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Wedding at St. John's. • On .Wednesday afternoon, at St. John's Church, Miss Ljby Smith, eldest/daughter of Mr. W. H. Smith, of this city, was married to Mr. Alfred Gillies, son of • Mr. . Solonion Gillies, of Dunedin.' The bride wore a lovely frook of white Louisino silk, having a side panel of tucked silk. She also wore a veil and orange blossoms, and carried'a shower bouquet. Miss.lvy her bridesmaid, wore a pretty whito dress, trimmed with insertion and, embroidery, and a chip straw hat trimmed with palatine, pink, and heliotropo flowersj and she carried a pink bouquet. Mr. E. Williams was bc6t man, arid Dr. Gibb performed the ceremony. The bride's mother wore a black tailormade costume, and a black and white hat. Hor sister,', Miss Olive Smith, wore a pretty' embroidered robe, and. a burnt straw, nat. Mrs. D. Gillies woro a pretty k pink, empire dress trimmod with black, and a pSnk and. black hat.'■■' A. reception was, afterwards held . at Scott's rooms. Tho bride's travelling costumo was navy blue, with, whito facings, and a chip straw hat trimmed with saxo blue velvet and vhoat.oars. Mr. and Mrs. Gillies later on left for the north. ' ■■•-'.'

Wedding at Karcrl. '/./ V-^'• / : : At tho now Presbyterian. Church,'Karori, yesterday, afternoon, .Miss 'Lilian Mackenzie, liecond . daughter ~ of : Mr. James '^Mackenzie,, Commissioner of Crown Lands; was married to Mr. Georgo Gbwer, of Obau, the : Rcvl Jas'. Peterson officiating. The church was decorated with white flowers and foliage, and'as this was tho first, wedding that had taken place there 7 , the bride,was presented with a handsome Bible as a. memento of that 1 fact. The bride; who was given away by her father, wore an : empire frock ; of crcatn enarmcuso,' with folded bodice and a vest of embroidered chiffbh, the bodice and . skirt; trimmed. with crystal; bugles.. • The bride wore a bridal.ycil : and wreath, and carried, a shower; bouquet, She had three bridesmaids.'her-sisters,-Miss-Lyncttb Mackenzie and little Miss Shiela Mackenzie, and Miss LesbiaWilson.fromLevin. MissLynetteMackenzie and. Miss: Losbia Wilson woro princess robes ,of white muslin, with embroidery, and largo hats, one pink,- the other heliotrope, trimmod with white lace. Miss Sheila Mackenzie wore a white muslin frock,, p.nd white hat with, ruchihg.: The ' three carried crooks with . bunches of sweet peas, and streamers, to match their hats. Mr. Koebel, from Poihiorston North; was best man. and Mr..'C. W, Allan groomsman. After the wedding a reception -was hold at the home of the bride's parents, at Karoti, ; where tho rooms, were very prettily decorated with flowers, the drawing-room -with quantities of pirik and heliotrope sweet peav and tW dining-room with, white flowers, the table being adorned with white sweet peas and maidenhair ferns, in silver vases.. Mrs. Mackenzie wore a frock of black and white striped silk; nnd black hat trimmod with vioux rbso flowers! Mrs.. Burnsido (Auckland), a sister ; of'the bride,-wore a costume-of green silk, and,black hat with pink'roses and black'strings-,'Miss Mackenzie, sister, of the bride, whito em-broidered-muslin and white hat with cornflowers j Miss Jean Mackenzie,. white muslin frook. and white hat; Mrs. Morris,'an aunt of the bride, black coat' and skirt,, and bla'ck hatr Miss Wilson, champagne embroidered muslin frook, and burnt straw hat with pink rises; Mrs. Buddo, holiotrope frock, with hat to match; Miss Buddo, cream shantung coat and skirt, faced with black, and a black and white hat.' , Among • other guests present were: jlr. Thos. Mackenzie, tho bride's grandfather, one', of the oldest residents'of Wellington; the" Hon. T. Mackenzie, uncle of the bride, the Rev.'A; L. and Mrs. Hahsell, tho Rov. W. and' Mrs. Cbmrie, Mr. and Mrs.' Davis, Mrs'. ' Sydney Staff ofd, Mrs. Trogear, Mrs. and the: Misses Bulkloyy Mrs. and' Miss Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. P. Didsbury, and Mrs. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Gower are going- to make a tbitr of New Zealand, und in February, they leavo for a Visit to England. -','■ . • •:■.:. :';■ . .; I A Wanganul Wedding. At Christ. Church oil Wednesday afternoon ,jthe marriage took place of, Mr. Hnfrv Evelyn Anderson, of the. legal firm of Messrs. Buddie and Anderson, Wellington, .arid Misii Janet Brennan, of Wanganui. The brido wore a oharming gown of soft satin trimmod with Oriental lace and silver, and a bridal veil and orange .blossoms. - Sho was given away by hor brother, Mr. Jack Brennan. The bridesmaids in attendance woro Mi6s Grace'Brennan (sistor ■'■ of the bride), who was gowned - in Cream, muslin, and Miss Nora ; Anderson: (sister of the bridegroom), who woro cream cashmere, riio bridegroom was attended by Mr, H. A. And«rson, of Wellington, as best • mftiij and Mr, R. Broltnall as. groomsman The bridegroom s gift to the: bride was. a turquoise and pearl pendant, and tho : bridesmaids received a, gold bracelet alid pearl 'ring reSpeotivcW, -\ reception given by Mrs. Stanley Eeid, sister of tho bride, was held, at Cutelli and James's Rooms, in,the Avenno, immediately after the ceremony. Tho bride's going-away '• costume was a smart tailor-made of mole cloth and' a white orinolino hat. The honeymoon is being scent iu th» Auckland distrJoi. •

