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PALMERSTON. At a meeting of the Sluggish River Drainage Board- at. .the beginning of the-weok," the report of the :Eivere Commission ira considered,, and strong objection was taken to: tho .recommendation that the length i of tho Oroua, from its. mouth to Awahuri Bridge,, should constitute' a part of the lower section, as the .conditions of the two . rivers are not alike/ Objection'was also made to the .recommendation 'that .the control of the Oroua. River should bo- merged • 'into the Manawatu Rivor and drainage scheme, on account of-tho-.fact. that .'the-.vastness of the latter river's requirements would prejudice the; execution of protective works •on the Oroua' River, besides ■ entailing unduly heavy chargesr upon the board's ratepayers. It ■was ■.resolved that a letter be'written to Mr. M.P:, urging'Btrongly oppose the merging, of tho'Oroua River into the Mar.awatu lliver Board. ' Nothing;. apparently , comes, amiss to the light-fingered, . fraternity.',' On . the racecourse on Thursday a man left his" camera for'a few minutes' to watch a race.' '"When' he returned he found tho camera -minus its lenSj.wiich had been neatly'and deftly -removed. "That man is now keeping a'-watch-ful eye . on .every suspicious-looking- -person who ' might bo' inclined tb 'daljble in.'innatour'photography. Mrs. D; B. Harris has'"prosonted medal, to bo • known as the Victor ' Harris. medal, to the Associated Board of the Royal : Academy of Music, arid' the : ®oyal : Oollego of. Music,; for competition at'tho-'-local'm-ÜBi-cal examinations of :;tho'board; -The -medil is to. be .offered annually to'the candidate /at tholocal 'centre's, ."practical 'examinations'' whosevwork. is 'hold 'to bo the' best-presented ! each year, - as shown 'by -the' marks tif tho- 1 ex-' aminor; provided that -tho candidate'gains at least 125;inarks. All those whoso•names-'aro : entered-at the-Palmcrston-'North l , and' who.tako the examinations thoTO.'-ate'Bligiblo. 1 No .candidate .can-take- thp-.medal more'than oncof in^tho-same/grade and-'snbject. MASTEKTON. ; Moro-men mo'now engaged at carpenteringwork .in this -district'thaii--has-been--the Case' for'-some'months 'past.- 'On ; a ; ilumber- of;pri-< vat©-contracts'Mr.-G! E. Darnellis. feivrag employment to a-: considerable mimber, landthe'prospects 'aro'that -'will >bo retained'throughout,the winter. Tht> ; . benefits of - -telephone-- oonitoumeation : bctwoei'Masterton- aliil outlying parts of itho" district aro fasfc 'becoming <recognifced. liaw' line is ; ~to. be ierected'. from'tho East-'Coast via Weraiti'arid, Stronvar. ' An order has been placed- for-the accessary posts (which 1 are/.to/'.be of '.jatrah)',. as well -fat. five' ••tons:.' of- wire. A' l tender: for-'carrying: out-the; work hasialso-'been accepted. ■ . i.-,. ; A ! fair :nuffiber'"Of' ; swaggers,-seem .tot betraversing'the ' roads : in thti 'outlying. rparts of •' the -'JVV airarapa - in-search - of' work; . ' .They are 'not of-'tho -6undbwner. ;class, : libut' 'pria.: -;who liavo 'reached.'the during rtlio" past ymonth or two. Local /'labours -agents i'report •' that tho: supply: of; unskilledlabour; -isstillvery'; touch.! in exoess. of -the -demand. ." ' Over fifty man..are at present 'oflgaged' in reading'.'and foncing ; operations on <tho:Ie». Estate, • East > Coast,! ;and it is thatva_further- number .will; shortly be < engaged . jn /the -:erection of buildings. . ' ' FEILDI-N'Q. ; .The. annual -meetrngi.andi'Bocialughthering. jof ..'