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■ Thepostal authorities advise that the-Wim-uiera, which, left Sydney. on Wednesday for Auckland, has ou board an English and Australian mail, for Wellington, whicji,"is '-.due here by the Main Trunk express from Auckland on Monday aftornoon next.

_ Inqiury m authoritative quarters elicits'the fact that there is a considerable falling off in the tourist traffic this season,' so far as it has gone, in' comparison with past years'.' Usually at this time of the' year numbers arrive by every Sydney boat, toming to Auckland and Wellington but this year they are coneoicuous by_their absence. It is suggested that the traffic- from Australia is', impeded by the big coal strike at Newcastle,; the .effects of which are; so , far-reaching.. Eyen the well-to-do pastorahst and agriculturist , might . ba feeling anxious as to the- possibility of-"bottoms" for his , 'produce:.being stpek up for. lack. , of'coaL Many cargo* boats are laid up in Sydney and Newcastle, unable to loadi as there is hot any impediato prospect , of being able' to get coal supplies, ■ which ' ' must lead to'' a ' congestion ' of certain lines .of produce nshore.. Those , interested are, more likely to stay at home waiting to see: "how the cat jumps," rather' than leave their. well-stored barns to. go a-tripping anywhere. In.England the political situation is causing a spirit of mi-' rest, the like'of which' has not '. been experienced for', many years, and it is' argued that the class of ; Knglish tourist who i would .bo likely to include New Zealand in his itinerary: is vitally, affected by/the great issues that are before the,nations . ;, ■ ~.■-.' ; ,■.::.;.

lt : is understood that'the engineer to the Harbour Board will present a report to. next rhursdayfs meeting of tho board, covering certain, instructions given :at ■ the last, monthly meeting iii Preference to-, tho'cranes on the King's Wharf. >-■:, l -• .-'V .-'.■.' .;,;'■ ■■•'■ ■'■■'■■■:■ •

TJie exhibition of-pupils' work at present on view at- the Wellington' Technical School was' visited yesterday by' many parents, and friends, as won as ft f a i r number ot: the general public. Although; there are:: fewer exhibits than -last yoar, every: department: of instruction at the ;scnool'iß represented, and shown is disfanctly:,an. advancejupjn.Ua^t^ tand--ard. ,, I he. exhibition'will be continued to'-dav and to-morrow. .- ; : ■■■•• :■ i '".-i-. . . :■ ,

v are informed that; tho'. ; work:' ; af ; the -le Aro Dock has not .been suspended (as stated by a. contemporary), but,that questions referring to the, class of cement.used, and the pvofwrtion of, tlie ingredients "of the concrete, are being discussed,- in consequence of a difficulty that has arisen, and that experiments are beinE made,,in test whioh is forni in which to, put down the.concrete.,- The work - however is sti 1 g_oing,on. ; ITie matter was discussed at yesterday's meeting of the Wharvos and Accounts - Committee of : tho' .Harbour Board, but an adjournment was made to Monday to enable further information to be received .in. reports from Professor,'Easteriield and the.boards eneineer.: ;;• - -.'i- , - .' :-

.- Shanghaied,. -,- a word Vwell ■ known -to the dcepsea sailor,;, was. used by. Mr. Mole, M.P durag the course of a speech at; tho Missions to beamen yesterday ev,ening,;and led: to adeflmtion of the word by tho lS peaker; "It means the .stealing ■• of said , Mr. who went on. o say,th a t to shanghai a'mrin meimtto send .him on. to a ship agninsf his will The mon were sent an board'in sacksor "s hinatios, and even dead men had been sent mt .9,a ship's fo'c'sle to fill up the vessers articles The. shanghaied, sailor had to work ; ? ff »' de l d ,' lo «e" on the voynee, had plentr

forwarding -of' ,-nqney.. orders,'and correspondenco for tho har^Sovl^ al)er^n,l)any '; of^^

,/"Guard duties'- were set down for thn rnm*' pany, units of ; the Wellington \m last: evening. ..r-.'l'he, battalion' parhded' 3"8 D g under Lieut,Colohel.W.G. I Duthlo and 'J?* 6 V and^ - atter '.i^pection,• guards wore ' v ? s £ d t? t vinous points in- the city. The .staff aiterwardsjwent the rounds of the posts lho parade states of companies- were "as fbfi 'owi-City /Kiflesi-.'SO;, Guards, 30;- Kelburae 1 iflos, 30; CWI Service Mfe «V l>ost and ielegraph, lfifles, «i College ilifles M- zSi r s4 l &# sks,"f.'.fpneas ks ,"f.'.fpnea «ay granite, wftlrwhich & Iml•'kote : fulls(n,l^until after.the: Chr i st-:

