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'--f6\^ii'^^op/;!|/^|-^' :^; .."■"-.' -■".•'.'-" - .°'v--' ■■' ; |;:'-fe' ; ; . BOYS' INSTITUTE CAMPAIGN;; Vi;;;;'': ...Over i32oo;.has hoiv..' been: credited; to ithe Boys' Institute'Fund.''The latest sub-.' scriptions—<£2B7G. Gs : . lOd. has .previously".■' beeii "acknowledged—are as follow;—;;-:.;.-,.; . ; "Wellwisher,":J2oo. .': - v ; . :,; : ;-!;X;; All Sports Carnival (first ; instalment),' • :; -■■.■::<■■■:..'■■■■; "":^ : "'';!•:''.:-;-v -: •- : Per Morris Foi.-Dr. W. Young 1 ; Is.;' : .'; Dr. A. T. Perkins, £1 Is.; W. L.^Rothen-'- . berg, M Is.; 0. Stevens, Is.; G.B.R, ■■.■■■■ £1 Is.; F.D.L., Sl-:-Is.';; .J.W.E., 55.; ' Blank, 55.; N.N., 55.; G.H.8., ss.;' W; . Dison'; 7s. fid-; L.'Chaffey, 25.;6d.;:'G." ' Lyon, 2s. 6d.;E.8. Woodhead,: 2si-6d;; ■:. E. Stevens,.:2s. Gd.; .H.:W.. : Paine,;'2s.;:':>:-;. 6d.; M;;Tiirner, 2s; 6di;-A.'Birchi 2s. 6d;j';r" ; A. M., Seaman; 2s. Gd.;'.C. -Robertson, :2s. 6d-; D. Chant 2s. Gd.j G. Leslie, 2s.- Gd.; : . > J.Feeney, 25.; G.; Sullivan, 25.; Miss -'• Young,.2s:; Miss Hopkins, 2s.;:R.F.i lis.;, v :;. Barr,'. Laery, - arid Williams,- £10 10s. j; ■ "■->: j[ ;V;'-., . Per Mrs.. Moore.—Mrs. Geo. •;. £1; Sympathiser, -,£2; Agricultural'.lje-.;' partment staif,.,£7 16s. Gd.; £lft lGs/.-'iid,-'; .' Per J.'M. Morice.—Henry .Mitcttill,"•;•• £3; F. Wills,: .61; John'Nicol, £1: lis.;. David.Morice,ideiils.; Miss.'.Jane.Mdriiie,' ■"•'.'■ Xl-':ls. : ;-:P.-:H.i-'and Co.;-.52-2g|'^9;-ss'.*'-:-'■-..'"■."). : . .-Per.Mr. J. Thomson.—Employees, "NiSW;'■■ Zealand 35.:6 d.; A., Purdie, ' ;." £2 2s.;'.E."'P;'::Hay,':-il- Is.;;F. : Redgraire,. ; £1 Is.; J. Wray, 55.;-. J. '.Alexander,-.55.; ■ ■.'■■ Old Boy,.jei; Wet„G'ray; lOirPa'ssing the Ball, "iil'-Gs.; i^'lSs^Gd^-i'K;^! -■ - ; :-:;; : i['-:.-.-■;.'■ . iPer;'-Mrs.':M'EMb*aey.^K:D:, ; Is.;' -. F.C;Hi,-ss;; ,;J,B i ,'-10s.; ; ;3Ir;;Ewingi ■\Sf;. : : : . ': Is-'; A.B;v 10sV;::E.G^5s.';::Mrs:';M r Eldow. ' : ''■ :i2sr;-:' ;|;:v': ..; : Per.;-R. 'Pearsbh.—-Hat : Boi, ■ Ss.";''DOWEB..-'.■ ;Bros.,'lOs.; F. Shaw, 10s.;'Mrs'.;W. James, ■; : £1; R.G.D., £1 Is.; A Friend, £1 Is.; . '. F.: A. TWells, JES. Bs.- --.; -:;.•;.-■ IP-."■ '- Employees and;.." Co., .€s;;J..Mitchell, :£C^^-A^:^-^■ ■Employees New'Car^Sh'ed.-Thorndon.-^;'; A. B..Anderson, --£2^ 2s.;"'.Contractors^ £l •."-.-; ■'... ls.;:E.VHouge"rt6h, -5s.;;:S;/Smithes.;'-: :: J: Bachelor; 25.; ,W. ;Williams,>2s.; E.. :; Answel, 25.; -W.- Stairiton," ss.;:J.'. Fer»" ; :... guson,: -Is.;-' G.;,■ Kennedy; ,45.;,;,J.,-;Miles, ■-'•; Is:'; J. Jenson,,2s.;:D. Mah'oney," IsifD,: ; " Herd;. ; 2s.;;C..