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":. — -*— — — . PHASES OF TIJE MOON. DEOEMBEI'.;' . - ' Day. Dr. in. - ' Lust quarter .':.'.• 6- 3<2 a.m. . New moori ..13 .7 29 a.m. '"First: puarter '..:.'..; -20 148 p.m..-: Full in'oon :.... 27... 9,0 a.m. ... HIGH WATER. ... . To-day,' 3.4 a.m.; 3,35 p.m. ■ To-morrow, 3.50 a.m.; 4.20 p.m.-;. .■■'"■. :. ;..';':." ; SUN. ' --'■■'■}!). Sun rises to-day, 4.10, a.m.; 5et5,.7.16 p.m.;''- , ';' ARRIVALS, -ro- ■■:.■... FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10. , ... ./'V ■ INVERTAT, s.s. (3.20 a.m.' in tho stream),' 3974 tons, Houghton, from ■'Portland,- Oregon. ,■■- .- •PATEENA, 8.5. (3.40 a.m.), 1212 tons, Aldwell. from Pioton and Nelson... Passenßors; ».aJo°nr Misses Hayes, Orogg, Clark, ROsa, ley, Earnshaw, Atkinson, Mesdames .Pickett Douglas. Hutton. ..Rhwldy,, M'Lcod and childi .Green,: Love, Earnshaw, Baigent and child. Sincox. Har.dley, Pcaku, Atkinson, Earnshaw and child, Messrs. Manhire, Mlnsen. Pettit, Hurton. Fleeg, i Butler, M'Manaway, Marshall, Pathschild, Braid, Williamson, . Williams, Cooper, Kydd; Pettit, Parker. Manttan,, Hoath. Paton. Pilmer; .Waddy, Griffiths, Taylor, Shaw, Bight, Dahl, M'Dood, Leeso, Lloyd, Gardiner, Haywood, Minchie, Troup, Earnshaw. Lucas,-Evans, Qutalan, :Martin,; Curtis, Munro, Jamiesor., Plko, Hoborloy, Atkinson, Major Hutton, Scarlet Troubadours (10); 19 flteeragb. - • ■ .- QTJEEN OP THE SOUTH, s.s. (4.25 a.m.); 198 tons.-Harvey, from Foxtori.'- . ■ -. ... ;- -■ .- '• MANUKA,. s.s. (5.35 a.m.). «505 tons. Neville, from Melbourne, Hobart, Bluff, Dunedin, and Lyttelten. .'.Passanßora; Saloon-Hisses Kclland; Spencer., Carey, E. .Smi'.hi Nurso..-.Al'Donala; Blake, Jennings, Eicko'rt. Walker, Barrow._ Gold.. smith, Thompspn (2), Teoce..' Mesdames JUakc; Ratten, Harding and child, Cunningham. Meeprs. Canncy.: Kclland, Wray: Cunningham, -MGroaor and child, Colltai. Wa'.kor. Blalte, '■ Batten,; Paur shot, Tullcck, Bridge, Parkinson, Ryan, Masters Connor: Raborn:-33 steerage.- . - ~-.- ,--'.' ' KAITOA; s.s. (6 am.),; 350 tons, Graham, from GroymoiitU and Nelson. ./.':- .'- ••. MAORI, s.s. (6.55.a.m,),.3399 tons. Hunter, fram Lyttblton. Passengers: Snlobn—Misscß Morrispn,. ■Bonnctt, Rig*. Burnett.-iHalltgan, Battw/.Bickland, Leaslt, Pearson. Southall, Justin, Williams. Oxley, Gib«on, Mesdames Olough;-'Grove, KittS, Turner;'Burt,; Grcenhold and family (8),. Nnr.'e Ogdon, Burrell and; child,', Ward,; ..Woidhead, Lowis, fimallbone; Stanlov Williams. Tanner, ■lift'dy" Word, Messrs. Ponkdy, ■'. Ramsay, _Aikcn,; Park, '■ Thompson... Langley,: , Omerod, : Prouso, Kcnnedv (2), Mandlno; Bamford; Dunn, Th/won, Blunt; Hnlino. Gilbert. Ollivcr, Moroniy. Bntlcr. Lamb,, Ritchie, Briirfj, -.■'llardinß,..'.' Broartboitt;' i.Tait, Mallard, Baster, Smith, '.BoarEWy; Bcals, Moginio. Graham. Grant. Piko.-Ormond. Ballantvno,' Cln.rki;bn, Dyer, Burroll,. W." His.' Lees. Tanner, Johannors, Tait, Fabian, Cob-urn,: Shannahari; .49, steerage. : .• ..,;-. , /. .:. WAIKARE, s.s. (7.10 a.m.). .3071 tons, Newton, from Auckland, flisborno,. and ■■'Napier. WAIRA.U.. ,n.s. (7/0 , a.m.);' 93 tons, Vcndorp, from Havelock. r / '.' . KAPUNI. s.s. (8.15 a.m.), 150 tons, Jackson. from Patca. .OPAWA, s..i. (1225 p.m.), 7207 tons, White-Par-sons, from Napior. /, ~;... '■■.■"■'.■

