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& —. PHASES OF THE MOON. "' DECEMBER' Day.fc. m. Now moon 2 8 41a.m. First Quarter .-... M 6 35-a.m. Full moon 16 10 35 p.m. Last quarter 23 10 6 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 3.55 a.m.; sets, 7.29 HIGH WATEE. ro-day, 4.40-a.m.; 5.13 p.m. ro-morrow. 5.25 a.m.; 6 p.m. STJN. Sun rises to-day, 4.12. a.m.; sets, 7.8 p.m: ARRIVALS. THUESDAY, DECEMBER-i. HABAEOA, E.s. (6.50 a.m.), 2593 tons, nnuiug, from Lyttelton. Passengers: oo-ou-Misses Murnliy, Black, Crate, Towr, Seville, Mesdanies Bailey, M'Lcnnnn, ray, O'Brien, Welsh, Honton, Sirett, Wyierley, Tyers, Chambere, Chapman, Capin Drewette. Justice Chanman, Messrs. lilcy, Sinclair, Ashman, Wilson, Doyle, 'Kcivoy. nail. Galvey, Smith, OBnen, rearick, notnes, Welsh,, Sears, urnside. Shaw, llougKton, Hill, Qnmn, asha, Afycherley, Tyers, Harkncs3, H=yood, Cable, Taylor. Jackson, Moore, Being, Chapman, Frost, Smith, Groves. Bell, radbury, Plimmcr-Dcnniston Dramatlo ompany (26); 29 steerage. KAITOA, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 305 tons, Grarai, from Wanpsnui. _ , MONOWAI, s.s. (8 a.m.). 3433.t0n5, Rob--t.son, from EunoJin and Lyttelton. Pas'ursrs: Saloon-liesdan-es Kyle and mrat, Nicholl, Mcfsre. Williams, Sloane, nd Elby; 10 steerage. . NIKAU, • s.s. (8.20 a.m.), 245 tons, Hay, •om Nclpon and Motueka.. .. ■ . „., MATATUA. s.s. (5.27 a.m.), 6458 tons, Gilian. from London, via, Auckland. KINI. s.s. ■ (12.5 p.m.), .1122 tons, Platts, kTrIPAKA.' s.s. (11 a.m.), 133 tone, MTnKh, frt>m Patea. FALCON, schooner (3.30 p.m.), 95 tons, BLENHEIm'Ts. (iTp.mX 120 tons, Watjn, from Blenheim. PATEENA, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 1212 tons) rawford, from Nelson and Picton. Pas--snser3: Saloon-lliGses Hagqitt, Powell, stle Hurst, Houdfcll, Porter, Cooper, on Pein. Brittain, Faixkall. Souter, Nevlo, Kesdames Hapgitt, O'Borko. Powell, [ile. Scowden ar.d J children, Wood, Morisor., M'Gce, Oowles, Bock, Gibbons; Hay•ard and child, Keeble, Busby, Pearce, lancey, Messrs. Osborn, Gillies, Tomtaes, Fridge. Baxter, O'Eorke, Wheatloy. Philips, Hill, Bruce, Baker, M'Kce. Galbraith, lercwether, Snowdon. M'Gee. Krebs, Hiidoh. Cowles.SDeer, Espie, Bock. Humphries, 'airley. Oroll, Neave, Archbishop Ee-d----iood, Hewlett, Crawford, Robinson. GO> ons, Allan, Pearee, Brittain, Byttell, 'aul, Morley, Holdaway, and Fox Novolty k>. ■' ■ FRIDAY, DEOEMBEE 2. OPAWA, s.e. (12.5 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, rom Blenheim. ' _.. NGAJIERE. s.s. (1.45 a.m.), 1090 tone, Dilier, from Greymouth. ■ ■ . ' , DEPARTURES. ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1. MANABOA. S.S. (11.40 a.m.), 122 tons, lart for Pelorus Sound. AORERE, e.e. (2 : 45 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, MANA, s.s. (4.30 p.m.), 134 tone, Dixon, °QTJEEn' OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (4.55 p.m.), 90 tons, Harvey, for Foxton. HUIA, s.s. (5 p.m.), 127 tons, Dowcll, for ' WAKRIMOO. b.s. (5:15 p.m.), 3529 tons, 31ift, for Lyttelton, Duncdm, Bluff, Ho>art, and Melbourne. Passengers: Saloon -For Lyttclton-Missra Eagle. Fitzgerald, Polleson, Wallace, Hart, Mesdamce Quill, 3 olleson. Allen, Manning, Falconer, Johniton, Palmer, Hicks, Messrs. Johnston.Dow. ins- Welsh, Dawson, Lawrence, Watts, Brush, Hopkins, Hicks, Palmer, Stocking. For Dunedin-Missea Douse, Hamilton, Peat, Martin, Mcsdamcs Phail. Bitchw, Rdss, Briscoc, Collan, Martin, Larking, Messrs.. Havilson, Calton, Hector,. Phai, Dickson. Simmonds, Jiitchie, .Cplumb. ■llill-ivood,-Larking, Croll: