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R h : AUCTIONS, '-:'--'>.:.' i'-:. •' : ;—-—— ■ / " ■■■ ■;' f|/. ; J,-'.-!. ;^levin'.sal£'.■■'■ /.-'■ jC/i TO-DAY.'; ■■' ; '■!; -;/TO-DAY. '- " «/; ; ": -,■ ;.. : i4tK. October; i9i0;.:..--&r A;B»AHAM i! AND WILLIAMS,' LTD:;sell, as;above, at 1.30 p,m;:—. ;/;;/./: .80 ewes,; with!.loo 'per.'-..-.cent', lambs S^r:. c . ; .'^:(K<)od)- ; ;-\ ; - ■:.:;;-.-, :..■ :;///;3fl f*t: rethers' .':; •';//'-'- :':;■ ; 'i'*" fiw*-'ls3s.ewe -hoggets': ; : 6v;V rip-tsp wether hoggets ■/ - .; V /', s;-;/~j2o- print* •fat ewes •.;•• ." //./■//O prime- fat larhbs/vv.:•■"':'-.'- ■ ; ;/..->;S» M-TB§ (off hills) j•■'.;■;■:-' SO ;SJ-yetfr....bullocks -;..'.' 'X : . ■•. ;>,.'• *•■ font-aid 1 , empty' cows Yv/./// ;',/;-:j!s -2'-' to',Si-year, grade Jersey empty y-' : /'-' •".;'. hsifers •.- -""-.'" ■"/; ■;■ ~"' ~ r./'Y/'9 yearlirirsteers " ; /'-. ? .\.'.J ■; V . '■■■-'~. v.'i 4 fat.eows; -. :--;-'''.YY:Y/.Y:-:''Y- '-/'; .-Y.4 springing cows and heifers!/'Y-;/:'■ SVv.,> .v 4 3-yenr-bullocts"; --'.'YYY;;-: YY'Y■/•' te;,.V- : if/./'/ -heifers : \ './'■; fYY'Y! ";;;./! ;;YYY Y;Y Y. 25 empty' forward: cows Y •';■', ■■■'■'■'■■'.'- - / /;-//20.2-year:-steers, :Y-YY;Y : -- ;.V: -.///.:: y;/ ;:.-. 6 bullocks;.Y;i" YY'Y ; - !■; r■■'■■' :' pY/ .12, young; l empty,'cows YY/ >'/Y:-;YY: cV r >;« 2-year'''stoefs ; 'tfirst-class.line) ::■ > - < bulls YY"Y;!:Y' : '-.'■ f; &..¥:6.P.B.^S;H.-'/springing vcows'-'vand tf.i--Y- ■';/heifers /'■/. YYY;;/y/Y;////■:: Y .'X •;YvYY2o>yearling: steers" Y/YY/ZYY/Y Y;YY JY~-20 2-year'.steers YY, Y : Y;Y:.: : :/YY/ : Y" ; ' /■"/Y,/3 fat/cows; Y.;YYy -YY'Y/YYY Y/Y'" Y,;.'..,'.;■';. < ; fftt', heifers', .'■■'•'//. ./-',Y //:-';-'; Y'.YY Y &y,;Y. '■'. jr;jf!!■;•'.;'•'■.'::■'.':■ tti'c- VYY-—/; /Y-YY'/Yl-- Y, ■.',;,':'.:;'^^TO-pA^;i^'.^.-.ii.:;^:j ; : f^IDA-'Yr.ObTOBE^ |;^ALGETT : t: &£. i. :iom \ •';" AND/ Y/MERCANTILE' 4SENGX; m, 'LTD.; .wiR/selly:££.; i &'■'.'!•.; 100. flisfcxlaW;™ YY..':■:SO.fatShorn;wethers> :': : >;: ; .\': i. "■'; /"-"/-SOxfat-ewes'Y ' v 'Y 'V.Y:Y'Y : --;Y:;:Y/' y:;VY ! '6Mat«ewes : '--5.-;.' v- ; :; i :; Y-! .;•: ; i;iVl3o, ewes, with" 100- per.. cent.-lamb's ■!