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.Disasters fell thick- and -fast on the nounds at Trentlmnv yesterday. AH day, a strong rear fish-tail -wind' blew down the range, and' sorely-tried ,niarksrnen . wrestled in vain with its yaganes. During .three,, teams.-, service matches'were taken. .Two—the sectional firing match, and the competition, for the C.A.C. ■ Cup—wej-e completed;; but as the returns had'hotall been sent in by the range' officers,' the results' were .not available last evening. During'the afternoon, the; Auckland match ( 200.and 600 yards) and tie , Canterbury, match !10 shots at 900 and .1000. yards).'were .completed. . Thn "iuckland , '. was Von by Private'E. C...Eußsell, ofthe Hutt Valley fliiies, with,' ao score -.of '-. 97 • (49—48}; and . the "Canterbury" by Sergeant Brown, of Bruce,' a tyro, with, an aggregate' score ,df; 90', ■.Captain J. H. Boss/ of Wellington,' tied ■ with 'Captain.W. S. King, :pf - Linwood, at , the : head..of the ."Jung's Fifty." -The latter, won the Bnion Company's Cup for the highest aggregate ■ score in the first three championship matches, and now becomes the permanent possessor of. that irophy, lie having three intervals. . NOTES ON THE SHOOTING. ;i,l':A; GENEEAL"CEACKVUP;'; '•'■ TodwelJ to'ajiyextent. upon the fesuits "of, the firing in. the final "stage' of the lackland .and Canterbury 'matches would, in; a sense, prolong . the agony " : ,bf" yesterday, afternoon. With a deadly, rear fishtail..wind, fitfnl and gusty, to .contend with,- few—vejy few—marksmen; reached the giddy heights .where j possibles are to he'fqnna. In the,loooyds. stage of .the Canterbury' match, Sergeant ■ .'Frank, ..of Nelson^-the..winner of the Nelson match out of the ordeal .with "a' modest 83. . The 'best score on the range . was *4f-4355555543—made by. . Thoniassen, of Taiata. The .possible, .'was,- 50. .Young JfLean, of the Wellington ■ Highlanders, end -Sergeant ; Brown,-; of: Brace,, who won the match, scored 43 points each '.: Brown's hits were 5555555332.', Captain W.- S. King, who .tied ; with Captain Eoss 'for- first place in the "King's. Fifty," only made S4-f1342554454-and,so :on.: ; . .'■.■ ■ f ,;• . ■

There was a general "crack-upi" Vhieh is perhaps-.the .test analysis ,%ii6h can be given under-the circnmstancesi;[ld the 200 yds. stage;'of the Auckland'-"match, matters were of course ai littleV better, thongli.disasters were frequent. Even at that point-blank range no possibles were scored, but a' favoured few managed to score'49.''..E. :.C'.; Bnssell, of- the, Hutt Valley' :Bifles,.'.and the'.winner of. -.' the 'Auckland match, was one of these. The others were::H. Williams, of :Featherston; .BifleinanV-Carrie,', .of, Biyersdale; Bpyd; ■ New. South Wales;' Craw, of. Chorlton; and Colour-Sergeant Baker, of the Wellington City. Eifles.. ~: " ■:■;■. : .:.,. ";. .^Scores.!of .48 included: 'Stock, of. Palmerston North; Humphries,.of Tarahaki; Williams, of Ohuraj Gunner' Ching, of Lyttetton; Oliver, of the King Country; :»id Quatermain. : . ; Marshall, of; Karori, »*<& i^ , '.. ';■■. ■ :v. V'Slinn.-(iOii,W jf.o* •;/': SOIHE; PF ; THE TARdETS....;; ) ; TSS'MASK OTTHE 'TISH-TAIL." ';'; EfletnaaiiJ; Halliday, karori Club; ten , ... •-■■ ■: jhots at 200 yards. ■ '•■:

- JEwo Trarabed yards is -pracSeally -pointBlank range, windage and elevation Mmdring, as a -general role, hat little variation. Bat■• the "fishteaF* raa . worse than ttrfemim Haliday jndged it te be. and frustrated th'e BJuuiiyid of eome of his bullets to get 'UiKxjgli the jnSVeye. His magpie was a. <"had shot"; Iβ "loosed off" before he tos wady. Fine UaisGsn. iCtcpbnn X. Baas, of W-eDnsgtoa; fan sluts at 1000 jazds.

