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AUCTIONS. ,' ■■;'.- -; TO-MORROW... ■ "■'■■ FRIDAY, ,14' th OCTOBER, 1910. . ':.''■'■ , ■At I'o'clock, .p.m. ■'."■.l^ . ■■;) -UNRESERVED. .UNRESERVED, . •-LARGE .AND. ATTRACTIVE SALE ■'"••'■" ■■"■■ '■■■■■"■ of . ~v ELEGANT AND SUPERIOR FURNI- : .;■■., ■"■■■■■v.'TUßE.".- ..'. .;•;■ .;,:■;.: ; # AT OUR EOOIiIS. 2G. BRANDON - :■-' ■;■.',;■• STREET. :■;: , ; - ■-■.■"■ COMPLETE-CONTENTS OF 8 ROOMS. .... Removed froin Mount Victoria. On account, of Mrs. Herbert Leicester, ;y -.. ;.' who is leaving for : Sydney... ■■ ' A' : have re- .• : ceive<l- ■' instructions . from . Mrs. Herbert- Leicester; w;ho is : leaving ;for Sydney, to sell at their rooms as above—; .' The Complete. Contents, of "her 8-Tboined ■;;; ' house, 'completely: furnished,;•■ •. '■.-■', (;•:■:• ; : .-' < PSERVE;- .V: y - r' ; pn-view- from ' 2''jMri.Y-'■•.■-■'■■•.'• •■•':■' " : ■)■■■ ■■/"'■ ■'■'■•.'•■;.. ; ■'V- !. ■<■:' .-;'..'.'-, i .A: : -L.--WILSON, : -Auctioheer. IMPORTANT : SALE;iOF;iiAiEY 'FA'KMS 1 ij';; THE' ,;^-\ ; .:■ ; : IN;-- THE''OTAKi; TOWN- HAI,L, "''." : TUESDAYi; - 25th."' : bC3;bBER;:-:AT ;2 P.M. cpiiPANY?; ilim-■-ITED,:\ have instructions '.froiri,: G. v/Cnlly,-v-EsqV>Waikahae,"•■'■ to -sell ,byePtiblic'7.A:ucti6 , n' ) l:,M't'lie.;;Otaki -Town llall; i .at;.'2;p.'mv. on ■Tuesday,- 25th r October, thb. seawaTd;;'poftioii'-''(ji}i"hisr, well-known ■^Hap-ua^rpi'op'ertjj'.V?;',^;":^;•.;;'"'/;:■■.'■':' ■•'■■-. " sThe : 'property'haiv-been' , '.divided :into blpcksisu'itab.le.';fot , .>;dairy. ; 'p'a'rticulars\indv'plans.:' ef'Tvhioh, can be: :obteine^ ; '■ •: ;■ . '■-.. '•"It-.-is"Sifuajed'V ) vritMn;'itb,ree? miles of - Waikanae'.- Railivay-.-'Statipif, on. the- souths ern. Eide',-;aDd'vthree.".uiiles.j : from Te Horo on- the northern , side', rich 'drained/' s\vampv-vrthv-ary~ridges,' which. 'form 1 'an''m'piijg'.ground/., for •Stock;!■.■:■,■■■'■.■..■:.:■..;..;. 1.."'/ '::u'~?~i: < '''" ; ;'-'-'■■'■-.' v;The -whole^■ is-■sple'udidly.'-'Vfatered/■' : neVer-failing; streams,- iand an i ideal.' bkick:for.l(lab'yVfarmiiig,-'tb«iDg' spmfe' of .the,on..the..iWest Coast.:■., i^Mi\?'^^^rEi^ff-' : i-. "v'r:' % - ; :" . ;:'.- '..; \ ~- x ,10.'per,'cent. r in. 5 twb.'-months. .-. -.' '■■ •',: . :! i.[ ; ;■, '; : ;>, o, '• '•'.''..; :J\4i™ttgemenfevwab^'madeJ.£or''■intend-'-. 'the ■ pjopertyyrt^fw;;<:-o'r^v ;^.";J :'\'.i^-:/v-' 3- ; :; i / "■ ; vSu'r.ther,!;pVr.Houlh%i :! 4ppliftatipif; W-'.ltWWtfXiU: ->i;< ':v>? •; ■: -JiiALGETY: LTD.", V^:: : .fji;^V'".^*S.y-'; i ''!-syeljin , gtpi;AAucKpnee'rS'. , - r ■'■ IWe ;.;wiil ■:■jilsp; ■_ Ise ".oft'cti np; - 'p.n : : ,tlie,-same : date;.' and' ai 7sa'nieV.placfi ; ; Mr.'; "A';, Hall's, 'dairying-.'' Otaki.'