The officialinspection of the new tramwav n S 45 D .? On . B * 0 H, laranUi - ,vi " b0 ****■ ™ ™$ W it 'i i" e; o P' niu ,K ceremony will probably, take place on Friday next.' ■ ■,■ hvMr tent eotr i« invented Z W- Gwrpe Loiighlin/line overs&r' for the I nSII ft h ?»f, d ««« r ''»««t of -the City Coin* Cil, Mil , it is thought, be made", adaptable for .hot-water-services'in , houses. '.The aßDaratus allv' sc H,,? n P*"?". -^W -heated, electric-. , thi'of^^^^^P^fi'g-trough when w? rt ?,V ls flowmjf must become heated by the time it emerges-front the coil. One would only hav« to switch on , the a few minutes to. get the. hot water required There TSI P° ssibilitics iu thcMde^where'p^e? ih T tW Tvnf 'yphoid fover in cne urcj Ijjrnn-district ("Tites our Andin p tl,o :Westknd 1n a th s week s Gazette; ■. also the report of the com lawsionors (Messrs, n. M. Sweet, A KinroS"-

:_ The-business ib lio'dealt, with: Land Court, sitting'at- Hastings on December: " 18, is set forth.-'Jit,the.current Gazette.'■£'.. '.'■'■■■/ Tho follo>ri Øog dates hhve': boon fixed V tot ;•'• '.. sittings, of: the Appeal vCourt in Wellington ':; next yeari-April.*, July 4, and October Si*'...■/• ■iA series of experiments u'ro being: carried V. ; : out at thp Central Firo Brigade Station it-ift; present- with a view to; decreasing. the•:cost <■& - of tho fire alarln;system. It:is stated that if,;-v ,tne' experiments are successful,'tho cost of the :■'.■' instruments will bo reduced to one-third of . ' ■ tnoir present figure..' ' , : ; .'■..'. ..-•.-.';',■",..■.; One of tho firo brigade 'motor-cart-* was put -:• ': of commission for over a week 'recently, re- .'■:■. marked: Councillor Mlinger.when replying to •■':';'; n deputation from Kilbirnio to the Firo Brigade ■Committee ■ of; the City- Council' yesterday.• ■• -.;-. (( Portunately," added Councillor' Balliriger, ■: : fires whilst the motor was out of:-. '..■■• action, but the very night it was returned t< , :'.' the station, a fire occurred," Tho- new motoi ;.'>o which the brigade is. , arrivo at the, ::. ; of'tliOiyear will enable ono carto ',-, . be hold in reserve in;'.'■: : a/: , : '■: ' Another of the periodical meetings of tin , .Penguin-' Relief Coiiimittbe was held at: the ; Toivn Halliyesterdoy. The cotnmitteo has 'fitill' > ; a quantity of: work-in sight, but prefer not toV-Q disclose details.' : .-,' ;'.-:-. '■~>.'...... : --:r,:The question of tho:.Prlmaoy in the Anglican ■-/:' Clmrch in Austrajin ond Tasmania" is now be-. ■■: '■ fpro tho bishops. . Tliey have to. select ono o<: i-, the three Aroiibishops of Sydney, Melbourne, ■-~ and Brisbane. ,-Aa liistorieally Sydney, is.the .:;■.■' mother diocese, and has nlways had tho Pri- , ; : macy naturally connected with it,: there it .:. : reason ; to HiinV (says tha Sydney "Daily, Tel©.!-:"; Eraph") that;it will not bo moved. :. ! : :)'■<:,:<'■ With tho" tramway on the" point of- •'.."-.,:. completion, it is anticipated that tfio Chaiv -.':,. lotte Street-loop.will be tho next work put in .. hand.. A start, will" bo.- made with the now- ','• AVadestown' , line in the .'early part of next- .'. ; : year." '■■ ■ ;.■-. :.-,■,-. • ■.- ."■.'. :, ■■'"■••: : :U\

