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{;' ' DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. , ' AGRICULTURAL COURSE, Tho;annual distribution of prizes was made ; toischolars of Sv. Patrick's Collego last evening. His Excellency tho Governor (Lord Pluni, , )sk\)', who WU9 accompanied by Mr. H. C.'Wateri field'(private scoretary), presided, and othois , atter<ding were:—Archbishop Redwood, tho , Hon'. B. A. Loughnan, M.L.C.,'^Colonel R. J. ' CoHln's, 1.5.0., tho liov Dr Kennedy (rector of • tho 'oollege), .tho Very Rev. Father Koogh (Into rector), Archdeacon Dovoy, Dean Rcgnault, Dr,

vS; ; &.MoklhV:DrV ( S^r'K^n^yrEllioft;;Mr;!^^W^Jpynt : (registrar, of -tho; .:.;A;„;larg6' : nnmbor weres;prese^ ■' !:s^'-:;^T]iaSectbr;[his' Excellonoy r "a true ?'f&?i Ji isiifweicomeV'} and • fi ; for Vhif; Excellency's spcciali iy : yy ''India.'* p 'ho valuo Svi/rS o'f Shir : : Excellen^ vi-i-;;Sthe"' :r cdliege;-and; i theyV:.greatly ...legrotted ". that ; be ; itheilast occasion oiiiWhiqlv ho if■■■ i<j vvnjaidpresidoiat:tho prize-givingfunotio*Thw ■;>:■ ■:,. ,R wero, giad to 'have present -his^Graco: tho ArohP'Sft \bfshop;v the "founder'of ;tho college, and -the feS Keogh,;;.the/ Jato;;.reotor.;, ; - (Ap-. .Vv-^.'pfanaaiy'-'yV^ ¥::%■'■■■ ■ W sjTheiwork^'of./the ,year/.had ;bcen;parried on K/V"& ; with'.'enthus!asmr r ;aud 'ia.:'.- spirit - v .of. !':■!• •; ; r 4lifiilrj'ri'ad^pervaded;-'the,-whole, college. .In |&^ : ::^!oilera^a6S.■thcre;yhad;;lwhva;•''ncck-a^d-ucck' , K- :iHSctfritfrsti-Bml.:when the: marks;.of ;tho. two>tpp fif;i i\it: -bpys'were^addedvupi^only- .2 .■ separaved them-, J-it-'.-,"V Ofle :had ; obtained;b!)\pcr;ccnt;r;and; the othor *<!M 'iiW.s. '.;i:Nee'dl«6S'-- loMi;i both ■. had; been .awarded $■■:]Z i ; .'• prizes '•> for- -.' general.':' excellence .'in olass; work. P. fi ;pervc6htt Of vtho'.:boys;bf '-the..'college this'year/obtained board of honour prizes. EfTis'.'Thisi'meant that;their/names had.appeared,on p'-vW-ttiSvbeard-of. honour .every week ot tho- year, without 1 : a' single Next .year ;thcy Vf----^toald;/be- : c«lebrating jubilee..,>lt ;^V; ; was'hoped to;e'stablishsciehco laboratories, and s;to'Athe: 'efforts r .of. tho ,Rev. &'zi' Not only. Vv^JS : vMldi'She -bo - well /equipped for. S,v''-.vKtnVUra'i'M K'v/'5-jrig^/ahd-othersprdfwsions, ,-biit-they. ; -would &''■'■■■■>!.!.• hav«7.'special ''apparatus for: the ; teaching...ol, :« ; v;;*>far'niing ; aM?agricultural::soieuce.... Agricultural >E.V- T '-cflemistry,-;ranE- : .and;-:butter testing, analysis, :;;■ '■$. •';■'.^afid''some of the subjects 'Uujft'c^.tho''course.\w: : ;t/^:;: i- v' : -fcZ/H'-TM-archbishop/congrntulated;-the /students ft :: ;*i';-\ ofethoi siicoessfuK year/that; hadvpassed-suc-' ; : *nd; health. : /His :';;V. i '//'Excollency;'-liad / ,l)eeP..:a/teal, /painstaking^and f/SMvcKntinuousVfriehdxofyhe, college, -/and--'Lady ;iw:' : '-'^JVl?flke't*and/ : )iw.i.]JxceUen^ :.£dVJ'*//Ns^ i/fc'/^/'.wls'ne's'/ofithe'cMlege'iStUdents^^ ;o;,.^ i .;;yriKeSHbn'.W/R.-;A:uio'ughaah;;^ ;.';,V-spoke ;,'apprepiatiyd^ ■'':i;~':";^.^ceHenb^.'''.t6^,th« : ;'Mll€ge^ ••;.;■' ; .^.fA'ftefthavingpreseuted /f!^ s : i /leit6y, , ..the.;-'GoyorndrVsaid^that,',.'a^ //;■/' 1 -^: : reb;t4sehtative,';'he J had i taken /auXinterest;in: r ;.; ; ;!;;St;;tPatrickV/Collogei'« because : ;t /was/his;/ duty' y; [ v^'/tpj'give;:all/assistancei /possible ■. to.;institutions' "!;'■ '>&y ,-fp"fe/the/publipf good/; i'':/;.;'.;-,Tlie /.college; /had' carried /.on/under/difficulties; ;ft;r;;;v/which\;w.ere;not : /metjwith;;by;many:;oth^ i;;\7JV«loSSS;(and/hb;alwiay^\hadja; : specially 'kiiid'feel4 .v;js; : ; : bottom;;- dpg."i','(Applause.); ;r:l'■.?;;Agaih;; ! he J !was'interested in'tho college because ,■/(;// left, the' - ;■; -. :'/'/;/..; M ; ;;Colieib;J;;;;(LOud;;applaUse.)'f^':; : ;;i ! /:' -.' '.'/!! -/Che.'boys '.were'"then':''ed;-hy/,their.paronts a;K' /h'earty^chwrs/forjlhis^Eicol.. ;;/>- i'Alivaried musical "programme, was submitted,;; •' ;;. : :were_:; ; %: :'■■'.;•;Selbiilion; : ' :^.'T,ucid• O'di *i- Lammermoor", '■ (Doni-' .'::'.'.- zetti);,valse.-'T.oin du Bai;.'; (Gillet); and Sicil-; : : ■/v/iwian^dah'cei."Sizilietta";'(Franz /yon ,Blph),/by v ! /X, the>.cOUego/6rbhbstra;-' choruses, 1 ; "The \Cavnb-: /Meeting" ■■■'''f- : ■.;'fMendbls'sohh) l by;the/college choirr'cellp soli, ,;;;-;.i ;;.''Traumerei'-:;;;(SohumVhn),vand.;;;'Tarantellb''. ':^i'^^v-'.^P6ppbr), ; by;Mr:iF;VJ6hnstoiie;'// ;; The-accom.. /^ ;;: W'-panistt l iwere^Mis3"::Myrai i ;MohtagneVand;/the: /;';/! ;/Rev/^ather:Schaefer,;;S,lL;^and ? :.;-■s.■; stbne'iwas/cbnductbi; pf:the.orchestTa./ ; /;;j;-i;/v;/