_ ■ ■! Base _J34*5S 2 5 5 1 -4D gFMfee Sr'ißr*9rSr'Sr'Sr Sr~Br 8r Br. Enneefti —«rar-& —«rHflr 9r Elesa&xn— Droppmg fmm 28 to 72 degrees." Uonnan' oleuanflu, Aperture sight; Hfdegias ai MOO jards. &*Bsd BrtMfc.'. BJftsnaa tto Ksrori Crab, i&> headed the championship aggregate Est- yesterday mocodiig, aacked up badly tn his ten shots at 1000 yards in the Canduiins the afl^i'iifvtn.

ftswe '_. 4-0 OS 253 4 S *-ffi , .Wimfege \ .D 1) 3>l> 2L aSI«1 D3l Cnneetion —-— —& Sl^-^-ar— Elevation—Mardmil's normal elevation, sperfane 'sighi, is 85 degrees far 1000 yards., Hβ aboold hsro given' roe, less for tis dfdrter, and thin coioe ': down three more degrees, as his shots were flying, frigh Eor his eighth'shot he l should have ■ eo&d up a degxee, as the bullet went low, ' md.flien'ietenied'to 80. for Ms'lastlshot. ' A Wetßiqtoo Highlander. ' .Prt-S. E. IKasn, <rf the Wellington fßgdani BJBes. A.,good "shoot" at 1809 yards, ten iehota.,

Score 62.44:54' 5 45 53:4 —43 W'd'ge 7r sr-6r 7r 7r 3r 21 21 21 7r 6r Cor'n. • 4r 4r '— : r,lf —— 5r •Jγ '■ Elev'n 77 -7G- 75 --'- -- -

Pte. M'lean's rifle throws 2'degrees left. His normal elevation is 77 degrees for 1000 yards, aperture: sight. Starting at normal, ho, had to come down one degree to get his first 'Tjull," and another to get his second, changing his windage all the time. ■■■■ •.■' ■■■•' ■'■ ','

Williams: Ohura. Auckland match, .200 yards.

Score ... 5555545554-48. Score ... 5555 54 5 5 5 4-4 S. Windage,'ll llll * 111111* 'Dead in. Currie: Taradale. At- 200 yards—Auckland match.

'. _ , .: . ' [ .'.' .. The. windage was dead ,in until the eighth:shot,.when it was varied half a degree. .-■-.■;".: /;■ ■-..;... .', . .-:; ...-. -..'. >v : EXTRASATCH, NO.;1. .'■.'.' "■ Seyen" shots at lOdOyds. '. PossiW Bcore, 35.: ■ First and second prizes, . £2 each, third and fourth, £1 10s. each; ifffi and . sixth,. £1 . each:, six ■ prizes of . 15s; each; nine'of s 10s.;; ten of ,75.;6d.; and'twenty; of:ss. each. Results':—' . ■:'