"At Homo" In.Tinakori Road. .'"'■■'.' l A delightful "at homo" was given yesterday afternoon by' Mrs. C. 13. Russell at her .charming home in Tiuakori Road, at which a largo number of guests were present. Afternoon tea was scrved-in the house, and the.guests .wandered 'from: there out. oh to, the largo asphalted tennis courts, whero two tents Were pitched! : lii one of these ices were served, and in- tho other tho planets were invoked to'reveal secrets of the past and the future, a per-' ! formanco which proved so interesting that ali the afternoon, a group of inquirers waited outside the . tent until it should bo theirturn to enten 'A string'band stationed on tho verandah piayed all tho, afternoon. The drawing-room Was decorated with sweet peas in crimson, pink, and purple, and tho > Icatablo ; was beautifully arranged with sweet £cas in the. same colours, long streamers 01 ribbons in pale-pink, heliotrope, -and green being carried: from the centre-niece to thecorners of the table. In the morning room, where tea was also served, the table was decorated with, huge .yellow coreopsis .in glowing masses. Seats were placed;on. the tennis. courts, and there • the guests spent most. of ■ the time enjoying the freshness of tho afternoon and the [ pretty garden. A number of very ; pretty frocks', ifere to be Seen. Mrs. Russell'received in a frock. Of'heliotrope'silk crepe with; yoke iof tuoked cream net, 'and--touches of deli-cately-coloujed', embroidery; Mrs. Tew'sloy.. black J charmou'se with touches' of emerald green,-and-a Mack plumed hat;, Mrs. Louisson, princess, frock'of very pale heliotrope char-meuse,,.the-tunio edged with wide- band of crystal-embroidered lace, and finished - -With' silk fringe of the same shade; Mrs.' Samuel, frbek of white chiffon, taffetas; draped with black Chanti|ly lace, black hat; Mrs.> Parker .wore a frock Of pastel mole cloth .-with; yoke' and, sleeves of: reseda green lace, the. bodice, bolero,:and skirt braided; with fine braid of. the same shade.. With.this she wore a green hat swathed with silk;, Mrs. Karris wore a .frock of copper brown shantung., and': straw hat-trimmed with grasses; Mrs. Firth, whoso friends"were Very pleased to see.,her out once more, wore a frock, of sky blue foulard with white block design, the'skirt-made with ' a pointed yoko and a black plumed hat finished lier costume;, Mrs. Corliss wore a.white embroidered muslin coat and skirt, and black hat with .tiny, .pink- roses';. Mrs,;- Dean, ■-. turquoise blue nin6n and. small toque with shadedroses; Mrs. J. Duthie, oroam oharmcuso with' corded trimniirig, -and yoko and . sleeves of tucked chiffon, black hat lined with pale blue'; Miss C;; Butts,, brown messalino frock-; and brown hat with-palo pink roses. -Among'others present were Mrs. Findlay, Mrs. and . Miss Pecill Jones,; Mrs.. Tuckey, Mrs. and.Miss Hay.ward, 'Mrs..:Salmdrid,., Mrs. ' Rankiue-Brown, Mrs: Mrs.''Seatbiv -Mrs.' 'and Miss' Ward I :'>'Miss'Wylie,: : Mrs.'-.E. Gray, Mrs. and Miss Mackay, Miss Dean, Mrs. and Miss Beauchamp, Mrs. and Miss Butts, Miss Halse, the Misses Kane, Miss Tews'.ey, .Mrs.. J. Rose, Mrs.' H. Rose,''and Miss Greenfield. ' ';. Tea at the Hospital. ■Several of the.nurses at the Wellington' Hospital, who have just passed their final examinations, gave a most enjoyable tea to'a ■number", of their' friends, up at the Nurses' Home;-yesterday; afternoon.- The guests..wero received'on- tho terrace in front of the Home; and afternoon tea-was served out there. The hostesses ■ were Misses Brandon, Seatoh, Hitchedek, .-M'ishaw, 'Willis, Palmer; Newall, and -Edmonstone. '~'.:' ,' ,•-.;

