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: knight'season; •■;■■■•, ;.'■;■•■ The, Julius Knight Company concluded., a highly successful-' season at.the; Opera.House last eveuirig, when. "A: 'Royal .'Divorce" was produced before a. largo audience. .The, opinf Sa.ny leaves for' Sydney, by' the Manuka' to- .»>'•'■ '■■■ '■' Mi,-:' -. ;'';;:'.. '■ '. '■': -.- ;. -':'- ; .' ■■;'•: '.'.'■. : THE ■".; ']_■ The" new,.programme of the, Royal 'Pictures ntHis Majcsty'e Theatre made. a. great hit when screened for the first..time ~pn■ Wednesday, evening. :Such strikinply.-. drairjatio' films' as "Nero, or-the Fall, of .Rbmc,";.','ln Old' Kentucky," and. "A- Childless: Home," with the added ■ variety "afforded-' , scenic films, and tumorous studies', should. ensure an' excellent run for the .new programme.' The pictures :will be screened again'to-night.:.. ,' "■/: ' ■';■ ■'. THEATRE ;, ''; To-night wH\":be ; ' 'tho% la§t .' qppp'rhinity afforded the public of \ntnessing-tue excellent prqgrammeof -pictures, which has. so-favon'r-ably: been 'spokenof during' :the. week. A new programme ;is annonnoed for Saturday. •'i', .. ;:. ; :'.',:[ STAB'-HCTDBESV ;•■■■■;'■■.•;■;-..;•• ; Ono of the best pictures yet wen at St Thomas's Hall, Newtowri, was- that ■ entitled "Boy. Scpnts to the Rescue,"-presented by the Star' Picture Company':.last evening.'.-It is a decidedly interesting film,'and' should be seen by-all who appreciate' kinemafography' in■ its latest and most' attractive :forin, ■ -Tiere arc numerous 'other good■' making ■dp a satisfactory programme; ■, which 'vrUl be : . repeated nightly. ;.' - •'-. '-' ••■;•-,

. ': ;THE.SCARM!T TROUBADOURS.; v«' The Scarlet Troubadours open "their.-- eightnight .season to-night iu th<j Opera House. The Troubadours are : so well known"that'th'cr'e is no need-to here'describe them, further than'to say that Overy "artist has 'been' specially-se-lected from -tho foremost rank' of•'English "stars." -Tho programme- to-riightvwill; b' o de- : lightf ully bright, sparkling, : novel.,, Qpe'r-' atic gems, musical scenaa.iraniatic burlesques, exquisito .part singing,' lightmng"cartoons, in coloured- chalks, 'and.quaint 'comical whimsicalities; all- f olloVing , ' ,in' bfie delightful round,' moke .up an- entertainment intensely ■ interesting, and-amusing." The! personnel'of tho com'panyVis pra'cticaUj- HHfe; same :is\ that-, which first made its gi-eat Lbndqn'VreputatibnV and: includes' ■ Mr. Ford Waltham, acknowledged. as a most,yersatilo'artist; Mr. Sydney ManiieringithV tenor,'and- stage, inanageiy who ■acted in the same 'dual capacity.' for tho 'Moody-llaniers Op?ra'iConipaDj';''ljtiss 'Maude Erne :and'"Miss Gertrude' Parker, 1 \ former-:, chief sbubrette aiid Mm'fe'dian , -af , vDalys|^!i;h , eatre;;iand'''Gc , br^" ; r:E4wardes : conipanies .respectively, will ■; again"- renew', their acquaintances'- with us/as- also SVill Sir;, Alfred: Cunningham,: who .made a 'reputation as- principal'baritone •in the , Meister Glee Singers' and. the'uCarJ 'Rosa Opera' • Company. ■The. jester, ■ Mr.' Edward'. Wanridk, the , ' inimitable, br ; the'scconjl .Spurrj'.as he-is st7}rai:''.retur°nis'.'Witli''a'.stbre''bf'iioir'ploas'ajit'ries' &nd' : irrcsistible ' Mr.'.'lJeonard 'Griffiths, ■'Royal Academy''"gold'- medallist ttr - both vocal and-'iristrumenUil.'muMc,'-is: still with'the company; Mr;: Claude Leplastrier. will entertain , and .'aihuse''-witli:;hie :lightnin'g' cartoons in coloured- clialks" and <:hunwrarous, sketxjhes. , '' Additional' lustre and-.ip'arkle is* given to. the performance: Jjj-• the various , scenei.'presented -bping .Btaged, -acted, -and-', sung in-.varjiig-. cO6tumes,'' :Bbx ; pla'nß are ; 6peh at the: Dresden.,•'