■■:•■■'■■ ■■"'■ : ::- : ,:.:';■■;. ' . J :Pt s : W.. H. Masefield, Sounds .........;_,..;.. ,35 J. M'Carthy, Kapbnga ...................'35 J. H. Naylor, Canterbury Scouts 34 W- J. Wprthington, Kiokio. 34 Sgt. Wills, Southland .„.. 33 lit. Shanks,. Gore ..„........:.;. 33 Sgt.-Mjr. Evans, Canterbury Engineers 32 W. J.. Henry, Opaki 32 J. Meyers, Akaroa ■'.......;..... 32 Pte.rGp.venlock, Woodville ;....;.....„.. 32 .„ 32 IV.H. Mark,'Ngatiawa::..................... 32 Prizes: of'. : 10s. each:--H. Cuthbertson, , Tni Marina; Corp.W. H. MelMiish, Kaikou'ra;- Sgt. iNeedham,. Palmerston;' Pte. G. Anderson,.fiaitangata; C.'-Ei l Williams, Ohui-a; Gprpi• Patrick, Auckland; W; A. Jacobs,- New :South Wales; 'Bugler W. G. Hay, Napier;. Sgt. ■ Nelson, : Canterburj Highland Eifles'(each 31).. . • jPrizes' of 7s. 6d. each:— J". Jarvis, Tara-. dale; Sgt. James, -Napier;: Gnnner: Green, Westport G.A.Y.; A. J; Cameron, .Opafci; Sgt. Narby, Eltham; Corp. Ayson, Murihikii; W. B. Harford, FeildlngpirAsitC; Maisey, Karori;, G. Hyde, Opaki; E. Eeed, Pongarba: (each'3o). ■ Prizes of ss.* each:—C. G. Munro, OpaH; Corg:;J. V. -Ksher, Stoke; Gunner Eocke, D Battery; F. Hutt;. Pte. Flaheriy, Greymoutli;. Pte. .E. • Allen, Wanganui'; Lt. B'. : C. M'Cormick, Hawke's Bay Mi;. A. MTtfurray, Taradale; Lt. Shanks, Gore; Pte. T. Jones,' Bunedinj Pte. ,Beek, : Jeilding: A. Henderson;. A. E. Turner, lanton;.F. A. Wagner, Popo•tunoa; Trooper Olsen, Eketahuna; Pte. ..-Stock, Denniston; 'Pte. Webb,. Temuka; F. Lmmex,. Sounds; P.. Jenkins, Wairoa; -Trooper: MaTenzi, .Eketahuna (each. 29). -"■.EXTRA MATCH, NO, 2. Sewn Shots at 1000 yds., Possible eoore, ,35. First prize, £Z;- second, £1; third, fftmra, and fifth, : 17s. 6d. each; six -prizes of 15s. each; ; four. of 125.: 6d.; ten 10s.; and seven ■■ of 7s. 6d. each.. ' ■■■■••-.■ : -.. ; ; . . ■■■' '. : ■- .■•■■■- 1000 ■■'■'■ ■■"'■'■ ■.• ■- •■ '■■ • ■ ■■.■yds. .. "■ • ' Pts. J. Hadfield, Blenheim :. .'. '.'. .: :, 34 Lt Shanks, Gore J..........;.™ „ 30 Lt.-Col: Chaytor, Marlborough .....; 29 :T. iEttinghauseni-New-Sprfth Wales .„ 29 Lce.-Corp. Turnerr Christehurch ;..... 29 Pte. Govenlock, Woodville 28 J. B. Christian, Eahptii ..„„ ._ 28 W. H., Masefield, Sounds ...;_____.. 28 E. Vennell, Te Wharau ...,J :. 28 Lt. Sandford, vChristchnrch . . '~,. ■ ; 28 A.. MMtrray, Taradale 28 Winners'of 12s. wißi a score 'of /Macknight, F. H. Monk, Ngatiawa.; Sgt'. Nelam, 'Cbxistcterch;. Sgt.-Mjr. Evans, Chrisijcfrorch. Wimeiß. of with 26-: —Pte'. Waddingtoii, Imierial Eifles-; W. OldfeM, Eangitikeij W. H. Masefield, Sounds; E..Harrison, Eaihotu; Sgt Preece,Gore; Q.-M.-S. Cowan,. No. 2 Battalion;' E. Johnston, Mangawekai.; D; Boots, Kappnga; Pte. •Haherty, Greymouth; Pte. Ward, Blenheim. , Winners '.of ,75., 6d., with '25;—Sgt Stedman, ChristehnTch; F. Kummer, MauriceriUej Sgt-Mjr. Bilton, New Soutii Wales; C.' Craw, Charlton; Lt M*Kenzie, Queen's Eifles; W. H. Cntiet, New'SoOth Wales; A. W. Eden, Waimea Eiflee.. ; CANTEBBUfIY WATCH. 900 and 1000 yards, 10. shots at each range. Erize money, £125; first prize JSS, second and third M eachj fourth to aith £3 each; wventii to tenffi £2 each,eleventh, to eigk<y-iifth £1 eack; 10 tyro prizes of £1, eachj 20 of lfls. eiohl iiesultscT— ■■ - >■ "-,■-■.■ 900 UOO . ■ . . . jds.yde.TL Brace ._ : :i7 43 90 2.Pte. E. S. MSean.'Wel--1 " • '42 43 g^ 3Lt N. ,X ■ Tinfnc^m _.: 45>40 85 i Corp. Patrick, Auckland... U 49 83 5 Sgt W.' Eyder,. Hastings... 47 36 83 6 Sgt. S..F. Nelson, Christchurch ... :......_.' 47 38 83 7 Sgt-Major Evans, Christ- " : ciiuxch .™ . . 48 35 83 8 Capt WeUington ■..■:.. ~ ,,'. ~- ,-' ■, 42 4fl 82. 9 Sgt Humphries, Haarkeis