.L.full. ; .jai'-' ticulars Pr^ffmch^willJ-te-.:ad7ertisidlater.V= :^| : £;ll^^^|^|pPEßTY./'.-' ;■ V;; ]; : :&: v 'if: ■:■. - 'Vniarly'ii'.all' ■frp'm'-^an : ?anui' ;i ini\the;!fauiousvW*sl3nere-: 'district.' ■~ :W cll; :g rassed 1 - and iypate'red,:-'aid; subdividedi/mtov.ele'veri'; convenient;" .dockß.;!VlSplisndid-r'iom.estead,'.comprising 1 . ;20-roomea::hbuse,"::'stablesV' ; woplsh«i;'or-. ehard,.: tennis »la;wn;\and afl- necessary-.'out-MUdings;:;:.-' l !? M\?'&*£ : .if *■;%■'.•' '■ ! i-■*'>'?■•■> stud -and fatten-. .ipS-:£S-V^-r ; -:- ; -. i -' : >:. ; -:-iirV: v; - ! -: ! .:K-^'';^?', , hom«■ handy to ./JVanganuiy the above pretents ;%rare,.'pppprtuhity.i^:iS ; :;; -, V'. ; ;.:-' : •i'-Tor jprice Vond-. further.-iparticulars.iap^ ; '-^-^ ,T*.EAL, : ,: good, J partly-improved''property-' :ti),.; of, 1660/&cre3,>;Ul;P.; ,:rent; 'per bush,;grass 1 portion-ring,fenced and:divid-" ewes' p\jr - acre.; (guaranteed)r;buildings ..consist :at ;' 2-rbbmef;;iro'n LTrii'arei'.'SO- i -U and shed ■ ll ,; -s •U; :stock; and;-"sheep:■,yardis:','• only £Z': 15s;.'perrlicr?i:■ nior.tgajte' ,, £los; ■ G.'A; : v - Sy-r T.hisJpr.operty., : is,'sifcuated. 23.: miles .\f roifcthe; Caait - by;a ■ good" road,- all •16'iT''Country,'::aiid;; tip'.man* that wants ; first-elass ! sheep ;-coutttry,.;we :can\ thor- ; bughlyV recommend . this.:.' This' property ;is^wprth. : .the, price. .;asted :jf,;all standing '.irash',V;:V:'"/.'/-)i''i'A '{:'■■ ■O-'.j .• ' V : '■:'-■■"■.'- ACRES,' ifreehoid.v/Hawke's': \Bay,' O e..v v '-;oVirlS6kihg Uie'''s&).>inilesfrbm': good 'town,- rgood/.motpr.vTOad;'-: subdivided' into.- 8 paddocks ;.;50: acres rich river "flats, the ■; balance -heavy '-' country;. all : ploughable,; fwell • watered. , -;; Stock ''winter-' ed on' : 27p acrfesibf. lpwrcpuntry:;9l2wethers/'- 100/head■ -1-year-old:-bullocks^ ; and -40' ■ miied;;.'cattle./15e'w;;,7rrobmed:'house,;, : every :convenience,:.'puthbuses,^/'vorchard, .■ large '■ shed, water: supply;. '.This is ,an ideal- fattening ',farm" :handy ,to , ,- good ■ markets. Owtier. muse-get away .from .'tlie'.eea for health ■ reaEOhl'.VvA''genuine., .bargain: at'ithe' bribe asked,i*i£27;-.EeV> : acre. ; ;;Inspect- : this>, Coch'rane"and' Butemerit.-Land and: Estate' .■Agehts,>; : :Masterton;:; i :P.O.vß,ox/n2.-:Tele-. phbne.,. 99 v -: ; -W: :, i'-%:;'[::i.' : i?. ; :.V::"/",. : .: :/;('■ 'MATfrri^3M : BE;piIiMETT: AUCTIONEERS v,'AND^ : LANE AGENTS/.; :■■', ■.■■'';'/-:i'lnglewbpd;^aranaki;;-•'*,//•:.,i 'A : few- likely .Grazing iand. Dairy Farms; ■-■fi.;:jnV.Terauak'i:-r:-;'r.; : -:V'.--V-. '■;'".