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■ , Wedding at the Hutt , ' ' A great many people went out from town \ yesterday afternoon to the Hutt, whero tho ' i marriage of Miss Lilnn aroadwdl daughter of s Jit and Mrs 'iWdwell, to Dr Begg, of Wei t f lisgton, took place at fet Jimess Church lho fihurcn was, beautifully decorated with folngo and lilies, and tho «eivico was f.illy choral, a i nnmber of tho bride's friends singing in tho chon Tho bndo, who was given away d\ her - father, wore a beautiful dress of ivlnto liberty Bat'll, with long court tra'n lho bodice was draped with exquisite whito hco, and the - elcevo3 wpro o£ fucked chiffon, with loops of pearls s>he wore a bridal wieath and veil, and carried a sheaf of lihc« Her chief bridesmaid I was Mis Nelho Clere, who wore a frock of pnik chameuse, with yoke and sleeves of creim * notr and a daik green hat trimmed with pale * en en aμd pink lilac, and a niching of pink / chiffon, which ended in a long streamef Iwo - littld maids, Miss Thyra Baldwin and Miss i ' I,era Kingdon, woio dressed in qaaint fiocks of white silk, with httlo mushn fichus, and '* white mob caps with gieen ribbands J. no : f thceo mauls carried sheaves of lilies, as did k thi mother and aunt of the bnde, in lefcrenco to- her pretty name Captain Lascclles was ;, ' be3t man, ani) itho Kev Joihua Jones ofliciatcd I, After the weeding a reception, attended bv a. <" laige number of guests, was held at tho homo !• oriho brido's pirenfc, from which there is a 1 charming view ot the Hutt Valley, and of tho y " hdrboui, right' to tho Heads 'Hit dnwmK- , ' roam, where tho bndo and bridegroom received f their friends, wa' decorated with white ilowerb, I quantities ot pure white gladioli being used f Above then heads hung an exquisite wedding L bell of white flowers and gieenery lho dining f- loom, where tho. wedding weie dis \\ played was decorated with sweet peas, their I ' dedicate , colours showing in robot against tho *! drtrk wood The wedding bieiMast was served in a largelmtuquee at the back ot the housi., : deconted with foliage lycopodium, and;white i flowers, and here again weia inas«cs of white ' v lilies ills TreadwcU lecewert in a frock of lotua bbie/cbarmousc, w'lth yoke of white loce, and tnmming of wide gold embroidered bands She "*" vvliro a toquo of the bame shade, with lotu c bine plumps, clasped with a gold buckle i*<t Ireadwell, an aunt of the budo, woio i<»p»] frock of biscuit coloured voile, with hat to * fl+ ftiatdli Mrs Seaton wore, a grey <ind whito ,-£rtLi«Bl)pejli frock, with white hce yoke and binds ! tiiDtiSijWad silk'and a. ditik blue hat with ibkuik" ] r-s-SanpeJ, Mrs Stafioid, black lace frock, inth i i black plumed hat, Xliss faWlord, whfts linen <, cdat and skirt, Mis S Stafford, heliotiope ■■* huoa costume, with black In£, Mis Stewart, j. dcive groy cloth costume and palo blue hat with blumes, Mrs Bunny, grey foulard, .' lfr.s W Barton, 'violet fihilfon taffetas, with ' wlnte lace, and hat to match, Mrs Scales, pale i* tlae cloth costume and black hat, Mrs J ■ Ewe, griy checked