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• < J r v £ RACING FIXTURES. May I.—Chnstohurch B.C. Autumn. ' May S and S.—Marlborough B.C. Autumn. : May 5 and 6.—Hawke'B Bay J.C. Autumn. «.-WoU lngt °n=P c ny and Galloway May 12 and 13,—Egmont R.C. Winter: - V " ; \V* . May 12.v and v IS.-rrAshburtoii; County .E.C. Antnmn. May 22 and 2i—North Otago J.C. Winter. May,22 and 24—'Tnkapuna J.C.. Winter. May .22. and 21,-Wanganui: J.C. Winter.. : , June 4—Dunsam J.C. Winter. , ■ -8 and Otaki-Maori E.C. Wintor. Juno 3, -5, and 9 —A.R.C. Graat Northorn Stoeplcohaso.' 1 Juno lß.and 17—Hawko's Bay J.C. Winter. Juno 23 . and 24.—Napior .Park E.C. Winter 'Meeting. NOTES AND COMMENTS. rBT Glekcoe 1 -S Tho Autumn '.meeting;, of tho. Chrisix?liurch vfeabing Club takes place at Plimlpton. to-day. ; ViU Sir Geo. Cliffordreturned from tho Mana-, lyatu ruccvs yesterday, and left in the even--, ing for Christchnrch. ■ I Next Wednesday tho Marlborough Cup will, bo run at Blenheim, and the Hawko s -Bay Cup at, Hastings. , Advantage is not going to Blenheim. She • is being spelled and-may not-raco again .until tho spring. Tho result of tho Ono Thousand Guineas, ■which'was'run in England yesterday, -should. reach Wellington to-day. ' j Rendrock and Emma aro to bo shipped to "Blonheiid to-day, to ,compebo a.t tho Alarl- < borough Racing rClnb's meeting,, .and,, )Y< Young. who is to rido ; Reaidrockvin, the • hurdle races, also goes across to Blennoim to-day. '" ' Mr. M. Melrose's Cohort (Royal Artillery--Huguenot), now in work at Trontham, stands nearly sevontoen hands, .and ,must ; therefor© be ono of tho biggest' horses in training. • Osiris, Aberration, and Tumut wero shipped . -. by;yesterday's : to,..Picton, en ■ route . to Blenheim, to compote .at the Marlborough Racing Club's meeting next /Wednesday. ana : sTwrsaay. i- 'When the. iweights ;.pennit, H. Cairns will do the riding-for,M'Grath s stable. Mr. J. O'Meara, of ' Masterton, former ■owner of'Lotherin, .has purchased ; a colt by . Mauser—Culverin, and the.-.-youngster.... is : i-jboing' /for/Vfuttiro .dbgagdniQnts;. hy : ftVJ Garrott.. ' ■ '■ . j2 : :■ '■ Pony ownoniare reminded that ■for the-two-principal ovonts at tho..Wellington Pony and .Galloway . Racing \Clnh's. meeting , . vnext..Saturday- at' noon ori Monday. : Merrie Oliver Olivette), who ; has been a competitor at the Miramar meetr .. ings . during the.past throe months,, was : -to Sydney,' yesterday, -'nhd'mlbbom-. . !i'pete ; at-tho' ; pony meetings..'in New": South ■ ' Preamble, by 'Merrie England—Prologue, -■ sonseqnently. a full brother sto Preludoj. died . .last week in Masterton. A veterinary''post' -' V mortem''showed-the cause of death to' boan abscess on. tho brain. As ;a.. yearling ...Preamble cost 200 -.guineas in Marlborough, .- where ho was bred, and the loss to his qwaer is therefore a serious one. ' - Mr; -.T.' S.-.Ohbborn,' sccrotary of/the- Aus- : , tralian Jockey, Club, left on; a trip -to.Hog-, land as soon, as the Autumn' .'meeting •, at ' . Bandwick was concluded; ; •• Kuala Lumpur,! who- won the steeplechase .atßandwick in Easter.Woek,has only started -. in four cross-country events- in' Sydney, ?and ho has won three of them. ! :. v Miss Mischief, who won two! hack races'at ;. the Tremtham -meeting,'.,will'be competing in /opencompanyjat tha'.phristchtirch 'meeting :v, rEffort,: Ballarat,' and -"Ukraine, : who : had ;V,,be&^',6bm^^ting';'at ;^the'!T:^ : 'Club's-meeting; -returhed, to, Trcnthain yester- ; By her "win in tho -Longburn-'Handicap at : J!Awapmii' on"' Wednesday, -Daisy, Paul has in•'curred a penalty for tho. Marlborough Cup. ; . ; , Jockey. E; Lowe was present at.the Mana- I 'jClub's-^:fixtn^d,;i : b'ut/,>M.i : :»pprcntioe's lic»j;so has just run out,.'ho was \ ■ tinablo to accept any mounts/. Before next ; "Wednefiday Ixy>vo wi 11 proKably liavc rcccivcd : a licenso from the liawLo's Bay Jockey Club,' : and i; ' He ■ ■will then - beable '.