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j ..:___ TENDERS. f : ; : - WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. f • ■ TENDERS' FOE; ANNUAL SUPPLIES. [:' ; ■'■;• ■;-. ; LENDERS : will -be ..received; at; the i. . •■-.-. A Office of the Undersigned up to 4 f-..-■ ■'■"■■ P.m. oh TUESDAY, the 22nd MARCH, ■ 1910, for ANNUAL SUPPLIES AND t '■ :■-. WORKS to the'Wellington^City Council (■;• ' for the year ■ as follows:— i . .PRINTING AND STATIONERY- ..-.' I Specifications, 'etc., ■'. at 'the Town i ■ ■" . Clerk's Office. ' ' i' ■■-.■■-..:■■ BOOKS AND PERIODICALS (Two- }.■"■- ■:'■ . Yearly-Supply)- •v; .•--'■ '. .';■'; ' . . Specifications,' .etc.;-;at the Public ;'''!'•• ■- : '-',■ ■ : Library,; •,.-■ ■.•■ ■ ; ":■ w ■ ■• ':GENERAI>-v,, '":. ;-. F ; :..\ ■...;,'....' ';•■ ' , ' -'..- ■; - : General' Stores :amii Tools/Bricks and \ '''■■''] ■'■"■ v'Lime,' Firewood, Brassra'nd, Zinc .;':.•:.. ■■'. '■' ■-.-.■ Work;- Painters' Materials,. Jrbn- ',;... ".'.-.' •'■"■' 'foundry WorkY Cement,', Cpalj-Sad-f:■ '•■ :.. ; ■■'•'.'• '■■■' ■:dlery"'and-.Dog Collars, Chemicals; !:■■■'■ •.■■'. •■:■'. : 'Explosives,' Timber/ .''Drain-Pipes,, [■'.'■i , , ■••■"■■'- ; .,. ; Grav'eli' Cable:, "and; Copper. Wire;: ~■■•; .'.'!. ■'•."Sand, Electrical"Sundries/ ■'•'■.' •-• (,'■ . ', ■" .'■• Specifications,'-etcV at' 'th'e- City *Engi-' .•'.': '■■. -'" . ■ neer's'Office. >~,.:,:. ~■."?■'■-., I' , -' ; . fIRE ; BRIGADE::BOpTS- .; jv : ■■':'-' :'■. 'Specifications,'etc , .,' 'at: the: Town j.' :;'■ ■■.:•■;• Clerk's Office.-: '■■':"■::::,:'."v I -■■:■-. FIRE BRIGADE .UNIFORMS- ;., '. .v;r !-'■■ ■'■. . Specifications, -etc.). at-• the Town :^\--■•■■• Clerk's Office. , ; ; ;. : ::.:'.::..' ; v-• ■ Tenders to be endorsed with the'name ■'■'•'-"' ef-. Supply or 'Work. -"••'-:■■ ■• >: >- ■ •■■■ •■• h.-'•' ■-■■:■■ ' : ' ■:.:,:■:::;•-.vR./TAn , ,, .-." • [■'■.-. ■■■.:.'" i : ■•■'■■:■• ':'.'"■ ■ ■'■ 'Acting-Town•Clerk. h;' '..'■'-, :9th .March,-1910.; .■;., ■■ ,r ;. '■■.■.■ ■■.- ; HARBOUR BOARD. : * : '■-. mENDEßS'will'be ■rec'eivcd : at-this Office P ■"■.■' . X ud to 1 2.15 on-WEDNESDAY, ( :. the 23r'd day.of 'MARCH, , 1910;" for ,the ;■ ■'. Supply .of Articles. -nnd r 'Stores, , I ;.- ~.-' ind;for the Execution of Certain- Services, 'y■■■'i .:■' required:during;.the'twelve"Tmonths end-' ;" •■',. . .:ing?3lst MARCH;. 1911,(yiz.:-;}; , J : Hardware,: etc.'; Ship Chandlery; Oil and J.-.-.- . .'■ : Colburmen's'Stores';: Timber;: Glass;. <'--. -.'''■ ' Ifonfo'u'ndry. ■':■ Work; ■'■ Brassfoundry ; ;'■. ■-. '- Work;' Gasfitters': Work; Cartage 1.- .... '■'," (three-yearly); ; . Removal; of ..Rubbish; £,;';•■'.<' -'.'