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..■:" ;'\ .investment;' shakes. ,■.-■'..:■, A ealo of Wellington Ga3 (£lO paid) at £18 wee recorded yesterday. The market was quiet, and there , were fewer quotations than usual. National Bank, sellers, £6 Is.;: Loan and Mercantile, sellers 4b.; Wellington Investment, buyere lie., sellers 11s. 6d.j Fellding Gag, 'buyers 21s.;' Now Zealand Insurance, buyers £3 15a. 6d.; South British Insurance, buyers £2 135.,-'-sellers £2 14b. 6d.; CUristolrarch Meat,'buyers £10 17s. 6d.; Meat Export/, third issue, buyers' £2 15s.' 6d.; Union Steam, sellers £1 13s. 3d.; Wellington Woollen, sellers £3 4s. 9d.; Wostport Coal, sellers £6 45.; Kauri Timber, lbs. paid, sellers 165., cum; dividend ; Leyland-O'Brlen Timber, buyers £1 2s. 9d.; Sharland's ordinary, sellers 20s. 6d.; preference, buyers-205.. 6d. . ■

' ;.■'■■ -KAUKI; TIMBER 1 COMPANY. ■ ' The twenty-first annual report of the Kauri Timber Company, Ltd., to be submitted to the annual meeting of shareholders in Melbourne, on December 16, states that the profits for the year, including .£29,109 la. Id. brought'forward from last year; amount to £70,333 6s. 5d., out of which it (s proposed to pay a dividend at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, absorbing £46,800, and to carry forward to next year tho balance of £ZS,i>33 6s. 6d. The report adds that tho new mill is working well, and has largely increased tho producing facilities. Largo deliveries of logs aro coming forward, and .conditions are" more favourable than at this time last year. Following ere the details of the profit and loss for tho year:—Dr.: To management and office salaries, rents, rates, taxes, etc., £35,259 2s. 10d.; del credere for bad and doubtful debts, £2304 17s. 9d.; repairs to mill and • plant," £3867. Is. 9d.; .written-oIT shares in other companies, £2922 10s.; fire insurance, £549 os. Id.; depreciation on. mills, £5930 12s. 9d.; depreciation, on rolling . Btock,■furniture, etc., £507 9s. 9d.;16g reservo account, £1000; contingency account, £4804 10s. lOd.j balance' at August 31, 1908, £70,333 6s. 5d.; total, £127,487 12s. 2d.. Cr.: By balance,from August 31, 1908, £75,909 Iβ. Id. (less dividend at rato of 8 per cent, per annum paid for the year ended Angus!; 31, 1908, £46,800); profits on timber and stores sold,'gam and flax royalty,-etc.; '£93,130 0a: 2d.;, transfer: fees,, £32 10s. lid.;, dividends on shares in'other companies, £5207; total. £127,470 12s. 2d. - ...... , , ; ...

' •;.■■;■". londonja wooii centre. ■ . ■ ' in. their review of'.tho wool trado for the year ended September 30, Messrs. Willana and. Overbury write:—. ' ■ : •: .. " •■■ ■ -•'. >- "Tho quantity sold in London amounted -to 934,000 bales,, as compared with 940.CC0. bales .in the previous year.' The season just closed is interesting in that ,tho distribution- of supplies is almost .the exact reverse of rita * predecessor. Whereas in 1907-8 the.quantity, sold in tho first three series of the year was only., 391,000 bales, Bomo 544,000. bales woro disposed of during the last six months i this eeason tho first half of tho year accounted: for .540,000 bales., and: the latter part- for • 392,000vba1e5,. an : almost; exact reversal of the programme'of 1907-8. It-is estimated that 470,000 bales (50J per cent;) "were taken for tho Continent.!- and 83.000 bales (9 per cent.) for America, leaving 381,000 bales (403 per.cent.) for the Homo trade; these figures show a considerablo difference in the proportions purchased by the Continent and America, at the expense of this,. country.-The figures for the previous year were "42J per cent, to the Continent,-,4 per cent, for America, and 535 per cent, for Great Britain. The dcclino of 123 per cent., in the purchases by the Home trade has been absorbed by the Continent and America in tho proportion of 73 per eont. "rind.. 5 per cent, '.respectively.- -The total cliD from Australasia amounted to 2,288,000 bales (491,000 bales from' New Zealand),, tho largest quantity over. dealt with in a period.of twelve months, and shows.'an . increase of. over 230.C00 bales over the previous season. This increase, however, is-mainly accounted for-by th,o fact that largo quantities' of the 1907-8 clin were WA back •' for shipment after July. 1, 1908,; thereby unduly swelling the exports for tho current year." '■■ ■• ■ ' ■;• " ~■■ ■ ..; . ■ / -. '..- ■-;.■