.parishionersj-of. ■ tho ■- Feilding; Anglican parochial ;district were held -:>ra. the'»:Bunday> ;School.Toom on;:T'lnirsday. night. - Therei waV Wdargo-'attondance.:; Mr.. A. G-.iMeyrick was: reappointed" vicar's''churchwarden, -andlMr. W. Lambert v was•>returned -as parishioners'; cirurchwardcn. ; ■ The' following. ■••were '.elected a;,v«stry.i.for. tho''current' :yearMessrs; C.; J; 'Little; Mostyn,' innes, Jones,'. Glasgow, 3i Ayliner.v G.--Weeks; Thos. iClapham,. and' Dr. ' Livesoy: ;Mr.; C. J. Little ;was'reelected-,: treasurer, :;and'Mr.; fC. N. Gotterill auditor. ; ■ ■-. ;- t . A 'marked demand .for' lambs has 'put tho; : ,prico'jthis'week 'by.2s.oper' head; 'This, of - course,'; will ;; bo good; '-news ''for ■ 'stockowners.'; of : ;the; half-holiday -asisociatioi intend '■ to, 'celebrate -their.; victory 'Over the Wednesday poll; by- holding a social -dathoring 'next Jwcek, ' .. •: ■ 'Lancashire ."foalks" 'foregathered-' in' 'tJii Oddfellors': Hall 011- Thursday -'night to> htm what the'.;chairman'called a- Vgo'od- bwd tahl; about the ,owd :-Iriter-proted--into • N«w Zealand English, thii ithht Mr. It. Heald, who -'prcsidod said that ho was-glad to" sco'so many Lan cashiro--folks .presont,.-and, to..have ffitli them about' tho 'old couitry. 'Suiting (ViV dicUoll - ! .the..occasion,i.he .continued: Wo. 'ope to .'ave an eliiyablp.. tahm ;tonaght.!; Jt; aht t' .be Terra . 'iaterestin' ;t< moot; foalks, who have - coom - from' -tho Owe Cahnty..' the ordihary iNew. Zea-lamler:.-found -it ..was (rather,vbowildering. al times.' The. fathering, was- a>'distinct >success, there" being close, (upon a hundred 01 our.-ibest.colonists;:present. ~ i-The' sub-epminittoo, appointed 'by'.the Feild-ing.-.Athletio ;Glnb, to ;'oaiivass> the; town .foi donations «and : guarantees i -towards' holding a- Jlarathon-race irepoi-t .having -niet #ith verj littlo. success. .' .'On that - acciount themeetine of! :the ■ olub; arranged. for. last-.- evening,' was nbt;h'eld,';and the Athletic Club Vill abandon the ;idoa of holding a Marathon -race' for the present. . : .: ■■■; At - .the meeting, of, (the; Tiarishicnera of:Qlen. Orona, thero 'Avas'a' fail- .attendance, vthe -vicar. ;(tho Rov. - Wilson) : occupying ;tho. chair. The; balance-sheet i showed that an* Oast? year's ■'working and 'a; crodit'ibalance of ion; March Tho'chairman,. in '.moving the: adoption of J the roport, roferrea,-to t-he' small 'number- of 'farmfira attending .' the: services. -- The following were elected'.;as; a ; new. committee :—Messrs..' F, W;; ;Scott < (treasurer); A. - Kendall, W P Sestou, ;J. lioyce, AV. Pierre,i R.-'Boswoll' [ind 'H.- ~A' Tosolutioii'was- cftrriod undertaking .to-'pay'- the portion of:-the -vicarage mortgage,.'.required; by the Advances to'.'Settlers'i'Department 'for the "fitiaacial year, , on.'condition-.