silk coat and skirt, tiiinmcd : i with blick silk and birttonb, and toitches of J ,t\ue, black hat, with jet tnmming- and black ; l plumes*, Ifrs Baldwin, heliotrope sifk, violet tuque, trimmed with rose*., and creain lace -, coat; Mlss black silk, with black and white hut, Mrs (Di) Minm<?, palo Rieen \ hnen coat and sluit t with black hat, itrs [ Clere, vieux lose shantung, with crenm net F > yoke, and touches'of'black embroideiy, aud i , b(aob hat, Mis Wylio, oieam costumo tummed I VKh funge and touches of go'den blown, and f a'fblack plumed hat, Mr? Timgham, cream \ k lace frock and wido bhek qnd white hat, with $ r hrgo pink roses, Urs CJiatfidd, pale greon '*• Sicilian, and hige black plumed hat, J[rs nbeelei, pale green finck, with blown hat i Anum* the guests was Mrs Alex Meront, from ' *, Juarlborojigh, who«e bnde«maid,,Jlisß Lilian ■• '* rreadttel] was as a fmy child It was ' ; her wedding veil and wrrith that the bndo ■', , wore foi tuck Mis Mowat woio a fiock of .) cream eilk voile with. Bilk spots tummed with v ifuns Ilea and insoition, large black , J plumed picture hit» Mis Johnston, -pile ruj ./ silk striped freck, with cream tucked joke !*?t * W IIM , d Il ? lth ,P>4. Others pro stot ««<o Mi and Mrs W dray, Mrs n O y Mr, Mrs, ami Miss Havwanl, and Mi .aiirt *" T0 ? t p mt \ , lu,d , nxints of the bridegroom, tho Ecv {i P "if f ei^ n, ??' Mlss IWcrson, Di md ' Tt Mathew Holmes, Dr and Airs Young Bj' Mirtm,, Mr C Tringhim, Miss Wjlie, the Misses Lee, Miw Welsh, (he JJov J Gibson ' c 'Jrtf^TM 1 ? Smith ' ¥ rs Birthorpa. M, a-ad Vl6 Baldwin, and Miss Bodnrni The bridegroom's piesents wcio in opil ring nnd matd, a gold chain bangle and to tho httlo ta fa Hi blooo,lcs ,Jhs ; biides ' s p«««t to the bridegroom was a gold sovoieign case t" V/edding at Johnsonville. " 'i <Oa W'dneseday Mr Sydney Pickin sitfh " £l?i i, O v,Mkrow » ot JolinsonviUe The bnde,!who was given away by her father moio ' ' b. dainty gown ol cream brocho silk, a biaut.iul -~ bouquet of cream roses and sweet peas Sho '' w,as attended by h ei three sisters, Hiss MauS }iw r fl " h VT,l )l: * troote of cream 8 Ik tnffota, w th hats to match, and earned Sμ!™ I 1 , l i uu( l ueti ' °l P'nk sweet peas and roses 1' '' It? SbSETl™* a^, end " d & t'" broth", ll* 1 i m Cl, 'u a lle hcrvlce w as fully choral, and tho church was boautifulh decor ated, As tho bride "entered the chuioh the - ?"j, o ' r ,, san K. "J-Je Voice that. A-reathed o" Lden, and as tho happy couple loft tho church Mendelssohn s Wedding March" was plSyed by Mrb Bould V reception was held at tlin residence ot tho brides parents, where abo 80 Bue is were prratnt Ajfttr tho reception Mr andllrb lickm kit for WoUmston. en route „ foitUo north ihe brido's travelling dress \ra° ' / ft navy blUo costume, with whitt picture That Technical Instruction > r tA' ,^'1 * 8 f ? th t ° oxhlb,tl °n at tho Technical bchool inuit not miss tho cookory and drcis i making exhibits Each afternoon tho cookorv class is providing afternoon ten to visitors in }. its own habitation tho iron loofed shed be i yond tlio pilo, aud there