;-;-, : . VAOTE OjF-WOL. ,i! Tho average* value of a bale of wool'in ! London on- October 23, according: to Messrs. Willans and Ovorbury, stood at £16 10s., as '-against £12 15s. at the' September-October series, 1908, while for the 1 whole period -under review, including Oape wool, itvworks out at £15 ss.,'as compared-v/ith j!l3 Bs. in the previous season. During the "year, in spite of the low level at which tho bulk of crossbred wool has -fold'throughout, the average value of a bale of coloured, wool has steadily -improved. ■ A fair- Australian moririo wool ;.in the grease averaged at'the- late. September. sales £18 ,10s.' por bale, as against '£14 10s." at the corresponding period of ,1008,; and tho-avcragoi on' October 23 o! a balo of coarse crossbred greasy stood at £15 10s., ■ oompared with £10 15b. twelve months ago. The average valuo per bale during'tho .Australasian selling Ecason, 19C8-9, was,returned at.£ll 6s. 10d. .'■ ... < ...:.;.. . ■'■ Customs revenue > collected at: Wellington.' yesterday amounted. to £1,870 193. ,<d; ..' : ' ■ . ■ ..". - ■■: ."'■■■ ■ .''■ ' \ t : . .-.:.. i. '-._ .':. ■:•■. .PBTJIT AND PKODtiOE EEPQET. . Tho.New' Zealand Fruit.and Produce : Company; Ltd., report prices for week;ended: DcixSmbcr 6 ag follow:—Potatoes, old, 'ss. to 65.; cwt; potatoosj new, ss. ; .6d. to Bs. 6d. cwt.; onions,. Victorian, ■ 9s. 6d. to'-10s..*6d.'^. v caiiliEowerpa3a»t6 9s. sack; cabbage, 4s. to Bs. 6d; saelt; boans.-French, 5d.-to'7d;-jb.j rhubarb, 4s. 6d.- to'6s. 9d. doien; lettnee, 55.., .to :55.i,6d. sack; carrofs, now, Us. Back; , beetroot,' 2s'. 9d. to 4a. 3d. Gack; peas, 10d. to la.'4d. peck; beans, broad, 2d;; ; per lb.;'asparagus, 7d. to 9d. bunch; mandarins, Bsr 9d. .to Us'. , , case ; |; pinee, ?s', to Hβ. 6d. caso; lemons, 10s. to:l3s. case; "oranges, Uβ. to"l3s. case; apples, American, 14s. to 16s. case; bananas, 7s. 9d. to 10s. coso; Booseberries, 4s. 6d. to 53. 'Sα. , : caoej .etrawborrieg, Is. 6d. to. Iβ. .9a: case'; red currantsi : 4s. 6d. to'; plums, cherry, 12s. to 14s. 6d.; cherries, • 12s. to' 14s. '6d.; tomatoes, 6d. to 9d. lb.; egge, Is. .to Is. la. dozen; turkoye, 14s.' to 18s. pair; hone, 4s. 6d. to sp. pair; ducks,-6s. to os. pair; , bran,. 9s. Back; oats, 2s. 2d. to 2s.'4d. bushcli-.chaff;: £3'to,£3 165.; peanuts, 20s. 6d. sack;'preserved.ginger,.6ld. per lb.'-, i. .. ' '.'..*.;■■•. :<'■'.:■-,'j-'i : : : :'-'V ■:'■'• '

