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HOUSES AND LAND WANTED : AND FOR SALE. WANTED TO PURCHASE A LARGE Freehold Farm or' Run, partly. improved; . size :no object. Payment part cash and part Wellington I property. Full particulars and locality ' °ARTHUR WARBURTON AND C 0.,- . 164 FEATHERSTON STREET, i I .;■■ WELLINGTON. ~ , fc WANTED to Sell, Sections in Colway ■»T Estate Subdivision, Crofton, to cheap suburban land. : A. L. Wil1' soii.and. Co.; .26 Brandon Street. ; *'.. ' WANTED: Sell, Johnsonville,. 5-rbom-ed House,-every convenience; pretty , garden; fowl run; etc.;'..£475 cash; .2 ! Level Sections] . closo Station, cheap ■ for ' cash. Braithwaite and Co., Auctioneers,, Manners Street.. : T7IOII SALE, House; eight rooms, out--P- buildings, large level, section; near, I tram; bargain, d£GSO.. Box 577, Welling- - ton. ■■- - . - .. '■■ > ' .' : :A! SNIP. ■■'■.-- : --.': l '- ;: - ■ Q9K ACRES, 0.R.F., 10 miles,-i'rom i OAiO ■ Mangaweka; ,170 acres, in ' grass, t about 50 chains fencing to complete ring-: E fence; good.whare,-cowshed, .and slieep- : yards; splendid prospective; value. Price, - £5 10s. : per acre. :. Cash.. required,. :only I £200; Balance, arranged..■ Inquire "at. - once. '.'.-.-■: ■'■ ■'-.■'■■ ■ •/■■■•■■.-.':'■.'■:.• '; .-i S , :- '.-,•• -'':-s ; -..'DIXon; ; ;.\-,;;,.:/-' i . ■, ' -Land Agemt, Mangaweka. .-■'. u;. ' FIRST-CLASS ■ Dairy Farm of- 220 acres, 8 paddocks, new 8-rbom house, cowshed,: 20 bails, concrete floor, j^and j every convenience; close ; to factoryjl and. Echool. Price for freehold, J319 per acre;■ .jgiOO cash). Geo.:■ Newett,iDamnevirkj>. ,' - "TOTE Have some splendid inew ihouses-in f, ".».,»-• course . of'■ consbuotion":.-' for. isalei cheap, in. "Kilbirnie,> Ha'taitai r aid-, Maranui; low ;' easy.tenns. ,Easson, ; :[;td.; '. 85 fVratis 'Street..-.•;•■.■; ;. ■';:.: ■■■■r-fi': ! .§J- : - : - ■ : : : ; •■ A CHEAP■;SHEEP.yFARM..';||;:.:;'. VTOfli ACRES, 370 grass,.,balance hush, •-.' ',', small wool- ;' shed, sheep yards, everything new and in. .. good.'orderi road, and boundary, fences, ,8 " wires; 6 miles' from Waverley; 4i y:?ars .'.-■ lease, with Optional purchase; rent:," 75.- . ,Gd; per acre; goodwill, ".£150; a refund .'of iCso:if not purchased'at end of ; 'ledse.;;'Apr, ply D.'Kenealy; Motoroa, : Wa.yerley.!l ... 90AO : ACRES 0.R.P.. at\lssj'epl«in'did ;-, ,nl V.yy.-.;> bush country'"'on., Wanganiii '. Riyer;; : good '21V:sheep.:land; ;460. : acr<s in grass;'new.j6-roomed,;house, .whare,;fand e store; price £3' 10s.. per acre:for.;goodwill. e . 081000 cash...'Geo.- Newott,- Dannevirk'e.■; ■[■■ V. :171OR immediate 'Sale,-::.or' i: X 1 partly improved Sheep' Statior;,' aa ,: going., concern;. good position,, uprtoi-date I conveniences for working: property;.';;;: No ,' one with-less than ~£15,000 need •'apply. , "Rus," .'TJominion":,Office'., '/i ,-,... ij__, 0' qa-ACRE Daity :Farm,.Otaki, for/'sale, ). p\y ■ cheap, :aß.,a going , concern,:;with -■ stock. ;'.FuU particulars: ■■: : Easson; :Ltd.,' :' .85 OiVillis : :Street: :'■;■;!:,;, i-c^'-^-'^H-JJ-'V 1 1 A Kfi "AQEBS,- ; ,5 all ; rich' , ; limeiitone a XUpy ; country, well .