Bay .„ ......_..., 43 39 82 10 Corp. .J. V. Fisher, Stoke U 38 82 11 AimJ-Corporal . . Saanders, Ohinemmi . 39 42 81 12 W. H. Porritt, ._ 41 40 81 13Pte. W. M. Jackson, Wd- : lington ....:. 44 37 81 14 Pte. ilarenzi, Etetatatna... 45 36 81 15 G. Halliday, Karori „__. .46 35 81 16 Pte. Allen, Wanganm ; 46 35 81 17 Pte, Gregory, Waihi 41 39 80 Bhdt.:.._ 42 38 80 19;Pte. .Webb, Tenmka 42 38 80 20 Corp. Shailand, Stote 43 37 80 21 W. A. Kenning, Nelson--. 43 37 80 22 Sgt:Poster,. Timaru ...: 44 36 80 23 P. H. Moik, Ngatiawa. ... 45 35 80 24 Corp. Clyde, Waikari .•. 37 42 79 25 Sgt. Keller, Donedin 40 39 79 26 Capt Potter, Auckland ... 41 38 79 27 Pto. Campbell, > Mnrihiku 42 37 . 79 28 Pte. Dewar, Inrferwood ... 48 38 79 29 E. H. ElliotOlalniri „. 43 36 79 M-s a *w.i? nT!ryler, ' Wan EMini .& 30 79 31 A.. M Murray, Taradale ... 43 36 79 32 Pte. Preston, Auckland ... 44 35 79 33 J. Gay, Bdhotu 45 34 79 34 Sgt. Dodd, Wellington 43 30 79 35 B. Thomasen, Taradale... H 34 78 36 Lt. i , . Bolton, Pahiatua... 38 42 78 37 Lt. A.. S. Henderson, Wel- . lington :. ._........-.... 37 41 78 38' S. J/ Hollard, Kaponga ... 40 38 78 39 Lt. Nielson, Dannevirke... 40 38 78 40Pvt. Clansey,' , Thames ......' 40 38 78 41. W. H. Maseficl(i, Sounds 41-37 78 42 J.. Anderson, Auckland .... 41 37 78 43 Arm.-Sgt. Motton, N.S.W. 42 38 78