-Redding, : ;2s.;,Wattirig',.23. ~'. ' 6d.;-:W. Shepherd; 2s.;"P.?Wheatleyrls.j .;.' J:'Schulls, 25.; D^Kent,>'ls: ; "'■■■ / . >;■ : "•;;'Mr.-"and 'Mrs'.- ■-. W.'M'Culloch;(Napier),:i£3'3s;;'Employees; • ;.; Pe'torie'? Work' Shops;. :£S; : 12sl : : : 6d.;, .;Dr, '.; • Gray^Hassell, 1 ; "■<■■ '■'<"■■■ ;■ '?■ Per'Mft.tHbwitt,arid Mrs. Drrimmond.: '—Mr:.Scott,;los.; Miss Scott^s."6d.rMr..-;'-'; Haybittle; ss.;' Mrs:!R:' Scott, 2s: Gd:; :Mrs.; ■>'. W. Badden, 'jeiJl'-iMrs. -Fuller, :105.,'6(L;;.' : JE2-10S., 6d. .:-., ;;.;«":>■ ;.;'::. v .i;v-- : V;: a:/;-: - Department.Staff;: : ;i2 149.};...-: : Employees 1 Mental' Hospital, £2- 35.;"; A .: 5... : ..; -'...' ■Biss,-"i2 25.; St. John's Y.M:B./i., £2 25.; : . . Stewart Co.;. £2 '2s. ;,W. -Turn-:;::,- ," bull; .£2 2s.;;Hallehstein-■'and';Co';,--JB2:-2si;; _:;; Watkihs;Tyer.'arid.Tolari, £% 2s:; Friend, -\:~' i£2'2s. '. ■"' ;;'■^r>f :^'''*:Vi^'----.;A:; :;-/:fe-;.;- ;: ;;: - : Per J.' Hislop-Public'S Workß^'-JBt;-.25.-; -.. Gd.;'Stamp'Department, 12s: 6d.— £1 :155.. -APer Dr. M'Laurin—W.i'B.' Hursthouse, ■ 10sf;: Friend, ;.;;;' ''•-"'. .; Per : ::Mrsr;Hisl6pf4)r:>lzard,' i ;:;ieii-ls.;.(C. . Anonymous;; 10s...6d:;;Ffiehd?3s:-:i8P:Us«::::,..: • - Staff G. il. Banks; Ltd.," £1 'Passing::'.. ''■" the ißall, .iBl-15s. -ifv ;.:: -.'; , ;:vfc ; -;:. :- ■'Per 1 Mrs; ; J. ,; W.s!Black^J;-W;--:Blac:k 1 ;" JGl'ils.';-Mrs.'Hariari; 25."6 d:; Mrs..Dinnie,y;. .25.; A-Friend,-ls.-i^l■ 6s: : 6dv-j : - ■■M'^vr^- '■■•• ; '■-• • ■': -Mrs. E.- F;-Dick[" £1.15.; E..Buchokr;-;/ (per Miss Glen);'Sir-Is.; E. ■' Grove,".vi'■ i'■ '.Sl'ls;; C.,F. ,'■: ; ■Is:;; J.'iTrevor, ;vF/; J; v Pinriyv.:^l : :;;;; Is.; E. A: Christie (per'J: Morice), iris.;: ..' -per"J. ; W: ,Wall,';i£';;Mrs.cH.B.B:, ai;'.; :-; : Sargood;. Son;. and'iEweri .- Mr.; Martin (per Mrs. J..;.Sloan), -£1 ;£■; ;:;':., ■ (periJi: -Bbal),:; £l; ,:Mrs.->E.'• A ■•;;■- ";Kirklahd ~ (per : Mrs: Hislop);; 10s:; ,6d:-;' .: v'; 'King's ■'.'.Theatre ii. Performance; % 7s;': 6d.;.; ■;I ;■• ' (per •MrsXEiike),; 2s. .6d.;!:per; ;';:: Mr. Galloway-A;B.C,V Is.; M.S.G W ;ls. i<\.l] ■ F.J./ ,15.^3SA»;>:;K: ]> : j-fi "-.• "• V.-,- -. ; ' V■ %.. '• V--1 ' //.Lainbton Quay Police' Station, all hands,'.; j ; .Anonymbus/v:S2 2s;;>Gederholm;.;.::.; andwTolley, £2 '2s.i'J^Scheidemah.'and;x•'•:,■ Employees, <£1 8s;;- H/ ;;i;'■::> , A T/)tal;:-:to.:date,;;i32'4l57s.;';'4di:;;;::;:"v;v;;;: : : ; iri;additioh to .the stos;-:riow acknow.;-.;'; ■. is-expected;,that;, the 'sum-'bf,;. ! . r ; .