'/"'.':;,: DEPARTURES. '. ; .-:' - '■'-.; '.FRIDAY,' DECEMBER 10; /'V/Z,' NGAHERE,.u.s. (4.5 a.m.), lICO tons; Christian, for Grcymouth.- , • :•••■■■■•.'. •• '■: AORERB, s.s. -(12.20 p.m.);' 77 tons, Fisk. for Patoa.' "; . PATEENA, s.s. (12.55. p.m.),. 1212 tt>ns, Aldwell, fpr Picton and Nekbn. WAIItATJ, s.s. (12.55 p.m.), 93 tons, Vcndorc, for Puppnea.-. •■•.•■ :•'....': :,. .'('■': ■ KIRIPAKA, s.s. (3.30 p.m.), ;133 tbns, M'lntosh, fer Patea. ; '; / :; •/■ - ' PUTIKI,.: s.s. (3:30 p.m.),. 409 tens, DowhuMt, fer Grcymeuth.• '.■', ', ,' . !,' ; -KAPUNI, s.s. (4.33 p.m.), 150 tor.3, Jackson, for Puponga. h . -■•.' • .'' '■-.;'■'. ' ... : ..:. WAKATU, s.s. .(5.20 p.m.), 157 'tons,. Wills', for Kaikoura and Lyttoltpn. ■ "'.'.■:;■■■ ■':•',

-MANUKA, s.s. (5.30 pirn.), 4505 tons, Neville, for Sydney: Passenger's: Saloon—Misses E. Edwards,. Austin, Moyneich,. Lloyd; Pitch, Abr."iaa. ■ Collins, Grady, Mesdames Lodder aild-child,. Austin and infant, Victor, Moyneich,.Dove ar.d.child, Carlton, Do-Costa, Abraham. Hon. Kyro Hutson,, Captain D. J; 1 Wataon, Rev.- Fa-her Cluno, Messrs. Law,' Hartpenco; Greohwood, Grant, ■'• Lloyd, Pharazyn; Clapin, M'lntosh, • Hnrcourt,' Logan, Shirtcliffe,-Browh, Pa'.on, Livingstone. Chariton, Abraham. Wakelin,, Austin, 1 Slipley, Oliver, Sniidmore: KoUand, Boucher, Smar*; Mcdhorat.' Fiillock, ■ Walton; Durham/ Smith; Butler, Toniis; Peg, M'Kinnon.-l'arrisor., Earacay.Loddcri J'ilno, Malcolm,' Whitson, Cobb,- : 'Auams.'/ Sltcdcon, Blalnds,. Rankin: Baldwin. • Kogjrs,;MUrphy, arid Jackmani.'.:. ./ -.■ •->,- -->.--■:--■ <:::;:/'/■ NAJUA, 'S.s. (5.45 p.m.),, 29;0 ton3,-,Hutton,. for AVestpart..'-";'.' .--.' '■: :' :':'..:,-."■'..'."-''.■ STURMBIRD,.s.s. (5.50.p.m.); 217 tens; M'lntyro; for Wanganui; ' : ■'.'• - : - ■■-.. :: ' ■ i'/- . WAIKARE, s.s. (5.55 p.m.), 3071 tons, Newtonfor Lyttelton and Diinedin' Passengers—Saloon: for Lyttelton-Miss Allen, Mrs. Corner. >For D.un-ddin-Mr. Schlaadkl •■',.•. .:•;:■■'-. '-;,.'•.'. , MAORI; s.s. : (8.5' p.m;). 3399 tons; Hunter;-for' Lyttclton. ' 'Passengers: -fciuoon—limus. nxau., BullT, 'Patterson, Garry. Find'.ay, .Smart,-, Jones;Mollison.. Bickncll,' Mitchell■'■(!), EnSkivillo, Mes-. dames' Bell, Johanscn, Martin,; Smith; -Bnller, Bradliv,, Evans,'. Partridge,. Humphreys, Blun- - doll, Wilson, Nowtdn, Androwa and child, Gowor, Messrs. La Trobo (2), M'Adam, -MttokcU, M'lrityre, M'Lennan, Johansen, Martin,, bmith, Jack, Kissel, Barr, Brown, Reeves, Aitkin'son,' Gowcr, 'Bailey, Lyoll, Lucas: ■/. / ', ■ , :■" OPAWA, o.s. (3.16 p.m.), 110 tons, Eckford, for Blenheim.' "■...' . '■ , ' •'■■ ■ , ■ . ..' KAI'i'OA, s.s. (8.40 p.m.), 350 tons, Graham, for Nelson and West Coast. . '„ ' .. ' BLENHEIM,'s.s. (9 p.m.), 120 tons, Watapn, fpr Illeuhcim. .';; . . ■■■■■■] ,'.'/;,-■;;: i