ENTERTAINMENT AT ST. PETER'S HAIi. -•Lait nighty iri'St;-Peter?s Schoolroom,' a' sale' : was. held under the direction of '.Hi te'abhers at :St; : -Peter's.'Sunday School,.-and an: eritertainmtat - 'was'. given by the under the --diTectionvof 'Miss' Maudesley.. - There were,,stalls. for , 'thei sale, of ■fancy:- work; .'plain work, ;tsweets,. and ■ flowers,'-, and'•. a'■ stall sup--plied.-,.with goods'; by/the children .contained , woodwork' \ ~ah;A,■■ , tbakketwork,'; ; made- Vbjv lli.ein;-; r^/children,'saiig. : ..aVnunibeF:ibf,.i)opu; lax; nur^ryirhyraes'in-icharaiter, , . iind : a group, of girls-' dressed', iii-' Grecian-' costumes' did -J a i scarf .drill;.ithe.'same-girls ■ afterwards 'taking charge - of; the 'floweiv-stalL '■:• -During: ihe.;J?ev. J. Blackburne' presented the'-prizes \rou for the year's ' Work .' :'. .'."■.> - V^; !', ';■ ■;;' ■ ST.vmasfs .CHoiE. : ' v'.' ■■:j, 'J At St. Mark's Church-last eVening, the choir, under •the condjictbrship of: Mr. li. F. Watkins, Mus. -'Badi, gdvea performance, of Spohr's'-'ljast Judgment."..-Jlr. .Maughan -Barnett/'City Qγ-' gamst,: ipresided ,, at :,thfl n »rg?w ; / 'soprano .solos.were taken by Miss"Gladys Watlrine, who gave an artistic' interpretation i'fhpr 'numbers. Messrs. J. ''Ferguson,"and.H..-Fletcher.-were on-' trusted' .with- the 'tenor "solos,' andwsuccessfuUy earned ' .'their 'responsibaities'. Mhe' bass' solos .were tastefully.: fiung'-'.'by, Mr , .. L;"'C' Barnes.-'Tho''choir,.'in''its work,"showed:th'at it had: been carefully 1 -trained,"and V: the'fine choruses-were admirably "sung. The''per'formance was. fairly. :well- attendqdi'' '"'■. ■■ -

PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE .PABTT "AT" , ' ' .-. .; .'■/■;.^:.-IJEt?t|ENE.--: ; V" : -', J/.-:' . :_"Thft-: given. Hair nigW by.Mrsi' Ballinger c .at j lier,:homo in,.Kelbttnie;in aid.of the Hadfield, Hostel',Fund"was ,- 'a-: very great success. A number of guests were present, and the pleasantest: evening was spent. ■ The: large, hall or•. vestibule;\was'set•, apart'forthe• euchre p i a s e !?', '- is v "' n?v - I; rf ted ■ witt'v yellow shaded lamps and'.decoratedS'withvgreat quah-' titles of;,.sweet.-.peas of, every;'shape, iahd mar-' guentes; : In: the •drawing-roijm , ; were, "brilliant red. flowers,' lighted vby '..lamps. wUhVcrim'son Shades, and the dining T robm: was adorned with great; white marguerites and gracefnf -grasses.. •n 3, Jalhnger received, in' a. frock--of black silk, the yoke finished; with black lace, cream Jvet, and black, sea'uined-trimming. rVMiss , BallV D ? er J°,r?,, a dain , ty fropk.ofheliotropfl.chiffon;. 'If nii.'^-l'? , Pi nk .-.:cMffori ■■ taffetas; ,Dr. Mith ttuntly, .winercoloured, velvet,-with overdress of brocated satin • Miss Pollock, cream net over white , silk> Mfer v puiie, blue-chiffon taffeta- velvet,;with. Pol- *|» Weta.;* bM- • lace;.-; Mrs.,W. bniift,' Wack silkwith- point' Jace and bine trimmings;- Miss Van ;Staverenj"■ oyster 'satin, trimmed.-with fringe';and large buttons; W aister,. white .chiffon -taffetas ;'•' Miss Garroll pale.eea.gree^siit., Dilling e v h^ was- a. great .deal of,. delightfuh music Sow .vjerej n oonbibutted iby v JIr S ; , Mliellei : ; , MfVil y/MisrPicot, and. Miss Baker, the' Her; Compton, -and Messrs: Parkes, -Hill, Bell, ana Brown;. and recitations,were given bv the Misses JPMco,. (2), and Nannestcad The fli-st gentleman s prize was , won: 'by-Mr. Whvtp Md-the-second.%, Mrs. ,-Muellf.r; tlie"ffrst J l^.i^Pnzo'by.-Miss^Pdllock,': the* second-by'

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 8

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ENTERTAINMENTS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 8

ENTERTAINMENTS. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 8