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r BHIPPINC TTNION ~'-STEAM : SHIP COMPANY ■ lJ '-:- :■"'.•:■<■ '■OF.'--'-; ■ ■'■■ : ; NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. .:: (\yeather" and circumstances permitting.) : : '■: '■;■' LYTTELTON. Waikaro ;.. Tuesday- May 4 '-• 5 p.m. Pateena- . .;-Tuesday y May 4 ■' 8 p.m; Maori* ;.'•; Wednesday May 5 ' 8 p.m. Moerafci -, -~.-.. Thursday May 6 ■ 5 p.m. Pateena., ■', '~ Thursday May G' .'.. 8 p.m. Maori* . .'Friday May "7 . . Bp.m.. Pateopa .-... Saturday May 8 11p.m. Maori*.•. ;;■. Monday . . May 10 : .8 p.m. Pateeha. , ' ' Tuesday . May 11 8 p.m. \-:.\ ' -'• V ;: - '■" .'-.'TuiMna.. ■■..." •; ■ . '~ ;' ; ; :' : -l■': : bUNEDIN : via LYTTELTON. ■. v:. ■Waikare , ■: ' .Tuesday. May 4 -5 p.m. Moeraki. ', Thursday ■ May - 6 5 p.m. •' OTIMARU, DUNEDIN, and OAMARU. Cprinna§ - ' Wednesday May . 5 ... Noon \\\ '■■':'■■■':,: ■:-• -.■••.' ■ "§C"argo only. ■ . : ;. . ■ MELBOURNE, via LYTTELTON. DUNEDIN, | !--';-. BLUFF, and HOBARIT. ■;. Moeraki" h'.; :, Thursday }. May G r 5 p.m. .' SYDNEY, via. NAPIER, GIS'BORNE. and ; V :.' ;A. ; -AUCKLAND. j : ..■'.: ; Mokoia, I r "' May 6 ; sp.m. ; NAPIER; GISBORNE : and AUCKLAND. Itokoia.".'-Thursday'. ..May 6 -5 p.m. Waikare', , . Monday' May 10 . 4 p.m. ; ''" ' ; ' : ' ; EAiST': COAST BAYS; ; ■'. .-.•• Flora", i;. 'Tuesday . ! May 4 4 p.m. ' o ■ "''SYDNEY DIRECT Warrim.oo' '. .Friday May 7. 5 p.m. Manuka ■. • ■ Friday -..May 11 5. p.m. ; .NEISpN.'; viK PiCTOK, ami 'BLENHEIM. Mappurika : V •''■■ May, 4 '. 12.45 p.m. Te Anau*: Wednesday May .5 "7.30, a.m. Te'Anau'- ■'- ~ ' ■ Fridny' May.' 7 : 12.45' p.m. Arahiira Saturday May. 8, 12.45 p.m. ■Te-Ahau. ' '. 'Monday ■ Hay 10 12.45 p.m. Tβ Ariau'■•'■'•■■ Wednesday' May 12 12,45 p.m. Tβ : Anau' ''. '.'■.■ '.■•Friday'.-;. •:-, May 14 12.45 p.m. Arahura ... - Saturday ' May-.15 .12.45 p.m. To Anau 1 '; Monday v May 17 .12.45 pirn.'. *■'•.■...■.■'■■'.■'•.•■>.■•::■ *No cargo.' , . ■■-...-. '■ .'"-,' '■■'■:. .;. ; -;.:Vnelson DißEcr., , :.i. .■.-..■ . Ma'pburika''..'.' VTnesday ■;.'■, May 11 ; 5 p.m.: , -'NEW PLYMOUTH'nndd.N'EBJJNGA. ; ':;i. :,-,-.■.:;;..!,;';F0R-AUCKLAND,.-.■:•,■'.'.-"■ ' ' ■'< .Connecting at New Plymouth with 'throneh. trains'from ■iWeilinfiton. on ' Thurs.iaya .and .Saturdays. : ■ •': .-.. .''V. :;. ■ Rotbiti't- '--- -'• iWcdnesilay, May 5. Rotoiti't ■': '■■■ ..'Wednesday- May,l2, .10 a.m.: .■'.-■•■ :'■!•■■■■.'■. ■,'.',- 'Calls Picton. ■'',-. -.■.'.,'.■ , : ; ■'"-.'.'.':'■'."■ fNo New.Plymouth Cargo...'' ~ '.' , "■jNELSON.'