ABRIVAL3. {' / Pctone, Groymouth, Dccomber 1!. : - Rak'anoa, Wcstport, December, 11, Mariroa, Lyttclton, December 11. Mana, Patea, December 11. Huia, December 11.. ■ ' ''■ Nikau, Nelson, ilotuoka,-December 11. . - Arapawa; Wauganni, December U. ' Mapburika;. West Cbasti Nelson, December. 11. . Manaron. Havclock, December 11. :.'•:'; Gertie, :Foiton, December 11., ,/• - ; Konricdy, Wanganui, December 11. '. Patoiua,'Ncls-]!i, Pioton, Dbccmber 11. ■: . ■■:" Kamona, sov.'.hern ports, Dccomber 12. ~ -Maori; Lytteiton. Decemboi' 12.'....' . , Aorero, Patea, Dccombor 12J . Blenheim,'Blenheim,'December-12. Stormbird, Wdnganni, December 12.... - Opawa, Blenheim, December 12. Tarawera, Dunedin, :.Lyttelton, December 12. Kotnku, Onohunga, ■ Now Plymdutli. Decbinbo ■i 2. -.- -•• ; -.-'- ■•■ '.■■' ".-■'-. '" :''■■

Kahu, East Coast, Docembdr 12. : Komata,' Westuoi't, December, 12. - '. .Araokura, Auckland, • December 13. ■ - 'Wakc-tu; Lyttoltbii, Kaikoura, December 14. ' Karawa, Onchuuga,. Now ' Plymouth,. Dccem ; bor. 14. . - , ' ■. Corinna, -, Onohunga, .New- Plymouth,. Docoai. bor 14. -j - Monowai, Auckland, Gisborno, Jiapler, December 14.' ■-.-, ■:','■';■'■'■ ■■ ; - ' .'- : .;" .'.■ Warricloo, Sydney direct;. Deccmlior' 15. : -" Mokoia,- -Dunedin, -L'yttelton, December • 15. . lllimaroa,'-Melbourne,- via south, December 16. '•: Wimmora, ,Bydnoy, Auckland, Gisborne, Napior, .Dccombor, / .•". ' ',' ' • - liauroto,- l'apceic, Itarotonga, ucccmnar 18, Manuka,'' Sydney; direct, Cocomber 22. •,

:/ projected dtPArjTunES. ; Queen of tho South, Foiton, Dicombcr 11. : Mararda, Lyttclton, December 11. • JNikau, :Noisoiij iaotucka, December 11. . . . . ■' •Kaituua, uaipalu, Leceinber li; - .. : Araau:ra;Pi'ci.jh,: .<eib'JJ, irosi, iJoast, December. ' Mana;' Patoa, December 11; , , Maori, Lyttsiton, Docember' 13. pateena.' neton, Neiso.., ijeccxber 13. \„ ' Aorcrd, Patoa,-December 13. Konnerty, \>esi iVaiiganui, December 13. Dlenhoilfl, Ulenhcim, Decomoo/-li. ..Hula, Wanganui, December 13. Opawa, Biouncini, December 13. • Kahu, East, Coast,.Defemhor 13. .-..-. \rapawa, Wahgauui, December 13, ■■■■■■; Kamona. i'lctou. -.•New i-.ymuuth, Wcstport. Groymoutn,'December 13. ...-, Manaroa, JiotueKa,! Decomber: 10. ■ - ■ Tarawera, KaplPf, Oisborno, Auoklaud, Decom-. Moabwai.-Lyttclton, Diinedin, December 14.. '• Kotuku, Picton; Nelson, Now Plymouth, Onehunga,, Dcccuibei' 14.- : ' '' "Opawa; Lyttaltoh, December 14. ■ ; ..„ ' ltarawa, Wow Plymouth, Ouehunga, Dccem> atormbird.-Wangariul, December. 14., -.. ' WakatU, Kaikoura, Lytteiton, via the coast, December 15. ' •J, '~ _'' •. ■■'..' Corinna, 'Tlmaril, Dunedin,, December 15... . • Warrimoo, Melbourne, via southern ports and' HObart. December 16..: ":.."-',, Turakina. London. Docember 10. . Motoia, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, December TJlimaroa/ Sydney direct, .Dccombor 17.. ' -Wlmmera, Lyttclton, Dunedin; December 17. \ liauroto, Lyitolton, Dunedin; Dccomber 21./ . Takapuna,; Nelson,'Deceiibor .21. •-.

INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE, •'■ . MOVEMENTS OF BTEAMEUB. ; WAIKARE, eis., left Auckland December' 7, tor Glsborno,' Napier, arid Wellington. Duo December 10 with transhipment:) ux llahcno from Sydney. Leaves same day : for Lyttelton and VICTORIA, 6.H., left Diinedln December 7, for Lyttelton and Wellington. • • Due Wellington December 9. Leaves same day for Napier, Uieborne, Auckland, and Sydney. Due Sydney DeWARRIMOO, e.s„ leaves Sydney December'-11, for Wellington direct. Due- Wellington De-. cember 15. Leaves December 16, for Melbourne; vIA southern ports Due Melbourne December 25. - \ ! „ , i '■■ WIMMERA, s.s., left Sydney December-8, for Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, Wellington. Due Wellington December 17. Loaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. ; . .'.-.-. , DLIMAROA, s.Si left Mclboitrao-December 8, for Hobart, Bluff, Duncdin, Lyttelton, and [Wellington. Due Wellington December 16. Leaves December IV for Sydney direct. Due Sydney Docomber 21. : , „ , _ . , M\MJKA, S.s., leaves Sydnoy. December 18, for Wellington direct. Duo .Wellington December 22. Leaves December, 23 for Me bourne, via southern ports and Hobart. Due Melbourne January 1, ; OVERSEA SHIPPING. ; : -'.'. ': STEAMERS./lO''ARRIVE. '.. h". From London,, ; '..'>:■? ■',;;''/''--: : -."-. WAIWERA /due- about-December 12), sailed on Ootonor «, via Auoliluad,, (Shiw, flnvill, ■■ and Albion Oo„ mants.) ;

"NKREHANA.tduo about Deconiber 2J),. sailed, on October 19,' via Australian ports,.Auckland, and Napier;.. (Tysor Lino,- agents.)■'•■ TONGABIKO (due about December 14), Eailed on October 29, Plymouth October 30, vin- Tonerillo, Capo Town, and Hobart. (Now Zealand Shipping 00... agents.) : .'-. • ,;. . - STAR OP'.CANADA (due about December 30). sailed ;ort December 4.: via Australian- porta andAuckland. ... (Tyscr >Ltne,; agents.) '..-...,.-- -; : OEARI (duo about 'December 27), sailed on November 4, via- Auckland; (Now Zealand Shipping 06., agents,)..' '.-...> . ':..',• CORINTHIO (duo, about December 28), sailed on November 11. Plymouth • November. 13, via Tene. rilTci Capo Town, and Hobart. (Shaw, Bavill, and Albion'•. Coj agents.) '•■'■■ ■.';-." • •...'••,' ETJATIINE (duo. about January 11), sailed on November 26. Plymouth; November 27, via Toneriffe,'. Capo Town, and Hobart. : (New Zealand Shipping Co.,..agents.) I MAEERE (duo about - February 1), sailed on November, 30, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. -(Tyscr Lino/agents.). -MAWARI (duo about January 25), left London December. 4, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) From Calcutta. • .. APABHTA' (due about January 6), sailed on November ■ 30, via. Singapore, Samarang,' and Auckland. (Union Stoam Shin Co., agents.) From Lluorpool, -NAIRNSHIRE (duo about Dccomber 21), sailed on October 16, .via Sydney and Auckland (F.H.B. Line, -agents.) '-■.';■.'. KABAIIEA (due about December 26),. sailed on October 30,'-' via- Adelaide and Auckland;. (Hhaw, Savill; and-Albion Co.; agents.)--MOEAYSHIRE (due about- January 17), sailed front Liverpool November .13, via SydA'y and Aucklatid; : (Fcdcral-Houlder-Shire Liue.lifcgonts.) -WAKANUI (due about January 26), sailed on Novombcr 27 via Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) • :' ■ From Now York, ATJCHENDALE (duo. abont December 27), sailed on October 7, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Company, agents.) ' .. ' PALLS OF -KITH (duo .about Dccomber . IB); sailed on October 2, via Australia - and Auck-land..-(Now Zealand Shipping Co.,.agents.) - •'INDRAGHIRI-(duo about December 24); sailed on October 20, .via Australian ports and Auck-' land.' (Tyser Line, agents.). .' .. STAR OF NEW ZEALAND (duo about.January 15), sailed oh November 9,, via, Melbourne,. Sydhey, and' Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) ■'■ .SAILERSf TO .ARRIVE. V vv' ; i . : JOHN, I-OOKF.TT,. barrue.'. sailed . from , Liver. pool September: .15, ■■ for Wellington,'. (Messrs. Johnston-and' Co.;': Ltd., agents.) ',-■:.',.- . . -.I - DOR-IDE,' barc'ue, sailed ,from. Marseille on AusuSt 23. (Briscoo' and Co., Ltd., agents.) -.' JACQTJES, baroiue, from. Ilcw York on November 24,'-via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) . .. ■' , - . .'.. . '.ANDROMEDA, barqiio, sailed from New. York on November 20. . (Vacuum Oil Cp.V agents.)