■improved, fgbod t. .house, :woolshed, 3, sets; yards,, well-' ■'• dit vided- hy" good fence's.'. . vPric^j'/>SB:. ] 103.; f, about- ,£1750-cash'; balance:.easy terms.- . : ; . 'nA'n/k ACRES,' , . 13OO."";-' grass; Iwell /vl/V/vfonced, ,hohse, ; . : w;ooi-shed,' yards; ■guaranteed ;; 10",.ihiles , from.railway;,wintered 2500' sheep ai,d 80 „• head cattle. ; . ,Freehold, --,iE6., 15s.;' : iiEasy & terms. E. 8.: HARE, AND' ■ CO.V:P.ah iiitne'. d -^-r-r — ..' ":.— '— —' - .'• ""'" — ~ —•• .. (ropj.ACRES, freehold, all .in:; grass , ,. di-. ; O.OJ/jvided into ; 15' paddocks,jrell ; water- ; . ed, 200: apres,ploughable,.-very, easyit'ouh'r li" try'; 6-robnied house, ■ etcii; -' Bood metalled o road;• about,7:miles from:;Eketahun'iiii''2i' ,-.. .miles from, school is .' a very.good property,'; and: hais': SO acres of-rich flat land:along the frontage;,all ■•; stumped, and if beeri. ploughed.:. ; :,£liv per. V acre; about; i!;,balance iit Ji" per r cent. v.'W. .INGLIS i HUSBAND, ,land ,i :Agent;' Pahiatua;. , .; ,':-;;-iv ? ',:;?;;;;; ■ ]'l 1186 • A PCffe A CEIIS ; Freehqid;'alliin' -grass; : ■ ./jfciW;, well /fenced :and, subdivided, ifiyell- ;-. watered;' goodi ,2-sheep • country,;, jgood ' ; : : whare, ■ sheepyards, .etc. v. 3 ■ milek;'. .ifrom i; Makuri' P.0.,,:5ch001, and'ereameryj.; 16 ' miles from: railway 'station. ..Price]; 10s.' ■';■ , p'er ,, aci , e.;;No ; : inorfeagte./ Terms:' 'J'^800 : cash, balance'for a .term: of;-"sayJiS.-yciars '; : at 5 per .cent. ■■■■ Apply to' PETER-:-q?UL-LOCH,' Stock; Land, and .'Estate^'Ai;erit, .;■ ;Pahiatuai:' i 80x';42. : - ,;;.¥ :vV';-"V; ; o':"'j:,..; : FOR SALE; or'to OLease; Splendid "Cash . . . .Grocery, and;Butchery'ißusmoss, in Stratford; \turnover;..-ie4000.-- : ; ..Pricej;'- as going, concern, Freehold preni.i6eß,' corner section,:.containing -one..rood;;!with ! large, store'.;and hliuse,' ';•■ butohef's.; shop, .'grain'; store;', sheds, '-' stables;, liarnessi; covers,' four ;:ho'rses,(iand ;; carts, arid overy requisite for carryini; :on .'.';. the .husindss;-everything in tip-top order. ■jKOO -cash., will see a' maninto: this.;;i;:ln- ■ quire:!about, it. (Eeinp.anel;'. Sawle, Stxat- .: -ford.- , ; ! M^''g;;: TO ,LEASE,;ipO: acres, choice level dikiry ,„ . .: farm,.3 .miles ..from .Stratford;';' all. , in,grass, but bush; comfortable 7,-rooined,' house,; .nian's >liare, -, cowshed; i trapshed,; piggeries, ; etc. r l : Splendid: gar T '" den; ornamental trees, and' plantations. 0 .Lease, : 3: years- at, 30s. v per ; . acre;': , Stock; etc.,-going concern: at evaluation, i", ;. ;. . .;•. ■' ~, OR BELL' AND 'CO., ■■;; ; -'--,' J. s ■.;':.','.:■; •'...-.... PalmersioiifNorthJ; 1 -.;;-. , ,!;:;,. : '' i • /, :■; •'• - :; -, - vi a\/Bargain:-■ ;'!); ;i;^,: ' ,'Q/I iy K ACEES' close ,'to; .'township;; well .Ott- 1 .tP,,;'; fenced.....■; and: '( subdivided ' by, '■ ';■ sheep-proof, , feiice; homestead' - : with' ■ all .necessary -outbuildings; ■- ; present; stock 3000,. Eheep,' besides;;cattle; ■' and '.'horses". ■;■'■ When improved-:.would;-carry.