__Speaking to a : "Herald" re'presentutive oh : : Wednesday, Mr. Wesley Spragg. president : of :•;■':■"•:■•. the Now Zealand Alliance, said that Sir Joseph , ,:': Ward, in-'response ' to"; a! deputation-, which.". '.'■ waited upon- him from the'.New Zealand Al-..-V.--'v'-' nance, had agreed tliat .bottle licenses '.mu6t- ( r:';.'..';j.';:oease, .abuses .-.'of'.-the- locker' system must b0 , .;: , : prevented,';and that temperance instruction in I, ;'■■'. uubho: echoole ehould. be attended to. The, :. •: Primo Minister: also, emphatically > assured"the , . : : .-,.'.y : deputation, that- the : flve' wholesale . licenses J. granted in 'the .King Country should be ; an- 1 ' ..:' J . nulled.: In regard to othot matters,' such as' ;: /■ ...-'; bringing, wholesale licenses under the popular . ■ vote, so as to ,prevent' their , increase in clcc- '■"''■■ r torates where. No-License'had not been car-. , ,/ i , . Ned,; the-restriction of the Bale, of .liquor to - V one bar. in.each licensed house, the removal. of breweries and depots from the borders 0f;.'.".' : :..:\ No-License .districts) and some provision- for ■•. • , the abolition of. barma'ids, Sir. Joseph .Ward,';,\,./ ' said .Mr. Spragg,' had' promised tuat these':.'::,; .questions' should , have his wircful considera- ■ ■'; :l tion. .-..:;. i: - .■■:'. '■■:■■' • ■ . '■' • -.-;■ -. ■, ■■•:. .•■■'.■,■.■.■■'-

Mr. Thomas, Wallace, of Williamstown (Victoria) has received a letter from. Mr. Wes-' torn' Sanford,., owner of the yacht Coronet, which recently visited Melbourne and Sydney, 'announcing ■ the arrival : of the little craft at Portland, Maine, U.S.A., on Septem- : ber-17, after.ft cruise of about three years, and'visiting hundreds. of,towns.: Polk flocked down to the beacb, to wolcomo tho, home-comers.. The letter concluded iii- characteristic fashion, the Coronefs company desiring to bo remem-. bered to the: Melbourne, and WilliamEtown folk of.their acquaintances as. places "fraught with! most pleasant memories. Next to Jorusalem, , ' Mr. Sandford says, "wo all bubscribe to Melbourne, as. being, the'royal city .of ,on'r. three, years travels." The owner of the Coronet is contemplating ; another' "tiip, around ' the .world.'■>!.■.'-■■.■:'■>..'•■■■•:■■. '■ ■;■,; ■'~ ■■ y,< v ,^;::/-^,,^,-;

'■ In the New. South Wales Legielativo Assembly recently -Mr.'■:. Fitzp'atrick , asked: the.; ActingPremier; if the Government proposed to introduce legislation dealing' withvthe; "pea-rifle, trouble" this session , !- He handed tho Minister a. sheaf- of ■iiow.spaper : cuttings,. and stated that there had ■ been 117 accidents , with fire-, arras during, the; last;.five yoars.;Of. tho-. 117. accidents 87 had ■ been caused, by tho, careless ■use of ."cheap i and- nasty". , pea-rifles.,.,. The. Acting-Premier, replied—"As soon. ; as tha.Gov-: ernment hasa moment to spare it will be Very glad- indeed">to,.".peruse . the:.-, numerous, ,list handed-in."..' "-.'-."v, ,-■ '.- . ■'..'„•. . .:../■.'■..',

: In forwarding a cheque for J .£250 to the Lord : Mayor: of' Sydney ■to be devoted to charitable ; purposes,.-Madamo, Melba" specially.' requested' :that .JlSO.'oi tho money should be given to the Benevolent Fund of the Now South Wales Institute : of; Journalists. ■■. The '. sum' named v waa' forwarded? to, the' institute, and at : the last committee meeting of...thai body .'it , .-wjs re- : solved io' forward , a lett<;l' toMadaino.' MelbaV expressing, appreciation 1 of,'her kindly, act, v ;'.

;-. ..Melbourne, labours., uuderctho 'disability of: haying;no.-University .authority,; under its- Actof incorporation, to .confer.' the degrees, of B.D. and l).l)., and students of divinity have con;sequentiy. to seek these honours abroad.- : A- de--..Jjutdtion--ropreseriting'.-the Council of Churches ihteryie'wod.tho. Minister-for Education a few d'ays;agp,' with a view to having ostablislied 'in-' connoctiou with the university .souio - examining; authority shall have power to , confer these , divinity degrees. .The treasurer, in introducing/ the.' deputation, said it was .tilno Victoria was • roinbved from its invidious position with regard' .to;.this -matter, ;The remedy 1 , would'.consist, in, the .mare \ dropping.of two' words from the. uniyeraityi statute—"except, divinity," ; Sneaking as ah Australian, he did not likfl\to 6eo bishops 'imported- from '.England., Neither, did he. like, young incn sent abroad f dr. degrees, which: in other branches of study they> would have no difficulty in obtaining here. It was stated that there, were theological colleges' in Melbourne,;. ;but their students wore denied tho privileges pujoyed^in-other countries; , ■' The <'Rev,; /A, "towart suggested to the. Minister two alterna-,: tive : courses.■: The'-'Government could approachthe: university- authorities and gain- their; cony sent to' an amendment of. thei Act.. ;,'lf\-,tiey,; failed in that,, the Government could take-in-, 'dependent wns:pbintcd out. by the 'deputation' that .their. present demands.' extended, 'no further: than 'an examining; body. ;H)Thia\ would hot' necessarily involve : extra .expense. A Chair of Divinity, -howora , much they would like ;it,.:. they' could not yet' hope ■ for. -.' The: Minister, in the coarse of a sympathetic reply, said the fact that' the request would not' involve extra, cost Somewhat cleared tho way. Hefeit that ho bughtito;,'ask' for an Expression; of opinion from, the council .-.of the university,, and then, 1 after giving the matter full thought,. take it;. to .■ the': .Cabinet. ■ .'■ He 4 would-,be very pleased to convey --.the application to the' Cat inet. and he would-givo it his warm.siipport. , '.