Ord. For. Bluff-' Miss , Cameron, Mrs. Cameron. For Melbourne—Mrs. Scoboro. ■ ' NIKATJ. s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 245 tons. Hay. ior Nelson and Itotueka. . ■_ AKAWA, s.s. (5.40 from the stream), 9192 tons, Claydan, for London, via Monte yideo, Tenerill'e, and Plymouth. KAPITT, a.6. (6.30 ■ p.m.), 242 tons, Saw-y-ers, for Wangauui. KOKOMIKO, s.o. (7 p.m.), 1541 tons, Dhrisp, for Wcstport. . KEGtTLUS, s.s. {7.55 p.m.), 585 tons, Tointon, for Westport: MAEjVROA, s.b. (8.5 p.m.), 2593 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Misses Muir, Urquhart. Duncan, Mesuaines EUjdger, Fisher, Prankish, Anderson. Wood and child, Toogood. Gow, Messrs. Brittain, M'Gill, Forbea, Anderson, Wood, Toogood, Ralph, Gow, Barry, Murdoch, Brown, and KArrOA, s.s. (8.30 p.m.), 350 tons, Graliam, for Nelson and West Coast. MONOWAI, s.s. (5.40 p.m.), 3433 tons, Bobortson, for Napier, Gisborno. and Auckland. Passengers: Saloon-Por NapicrMisscs Moore, Gibbons, Eodgers, V/arren, Mosdames Mitchell and boy, Warren,. Messrs. Warren and Real.. For Gisborne-Miss Williams, Mesclaines Charter, .Williams and 2 children, Messrs. Murray, Williams, Incram,- Bridgemnn, Grojr.- -"For Auckland -Misses Ford, Gibbons, .Eodgcrs,..Sherm, Mesdamc'a Lambourae, Ford, Turton, Messrs. Dawson, Ford, Lambourne, TJly, Falconer, Watson, Tustin, Hoaro. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Defender, Karamea, December 2. Hippie, East Coast, December 2. Wairaii, Blackball. December 2. Poherua, Napier, Dcecmber 2. Stormbird, Wanganui, December 2. Axapawa, Wanganui, December 2. Maori, liyttelton, December 2. Wakatu, Lj'tlelton, Kaikoura, Dec. Z. TJlimaioa. Melbourne, via southern ports, December 2. Waverley, Foiton, Decembor 2. Opawa, Port Chalmers, Decembor 2. . Snowdonian, Bnnbury, via Auckland, December 2. " i , Jfanaroa, Polorus Sound, December 3. Huia, Wanganui, December 3. Aorere, Patea, December 3. Queen of the South, Foxton, December 3, Kapiti, Wanganui, December 3. Mana, Patoa, December 3. Nikau, Motueka.'NelEon,,December 3.. Mararoa, Lyttelton, Decembor.3. •■ . Mapourita, West Coast, Nelson. Dec. 3. Tainui, llokau, Waitara, December 3. Alexander, Foxton, December 3. Pukaki, southern ports, December' 4. Kittawa, Wcstport, December 4. Hawke's Bay, Liverpool, Auckland, Dc> ce'mber 4. Eosamond, Onehunga, New Plymouth, December 4. Mokoia, Dunedin, Lyttelton, December 4 liapuni, Patea, December 4. Arspawa, Lyttolton, December 4. Eakanoa, Westport, December 4. Holmdalo, Kaipara, Gisborne, Dec. 5. Tarawera, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier December 6. Haiipiri, Auckland, East Coast bays, De comber 6. ' ' CoTinna, sonthern ports, December 7. ■ Monowai, Auckland, Gisbomc, Napier December ?. : PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Defender, Karamca, December 2. Kiripaka, Patea, December 2. Ripple, Ea6t Coast, December 2. Tainui, Lyttelton, December 2. Opawa, Blenheim, December 2. Blenheim. Blenheim, December 2. Stormbird, Wanganui, December 2. Arapawa, Lyttelton, December 2. Pateena, Picton, Nelson, December 2. Maori, Lyttclton, December 2. Waverley, Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 2. Ulimaroa. Sydney direct. December 2. Hinemoa, northern lighthouses, Dec. 2. Mimiro. Brisbane, December 2. Huia, Wangauui, December 3. Wairau, Blackball, December 3. Aorere, Patea, December 3. Queen of the- South, Foxton, December i Kapiti, Wanganui, December 3. Mana, Patea, December 3. Nikau, Nelson, Motuoka, December 3, Mararoa, Lyttelton, December 3. Oanopus. Wcstport, December 3. Opav;a, Auckland, December 3. Arahura,. Picton, Nelson, West Coas , December 3. , Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Dec. 3. Tainui, Waitara, Mokau, December 3. Matatua, Blulf, December 3. Poherua, Greymouth, December 3. Manaroa, Motuoka, December 5. Arapawa, Wanganni, December 5. Opawa, Auckland, December 5. Alexander.- Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 5. Pukaki, Picton, Westport, Grcymoutl December 5. . Eosamond, Picton. Nelson, New Pli mouth; Onehunga,. December 5. Mokoia, Napier, GiEbornc, Aucklanc December 5. Mapourika, NclGon, West Coast, Dec. 5. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Dec. • 6. Corinua, Nelson, New Plymouth, Om hunga, December 7. Monowai, Lyttclton, Dunedin, Deo. 9. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMEES. TLtMAEOA, s.s,, left Melbourne S vember 23, for Hobart, Bluff, Dunedi: Lyttclton, and Wellington. Due Wellin ton December 2. Leaves same day f< Sydney direct. Duo Sydney December 6. YIOTOItIA, 5.a., left Sydney Novcmbi 23 for: Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, an Wellington. Duo Wellington December Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dun din. Duo Dunedin Decembers. .'.:.:■ ■•'..:■.: MOEEAKI, 8.5., left Melbourno Novel bor 50. for Hobart. Bluff. Dunedin, I»vtt/

ton, and Wellington. Due Wellington. De-. cember 9. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney December 13. MANUKA, 8.8., leaves Sydney December 3, for Wellington direct. Due Wellinsrton December 7. Loaves December 8 for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourno December 17. MAHENO, ,s.s., left Sydney November 30 for Auckland direct. Duo Auckland December 4 (tranships to Monowai at Auckland). MONOWAI, s.s., looves Auckland December 6 (with transhipments ex Jlaheno), for Gieborne, Napier, and Wellington. Due Wellington December 9. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. OVERSEA SHIPPING. . STEAMEES TO ABBOT. From London. STAR OF CANADA (duo about December 14), sailed on October 6, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Lino, agents.). MATATUA (duo about December 2), sailed on October 5, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) MARERE (due about December Zβ), sailed on October 31. via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. (TyEer Line, agents.) KOTOIUIA (duo about December 12), sailed on October 29, via Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KAIPAKA (due about December 28), sailed on November 11, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) lONIC (due about December 27), sailed on November 12 via Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) TCKAKINA (duo about January 10), sailed on November 25 via Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) STAB OF INDIA (duo about January 26), sailed on November 25), via Australian ports and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) From Liverpool. HAWKE'S BAY (dno abont December 4), sailed on October 1, via Auckland. Tyser Line agents.) ■ SUSSEX (duo about December 16), sailed on October 15, via Sydney. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) . DURHAM (duo about January 23), sailed on November 17, via Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. and A. Co.. agents.) OEAEI (duo about January 17), sailed on November 29, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Montreal. WAIMATE (duo about. December 26), sailed on October 16, via Anstralian ports and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KARAMEA (duo about January 20), sailed on November 18, via Australian po_rts and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.; agents.) From Now York. STRATHLEVEN (due abont December 7), sailed on September 14, via Australian port 3 and Auckland. (U.S. and A. Line, agents.) . , . STAR OF SCOTLAND (due about December 9), sailed on September 30, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Lino, agents.) PARISIANA (duo about January , 23), sailed on October 29, via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) DALMORE (due about February 16), sail-, ed on November. 26, via. Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) From Dunbury. , SNOWDONIAN, s.s. (due about December 2), sailed on November 2. via Auckland. .(Millar's Hardwood Timber Co., agents.) From San Francisco. AOEANGI. s.s. (due on December 0). sailed on November 16, via Papeete and llarotonga. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) BAILEE TO ARRIVE. ARIEL, barque, sailed from Liverpool November 18. ■ f ■ BT TELEQEAPH. OVERSEA. ... ■ PLYMOUTH. November 30. Sailed.—Eimutaka, for Bluff, Dunedin, and Lyttelton. ST7VA, December 1. ■ Sailed.—Navua, for Auckland. NEWCASTLE, Decembor, 1. Arrived.—Earl Oarriclt, from Dunedin. , SYDNEY, December 1. , Sailed.—Star of Canada, for New Zealand. MELBOURNE. December 1. Arrived.—Drammenseran, from Hokianga COASTAL. . . THUBSDAY, DECEMBEE 1. AUCKLAND. ' ■ ■ 1 Arrived.—Tokomaru (6'a,in.), from Napier Tarawera,' ■ from Dunedin, via East Ooaa ports. ONEHUNGA. Sailed.—Petone (1.15 p.m.), for Now Ply mouth. GISBOENE. Arrived—Kairaki (5.45 a.m.), from Wei lington. NAPIEB. . Arrived.—Drayton Grange (7J9 pjnO.fron Wellington. Sailed.—Euapohu (1.30 a,m.); for Welling ton aud Timaru; Poherua (6 p.m.),. fo: Wellington. ■ Sailed.—Victoria (6 - p.m.), for' Welling ton, Lyttolton, and Punedin. Passenger Saloon—For Wellington—Mrs. White-Pal sons. CASTEEPOINT, Arrived.—Eipplo (4.15 p.m.), from Welling ton. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Barawa. (6.10 a.m.), from One Hunga; Ohincmuri (7.35 a.m.), from One hunga. Sailed.—Eosamond (1 p.m.), for Onehunga WANQANUL A-rrived.— Stormbird (7.55 a.mO, from Wei lington. FOXTON. . . Sailed.—Waverley (7.10 p.m.), for WeHlng ton. BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Blenheim (5.30 a.m.), and Opaw; (6.30 i.m.), from Wellington. • SaiJid.—Blenheim and Opawa (4 p.m.' for Wellington. FAEEWELL SPIT. 3. Largo steamer, with white-painted fur nel, passed east 11.45. Ngahero passed east at 1.15 p.m. KAEAHEA. Sailed.—Defender, (9.30 a.m.), for Wo ' lington. ' . ', WESTPORT. Arrived.—Kurow (5.40 p.m.), from We liugton. . ... e- LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (6.45 a.m.),. from WcHins a. ton; 3reeze, from Wanganui, via Waipap Point; Kaitangatata, from Greymouth. 4. Sailed.—Wairuna, for Timaru. Sailcd.-TJlimaroa (6.10 p.m.), for Wellini ton Rnd Sydney. Passengers: Saloon—F< Wellington—Misses Morris, Dunsford. ] Scott, Knight. Mesdamca Forgie, Morri r. Clater, Tendall, Hare, Knight, Messrs. i L. Clifford. Forgie, Hare, Stone, Scott (S *■ Knight, Wise, Walters, Bro\vn, Ohapma (2), Stevenson, Chaffey, J. Arnst, .Ec O'Oonnell. For Sydney—Misses Frase ir » Watts, Ireson, Ashworth, Eev. H. Jone W. Clarke, Messrs. F. D. Hclmore, . G. Sanderson, Hamilton, B. Arns (J. V. Chattcrton, F. B. Cowdery, Grce: I wood, G. Smith, Ashwbrth, Martin, Sai uels, Matheson, F. Eedpath; 25 steerage. Sailed.