• ■'.: : Coal; Office/Stationery:; Manufactured $••.';;■■-.;; - ■'' .Stationery;.. Letterpress ■ JPriiiting; r- ' . ..■-"'•" ' Lithographic Printing.:..' ;.■ :-. ■ .'■■ f -.".'., :Sohedules,'.Conditions of■ ;.-,;•: ;■. maybe ■qbtained.duringoffice hours, at; ■'•' ■';..'' the Office of the Board, where Stationery J.- ■■■':.' ' oamplesmay be,seen." .'Tentes.shall be j.; : : - addressed. to. , the .Chairman, .in,separate •;■ ■.■■.■■■"■-'. envelopes,'-'and'."marked; outside, "Tender }■■:■.:. .for — ... ' ..";,■,;>-...;■;.:;.'-.'. ■■ •';.-■ , :.,' .-:■';,"■; '■■■■'; The lowest orany. tender not necessarily ;■'■-:.: accepted. ,'■■: ''.-;!.•'■. ■■■;:■■■:. '■■■■■■■ :-y. •■■" . : ; '"■•" /• ,vH; .E:;NICHOLLS,: ■'• ; . ; . .. •■ ■ . .■.-,. .. : . ■■•-.: Secretary. rSv'.-"'"' Harbour Office,/ ; ' ,' '"-'. " ■'"• ' j;"; .■■ '.■' '■'' ' Wo]lini;ton; : Bth March..l9lo: ;"" : . K :.-. ■:■''• ■''■: v ~ :•" ■'■■:- ' :■'".■ ' fTffiNDERS.are invited till 12 noon, f, W' , ■ ,J. APRIL 4th/: by /.the. Welling Far- ';:•■ -..: ... jriers',Ment-Co.,:Ltd.i for-Machinery, for l>: .;,•'■ , ■■ a Freezing Works,.''ereoted, at Wai- ?•.-.:.■"•'■ ~ ■ ngawßj near Plans and;Speci-. f :'', •'-.'■ .'ficati'ons 'may lie seen 'at' my 'office.; .v:: - . ]?■■,'/:. -~'.■; ,' A..s.'jiitchell;.-,.' j- ; > .'■'.■.■' . .'='/,'' ■';■■ . '. Engineer;and:Ar'chitect,. ■-;■: •! f ..:. ,: ■'' •.' •' ... ... ":'•'.■. -.■"-' ■•.■.''■;.. Wellington.. : r> ~ ( ?: ■■■?. •;■ : '■:■ •':•:? T QJTOPrs?:"^.;;.;^' '£-'■'"■' ;"■... mENDERS are'iimted-.'for':Erecting-.Re-. I;:'. .■ ';•'.;■ .X,/.sidence at .Burnell Avenue,': off Park [.. •;.:'■■■■•.■'■ .Street,.Thorndon,to,closeThnrsday, 10th !,Ar :: :■;; i.. March,, at rioon^'.;, ; ::,',• 7 ■'i-'i'-.-;... .. Sj/' -■ ; ' ,'■'■•■"• J./CHARLESWORTH,-' ■ ('.: ...•'.. ■'•'■..' ■ ■■■'■■..■■■■ ..: Architect. ■ f -..: ; '■,; 18 Grey. Street. ..-.■- ■':.., ~ ". '■ •..,'. i' -': "■: .': k' rjTE'NDEES are , 'invited;for the -Erection >i ■■''■ ■ Xr of .a■■■■ 'Country -Residence ■ for S: , -JONATHAN HOLDEN, Esq., at Mako- ;■'•.:;-,. rtuku'.Hawke's Bay. ; : ' ". '■■.:.:' {.•■ ':■'•.' '■_='■■■ ■'■■ '■■■.'•■-. Plans; Specifications, .and Quantities V , : •:•■' inay A be seen .at-Jiny.offices .in - Napier,- ;;.; r - : .;. ',■ Palmerston';North,'; and ■■Wellington;: :-'■-. i;,.'- ■?;■'.'• ;•'• •' ,'Tenders aro to'.be sent in to J ■;'-. : ".' .'..stpn : North- OfScei at or...before-, 11 a.m.: [; : .V: '; . ph.:THURSDAY, 17th'init: .; ;:.'.:. ;;.^:t----r :.; :.. '\U' v K v :"' : -' : ' : ■'■'':;■■■■■'.' ':'■._..■:••..•.-'..:" ■■•■"::"Architect, '" :'.::./; I-''■:•'-:;■ --••■ ■■ •• ■■•' Ballance Street, .Wellirigton. i' : ;-■'•. ' : .And at^Napier-and;Ealmerston\cNorth. f'l ■'■■ '<■ ■"• -!