The .Pioneer Club. -~..'.-'' ;• • '![ On Woducsdtiy nftornbon tho Pioneer Club will entertain ' two members of. tho-committee Wh0 > aro leaving 'shortly, for -lihigland-Mrs. Rankina BrOwu, : who loaves'.iu a fortnight by the Athenio; and Mrs.'-'. Malcolm Ross,-'who loaves Uv-,l'Obriiary:by tho ltuahine, ', Mrs; Eankme-Brown, as a member of tho Decorating Committee,'".Was -largely-responsible for tho charming way in which tho club rooms have boon and furnished. A Wellington ladyi-who has seen nearly all the women's clubsnn Australia, lias said that though the promises of ; tho Pioneer' Club are hot nearly so largo :as thoso Of several 'of tho Australian clubs; tho'rooms aro tho prettiest she has sedu, tor this'the Decorating Committee has to be thanked.', >.',.:': ■,''..''•: ,' ■ . . ■ Miss' Sybil Johnson's Entertainment. Miss' Sybil. Johnson,' who ■ arranged'the tableaux ■ which., were r so much admired at',! tha bazaar .held, repontly" in' Sydney Street, is giv- ,'?¥.- «■entertainment • in the same hall On iuesdayhighti/wheri sho will slibw'a number of : tableaux, .illustrating several of ShakeWffiA .Plays- There, will be four scenes from ?<* iKE"?,? 1 ,?^ ht ! ' ' fohr': from Twelfth -Night," -one froni "As You Like It," two from"*McaSUro for Measure/*- and one from Antony and .Cleopatra."' -There is also Em?* ? h t(; , d l?torp«tation of :the song Who la SvlviaF'! Miss Ethelwyn Kirk has all the musio to accompany tho tabtA-' Those who have seen anything of Miss JOhnsOnS'stage' work will understand that this entertainment is likely to be a ■ vorv beautiful; one.- .-.■.' . -.-• . . .;. •.■','■ Children's Fancy Dress Dance. • .'A very pretty children's party was given vesby Mrs. Algar Williams for her littlo daughter Juliet, when a number of littlo boys'and,'girls wero present,'alt dressed in the 'most picturesque/costumes. The party S*i 8 ivo " ut Mrs. T. C. AVillinms's houso in Hobson-Street, and tho littlo guests -wore received in the large hall, which was decorated *ith hanging baskets, filled with gaily-eolourod' iowors, Tho. prettiest thing in.the hall Was the wco hostess, who sat in the. very middio of tho floor'.dn'a big cushion, dressed ns a Dutch baby in a blue frock with sheer white apron, and white bonhet with pointed Wings. Sho was giavoly interested in tho whole performance, and very pleased whori the children as they ariivod in littlo groups knelt round her cushion to grcot her. Among thoso wlio caino wore a: .-.'Columbino'. in ■ frilly bluo frock 'with Wreath of pink.rtsos; a tiny fair-haired "Littlo Bby Blue," n-curly-haired littlo girlwhocanio as "Peter Pan" in palo bluo;pyjamas; two demure littlo. Puritan maids in lavonder;flocks, whlta fichus and Puritan caps, and their