m the afternoons the I young pupils give piictical demonstrations of U. their cike waking Ul the cakes and bcones t elipphed foi afternoon tci aro tho work of tho J i children Another interesting exhibit is thr . oho guen by tlio dressmaking class, which dis I jildys m tho life room a sones of frocks, little f« tthito frocks and blouses mado during the lasf f , part ( of tho year by tho day pupils, and made very well indeed Tho most interesting thing e)iown heic is a specimen piece of irork show ' ing ovoiy sort of stitch used in making a ', bodice, nnd also some very neat mending The wo r k is oxtraordinanly good, and woll wortli fleeing These two looms aro open to inspechor i morning, nftornoon, and evening, to-day and to [ morrow, nn4 thoso who are interested in th( f foniestio instruction of girls wall hko to set f liow far they can bo takon by flio Tcchmca] !• Elohool. t i A CUHE TOR DANDEUrr t Whenever dandruff begins to appear to ex l cess ir the slightest irritation is felt on th< p ecilp steps should immediately bo taken t< l ' remedy tho ovili otherwise tho hair will sooi I hegin to siiow signs of decay, either by fall s in" -it the roots or becoming dry and tmttli r anil breaking away, tho safest nnd suree l rem«h •« Hendy's Julophn. ivhioh is a sptcifi< L of eT"eptionnl merit for all forms of dandruff j Hottlfs Is Trnm nil Leiding Stores and Chem nt<! of repute Wholeealo agents Kempthorne _ lirosscii nnd Qo, Druggist?, Wellington aqc

Dance in Hobson Street ' ( A most enjoyable danco was given on Wednesday night at Mrs I , (T, Wiflinms's houso in Hobsou Street, by Mrs T C Williams, Mr and Mrs 1 Veruoii Reid, and Mr and Mr Algar/ Williams 'Iho (.uests dancod in tho beautiful hall, whiph was decoiated with lovely flowers, tho most conspicuoub of tho decorations being threo huge baskets filled with roses and sivcot geahj whioh ncro sus ponded, from tho gallery In the drawingroom woio masses of exquisite red Dorotln Perkins rambler rose-., very gracefully arranged, and in tho room beyond wore quantities ot crimson dnd palo pink ramblers Ihe suppeitable- was decorated with scarlet geraniums, which glowed in tho light of red shided lamps Musio was supplied bj a string band stationed in tho gallerj Mrs T C Williams ■noro a frock of black silk with white lace, Sirs Reed, pale pink frock., and Mrs Algar Williams, a frock of vcllow satin Her L\col lency Lady I'lunkot wore nenin satin, and Miss Hill black satin Jlrs bowman's black frock was trimmed with sequins Among tho guests wero 0r and Mrs Imdlay, Miss Ward, Mr and Mrs Arthur Penrco, and the Mies*. Poarce, Mrs H D Crawford, Dγ and Mrs Collins, Mrt Grice Mibs Dam an, Airs Johnsron. Mrs and Miss Ulnar, Mis W Miles, Mrs and Miss Barron, Mis- E Kithan, Miss Scddon nnd the Messrs Seddon, Mr Sand Mrs C Warren, Miss >Warren, Mr and .Vlrs Going John ton, tho SteWKussell, Mr and Mr* Guy Williams, Mi 4 Cooper, Mr and Mrs W II Tiirnbull, Mrs Bvmock, Airs C Pearco, srrs lan Dim can, MrT->aiul Miss Tuoed Mrs H Gore, Miss Gore Mi*s v Jitoorhou£' , , the Misses Brandon, Mr , , and Mrs v Biss, ilnd Mr