; .by TitijF.biiAi'n. ■•■...;..■ ; ; I."- • ■■■.'/''■■■-. OVERSEA. • ',". " '■' ' ' "'.•'. : - ■; LONDON. .December 10. Sallnd.—Clan. 'MacLeod, for . Wellington; 1 ••..■ ■ • ":. '■, '■ : . SYDNEY,, ''Be'combor 10. • (2.30 p.m.),: from. New, Zealand; Alm'a, from. Mercury Bay.; '■'■'■''■•?■■■ '■ '-' ;■' fiailed—Nerohana, tor Auckland arid;.w6lllric;. ton; 'Jnsta,; for Kdpii. . ' ■ ■■ •'. , Sniled.-rMarjorio Crai& and Fa'.'.a of, Xth. for Auckland..'..'' , ":.■'- ' .■:'. '■■.',■'■'.:•■' ■".■:'.•''.■ ■; ■'■'.',• ■.■'•'•.■■'.'.'/ IionAKT,, December,. 10./ ' Salled.--Tonsarir6 (8 a.m.), for Wellington..: ■ . : ' '■'-,-. ' ■■'. COASTAL. :■ ' FKIDAY,' DECEMBER 10. , ; ■'~/.. !■■:',;!'.-■" ■:'- 'eossell.;.,'• :,;■; . .'.'V,; : .".. ;..Toafun Hnaraia,. bound - froin Nukualofa to Auckland, put in! at 3 p.m/,on account of-head winds. : .-.' ;. ,• .'.'" ' '■ ' ■ .:■■ ■.;- •'".''.''■ \onbhuncia-:' : .'■,•■■. /;'.■;' Arrived.—KotukurM'tun.) and.. Rarawi' (9,<5 a.m.), from, New Plymouth. '. ".', ; Bailed.—Kotuku"(s.3s p.m.)," for: Now Plymouth. j '■.•;'••■ .'■ : Auckland.'- '■'■.- "';■'■'.■'•,. j Sailcd.-Waiwcra (5 ' p.m.!, -for Wellington. ,; } '':'■' .'iNEWiI'LYMODTII.. ... ; \ '', > : " ; Sailed.—Cofihna (5; pirn.!,'" for' .Onohuica., '■■ :■.'/:. ; : > ;•. patea-.'.-.'•'■'. , ,'..■■;.■.•■■■ .':■ ■"■ ■ Arrived.-Mana (7.50 : from ' Waceanui.:. ■ ' WANGANUI. ; '. '; '' '■;'.'.' Arrived—Hula (6.'53 i; n.ra.) and.. Arapavra' (7.5 a.m.), frpin Wellington. ~ ■: Sailed— Arapawa :. tt.W p.m.) and . lluin. 1715 p.m.),':.for Wellington."'■■'..■' ._'•■_.',;.-. /'. ■'■.'. i. '~: . ■-\-X:r-:-"'-" .;: ; '- ; ;:.V;v; ■■ Arrjved.-Oo'rtio' (B'a.m.), from' Wcllinc'tonl ''.'■■ ■■'. T4 sail-Gertie (6..p.m.), for. WcUiriEtdn."■;' '-'■'■ V /,'EAST;:CAPE.;;V; .:, -. : :.X:'y;^ Aiiokura passed south: at, 11.30.a.m. ' '■'■■'■-■ : 'r'.: , : V':;\:NAPlEE.''\,> 'V' '::;;i;.:'. : ' ■.Arrived.r-Victoria. (3,), from Wellington.,.' ..;.";.'■',,,v'.- -picTON;'.. '\::::':\^:,' : ;\\. : ) i Arrived.—Patcona' «!<0 ;p,m.), from. Wellington; ; To. sail.—Patcenai(miduis!it),,.lpr;KclEon;;;;..j'. ':- J : : -y :]■/ ■-■' '" a.\micick : . •■''■ : ;'M.'.;i-Vv''":' ■" ArriTod.r-Hanaroa (7.30 ,a.m,!, froin. Wellington. 7.T6 sail.—Manaroa, (7'p.m.), lor Wellington.: '. ':-iv'--:■.-■':';; ' NELSOa .." • Arrived.—Nikau (6.40,-from Wellington. j'l'6 oall.-Mapburika. (noon. Saturday!,: for Wellington. ■■■"■:)'■■■■"',■"■'.' ""'■■■•'.•.-'■ ': .-,- '.-...: ;:•/;". KOTUEKA. . : .' ; : To fail.—Kikau. (7. p.m.), for Wellington.•■;.'.'..,