- to . ride . • California irirtfe'Hawke's ; BayiOiip/ £',::-U ' Tho local sportsman, Mr. M.'Melrose, in- • tends' entering, sonio two-year-olds, at the .;{Australi^:.;JiMk ;>meeting.v:' : & a slight. accident -interfered ..with Bay- ■ ■vardo's- prepafationl ior ,' the.'.l'wo.' Thousand' . .Guineas,', it may: be tliat lie was not started ■ in . that but is being reserved for the Derby, ,T.hich is to bo run on May .26! s ' Mr. J. E.. Henrys left- J"or .the south last r,Jnight- at ■ th'e' v.Christchurch • .meeting to-day.; rI ■ '' - It is considered, certain that the St . oitnOti horse Soulfc, will-, head . the wimung sires':,. list in' New 'Zcaland 'this.'scaEoii, . and , Rod will probably :have won more money in stakes than 1 any : other horse when tho season closes. There, still appears to bo ' j fiome .doubt asto. how tho diat ; of owners will read. '■iJ' Morses (adjustments -foivthe'first day s events at tho Wanganui Jockey Club's •.winter-meeting'are duo he>;t Sahirday. ' The Lower Valley Jockey Club'has 1 do'..'.cided to: hold , its-. next', annual raco meeting on September 30 and October'l, mstea3 of on December 26 and 27, as in previous years.,,,-As the -now.'.dates; will .not clash with . any other fixture's in the province, tho alteration should: prove. ■ advantageous "to the , clnb. Sir Ji'risoo has been .taken in hand at Irentham again after a brief spell. Ho has iresheDed up nicely, and all going well in the meantime will probably bo a competitor 'at : tuo . Otaki meeting ' noxt -. montfa;" Ronald Cameron, who arrived from SydEey on Wednesday, may possibly return to i Australia next week, -.find miiko. for i Mel- . bourne, .where' ho has : tho promiso of' 'plonty. ?. " dln S- ■Ho was oflercd a retainer by a ( Victorian, sportsman, .• but, as he considered : .-lt .ivould^^^be.. ; -,' oe;,.bound to ono stable, "ho decliied the Otter. . C - .'; by ?adybrtiaeiriorit. ? 0 ,^ J - or ' llcensc s bet at' tho Marlborough . Ricing -Club's meeting must ■■■M mado. to the -secretaryv not > later-" than' Monday next. ■ da ? Wellington Racing '4T}; s meeting,, a number -of forced were; Pu- intone: machmo' alter the ilailiyay Handicap, won bv Mo.i ;rr m y ?? , W -.'tO'-the tent- of over i6O„ •.. li.. would ' appear that . somo ..unstamped, tickets had ' been - stolen .- wter .a .previousimeeting..^and 'carefully 'saved tor the occasion. 'J he culprits must havo ■tnengonototho course armed with-a'patent lu !', . prmtln K apparatus, and; as soon as ~ they ;i discovored : ;;the -codo .for: the winner.-of - seventh;- tho typo toand stamped' tho tickets, eventually f 1 1' M » f»r payment.'.vTheforgery, ' {f 1 ft asre , been; very crude, and Mie 1 ght must iiay& been bad 1 at tho pay-out win- ., dpw when the tickets were cashed.'. Tho trouble ,wa^.'^disno^^t-.eredby,.the totaiisatorVpeiiple : in : ;;tW ovenmg.-,and;'thejdetcctive 3 on th 6 second dav, -• miin i i' ;110 further-.attflrr.nt w:i's ,:made ,to, break :the i totalisator .-ft.njr ]) c . ,:;totiv>s. alio/Tratclmd'^the,^^machine'on',lmth i-^y^'PffctheyManawathv Racing: Club's meet-" . ; .ing,. but without result. " aCKATCHINCS, ■:/ , TELEGR,IrH--PIt73S ASJOpIATION.) ', • TCI,- n u 1 ', 1 Hsstln 6S. Apnl 30. Whwtkcraft ha? been scratchtd for tho „ tt# Porangahau ; Handicap., at tiio Htiirko s Day ttLcoiiiTig.'*' ■ OHRIBTDHUROH B.C. ACCEPTANCES. ; , For; Uv> CTm'»tcUuroli Raoing aub's Autumn ... meeting,''.to bo held to-day, tho following i occeptanocs havo'been rccoivod ' ■ , HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 60 sovs , One mile.—C9nteiid«r, ; ..lost. . 131b. i Orsino . 10st., 121b;; Tesjoraj -: 9st. 91b.; Northern Star, 9st. 91b.; Pallada, fist. 21b.: and Wthoboy, 9st.

