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■ HARDWARE CUP. ' ■ I The winter slumbers of Trenthaai rifle rang* < wore rudely disturbed on Saturday last, the ' cause being the advent of some forty riflemen i from the 'hardware liomos of Wellington, who .., j were assembled to. do 'battle for the Hardware. \ Rifle Cup. The cup,'which-ie a valuable ' '] silver one, was presented by Messrs. Briscoe and j Co., Ltd., J. Duthie, and Co., ;-Ud„,.E. W. j Mills and C 0.,. Ltd., and the C. and A. Odlin \ Co., Ltd. The competition is to bo an annual \ one, and three wins are necessary to secure tlio' , J cup. Great interest was evinced in this, tho ■ : ! first match, 'and; 'the competition■ was: vory. keen. The conditions were: ten men aside, •? seven shots each at 200 and. 500-yards, Bisloy; i targets. The'weather was perfect "for shooting. I Four, teams faced the starter on this occasion, ; the entries. being Messrs'. Briscoe, and Co., j Duthio and Co., iiiillß and Co., and Odlin. Co. j Mr, Hickson, of the Karori Riflo Clv'a, acted '.-.) as official scorer. : ;';if- : .' ' j When the first half of each team liad'finished j at 200 yards, it was seen that Mills's were mak-. j ing the pace, and had forged ahead with;a I score of HO. Odlin's were'hanging on with 132, '■■■ '• ■'( Duthie's following-with : 125, Briscoe's.striking.'. ; a bad patch, putting.on 91. The second'divi-. ' \ sion increased Mills s lead leaving them with \ a snore of 266 for the complete range. Duthie's > got' to work, and pulled: up on Odlin's, lying ■ t oecond with 239. . Odlin's finished: with 23.1 ■■ I and Briscoe's with 184. At 500 yards Duthie's "..- first division rallied, and, shooting very stead- * . \ ily, pulled up 10 points on the leaders, Odlin's'•'••■ j losing Another point,-while Briscoe's burst and j dropped astern. i The position now was: Mills's, 37G; Duthie's, < j 365; Odlin's, 342; Briscoe's, 223. The interest '. . j wa6 now very keen, as a close finish seemed'.''; i certain. With the second division down, tho j excitement grew, and Mills's .coming at it ■■■'! again drew away a. further 26 points from , ' Duthie's. Briscoe's made a good recovery in 1 this division, beating, Duthie s by 16 points I and Odlin's by 13 points. This, left tho final ! scores: Mills's, 468j Duthie's, 431; Odlin's, 4Uj I 'Briscoe's, 305. . . Mills and; Co. thus secure the first win for - | the cup by a majority of 37.' points. Mri W. 1 G.'Duthie,'in presenting the oup to the win- -. , ning team, heartily congratulated- them -'• on,. -i their win.- He was pleased to see that tho cup j had gone toMills and Col, because Hiv J... F.'..' ! Mills had.been instrumental in starting the i competition. He was also very, sorry, that, '■ i illness in the family, Mr. Mills,was ■ J unable to bo. with them. that day. He hoped ! that; many more matches would 'be fired ,for ' 1 the cup, and that infuture years a social even*' ■'I ing would be held after the event He then''. ..• I called for three cheers for the. winning team, . . ■ | which were heartily given by-ithe. losers.. ,- „ j As a result of the match the Volunteer force i will probably gain a few recruits. C.Hodder, i ,for Odlin's, made the highest .score of tho day, ■■'".- j with the good total of 04 out of a possible 70, ■ being followed by A. Moisey. and H. Marshall, ■> of Mills's, each with 62: Details:— ,' , '~. ..' :E.;W/MILLS,AND-Ctt, LTD. '; '.','., j

