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_ LAND NOTICES. . WEB w-fM REET,_^\ IId, 31ft ' 6in - xV6ft.-6in.-5 rooms, 'scullery, bathroom, ; v u™77' out-houses, gas, and conveniences. This-property-has just been ', thoroughly renovated, and is in tip-top order. Price, .£SOO, or offer. '3820 ■ ™,?q E ' r7 i Land, , m - x 196 f - fiM Building Section; good view of Harbour . : ??—, alts,imd onl y few minutes" walk from tram; Price ,£5 per foot; easy '".. ■ terms. . . 3803 oß,E h'Jt l BAY —?f nd ' 58ft. x 98ft.; superior 12-roomed residence, 'scullery, ■ «1«1 n '^ Vashhous ?' Lot and cold water, gas, gas stove, iiiea iiearths, carved mantelpieces, steel" ceilings, and every modern conveni- ' nrnn.u grounds are well laid out in flower and vegetable gardens, and the , , •propel ty commands a lovely view of harbour and town. . 3821 HA ™lTAl—Three fine building- Sections, within five minutes' walk of tram, - "sj terms. ... ' .' . - ■ , ■ SS22 A rn?^r Land i;i ilft " 3 I? x 152 f- Win.; 8-roomed House, scullery, pantry, bathroom, yashhonse, linen presses, hot and cold water, electric light, and every ' commence, J.nis property commands a lovely view of harbour 'and town. ' EL^ n m N^' _] lT I '' 33f V ? ■ 180 f - 70ft - width at rear.-5 rooms, scullery, bathmnriJ'm a ? U?c ' elect -J? c . light ' ** stove, hot and cold water, and- every modern convenience. Price .£650. . 37SP HAT ™l"v A "^ CtiOnS f ?- r Sale, from beautiful sunny positions, Snrf.a y ' 6 % tl<>n t0 Courteaay Place.' Intending purchasers will be ; -conducted ever the. property. . ■ ; . :')W. h. tubSbull:and'go.,.-''- : .. ' - PANAMA STREET, WELLINGTON. PARTICULARS OF PROPERTY FOR SALE '■■'.- ■ BY ■-- ■ ' "• ■'.'.■■■' ■DALGETY- AND'COMPANY,.LTD'., ■ . .'..'■' WELLINGTON, ' 27fifl ACRES,' situated 13 miles from Hawcra by good metalled'road, and 7 ' ""Amines from Jlokoia Railway Station, and .one and a half miles irom fachool and Post Office; "1600. acres : in ' grass, • -.GOO in bush, CO acres flat round Homestead; balance in scrub and Touch feed. Mostlv hilly • country. Well watered by. never-failing, streams. Freehold. Last winter car- - ried. 3600 grown 'sheep and 200 bead cattle. .When fully/improved will ■". wirW IOOp sheep. BUILDINGS: New 7-roomed House, .Woolshed, 2 sets Yards and Dip. Price— £6 per acre—£2soo cash down. . :■ ■ ' . . ' * 1 Q"1 ACRES, situated 27 miles from Wellington and 1 mile from Kaitoke Rail---~T.r-, wa y. Station. 151 acres in grass, 40 acres in crop. The property is subdivided into 16 paddocks, all well fenced, and the land is also well watered b'j : running streams. BUILDINGS: These consist of '8-roomed House, Cow-shed . • containing 2-i cow bales. Barn (will hold 40 tons), Dairy, Implement Shed, Pig- • genes, Loose Bo*, etc. Property will winter 70. cows. The Lease' has 171 years to run with right of renewal for 21 years., PRICE—,£IOOO cash for good- ■' . will; annual rent, JUS ss. . , i . . . ••.-..- .'■ . ' ' Vendors' are invited to place their properties in our hands for. Sale, as we are constantly in touch with buyers. . .' .-.. ' •. • '-■.••.