THE PRIZE-LIST. The prize-list was as follows.— '""' ' " Govebnor's Prizes.' '' Special pnzo presented by his Excellency the Governor for essay on "India" — Senior Division—Bernard Doherty. Junior Division.—First, Charles Laird j second, Cyril iMackay; third, William Hennessy , '). . 'Good Conduct. Senior Division—Gold medal presented by his. Grace* Archbishop Redwood John Casey Next in meat. James Roche, Henry Rasmusstn,' William BucVloy, and' Richard Collins Hon- mention Cornelius Outturn, and Dalion Campbell. l - i (Junior Division—Gold medal presented by thbyVeiy Rev. Father O'Shca Joseph' Scliunlaihei. in merit: Joseph Kumeroa, Jas Dehnessy, and Howard Buckloy. ■iDxtern Division—Gold medal: Patrick Jjav,16r r 'Next in merit Fergus Yourolle, Brian llalono, John Fulton, Bornard Chapman, and Lduis Weight. 1 ' Dilrgonca. Gold modal presented by the Very Rev. the,. Provincial. William Buckley. Ne\t in % merit John Casey, Richard Collins, Joseph Schumacher, Arnold Roche, Cjnl Kilgoui, Patrick Lawlor, and William Hcnnessy. i', Christian Doctrine. Tirst Class—Gold medal presonted by Dr. Grimes, Bishop of Christchurch Richard - Mulgan. Nc\t in merit' Cornelius Outtrnn, Heilry Rasmussen, John rultou, and Jamca > Roche {Second Class—Gold medal presented by Dr. Lenihan, Bishop of AncUand William Buckley'' i Next in merit Richard Collins, Courteriay O'Bonrke, John Hogan, and William Mailer* , Third Class,—Prize. Albert Beswick Next in>,moiit Gerald Mahoney, William Hennessy, Philip Blake, Jnme-i M'Qinley, Patrick Lawlor, aridj Fergus Yourelle, ■ fourth Class— K.— Prize- James Hennoasj. Neit in merit John Barry, Howard Bucklev, William Poppclwell, Timothy Smith, and Lnc R6eves. ' Fourth Class—B.—Prize Charles Hodgins. Next in merit Vernon Haydon, Andrew Cummiris, ■ Josoph Schumacher, John Dore, and L'dward Lauan.