: :\r-i : ':'; ' the iietal : markets. ': •." :: ■ (By:. Tolegraph.— Press -Assoclatlon.-CoDyricht.) : ■ : . ' London, December 8.. : Conner.—On ' spot, -£53 Is. -'3d.;..'three;,months, £60 Za. 6d.- .- ••■'■ ■ :■'■ ■.' .■ 4 '. ; .■■..■■" ■' : '■ ':. Tin.—On^spot, £144" 55.; three months,, *l<6. ■ Lead, .£12.175. 6d: ■ per ton. ' . '~.:■ ■'■. ' :;; : -'.;v': l : y : -[^\~ r.siiiyEß;:'; ■ : :'':' : ■ '■■;■■■ ■'''■ ■'■ Silver, is"(!uoted;at;Zljd. per ouMi'.BUndard... ■...; '-^:[- ! ; ■'■>>■ .-'■.-'■■■■' wheat.- -::.:.■ . !-.; ; : -:; ; J : 1 Six thousand and "four tons> of Adelaide De-cember-January wheat, ex steamer, Bold at 385." 9d. ■, .-• ■■■ ,",'■■ ■■■■•■ ■■' ; - The American visible" supply is 6Z.414.0C0 bushola. - ■■■■"■ V> ■";.{■ ~' ; :;'TALLOW. : ' ':/-''■ '; '''■ '~:■ ■:.'■ ""■:•• •■.: '' London, December B.'- ■ At the tallow sales.6Eß casks.were offerpd and 527.501 d. Mutton, ttno,.37s. 6d.; medium, 32e:s6d. IBcof, fine,.34s. 6d.; medium, 3Zs % ; , :;,..; ./\ .- : The Now Zealand Loan andlfcrcantile Agency Company, Ltd., have received the following cablegram from their London. house, undor date. December B:—•■Tallow.—Wo quote present -spot the following descriptions. o{.tallow:—. Good mutton, 355. per cwt.; good beef, '31s. 6d. liercwt.; mixed, , 32e. 3d. per cwt.. Marltet firm." ■ ;','.: ATTSTBALIAN , PEODTJCE 3IAEKETS.' : : \ (Bjr Teleiirauli. i'rcaa Assnclatloiii—Oopjrletil't ..• ■■:•••■ "■'.-. (Kec." December 9,: 11.10 p.m.)/.' -. .' ''■•■ .. ' ,; .-'...■-■ -.-.' Sydneyi December 9. ■Flour, £11.;..0ats— Algerian.feeding , , ,25.,-: Tasinanian white, Us.'.sd.' io 2a. 6(t.■ barley, Capoj , 35. , to 3s. 3d., Bran, ii 4 ; los.-' Pollard, £b. kaue, is.' Zd. Potatoes, -*t-llls.: to £b. ,Ouions, £7. But,tcr, special brands, 3Hs. : Oheese, 6ja. Jicon. Bitl. "'". : ",' ■-. '•'■■ ' ■ '■ v. .-i- Melbourne, December 9. v ■! Wheat, new, 3a.- Hid, ilour. £10 bs. Oats, Alfcrian feeding, Is. bid.. Barley—Feeding, 2u: id.; hnglisn, i!s. Id.; English mailing,, to , 3s. 9d. Maize, 03. 3u; Dran, £1 12s. 6d.; l'oliara, • £6' Iμ. Potatoes,'*l 10s. , to; £2. lus. .Onions, :t4./Is. :to •" ■■'■.■■' . '■■': : '■",' Adelaide, December 9.--Wheat,'4s. ljd. Flour, £10 lis. Oatu, Algerian, Is, 6d. ilaWey-iN'ew Oape, 2s. «.; tnelisn, to sb. 3d. i'oilard, 13d. ,- -■".'•;'■■ ' : '. : ■■ -■ '::■:' 'hides'market. ; -"'/:.... : ■: : . : - "(Reci December 9, llip , 'p.m.V, •; ''. ; :v ~: .';. ../ - . . Molbourno, December. 9!,-. In the hides market supplies were small, and : the demaad was ieen. Prices were Teyr arm. 'C:- '■'.} ' : -', and d. Co.; ;:" r^'. :•/■:. ■< '; : :■;.' ID»_T<!lctrai)U-i'feiis'fl«aoclatloß.r : ' . ■ ... ■ ' - ■.- . ■•': Napjor, December 9. The CO. and D.'Cov ; London, to-day cabled the following report:—'l'ho frozen meat marlsct continues .weak, and thore is a further fall.of id. in the' value ot North leland. mutton,-, boot quality lamb, and forequartors of beef. ; To-day's quotationei—Alutton—Canterbury, , ,4d.; Napier,' Wellington, and North Island, 38d.. Lambr-First quality, 3^d.; second, Jjd. ,-. Uccf—Hlnde, • 3Jd.; fores, 23d. . : . . . '

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 10

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COMMERCIAL ITEMS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 10

COMMERCIAL ITEMS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 10