■: ■•..'■ 200 . 500 .••■-"! '/'-' ' -.'■ yds. .yds. 11, ' } Maisey "/„...:....:. ... ... 29 . S3 ' '62 ' .Marshall- ■- ... ... ..../■"... 31 .31 63 • '.'•! Pierard ... '■,,.. .....:..., 32 27 59' ". ' \ Temple ; : ... ...',.„ ... 30 S3 53 Gasquoine - ',.. '... ... ; ..;' 80 20'" SO i Kerslake ....;:../ ../ .:, 24 ; 25- 49 ' ■ \ Johnson '■'....'_' .„'.„'21. 17 :' 41 I Elliott"• ; ..."■•■'.■ ... .._ ■■:. ... 20 - . ; 9 '35 '■ j Williams ' ...;.'>'- : -:./...''...'■ ... 19 ;, U, 80 Cowan ... - ..i ■ ... - ... • ... -21 .0, '£!..' '■ '■! ; '.'.... : ■ ;:■'■'"■'■ '; 206 202 -'4G3;. ■ 'i AND CO., LTD. '-' /;;■< j '■'."■ '■'■'..■".';'. .-/-'; i '''■■'.) l ' 200, 500 -. ■ \ ■_ L ./.:."'■ ;Ui"<- ; ':-".i,-'. yds. ,yds: T'l. . . -j 'Hart ... ; ...Ml .......... ... 31 .29/60 • Bisliop ...:•....!'.,;. ' ... V ... 30 ■ 28 : 53' ; . . ■' Hugo ... ' .■..•■•'".:..';;■■ „.'/ ..."26,'' 29'- : ' : 55 ■■■'•' ■ i Ltgg .... ...;.'.;.......; ... 20 ,24...'44- 1 Couii ... • , ... .... ■:■■ ... ai :■-. 20 '■■; 4V ! Rige : : , ... :...'„., -..:• .-■..'; 27 ; 12 39v i Duthie..'.....;..:...'-.■ v.. .... .■.....' 20 .15! , S5\ ; ,1 Copeland ... ' ........... 28 '• -7 35. ''A Parker ... ...... ...... 18 16 34 ' . i Anyon ■ ... : .,... •■•>;... ■.'■ ... - : ../.18 :1S....'30 .. ) ■■; .. ..;..' : : ;v; , : " ;.,;y. r: ;> 239yi92';43i : ':,. ) ; C, AND A./ODMN r;_ ".<,'■ ' /','.- .'. .* '*■ i*«I*. '(,-:■■•• ■■^■feoff'-''{&■■'.'■'■- '■■-■'■' i ■',.'' ,; ' ""'"'', ■■'■-'■ :■>'. yds/'-yds. T'L--'* ; Hodder , '-f! .ffi t?.f-"-„.2r':. , ;,.bfl2." es2'. ■' ■ 64'str ' M'Laren ••..:'.'.'.":--' ...; ,u':'. ..,'.29.7 '24' .'-53v . : Keys •■.•:..: ■ i. :,,:.. '■;:„;:•.;: »,.v : .23'--'-i; 23 ,- 46,- ~ Midhurst' •,.-,.:;,■' ■...■■;.• ... .....;; .24;.'-, 20-f,..;44,,-',. Ingles .... ...... ".:.-':.'.......25 r '.,19;'.'.44,7" •Carlyle.,... ...... ,.. . /..,,, "-:.:-?".;;,'23'-"" 19' ; v 42-" C. Odlin. ,...:• *;.;< '';.." :..i'.23- U" ; '34 . R. Herron '...'' „. * ~ ' : .',.; : 20 : ' ; '13'"'33,'' E. Herron ... ..v r iU-,'... .'16 ■ "10 '■ A.. Odlin" ..... . ..." ''...'18.' : '7;.-/25'.- ! -'"■'.■'233'.':'';178.' ,^lu',; - ■' ' > bmscob;and'co., ltd. : \" ; \ '. .'■''"'■ /, ■/'■/ ■■■. 200 ' 500 / \ «'': , '■"■'.-■ /". /yds. yds,,TT. , i Farquhar-. '.*...'■'.'..... : ." ...' -'... '28 ■ 23 51 ' Dumbleton ... ... ... ... 23 23 46 ' Bridson ■'/...'"/'.;./.'.../..„ 23 20 43' i Brin'dley . '... .... .V. ..; .26■'■■'. 16 42 low ... ... ... ... ... 17. 16 33 / Duncan' ..... ....... ! ... 15; . 10 25 Hcathora ■■' ,...., .....; ...■;■...;„ 15. ,. 9- 24 : : Anton ... .-....<....:-.■:,..■ r.i.,-22 -".2 .'.'■ 24- • Beck ... ;> ...,,...■ ,■... .....13 . 2 15 '' Bailey .... ...'. ... ,....'.'..' 2." ■', 0 ' ,,2'.' 184" 121 305 *• '.' WELUNGTON GUARDS/■.■;'. V .: The A and-B Classes of the above company • fired their final competition at Polhill's Gully . Eange on Saturday,, for. their third series of trophies, consisting of the following'.—Messrs. Ballinger Bros.', Mr. S; G..Ross's, and'com- •' pany's. B Class—Liout. Roacho's,' company's, and Lanco-Corpl. Smith's.' Tivo matches, high--, v ' est aggregate in any four. . ; .'