b.otlwr, who was a-tiny Irishman, hV costume complete to ,tho : shillalah and the':'clay.-'pips'-, in;his .billycock' hat;. two little sisters in long.' ',".- white --short-waisted frocks ' with ■ pale ■ blue' •.'•' sashes andwhite. mob.caps with palo-.blua,rib- : bons; ,a white-garbed baker,. who laboriously '. carried.about a baker's..basket' with loayesV'toi;-.; prove, it':peal; -a-roso,-three fairies with, gauzy. ■'.' wings, a little gentleman in- a.grown-up suifj sevoral brown; Pucks,- two or three-, Pierrgra,; ■•.■;. and,most fascinating creature,- a Teddy;,]3,ear ' - in ' a white; furry, coat and hood' with'pointed oars, from which peered a rosy. little.- round. 1 face. This T«ddy ; Hear-, could ■ not ;walk .about, - - as he was only ten months old; and he; bo' carried, or lay on the floor at-tho feet..of '~ the.little Dutch maiden.: ;■ '.:;;.".;;'■',•■.'■■'• : There ' woro other pretty, : bo, -'.-:■. seen','and some very.tiny ori-lookcrs- who wont (Osleop part of the Umo. -The children', played games or danced to the m'usio of a''string band, which was stationed in tho-gallery,, and'they , had tea in the' dining-room,' whero tlio tablo. was brilliant with-Scnrlot geraniums and scarlet ornaments. . •< ,'-'-.' ■.-.-'.'■■'■'. *:-.-:.'.. .Mre.«T..-C. Williams and Mrs. Vernon Heed '-' Were. present with-Mr. arid Mrs. ■ Aigar, \YiI- - lianis, and among the adults who came'to watch the children 'wcio Mrs. Xecky,: who; re-.., celved iniiny : congratulations.' on: her recovery, Mrs. Walter Hlslop, Mrs. K. Duncan,-. Mrsi-'S. llfircourt, Mrs. Jackson, Mr., Mrs. and Miss',-. Duncan, Miss Poarcc, -Mrs. .Maurice Dennis-.-toll, Mrs.' and Miss Barron, and Mrs. C; Pearce

A'Garden Party. ':;r : :-y'y:\ -■.:'; './■■-' ••;■"'-;'.:- : ■■;.'" -This afternoon -tiio'Kia Ora Centre'-.of .tho,."■:'• Girls' Realm.Guild; a 'garden'party m-aid of its funds, at the residonpo of: Mrs; . Stevens, .N0.., 91 Austin Street,.- which ..Mrs; Stevens, hasvery. kindly lent for tho occasion...: There areito bo. ; ,stalls for.the sale of sweets,' flowers, cushions, and fancy articles; there'will bo'a blindfold-treasure hunt for.the children,., and fortune-telling for all.: In addition to this :.'.. the-dolls and, blouses, sent : in for. competition, '-. will bo; judged, and exhibited. ' /.',,.■'..- Ai'.'Brcaklng-up." '. ,";V- ; . ,- ..■''' ;'■:■:■ Miss Richardson's preparatory school at Kelbume had a; very' pleasant- morning in;; Keif' bume Part yesterday, prior to their : 'breaking; .Up." Sports were, held under l v "_ "-" ' -,^_^ v ".- nf: Miss Richardson,.assisted by Miss Gcrtruai Richardson.'. Tho long jump' was,' won uj■ ,-4« i Hume,; the, running: races; by Russell ■'■■ Voujfg; t Alwyu'Austin, and llorice Cachmaille, and; the handicap.-walking race by' Malcolm- Youngi; ;.' After refreshments the children-returned to the , : School .where -songs were '■' sung,' and prizes' wore -.; given for good work donoduriug tneyoar.;'- ;;.; Euchro Party, at .ttje.Hijtt.>■ ;';■';■■.;.'^-;W>'■-■,'', . /■ Oh the ovening after her daughter's, wedding, •."," .Mrs. gave a euchro party at'.her . ¥ home' at*'the Hutt. The 'houso was lavishly ■decorated'.-with flowers,' and the rooms,:-.were '-,- filled with guests, tho-drawing-room.-,-being, set' ; aside,foritho'^players,-while supper was served iii'the marquee,"-After ! the cards and supper.' ; the- guests danced-.on..the lawn', -or wandered'.','.: through the beautiful garden, which was,very. . pleasant after the heat - of the : . afternoon. Among the guests present were •.-..Misses. Foster,' . Clere, Hayward; Borraud, (2h„ Johnston,; King-.. don, Wyliei' Elliot,.-Humphrey. , (2),-.Lee,"Allport,. Stuart Forb'es,;-and v ;Welch,, ahd '.Messrs.;. Ha- -■ ward,, Herbert, Nandarrow,-: Wardrop, Duncan,, „■■.- Howden, Sladdeii (2),.. Clere '(2), .Mkama,. ',-■ Strauchon,'.and Fulton!, ~-; ' .■■'■,•; ;•:'_ ,:/.;;»: . Ah Appointment. .;•,•.";... ' ■■>■ : ,',-J!; "'u.U'' '-. At yesterday's: meeting, -of ; the College Gov? - crnors Miss Amy Currie, M.A., of Wanganui, was appointed ;an > assistanV' mistress- at the ; Wellington" Girls' College, -vice Miss Elsie Johnston, of Petone, who had.not taken up the : • appointment. - Miss Currie,Was educated at tho Wanganui ,Girls' College, -of which, .institution ; ' she: was dux in 100G..-Sho gained her .- the-Victoria College,'taking honours, in, Latin, , ahd German, and has attended the Wellington.!... Training "School. ; ,;. ■;■'.■'■■.• -'.'.y --vi'i ■-." ■.>!---v I . •