and Mrs K. ( ]j)ancan v I Miss Richmond , "? Schoo% Bowen Street i Tho festivities in connection with the anriunt pnzs-giving and breakinirup were celebrated jcsteida} aften vju at Miss Richmond s school ni the p-csen t> of a number of parents The- children, in white and crimson, «anc th<! Schaol >=ongs with grcit <n lojinent, iind gw an 3\hibiMon of drill, and also sane several ''jetton,'songs: charmingly- Ono song, "Littlo Grtin Dragons," was sung by thieo children ed in grc n with pointed Efeen'.'hbods, from s.iThicli .appeared: red antennao'as :in,the fldwehV.,'Several of .th*..children did -a scene •frbm,'"As:-You Like: It/'.Uhb ; :child whb'.'.took^the'i/part: if - Orlando: giVmg 'a.;,very. 'ealldnViind .'spirited .rendering.:or.the.-'charac-ter; Charles;'the Wrestler did his. , part;"nobly, and ■' the two ■' charaesor's -who 'filled the direction -'Charles is. bornb ont',' pleased'their audience-. ; with : th'e..:d : finity,'they'-'.gaye^fo''the task.-'The.prizes'iVorJ , by the children:'.during ' the year : were -present.^. by,.. Mrs.;. Nswman, the Ma'yoMssV'ivlib" niade lit cliarming- little speech. She txpre'ssed J .her-:plcasiire at -the 'way Miss Richmond trainedolter/pupils,-to-perform, and S[»ak in public. v-So.nie■ of: them 1 , miiht ■ some' day'beebmo inayors'and'mayoresses,..she said, au'd then'they wonldbe very Iglad. indeed that -they: had !i b»en 'trained-'to , - perform< gracefully, the work '.they > would': have -to do >in''.public She-.thought 'it was- .To'ry'des'irablo .that tho children should, be. tiught ihowi.toCcttrry thera- , sclyeS,'and-she:iidvited:them all to "hold ud yonr : heads, I ,no one else can;',-.d9.- it, for you. ; Chief 'among : v the; p-.tizc-ivinners:; were; Clairo JterisbhV'whbJs.heai: of-,. the 'school,-and LouisaJlTergnsonj : :hea<i''of,the junior division. 'Among-.'those presentm)werei-rJfrs.' Tudor..At-. kinsbn,->Mrs.:.M;,Riclim,bnd, : Miss-'.Coatos,-Mr;, and- Mrs:"Mantel, : Professor and Mvs.' Rankiliei ■Brown,: --Mrs.' Mrs.''■■-. Tnlfy;'ami'Mrs. ; G..-Sadfieldi .. .Miss "Ismene .'Mantel-jres*rit«d: Missißichnloild with'; tif ul-boiiqui-f'of. scarlet'gCTaniuins.and-syringa,-tied.-with(scarlet Streamers.;; ■;,;:..■/• ? ', :J.;;''X'';' ■. -Brookli/n;;;--;:!;-..? ; '' '■ ■; ;.' ■ V/O;, jf-Th'fi bazaar hold' at' , ,'^^Fuliford's;";Hall,Brpokl.Tn,. was contiuueil \v«ry suiwessfully yestoday .> aftor :; hodn;a'nd evening; and ii verysatisfactory, amount was raised..■■The-ToUpwin'K:is the-'Ust-;of stnll-liolde'rsi—Plain■-fitaH,;" Mbsdames:P.erard, '-Mrs.' ■Bchnie, ','nnd Allan;'.-. fancy -.stnll; ■■Mesdauies. Garnblo v ftiid, Burnham.:' furniture .stall; .'■'• ,'.'.•:. Sntchj -flower^stall, . Misses; BerinieWßennett,, ftnd'Aston;isw^t t : ,stall, "-Mrs.'--Dbvereaiii .iind ■ Miss A'^'Dpneyl- i'bjrcahnie'ats.'Mesclames. Read, Vile, M -Ill{ngn;qnh,->4and ..Mi?s:.: Kerr; ■> Christnjii^, Jtreb,:,'Meedames;'Bnr.wbod.'and jHaivkins';: fairy! :Coventryjand:two-fairies/ try 'rind- ;N. •' Sutcli Myi.'Mrsi''- Henrickson a'Bd-'Mis3 .M.'i.Doneyr-'produce,-Misses ;Luke;'. Willianis, and AVAstcr. ■'•' The; usual' side-show's were,siipcessfully.?riin. by. Messrs'..-Bennett'(3),-Mairs,,Domsoiy , and: Coventry;: : .The...Broqklyn ; present; oachtnisht.;:'-X ; ;;:;:;j';