. "• . .-.' ,...'''. ■'"'■' A Class:,; ; ;; ; '■''''" '" '" '■:.' ■ 'v 500 600. ' : ; ■'"-' '■' :-„, , '.'„■• • ','■ yds. yds.,,H , p. Tl ■ . '' Pte. A. Barnos ... .:. 32 -32.' o 64 ?, e 1 .^gt: •,^ 6^! n , 11<, J , '■'-. : '••• ' 31 v 31/ 0' 62' Pte. M'Whirter ... ... 33 20 '3' 62 Pte. Egglostono ;./ ....'31- 25 i: 4'.G0' - Pte. Dowmau ... ... 27 ,28 '5' 60 Pte. Smart, j ... '■ ... :•:..'. 27 ' 31. - ,0 . 58' ' Sergt. Sneddon .....:'... ; 31 2S - '■ I •, Sergt. Fellingham ....;' ... 31 26 1. 58 . ' Pte. Neal ........... 26,25 0.--51. ■■Highest a'ggregates-Pte. M r Whirter,242j Pte. / Barnes, ,240; Sergt. Tinhey, 238, - . B Class. : .'■)■■ •?"-/';■' ' ; ; ;; : ' 500 : G0O / "v.," '■'■ ■ :\ _, . ■ _■ ..- ■ :■' ' ' ■ ■ yds. yds.':H'p. T1/ : : Pte. Trezise ... ...... 21- 23 2 '48 '""■ ' Pte. Treanor ... 22 23 •• 0 45 ' ' ■ Pte. Hutton .»...;... 21' 12. ' 3- 38•'-'•: 1 _ Aggregates-Ptes.-. Treanor and Hutton,; 215) . ."-,' ■ : 'D. BATTERY AT THE RANGE. : , V '/ '' : ''j The sixth match for belt and other trophies' i was fired at Polhill Gully Range on Saturday,' " i ' and 200, 500, and-600 yards,-with'' ■ ■ fhe following results:—' .' . ■ .. ' . . ' ; '' ', - & Class/'' ; ■: ''■. .'";. ;■ /'"'/ .,'■ ! •■ ' ,- ' .' 200 500 C00.' ''.'.':'.': ''"i k „ 1... ■' yds- yds. -yds. T'l, '•[>;■■- ' Gunner Phmmer ... '... 33 32 32 ; 97 ' '• Sergt. Wiokens ....... 31, 33 ' 31> 95 Lieut. Skolley 29 30 29 83 Gunner Focke ■..■'. ... 25 83 25 83 Q.M.S. Iving (reserve) ... 28 26 17 71 ■ ] B Class. ■■ .' : ; '; / ; . . • ■''■■■ 200 500 600 '■■' ' : " ' „ „ LL „ ■. yds. yds. yds. T'l. ■■ ! Gunner Cotterell ... ..; 30 26 ■ 25 81 ' ■ Guimer Leggett ... ... 17 28. 24 .■ ■■ 69 '•■ \ , ';The following are-the aggregates of tho five best matches of the six fired. Conditions; Fire '■'. seven matches, count fivs best;— , . , ■ A Class.—Gunner Plimmcr, 438 j Lieut. Skel. ley; 429; Sergt. Wickens, 420; Q.M.S. King (re- ' serve), 401. • \ B Class.—Gunner Cotteroll,'3C5. : ',''""' V ' Writes our.Lovin correspondent: The final shoot for trophies presented by Mr BR'" Gardener (Mayor of Levin), and Captain V. 0. built 1, oamo olt on Saturday, nt tho LovinRitto Club's range. The conditions were six shots at 200.yards,'and sovcoi shota ''■'.'' at SOU yards., Scores: '• ■■ . '. 200 .'soo'v "'■ .:- : ',''■-' : ' iv ,,, . Yd s. Yds. H'p. T'l. . W. Irancis, sen 27 33 0 '-60 Vi. l'ranois, jun. ... 26 22 0 38 1', Jonos ... ; ,... 27 30/- 0 ■•& J. Rutherford ,.. 25 30 . 0 55 Td - ■'- •••• 24 27 ,4/'. 55 J.-.-Mmr ... ... 25 29 0 54 W., Ingram ... ... 22 3V 0 .- 53 ,r: P. Jones and L. Ingram tied for; first v ' ' f placo..lho n ggregato Sa r e: -L..Iiigram 166, /.' 1. Jones 166, W. 1'rancis, jun., 164'."' W '> Muir 155, W. Ingram 155,. H. Ward • ; For Hacking Coufth at nieht''' '" Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. £ 6l.2s.6d. ' .

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 497, 3 May 1909, Page 2

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RIFLE SHOOTING. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 497, 3 May 1909, Page 2

RIFLE SHOOTING. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 497, 3 May 1909, Page 2