' • Oratory and Debate, Senior Debating Society—Gold medal pre. sontod by Mi. StaniblaUs Moran, LL.B.: Brian llalpuo. Prize: Richard Collins. Next in mont- Charles Laird, 1 Paul Kane, James Roche, and Gerald Alahoney. Junior Debating Society.—Gold medal presented by Mrs. T. G. Macatthy. Daniel Connor. Prize. John Barry. Next in merit. Thomas llodgms, Thomas Dwyer, John Dore, and Howuid Buckley. General Excellence Jn Class Work, first Class.—Dux: Gold medal presented'by the Old Boys' Association: Richard .Mulgan. Ndjit in merit: Henry Easmussen, John Ful- ' ton, James Roche, and Cornelius Outtrim. Second Class.—Prize: William Buckley. Next in merit: Bernard Doherty, John Hogan, John Casey, Richard Collins, and Brian Malpne. /i'bird i Class.—Prize: William Hennessy. Next in merit: Albert Beswick, Patrick Lawlor, ■, i Jaiiies f'/M'Qinley; ; -. 'and , -John .^/'-'^Xlohrth'ry'Cidss^^ \'Vi '.'-. Sdcbhd:';James;; Hehriessy.:,;-:,Next: ; '.in . imcrit:': ■>V'^''' i J^; : Ba^ ; iWflUdm;.'Popp''elw'dl,l.bwen"Craig-.' '■-.: >.;.-'hSa'4, ;Daniel,.Conrior,cand/Arth'ur Brennan.- . '/xS': .. ; SFourth; Glass-8.-PrizemJCharles-iHodgins.' '.'.: Next'yih:;merit:V.Andrew!'..Curamins,''•Edward :,-:r:":• Ldgan; ,William : .fawift;-.',Walterr,Jennings, .and, .'■•': ! . ! Vofhoii.. ' ( ''■-i?sU'X£-':-■:':.■'■■}'/'■ :: ' -.'-v 'kFlrst- Class—Essay by V the -. Vefy.-'Rev.i' Kcogh'j-'James .Roche. Next s ', . iii;nierit:,Corrielius OuttrimV.Hehry Rasmussan, -,- ':'■, ;- and .Richard Mulgan.' 'Ehglish^Prizo: Richard ;■:'.; Mjilgan. ;.;Ncxt ; iii. mcrit::.Henry;' Kasmusson, ■:/■■': '•■', CafneliiisJOiittfim,' and ; James';Roche. ; History -"..'" '•' 'Mulgdn. Next ■•"^',.Avrfri 4 .;;v,'.mu.4se'n;>;Latin:—Prizeißichard'Slulgau. Next -."\'Vi'hvm6rit:;Horiry'KasmusscnYand ■ James Roche; ■v '-'.'■'.' French.—Prizo:'. Honry:-;Rasmussen; :,; Next ~in ':'J^ mkpi'£: Richard.-.;Mulgan':.T;alid'■V■ , John.■-■-■■Fulton;- ' : ,' : '.'.Ndst.;Uuvinerit: r '."Riohrtrd..Mulgan 'and, James ■"■■-'-.•- Rb«lic;'i : Geometry.'and iTiigpnometry.—Prizo:' ,'v : ' .'.sfthaW : •V';':','.' :■' ■■"•.' ■ ■■'■:'' :t-- i?.Sdcohd-'iClass.— Col-' "i'- : "merit:-Bernardi Dohorty,- James 'V;,.^';v-^ienbyii>WUliaßr-7Bnckley;fVdn(l:. i Paul Kano. '..; ..English.—PrizeVrßernard: Ddherty, Next in v' ; ./'.•■■' J '- , :!Bd^aiii-':Jbhn^.CaseyV : -and-il'6aii:"'Weight.":latin.'. '.',: .—Erize';.Richard''Collins.y-Nest in:merit:.Wil- ;. 1 .--.! ■ liStii*;Buckley ( >Brinn-Malonc,'.-John Casey,'and •>«,. John Hogan.-'/Frcnbh.-rPrizei' William Buck-. ■£'.'-:.' ; :-.?'leyV> : NeJt;in./n!e'riti'BrianjMaldne,-IJohn Casey, -■ ;'f u -,.John'tHbganj-'-and; Richard'iCollins.■ iVGerman. s&^^Prizfti&vyiUiaiuSßick^^