^|7;ANTED^KnoTO^Q;..A. r Gammanand l>' ■ . •.- ■' l 's wCo;.tiaire;2oo,ooo, feet "bone dry mixed! I■'-'•". ■'.; ' \ ,«n.»tai.flooring;:ispecial cheap: quotations; fe: :'. "i v ■y-proiript .delivery.., ; Apply, 'direct,-Oh'akune. :': . ' ; ;" TO BTniDERS'iANDiCONTRACTOES. k-:>!>;. '.•.■■"'■;■■'-."■.:;<■ -■..i-., - " l " , !-.r ii r S" : '/:' '■'•"•' v -:;' ■ OHAKUNE STEAM BRICK WORKS.- ~ , . ~..' Ohaknne? : MainVtTrunk:Line. F. ;';:. :.■:■•■:,- Hudson and Co., Proprietors.'—The above ?-.;.■ V : fim wish to! notify they are' ridir prepared .. : :' to exeonte orders 'for> the; very Y Finest f.:.; : :Qnality. of. BRICKS, xic; lowest possible •;' . prices.:. Write" for/i particulars. „..': Address i-vC :; :, ' ■ '.'•'■ 'F. HUDSON AND CO.,":> j , ...:; ;, /'. , ;.i B,ric^,'Manufacturers. f :.Ohaknne,, |: ! ■■■:'•'■■■'. ' ' .*•; " ' ' ;, —',' -'.*■_ .;. /' : ' ■'• ri.--'" : '.:'. ! ":- ; '-" ) "ra^ANTED,. : .'All.- Property .Owners':' to' j'^: , ,:.:•■■ ..know that.we do all kinds°of Re- '. .■; ''■:- ..pair Work, such as Carpentering,-Paint-. ').:' y •■•'•.".; '■' ; . ing.and Paperhanging, Plumbing, Brick- ;:;;. ; r laying,; 'Asphalting,. : Concrete. : Work, ?■'•:"■'■' T ■. Driinage.-.Etc, Etc.. Estimates Furnished. p : :; ■'.-■'; Addrfes "Builder;" 80x664, G;EO M Welf"': ■■-■■-...■ ■ ■', lingtoni ,- ':■ ■■'-. .■;' •-.■■.'. .•••■ '■■■.■.■;*, ■■'.■ ■: ~' i' v :'■'''& 'TILLEARD-NATUSCH, Architeot, ! •(': ;': ; , , V^''-\BaUanoe''Streetr-Weiling;'tojJi , '-'«nd .'-,'..;. fttNapier f .and Palmerston North. t ■■-'-'■ ': : -.:• EXPANDED METAL'-KAHN TRUSSED ■•■•■'■:•.•.••.,-■-.':-.':.■.-, ■v".V:.STEELMJABS,'-- : .•'■■ i, ■ :, '.":■:■:•:. KAHN;RIBBED STHEI/' BARS, '■"":", I.:: : For Reinforced Concrete', (Jonstrubtion. ;'.:: : . ■ '■■■■■;■" : :• EXPANDED -STUBL LA'XHINU . ': For Fireproof Walls and Ceilings. ■ :■ ■'■ EUBiißOiu lsuOilAii,: iiAili-COoKSE ■:. "FLOOKINU, AiIANT :bCiLi;INU PAP. ; ; r\:■;■'"■•■■ ! :'"■-■:■. ."BBS. <: '-'.. r i'-.' veatnek safes and strongroom ■:.,:■:..-.•.. ■■:"•.; ■'-■'■■ vdooes, ■....•■■•■ i. v. dreadnought fireproof doors, ; ".• '-. ■■:; . ? uukgon tjlmbkk; and laths. - i ; :V . I'rriHE: STEWARD : TIMBER,- GLASS/■ fv; :' ;; >4 /and.>harbwabe:co,,i,td.':;::"; ;>;<:;; ■.■v;/-;Coartenay;;Placei , ;;-.WeUipEtpn.-"*'"""- > fe> HOUSES AND SALE. '- ; v£qACKES,: : go?d grass-land;-centre of i.-":-.-. ." ■■ *p-oil district',' oil -rights'.intact, ad- '&'.' '.'■'■■ .joining-New nothing -better \: : ,'.'., : v . Jor OilConipany; pe; nore. Walter f\. •;•■•': '. Bewley,-New .Plymouth.;:•■•'' .; ■ : .. . !.