AnAfternoon.Tea,;,; ;:•;;:./:. v:;;j' ; .-<;/:>.■ :•■>.".'./;■.'.• '.■ Mi 63 Dorothy. Blartchard .entertained a num; v ber of 'girl ■' friends at a small tealat- Kirk-; ..-•. caldie's' yesterday afternbonv ;The:tea-'; table '• ■-~ was.beautifully decorated.'with vivid" crimson] : j\i purplo.and vfhito.swcct;peas. Miss'Blanchard .;'•'.■ wore a -frock' 'of .apple':g'reori; 6hnntang,tfrthVii '■■'■;; yoke' of ; tucked;"het,'.,nnd .long:rucked; ■;6le.evcS;'..;,. and a big 'cream.straw hat.,-.:".: %; ;•< ■ :'^''i':■■!';■ '■}.'

■ :Mfs..Hermann von.Haast, wjio has bcen/visitr '■'■ in'g Mr., and ' Mrs.; von Haast, has gone 1 : to. Cnristchurch. Mr.-and Mrs. von Haast leave nest Thursday« for a trip, to tho Franz „Josef'..; Glacier,' aiid ; -Jliss 1 Beatricei Richmond accorni•;;. panies them.'.- ,:V,'■'.'' ; . ', ' : -'..V''.•;"-■; '•■''■ ■i'.'.- ' ■'• 'v •".■' >■' during'' the'! summer" holiday's":,'.•,"' ;'';-; ?-:''/;;■ . Mrs. Colbeck, 'who.': lias • been"; vjsiting;.her .'■ sister; .-Mrs..-. Vivian;; Kiddiford, left, for,;Ailckla^ion.Thursclayv:^,■":','';::!-}/,'.-'.; '-'-''?/-' .'*-£;-.'.'•' ' ■■ Lady:'. Ward is giving rua::On..Monday,.-December, 2(1,..'aa a.farewell tb. , her Exceilenoy. Li'.dy; I'lunket,' who, leaves; for , tuo;Ruahine, in February.', . A;-/, .• '•■.' Mrs: Scato'n is.going to'. England for ait'rfj; : next April.',' ■ .' ••':■': . • ■••';:.•■> ■ ;■ ;■'>-.< - ■■.'•Mr. and'Mrs,-Dalfymple, of ;Bulls; are visiting Auckland,, and '.have gone, to the,'Waitorao Caves.'""'" ■'<;'.'■" ;."'■'•■•". ■■'■'. :;.;';'-' '■ : Mr..-'La Trobe, Director of ■ tho'.'-'-WclHngton': Technical School,'- who : left ■ l'ast ; -night -for:'n.;; visit to. Chri'stchurcli,vand : whoso; mni'riage is:, expected'-to" ■ take-iilato' shortly,' : wnsyesterda'y,' presented bs-'.thcfoaching''slM' Technical Snhnol'.with-a haridsomd-tea'sefvice in oxidised silver., ~v..-.,',;,,.-';,' ,•.. iV''^;iv. : ''^' ■ . Mr. James J.'Taihe, who has':beett.'visiting' his daughter,- Mrs.' Darlinp, left yesterday for Duhcdin to srtond the Christinas holidays'with; - his'sons.; •'. ';"*■, •. ■::. '■'. -,'". .-..;;■' .:';'■ .:...." o'.",;; ';'■' :i Miss''Greenfield' returned by,the Ma'rama,on., Wednesday, from, a'-.trip to Japan.,;:, •;' .; -c-, , : Miss' Whitaker, ; 'organising • secretary •of -the; Girls' Friendly Society, nas taken'rooms at, 19. Hbbsoii Crescont.;-'. ; .'.■•'.■■.'•''''■"'• '>,"-.';-;; ■■-■ '■'•'-.: I. * Mrs: Batten* Miss Patie BattenJY; and . Miss};. I.Carroll.go. to; Auckland.ou Monday; : .'.i Mri, Mrs'.,.:and Miss! 'Dorothy; • Blanchard leave on Wednesday next for a visit to Christ • church. '■'■ They -will later; proceed,-to' Eotqrua■. and Auckland, aiidwill, return!to,.Wellington.'; •about the beginning; of February...-;;'.'■'.-,:• .;-',- ■;•••' ••

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 687, 11 December 1909, Page 10

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 687, 11 December 1909, Page 10

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 687, 11 December 1909, Page 10