44 Sgt. Wallis, Waikato .43 35 78 45 Pvt.. Cameron, Opaki 43 35 78 :46.Pvt L. H.-Tozer, Temuka 46 32 78 47L't. .Clarke; Waihi 47 31 78 48 Pvt. Cooke, Blenheim 47 31 78 49 Capt. Beere, Gisborne .... 47 31 78 50 Pvt. lYKayner, I'opotuuoa 48 30 78 51 Pvt. Hadneld, Blenheim... 39 38 77 52 Corp. 'Clayton, Ashburton 39 38 .77 53 Efiniri. Jl'Kenzie, Opaki... 40 37 77 51 Sgt;- Fellinghara, AVelling- , ton' :....;......:.,......'........... 42 35 77 55 Eflmn. .ililroy, Ne150n...... 42 35 77 sli Sgt, Needham, Palmerston 43 34 77 57 Lt, Brnce, Waikat0.......;. 43 34 77 58 Lt.-Col. ■ Darcy, Chaytor, . ■j -Nelson ■■.....;.;...•... 43 34 -77 59 Sgt. I'rank, Nelson .......... 4-4 33' 77 60 Pvt- Govenlock; Wood-;-.ville ;•„........; ■-..... '44 33 77 61 Sgt; J.: Munro, ■ Murihiku •44 33 ■ 77 .62 Eflmh. 'J. Jarvis, 'Taradale 44 ' 33 '• 77 63 ; Sapper Urqu hart, ■ Auck- -'■■ .'.■ •■ : land' ' ..:............:..'.... 36 40 76 64 Sgt. Wickens, Wellington 37 39 76 .05 Sgt.-Major : Drummond, : ' : Nelsqn • .....:;;...; ;.;.... 38 38 76 66 Lt. Johnson,' Nelson ..;.... 39 37 76 67 Pvt.' W. Gazeley, Welling- ; ■ ■- ..ton :....................; 39 37 76 .68-Gapt. ' Sot Wan, ; ttreymouth : ........■......;.;.......... 40 36 76 69 W.- Banks,. Feilding ....... 42 34 76 70 Lt Skelly, Wellington 43 33 76 71 Pvt. G; Waddington, Auckland : .;i;:.; ..-.. 45 31 7G 72 W. Tarr, Karori ..;;......... 45 31 7G 73 Lt; Sandfbrd,- ehlistchurch '46 30 .76 .74 G: Grant, Taradale 48 28 76 75 ?H. Williame, .Featnerstori'3B 37 75 76 Corp. Baldwin,' "ihvercargill 38 37 ,75 77-Efln..,".Nat. - . Willoughby,. .. .-' .'' Gladstone ■. 40 35. 75 78 Col.-Sgt.■;• Hai-bour, . Otago 40 35 75 79 Lt. ,'Eear'don, Auckland ...'4O 35 .75 80 Rfln; MT/aughlin,. Pefcone... 40 35 "5 .81-.Bte.--J. Smart, Wellington 41 34 75 82 W.'. D. Banks, Scargill ... 41 34 75 83.Pte.-.G'. Parley,: Auckland... '42 33 75 M'Fie. A. L. Humphries, ' ' Taranaki : .'. 44 31 75 85'E.-'J. Stubbings, Ngatiawa 45 30 75 Tyro, prizes, of £1 were won by: A. Henderson, Sounds;, .-W. Wilscn, Kaitangata; T. Carrie, Ohua.; W.' Wilkins, Tua Marina; F. Cordukcs, Popotunoa.; each. 74; Col.-Sergt.' Rodgers, Eltham; Lieut. Charlton,' Popotunoa; W. Gregg, Hutt; ..Sergt.. Barcham,' Wellington; Pte. ,Gilmour, Millertp'n; each 73.., The following won 10s. each:—Sergt. Childs, Ashburton; V. Moore, Karori;' Trooper' Naylor, Christchurch; Gunner Napier, Otago;' Sergt M'Chesney,- Invercargill; Corp.-Bugler Hay, ;Napier; Corp. W.- Bradshaw,. Ashburton; ■ Corn.' W. : Gower, Wellington; 72 each; Sergt. Kennedy, Napier;.Pte. W. Preston, Auckland; J. M'Carthy, Kaponga; Jas. Law, Tua Marina; Lieut.; Holden,- Auckland; 'Eifleman P. C. Hay, Karori; Eifleman-A. F. Fellows, Karori; 71; each; ItiHemanC. J. . P. Howard, Nelson; Eifleman . Luisetti, Amberley; Loe.rCorp. -Turner, Auckland; Eifleman.A. Caldwell,'Karori; Pte! G'T Withers, Wellington;:7o each.



200 . and 600 yds., 10 shots at' each. .Bange prize money. J!125. First prize, £5; second, andi : third, £i each; fourth to sirEi, £3 each; seventh ,to tenth, £2 each;, eleventh to eighty-fifth, .£1 each; 10 tyro prizes of each; 20 of 10s. each. Results;—., ■;/'-■ r: :■ . ...■ ....

