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PALMERSTQH NORTH. '/ f|| Ji'JU--- "7. Sample "Booms Adjacent. ." "~" - r ~ " Luggage Van Meets All Trains. . | " r rTggSSnffT^tJMßU' l l 111 1 1 ''•''"''■'■■»" | l^'-<'iniT.>f M ,M,v, m nriiiiiii.^ < .ft.^w<Trifl i |flßa« I^NAPiER^^ ' Wire for |.' ■-:.:.;' BUSNIESS NOTICES. .*. " ; : ""'F ' - w H ERE TO STAY/ ' WE UNDERTAKE , / J|g|ffl| : ; ... : ' "BTTORNITURE REMOVALS and Storage : ■ JP of same in Dry Stores. Customs Clearing , and Forwarding of . Goods to any part of the Dominion. ; ' ' eMpsfetf Cartage Contracts of all descriptions. ..'. •« v : HUNT. COTTRELL AND CO., LTD., . , Queen's Chambers, Wellington. ..; ... A LAEGE and Choice Selection of Pads, Snitches, Transformations now on . - ..,-.• •■• • . • ••).*•' show at Mrs. Bethridge-Topp's, 118 Cuba' JJ 0 T E L ... I N D S 0 3)~~ ~A HUTCHINGS, Coachsmith and Manaeer' ' ' General Farrier, opp. Newtown Absolutely Vlia"'tTOPST Hotel; Carts,. Expresses, Gigs, etc., mado -HO^£--EN-9fflß-4)OMhnON~'" or repaired. . . .First-class; Catering. .. {HOOLEST Dining-room in Town. Cafe Every. Possible Convenience. Metropoie, Willis Stsaet. Tariff,'Bs. .per day.-; iC2 : lOs. per week.. rf~IALL on Green, Chemist, Vivian .St., TEA, 4 GRILL ROOMS,' A-* and ask for a box of Corn Cure t i. : Ointment, only Is.; a certain cure. TENDERS - ' < ' \ TVOMINION Store, Newtown, are dis- -— —* -" " ■ pkying a too .Msortaent otJap* WELLINGTON' CITY COUNCIL. nese Crockery, also Tumblers, from Is. • ••• • • __ 3d. half-dozen. ■ EXTENSION OF TIME FOR RECEIPT*' "TKASCINQ."—No more, hard work in (jf ■ : A> getting up your floorß—sweep well TENDERS FOR-WATER ptppc; tv«t, and'sprinkle a little Powdered Wax, the, NTTT AT ATM • Vrn ■■'rr :-y dancers do the rest.. Is. 3d..and Is. 94. I MAIN, ETC., . r., ~ •.«. per tin, posted. R. Martin. Ltd. mmnmio ...• F irst .. .b, s , T -si,.»b. s „ .■* w& «*ssgAp«;.: JD. Gooseberries a W.„ Surges, o3 p.m. on THURSDAY, the 9th February," ' Manners Street. Plione 9<2. 1911rfor the "Supply of' Water Pipes- and• FLEMING AND. CO., 91 Revans Street, Fittings for the duplication, of a portion opp. Library, Newtown'. Cash or of the Wainui Main, etc." Easy Time Payments. Splendid Piano by Specifications and Drawings may bd ! Rosena, cheap. obtained, at the Office, of the City Engin-" ri FELDMAN, 132 Taranaki Street, eer»jrown Hall, upon, paj-ment of a'fee \JTo gives highest prices for Ladies' and Three Pounds («£3), which amount will "Gents/ Clothing.. 'Phone 1517. Tender receipt;of a bona; fidftyv HIGHEST .Cash Prices given foi\La- Tenders: to., be,endorsed "Tender fox dies and Gents. Clothing, Boots, pw and Fittings" ' ' " ' : i etc. 11. Davis, 109 Taranaki Street. antt 1 imn?s,.. ; .... 'Phone 2964. - . . . : -•••• ... JNO..E.. PALMER,. vv , HAVE you purchased a, Sectionat the •' sth-'No^mW,'"iDlO.- ; - - \ <•' lovely Scarborough Seaside Resort? . - If not, why not? TQ CONTRACTORS. HUMAN Hair bought and sold in any •; quantity or made up from 2s. 6d. ' u ' per ounce at Mrs. Bethridge-Topp's,.llß rHENDERS'wiII be received by the piiiiu Sfroot County Clerk, Martmborough, unu°a atree[ - —- til Noon on MONDAY, 21st November, JUST. Arrived —Royal beal Tobacco, 1910, for the construction .of. a Bridge the finest English Tobacco on the in reinforced concrete over' I "the Ruamamarket; delightful aroma. Sold only at hunga.River at Waihenga,' MartinborGilbert's,_ Tobacconist, 50 Manners ough.' Tenders to be addressed' to the 1 Street,' Wellington. ■■ Chairman, Featherston County Council, LEFT-OFF Clothing.