; ■'•■■■:" '"; .wEstpoet.''.-, ■'.',': Arrived.—Koaiata (5.<0. p:m.)'„fr6ni Wellington;. .To; for Nelsonj Hakanoa • (8' :p.m.)j for '-Wellington; Koiuata' (to-' inorrbw), for Wellington. ■;;;,,.:■ ;.:anEYJi6dTH. ' ■■■ ;.::/■ V-SaUoJ.'-MapDurlka .(6;'. for Wcatport. :.' .',; : ■ lyttKltoh■'; "' : ;; '!:'■•■■ ;- .. Arrived.—Athcnio:':.(G.4oV a.m.), , and -Marama (6.53 a.m.).' from--Wellington; Mararoa. (9.5 u;m.), from -Wollingtoh.: ■'■■ ■:■;".■'■:■'■■>. ,--' '-.:'.;" : Saliod.'-liarania (5.10 p.m.), for Port- Chalmcr/>: Mararoa- (0.10 p.m.), for ' WollinBtO".,: Passengers; Sa'.bbn—Hon. Kathleen-' Plunket, ; Misses On'tftcld, Graham, Williams, Stone ;Mgg,:Caulton, Paul, - Sbrenscn, Wl'.ks,.' Henrys -. «>,'. Kirlnrood,Ohitty, and Do LHo,vMcsdamcn Craig, Jond", Kor3h--.w,;Eitflon, Finlayson, Bradby and' child. Knight, Hcrridge, Captali Duigan,-, Mas'srs.. .T. Cowli'jhnw, Butt, Dou;Uty, Salmon, Douglas, Pcarco, Watson, Pavitt. (2), Hunter, Robertson,. Packer, Choesoman;.: Oobbo, , Haultain,,.;Bbid, Churchward, Law,'; Knight, ■". Austin,;, lanlii) and Ch;shohn;2o. steerage.; 7' .'...'■' '" ■'■•' . •'.-' - : '-.-'■' ■■■':>■'-; '-:■'-■::' ;''-;■'; ; M AUU."'. : . '■-'': ;. :';■;- /■':',"";

;-Bailed.— Kalpara;(s.«.'p.mi),■; for Lytteltori;'-.-,'■ .■-. : <.V .poet cijaljiees..' '..';-.'-:'','-v- : . ■■■.SftlMd.-rHincmoa, di-15 .a.m.), for Bluff,, via lighthouses;. Tarawcra.-H for northern ports.: - Paosongorn-Saloou: For WollingtonMif?e3 M'Kinloy. Sutherland,,Morton, Mcsaamcs Platts, Leahy, Dickson,. Mackenzie, Messrs. L6ahy, Leslie. • ■ ■■' .' :-■." "•... ' >;..■-.-' ■■ '•--'

. ;,'.TONGAEIKq. LEFT; HOBAHT.-;/;. 'A cablegram frorailobart states .that; tho. Ton-garil-o left thcro at 8 a.m.. yesterday/ for Wellington, in continuation ..of . her. voyago , from London, Her arrival at-Wellington, is now looked for about noon on Tuewlay; next. . - ;' .;". ; HOVEMMTS : 0?; TnE DELPHId.,, :-,"- Movemonts of tho Shaw, Kavi'-l and Albion Company's cargo' oteauier Dciphio arc how announced. .She is to' Icavo' Qlalianw to-day for Port Chalmers/ and, after loading: at. the latter port, sho visits' Timarti and Lyttoltbn. She. Is duo at Wellington from Lyt'.elton on January 0, and will sail- finally for London on".Many, Janhary; 7. ' '. ■. '.'■/ ■ BAEAWA'S '-SfeSSISO. , •Wo. arc rcoueßted to call attention' to the amended timd-tablo of the m. Earawa running between Onchunga and i\ow Plymouth for tho Northern Steamship Company and'the Union Steam Ship . Company. ' Bho arfiveo. hereon Tuesday, December H for cleaning and painting, and will'be difpatched tho came'-day for New Plymouth and Onchunga. She leaves Onchunga on Thursday, December 16, fof Now Plymouth, and Will .thereafter-have: Now Plymouth on Monday, Wednesday,'and Friday for Onohunga. From Onohunga she. will sail, on Sunday, Tuosday, and Thursday for Now Ply-' mouth, where sho connects with the.-: express .train:, -'■ . . " •'■■■' '..■•'."."■ ';?■.'.■•■' ■'•>.".■.■■

; ; ' ' ■ ': INVERTAY. FROM; PORTLAND, ■r'-i-y:,: ■An early arrival ycstorday was:-the .cargosteamer Invortay, from.Portland, .Oregon, which poft silo left on. November .6.. After medical inspection she- berthed at. the Taranaki Street wharf at 9.40 a.m.'•■■.'■ For. the • first few. days after the vessel's,' departufe from the American port she experienced, heavy galea-and high seas; but after that the conditions modorated, and she had or. the wholo an uneventful passaxe. Fogs wore mot with, near' the. Now' Zealand coast. Tho Invortay'ft cargo for Wellington con-' fists" 1 of over I.OCO.OOOft. ef ,Oroi?on pihp; Di 6-. charging operations will toko about a,; week or ten days, and tho vessel will thon load wool and genoral cargo under the Shaw, Sftvill and Albion 00. Captain James Houghton 1b in' command of .the Invortay, and has. associated with him the following .officers s-Ohlof..Mr. B. Steel; second,- Mr, H; N. J. : Farrcll -third, Mr. J. Robertson; chief engineer, Mr;;A; Wilson; second, Jtr. D. H. Oolvlllo: third, Mr.; L. C; Mun'ayi fourth, Mr. E. Cook. . ...':.■:;. •';■„