-Maori (8.25 p.m.). for Wellin ton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Youn Strathan. Sandford. Brown (2), Boag (! Coxan, Wcrkcs, M'Sherry, Gcarney, Flei ing, Rowbothau, Johnston, Foster, Phelp. Martin, Gray, Gondy, Chalmer, Franci Smith, - . Richard. Milligan, Moore, Coope Hogg (2), Wood, Liddicott, Foot«, Me damOs Young, Tolhurst, Teschmakc Shute, Morrison, Whitelaw, Elliott, Wa staff, Jolly, , Roberts, Studholmc, Brahai I. Woodward, Bamcs and 2 children, Ske ington. Little," White and child, Dayl Radford, Gurney, Logan and child, M'Nai Crothcret and 2 children, Carter, Saxto Gunu and child, May, Ball, Jackson, Pc 3. cival, Hawson, Hazelhurst, Byrne, Fool Mildcnhall, loote. Dr. Ohamptalou Mossrs. O. H. Wilson, Chapman, Devif Forgie, T. Young, G. E. Tolhurst., Tesc maker, Shute. Mor- : '--v Tioulton, La rence, Studholmo, Whitelaw, F. G. V: ziell, Morley, ArLollan. iiargreavcs Br st, nan, Woodward, Cwwthers, Turner, Ca avan Horan, M'Sherry. Holland, Burt Jameson, Morgan, Trotter, Jcnenster, Ba nteter, Smith, Thomson, Sawte, M'Donal Taylor, Sharpe, Hazelhurst, B. M. .-Mo neaux; 40 steerage. \ TIMAETJ. . Arrived.—Corinna (6 p.m.), from Wellin th, ° n ' DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Hanroto, from Lyttclton. . 'y- POHT CHALiIKKS. , fl Sailed.—Vermont (10.35 a.m.). for Ne ' casUe; Opawa (3.30 p.m.), for WelUngto ic. AKAWA SAILS FOE HOME. Leaving tho Glasgow Wharf at 4.20 p.: yesterday, the Shaw, Savill , and Albii Company's Arawa proceeded to thostrca: where fiho anchored until 5.40 p.m., ' which timo she cleared finally for Lo don. via Monto Video, Toneriffc, aad P! mouth. Tho vessel is duo at the Hoi port on January 12, 1911. Join . DEAYTON GRANGE'S NEW ZEAXANI ns- PORTS. 5™ It is announced by the agents of t jer F.-H.-S. Line that the Drayton Grange w nd mako tho following ports, in the ord 2 named, to load for West of F,ngla he- ports:—Auckland, Lyttclton, Duncdm, W : tara; thenco' Wellington to complete.- , -S im- sails finally for Avonmouth on Deceml W- 24 f

BUTESHIRE AT AVONMOTJTH; ' Advice received by the local agents of the F.-H.-S. Line states that the Buteshire, which left the Bluff on October 2, arrived at Avonmouth on November 26. Tho vessel is expected to sail on the return voyage on January 7. CADET SHIP HEDWAY AT SYDNEY. Advices received by mail state that the cadet Bhip Medrcay, "which arrived at Sydney from London recently, after a, passage of 107 days, had, generally speaking, a. good run out. Sho carries a crew of 56 all told, of whom 22 are midshipmen. Captain Jackson, who is in command, states that during tho voyage they had divine service on. Sundays and many musical gatherings, and, on crossing the Equator, a day's sports, was indulged in. Tho cadets have all done exceedingly well, and are, in the captain's opinion, a flno lot of young fellows. The sailors also have been all that one could wish for, and ho adds: "Now that sailing-fillip men are so hard to get, it ie f quite a treat to get a. good The officers are:—Mr. -Collins, chief; Mr. EUiott, second; Mr. Lewis, third; Horatio Nelson Hardy, Burgeon; and Mr. F.Horne, navigation instructor. ■ The Medway is a, four-masted barque of 2500 tons, SOGft. lay, carries 40C0 tons, is fitted with water-ballast tanks, holding 1500 tons, and Clayton's firo-extini>uish-ing apparatus. She has excellent accommodation for midshipmen. She is