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■ :' • • WELLINGTON MINING MARKET. . A fair business was done yesterday in Talisman shares. At the first call.sales-were recorded up,to £2'6s. 6d.,-but the market-eased later. 2he' depression continues,' and. business is very slow. The sales recorded yesterday were as under:—. .•■■-,.,- . . • N.Z. Grown, 4s. Bd. (third call). - - Talisman, 465., 465. lid., 455. 6d. (firEt call); 455. (second:call). '■ • : '••'■•. -. ,:• . ' Boss-.Goldfields,, 9a. (third call).. ;.;■■•■-. ./quotations. .. .:■'■'■■'. \ The latest'quotations,'with ■'laEt recorded sales, were as under:— . •: ..-■-. -■••■• Bayers. Sellers ,;■ Rales. " ■ ■ .: : £e. d. £ e.d. ,-£B.d. Dixon Consolidated' .:.... ■; — 0 0 6 ■~- — Dominion .'....:.. : — 0 O.'2J . — Kuranui Caledonian....;.'. — ' 0 12 — May Queen. -.....;.... — ' 0 211 — Mountain King .-. — 0 1 0 ; — N.Z. Crown ~ 0 4 9 I 411 0 4 8 New Sylvia '.. 0.4 10 0 5 1,.Old:Hauraki 0 2 8 0 3 0 ■-" Reliance ;. — 0 0 3J ... — Saxon ;;.-;...-." o'■0'■ I'o 0 1 2 • — Tairua. Broken, Hills ... —'.'.'-. v 0 13 — Talisman ..;....•..... .2 4 3 2 4 6 V 5 0 Victoria ;.....:...... 0 0 9-. •- — . — Waihi .r,...;... - 915 6 .- Waihi Grand Junction —'..' 114 9 , — Waiotahi. ...-■..:.... . — ; 0 5 0 : — Waitangi ::...:..........'0 26.' 02 7 — Watehman ......i..... O'l-7- 0 110 ,— Con. Gqldflelds ..'"0 17.6 013 3 ./.-: New'Alptne (paid) — .033 '. — Progress 012 6 ."' — •■ — Eoss Goldflelds 0 8 9'..'0 9 0. '0/9 0 1 '■'',;■/:...,.■ STOCK ..EXCHANGE.. (Sj TeicEraDh.-Preoi Aennelallon.i ■ . i ■'■-'•.;■'. . . ' Auckland, December 9. The following bueinesswas done on the • Stock Exchange this morning:— .>- ,v "-- L-' ..May Queen, 2s. 9d..-.--' - . ' ;■" .. Sylvia, ss. Id. '.- . . ■ ■>'.' . : Saxon. Is. 2d,' ■'■' , '; ■ . • ": Waiotahi, 4s. 9d.: 4s. - ■'■'"■ ; Watchman, Is. 7d. , .- .■■ ■ ■ ■•' ; ' : Hauraki, 2s. lid. .to , 2b. 9d. ... Crown, 4s. 7i., 4s. Bd. , . , '. I 'Golden' Belt,'(paid) lCd., (con.) 6d. •"• . ' , ' Tairua Broken Hills, ,la. 2d. " ' \ ', ■ ■Waihi,. £9-163., £9 17s. /, . . Grand Junction, 355. . -.. ■'• ' ■ ' Handsworth,. Sd. '■ - - Auckland Gas, £1S 2s. Cd. . ..'. v. ■ -Wilson's. Cement, 425.: - -~••■■■ . The following businesß was done at the afternoon call to-day :— ' Kuranui Caledonian, Is. ■ 2d., Is. Id.' ■ • New Sylvia, 55.. Id. . ■-.-.. > ■ '. , " ■ •'. • Waiotahi.v : 4s. 9d., 4s.lCd. -. ~ , ' i Consolidated'..Uoldfields, 18a.-6d. . . • Golden'Pah.',3id. .-■ •;•••-;■'; : \ ■ /. ■■■'■ .•'•' „■:' .- Old.Hauraki,2a. 9d.', 2s,Mld., 33. Id., 3s. '^ ' N.Z. Crown; As. lOi.; 55.-.:- > . Golden : Belt'(paid);. BJd. : " "" .' ' Talisman Consolidated, 445. •''(&'■ Tairua Broken Hills, ■Mβ." 2d. '- ' Talisman- Consolidated, Ms. 6d. . Waihi Extended, 365. ' . ■ ;Waihi Grand. Junction, 345. 9d.-. . '■•'.■ ; -. '.''.: '■: -' ■ ...'-..'' ,-'■ .- Duncdln, December 9.. ■Stock, Exchange sales:— : ■ • .'•■. Kuranui Caledonian, 13. M. ■••■'■ ■ . .' • Waihi Grand Junction, 345. 6d., 345. '6d.; 345. 6d., 345.. 6d.. -.-.■-'■ ■ . -~-., *■ ■ . Iteported sale:-Old HauraM," 2s.'Ed. -, ' ."-..■",:. MOUNT LYEIiL EETUKN. "'..-■•" : . . (By Telcgrapli.-Pross Associatlon.-CnpyriEht.) ;.'.'•; (Eec. December.9,ll.lo p.m.) ' ■" ..-■'-■''■.' iltolbourno,. December ,9. •THoMount Lycll Mine-reports that, fronrNovorabor 4 to December 1, 29,806 tons, together with 20 tons of purchased ore, were treated: The converters ■ produced 551 tons of .blister copper, containing 544 tons of topper, 46,7600z. of silver, and U«oz. of gold. \ ; , ..-.'.< :■_ ■■:.■'