- , considerably more...East Coast Railway Lineruis through:the property.;. Pricejior' " hold, J27 10s. .'Full particular frohi : R." :Masterton. r-y," ';'■/,;,'■'"',' J /no AND SEE-'RAUMATi; ESTATE. 1 ,hc : -:.-.: ;:---:, r .- GO' AND. SEE-THE: -BEAUTIFUL 'j '■■:■;■: .SCARBORpUGH BEACH..if v;-:: I ACQUIRE A SMALL':FARM; QUICKLY.- : ■:■ ACQUIEE. A' LOVELY SEASIDE V;- ; ;■ -,-. : ; ;-. V'li;.: SECTION:; ""„; :.;,;?,.--:/ 1 -Terms-easy: , 10-..per : .'.cent. ,'deposit, ,10 ,-, per cent.'-in sis months, ilO'-per. 1, .twelve months. j;.Balance' to; remain on '■' interest at 5 per: cent., for, five y'eirs. :," '• ■ Apply to'- -, :"■'■;. : ;;;-.; ; ;':' : -:-.-'-. : --. ..-:-•'■ '. ..-.*■■<-.: .;.-. -p. D. HYDE,:;-,,- ■ • '■■ ;. : : ; Raumati, Paraparaumn; ■ ' ; ; ■'/." ; , MILLS;. ■ . . •'-.'•' ■-.-' . ■;■■-- : ■■■.■■ r, Johnsonville;'." .'.Or ".- ■ ::;■'}-.- ; -':- ! •■■■;:':-: • ;'■;;.. ".;.:■. '■■. r: wilberfoss; ■•■■':. ■ ,'■'■'-.■' Australasia; Chambers,::Wellingtoii. : ' ' «t>O(Tir)| CASH will seeVgood man into.' , . a : Dairy Farm ; of; 134,; acres. ,-, including, stock and plant; 29 cows,'horse,.; ; heifers, etc. Price, .£l7 per acre (inclu'i ,; sive). .';.,, ,''-.V, '.' : ''.':' ~, '~;..'.;.:.. . ■ : -.' ; [ ' iCoOO Cash .will see'a.good man into n, Dairy. Farm of 102 acres,.including stock I and plant, ; - 30 milker 3; bull, 12 young I- stock, etc. Price .£l2 per acre (inclusive). •■' Both 7 miles from town.: T. W. WELCH, y Land:- and- Financial,; Agent,: New PlylEOUth.; ....;■.:: ■;;'■;■:.: •■■'.\''./.:--'!-, .■:" j ; /CHOICE FARM FOII SALE.;:- ' 1 Onto ACRES,, near, Feilding; ail:in JLA.Oy- .grass, with some patches of : shelter bush : This-is, some, of. tho finest ' land on this coast, and nas a carrying : capacity'of. 2J sheep. ■; There is a .real good residence, of 7 rooms: on the property, besides woolshed and.all.necessary outbuildings. There are ,200. acres ploughable, "well fenced,' subdivided and water--1 ed. Join's the school:,'and creamery • Price is .£l2 10s. per acre.; Terms ar- ' ranged. , •'■:■ ; : . : '""..■-,'. B-245 ; Further particulars from : : , , , ;: , ■ .VICTOR E-^SMSTH,'■;;.: v ■';", feilding;- ] -- :■■■ ;. : '■'■[■'. I q>A ACRES, splendid ; situated I' w in best part of Stratford, with first- , class tl-rconied ■house,. and all necessary outbuildings; all 1eve1,,,3 road frontages; very, suitable for cutting up; 5 minutes' walk from post offioe. Price, ,£2500; easy 1 terms., A SNIP.' , ; . , , -inn. ACRES, ,all .level; all been JH/l/; ploughed and well :so\vn.down in best English-grasses, subdivided into 12 paddocks; .5 minutes': walk from school . and factory, new house and concrete floor cowshed.. Nice property, and cheap at .£26' per acre; ..£SOO cash, balance 7 years at 5 per cent. ; ' - ' ■ ".-. . ' YOUNG,.'HOBBS.- : &' ; 'Cb., = ' AUCTIONEERS AND SEED MERj . CHANTS, ■ 1 STRATFORD, AND, ELTHAM. '.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 951, 19 October 1910, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 951, 19 October 1910, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 951, 19 October 1910, Page 12