a. staunch, stTong ship, sails fairly wall, but not up to tho Port Jackson in speed. MATATUA AURIVES F3OM LOXDOIT. From London, via Las Palmas andAucklaud, the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's Matatua arrived at Wellington at 9.27. a.m. yesterday. Leaving London on October 5, the vessel experienced fair to moderate strong winds and seas until November 6, when she Tan into an exceptionally strong gale, with heavy seas, the ship labouring heavily. The Capo of Good lope was passed on October 29, and Cape Maria van Diemen on Monday, November 21, Auckland being reached ra Tuesday. November 22. Upon completion of discharge of. tho northern portion of her cargo the Matatua .left for ■Wellington, and arrived as stated nbove. Captain L. B. Gillman is still in command, and the following officers are associated with him:-Chief officer.. Mr. J. Alsop; second, Mr. L. D. MacKirdy; third, Mr. W. Sussams; fourth, Mr. G. Edwards. Mr. J. Winship is in charge.of the engine department, Mr. J. Brigg3 second, Mr. J. Nieholl third, Mr. P. JangaTd fourth, Mr. P. TJnsworth fifth, nnd Mr. G. Keith sixth. Mr. D. M'Gowan (late of tho Tainui) is chief rcfrjgerating engineer, and Mr. J. Taylor second. Dr. T. Trail is tho ship's surgeon, and Mr. T. Bardrick chief steward. It is .probable thai; the Matatua, will leave for the Bluff to-morrow. THE ROTORTTA'S PASSENGERS. On her maiden trip to the Dominion, the New Zealand Shipping Conipany'6 Eotorua, duo at Wellington on December 12. has the following passengers on board. When the mail left London the lull list was not complete:— First saloon—Misses E. M. Fryer, H. M. Fryer, J. M. Fuller, F. Imesoa, A-. Longton, D. ThuTston, E. Turner. Wigan, D. J. Wilbcrfoss, Mesdames F. H. Pyne and family, Bunco and nurse, Field, M.-:E. M'Lellan, F. M. Wcdloy, Rowo, Short, r.jr. Tabart, J. Treloar, H. S. Turner' and nurse. Col. Bl M. Blennorhassett, 0.M.5.. Col. J: Stewart, C.1.E., Messrs. C. Boustein. G. A. Burge, A. M. Colycr, T, Field, F. Fuller, B. Hay, E. Bowcn, Hogg, Dr. G. Lynch, H. N. Eowo, E. Short. K. E. Smith, Masters J. Burgo and C. H. Rowc. . ■ ; Second saloon—Misses A. Barnett, 0. R. Cobb, A. E. Ellis, U. Fraocr. 0. Hadficld, H. Hadfield, B. Hall, Hayward, M/ Hughes, E. Jones, Knight (3), 0. B. M'Lean, J. G. M'Lean, D. V. Mcade, F. Morgan, Norrie, J. E. Peter, Snelson, 0. Sparling, J. Stewart, F. Tamsloy, V. Thompson. Mesdamcs Armstrong, Byrch, Ohitty, Cobb, Corringhan, Grove (3!, Hodfield, E. Hand, Hayward, Hughes. A. Gilkison. Graham, Overton, Jones, Knisht, J. Mac Lean, M'Ea«, Meade, J. C. Menzies, G. Picton, O. S. Sankoy. Wotton, Messrs. H. G. Armstrong, J. E, Baines, J. H. Baster. C. Brook, J. Brown, A. Byrch, Chattle, Ohitty, A. Cohb, Dupontet, Elliott (2), H. Grove, Hadfield, H. Hale, Hayward, A. Hill. Major .1. G. Hushes, A. Graham, Jack, Overton, Jones, Kavanagh. Knight. Mac Lean, D. M'Eae, Dr. F. E. Mcade,> Morrison. Nicholson, Pope. St. Quintin, Sankey, Tansey, Thompson, Blair, .Whyto, ,Wroo, Masters Cobb," Corringham, Hadfiold ■ (2); Meade, Pifton:." ■ .• ■ :•::■•.. Third clas*—Misses Barnard, Beal, Beckingham, Bell, Biggs, Bose, Bradshaw Brown, Bryno (2), Bucklin (2). Cassidy Oonway, Cowpo (2), Coxah, Coyle, Craven Dcvereux (3), Dick, Douglas, Dunlop, Dy ason, Edwards (2), Emery. Farrell, Fcr iruson, Fitzpatrick, Fox (2), Fraser, Gott Gowans, Grindley, naliday, Hay, Hildrcd Horton, Howard, .Hurst, Hutt, Hutton Inncs (2), Isted, Joyner (2),. Jones, Ken nody, Looee, Liddcard, Lithßow (2), M'C.