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/..-■'.'■.■'■ ■ ' ■ - I — ' "THE DOMINION" tells you things yw-vaatto know, and tells them well. tt isa lorcelul, vigurous Paper, backed by sound enterprise; and its readers are eminently valuable to- advertisers.

.'. ; V ■■■ : '. ":. \ : 6'H'lPPiN'e'..: / //: -'' ;.;/ V tHTJDDABT, ■'■■ -PARKER ,{.; LINE; :v {' FAVOURITE/:!PASSENGER-SEE,viOE, : •• Sailings>(circumstances permitting). ;.:,- ' v V>'" ; V: FOE'LTCTELTON!'■'■ and '{PUNEDIN:,: •-WimmOTaVi i 'ii'riaay.- : '.;oct.? '217- 5 p.m. 7. W«tralia>i-V-.Priday;-,':. ••, Nov ,4, : ;,5.p.m. ■ -7; -.Wimmera 7/{;; Friday.; /.No'y.;lß. \';s.p.m, - .-;-7 {FOB7MELBOURNE, via- LYTTELTON,' /';" X v :OT!NEIOi;:BLUFP;|and ;r HpBAI!;T:;. '*,'.;.: ;;;;OTm^a^"Thnfsday',;Vi , ;X)ct.';6 ; .';' 5 p.m. FOR v NAPIER,-• GISBOENEj'nAUCK- {> /^:V,:.{77-' LANp;:a»d;SYDNEY;:'; {/';;-. {■{7;' ; : V Viotona ,". -Friday:;/"-':Oot: : U;-; ;2 p.m. .:.' ■ "..'. - Wimniera '.':"Thursday ■''!.Oct..-27-.. 4 • p.m. .7-!.;■'!'; .Wcstralia V^TfiursdajSNoV;-10 ;/ 4;p.m. PP -py} ''-:\ {• •FOE;- SYDNEY^mEGTy,"r'7 ".?.;■ v;A;::'KOTmaroa>;{^.Friday; Pp. ;{Obt.{ r -{2B.- 5 p.m. {•W7 •'.'. ; ''.' :! -''•!■'i ; ■■''^^.witt,■Scre^VV:;l>;; , ]f, i ..l■■'. : ■.. {•''.-'.. y'':-'P --Cargo;' .',"'. '■'.;'■.- ;{' hour, pbfofb; 6ailin°r- : time;! yppPp ':■. ' {7-. s- All ! ; tiokets ? are'available" also' for. stopW-' ' Dver ; ; or 'return 7!''!CO.'S STEAMERS, and. holders of U.S.S. bv'./abbye-named. ;\ Office/fotvNew.MandC Queer's, • _.;\- f C-?Xhambora,VWellinßtonV.:i; ■: ?■'jf;-vjVri'Sl. :.■"."-. -: '!' V 'vi ■• 'TITHE ;un'dernientionedi-ST.EAMEES .-.•■'/ /..'. ■' i ";;{. leave.(circumstances permitting); as ' .•.■'■'■'■'•' -follow:— .■.••'■'•■.'.■;: P- ■i'--}'y>:i:: y '■'. :: :; •;:. w": FOK-KAIKOTOA-nnd'S^TTELTON:; ; 7;, ; 7:-;- yPyp : P- <.Via- COAST.:;-{!;/';" -. - \--; ..-71 :.;J : {DAT,; : at;'4;!p;m.: {> {{{/tor. footon Ppy ';/" ■• : P :\\&i(S QUEEN' OF -THE;SOUTH^Pb:S77 1 '' '■- {::;. /.//^{{ov/^pPA^ :-.:,■■;■ 'v :.;;For?F,reightandsPassage■ sipplyito^v;;'.7-.! ' k-pPf '; AND; COm; {;' Ppyl^.py:,Sl^]NGyi^jT^yypp 'y{y^oyy¥ : isy^^yw;; ; '.{■T/! ..•;;--;:6,S.i7St6rmbirdv?i|; Saturday, ppppppppp i; 77 ;:-'F .'i'-EOB'i NAPrEß ;: (lnner • ;HaTbo\rr >> and'--;-.. ■Wtf;;vi;:v.;^&^:EAST; : C^ •:'y-.:V:r S;S.;.Kahuv;Jh;i^Pndny' : S's>f: i> * -P; 11 ?;-: ■ ; :it;u>!v'S;S/;Bl^heim^ '•-■:r , ;;:;;-:. v - : '6V)FfiENCffI : PASSv:'AND;'W^ ;.'-J.'.;V:;ißfeMaSafoa^;' :^ V^-'V ; r::r!::T^ep^h | One"ii:'f^'^.f;.