.: A.' shooking ,'iun accident Clou-, binand, ■A r iotorja,, : -Mcentlyi ' A : ! bpy,-seveii-years of' oge',! named• Quillian,':'accident-' , ally, shot his.'.sister,- 5|■ years of ago. :The two 'children'were playing: in a barn-'whero. the' gun .was 1 - hanging.". The boy took it/down arf placed it on a bench in'a line with the door. The little fellow cajight hold of: the triggerand pulled it, and. the shot struck, the; girl on the side of. the'faj:e,vand she died a few! minutes later..,A , magisterial inquiry Was held; and a verdict-returned that/deeeased-niet her' death; through a- gunshot "wound. ■ : ' .: .-, :';

' In the course of an address .at the Methodisi i Church at Ararat: (Victoria) the Key; S. J. Hoban, of Ballarat, said' there was no city in the world in,which there was more evil and villainy , than: in Melbourne.:' He trembled to ;think-of the young men and women going' to, 'Melbourne from the country who had not-the advantage 'c-of. living .in., 'the; home , , of, some friend who would guide and guard them from the temptations that would beset them in tho irietrppolis. ./He had witnessed that were indescribable. There was no,corner in Melbourne that ho, did. not know, and'he was acquainted with every -practice , that existed there.) He-could tell his audience: that after his experience there could not be anvthing-on earth, that so nearly .approached hell as tho city life in the slmus of Mobourne, .-■'■■.■■ ■'.

At the garden party held yostcrdaj , after, noon at Air. D. Webley's grounds, Main Uoad, Lower Hutt, the sum of £U (including a handaomo donation from n well-known resident of tho Hutt) was realised. This sum is to ho handed over to tbo Unit Methodist Organ l'uud.

Last night the Petone Brass Band held the first of ■ a series. of: "dances. on the lawn." ; od the; local recreation ground.'. The band \ pro- 1 poses continue, these : | events:., during the summer months. \V:;:.-: v v : •-'•. ■;...; -~.--."..'." ■: ■:■. .>:'

His; Escblloncy-tho Governor has approvedo» tho : meetings of ,tho Wellington Land: Board being hold on the last Thursday in each month.

Notice is given .in this week's Gajette-that'-tho Surveyors' conjunction with'-the Australian Surveyors ; Board, will, conduct an " ; examination in , tho\ -Dominion - Museum . on ' , March. 7-next of candidates fur licenses,to.s«r. ■vey.y.'- ' '•;;;"/: ■;;•,:;i''";■;■•' "t- , '■''/ : .'."\-\'---.;>-\^-:-y--

: A ,, four-months' sittiriß of "the Native -Land Court -at',Wahganui. having .-'concluded;- tin'■' Court opbnedun' Welliiigton ypsterdny. , - Jnilp'. Rawson : preeidc-'di -and: associated 'with l ' : )iiit . wns - Hcmi ■ Eru'ilti- (assessor). ■.: Mr. W.. Scon; ii clerk'of .the- Court, and ,interpreter;.'; About' ■ twenty, eucocssibjii.cases• were dealt nnrf, the-Court griiht;cd.confirmation i.of-a'.numbeii of land' transfers.' will 1 ,';,to-day.' ';"'.'■';.>' -;;;--i.; : V'\ ■■';■ •■ :;,';.■:,:■-.;/>;.'; :' '

Shampooing, Clipping, Hainlrcssing, Menicur. ing, Face ilassagc, Treatment of Fallinc Hair and Dandruff, Combings uiado up, Natura? Hair-pads. - Mrs - Rollcston (ovor Carroll's) V Wilis Street. 'Vhooa US3. CISII

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 6

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 6

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 6