■■ ■■':;' yWO';Acres', ; loo: grass,v. considerable •■■fenc--iing, '/good ..grazing;'-country..;'ViM ,ss. per., acre-for: freehold j. cash; "wanted, £450. ■' V4B Acres',: :6-robme'dV.hou'se,!.cowshed,: and, ..outbuildings,-.', well-;fenced;, 11' horses,'separator, and/dairy, plait; allim-. piements.vtrapi' etc.;.going concern, -JSIIOO cash re'qniTeof.'i£soo., On. main; : road.' \)\ ' -216- Acres,',. 4-r'oomed ■ .liouse, • all. grass,; 'tubdivided,:cl6so •■'school, : and : P. 0.; carry : ;4o-;.co«;s,.and ..dryvstock;, £9 .pef-acre,-;.£4po'cash:/'". '■' "■•'■''•■■ ' : iSO-."Acres,V 8-r6bmed "Kbuse; ;'• cowshed, 'cone'retej.'.floor; - all .'.'pntbuildings,-'about■ ; nkl.f -ploughed; can-niiilfc-'4s'cows;.:J'inile, from township,' inain- road;' a/splendid; dairy if arm;' J217-.-10s;- ,per'. aero; £500 cash.. ::■-'(4O Acres, Education; Lease,. 20 years'to. .run,-rental; 6d. per,;aero;'.3oo acres grass,; .2 miles of -fencing, good; house,; woolshed, ■ l.mile from: Taihvay station;, good: eheep Country; good will: £? lps: per acre.' Terms,' ;. 850: Acres; 2gbod house's, woolshed, dip,: yards; 'all'.i'grass,- splendid 'eheep: country; bn- s£S 155.: 'per.acre; easy terms..-,■'; /.;,*-. - ; ]i.;i-v,CHCIIC^FA^M r EORSALE, J ; i9^ini ;Ai:EßS ''^■ FeiJ * llg; all in grass; ' withr;some patches of 'shelter .bush.- This is. somo: of the'finest land on .and'.Jias' a 'carrying' capacity-/of-21 .'..sheep. .There is a' real, good-residence, br '.'.'rooms on, the'. perty,:bes.i.des'wqolEhed:.;and all necessary' -outbuildings!' Thero.are 200 aqres plough-dblei;\vwn'iencqd,;-;subdiyi(ied .'and .watered s 'Joins '{he* 1 "-school'-■ -and.' creamery. Price' Terms ar■fanßed.//.;;.;'//:;r •;■;'>;■///:':. ■- ..-/- B-245' ! ;]?urther/parlicul a r S Lfrpm : ,' : ■■'':* ■'. . ; K^^R.SvijSWiilTFHi. '-;/;'' .^v"' ■ : '^T'^}t^JsM- : -^ : '-'-- ■• '■•' " OQO" ACRES, ■Bi;milej':;from; In'glewood, //ytJp; :3J:from/; creamery, and .2 -from schobl; level and'undultrting country; 40 acres, stumped;' 'li :' ;f paddocfcs, * 7-roomed house,-16-bail'-cowshed/v.cart and -other sheds,. -'separator, .etc., etc. . Property, will .winter .and do. well 100 cattle, 100 sbeop, and ,6'horses, .so must be a bargain at dSll 10s. .per acre. Only" 2300 cash'.. Good ; reasons, for .selling. Ownor would exchange for. ' smaller, property.Equity about. J5750.. 'Apply, sharp. 2102 i.Send for free copy of pur.Octobcr Guide. "J,' " ''HARRIS .""AND SOWS, JMAETON" AND' MARTON JUNCTION. S" TUDY the ' Property; llarket.-The back page:of "The" Dominion" is a Land and- Faiin Directory, .■■••.-• ■

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 946, 13 October 1910, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 946, 13 October 1910, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 946, 13 October 1910, Page 10