■.' '■' 50; fat',- woolly wethers/';/' :. ; :m:/:- :.;:,;. ■;UVii!;B ; primb'. - .h^ifers'^:.-V;N^i r ;---:-''.^:\' ; -! ; :. : -.-;v'.-:': ; B:.'p'rime;-cbWs'-.'■•■: V :^-': ;;i :; :;"1; : ' ■ : ;; ; ;'SVi; ;:;■:; 8-prime; ; bullocks.:-' ■r. ;\i:.i prime;' cpws '.".''•,;• ■'/,■:'-'.'''•-! S?!;?i'y'y ;. :• wv, i;marepß,years,.'siddle' and: harness,; .; fast?trotter -/-:-; : /'-!-l^ f : :l-'.i''r-: ': : : : }fi:-& LEXTIN-Pi^-SALE^iyf-ift- X -;;r:V:;;y; ' . W ;.J:FEIDAT,;.;bCTC)iiER : "Iith ; : ; ;v::;N? 'v : ;/! : -At;.l;:o , cIock!"6harp:-;':':-;. i ''-i.;'' "• HITCBmGS,v.BINkiNS;AANI)I;CbV1 ;CbV : ; ■LTD:i'LwiU : ''sell';.'asr-alMTe>H t -■: ?;<: : vv2s ; -pnme)iporkcr6*i^:;::.':'■::;:;'';' 9; l . ; :- : ; ? ,;::. ;. : ;S'bacbhers';--i '';- y- : ;:':;i : ?;V:s;-;.'v:,--;' S-; >0 ;15' :^anefs'V' :SC -■:'" '.•-.■, V' rir'Vi; :10;storei ■)?;-.--] ; -y -•'iV:-: s:V: U : * ! IS'feS;V; :! - : :;- wiul'sell ?;. i~ .;i i ;::; ; I; :',•';'■ /-:>'!' '■•:/;■ "'?:'•*•' «i;-•■:•;>:66;y«ari'iiig-;steeT9>-.',;;' ■■]':^:^l^-.^' r: 'i ii" ; ; !■:'SD.'yearling'"steersy>;;..;■. '?£ ,;;■;;.■;■; \\-k;- ;;■; j^C-;-''-2!fat''.MWsV-''''^^ K:;Av-S;;b^^^.;^-vte'^!i?S:iV : '.;i4-^J^ •^^■6o!fat;]ewVs-;/:^' : iV^;^u : ';'-Vg';^ K ; .':STJ SO --mixed" cattle/;"'!' : '" y' : i : i(l t-. r 2/?0 2j.hraf«rs r^ KV^ ! .''i;3: T weaner.rsteefsv'-^': r -r:'^^':^ :'■■: ■'■; SS-tipurebreH;' Jersey .bull :f(bred^:by';': S;: f^v^.^'.ttlßakerJS?^:;^*;:^*^^);'^'' Ci , .;.'..u'2[store'<;cows.y7:.:/-Vi : S'.'~.^ 9:? '.■■'£ SO. 2i-yearsSh6rthorny :empty;: ; ; ;;; :1 S\;;:6 yearlingtdairyy/.heifefs'.&ii;;:::; ;-..*.' ; :\v:.%.:"2rTCarUngy;Holstbin;:Bais?;^^yl' : s';'.'? i; : ;';.;-.-'l;hack>.(mare)y;;i';: fip:. ; -;;■:;;;; :ri;.'V;" s ;' ';4;;;; ; 20: yearling; heifers;:: ;-:si- " : ; 'v; >; S;f" iV;V;N£2'o;'gDo^spn'ngiri'g[h#ftis^ ?%■'£';s<>'■ fi':-'^-r: f : V-'i>s^l,'. t 'i I v69PS ; '.taWp., : Potat^ .-.;,-.\J : s;safck^ -pig.potatoes.;"-■■';;A''?;:"j ; iv': f/■ ■": ahconnt Barber: Estate' (annual: si:; drafts.•:;/;;;,;;' ; ; u' ';; r ;,H "AoU..;S:^;.';.^-: ;: ; :■' V?a ,';; 100 yearling. Sh. steers (1 .'earmark) y-j-., heifers: (1 ; earmark) ■::;■■ ftir/.'^s.-ttiMSjOT:'.^ : i'.' ! ; L iii--S ,st«CTS';(i'!'eaTniiirk),'-K;;'J r-",; .