CHRISTCHURCH AUTUMN HANDICAP, 1 of 115 Eova. One milo and n furlong.—Lady Disdain, 9st. 31b.; AH Guns, Bst. 131b.; Miss Mischief, Bst. 121b.; Gwondolina, Bst. 81b.; Somarolf, 6st. 101b.; and Euclid, 6st. 101b' HACK HANDICAP; of 40 so vs. Six firr- . longß.—British Poor, Ost.Montreal: Bat. 71b.; Salaam, 7st. 101b.: Rougo-et-Noir, 7st. 91b,; Claymore, ,7st. 91b.; Equivocate, (Jst. ' 131b.; Kmgsway, 6st. 121b. j llio Brat, 6st. lllb.; Musterer. 6st. 101b. ;> Tho Cingaleo. 6st. 91b.; All White, fist. 91b.; and ivoryman, 6st. 91b. - ■ TRIAL HANDICAP, of 30 sovs. Sovcn furlongs.—Bulletin,-. 9st.; Merry Lass, Sst. 61b. ; Lady Lochi«l, 7st. 91b.; Musteror, 7st. Sib.; Miss Doris, 7st. 21b.'; and .Newlands, 7«t. 21b. .., ::-'\ : FLYING HANDICAP, of 75 sova. Fire furlongs.—Bucclouch, 9stl 91b.; Sea 1 King, Bst. 131b.; Lady Oriaom, Bst. 41b.; Petrovna, - Bst. 41b. ; ;Vblodia, 7st. 101b.; Coris<> and Blue, 7st. 21b.;, and Mythical, 6st. 101b. -.. ■ WELTER' HANDICAP, of 60 sovs. . Six furlongs.—Contender,: Ost. 131b.; Ivanoff, Ost.-llh.; Do Zetland, Bst. 121b.; I ■Mythical, _^Bst'. ; • 101b. ;' /Tessera, " Bst.-, '81b.; Chiarinian,-; Bst, ''71b.; Montreal,'' Bst. fib.; Morr'y Lass, Bst. ; .and Ennius, Bst. ' RICCARTON TROT HANDICAP (in harness), of 60 sovs.; Ono milo.'—Tho Neodle, sor.; Princess Ena, 2scc.; T.F.C., ssec.j Noreon, 7sec.; Cinders, ■ 7scc.j Lo Rosier, 7sec.; Bessie 8., 7sec.; and Havolock, 9scc. MARLBOROUCH R.C. ACCEPTANCES. tai : Kr,EuuiPa—i'n«ss ASSOCI4TIOS.) Blenheim, April 30. : The following are < the acceptances for the first day's events at tho Marlborough Raoing Club's Autumn meeting:— "V-r HACK HURDLES. Ono milo and a.half. —Playmate,. • list. 51b.; Lerida, . lOst. 61b.; Sconery, 9st; 131b.; Diplomatic, 9st. 91b.; Rondrock, Ost. 91b.; Kahoror., 9st; 71b.; Burton, 9st; 61b.; and Rosegrove,'.9st.' - .1 •MARLBOIIOtIGII CUP:' Ono mile and a quarter.—-Morry Ross, Bst; 81b.; Maiora, ;Bst. 41b.; Silken ; Rein, Bst. 41b. ; Lawn Rose, ,Bst; lib.; Mataari,,i7st. 121b.; Osiris, 7st. 121b;: Gaelic, . 7st.. lllb.; -Daisy Paul,, 7st'. 91b.; 'and BelaWo, 7st. 81b. . -~.. ..•>.; ; OPAWA WELTER" HACK. Seven' furlongs.—King Post,' lOst! 51b.; Aotoa, 9st. 111b.; Sealer,- Ost. 101b.; Quarry Girl, Bst. lllb.;-Vinco, Bst. 61b.; Gold Bird; Bst. 61b.; Oblivion,:Bst lib.; and.Flintgun, Bst ' ' FLYING HANDICAP. Six furlongs.