•■ . ;■' ■.':' ■'[■'■■"-■' FOR IMM|DIATE"-'SALE. ' r : ■~ /V .: ' .: /' v - fijf) ACEESi divided into 8 paddocks,, all grassed, all ploughable, good fenoing, ; «V 6-roomed house, cowshed (concrete,.floor), and all necessary buildings. . Carry 30 cows.. L;LP. Price, .£1750; J3so'''oash. For particulars, apply to ' -. :■ . -■ ■;.; PARKER: JIHW' VINCENT "; • ; ■ ' .-.' REAL. ESTATE AGENTS, LEVIN. ~:..._.._ ■'. - ■-■ .■' ■'■■:'■'■• ■•' '- "" .:;■:"■:■ '■ FAEM PROPERTY. ; 291 ACEES,: GOLLAN'S. VALLEY.-: ;-.' TjEALTHY, well-situated, Farm, will carry 1} sheep to acre, and ten cows on ■ -Lfl._-the flat. The Mortgagee.will 6ell for amount of his mortgage.' i>lsoo. ' ■ ,-. Reliable Valuations at 10s. per acre.- A Great Bargain for quipk sale.' i VLEVIEN, - SHAtLGRASg AND' CQ-, ] ' '■/...•'■ LAND AND,ESTATE AGENTS, WILLIS.STREET. .-;;'. ■ : '. : ' ■■".'■■-,■ ■■■■■■. : sheep run. ' \ir-.'.'- : : - ,-' -• O'Qi (Ififl ACRES-Pastoral Leasehold. .Lease.'2l years and-option renewal. *«)«"" Bent, year. Compensation for improvements up'.to-'JB4OOC -'- : allowed. All: open, flat, and . undulating tussock land. Good "healthy sheep conn- . try. Capable of carrying 10,000. sheep. No Mortgage. Price, JE3QOO.. Terms ax- : .: ranged, or owner would : exchange tor lightly-encumbered property. -■■.■■ ■ ■:ms;M?mnAj&m^z-.-<---:-x , . -. ,'' 155 FEATHERSTON STEEET, VrEELLNGTON.^,,- ■ /.' CHOICE TARANAKI PROPERTIES. ■'.'%. V ■1 or A ACEES, TAEANAEI.—AII good papa country, first-class sheep,' hillej ' XOtPU fronting good road, four miles from Township aid Kailway in projrefiSj 450 grass and the balance good bnsh -country; where, sheep -yards, ' two .' - . miles sheep-proof fences;; OJJ.P. at XI per acrei Price, JS2 por acre; terms, £500- - cash.and balance can remain for 5 years at 5 per cent. ' .'•'.■•• -','.-: ' : 9QA; ACRES, TARANAEI.-Freehold; one of the best Dairy Farms', all level . vwplF. 'and well watered by streams; good house,:.large cowsheds and water* ' ■> powder for : inilku!gimaciiines; handy'-to'factory, school, and township; good roads. 'One of,the. cheapest farms,offering. '. :10s.:. per' "acre; ■■■ lteasonable. te'rmf can be-arranged. ,- ■•''"',..'" .-V..':'..' ::■.'..■'.'."■':■ . ■"" .-....- -'-' '' ' OCA ACRES;. TARANAKI.—FreehoId; "firsMass.Coast Farm; all level and rich'. A)fj\j land, well watered; 4-roomed House, large cowshedfirted up with milking •■ ■ machines; frell fenced and subdivided; factory opposite.section; at present milking , 85 cows, which a!re in good order and condition.' Price,. .£lB per. acre; terms, .about .iIOOO cash,-and balance can be. arranged .'for. ;<Stock can : -be. , taken- at r "y-h ' \ v '. - \' : A'-"-'*'£'■■'*'■-■..■ '■-.■■ ■ . ..'.■. ■-..'•-. •,;.' .-... -j An AOREB,, TAEANAKI.—FreehoId; all level and'well watered by running '"iLyy.-'ttreamil' nicely planted abiut;homesteadi'good.dw'illing house^^bf,.B.tooinßj fireplace; cowshed'ana''piggeries; calf paddocks planted ' with shelter trees; all rich land,- handy to factory, school, railway,' and towjiship, Prico, £2& per acre. 'Owpere l divide interest: ■•,. "'"..- . I have oh , my books for Said" a large number of Dairy Farms, Sheep Runsi Bush' Properties, v Store Businesses;-etc., "and shall be- pleased to .show intending bnyeri '■• i over any property.'-and giveithem benefit' of my 30 years' experience of Tar&» aaki Lands. - .;.,.' ''' ','■'"::."'