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GREAT GATHERING AT MONTREAL. IMPRESSIVE.'. CEREMONY. The Eucharistic Congress at Montreal has been''opened under the most auspicious circumstances (says, the , "Catholic Times" of September 9). Cardinal Vahnutelli, ■ the Papal Legate, and' Cardinal Logue have had an enthusiastic reception in Canada. The 'Empress of. Ireland, conveying .the Cardinals and the many other distinguished ecclesiastics bound for the, Congress, arrived at Father Point on Thursday, September.l. The' vessel/wasboarded by' Archbishop Bruchesi and a deputation of clorgy and laity, who greeted the Pope's Legate on: his arrival 1 , in Canadian waters. The members of the deputation.were afterwards, presented .\to ; : him by the Archbishop..-. The vessel then proceeded, on her-way to Quebec.'',..' , v Welcome from 10,000 at Quebec. At Quebec a crowd of 10,000 people-as-sembled to, greet tKo' visitors,. ; and: thoy met ..with a cordial .Welcome; •-, The -'Hon.. Charles Murphy, Secretary of State, was present on behalf-of the Government:-'.At the' foot of ■ the citadel" walls' the were officially, welcomed by Sir Louis Jette for the Province, by :Mr. :Brbdemy Minister of Marine, 1 for the Dominion;'by cue Mayor.Mr.-Drouin, forthe city, and by Archbishop .Begin and.others. -... ■■.;■:'i A picturesque .feature of.the arrival in the port of Montreal was, a'flotilla of yachft and mo tor boats, which went down to meet the Lady ; Grey, which .conveyed ■the Legate.: '■'•'•■••:'"'■'.'■■';-:.' ■•■: ■ ..: '■' ■■' ; Montreal's Greeting. :.:> .: About 1000 • invitations were Issued, by ■ the civic, Reception' Committee.for.the, reception which was!given CardinarVamrateJQi- when he arrived? in Montreal;". This reception was,held on the wharf .at.the foot, of M'Gill Street.-.'A platform was erected, which accommodated, one .thousand ."-persons. ' ■.-'',-. '< .i; y -.;':'-■

.In presence of./an imniense concourse of people, ..-which:, .had \asseniblecV in spite of ,the. inclement • weather, / Mr.'.Guorin, the Mayor,-'read, an: address. containing •the following .passage:—"With" joy. .-we hail you. - Welcome! : . Ten .thousand' times ■-■welcome'!-;. And while-1,-who,am signally, honoured,; speak... these; words,■' -they*: are' wafted . from. lip. to : lip .our: beloved .Canadian /land,- and. are 'caught .up/echoed,: and reechoed again and ijagain through-all-the ;yast'expanse';of this'great continent, ;.wherevcr a; Catholic heart: beats, or, a Catholic knee abends before tTie;" adorable. Sacrament of our altars. ■ From 'the,. Bome/o'f the Old; World; ybif.come l;o;.the Home of the New..World; . for.: such has: this city. of churchesbeen: happily [designated.;. The ; same .'■ inviricible .arm;,.which holds 0n..-high -the .'torch- of; faithl;uppn the:, dome /ofV the Vatican ..illumines; us across, the sea; .and 'beckons -us.ever on--ward in ..the, unfailing light of '.the /infallible iChurch. ■ -The same .Holyf'Spirit which 'inspired/ the crowning' of; '-all;'art.with the dome kof /St;/ .Peter's '-inflamed ■the : souls ; of'those ,i ; who, : l;with;.. blading hands, carried rough -stone' with;. which' to. raise the first temple to,/the'Most,; High on the wild slopesrof ■■'..,•.-■' . Cardinal Vahnutelli cabled to thel.Pope expressing ' the "devotion/, of,.the" member's of the congress/to and referring\to 'the- Canadian;; Government's delicatei'/attentioh.-'./His •'HoHnessi-rjjplie'd :that, he. was, deeply- touched by th'e'i.m'es-; sage; and' sent '.tne .Ipostblic Benediction; /The' Cardinal also cabled the;,following message; from- Montreal 'to, the Ki.ngV-r----"The Catholics -of; r the', Empire,' anil.' the bishops, and,' priests "present-, .at-- thti '.'Eucharistic /Congress,//pray/.y.our•;Majesty/to, accept/' their ',respectful."',',homage,-oil-;unj-' swerving loyalty and profound'/gratitude for the., modification".inythe /'.Royal':-/De-claration.' ~ With' the'-members ■ bf; .'tile' congress; from "all parts'.of the'world,': I wish "your 'Majosty.'arid,:tlie ; Bpyal -Rimily continued'-'''happiness: and; prosper,it3'.".;: ■' ,Tho : 'King- replied:-';"J,'sincerely;thank" your . Eminence.-.' and - 'all ; present: atHthe 'international .Eucharistic r , ■ Congress/ ■~ for the expression. of: loyalty and good,wishes contained in the •;telegram. I; .received- ;jx>day with much pleasure and satisfaction;''