.WESTPORTi.GREYMbUTH and ■ v-;;--;;-:':;/;;■:. hokitika.''■:-:■.■.■:.; : ■'■■■■ Mapouiika*.-'.. ■ Tuesday'': May' , 4■ . 12.45 p.m. Arahurat"'-'.', Saturday " May '8 12.45 p.m. 1 ' Monday, jMay, 10 . •", Noon .1 '~.,. :' Nelson cargo. :'l■• ;/ ; : ,h'- '•>- t Cnlls Picton.'■ ■ ■''■•■ . '■-.',■■' ..';' JDoes ' Nelson. ; : V- ; ! ; ■ SAMOA. an<l ;FIJL'. ■;■• (From' Auckland.), . : ~ ' . . . 'Atna.i'. r "■ ; , Tuesday- f May,2s .■ '■'.■',■•.:•" X ?■>■"! .; ; : ! i .-.:'-?,. 1 '.;- .■■:■:.■'}■■--■ (From Auckland.); - ■■ -~ ~.. -. ~r Navua' I: .-. Wednesday May 12,. . ..: ■ ■■• :: 'W": RAROTONGA" and.TAHITI. \ ;\- ■.■■; ' ~ ■- ■■•'■■ Taluno..leayesN Wellington ..May;27, a« -noon. CANADA;AMERICA,.LONDON, Etc.,,: ' ■ :6, ■••■ ; ; ; - ■■;'■:. viaVANCpUVER. -;. ■■'. --.- /; Makuia. from .Sydney. May' 10, Suva"liar 17.- • -';.' ■;:■,'■.., Seespecini advertisement.'. .-■.; .'.; ■ :^v^^.v;;^a!^A.N'*RANcisca v:::'-;•' ■■■■■: I ■'.'. .(T,ranshinp'ing't6 Mariposa'at'.Pa^eete).,'. ■ Talune,;froni -/Wellington, 27j-'."at' (noon; :;'Tjcket.a;STailable , : : fpr,:.s(pp-o,ver.; J 9r..rctu.fn,. Ujrl .Messrs!. Parker and Cp.'s steamers. : ; •"" • ;Betth9' ; will/only be allotted to' passenge're oh' .production'-,; qt\. ■passage;'); ■ offlceV.':':'V-r; : -J'''- : -.T..■;!'-;'?■>,'"■ v :■' '-V-V' , •;•;■;'■;>; ; rPasseSg'ers;. will '• be- allowed'aboard <mj pr6ductioh:inf ;passag6 : tickets.' ];,:', ,',' : -;■ -.: : • "'. '. .{'Latest -time .'for. r'Jceivirig'"'cargo. can' bo bad oni'aDalication aJ.Ccmpanr's office." ■: '■■"''■ ■'. . "QEO'eTEST -KdUTE lira; iuCKLA'ND, VIX IPS: 7t'ONEpUNGA; .'*:/:: : ■ ■ :, . .'".' : I > '.Connecting with :through train from . '; ' : ':■'-■..■''' ' ';.'■ .Wellington. • ■ . . . 'STEAMERS -leave - 'New Plymouth as under ;(«eatiier..per'mitting):r- .;. • "; . .■ Rotoiti '~■ :"■<■ Thursday '■.May '6 -8.30 p.mVRotoiti " ' ■.■Saturday-";, ; May - : 8. 8.30 p.m. ;Rotpiti '~'• -";■ .; Thursday ' May 13 8.30 p.m. ,Rotoiti.: v;. .Saturday- May 15 8.30 p.m! 'Passengers .. can' embark '.at Wellington . on •Wednesday, proceeding, through by sti/an-er to Onehuijga, for Auckland.' J ' ... ~ ! , ,',. UNlbN' STEAM! SHIP .COMPANY OF NEW' : -; : 'y :. ■'. /ZEALAND. LIMITED. „ .6527. ::■}■■:.;. ;: l ; ; ;'-ViA:(SAN:;xriRANCISCO \;- ', i.LL r AMBRICAN p6iNTS, ; BRITI3H ISLES -'■"■; \'C,v' ; ; AND';CONTINENT. : "•■', ■:■ .■'■■ ;^ : \ v . ►NEW/MAII.'ROUTE. -■'■::';; ' : "-'j Talune; from Wellington; May 27; to' Raiotonza■j; ".