■'■' . '. ■-'■■- All correspondence promptly attended to. Loans negotiated. Terms arranged," ' : - ; -r>-V:V" . ; NEWTON KING* i -"■; '•'■>■' ATJCTIONEER, LAND AGENT, AND GENERAL MERCHANT, :.->.. - . Established 1879. ■ ' ;■ NEW PLYMOUTH. ' T -EASE 109 Acres, carries 37 cows well, 8-roomed house, 10 cow bails, and out- ■. .' iu buildings, .6 years to run; .£1 per acre'.. Goodwill," ,£BS. """ '■ i■OVf ;ACRES, carrying 9 cows (with feed f0r...12)..-.and.., 1 ,horse; good. : 7-rpomed ' i&rk'-.' house, cowshed, hayshed,- piggery,and bretiard,- pear town. ' Price,..'4Boo. je2oo'cash required. : Stock, including cows, liorse.lOpigs, 100 early, pullets, bees, etc., at valuation. ■ ■ ■ ■-: ■'-. . . :.- . Afi'fifi ACRES, together with'winter; stock of 4800 heavy sheep and 310 pattle; 300 ' ..'. ■• 4c(4UU acres good cropping land,, well fenced; complete, homestead and.station '■■ buildings. -. Handy position/ i 21,000 '.aVgoing concern. v . ." ' - 1 : ■ LATHAM AWD CO..'■■•'-i.WOODViLLIB-.LAND.AGENCY." • • fcHinMmm.i* w«., . M'LEAN STREETi WOODVILLE, ::::! ■ r ; :

GOlflG CONCERN. ':, ' I'.iyQ.' ACRES, Feilding. Lease has 9 'Ajl.Ok years'to run at 15s.' per acre. Nine-roomed house, 8-bail' cowshed (concrete floor); stables, trapsheds, etc Splen- ' ! did orchard and garden.-.. 36 cows in milk, 2 bulls,-IU weaners.and 2 yearling heifers, 20 pigs, 2 horses, /cart and har-' •' ness, 'wagonette, milk C4ns and buckets, etc., plough, harrows, and farm iniple-, uients generally. Price for whole as'gouig' concern, i<00; terms. '". ■'■ Hll7B : Apply '■"■ . ■- . ".".■.'•■."■' '■•.'■ a, h, atkinson & co., : '-'. ..;.■• ■■"ltd.. ■■■'.:.:,; -'■ ; : , AUCTIONEERS. FEILDING. 1 -I W ...' ■ ... TIMBSR! TIMBER! TIMBERI fTUIE ■'•" TAKINGAIiUTO TOTAEA . 1 SAWMILLS. i.ID., Are' now in a position; to tupply nil timbers, includiog Totara, Uatai, Bed and White Pine, in any quantity, and.. »t the lowest current rate. ilridge^, ."■ licensed, and Seasoned Timbers a speciality. . i'or .particulars and.price, appl/ . ■■>UE MANAGEK." Tauwarunui. ut -t» ■ ■■"•■ Q. M'HATTIE, ■ > °<av'Bßki, iIANAGKJi. MASTEBTON. i -.'■--. '■ . ' '{■'.'■''■ ' .■' ' : SUBSCRJPTION RATESJ; J! ■'. ■ ■•.' POSTED. \ '-"' 1 Year ... .... .... 39a,. ■.'.-. ; ■ 6 Months 19s. 6d. '. ■ 3 Months ... ...: 9s. 9d." '■' If paid strictly in' advance for full 13 ; Mouths. 265. ■ ■;...'_ DELIVERED. .«., ] Year 263 .• 0 Months ... ... 13s. ' 3 Months ... ... 'Gs. 6d. ■ Special Noto to Country Subscribers. For the convenience of . Subscribe: , ! ■• residing iu uistncts where there is no . •■'. local agent, "THE DOMINION" will - ; be posted regularly on receipt of-265., "■'•■' bsing Ouo Yo-irs Subsoriptioa it '■-"; PAIiJ IS ADVANCE. '■ .. "THE DOMINION.- ' OVERSEA AGENCIES. ' ■ . ..'■-. FOLLOWING are the names of the Oversea Agencies, where copies of "THE DOMINION," and particulars re- • garding Adyertiseuient Hates, may ba obtained, ciud lile's iiispected:— : ; ; i' LONDON :■ Messrs:-' J. W. Smith and ■ ' Co., Danes Inn-House, :'(» Strand. : SYDNKY, N.S'.W.: .Messrs. Oordon and Uotch. l'itt "Street." . ' .MELBOURNE: Messrs.: Gordon and Uotch, Oil Queeu Street. , v ; HOBAKT-. ilessrs. T. and Co.'"' Bj Elizabeth Street. ■ V .