... NAIRNSHIRE'S PASSENGEft LIST. ' \: ; / ';' A number, of paesongorsjiro earning- to Now Zealand by the Fedoral-HOulder Shiro liner. Nairnshire,- which is duo at Aucklaud 'from Liverpool ■on Tuesday next. .The following is tho list:~Salooni For ahd Mrs. Luttroll and. Miss Lutt'rell, Third-class s. For, Wellington-Messrs.; J. R. Hunt, Jos. Hun,t, .0. Walker, 0. F. Scott, MrS.: Margaret. Hunt. For Auckland-Messrs. A. Hudson, J. Hudson, Jrßonnett, 0. M'Olintock, T. W. Shaw,,J. 0. Proud. J. W. Gott, Wilfrid Gott, J. T, Caino, J. Wild, J, Edear, W. Moore, J. Cairns, W. Almbnd, T. Almond, F..W. Settle, W. Preston, J.-Proston, Mcs-. dames Bennott. M'Ciintoek. Calne, Wild, Preßton. Misses'N. Caine, A. Frith, and A; Preston.;-.-For' Timnru-lfrs. M. E... Cross. For,: Lyttelton—Mrs. M. E. Winard, - Misses -'M.A.. James,. and.R.'A'. Sladen. For Qreymouth--Mr.q. Burt. ■ For Dun--odin-Messrs; G.. Ranger,. M. M'Kay, J, Brookes, S; Clay«, K. Stuart,,.o. Stuart,.and A, Graham, ■haw, Moidames M. Winelado, E, Bangor,, and it. M'K»y.

'EXAMINATIONS .FOE MASTEES' AND HATEfJ. This week's Gazette, notifies thefollowing additional rules, for the eiaicinations of mattors and mates:— . ■ 1.; On and,after September 1, 1910, all candidates 'tor certificates' of' competency as, second raato of. fbroign-going'shin'B or mate of Hoirc.: trade passonger.ships will, in addition, to; the present: chart-.; question's/-for theso grades bo inquired to' answer ■■ in, writing ' e.uostions 6,, 7. and 3 as given .in. Appendix. 0. of. the regulations relating, to- the•■'. Examination - of. Masters ,and Mates in.tho.'Mercantile Marino UK6). -..'..- :. Candidates for. certificates of eompotency as only or first tnato villi, in addition to Iho Questions prescribed for second- mate, bo required to work a both current sailing and reduction'to soundings (see 3G..(d). of the regulations,. 19Cfi>;. and all candidates. for certificates <of competency as ,master.'. or-, only, or first':-mats 'of foreigivgoihg; ships, a.-.d master of Homo-trado'..pafsenger. shins,..,will .bo required' to show proficiency in tho method of fixing a nMp's /position :by .horizontal.; scztant angles, using ■ a; station-pointer for,., plotting it on tlio chart.,'' -;'' :;/ - .-:•;•'..' : ,'-''-. .-'•,.' 8.. On and ofter ■'■ January 1,'1914, tha .fitnncardof forni-vUiin rc.uircd by.thc-Maritio.'Depart-ment'.will ,|)0 : raised. -'■■ Ca-dida'eH will, then- bo tested with-'each .cyo.. separate.: - , and - will tiu req'ulnrt to possess- full.normal-vision in ono eyo 'and' at leap.', half -normal; vision .in the '-. No 'candidate .who hV= obtained a. certificate of competency before tlwt' vri'.Vb; room'rod to the higher standard on .entering ,for,.ii certificate of p. higher grade,-,u:-.lers.ho wl.«hes, On.and.after March 1; 1910, nr.y person-serving or intoDdirie to :cerv.e„in tb>/mercantile, marine or in fishing vessels may. bo tc-.tcd:t;y. the higher standard; ,ar.d.;any hold?rc*;rt'.certificate ; of eompotency Who pasfes'".he.-r.wtcsv ror«'.havo tho fact'of his 'passing endorsed'\upon.:h:s':ccrtificate. ■■■ ';■'..■'' ■ ■■■'• ',-.'/■■'■