Arithmotic and Algebra.—Prize: William Buckloy, ' Noxt in merit: Bernard Doherty, John flogan, Courtenay O'PiOurkc, and John 'Ca«ey. Geometry and Tngenomotry.—Prizo: William Buckley. Next in merit: Bernard Doherty, John Casey, John Hogau, and Joseph Box. Science.—Prize: Bernard Doherty. Next in merit: James Gatenby, William' Buckley, Richard Collins,, and John Casey, Drawing — Prizo: Bernard Dohertv. Next in merit: William Buckley and Puuf Kane. Third Class,—Essay—Prize: Albert Beswick, Next in morit: Patribk Lawlor, William' He n: nesay, Arnold Roche, and John Engcl. English.—Prizo: Albeit Beswick. Next in merit: William neimcssy, Patrick Lawlor, Thomas Stack, John Engcl, and James M'Ginley. History and Geography.—Prize: Albert Beswick. Next in merit: William Hennessy, Patiick Lawlor, Thomas Stack, John Engcl, and James M'Ginley. Latin.—Prize: James M'Ginley. Noxt in merit: Albert Beswick, William Hennessy. Raymond' Kitchen, Thomas Stack, and Philip Blake. Flench—Prize: Thomas Stock. Next in merit: AVilliam Hennessy, Patrick Lawlor, James M'Ginley, and Gerald Mahoncy. Germau.-T-Prizo: John Engel. '- Next in merit: Pefoy Hawkins, Fergus Yourclle, and Cyril Andrews. Arithmetic—Prize: Willnm' Next in merit: Jamcf M'Ginley, Albert Beswick, Patrick Lawlor, Gerald Mahoncy, Joseph Punch, and Percy Hawkins. Algebra and Geometry.—Prize: James M'Ginley. Next in merit: Albert Beswick, William Hennessy, Philip Blake, John Sullivan, Cyn'l Kilgour, Patrick Lawlor. Science.—Prize: William Hennessy.' Next in merit: John Sullivan, Albert Beswick, Gerald Mahonoy, and Philip Blake. Drawing—Prize: Patrick Lawlor. Next in merit: William Hennessy and Josoph Punch.

Vonrth Class.—A—Essay—Prize: Howard Buckley. Next-in merit: John Barry, James Hennessy, Owen Craighead, William Poppelwell, iiornaru Chapman, and Eric Hooves, English. —Prize: James Hennessy/ Next in merit: , William Poppelrell, Iloward Euckley, Timothy ' Smith, John Barry, and Daniel Connor.' History and Geography.—Pnzo: James Hennessy. -Next in merit: Howard Buckley, John Barry, I William Poppelwell, Daniel Connor, and Ar--1 thur Brennan. Latin (first division).—Prizo: William Poppolwoll. Next in merit: James Hennessy, Howard Buckley, Leonard Daniel, Daniel Connor, and Owen Craighead. Second Division.—Prize: Cyril Kilgour. Next in merit: Charles Hodgins, Vernon Haydon, and Arthur Campbell. French.—Prize: Howard Buckley. Next m merit: Daniel Connor, James Hennessy, John Barry, and William Poppelwell. German.—Prize: James Hennessy. .Next in merit, Howard Buckley, William Poppelwell, Owen Craighead, and Bernard Chapjnan. Arithmotic—Prizo: James Hennessy. Next in merit: John Barry, Howard Buckley, William Poppelwell, Owen ,Craighead, Leonard Darnel, anil Eric Reeves. Algebra and Gcomolry.— Prize: Leonard Daniel. Next iu merit: Howard Bhckiey, James Hennessy, Donald Dickson, Owen Craighead, and John Barry. Science. —Prize: Howard Buckley. Next' in merit: James Hennessy, • William Poppolwoll, Charles Ruscoo, Bernard Chapman, and Arthur Brennan. Drawing.—Prizo: John Barry. Next in merit: Arthur: Bremiftii, and Leonard Daniel. Pourth Class.—B—Essay.—Piizo: Vernon Haydon. Next in merit: Edward Lagan, Charles Hodgins, Andrew Cummins, John Dore, and Thomas Hodgins. English.—Prizo: Charles Hodgins. Next in merit: Andrew Cnoimins, Vernon Hnydon, William St. ift, and Walter Jennings. History and Geography. —Prire: Andrew Cummins. Next in merit: Charles Hodgins, John Dore, Vernon Haydon, William Swift, and Edward Lagan. French (lirst division).—Prize, Andrew Cummins. Next in merit: Charles Hodgins, William Swift, Vornon Haydon, and John Dore. Second Division.—Prizo: Reginald Dickson. Next in I merit: Edward Lagan, Joseph Schumacher, Ernest Burns, and Hapo Watchman. Arith-1 raetic—Prize: William Lynch. Noxt in morit: Andrew Cummins, Charles HodSins, Tiki Eraser, and , John Duggan. Algebra and Geometry.—Prize: Charles Hodgins. Next in merit: William Lynch, Andrew Cummins, and William Swift. Science.— Prize: Vernon Haydon. Next in merit; Andrew Cummins,' Charles Hodgins, Edward Lagan, Maurice Jtalono, Joseph 1 Schumacher, "and William Lynch. Writing.—Prizo: Edward Lagan. Next in merit: Stanley Hoar,' Oscar Lynch, William Lynch, Charles Hodgins, and Andrew Cummins. Drawing.—Prize: William Lynch. Next in merit; John Duggan, John Foley, and Leopold Harvey.