-that^Oroua 1 . Bridge-' take up the ."payment'uext"yearj . and R-Cngotea «iitho year-fitter. GUEYTOWN. . Tho Greytown Fire Brigade gave on enibyMJ® long-night-dance on -Thursday .night,- the liall bemg nicely decorated with, flags- and ?®lf" , I 6' ' floor P ro ™l in capital order, aud the Idanoe rw&s well attended. Miss -V--Uagmro..provided tho'music. -.., ' ... A i presentation of- a -ipurso of sovereigns was.;made this week to Mrs. He4u6y, Sunday bohool ■ superintendent .'at St.- Luke's,: GrevtcTra, on recognition of her.fservieos in coniioction with the. school.: ile ,liov. 'Mr 'p aw in maltmg'tho preflcmtation. said.tJiat ho, could not ..speak toolighlyof-tie' work which Mrs tloaney .had-dono'for:tho school.., pient, m , responding, exprcssetl , surprise 'at WJiat .bad-been .done for her,; as it had r not boon'.tho. leas t oxpec tod.,. S ho' h'ad simply done her duty out of.lovo for tho'work, and she thanked. those r jrho•'bad .testified, to their 1 appreciation in 'such a kindly. -maaiHsr. I CARTERTON. - ■A pleasant littleceremony .was performed at: the -Garterton i High-School on".Friday afternoon,..when - Mr. A. -Talbot, M.A.,: ; who has .accepted a .position on/the staff .of the Greymouth High School, was .the recipient of :a'haUdsome set'ot gold sleeve links. Mr. A. 'N.,Burns, headmaster, made the pre'sentaiion. - ■ . , A very large gathering: of -friends a : nd rfclatives attended the funcrnl of tho ir.t'e Mrs. Wilde, son., .yesterday.; The interment took placo at tho' Olai'evillo Conotcry. . Tho Wairarapa Hunt • Olu'b hold their second meet at Glareville 011 Thursday afternoon, when about twenty riders took part: in fchti run,'and a:Vcry pleasant afternoon's :tpoft resulted.; During ithe afternoon thero Were two falls, hut no serious consequences resulted;- The drag'was laid by Mr. Neil'Do'uelas 011 'Atirangi, and those who followed wereMestra. AV. H.' Buick, ou Fiitstick (master); H; Welch, 011 Little Wonder (huntsman); R. M'Guinness, on Kahukur* (hon. Whip) ;_H. Douglas, 011 Ha lea; P. Tilson, on Wainui; S. Mason, 011 N. Douglas on Atarangi;. F. Bccombc, ou Golden Da}": 6! Cndwallailer, 011 ICoraiii'au; ;F, Hercdck. If. lfhyd, ou Joaaj J. ca

Rata; L. Vallance, oil Moonlight; W. Vernon, on Tui; A, Kenned}', on Oaso Whisky,; J. Ullion, on Traylock; J. Grant, on Kunwui; G. Noich, on Dolly; W. Desmond, on Buster Brown; H. Falloon, on Frolic. The run started from the Taratahi Hotel, and, after covering several properties, finished up at the starting' place. ' ' LEVIN. . -■■ ' The bakers of Levin have raised tho tprice of bread to 4d.' per'loaf for cash, and 4Jd. booked. • i'A'fancy fair is" : being organised to' take Waco in .August, in. aid of the funds of the "Brigade. I A sitting of tlio S.M. Court took place |ostsrday, but vory few cases were on the I Mr. Cyril -wlw was so feeveroly injured on Wednesday, is \ still unconscious. ' ■ ... ■ ' Tho .Horowhenua'Rugby Union >mot: 'at Manakau on Wednesday ' evening, 'when '.the hnftuol- balance-sheet ; was.: presented. It fchowed: a debit balance of nearly' £30. ' Tho Bum ,of £17 was placed in'the hands of Mr. Jamas .