SnAW, 'SAVILL, AND' 'ALBION'. - COMPANY, .LTDi : ':■.;■ .--movements of. steaxees.<;:.''.:,y' A thcnlc.—Arrived Wellington • November 30; sails, agist-. December 30, duo London .February. 10; leaves ■■ London for Wellington.March 1 3,. ■1910. ••'■:\-= :■.'.'■■ ■-:' . ;.! : t':',,':':;. r'v- -. o?rln»hj>;-Left Lo-don November It;,di>e New Zealand December. 23; caiH Main for.,Ldndon, J*m*ry : .27.;-.-club'-'March - -.10,' 19%::;;, >, ; .'-:-. .---, -■"WAitiiTPaft-Loath ••LvttcUoiJ,"..Wellington,: and Auckl!>nd;nilins finally for. last-named port en. December,29., ! - - .-.- ,'- -..■;-'^ "'■': u->: '■ : ',^' : ' Jnvert.iy.-Puo Wollwgton /ndd.e.ol Deecrrb" ; will bad wml, otc, and sailo finally abon; n-.:cdle London November &>t,; P'™: ediri-Mil Lvt,t,elton;\<?ue December, TO; will fail apnin for London nboUV end Jo-.uarjr.-' '-. -:. , ,-; .: Tokonmru.—At .Port Chalmers;,vail rail,for London in. Jan:ia,ry;' 1510.::' ■;■.■'. ~'.,.;„.,'- V '.-,- Kn.ra"-on.-Left .Liverpool OotpbM fO, f.-rAucV land. Wellington, -Lytt'ltort and Dui">din. - v.a; Ad"lMde;:,duc-'-A.uckland .nVniV December- 26. . Walrcrn.-Ar'-ive'd, AurWar.d. ■• Number,... STv thereafter Wellington and-B'jul; '">.-,.»'•• ~'K~-n----fr"rn Now''.and in.-Janrary. l o| o. ,„■■■'■ .Mamorl-Arrived London. S.Qnt ; ™<J-:r J?;. ..carii ngr-in earlv- December, for. Auckhnd. Wellington, and Timnr'n; 'due about «':'.niu;.v 19.' ; . : . :... London early, J-nnary fir. Dun-ctuVand-Jiyttoltin-! dro ab;<tt .February 19, ... -:,- Lond-* November • 16; .•. rails , again December..'."lt' Wellington _?M LyHo'^n-. duo January 2V| sails snam from Now. Zca.and for London February .24, 1910...v ■ •. .-■ .-,- ■■•.■ ' Ki'.mara:-li»aves [ Liverpool T.n Dorervier. .for Auckland,. Wellington, -Lyttcltori, rr4 :Duncd-.n: duo about February .19. ... ... " .:..,.■ ..■:? i--:' ■Dolphic—Now. loadins in north; w.l cc. ■. for London. January' 8,: to catch ''h-i-Mjrw- ;a!cj,;,'. ; Tainui-Left- Monto .Video Novc-nbor,'.s.v diy> London December 16; haves London .Jar.--ary., 6; duo Wellington February ' 22; cails ;tvsa!2 iron) New Zealand .March Mi.. 1910, . ; .;. v.. -:-'.. : -Ka'l .Ora.-Loft- Wellington November 28., for London'; via : Itio do Janeiro; : dv.o London Janu- . ary 7,' 1910; ; to catch. Jaiinary wool -.«.■>los. • lonio.-Loft- Wellington December: -.4 for Lw don, .via Monte'.Video; duo January 15; tails again for - Wellington February 3,. 1910. -.„;.. Itangntirdl-New ; twin-screw s'.came:building i will cntl' from Liverpool in February, 191 C; dno Now Zealand, in March.' ,: - ;;;,;,.;-.;. ; ,.: ■;..•:';•

■ Mr. A; G; Familfnn, has joined- the Waifcr ro as acsistantpurser, in place of Mr. E. E.MCluro.; 'Mr. J Pnteraon ycstorda.y.joined'thb Mantiha" as chief engineer,' and. Mr. A. Lewis came ashore.: .-■■■< , ■ ■■ . Mr. E. Burton yesterday signed on aa mato of • the - coastal steamer Opawa. relieving Mr. )I. Nicholas. .:.■..- ; . . On' Monday moinirtE, the'Konnodv.'ir .to lead explosives from the .Wolwora, and cho wi.l cf.•:>, wards, sail, for West Wanganui. ■'.;,.•. Tho'-Holmdalo,. boundl'fof Tr.po Campbell shortly after -midday-ycotorduy.- frem Picton t-ho proceeds to Onohunga to load-, for Wellington. -V •-■■ '.'■ •■;' . . Captain G. G, : Smith, naval registrar at Wellington, received' advice- yesterday from Commander Blunt stating that the Pionc6r was. at Half Moon Day,' Stewart -Island..:. ■ ; ; ; According td -advice 'received by.. thi l'Dnion Co., tho ltakanoa. waa fixed to leave westnprtfor Wellington .. at 8 , o'clo'oli .last night. The. Komalii. is to leave the ■ same, port for AVpllington. to-night.. ... : ':. Tho Mapourika was fixed to lcavb Westport at f«,4, yesterday for Nelson. -.; From the latter rjort she comts «n to Wollisgtanat no6n to-day, and Bhould, ':■ accordingly, ; reach here, about 9 o'clock, this-, evonlng, "....,-. It is uiiderstobd that tho'Canopus : and lP 'th6 Bcguluswlll both go to Port Chalmers obout Ohrbtmas week to dock in.tho new Otago, Dock for-thcir annual overhaul and survey.. If is' nov/'cißccted that tllo stcatoor Clan Oeilvy will; arrive. hero on Tuesday nest to "eplenlsh bunkers beforo commencing llofflo< ward loading,..." ; Whllo at Dunedin.and Lyttclton, the intercolonial'stoamer Manuka took in large Quantities of-bunker coal, and yesterday her supply was added td ftt Wellington, so as to enable her to return to New Zealand from Sydney without trouble. .-,. ■;'■'.:,,.-,■ :'■■':■;■.

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 687, 11 December 1909, Page 7

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SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 687, 11 December 1909, Page 7

SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 687, 11 December 1909, Page 7