' j ;': v':;' Course./; V;,' '. Senior : ;Division.-^Pnze': i Next in merit v. Joseph iPcoples,"-: John Barry, .Francis; 'Fitzgerald. 'Honourable mention-. .Bernard Doherty. ...'■'■':. \-.>..,■ ■ Junior- vßivision;-r-Pri2e:.';iAlan. .Brennan.Next, in merit:':. Edward- Laga'n,':.Tiki Fraser, ..Ileb;;H^ghdsi^and^ | .'J6hll' s 'l)u'ggan;;r;>: : ::^^^•■.: ; K■/:' , C-/':-':•';:■':';:;Shorthand. : : ;iv.^\'.r ; ' ; ;v-';;';::'■;■';. '' 'Prize.—John Barry...'Next in- merit-.;;Joseph. Peoples.VPatrick'Lawlor,'FraucislColly,. John: Currait,.and William' Fitzgerald.; ;' ; :.:..■ T •^''•'; : ' : '' : " : ~ ; Music. : :';;s^- : ;'!/; : ::'V'.;;:;> : -: V; .Pianoforte;— First-; 'division—Prize:" Raymond Kitchen.'•-■ Next Sin merit: Brian'Malo'no..Sec-, ond..-divisioris-PrizeV Francis.Kelly. -Next-in merit:VCharles Hbdgins,. Oweh Craighead, and Leo Hughes.:::,. .' ;; -Cr:■■-.:]'.■: ;'-'V/Ov''.;;;- •■' Violin.—First division—First prize: Raymond Kitchen. Noxt-in merit; Joseph .Box.'.Second .division—First',prize: William vNoylon;;' .Next, inmerit: Patrick'Lawlorj Ernest "Burns, and Alan-'Brennan.;': ;/■ ■■■"■'■:] -'.;V';;:'r Ov'.';

Singing.—Gold medal presented by tho rector—Thomas Dwyer. Prizes: Bernard Chapman and Francis Kelly. Next in merit. Timothy Smith, Andrew Cummins, John Foley, and James Hennessy. , Photonraphy. Prizes.—Edward Peters and Charles Ruscoc. Board: of. Honour Prizes. Arthur Brennan, William Buckley, John Casey, John trieseking, Cyril lulgour, Cornelius Outtrim,,. Arnold ~Roche, - Joseph Schumacher, Bernard Chapman, John Fulton, Walter Jennings, Brian Melono, Howard Buckley, Dnlton Campbell, Richard Collins, William Henncssr, Joseph Kumeroa, Henry Easmussen, James Roche, Cyril Andrews, John Engcl, Vornon Haydon, Patrick Lawlor, Louis Weight, and Fergus Yourellc. Prizes for Four Mentions. Cornelius Outtrim,' Owen Craighead, John Hogan, and William Swift. Physical Training. | Medals presented by tho Phjsieal Training , School.—First division—First William Filz- I gorald. Second: John Hogan. Third: David , Bourke. Honouiablo mention. Bernard | Dohorty. Second division—First: John Dorc. . Second: Howard Buckley. Third: Francis Kelly., \ Shooting. I No. 1 Company.—Prize- Richard Mulgan. No. 2 Company.—Prize. William Swift, ' Cold medal for highest aggrcgato in shoot- I ing, presented by Colonel Collins.—William ' Swift. I

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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 685, 9 December 1909, Page 9

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ST. PATRICK'S COLLEGE. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 685, 9 December 1909, Page 9

ST. PATRICK'S COLLEGE. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 685, 9 December 1909, Page 9