: >:> ■ v • I . - 200 600 ■••.- ■' '• yds.yds.Tli' Pte. IteseU,,/ Hutt • Valley •'' ■ :, ; : Bines' :......'.;.....>....;....._..... 49 3S 97 H. Williams,;:featherston».i;. 49 47 .96 Sgt' James-".Smith,-.'Kaita-■'. '■ ■. ' :■ .ngata'-:-.:...."i::.-..;.:.:;:.-.:.....:.:. : -47: 48 93 Efln;Balfonr,i Taxadale ....;.... '45 49 97 S. : :'L 0£ef10rd, ; ; N.5.W:...:.....:~ 46 48 91 Corp. J. Head,- Marton 47 47' 94. E. fork, Waitahuna '47 47 94, Corp-H. , J.-Smith, 47 47 94 ■F..--.G.-Pranklin,-.Weber.■..■:..„■:. 47 47 .94 C. H.-Speck, l Stratford-—... 47 47 94 ■ Capt.&itlieran,'. Greynionth . '47 '47 -94 Lt. Skelley, I Wellington ■■ 47 47 94 Pte-Hnrnphries; TaranaM-_ 48. 46 94 O.'E.-,B6ydrN.S;W. -.....__ 49 45 94-W.-Carrie, fiiversdale....L_. 49 45 94 W. J.'Piggbtt,.N.S.W. .:~-L 44 49 93 Sgt. Kennedy, -.Napier. 44 49 93 CoL-Sgt Clniig, Waimea __J. 45 48 93 Capt Bern, Gisborhe J. .. 45 48 93 Pte: BelfFeilding■'..'._ 45 '48 33 X .--A. Oliver, King Country 46 47. 93 Bβ.; Paries,,Adekknd' .:.„'_.. 46 47. 93 Armourer-%t. " Sauates,

Ohineianii . ...—■ . 46 47 93 Sgt Wakelin, .Wellington,... 46 47 93 J. M. Eenkie,. Christchiirch... 47 46 93 Pte. W. ¥«bb, Temuka, ..._. 47 46 ■ 93 H. Cuthbertsbn, O.^'Marina■ 45 47 92. Col.-Sgt:Peatae,,-Brace ' 45. 47 92: Lieut. ,le\iy,..Westport ....... 45. 47 92 Lieut Ongley, .0ajnaru,......... 45 i 3 83 Sgt.'.A. , E'>Will. , .Southland... 45 tf S3 Ite. A.--LaDg, Deimiston 45 47 92 Corp. Eiskerv Weliington ... 45 47 92 Jifln. G;drant, Taiadale .-... 45 47 32 Pte. A.; Wing, Maiton ....„ 45 47. 92 Sapper" IV". J. , Uiqubarfc . . ■■' Aocklind J.—..-. ._ 45 47 92 Capt. W.J-S. King, Linwood .46 46 .92 Biln. BishelL 46 46 '92 IL'H. Tessiinohd,-N.S.W. —. 46 46 .92 Sgt Needham, Palmefston N. 46 46 92 Capt Doiigan,-Gore .; ._. 46 46 92 Mk. J. Jarslow, Akarana ... 47 45 92, Lt. Clarte; Waihi 47 45 ' 92 Pte. OlliTer, Wellington .-... 47 45 02 Motion,. N.S.W: ... 47 45 92 RHnV : Qnmeinnain, Turakina ,48 44 92 HMti Williams, Oliura 49. 43' 92 Lt' Auckland „'." "43 48 ■' 91 Pte. Frederick, Marton .- 43 48 91 Pte. Willixoghby, Gladstone ... 44 47 91 Sgt F. James, Napier : 45 <46 91 Httn. Dnihie, Christchnrch. ... 45 4fi 91 Pte. , G. Crimp, Green Island 45 46 91 J. W. Milroy,-Nelson —. 45 46 91 E. S. Veinell, Tβ Wharau._ 46 45 91 Corp. Cfiffin, Eketahuna 46 45 , .91 Pta.. Turner, Petone. __: Z 4fi 45 91 Pte. Marr, Denniston 46-45 91 Sgt Stock, Palmerston —__ -48 45 91 Lt., Brace, Kaitangata .___ 47 44 91' .Kiln. Mawley, Opaki ,—:— 47 44 91 Efln. Hcward, Nelson '■■■' 48 43 91 Sgt Ogw, Taranaki _^i— 48 43 91 Efln. Baker, Bahotn,._ 43 42 91 G. Halliday,. Karori. 42 38 90 Pte. ,L. H. Tozer, .Temnta ... 43 47 90 Corp. Hliwyler, Wanganui ... 43 47 90 President H.,Harshall; Karori 43 47 90 Pte. Wilton, Alfredton -..._. 43 47 go F. Whiieman, Hatt : ' 43 47 go Pte. 'F. [Vincent, ' Eltham _ 44 46 90 Pte. C. Swin-ward, Oamarn ._ 44 36 90 Capt. Vilton, ■• Mauriceville... 44 46 90 T. Eobwte, ScargUl .'._.__... -45. 45 90 Corp. Helhuish, Ka£konra_. 45 45 90 S. Ehodes, N.S.W. ;.._ „.. :46 44 .90 Lt. MeUor, Wellington- .46 44 .90 Capt Stevenson, fidv-ersdale... S 44 90 Efln. WjWiMns, Tna Marina 46 44 90 Pte. Gorenlock, Woodville ... 46 44 90 Efln.- H| E. Mercer, Eangitikei 46 44 '90 Sergt Bden, Waimea ...: 47 43 .90 F. G. Harrison,- N'.S.W:•'_'._. 37 33 90 Connfed' out: ■ Handeieon, .Fisher, Cowan, j Arm.-Sergt Catter, France, M'Connsll, Mathewson, Gunner F. W. Ching.. I . ■ . •. . : . .