—Mrs. R. O'Neil Martinborough; an'd endorsed "Tender-, gives highest, prices for Left-off for Waihenga Bridge." ■ Clothing, Boots, etc. Letters attended Drawings, •' etc., at the Connty Office, •.. to. New Address; 90 Tory Street. Martinborough, ;• arid'at my offioe, . where'■ Tiomnr,,.. • r~ "TT — Tender and Schedule. Form's can „be ob- ; T, S u !, tained. '..The' lowest or any tender,not' lF ?' a necessarily .accepted.' ' - "I:'' Ltd.. .Maanew -Street. -Wellington. G. LAINS-MEASON,'M..-Inst C.E-;->V T EFT-OEF-Clothing—ll. Costello, 101 . .V.; ; -Woodward, Street, Wellington. •'/ ; •Jli Manners' Street, gives highest prices . 1 •• for Badies' and Gents.' Wardrobes. Tues- STUMPING. ' jays;'and^Thursdays, ; -.Petqne and Hntt. - , . " MISS KING," Newtown, begs to an- msNDERS" are .invited"for ' • nounce that she has repio\ed to ~JI an( j Burning about 22 acres'(fcwentynew Premises in the Langham Hotel Tenders to close by Saturday, Nc Buildings. . vember 12th. • • Ty-RS. DORAS, 126 Taranaki Street, : ;J. . IyJ. never refuses to buy Second-hand * • " C.o.' Dr. Knight, 4 Clothing.Highest prices given. : ' ' ... .^^^ ran F 1- . AT<Tl—Ffrst of the season. Grapes,. •' ta "datvtt'p^ Hi-Wrie, TiSte M, Goo T 4bE*ta until 10 a.m. of Blackberries, Raspbernes, (jooseberries, J_ : the"otb' 'o'f "Nove-Mber,'fox • ' Green Peas, and New. Potet°e s , cl eap- Painti the Premises of", the New .Zeaest in the townJthis day at the Irmt d Mercanti ie ' Agency Co.. lung s, (4 Manners Street. ; Lid., Feathers! on Street. - POSTCAEDS" • prepared. for Oil and Specifications of our offices, 235, Lamb", Water-colour Painting, at Robt. ton Quay.", Martin. Ltd.. Manners Street. Wellington. ; THOS. TURNBUI.L-AND SON, "PHONOGRAPHS, Edison's, easy, time ■ ■ .FF.R.1.8.A.. Architects. • A payments, ss. weekly; latest Re- -i : ————, ■ . cords every month. 'Fleming and Co., nnO LET.—Tenders, in writing, are in-;' unbreakable Records, to hand, 2 and 1 vited for Lease of Daifv "Farm at' minute. Newtown. Silverstrjam; Section 82, Hutt District. ~... , „ ' — containing 87 acres,-the property of :Mr. IANOS and Furniture Polished M'Vicar, lately occupied by Mr.' H.. - "Lustre Reviver' , alwayß look well. r. T - * i r -p ni . mrt;,.,,],,™ , Sold by R. Martin. Ltd.. Wellington. apply- * P art . lculara - TSING up 972 for Fresh Fruit and BROWN AND DEAN, • ■ ■ JuL Vegetables,' delivered anywhere.' W. Solicitors,. 3GO Lambton Quay,' Burge, the' English Fruiterer, 53 Man- . WELLINGTON: . . . ners Street.... I : : H "O" ROSEN, 120 Taranaki . Sfreet, is'a MANGATARATA ESTATE.' _ Cash "Buyer of Ladies' and Gents.' .— ~ Wnrdrobns Ton "prices ■ given. mENDERS are invited'for leasing th« yaruiopcs. lop prices gnen. — I MAN GAT APuaT A ESTATE,, the. pro--SMOKED Blue . Cod, Crayfish, and 0 f :Mr. S. .H„ Gpllan, comprising ~: : Hapuka_ to-day. Eureka lisn aa area, of 9024 acres,-, for term of-EQveo--Supply, Tram: Terminus, Newtown. leleyears, commencing 7,th :January, 1911 V, ; ■ phone 2382. •.■ • " = ;;, .. . • The property-is- situate-4 miles' «• from. SCARBOROUGH Sections are being Waipnkurau Railway . Station and—Saler,., : l 3 . purchased rapidly. Wliy? -Because yaids, .and-is- all,- under,..grass, and.- ia-.:..: notliing like them can be obtained else- suitable for growing, crops,,, in addition, where. b being first-class .fattening , and , graz, ;; STENCILING" Brashes from, 3d., : OfLeass and' Form of Ten- ,■ Brooke's Art Medinm od., Stencil ,j er may be : obtained . from Messrs.'