: HAWKE'S BAY LAND NOTICES. i. : .'.:■■■';'.,. SPECIAL OFFER. . ' ■ X' HAVE received instructions to offer . for Sale ~-.... ONE OF THE FINEST SHEEP STAi; TIONS IN HAWKE'S BAY.. : ■ This block is specially suited ,ior close, settlement. It lies to the sun, .is..veil watered, 'and will sell at. good:n'gures; in small areas. , ■''."''■ It is also an excellent property for working as-a whole; has a good homestead, station' buildings, and all conveniences. "''"". THE AltliA is 3000 ACK.KS, all under grass,.numerous paddocks, welt fenced', and permanent water in abundance. X'fl-fi WOOL from this station is excellent, and .ranked amongst tne best atthe record wool sales in Napier. THE PKlCjbi, is so reasonablo .that it would pay well even it wool fell w'Gd. per Ib. . ' ■' : ; Full particulars to bona-fio.6 buyers on application to • -.' J ■.. > . D'AVID- WHYTE,- JUN.,. ■; ~■■•■ ' LAND AGENT ' ' - ; '. "(Opposite P. 0.,), HASTINGS, > .>....• Sole Agent. ■;■;■■■ ■■;, .FOB. SALE OR LEASE. ■.- . qaA ACRES First-class Dairy and /*y" Sheep Farm, all clearea and grassed, and carries a lot of stock. Fenced and divided into 5 paddocks. Well watered in every paddock.' Good house, , 16-bail'cowshed, etc.; \ mile to PiO. and School; I'mile'to Dairy Factory. , Price," JE2I per acre.- Will lease' for 3 or 5 years at, lSs.'.per acre. ■' - -636, FUR;; SALE:, A Bargain-SAWMILL, .complete' with Haigli and Haigh Planer, all in first-class order; almost new. Prijo.JJ6oo; including all tools and plant. Campbell;', thoms.ow; and co., . LAND AND EOUSE AGENTS, ' ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS, AND . : ". VALUATORS. ' ''■> :■' 15 ACHES. '' ,' : • ' MAGNIFICENT Land, suitable for •■Fruit and Poultry Farm. 3 miles from Waipawa. Whare ou section, all ploughable. This is your last opportunity at . .£2O PER ACRE, ' ' with terms. Apply to' ■ 3HARLES MACKIE, . AUCTIONEER. WAIPUKIJEAU. A RARE OPP^'JTU.^iTY. iyf-A ACRES, Freehold, all in grass, IOV well'watered, and fenced into 9 paddocks; fences all totara posts and galvanised wire; 150 acres rich flats; suitable for dairying or growing rape, turnips, oats) elc.; adjoining Hats been sold at over.JSO per acre; bnlance of the land is iirst-class sheep country; situated 3 miles from railway station, 1 mile from butter- factory, post office, and school.One of the best mixed farms ia tte fortymjle Bush district; I'2-stalled cowbail, with concrete iloor; !i small whares, yards, etc, Price, only £13 per acre; cash, balance will be left on mortgage for o years. . ■ . - ' Scud us particulars of your property for Sale or Exchange. HUSBAND AND FINCH, Land 'and Estato Agcnte, Woodville.

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 762, 10 March 1910, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 762, 10 March 1910, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 762, 10 March 1910, Page 12