WAIHI GKAND JUNCTION. •.. : ' "'] At No. s,level'in tho Grand Junction Mine tho ■■work-of advancing; tho north crosscut to "inter-■sect.-thCyNq. 2 reef is'in t progress,-the 'distanco between tho Nos. 1 and 2 lodea hero being eotimated at something liko 200 ft. Driving, both east and west, on tho No. 1, roof (Martha) aV this, being continued, end a marked improvement hag occurred going cast, whore good-look-ing mineral ore is now showing. The indications are that the pay chuto corresponding with tho. run of-Values'met with at No. 4 level ia bcihg entored upon. At .the ~ workings going west more mineralised quartz has boon met with lately, but it docs: not appear, to be of much' commercial value, : arid it cannot bo said that there.has been any material change in'thin drive. ,I,u the drives both-cast and west on th.e course of the Empire Kcof payable ore has ■been carried along for the full distance driven, and nice-looking mineral ore i 3 in' ovidenco in both faces. The eastern drive has now been advanced about twice the distance driven .on the Empire at No. 4 level, thus showing that the. pay chute is extending considerably further cast than appeared to be the case when the drive was' discontinued at the level overhead. The Boyal.lodo is being followed cast and west at No; 5 level,? and'so. far the lode, has been somewhat broken , up, but. it is anticipated; that further development work will open up good ore reserves' on this-reef. '.Up to the ...present tho. re-' suits, have proved more ■ satisfactory than was the case at corresponding points at No. 4 level, and in view of the fact that tho Royal at both; the Nos. 9 and 10 levels in the Waihi Mine (the latter level, being about the same , :depth at the Junction No. 5 level) is a strong body of quartz carrying high-grade ore, approaching the Junction boundary, everything points to important developments on the reef going west in tho' 6 ground. "•'. , - '■■•'■■