.;dai. Boards 4d., Oil Coloaro 3d., at Eobt MTxiod and- C 0.,- Hastings,! - or l ' Martin. Ltd.» Manners Street,. Welhngtoa. the - THE Leading •and-the-Largest Dimng- Tenders close on .the"lst Beoember; 1910 4 room in. Wellington is at the Cafe an^iinU st be sent, addressed;.to the undeiw.,; Jletropole,' Willis Street. signed. '- ' rfffiY Our Hot Lunch, 2 courses, Gd Arrangements will be made for intend. T Undou Pie Shop. opp. Library, 11^ - Ncwto ' vn - ; n chet; M'Leodr- and—Co:--' -. WANTED Known—Dainty Camisoles, The highest or" any tender not.jtfece^ worth 2s. 6d., for Is. 3d.; Nainsook sar iiy accepted. ". . ' . Combs, Chemises, Nights, ICnicks, one- SAINSBURY, LOGAN, AND WILLIAMS,' , third under usual. Cole's Drapery Co. , . v Solicitors,.. Inauguration Sale. . - - - Napier. ; ;:7 TSTfTHAT will the lasting seaside resort = ■■ ■ ; - VV for Wellington, Palmerston, Wood- . , ' ville, .and be? Inquire! Scar- ■ CONCRETE"':< borough Bcach. ANTED -Known — Cotton Dress is THE CHEAPEST KNOWN- METHOD, ; J t Goods, Is.-lid. dozen; Nainsooks, 0 F ERECTING A PERMANENT'-FLRE.;.': 2s. lid:, 3s. Ud. dozen; Pillow Cases, 6d.; ppo&F" AND " DAMP-PROOF BUILDC Hemmed Linen Serviettes, 6d. Coles Dm- .. . . pery Co:,: late Cole arid Westennan, Man- ;. , . . , .; . • ; ' >'.;i ners Street. ' W" Hi' make a slave of your Wife? Fall particulars from ' ; Buy Wolland's Hav-mour Sansages _ ATTrT\T,AND " ; I for .Bieakfast—a delicacy. Wolland, H.. L. FRIEND, . AUCKLAND. ~ . Tory Street., ■ , . 0r the CARRARA CEILING CO., ' WHAT Cures all Ailments? , Pure,sea Wellington''Soiith *}■•.- air, enchanting 6cenery,with prinn- Local'acents'. tiye rest. Ml ■obtained at Scarborough. . "*al ARttts.. .. • "SJSTANTED Known—Long, large, Lacy . — pll C^fc«Xiil, 8 cheap ; %fension EXPANDED" METAL KAHNTEUSSED ! SaMr 1 DraPMy °" 10 KAHN. RIBBED; STEEL BARS, __ 1 \T,pwTi i.-„ o.ul Gents' E° r Reinforced - Concrete - Construction. Celling Apparel on easy ' terms; EXPANDED...STEEL LATHING^, high-class goods. H. Heinemau, 5G Viv- For Fireproof Walls and Ceilings.;;.; —: ■ian Street. RUBEROID . ROOFING, " DAMPCOURSH, WANTED Known—Embroidered Linen FLOORING, GIANT BUILDING Belts, Is. Od. for lOkl.; ' Leather ! PAPERS, . . Pursebags, cheap; Hemstitched Handker- e atNER SAFES AND STRONG-ROOli . chiefs, 105 d. half dozen. Cole's Drapery • - DOORS; ; . Co., lato "Cole and Westerman. DREADNOUGHT. FIREPROOF DOORS, , TXTOLLAND, Butcher, Tory Street, gets OREGON ;TIMBER-, AND LATHS.- rr.-j: »» the pick, of the market by paying .. / _ y .... .. cash, the public get tho benefit. nHHF. STEWART TIMBER, GLASS, ''' HEREJs Scarborough Beach? Just A AND HARDWARE CO., LTD.;opposite, and protected by, its guar- Courtenay Place, Wellington." dian angel, ICapiti Island. -- WANTED Ivnoiyn—Embroideries, half- ~ ~ , * price, from l}d.; , wide Silk Rib- WELLINGTON- - TIMBER - CO., LTD, fcf d ci.,^' W cX* Constable Street, - Wellington _ South,v. WHY go to town when ,you can get H* BUMI^"UA?ESS£ tl lS«l'w'."". , , Seeds, 1 lants, etc., in Newtown, • to driver to any part City and ' at bedrock prices? Pettersson Bios. ° t Bedrock, Piices. Send foi;.;WHERE do l you buy this lovely quotations. ' ; Meat? Why, at tho Wairarapa , Xeleuhone 1900. '" * P.O. Box 22.'..'"' Cheap Meat Market, Newtown. ■* ' •" ; ' . • h erbert Women's Longcloth Underwear, one-third ROLLESTON ST.,'WELLINGTON; ■" under price. I.atq Cole and Westerman. ■ sniTcr from .Corns, when a Is. \ Sauit-irr Di'ain-Pif>e 'MnnufactnreTe;.. '• ,; °'..^. r<!i!US Mrtnxllous oinl- r Chimney-Pots and Sanitary Accessories) .. ment .mil relieve you. |c[ ~;I1 Kent in stock. I '- TSSTHAT is universaily wanted? Pi»n. !';. l'rice Lists on application. ... - "» sant Seaside Resort for week-ends I and holidays. Go to Scarborough Beach. 1 Telephone 587.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 966, 5 November 1910, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 966, 5 November 1910, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 966, 5 November 1910, Page 2