— lTumut. r9st. 101b. ; Irish Rifle, Bst 101b. ; Toa ,Tuhi, 7st. 121b;; Rock Ferry, 7st: '51b 1 .; and Burton,' 7st.' ;'V'.,..- _■ . : -:- V. AUTUMN .HACK .HANDICAP; Six fur-16ngs.--Sealor, Ost. "Bst. : l3lb:;' Glen, Sst. '41b.'; Curator, Sst.; - Obi ivion, 7st. ,41b.; and Rocolleetion/7st. lIGBROOKE WELTER. Seven furlongs. Mohican, 105t..; San Fernando, Ost. 131b. ;Maiora, ~9st.: 101b.;; Silken Reiri; 9st. 101b.; Mataari/ Ost." 41b. j' Gaelic, Ost. 41b.; Sandix, 9st. lib. ; Aberration, 9st. lib. ; Daisy Paul, Ost. lib.; Bolario, 9sc.; Rondrock, Bst. 31b.; jWhito: Ribbon, Bst.-;,Rosegrove, 7st. 131b.: and Gold Bird, 7st 121b ELECTRIC HACK HANDICAP. Five furlohgs.—Te Ru, Bst. :111b. j' Axite,- Bst. 61b.: Glen, Bst. olb.; Twinklo, 1 7st. 131b,; Lcahora, 7st.' 121b. ; Merry Christmas) 7st. 91b.; Glontui, 7st; 91b.; Prevail, 7st.' 41b;;' Iphatus; .7st.;; .<,Waiata', ; Matira, 7st.; Overrate, 7st.; and Emma, 7st. . - •. ' AUCKLAND RACINC CLUB'S WINTER MEETING. (BI TXLEOBJLPH—PKKSS, ASSiOCIATION.) Auckland, April 30. ' -Tho following nominations were received 1 to-, night for,the principal steeplechase'and .hurdle "events at 'th6. ; Auokland ; Racing .Club's; Winter meeting '. i GRAND - NATIONAL ' HURDLES.—Heathen, ' ; W!\ikat6','- Maidi, - Newt-omi, Showman, Snip,' Commander, Master Douglas, Maliara- ! ■ servoir, "Lyrist,' Ki'omlin, Ben Jonson,' Cuir--agno, Creusbt,' ""'Jackpot,' ' Corazori, Au'dax, i liairomai North. Head, Poplar, Bully, Sol, Paritutu; Exmoor, Belario, Kiatere,. Waipu, Tiii Cakibou, Irish, Orj'x, Fou-de-joie, Liou ! GRAND NATIONAL- STEEPLECHASE.- ' 'Ar6ha,' :Maidif LebiiafdoJ Good Faith, Mozart, ; Reservoir, 'Ld Boati, ■■ iKremlinj'■-'. Cuiragrio, ; Mawliiti, . CreUßotj . Jackpot, AVhimper, Nogi, ' Au'dax, - Mooshen, Oajritol,; Sol,'. Playmate, Pawa,; Lingerer, liioh -Heart, To Arai, Kai- ■ pstipeti, Oryx, Irish, Okaihau, AVaipu, KiaterOivßullft'oHh; • -. : . .:•/ - '

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 496, 1 May 1909, Page 13

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THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 496, 1 May 1909, Page 13

THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 496, 1 May 1909, Page 13