^;V:t:H;v^*^ ;S VV KK- ADSTRAIiASiAN. ililNE;; '■' ■ f; v ; r jft itA'ciE ;;:beazley;: ! :and7<cxx, ?6f : 'i* ; ■?; (■;;:■;'VTVWaterV]Streetl'r/liiverpqol;.Dispatch fc vvi':'iirdn>'V'essels:;bf "tho v'bighest vjclass;- from; :. ■ :•:;•;.i:;liverppbl-,- to.\ Wellingtpn.v'and'ipunfedin.;at; / ;Mo 'Phono'f44»oi''t'i*v''i':'';.' I •' a-^v;:XJQBNSTON^AND|GO.;yLTp.;jAient9::;V; ■.: : •:;,fr : '^FolKwing':-are^.th'e ■J.progp'sed '. ■ Dates' of * M;-:},:- from: ;> Australian's; ■: Ports '■■■[■ for. '■■■. v^">Xbnd6h:T^V;\:x^':K\':-.i v; ar>3V;:A ■• : ' ; ' ■;i -:;;rt-:Steamer.^r ! ; VToiis'|,*ffilb'i?ip -'•fe^*MAI.WS; ! : ;l(|i5(H)T ;bct.i;2t • Oct'.:'2at' .■..••;:-'i-. : '?";«MA'GEDONIA mm iiJfov/i'S 1 ; ; -Nbv.!i3.i ■•;-.'■v--.'v: ; .«Moia3AvrAi': to.oon' v-Nbvv.-sa;-.' '10;0d0- "M&<fi:J . :il;6O0"' 20V ; i.;'.t^;:»JfOOMAN?* ; ' 110,000' »Pei!*Bl' : >'Jah:-,'3)'' ;.V ; ; ; ;:;v^CB:iNA2 ; t-8(i00',: : Jan./:^ 1 "Jan;:Vi7 ; ■.:;:>-:■:.:.■••MANTIT'As-'s?'. VJOiCOO : -.-Jalfr'SU v^-";;' : >t*WALVf;A•>& : ; tn.srin >Felj;-;31 : >Peb; : ,;l4V' '.'■■; : i A->M'AGEDONIA .10;500 :Pefcv ; 2s. •■:.;. :.,'-:;:-j .='.i;«MOTiT»'AVTA'';'; .)iy,oooA.Mcli; : 22 :i-Meh'. ! '-'25 v :: ,;('.'■: jApl:'vß\ I'.':"/ - c :VX^:^v ;; v^.*T\rin''ScreVi.Ste ; V '?■■■•• ■"■ : '.- ;,; -,'f.-.v-' i -Bombay.'' bri;-4tht:Marbh!'V ' -' :.-.: ; -,v' 1 ': IEATES^OFAPAPfiAGE^ONE^^Ta;-: .'?■- '.'v-k Salobh; 'Passage vtovi.'SydneyJH:: 1 f ■ -■f:-i'--:y SINGT;E : TtICKETSt;X47:6sV'to'»jEBB;^ -> < ~J):l 18s.};aiid -SM, ■'.. 'iy^V;- JOHNSTON : ;AND:c6;;'!LTb^agent3.' V ::..-'::-.;;=fni^'^LU^CTp^:^lNp.'^ -;- >' Anchor. Line.):;-'?, y.' i :. i -For ipEBAN/GAPEvTOWNi rantti;" Y---ft'.k^.^v;';»^:V'v^;>LONljp^^'.'ftia-;^K^^^ V'-O'V" •'•■' ; .v-.'': : -':.}'r :''!"'■' y : ' ;i - "f ;; v _. -v: ','^l«iiv»«' - -'- ' ; : '••; ;...; ; a-.Ptea'mer. -- Tons. .Commander;. ■:;Sydney.;': r- /!; V' /; Wiiiamnii;;;''; ; ;tCOO J'.'j Oct., ; H:18 ■ - r..'■';';"..■•Cbmmonfii'/'- ft •'■' '. '■'■:" ; ; ; :;V;■"■.'■ ■'■■'; /- : ;".: ; ;:-; ■.';■: '; r ,'.::.- , ; . jCOO Hine: ; .-■';.■' > .Nov.* :-12'' ■:' ';. :':,;. 'Geelonz--: -■ -;gOOO I Simbnds£■'■'/';■■ Dec.j v 11; . V' U 'tolXbn. ■'■■. '&:'. ■'-.'■'■■'. \u- ! V;>doh;. by.' ; this,Steamer^ : : / i. i , : ,v;; - ; ■'■•~-;'/v#\ ; :'#'-^ ■,'-'.: ;■: '. ;^; Weliir.Ktbn"' to'.•'; Lbndph;; il7/:;to'> £ffi'•: to V:\Cape:"Town'.-or; Durban, ,£ll Us.-; to £36; i ■'•' '.V"'.3se. vv>' ";"';y r: i" ■;' ; V^ ! '- ; :';;'. ; :' : ;;-';'. , :;.-f.' ;;■; ■„,:. ..'"/ (v-Rb'nnU ; the 1 World; (from: Sidney),' from .;;.;.;■..;.'■'l'jEiarJOs.-.,; Z/: ■ v- s 'VS '';,:>">..; ; ;: ' ': . Spacious 'Cabins.' -Excellent Cuisine.','! ; "•'.' : Eettirn: -.Tickets.. available:- Aberdeen... Linei . : .?,-:-For 'all-particulars.apply 'to"- 4 -'--- : ■ : < i' V,,:/;:'':-U.UEEA>:.;i:ROBKUTS;-A^b,':C ■i:'.''