■:;-":-y'jeCO'feidj.TOolly,-. wether"hbggbtsVU^o'ar-' v'; ; ,:(S;V: ; '"vinwt);;:;;;;^?! X;'-;^ v : ;i!Sfs'-!i : ?l 5-; : ;^200 airad;;rboUy!"i»ggets;"(l ;carmark) £,-;; ; ; H lO3 .ewes \ and' lamb|,'; 100,: 'pie ji 1 cent.t'.- :■:■. i '.\>f ; ;-*;:-v58." -«w»s.'amd :lambs, : l6o;.per; cent; ;■. .■'. K:':!.;!::18»;3rx*ww : L>;i ; r-vhi i; :::>' ;;!•:■ ': :; Ai;- ; v;-VV(;v fe;;;feTraift iUeh-res '.■•• PalmerstontiNbrthi! aty9; : K;.'^m'.'^)Oo^4A^bn^^;^ittUd ; «imititinicbta-'i ;-'.-;with A'uctibhe6rs,rb';cohvbyancb;tovsdlb a! |g' f6w):3ajs r ahbaa;; v!;;i/|;*J;;pSK(;?i' |^ r -f: ■: y ■^p^i;;^-^ Si'!*^^ B^^^/1 ?*;:OCTQBER;fl(9l6;?;;-' ■!':-:-A ;: AND ; if;,: nrillv'seli; .as '.aboybiat. lypimSrVft •)\";o'>).;\ yV!vT3lSo'.':'iniied': ! ioggbt^^^^ |fl.:;vf;;6o.'prime*'wethers :Wf*i tH^w- : tyVA"-?;.': •> pH';-;^"';ss;ewes"ywith;lambsyy ; j;¥; ? .f; ; ;;:>;^';;';!^ ::;;^V''-y'lo'pnme. ; -lambs.;V r;;;^. I ''^';;'«.:.■;;:■ ;3Ki p::?y:y210 ewes ; :with^tervioo' ! per<be'nt'lambs': {H;; ; /;;;i20:hog , getsVy-''-:VV"V' ; M.fci,?- ;;;,;■ |jW;:fe ?; 25.'yearlir,g"S:Hi; .steers ■'.(mother reared), &M >v^";2-y«ir. ! ;'steers i^jy;^:;'iW®^iiirAS fe : ''''''"s^si.---?-?P r ',?Sing;-Heif^^ uv.^yPn/accoiint^T.^E i;:^^u7: : .whb.'is...giyingupy:dairylhg:~> ; r :uy^y,^-;.8. heifers;;in;;fuU':pfoflt;":;' : fe:,;:;;S '.l : 3-yearilersey bull" !;'A:'.v:'-.; 'lihflrse, j.;--: : p t -: ■:'■,]■■,■:'};.■ i^ : :v! ; ;., ; ! V;l;2-hbrSe».brake 'arid/harhess;; ; : ■■"i:-' : . f -!:::■ 'lh : % Itf-lraUoo'.cana : ; ;', : '.''iK,'':!■'.' ; ' STOCI&|iLE;;}v^.-;; ;^ '^;.;will 'sellrat J2.30. pirn;;bn'-above; date,;.as' )•/:; ? j s ; i;; Jf 20 iß : mon ths;- to >2-years Vm'iied '■ xa'tilp 1-1 ?:.•■;;■:::; 10 3^ye^r.-steer'sV 1 ->!'-;;.--\-Vi/ i •'!.•'.• t:;;;.'.''-i'-'. : ,6o : 'fatishoiii. wethers ': '■:'.;;■> ".v. : ; .::^,:Vi/i;- : ";;;;; forwar^^cows ; '!'.viA-:;■•'-;' : '-i:-'::'.;v.' -H; ; ;::;i : f I'spring.■ cart--;.;',-;''■ y Xi : ;,l:A;^;■-•:-;';;V •'■;:'.-?,-■''■'■."■■ 6 2]-jre.a'r ; bld 'steers :v--;i; 1 >■!;:::'A;A:' ; i' : ;; '"■. ','.lo' stofe : ;cowsT-v; "■:.;.(';.