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l 3- l 'Mv-i ; AUCTIONS. /.:// ■ //■ '&WW- '■ v!'' ■'WAIKANAE/SAIJG/5 /'i 1 ;/..,^ t:;///■:«-/:/ /-///-to-day. ■-" --V ; ; -- ; " l^Ppc ;;; Tuesday;,, isth - October, 1910.;/' &- ; 1 "A'BEAHAMJ 4 AND'■.WILLIAMS/ LTD:, ; 'yZZ \AND:DALGETY AND CO., LTD.,' i:V'.---. will.sell as 1—;.:/--.- " -.'v--" v '""--'":".' : ";j-ilS0 mixed:,hoggets".."''; ■. :t : -',-'■"'■'.'■ :;/*>* prime; wethers "'";'''■/-'. '*'■■.■'• "c';S,o 60 prime, ewes -■/:/:'" ■'.' //'.■/./ : - .■ ///;■/.' 55 ew«s : 'with. lambs,'"-'.'.'■'■ //. -:'/ /:■'/ :./v .■'-./.". .'■'. r < .'/'/"/.;- 'v-.-^^-fSlO'ewes: with'over 100 per cent lambs: H/' ,:• m; 120 hoggets ;// V':- -■".- .-; '// ;// ; ;// / ;';'/'-/-ft" ZOO mixed'; hoggets-/'--i-■■/■■ A';'-'--:-/: /■/, . ;://./;/:/ ..2-year-: steers ;■•'•. ■/■"/.':..'/ <.V;-: : 'l':-.;vv-.^,3ryear.5WHpbl«v''-'> ; '.;'-''- '.:'' :-■•/"; : /// .'•/;% 15'.15-rrt'onthheifers/■-;/:- ;■-;' V, //;//•,/, (//- yearling ieifers''/, " '■-.--//'"":.://-'.' -.;//.:/'//J 25 yearling SB.: steers (mother reared) P:--VL-:':?10'".2-year'steers'-. •; .'■' - ; -i.■•"■•''• .'■■...■' ■-/'i'B;'-'-«■ springing /heifer's ■'. //.;/////,:.:.' ,-'..-: :.,.■::'',:-:.Oh ;'acobnnt': T/P.udhe'y,' .< ~''::Brnn,. who is giving up .dairying.:- 1 --.'-:'.; k-^ : ;<-: 8 cows .'and .heifers in full-profit; ■/ /~///':/:/;/l 3-year ; Jersey: bull: /,.; : ;-/^"!;;/'i:horse/ : '''/;; ,'■;; '/■.. ■ :: '^,yZy:- : ZZy->y :y >;;;':';«■::-'■ lv2-horse,.brake; ; iand: : harness ; : ;-,./, ;'.£■■;■'.'/-//2;10-galloh/ cans ////; ':-;- ;-/y : ;:/'.>;. : V;.;: : WEPNESJ?AY,:i : 19th>OCTpBER./:- ; . -. i'-A'-M' BRAmiLjAND': WIMIAMSI-KTO.;; '■-. ./.'/ .':■';**. y/wiU./sell./at 2.^.//;'/;-...::-; --:■>.?'■ ;K : /: : .v!.';.'-'.506-prime;sheep'■■';•':■■ '•'.'■'•■'.■■'.■' .'•:/,--/' :. : , ;■"■'.' - / :f/ 70.' prime spring' lambs -/ ■: , /;,■■--: *;i i/48 prime,, bullocks.-'' /;• '■;,:■/.,/ -ZZZ ■■/ . S//i Z SPECIAL%NRESER VED ; SALE ,OF Z /i/;//;///?^/:/'/£;/: h^ 20th 7pCTOBER,';'i9io.V /"/ . //.//;;/£rSL/;.will; sell-on-,account. ;pf/L/H/'Rich-j ZZZZZ^^ZZ^^^ZF:Z : ZzZ\ : 'iZZr''Z : ZZZ : :Z- : -': ?i!??ki-ftl'M l first'-cia'ss. wether ,tipggek ; //; : // -/■ hoggets;//;,; -/;..V.,;; Z'ZZZZiLZZ i. ; --''/i-i-lAll/well,wintered; on, turnips,! now. rimZiZZ 'ningi on. large'/crop-bf ; grass, country;, well. ';■■';"" t;- ; -in. excellent /condition;. ,-.;'- ' : '.-,i :Kave-been;inspected :by fc:^ f '.'-"the. ■auctioneers, {.w-h6v can; thoroughly.' re-,, '•'-«' J -'^€m';i , a?^a : -flr's^ ; olaES.';lpt,''which.. ■$Z ;-> ; lnblude : se7eraljllnes;,of ■: tip-top :hpg- : : ;; with^bne. ;e'ar-rnark:-{jH! 'ZZy:X - :ZZi-;.';>S?.--sAGlie'nts corning -.from'.' a;;distance S'V.ifthase cah'rely.'onvhaving-'stock .'properly.. =;;;i;v:"ritten'ded ■'• to Rafter:.: .'ia'ndf - v taref ully: , i'ii ; iWtrucke'd.: ;^Vt'y':'t '''^''.