£l2O at-leastTWill-be; realised from; tha.Wi;:Alk if';: . arid'the-ebneert in- ; .the',..Towh'-HaU.SThexV;'..: ; artistic\ r; pbsters'i:flsed;;;lqr^;ad%tising!.-'(;;;: ;Thursday's,c6n'ceft;' : in;:the;'Towii':f : H^ - were "the workAot ; Mr.:: George i-Wilson,o'i: of': ;Gualter, i Dykes; 5;3.;..,. #,■ -, ;-To 'ensure'theVfuridireaching,i4ooo-byf.-:> :■ ■ the : end ;of -thisimonth,.;a -subsidy^of->8; :; '..: by. a .generous'-.;' ; subscriber;'- who. wi'shesytb.'be known-.-foti-jV.;;; : the present-:'a's-:-"Faith;":;;:;:.: ; ':;•;_;;: :;v.;. ;-JThe: garden-' .be; held:at; Lady ; ,v; ;; :, Ward's ;grounds;;in' : ;Tihakori;'Ebad' haafc;;;; ; ' .; : beihg'taken"in':this'function,/;;-; ; 'l^e : members ";.of.the ;:Ladies'.:'Committea;i!i[-;'. ; ;are/aU ■working;hard;to;imake; the- affair s^ ; .' Those who-;had.■• tickets- to;.,sellifor?.ths;J ; ; v ;, ' Town iHall- concert ;:and: .bthet- ehtertaUHrisr?:;: . mehts/'rare" re'ciuested- v tb; return'."UMoldaji;..; : tickets "to Mr.- Mackepzie, orrto.- ; .'.- lis'Street. office,'"as : .soon;.as'.poss^ble.-'.ifiii; ordertthat. 'the- various accounts; in "conr,,; .. ; : inectiori;therewith;-may be; cl6sed.-;c;';jj\iW;>...-.; • :; ; ];;y]RLUMß^^^^ , ;-V.(By;ielegraph.^OPressl .'AssMiation.) ,^yy'??-* : ' i; : ;' : ;>-;:\. : ; -;-'-SAuckiahd,.pctote 17.,;g.:; ■■■ iThe ; ' has' issued;,; ; .award in: the.pluhibirig :trade; inv'corinec-'";:;. tioh: .with f which;;:the::-.agreementv;.M at : /between. the ' parties • was'.'-.submitted":;;;. to:;the; Court:.the -other;,-. '.The'-cbief;;; ; - ■interest;.was 'centred;.-in.'a..- •:•'••■ •.. : feferice "clau's*, :andi-the.:::«xclusipn : ;.Qf f aU'-,;- : -; other .employers.' but',,plumbers-.hnk.-t1i8,,.:; : - awards - »;The. ;;>.;: tached--to" the - award.-.explaihsvtbe'-posir.;': .; . pro7isb : "is 'added , .to,.the' : defiiu-f-:; , -: ; tiori. : 'of'plumbmg'.OTrk:so-,as'.foi'BUoyi;att':-. ; ';-.:; engineer to.d'o work-in ennection rSvith■■'; the fitting of; hot i; water -and -heating; ap-,; - paratus;' aUow a;'; . ' :The>clau».:providihg..for ,:payr;i-: irient'of. overtime: occupied .-inVcarrying;..-'-..<;/'■ tools-butside-hbursibf 'work', is -modified;."-,: ■so* as.:to;-;makb ; it; apply- only ,;wheitva; ; . ; - : 'worker:isrcarrying-a kit.ot-tools.;-;:The-;-. clauses ;in-connection with ' have : -been'. recast.;-:Soirie.;of :the::clause3;-;;: ,' in' cohriection with p'reierenw' haye.:been :■;.-. ' ; altered so ;.as"; toPmake .SthetnV mpre.;;uWv:; : : award: provides for; pre-;;;. ference of employirierit.' for. members;, 0f...-,.-;;.:.; : t!he-'union,:;ai)d that :! they;shall;-\vork;- ;; .only ;lbr; recognised plumbers..; or;; gasnt-'■:..