)\ ;;;.; ;>/;;;;/.'."A, .Vindication. '■', "The Times" • '■ ■ 'correspondent wTites/'as'/follows^^'v-'i-''- 1 .-':'; I '---- , ; -;> , '!'l '■';■■' ..."■' ':/.September/. 2. ; , ■; , In the /course of an "address'•'.delivered here to-day, ■ Mgr...Montez.-do.' Oca,' Bishop of- San'Luis, Mexico.'.who' was once/Chapr lain: to'-;the Emperor-. Maximilian,.said:■ ,; The ':Eucha'ristic /Congress in:': Montreal will be a/vindication.of the/London,Congress, -when 'intolerance; made'• it.'.impossible, to-carry,the'HolyEucharist through! the streets. -It .is ■only'.fair that/such, a: vindication - should;take, place ~on British SOil..' *'.'.■'.- s -;:i:::-'::/./.'^/.: r ::-/'., "•'j ''/..V : '..:A/-.Magnificß.nt^Scene,^v, i ::,;'.;:i:V '/- 1 /Y'/.'ft 'September.;.7u; / Such a scene... of' ecclesiastical.' niagnincence : as .attended/the/opening'. ', of'/: the Eucharistic' .Congress ..last ..evening in St. James's Cathedral has. never before been witnessed.'in: this/country'./ The church,' a niaissive'.replica-in; miniature' ■ of ■'■:&£. Peter's, Eome, -was'crowded' to the, door's, and; 10,000 V.people- /were/:. left ■■ - outside.'. Cardinal. Vannutelli;: : the:-Papal' .legate;' was', preceded.''into '■ the';;-" church by -. no. fewer than. 110 bishops; monsignori,: and abbots, the general: body of canons .and, priests taking their, places) with-: the,rank and file'.of the congregation.: '.'::.■'.: '.•■. A-' :■. 'After the.messages- bora' thp:King/and; the 'Pope/ ha'd'<been'read; the' heaa.'of .the. Archdiocese spoke", some /words _of /kindly" feeling towards 'others, not of" the .same belief. ■: He. pointed, .out-to the"'- Legate that'the hews; of the congress had been received'with /"^'extraordinary; : good; .will", by,' ."our" ; separated/-brethren." './Later ,-he ; ,sa-id' -to'. : the' Cardinal •.—"You 'will; rejoice : in the extent of our;. /religious -.■•■ liberty under the- British, flag,; knowing, fully. how, we/pTont'/by it" ; :. : : "'-;.-;'■'.-'•';■; '-'"' : // ; * :■'.'/ ; The 'brief: function ;of the -presentation of credentials '■ being /finished, , the Legate addressed; the 'gathering on', the -special purpose., of /his ,-journey, ".to: .'Montreal. There'/followed: a solemn,benedictionv.of the: Blessed'.Sacrament, at:which. Cairdinal: .yarmut'elli, was the celebrant. . .Cardinal: Logue,'-' although/ present; - took', no": part in the 'services. • '. ; ■■'■.■''/''-■'/:/•.::'''/■' ' The delivery, of the' Pontifical: blessing brought:! to ';'.•a' ■ ;close; the "most.•; Imposing Ebman Catholic-ceremony/yet witnessed in this city; of churches;, and: marked the great commencement of the.'Legate's ,wqrk,. j many,dignitaries have;cpma to' the. city.'' ■•■•-■.'•'.■[ .:;/;' .••.'..;..;"' ■■■■(;.., J;/ ! - .' . :'-v. • ; -.-" - : .v". /September 8. : .This morning, at : St/ James's Cathedral,, ah immense gathering, .'composed largely of ecclesiastics, representing. :nearly'every order -in. tihe'Eoman' 'Catholic . Church, 'received .the' Papal ..blessing; and listened to, an address' from'.his''/Eminence.';. Every: inch, of space ;in "the big : : church.'.was filled," ancf thousands.■ ■ waited: outsido-,.t0 witness- the departure 0f..,.th0:; Legate; The'sc'ene within was an /impressive onej. the. dark -tones, of .the''■, priestly... :gann«Etsbeing • relieved ;,here .and: there ■• by - the pure- white .robes', of of some sisterhood, t.,/.':.:)', :■:"■,'- .'.- ;■',:.'/

A, graceful' act."' of courtesy,;, which, though, sacrificing the custom of many Catholic. assemblies,, solved a threatening dilemma, was performed by' Cardinal Vanhutelli yesterday* at the .luncheon- • tendered by 'the. Provincial 'Government" of Quebec, whan.;bis,.Eminence .personally proposed the health of fore that of the Pope.-The Premier "presided, with' the-Cardinal ■ on his right hand, and Mr. Justice, Girouard on. his Left.:' ■'■■■,'.. ■■'■' : V ,'.•'. , v".

' The reception given to, his Eminence last evening at the Windsor' Hotel ; as the official greeting of the; Federal l Government, was a scene, of intense, enthusiasm and wild scrambling'for positions in.the. vicinity, of. the Cardinal. Consuls .and other :dignitaries, struggled in a general scrimmage to. get elbow room. Bishops in scores, priests,, and other .clorgynien, with of. Montreal business and professional life, made a fruitless,.effort to : preservo'; some sort of dignity!: , In spite of .the presence of 30 policemen,'. the people, surged"over; everything, and 'so disturbed the arrangements that the. reception was cut short. ' Cardinal'.'.Vanivutelli stood the rush, for .'some' time and submitted to the salutations; of,.' many people with his customary urbanity, but as tho crowd increased he'was to retire cafly. and seek rest. ' Before the general reception was .opened,'. the Cardinal -Legate was '.''welcomed by Mr.' Murphy, Secretary, of State, and . was presented to the Minister, Sir .Richard Cartwright.'.Sir. Frederick Borden,., Mr. Brodour, and' Mr." Fisher.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 6

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THE EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 6

THE EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 6