/•-'■ i'ep'wai-ds:— '•'. : . ..:".. L-"-v.v/v' factory butter foe [-*"■; "";.-.. -EXPORT. f\: "■:., ■■:!;■•■■ - ;.--■■■...■■.•-■,■&.-«•'. O id h ci ?■-.■■-', 'K&ponga., ■:. .-'■ '•■>' ■ ,', . ■■■ 1 ••• fr\. '\ '■' -.(C. Parley) ... «i 23J. 10;V10 5 94 Wr '■ : -(J; T^Eowe)... , i5j: 23 10 10, 5 93J t /l "■' -Waitara,' -• ,,'J -.' --v:;- . ' ; i:<>. ' - (H. limmer) ;! 44J ' 23J' 10 10 5 93 J. '. :Whenuakara . ;.: .- [r ': (F. 'Parsons)... .-«§.. 23' 10 10 5 92J (•':. Cambridge • ' '/ .-'. ■ . ' K vl .5 v; (A.Bcange) .;.' 44J 23,-' 9J 10 5 .92 i' : .iFi'ankley Eoad- ■ • -'. .: (S. Englefield) 44 -. 23!j'' 9J. ■■ 10 5 92 K'■'",- Opunake " .' . -.. ~~ H-'.: (R. O'Dea) .... 44 23 10 10 5 92 ;■■-.-',- lepperton.'- , ,' '■ . :CW. Roberts) 44 23. 10 10 5 92 j;...?, : Mangpri; also- entered. . • t;;;;V :'-.'if561b; BOX FACTORY'BTJTTER.' ; i : ■::■' ■'■:;■" ''■■ - : '" -• ■ ■ -S m 8 m h & i •■-. ■: -.Kaiponga ■ : . , . . •■ f:. 1 :.. ' (C.-,Farley): ~.45i 231 10 10 5 .94 '■'■. ■■'■" Eniatania :;:-.. J.-T. Rowe)... V 45 .'23i 10 10. _5 ■ 93J ';;■■'■ ':.'.' Wienuakura ■ , ;/;.■. .•■".(E. Parsons)'... 45 23 10 10 5 93 [■"''■■•'■.-- Frrinkley-Road ' ' ■''■■..' j.. (3...-. Englefield) Ui 23J 9J 10 5 . 921 f ;■■'"■■■ Cambridge- '■ !•;.-"■■.-■■: (A- Beanger)...; 44i 23* 3\ 10 5 92J [-!■■'■ Opunako • . ■ f;.,/ , "(K O'Dea) _ 44 ;23- 10 \ 10 5 .92 j ; •-.:.'■ .Waitara , . ..>. (H.- Limmer)... 44 23 10 10 5 92 f.-V;, '.Mangorei; (E. Penwarden) and Lepper- ;•'.'; ton (W. Roberts) also entered. [.' ; ■.Taranaki butter for export (open to !;,.:.•-,factories contributing towards the f'.-;/'■■'■ competition):— 'i- '.:' ■''.-' - : ; '■ ■ ' >' .' S . ■ ■&■ . f-- ■■■■; ' :: - ;;i -ifl 2 A-i I "..'- '''-''- i ' ■ . S ,M U ; m fe Eh t:- Whenuakura V V;.- . (F. Parsons) ...' 44i 231 10 10 5 93 ' v. ■ .-■ Oakura . . f,; ; : (I. W..Eeid),.. .441 23 10 10 5 921 f.' 1 -. Frankley.Eoad V;'.." .-. <S. Englefiold) Ui 23 91 10 5 92 ;" ■; .'--!• ' Opuiiake (E. O'Dea) and Mangorei (E. J:;. :.Penward«n) also competed.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 989, 2 December 1910, Page 8

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RAILING OF HORSES. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 989, 2 December 1910, Page 8

RAILING OF HORSES. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 989, 2 December 1910, Page 8