Tyro prizes of £1 were von as tinder: Pte. (Smirar, Millerton; . A. Browne, Eangitiiei; each ' 90; ; A.' J. Campbell, MnrlhiSn.; .Corp: Cox, Gotoj Lieut: Hood, Hasterton;: Lieut. 'Minteshi Picto'n; F. ■C." Hayj Karori; Jas. Wright, Riversdale ; Sergt. Stedman, .Christchurch; G. A.' Monk, Ngatiawa; each,B9. The',following . received. 10s!: Corp. tGowor, Wellington ; Sergt. Green,. Wes-

port; Corp. Colquhoiin, "Auckland; E. Harrison; Jlahotu; each , 60;. Pte, Brownlee, Thames; Pte. Ebutley, Hutt Valley; Pte: A* Fastier, Green Island; Pte.. Bowkett, Ashburton; T. , ' E. Caplin, Petone; Pte.. Stock, Dennistonj'SergtF. C. Hogs, King's Eifles; Sergt,'Thomas, Cromwelf; Pte. Knox, Ashburton; Pte. P.. Barkle, Christch'urch; Cql.-Sergt... Morgan. Na- ■ pier; Lce.'-Corp.'• Turner,, . Christchurch; Sorgt; Campbell, • Murihiku; Sorgt. Barcham,, Wellington; -. J. ■ D. ' Christian, Kahotu; Fte.>-Wilson, Kiiitanga'ta; each 87. .. : ..■■..■;.'■■'. ..-■■. ■• ■ ■ ••,.•■.' ■ Counted, , 'out: Grpver,.. Rogers, Hay, Luisetti, Moseby,'Gregg, Worthing, M. E. Ellis, S. R.'Smith.-. ' < > . ; THE AUSTRALIAN "SHOOTS." ,;'.W.. CUTLER .LEADING. ~ The'Ajistralian'thirteen-put.'up a fairly good .performance' at' the. concluding' range (200 .yards) : 6f -the Auckland match yesterday,', the average - shot per man yielding 46.23. Boyd topped his side's score with a total of 49, ..fivo .of the others putting on' Hi In- common with the general run of riflemen the visitors were not brilliant at • JOOO yards, which was the .concluding range of the. Canterbury match Porritt,. with 40, was the best of the Australian 1 men., at this range, the next in .order of merit being Harris, with 33,: and 'W. Cutjer . with 32. On the.,firing to date W. Cutler heads the visitors' score sheet, with a. i total of 438, Porritt standing, next' with 428, and Boyd being-third" with 423/ Details of the scores in. the concluding stages of the Auckland and. Canterbury matches and the. aggregates are as. follow:— : . ■ . .. -. ..u. .y : © ■:.-■■, i : '•■'■■ a- • a ' "*tt ■■-..■-'. ..-■.■-.■ ■. o < ■ < W. Cutler ...'... 32 ■ 47 438 W. .A. .P0rritt......:..; 40 47 428 0. E. Boyd ....... 17 49 423 W. J. -Piggott;.' -. ..21 44- 422 ■M; H. Tessimond ...„.:.. 25 .46. 421 .S.. A; Kefford ... ;..'...•.„..' 28 46 -420 T.G. Harrison..... 33 47 414 .1. Bitton ..................;.j... 28 . 45 414 W. A. Jacobs.; ...J.... -29 '46 . 413 •W.- J.,.Matbison. ..-...:.....'... 29 ' 46 409 G. Fisher ..,.................:...' 20 - 47 407 •P. E.ttinghausen „. 26 . 47-404 A.. Cutler ~.:.. :....„.._.-.. 