-' /; '- v \:Z:;-%'.VxZZ;<&s-y.-Z'0d?& 'STpCk;;SAE|,y;-vj! B-AXSETT;'--;: ! AND l .'",' l 'CaH wiU;;seU : -aa' „.... ~, ?Wkw^:Z-' : -i-Z:--:\. : -i : ZZ■■ZZZ ZiZil' !''>';;^'fSH-!V9b;ewe^'''-iinth.--lamb8 J .-at?'fM i'f-'Si':;£f;;4;dairyi- cows- in : , milk:.;-v:;.;i'i;.;V Zc-Z 1 -; V;; > ?f^ : y.J.i*-iijsprin^g : : - ? i'y ; ■;W.-'W'£.'- : W-'S .'::^'b^bATi'2()ti ,! OCTOßEß|"l9lb;'.'/-r ; ?-:: t : ; :-.12 OON^ - 6 ;-wiv7: i-ZZ JBB-evKS; .and'vlanibs./; :j> Z:'ZZZZ : . : : ; 'Z-Z-~ '■'• '^ ; :- ( :j;v';.i6o>shorn;:fat Lewes'; Z-':Z.Zi.)"-j,\'* Z'i-- 'f'k : ZZZZZZ: ;^100 : '2-y*ar 1 ;:!Sho'rthorii:'- steers, ■z^.'i^iiZif^ &:V."!:' ; j-^BOV-'2^eaf\Shbrthorn\.s^fera i;*:yrwfi;:V7s',3' ; an^l l i3^r'ibullocksU^*," '^y;<K^i-v;£'4o.^^ i\ Z?Z:iZiZZ'' ~2Z \ '■'.? " : p<Si ' Z. : iyZ? ;r-^4%&;vlojgpod-:idai^V;Cows:V,;/;J $ v|||S|FRII) : PCTpßEßy|mi-^: *S' I'AND^ ~;:;]; jy Ur^;'»wiUJ.eell;:'as;;ab6Te:;:at: l l::.p.m.^{.-'.-;: : yiZ '-f:e'?'.l3o' ewe;:'-li6gg*tai' (all, ; one -eaf-ma'rk).-A.%.: %:>i'3'lßo'!2 r t6offijv:lxJ;L^ : JsJ! ; ''i r :"^- ; i;;:-sjSwitH :':l00^ fat'ivnd Zfwn&i : -:ev<esZZAo'Z^Z'Xy fii^M : ;;.ya"is-month^ .i^-S:S?-;:*r-s;2^ear:^pty-: ; heifers:; J i.; ; ;. r X : ''^.:^(-y. ZyZ-rZiZ v' ; ls' 18-months *'grad«; 'JerseyVfoedfefs.;:':.;; %ZfZ.y, 'ZZ- IV 18-mofiths I ,' steers \ Ziy: ■ '' '%; yZ Z -iZ \Z ZZZZZZyyi: 3-yearv ZZ yZZZZ^!Z : 'ZZ %vl;Vv^^Vß:ster^s , pigß':';i- > i : : ft.7i:S ii-<vV?y\j'"';i' ) ipring-c'ari;; i -',.hc^ Iftt^feHPN^^ P4^S';;v-^jj...7;,^-.i;--^ : ; bP'i;T6VNi9.~;CATJtE:"' ">;*;; . iv instructions.;.. from J,-feJEketaiuria;.Tar(ls, 'as ":■;.;;:; i;> j';g V 250 ryearling v ; to ;,i5-mbn,ths'jP;': jAy<l;k:;.^fi:-:^stiee-rs-/^v ii '- ! ; \: /;£;. J'- i :;i5-^sof2 ; yeaT'told - Pi .'Angus '* steere": ] 'ZiiZ : ,Z Z■'■■ ''i'.i-t'fi'llOO;yearling l.iaZ 15-rdonths;..Shorthorn Zih , J- ,^^i;ivI ;.. , ;:'ste'ers;--:-:.: ■..:.'.;; ;'" •,'..',.' Hi.l;gi|;:KMjyMrling: f ZZsZfZ^ZyZ' ! -^y^^^^ 9 Z'iyZZZ'yZZ:ZZZZ]yZ^ : yZZ: Z:ZZZyy-: : i 20 '3-yeaMldi.: Shorthorn -;steers;:;-,A : -';'t 3 &g.,;3; v^etibne)er^^ :weU-bredi': M-.srtl.tUnes.:-:b.f'.'sjationi -cattle,..and' will-ibe'' sbld- : 'S."?f':" praeKc4llyi>wittiout' : ; reserve,.; inhnumbers' iJ^/itbi'suiti.purchaseTS^:,':/;^ ?\TKhriHE "NEW- ;ZEALAND7 LOANS : AND , ;--.-' : .-AGElJOr,:':i'-::.CO.;- , 7^^?LTD*vwill ; > selh by'Public';A'dctioh<at : ;S::->V--.-;.'Waipukrir'aui ::on : TUESDAY/;; .'the:-; 25th, !*i?Z ■iviihst.i-i-.withoutv.-reserve,-.tori.•.account'.: of V'*B;.'V-MessrK';vjy?.;;:'J. : s"'and i -V-V-.^/V.-!.';';^!-.•*-'-!,-■';. S^;fS2o: ; 2v.;3;Vana.'iyear<id^ Polled .iiiugus -Bii;lV'!>-;i.;;'-; ;Hb : allSr"',V;;;..''L."i'Uv-: ; ./!: ; ,'.^7 ZiZZ:} /"' ?;f|.