•; . :•.. and' Papeete (Tahiti). - Talune, from' Wellington, Ju|y.7. \ '■. .', ■:. Talune, from' Wellington, .'August 12 .. _-, Talune, .from . Wellington, September 17. ' ■ ■ Connecting with s.s.-Mariposa;atPaiceto : for ; '.';;. :'".;:; ;.-• Sau ,:Fraucisco. . '■.:.■,- : ' .■ ■ •For,: particulars regarding passa&ea '- .-and. freights apply : .'.c : :X"- : '-'' : :■' '■'■ ." : -''■' ' ;UNION.S.s;.CP. ; ;;."i GANADIA.N-AUSTRALIAN" ROYAL MAIL ■ ■■■■•-. ■% LINE. ; - ■ ■ ,TO.VANCOUVER, VIA FIJI AND HONO- ' ' , LULU, THENCIv; BY RAIL -TO ANT . PART OF CANADA OR UNITED STATES. MAKURAt* ."■'■ ■'■■. ' 'May 10 :. ''" : May 17 ; ' AORANUI' June 7 June 15 MARAMA '.' ,"' July.s '; ; ;■'. July 12. . 1"' '..■■'. - ;' *i.'win' Screw. .:■ •,-■ ■ J.;.'- fNew 'steacsrof 8075 tone. ■■■■■", !'., Full particulars,on application. ' •■■.'■' ■ '■..' : UNION.S-S/CO. OFN.Z., LTD. ■'' ' •-:'■•' ■'. '-■.-■■ '~' ■'■: ■..• . •■,. "N ."•'..." ' TJUIIPr,,/AbneyVand Builders' Levels,'Pris- ,- matics, Parallels, Steel \ Straightedges, . Sfrinf! • Bows. Bow Pens, Tee and Set Squares, and Scabs'bf all; kinds. >.' ; ... .... '.' .' ■ : V': v' ■'■ j,' l -,W. : LUDWIG. "':■[■' : ■ ClOg',.o.;' ;..;;,; 214 Lambton: Quay. ';■'. v..' KGMONT;. PRIVATE HOTEL ... ,' :■' (Corner Courtcnay'Place.and Taranaki St.). > rjiflE abovo new Three-storied Modern Hotel, ■JL situated-iu the best, part of AVellington,. is now available for-PERMANENT BOARDERS aud; TRAVELLERS.- Uaautiful large airy-bed-rooms, electric light -throughout;.three minutes' walk from Railway Stations, Whurves, and G.P.O: ■Tariff: (is..per day, or 30s.:per week. Special concessions to Permanent I'canle-s. 'Phono 59 .H. BAIiEK, Proprietor. T. LEVY, 'Manager. . ■; ■ . ' C 1179 ; TOI STAMMERERS. , ' HAVING been an inveterate stammerer for fkirty years, and now cured by' "ffhe Be'asley System," I'am prepared to treat a limited number, of persons who suffer "from this distressing:impediment. • * . . .' Consultations Free, from 2 to 4 p.m.. only. . . ADDRESS: . ; -: ; - . ) '.-,:' '.- " ./..-.. - G. I. JOHNSTONV :,.■■ . ■ : .■•"'■22 Uawkestone Street, WKLLINGTON... ■".- Sole'representative-for Australasia for : '■:-,■• ; W. J.'.KETLEy. Esq., ' ;■:■ ■ . ■'..;•■• , s ' London. " ' ' : .(Cure of Stammering, "Beasley System."). "■■■' -....•. . - ■ . -V'"V:'; ' ■ '6774

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 498, 4 May 1909, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 498, 4 May 1909, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 498, 4 May 1909, Page 1