...: : ; ■■'. ;V TALISMAN. CONSOLIDATED. ; ; •..' During November . the ■ .Talisman 'Consolidated crushed and treated 3950 tons'of ore for a yield of bullion .valued-tit , . £18,602 3s. Id. - This shows, a, decrease .of about ■£}, compared with-the return for the previous month, when a larger tonnage (4040 tons) yielded £18,605 sa. Id., so that the average on the present occasion is higher. The output for- November,. 1900, was £23,173 Us. 'id.'from 3604 tons: Tho total costs for the past month were £1.195. 4d. per tori, as against £1 19a. Bd. per ton for- October, .and- were made up as follow:—Mine development," 10s. lid.j mining, 13s. 7d.; milling. 12s. 9d.; Rer.eral.expenses, 2a. Id. The total amount won from the mine to: dato. is £1,196,787 - 145. , lld.v as shown-in-tho following table of. details:—.7 : .'• '• '. •■■•-■ ■ ■•;•■•■■ '■ ■-•' ■ "■■'■■ ■■'■ ■'■'■£ ; s. d. To •December, 1907 ■.;:....:..::......:,..:.......:.. 783,334.. 210 January to December, 1909 218,992 4 4 . Total' ............;........;.. ...' £1,002,326 7 2 Period ending— .: ■ -,•■'■ •■• January 31. 3500 tons'.'. ........: • 12,452 15 2 ■■■'•■■'■' February 28, 3856 tons 17.08010 9 ■ March 31, 4UO tons ....'. .18.473 5 1, April SO, 3960 tons .....'.: 17,340 10 J . May 31, 3065. tons V.;:::;.;.. 17,846 8 4 Juno 30, 41C0 tons ...1...............;.... .17,682 12 11 • ." July 31, 4200 tons .....„........'. 19,357; 0 0 August 31, 3740 tons ...'.;......; 18,720 3 9 ■•;. September 31, 3865.t0n-? ■..:..'. ;■ 18,292 13 2 October 31, W',o tons ..:■. ..: ■ 18,605 5 1 November 30, 1909,', 3950 tons ...;.;. 18,602 3 1 '■ Total to date ............I. £1,196,787 1411 Total - dividends declared (sinco . ■■: reconstruction) £356,250 0 0 i ■ ■ MIKE MANAGERS' 'REPORTS.' .;''... '■ffaihi Beach.—The country ia somewhat harder than, previously, but looks very 1 promising; boine intersected with small veins of-quartz. A" strong .stream of'water incoming'from tho.face.: 'Occidental.—The •country- encasing . the leader is -'Of; .a splendid character, but carries very little : good mineral indications.. '._.-:■ ~ Boriania.—The low level is penetrating Bond country, and the water is still running very 'strong. , -:'-. ■■;•". : . . .:. ■ .Toliatea.—No. 2 stopo lain 30ft. The leader is three inches in width. : No goM has been seen for several, feot. In No. 3'. stopo "tho mineral indications aro . very favourable. Tho leafier is-in two rib?, both of which show blotcnee of gold where the mineral indications: strike them. The tributo level crosscut is in splendid country. : . . . .■"■'■' . Wnitangi Consolidated.—Tho drive weat on tho Slam reef aboyo the intermediate level •■i3 in 31ft. , Tho reef still maintains its size of seven feet. The hangihgwall looks very well, and carries nico patches of minoral, and also shows free gold. The footwall in of low value. The reef- is very hard to break, which makes progress slow. No 2 level, on tho hangingwall of the main reef, isin 174.ft. The reef is improving in appearance as the drive Rets away from tho break. - ... . :.■ ; - . ■ '' ■ ... -■ ;■ ''.Ooldc'n Belt.—ln the drive south at No.l level, on the reef, the stopes are looking well, and produce payable oro. ■ The ; Ajax •' reef in No. 2 level is also looking well, tho stone showing nico colours of gold. . . , : : ~ .Domlnion.-The level ia in 268 ft. '; Silica and iron 60ama, also; blocks-'of. quartz, are occasion-ally-mot with;: .Tho'reef should,-ba mot:-with .'■ Dixon's :'OonspUdated.-In' the footwall drti-c tho country is esccllent. Th hanglngwall reef north is a nice compact body of t stono, and still continues to look well. In tSo 'drive'at' tho low level the Quartz is r.on- Ehowing stronirer, and parries favourable'indications! for; gold. ■ level is: in hat,'froni'. tho: rise. Tho country is tt good class, with stringers and mineral .seams,, crossing the faoK ;■/. .

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 10

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MINING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 10

MINING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 10