-., ters; In these circumstances it is :neces- ■■...-'... savy; to limit -the:-:parties^^;theft"awardv-;: . tb : recognised; plumbers --'arid; •-.- : . parties:other. than.,these; havo-;therefore"-^v;, ; been.struck:out,; including:the..-Builders;-:;':; Hriiori';of Einployers.'';;;;; ! ;;:;J.yir\«i; ■'^•'•'r :: ; '■■■■■ EEMARKiBLE : ' RECbyERY; ■OF -;' A- f ;;.;;; >-■■- >YpuNG;;.GlRL;v%;H;t;;;;;;;;-;; 'Rheumatism;is;generaUy;vregarded';aa; r .; '; one.of.the most,cure,- • ;■■ and invariably, medicines 1 are. tried, simply.: ■: with:the hope'of teriiporary .relief.; Dr.:';;.::; , Morsp'slndiau.Ebbt.PiUs.-haTebeen-wor^'i-;:;:.; ! derfully;succe«fuli';merely::affor'd^;;;'; ing a cessation.of tKe'rr/ain,- ; but?by!restor--;; ing the ioiits.'to -their;?original"suppl*;;; ness. 1 ". .Used;: in"; corij unorion ''..with": iCom-.';•-;-;; stock's Nerve'arid JBoiirio: Liniment;-the ;;;.; ■ mbst stubborn peases;; of i ;Ekeuriiatis'ra,.;...;; : Lumbago .and "Sciatica' have ;be'eu;"overf ? -: - come. -In the case of; Miss;- King, :UnipnJ;;,.;.;;: Stieet,;Fostoi, ;:'N.2;v;_relatedj^by; : her;;;::: mother,;the results'bie'eeded-expectations...;.; She;says:—"My daughter suffered'.abutely>;' ... . from; Rheumatism, in; thearm6:and : 'hips,; ; r which caused her a great deal, of pain,' es- i .. " peci.illy. during wet. weather...; vHavine;;-;. tried many remedies','for Rheumatol,:all...',.;,of which-; broved- '.useless, .slie'/.went ;bri..i..'.-,. suffering until advised to.try-Comstock's;?; : :.: 'Nerve and Bone tEiiiiinent,. was; ;■'.-,' used in conjuubtioh-with Dr. Morse's'ln-,;-.-•, , dian' Root Pills.; After.; thefirst -bottle we;, noticed a. great improvement, : :so :Wo;;per-A:.;.. sevei-ed-':-with rthe.; treatment;:: and.;risedf ;;i. four, bottles in: all, : .\vhen:Jill:.6igns;o|;;;;; Rheumatism left: dhd.-jias;hever:returnedk;o.' : .since. I cannot speal: tub highly of "your,;;'.'.,; Nerve and Bone Liniriient, arid can alsb ? ; v : . ; recommend Dr. Morse's Indian :Ecot Pillt;V as. a grand corrective- for all : .cpmmori;ail- ;. ; irients." ;;-;-.i::' ; - -.■ •-.; Tho .'Liniment Js sold :. by,;,all; : leading !S -• ; chemists ;;aud:;stoi-eke;er^rs,;M:;will v :bp;;:. : ;:; ; ; •posted at Same* price,' 2s..Gd. bottle, i.-,;-'-:■; by the W.. H.-. Comstock- CpV;-Ltd^Farjßn;-i : ; -; Street, .Weiiiigton.^dv;t;; : ,;-;;:.;. ; y{;;;;;-;;. vi. ;For : iriflueuza : 'take;.Wboa^ 'Peppermint Cure. .'Never:: fails, 'ls.'ed.;. V" ' . ... -23.- ed.-Advt,- ;-;;;;;*;„.;:; '>.^^^fy

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 2