■■■ :;';y;jl:A-ofe7;' f.' ; ;' :BPECIAi;yUIWESERVED;:SALE,!6F -; ;.A;;•:<? ; AHOGGETS' '■ ;■ -■■;«"'V:^- :; r : .:;• :v,■ AT;jBARTON JARpSA^Vif U; V ; |THURSpiY/;2qth\'pCTpßEßpl9iol'A BRAB^M;AND<^ ',■:- ;XS-.r.will sell ;on.accbunti'OfL. '£!.; Rich-1 ';&'¥■> : '\ : \:'if- : -~-:' : : .'.r;.-,-v ; r\''"V!;; f;;;v.;;ilso6;first i -;i ; fy;•;;;4,000 'ewe : hbjgbts.;■ t^ ';v:;', '■]'■■.■ ■ :; ':^'.;rVt:loo.;Xiiic'bln"'Jr i am.:' I hßree^^^ ;,: ;Alli!w;eU : 'in!rit'er<d;onl-turnips', / .. : -;BMnecbnH«igbi;cropVof ,'grass?cbiintry.;'.'wellj -. .'woolled'and';in,excellent v •■-;'/; Theser : hoggets';;haTe..:b;en';inspe'cted Vbyi ,;; ;; Jhe^auctioneers,-Trio can■'.:thoroughly rej;;:cbmmend; them■.'as a'-.flrst-cliiss" •lot,- I .which ;•, include isCTeral/lines'of tip-top ewe heg- *■•'■'• gets 'with;brio bar-mark; ')'■:■;/ '■';;. 'Clients';. coming .from; a.distance'.to;pur- ; •'•'■,'. chase can -rely: on -having- stock'-.'properly.' .";.• attended;. tp"aft«'r, .sale, ,: ,aud ;, 'carefully •'■trucked. '':-'';; •■',■'"-•■'•'; -■-.(■'■'■ : -."'.-'.'; i .\- •'■ 'v/ ,; . '.■''■ Mr, i.-y-':;^^^ ;l '?', : -p-™-'^s^ ;; i:V : '-' v :t ;^i :'' ; ''"; V : sale.; '■ f: v v-; :: : - : T.OND'ON,!'STEWART AND'Cd.r'LTI).;. : 'X-W-'iy^'ivEL'' : Hp'lji , 'THJ!lR U ', S : '■ -' ; ■':> ANNTJAE "SHOW; SALE OF : i '• "■':■''. '■'"-:;:■;'•?;' 'HORSES ,''-:'; :J v-A.;;/.'.';. ':;";; .:''- •'.'■-■'.'. ■'.'■■■ . at their;' '-'•■'■■.' : ' '"•'■"•■.■;'.'. ;" : ROAD' YARDS,.' ; ■ :-',■;':; HASTINGS,'": '•■.■■:',• - • '■".':': -ON-FRIDAY AND'SATUgDAX,--' ■'■■■'■. : "''-p.CIIQBER' 21st. -and'. 22nd,'; 1910.'; -Jr. (Days:Following".Hai»ke's' Bay-Show)., ...'--. ".;• Commencing Eath ; Day at./; • : •••'•'•;■ ■■■.. ■.'•'• ; ■ 3.30 : a.m. Scarp,. '.'}..■'.■ ;/ :When':Theyi;wm.Offer ;;v: ,i; ,'• • Spring-Carters;, 'Hacks, -tini. Harness Horses (broken and . nnbrokenj,. and ■•"-".- M:;:': ; :■ x : ' : show horses. ; ' •'' ; H; : N.';STEWART,-;;;;':' .:■'..'. ; ■. .'.'i'.':"" ,'■'"■'. .Auctioneer. :■:, \,r ~' . .....■'■.' ; CHEAP'- PREPAID - ADVERTISEMENTS are'inserted in, "The Do- ,. minion" as'follows:— ■'"■"•■ ■ •.'•Situations -Vacant ,To Let -■ Situations Wanted' Board & Residence ,; SIXTEEN.i-WORDS.FOR SIXPENCE.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 947, 14 October 1910, Page 10