N.Z. , Political Reforrn League (Women's ' Tho weekly meeting of tho women's branch Df the Now, Zealand Political Reform Lenguo was hold last night in tho league's rooms in Bonlcott Street, tho president occupying tho chair. luteie&ting addresses wcro t gi\cn by Messrs. Haidy, Gardiner, and Mander, M.P.'s, on tho voik of tho Opposition in Parliament. They emphasised; tho help given by nomen Mr. Ilaruy specially remarked bn tho good work done by tho president of tho it onion's branch. Se\oial neu members were elected, and it was decided that the league should adjourn till tho fust neck in February. Tho secretary is to bo consulted at the league's rooms m Honlcott Street. Votes of thanks to tho speakers and the,piesidcnt were carried. - '

?-'• At a meeting 'of ftho' committee of > tho Young iWonieri's v, ChristiaQ,':' Association yestprday ;a~ new.'se(ietiry wasappointed. to .fill tho, position' vacated:b'yV'MissjMackay., , .The' ladj; selected; f rdiiV,' among'eevpral.,candidates' is .llissi-Shaw, 'of'Pnnodin,:'whp;haSvhad;two."ytors.'training .iu?tlie ;Presbytciriaii(;,Training . Home 'at Diin- . odin , .l ;lliss V;Shaw!-.'Sriirvarrive --in- :\Volling'toii will be:entertained at. a movnirig tea-liy. the jnembers of: the' committee, ; ■and p;,B6cial' : 'vnll;;l)o given (jirla of 'the- asspelatiqn-pn; the following'.Tttesday. ;■',

v 'News': has been "received'of .the'r death' at '■■Brie-' •Bano ■ of- Mrs;-Hannah : Mirle, :a sister 'of : Mr. ■Judahi Jlyers,'of ,:this, City;,Tho : decettsed, ,whose ; husband-died somd years ago,' left; a'family.-of ;:{vS;^; ; ; ; ga've' : a'jprogressiyeyeuchto party.' list.'.hight.'.at which ) u largii iiumbor of' guests' worn'(Jiiter^aiiidd. ■•:''■'Uv? ':•'■'.■,■.'■■'• ;■■'■:'' •'■■'.. V' Mrs.' B.; MauiisDll;-'ifrorn■ Tehui; is 'spending■ a fc'w : days'.'in •■Wellington,;'and is. staying with .hprisistor.'/Mre.'-Ayery, at Kelburne..:! :;■:'.! ; V : .ThB mflniageVof'Miss'lsa'bei il'CbmWe Smith ,to-,llr. Bagnall" is' to; be ;sol.emnised at,S.t; Mary's Church, Karori.'on Decomber • 23, at '2.30 - p.m.v: ■; A' reception' is' to- bo ■held biterwards at' the .residence of ilr.,.Einnie, ; fKelbtirno.':':;.';; , v v {V'^'V ; :-';:■'-■■ ; - :: . ;V:-The : Balo.oi wort;at St.' Mary's Home,'.Karori,; 'oii■.Wednesday;: resulted 'in,Xl4'being;.raised. . .!-.',slrV ahdiMrs:■ C.- ; AViirren,"who .arrived from aUw'oyoars', visit: to England- by.tho'Marama 'on AVediieadayi."lott yesterday:,for, their'liome; in Hawke's Bay;'. They were accompanied, from; by ilissiWarren,-a'niece■pt'-Mr;;\V'or-'' j;re'n.'B.-.^";:;'-o-;-;.'. : i'.-'(' :: ;-.o'-'..»' ; :■";',■•'■!'■■•'■•■-•••. :. Mrs; Ilayward has ■■'returned.'from; a-: -to. Vallance at;Mastorton." ',:•;■';/ :,;■: ■'. : " ;.-; ■;

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 4

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 4

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 686, 10 December 1909, Page 4