-if fcr, M'Kinloy (2), Mann, Mason. Moody Mook, Munro (3). Newton, O'Neill, Orm Bide, Orroll (2), Pope, Price..(4), Eobertsoi (3),' Satror. Scai-IT, Seed, Smith (3). Spun Sutherland, Taylor,. Talbot. Thomas Timbs. (3), Tossinrcn, Tulli6. Twoit, Ui win (3), Wallis, Wardell, Warren, West Wilcc, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson Wilton, , Wrenn, Wright, Mesdamcs Alcock Atkinson (2!. Barbour, Booth, Boothman Bradshaw, Brown, Bryne (2), Bucklin, Cal laghan, Deverenj, Douglas, Douse, . Ed wards, Egan, Emery, Fox. Fraser,- Gott Greenhalgh, Grice, Grindley, Hammond Hart. Hill. Howard. Howell. Hurst. Innea Isted, Kennedy, Liddiard, Lithgow, Lobb Mann, Marbeck, Mason. Melton. Munro Orroll, Pitt, Pone, Price, Robertson. (2) Sagor, Scott, Seed, Shaekleton, Shaw Simpson, Smith (3), Sfcoup, Taylor, Tho mas, Timbs, Tossman, Tracy, Warren, Wil Jiinson, Zcttwitj, Messrs. Ainery, Arnold Barbour, Barley, Batsman, Baynton. Beau vais, Bennett, Birchall, Birkin, Blydc Bonnowell, Booth, Boothman. Bradshaw Brown, Bruco (3),. Bucklin, Butcher, Cal laghan, Cameron, Campbell, J. .Sarpeuter Jlov. H. Carrington, ChUderstone, Christie Olist (2), Cohen, Collier. Collins, Cook Cooksey, Cornthwaite, Cranfield, Cudby Culverhouse .(2), Cumminga (2), Cummini Devey, Davidson, Davies, Dawe, Devereus Dixon, Dougla3, Douse, Dunlop. Duxburj Earl, Edclsten, Edwards, Edwards (2), El gie, Egan, Ellison. EUery. Farrell, Foi ter, Fi3her, For, Gainett, Gallagher, Goti Gower, Greenhalgh, Grice (2), Gullett, Han mond, Haig, Hanna, Hanson, Harris, Hei doTfon, Healy, Henry, Hill (2! Hilliard, Hookway a), Howell, Howie, Holl Houston, Hulbert. Hunter, Hurst, Hylanc Isted, James, Job, Johnstone. Jull, Keel King (2), Kipling. Krairs. Lowe. Lans Leadley, Lee. Lees, Le Noury, Lessel! Lcvett (2), Liddiard, Lithgow, Lobb, Lol tus, Living, Limb, M'Bain, M'Kinley, Mai Millan, if'Callister, Macrae, Man (2), Mai tin, Mason (2), Meles, Melton, Moffet Morgan (2), Morris, Morton, Newtoi North, Orroll (2)', Padgett, ParUe: Parris, Partridge, Pearce (2),Phipps,- Pit, Pope, Price, Pryce, Purvis. Barney, Rai dall, Ratcliffe, Reid. Renfrew, Richmon< liisoley, Itoberts, Robertson, Eobinsoi Robson, Eossiter, Roots (2), Sagor, Shackl. ton, Shaw, Shields, Short, * Shorthous' Simmons, Simpson (2), Smith (3), Spur: pa, Stephens, Stoup, Stretton, Strutters, Su livan. Taylor (7), Teahon, Thomas, Tilde ley, Timbs, Torrance, Tracey, Varty, Ve ig- rail, Vincent, Walker, Warburton. Wa ?or dell, Warner, Warren, Webb, Webbe D. Welle", " Westlakc, Wcstrcn. Whittakc ■is, Wildes, Wiles, Wilkinson, Williams, Wi O. son (2), Wood, Woolf, Wright, Yotto: (2), Zcttwits, Masters Alcock, Beauvais, Boot an Brain, Coylo, Devereui (2), Edwards, Ei cv. ery, Grindley. Howell, Hurst, Isted (i ;er, Kennedy, Mason, Munro, Pope, Price (; ies, Sagor (2), Scott, Simpson, Stockdalc, Timl A. (3). . • ist. : ■■ im- At noon yesterday the Haoriland Steal ship Company's Holmdalo left Kaipai ng- with a load of timber for Gisborno at ng, Wellington. Sho is due here about Mo: (2), day or Tuesday next. f m " Yesterday morning the Manaroa, le V s ' port on a, special trip across the StTait cl 3, Kenepuru ana Pelorus Sound to pick t f er, a load of wool. Messrs. Johnston and C Lcs " advise that sho will leave Wellington . ier, her ordinary running for Motueka c Monday at 4 p.m. Lev- An expected arrival at Wellington t< ;ly, "bunkers" to-day is the New Zealand Shi lir, ping Company's steamer Opawa. on h on,' way from Port Chalmers to Auckland.. 