■ '■'.- ' : "-^-V:'..-i.-V:fe!:--Viv."V' : ''W*lfinntoni' : l'-•■ -'--i v '\ v/ "V'';:';■.'.-'. -"jiIPERIAL^JAPANESE:;MAILi LINE I !'■'' :; ' ; "' , .;--':l/.;.'■!■' ::" ; ' Calling at' ':'" : . XC '.'-. : --■;.'-. ;'BRISBANE, ;TOWNVILLE,'AND ■'- : -U:xv;^^-'THBESpAY ; V%jAND,£^y:: : :V :'■ -.'; ; - ■ .--■' .. Steamer: ■;:-.| I'oii!'. ;Co'nimander. Date..- ..; Maru 4000; 'TC'Sekine--■''■'. Nov. 2 ; 5500. M. Yagi -: Noy.-30 : ; , : ; Salobh". ''amidsliips,'. tw'o-bertli -.-.'. ■-..--. bnly,;;:'«acli/'. ; ,cabin;.,fitted '■■: with-;.cle'ctrib 'r. fans; I :Linen Washed:'pn board: at'-.moder- :■■'■■ ':■■■:., ate'prices;, : ; Vi-- : --v;-.';J : :.\ ; ■•-. ■":'.':':/. : ; ';.'■>?;: '.'■-■";•- -Fares;'froin; Wellington^to.'-,-LondrinV'via ■ China, Jap,ah,-::Gblon:Tj)o/Port : Said,'anil :(-;.': "Marsbilles':-^Sirstrblass 1 -"';iliO;.i ! .'Bingle,:-'-Ee:'-;.-'.---7. turning .via- - Suez-per IP.; aiid ''O.: -or ,y..'V..;Pri?nV^&tt£K. : '■ 7/ -HUDDART; 'PAEKEE ''ANb ; !cbMPANY ' :■;.;:- ;■;;■:-; peopeietiey, : ltd:j;v;;,v;':7. '■':'", '",-;■..-.■-.;•■:;•.-;' 'i;~$'Avr;- '■■ /AVellihgton' Agents v .; y ./,:•.-7 redtjCed.faees to London; ■; ':. ■■:'■.-,: ■:■?' ] : : .:-k:- :^m,. y. ■ '": r '7NOEbbEUTSCHEE ; -LLOYD '/'STEAII- : ; r •'.-•.EES..-as:mentioned;below. '■' ::'_'-7 ■■•'■'''■;'"'■ ; ,1 7. : .-:'!'' r .)','■■ i.Leaves ■ 7, 7:7 .7 Steamer.-r > -Tons.-: Sydney.- -: ;;:*e6oN y- ; 7; yy -}ym^ ; ' .Nov,;!5 v " „''.-' "BREMEN >:;..• 11,570; J v Dec:-'" 3'/"• ?. 7>SEYDLITK; •..:'',- ,78,000-. ,Dec/317 ' '■. ' ".■;■;'.; : :--';'7'-'- : .:7.;- 7:77-7 7 ..;.. 1911; ..;•"•, : '••'.■■ ,*GNEISENAU,-'-:. ' . 8,081 7; ..Jan. ,2S ■'■■:' 'BAEBAEOSSA:. 10,9157 . --Feb. '25 ■■ ■' •'■■■'■■ *iGEOSSEB :''■'..''" ■■'-.■ .-•-.7 : . :■;■:"; ;KUEF[JRST:'. '13,243,'; . : -Mar.'-25';'■ ' .''.'■■ .■•■ i: 'V'. , '.- , Twiri..Scrciv.-..;-:.;.•'/.■'.',,.■' ■.;?■';■. :: tThis is. theJavgest steamer of any line ■ [■:,' :■:.; trading ;-to ..Australia, ..and will' land' p as . ;;.eeiigors- from Neiv.Zealand and 'Australia ':. ; :in..good, timo to ,seb;.the Coronation: c-l King George'-V.,:':.;' /FARES FROM: NEW ZEALAND POETS' ; y;■ -, ■-'-&; \. tolondon. ■.-.- -.': -v ... First-class single, JE7o:Bs.' Return .£lO5 -, ;-.;■■■; 12s. Second-class single, 18s. Return ::-...i!64-.75; Third-class single,-iElOi'to ' ,£is' :,- Return, .£29 .to' ; ; ~',', ;.' . For'.passage and' fiiil particulars apply '" : 7: 7.' CASTENDYK AND FOCKE, , .-:■' ''■■" '.-' 22 ;Harris Street. ' • ' "telephone 191.- Airenta

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 1