-■; ■■/-: '"-, ■ ; ; ' : : QUICK SALE- WANTED/' ■: ',';' i : ■:, QQQ| ACRES .Limestone Land, -in. the !.:■;. -.;• VOO , King, Country.; 333 acres in grass, i. : subdivided," dip,' etc.; well i,.:.:, ■ ; watered. Carry.2 owes'to.tne acre.' Beiiu- ;... •■'.■'' tiful climate. Apply" sharp,-to— : [• :'•'■">■ BARRAUDANU ABRAHAM,.:LTD.,' J'■•'■;. .-'■ : . ■■'■'• ~Seed Merchants, Etc: - , -• " . >■■;:' -, ' Palmerston^North and : Feilding.'-.!".'. '■--"''•' ■'' ■ kf\i\ "-'ACBES-pf beautiful.Land, cult-'. ,:.':.:. : . WU able.:for a: Stud:. Farm or for f.'.-'"... ■■■'• mixed - farming; grows splendid crops: •■':..'- '■...'■■: . all-limestone formation; splendidly water- ;■ '■.-';'•-..';_ ; Ved, 16 paddocks, good House, woolshed ■■ .:. ■"• - : and 'cowshed; at present dairying 70 cows '■'•... . also . carrying SOU sh'eep, 70 dry cattle' ;':/:... and 20 horses; splendid "situation; -ji •■':■' ; ; miles from.Railway Station, and 3 miles :'■.'■ - . " ! from' Towi. This property "would cut up i. V>. into '5. dairy farms, and sell/at' a gboS ;-.:'.'. profit. Freehold, £16 ■ per'acre; i27oi) '. . '-■■.■■ can remain at 5 per. cent;, i23OJ a[ i\ 1,-.' per cent., balance of J82988 cash. ' \ ;-'-: ; E.-'B; HARE AND Cou ! ■.■-■-.'■'■.•'. ..':': : ;' ' :'; ■ :'; PAHUTUA.',, /;, •'-. . .'■' |:;' ;■; ' v FOR SALE OR i EXCHANGE. I'-. ~' ';'-... ■•'., QAA ACRES,, Freehold,, situated 14 ■-'■■. Otfc'afc- miles from Railway Station on a : : : good road. . Subdivided into 8 paddocks; ;•". "".'•'■ 750 ■ acres in grass, balance bush;' , -good ;..',-.■.-■■ S-roomed house and outbuildings. This ■."'-..,... v,. .property..w.H-.carry' 2;sheep to the acre, :/■■'..■.' besides cattle,'and isicheap at the price ;■:'•.". •'■-■ asked, £6 per. acre. £idoo,. for '■': ''..■':'■: 8 yeart, at's per cent, leaving ■ Equity ii-'-, '■-.■ £1061..': •■ •■'.-.■■• ":' '■■'■ }:. - Owner will consider an exchange for i ': lightly encumbered" town or country pro-' !'.:> ; '- : .''■ 'pertJ -' '■" ■ ___ ; , ''. ' ;' ! HINE AND BOND, ' ■. -.-"•: ■■' ; . . Land .'and Estate Agents, i:" : '■•:, ■■/ -~•'■ •WANGANUI. '..'•. i.,:■;■■ ' ..".. -, —. : ——— • ! -V" ACRES, a first-class FARM, in i\-. ■ V i\J Otaki District; CSO in grass, bal- ! ■"' unco bush; good hills and rich flat land f-. for fattening or'.dairying; grand situa- ,. ' tibnj neni , station, school, and, creamery; ;'■'■.■'' -.-: new house and buildings. f ■■''- .-'.'.-• For price, terms, etc., apply- , "' : ."C.N.," 76 ■ WELLINGTON TERRACE, ;•'. ;.. ;■;;• / . _■;, Or Agents.' ' •■■

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 762, 10 March 1910, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 762, 10 March 1910, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 762, 10 March 1910, Page 12