21 U .384 , /.UNITED' SERVICE MATCH, The, Rectors of; the teams, for the "united Service ':. match—Presidents Maseficld (Sounds), : H.. Marshall (Karori), and Welsh ; picked the following, .teem tp. represent" the rifle, clubs in the .volunteers No. ,1 match of seven shots :it. 200,600,..aid.800, yards:— .-■-., - Rifle club team;. President.W.H:Massfield, '■ Sounds; - Rifleman . G. Halliday, • Kargn; .President H. .Marshall, Karori; Rifletnan M'3lurray,..T,arada]e; Eifleman G: Loveday,:Ohura;,Rifleman W. A. Kenning, . Nelson;. W. .Eahdall.'.Linton;; J. Parslbw, "Akarana; .' W. J). ■'■- M'lntosh, Opaki; W. Winslade, Opaki; R.- J. King, Dpaki; A. Cameron,.Opaki; J. E. Frank-lin,:,Wober;'J.-Burns, Karori; W. H. Moslem,. Kaeb'r J.- 6. Wilson, Petone; R. Duthie, Christchurch; H. Cutherbertson, Tua Marina; J. Bairstow, Opaki; M'. ,T. Henry, Christchurch. ■• Emergencies:, '.T. Milroy, Nelson; '• Hyde, Opaki. The selectors of- the volunteer, team (Captain King, Captain Cox, and Lieut. Hawthorne) have- picked the following team :- L Captain King, Christchurch; Captain- Wellington; Lieut. -Sandforo, Christchurch; Lieuts.-: . Skelley, Wellington; Clarke, Waihi; Neilspn;'Dannevirke; Hawthorne,: , Wellington; Q.-M;-Sergt.. Shaw, . A'ucHarid;; -Sergti-Majpr Evans, .Christchurch; : Sergti ■-.;,Frank, Nelson; Sqrgt. .-.Wills, Invercargill;' Sergt.. Munro, Murihjku; Sergt. ;James,,Napier;. Corp. Jamesi -Napier'; Corp. Patrick, .Auckland'; Corp. Fisher,'■ Nelson; : "Gunner . Chip'g,' lyttelton; 'Trooper Mareiizi, 'Eketahuna; Pto: Go'venlock; Woodville'; Pte. G. Crimp, Green -.Island;. Pte.' ■ Auck-. land. "Emergencies: Sergt-'Eden, Nelson; Corp.iM'Connell.v.Chnstchurch; Pte. Farley, Aucldand, pte. W. M. , Jackson, Wellington; .Pte. .Mk; Feildihg. ■" . _ .: The Dawscn. shield' and cash prize, of £20 will. go •to the winning team, and the highest scorer-will-win'a';Lee'Enfield : rifle. -i. ; -. ■ •'■.'•!-I'miv; ; Corporal , ' J. 'V. -Fisher, of Stoke, Nelsoii, 'was-''awarded ■ the 'Lever , Cup, presented ;by'Lever'Bros.i'LtS., tc '6f Port Sun-, light, England, to .the tyro shot compiling the highest 'aggregate, score in the King's Fifty. To the senior shoti'with the: highest aggregate'iri :the"King's»Fifty_ is to be presented .a'new Lee , Enfield rifle. As Captains Ross and King have tied with UV points each they will require to shoot off tor the prize.- ■ '.- .... " . ■.-'■

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 762, 10 March 1910, Page 5

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RIFLE CHAMPIONSHIPS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 762, 10 March 1910, Page 5

RIFLE CHAMPIONSHIPS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 762, 10 March 1910, Page 5