'f' Mr. Hcnder, lato chief officer of ti ■ Mokoia, who has been on holiday lea* }"g has gone to Dunedin for orders. :oh- H.M.S. Prometheus, which has been 1 aw- ing at Port Melbourne for some tir V past, proceeded to sea on November Ira- for a cruise. . ■ - an * During Christmas week the Tarawc: ■_ s °' will assist in the Wellington-Lyttelti IT ferry service. Sho will leave Dunedin i "ii Thursday, December 22. Instead of on Fi day, December 23 as time-tabled, and w leave Lyttelton oh December 23, Wellin ton on Saturday. December 24, and Lj ng- telton again on Monday, December 26. ( Tuesday, December 27, she will resume h running northwards, leaving. Wellingti for Napier, Gisborne, and; Anckland. Tho steamer Defender, which ground on the North Spit at Karaniea. whilst oi ew " ward bound for Wellington on.Tuc&da ;on - was floated off yesterday, and sailed f this port at. 9 a.m. • Captain T. A. Gibbons, master of t Westport Coal Company's steamer Can '• m ' pus, camo ashore yesterday on holidi lon leave. Mr. W. M'Kinuon, chief officer lm ' the vessel, has left her in order to ( at for an examination. Hia placo is bcii f*; taken by Mr.- J. W. Venn, jmo On Wednesday last the crew of t schooner Clyde were paid, off during t vessel's stay in port. : D' At 9 o'clock this morning the Govei ment steamer Hinemoa is to leave, pc for her periodical visit to the northe ( Jjg lighthouses. ~ ;, ■dor ' Yesterday morning the Union Comp.-in' and West Coast trader Arahura. was placed ' Cai- the slip: I'or overhaul. She .will be folio Sho cd-by the Kini, which arrived from Napi iber ycaterdny.- The Arahura will resume h l,raanins again on Saturday morning.

3 ; . 5 Captain Crawford reports that when the- . Pateena. was on the'run. across from Ficton to Wellington last night he sighted, a .. 1 large steamer-steering. S.E. off Terewhiti at I p.m. This will probably be the Waddon, en route from Newcastle to South America. Yesterday Farewell Spit report ed a largo ( Bteimer with a white-band 1 round a black funnel passing east at 11.45 s 5 a.m. This appears to be the same vessel. 5 Yesterday tho Government training-ship B Amokura was to have left, tho Bluff for t< 1 Wellington, via West Coast Sounds. s At 7 a.m. yesterday the Mapourika ■ aar t i, rived at Greymouth from ■Wellington, via, , .- way ports, and-took heT,departure at: 12.31 3 ', on the retuTE-iouniey.. . "-',;'-;.. ■ '' To-day the Kaituna is to leave Westp'ort ' {■ for Lyttelton; and, on : Saturday, the ■ Kurow and Bakanoa -will take coal to i| Auckland and -.Wellington, respectively.... • 3 f , ■ An' arrival at Westport at' 6 aJnV yes- " terday was the coastal steamer Putiii, t ' from "Wanganui. •■• ■ ■' . ■■'■ ■■■■'■ 3 '• Messrs. Levin and Co., local;agents for £ '• the Australian Mail Line, have reoeivcd •• advico stating that the. Minerio- left San 2 '■ Francisco ■ oiv November .23 for Auckland, ! - via Apia,. Pago »Pago,.Va,vau, ,Haapal. .-and. t •■ Nukualofa. The, .steamer, which is- brings ing a large consignment of dried fruit, is 1 '■ duo' to • arrive at Auckland on: December ''• 24 It is probable that'her transhipments 3 c - will come south by the_ Victoria, duo here : ;■ on Friday, December SO. ' - *

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 989, 2 December 1910, Page 7

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SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 989, 2 December 1910, Page 7

SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 989, 2 December 1910, Page 7