-,,;g|-i: : . y .'r: : ANNUAL;'^ ■'. CATTLE-ifAiit; Zyr-'-'zz'^. ft • : ; ' : v ; # BRAHAir^AND: vWILLIAMS/: ;LTd!,: ;.;:;,. iyJ *•*■'■■ ; will ;SelL at:;thiir Yards,'Rangitikei .•Vv :^;BtrMt;-"at':;-12p%bn^ S ; a;;''--fi'jlMj'fat; and-'forward;4 vandys-year:;b'ul-;;"':;v>'"^: ; i::'^l6cltr ; ;:.---^.'-- :;::: -;''-''' ; "'-'''.V'- , :i-'' , -i: : v;'';: • 300;2, 3;»and..'4-year'bullocks.^.7:'■,'■;•'• , ; j : v{'-,v;;-'v.2(H) : ,-yearlirig';'steers '; "•':: - : /': : , ; ;.v 7.i;: '.; -2do'yearlinc.;heifers: ■:'.'■ •'■'",-•■;-■; v'';;i.^:lso.lß-mbntns;cattle .' ■■..;': '■.;., 3 ;V:V..,:;. : 250 selected ■■'• 'yearling '."to.. ~18-months ZZZyZ ZZ-Z - .' .' " ' " r .[ '' ' " r ''"'"'.'""" '~' .% 'Z'yZ '"/';?, :; ' ; 'v:-':;FOR?SALE.-'\.,;- ,' r : ;V ;.-. nn> EAL, good,' /partly-improved' "property y : of- .1660.,;acres,;;L.I.P., : .;reiit; : per :';'.-.':;;■;: *inum ,";•' 500,' acres 'in. grass, balance . in; ; 'biish, grass portion: ring fenced arid divid- ;.-'' \Z ed into 6, paddocks;' will '.'winter ; l-.owes ;.:';;■ :per acre; (guaranteed); buildings'O'consist : of',2-roomed irbnHvhare, 26 ,x H and shed la -s. linstock, and sheep : ydrds!.. Prico ' Vonly X 2 155. : per acre;; iudrte'ago ; "iisis,' ;':'"" O'.A. to S.;,property is situated 23 .-'.;"; /miles from the Coascuy a good road, all •'- low country, .and to the man that wants : ' ; ','.ei4t-class .sheep wo can .'thor-' • '"■■■''•■- - oughly 'reconiniend .this. ,'This: property ;;.'.., is .worth, the price ; asked,-if ail standing. -;"■ ■:■;;-;:" : biish. r -- -.■'■'. "■ -.; f.v ■' - v.-' ,:- .-;.'- : - : .'''- ; . ,;.".:. .; ° !v; -; ,' oWrh ' ACRES; freehold. Hawke's Bay,' ■: L .-; Oi U. overlooking the sea, 9 miles fron; ; ' . good town',; good motor road, - -..subdivided • ■ '■ -into B.paddocks;,50 acres;rich river flats,. - ; tbc balance' heavy; rolling country; all ■'■" ploughable; well; watered.. Stock wintered on 270 acres of low country: 912 weth- '■ eis 100 head. l-ycar-o!d bullocks, and 40 ■'"'"' : mixed cattle.. New 7-roomed house,. every ; convenience',"'onthonses, orchard, iarge shbd, water supply.- This is an ideal fat-' ■■■■-.'•■■ tening farii handy to good markets. Ow- ' .'ner muse get'away from the sea for,health ' -reasons: A'genmno bargain at the prico ' : '■;'•' asked,' 'JB27 : Jier: acre. Inspect this. Coch- .. ; rano and VntmentiU^ and-- Estate : :-;- .Wastertpn. . P. 0.. Box 112. Tele-. ZZZ'ZZ;'pi^.;&-yZ:sZ-rZ>-ZZzZ : Zy-:'zZ-y' '■" '.. : nnHE■..Results' obtained by Advertisers ■I ' X. 'in. the' Classified; Columns of' "The Dominion " are;; to. confirm their .'-■ belief that the paper has a wider circu- ' lation ' than', any-, other daily journal in ';.;;;/New-Zealand.; •-. -•-.;.-.■.•.-'-—'

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 950, 18 October 1910, Page 10