-M'lntyre; to be > administered-in the encouragement of school football. Office-bearers-for; the ensuing-iseason iverd'elected as; follow;— Patron, Mr. B. -R.! Gardener; president, 1 Mr. -,T. Beran,' jimr. ;i vioe-presi-dent-to .A'.Z.R.IJ,, Mr. J. S. .bowler; ;delegate to N.Z.K.1!., Mr. J. D.Siover.s; hon, secretary, Mr. Albert' Thtfrnb.;: !hon. 'treasurer, Mr. Douglas;,- managementMessrs. Mackenzie, Goote, - Ruihi • Weihepeiliana,: Bright j Moynihan;, senior selector,' Mr. J;, S: Fowler;: auditors, : Messrs.. -'Gardener and M'lutyre. ' OTAKI. | Tho B:M._ Court on . Thursday was largely Occupied -with'- an' assault : caso: 111 which James; Roach, (plaintiff) -and' Goo. ■'Wilrnshurst (defendant) were the : parties.. The. former stated' that the defendant • Btruck him without ;just provocation,, plaiiitilf striking back, in' solf-idefeaoo./After, hearing'oviflonoe tho 'S.M.'imposed a faip of>2os., and 6osts ! £3 7s. (3d. Robert Stanscll-and A. T. Aclw.rman' -wore ■fined ss.:and.- lOsli, rospec-. tively : for. travelling in a firstclass;,railway carriage with 'a second-classt ticket." : Other, fninor .ciases wero .heard. ' -A woloorno social was' tendered to tlio Rev. Mr. .Jordan, the. .newly-appointed' niinister'.of the local 'Methodist circuit; on, Wednesday. The -evening proved' , successful "and 'enjo'yiblo. ■ ; . ,_.. , ' An; indignation meeting- will be '-held !at Te Horo next-'Wook.; The; question; beforethe ineeting :will,-ba.';thq manner iii,, which I 'tho Marigaon© l and Ofcaki Gorge Roads have 'been constricted. . < ' •FEATHEIISTOiSr. ' <Th'e meeting'. of (the- : Foathiil'ston , Town Board, was -hold-on Wodnosday. -evening. Present:. Messrs.; J: yf.~Card• (chairman),. "W. Gilpin, A.-,Donald,;iM.',.B. Tait, W. .Benton, B. ; Yelvertouj 'and J.- 1 M'Crirthy. ; Th'o sum Of; £56 165.-.-4d.,,has -boon: i'ccSivcd ; since.-last faioeting, and placed to.,'tho. I ;credit!-of the varionßffunds.', Tlio ge'rioral account uebit £227 135.-5 d.,. but:speoial fcredit left, a..!baiik'"overdraft'"to-/th©'"-'es-: tent of ,'£89,35."-Bd., 'the ' tfhole'.'-.'account' being in '6r6<lil> "£3l Is. l 7d. "AccoVihtS'aniounting to; £137 IX 6d. ,, wero' : passed'f6r''piyln6nt. ■It was decided ,to go',on with' tlio'cleaning 'of Fox.and iKtzheibert:Streets. j The cause of tlie accident to .Mr. Bs.rton an tho Rimutaka-iHillr-was-"a;curiousfono. JOn coming.-to the corner, Mr. Barton -at-' [tempted to'pufhis "foot" oat tho'br&ke, and,, ■in doing so/no pressed the accelerator, caus-ling-the car ito bound forward at a ;high speed. ■Seeingfthej.fix'.he.!was;,in, : '.hp,tmi; the ,car ■into. ,tho "bank. : f Tkq'iriacliinoj mounted a ■straight bank , for a; distance,, of about six |feet,;-'and; tlioiiturned '-turtle,, throwing: Mr. 'and' Mrs. ;Barton '.out. on to tlio road. One 'curious' ; 'tliing .a"bout ; ,-the capsize is that -the. 'wind; -soroon; was/ unliarmed,'.-.although ','the 'mountrngs-aro vory.i.much bent. ' Tlie car lias [boon brought into Featherston,. hy -.Messrs. •Stewart; and Sons; whbro it'is to undergo roIpairs. - ' ,', / ■ ' V,., >

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 496, 1 May 1909, Page 13

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PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 496, 1 May 1909, Page 13

PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 496, 1 May 1909, Page 13