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i Investment/shares were ,'somowhat active yes-, '.terday. .Bank of Now Zealand 6liares changed hands; at £9; it having-become known "that tho directors ' intend to : recommend the payment of .a, bonus of 2J per. cent, on tho '-ordinary' shares,: in additibir to the usual .dividend of 10 per-cent; At the afternoon call, yesterday buyers offered <£8 195.,' white "sollers wanted 2s. 'National Bank Shares- have also hardened, arid it is not. unlikely that'.;th|B bank also will increase,-: its'dividend. The snares had quittance yesterday at £5 7s. Pihancial.shares were steady. - Wellington-Trust.: and Xoan sold at £7,-with Mllers:at 2s)i '/Wellington' Investment, buyers-, lis.; Sd.-.j;-".* Wellington Deposit, buyers. Bs.: 6d.,. sellers Bs.;.New Zealand Loan and Mercantile,.buyers H'„. sellers' 35.; Welling-' ton.Gas,,'-'sellers'.£l!Os:,Gd. premium; :NeV Zealand Insuranco.selUrs .£3 17s. 3d.; Christchurch Meat.'sollers-iH) 55.; Gear Meat, Xl.paid, buyers £2 lis. j.£i paid, buyers J!10; Meat Export,': .£5 paid, sales-.£6 6s. 6d., buyers £6:,65.; "£2 '12s. Gd. paid, -buyers £3 ! os.f fid.; sellers : £S Is. Gd.,-Wellington Woollen, /ordinary,' sellers' ,£3. 2s.jV Wcstport.'Coal, /buyers .£6'7s: 6d.; Westport-Stookton Coal,;sollers Bs.. 9d..; Now .Zealand'. Shipping,: buyers ,£6 14s:;' Union., Steam, sellers' Jei',ls9. : 6d.; Kauri Tim-ber,/155.-paid; sellers-155.; D:I.C, preference', ; buyers. £t Is. 6d„ sellers £1 25.; -New, Zealand Portland Cemeiit, buyers £2; Sharlan'd's.-.ordi-.nary.and.:.prefererice,;b'uyers, sellers £1 Is. 6d.-(cum/-div.).:,;,.:/. :- r,. ; : /;i; '~

THE MINING MARKET. Sales of 'Waihi at £9 25., Waitangi at Hid,, and Watchman at Gd. were roported. The quo" tahons were as under-— ' ' Buyers. Sellors. -Sale's. ,Waini G'd Junction 110 G 111 3 *^\ Waihi ... ~. 9 \. o 9 2 G 9 2 0 Talisman 2 G 3 2 7 0 ■'—•'■■' Waitangi ...'... 04 3 04 5 0 4.'4 Watchman ... .00600.70 o^6 Tairua Broken Hills 0 18 0 110 ■■— Con. Goldiields ... 014 0 '— /:"— -'■ Big River- .. . 215 0 — ''—'</■''

/.'The Custohis'revenue. collocW 'at-Wellington -yesterday:amounted::to .£1432 ss. 10d.-- J.:- ■''"•

Owing to e-rtromo pressuro on ourispaco our usual reports of live stock sales,'Wel- 1 , thcr commercial matter has been held over.

'.•''/;"<.; : f-;vJTHB/IMPORT/MARKETS./ /•/ /// ]\ between : merchaht'and'-retailer,/though' .within/ smaller, compass/ thah'in' /the''past. year .or-two/ Keeps/wonderfully steady; and "so far . .engagements:have been well met.- no changes/in' values to be recorded, although some' advances have taken ■: place' .in'•: the'/ primary .;market^.:^;V^.^ , :v\V\:v';^ : . ! r' :^v;';*"v''-':! ./:-/:/' H/Arrbwropt-rUohef ty's/' i'e- and' Vs;\ 33d.': to 4d. per lb.> .////'-v./':". ■-,:.;'/;•:■:/ ■.''.'■'. ■■.■•j'.-... . y;'Blue-KecMttV.'bag:. BJd/, -VWnare ;7Jd.;' : Coli man's < and/Keen s, \ square ana bag, 7Jd.; Empire,/6d.: -,-: -'/;,'//' ;// -r: : " . •■;,■-.- -..j v : .\ ■ r demand ;is.steadily improving, !but values', show no. changes.;: The New-'Zea-land/product. has' to = face-keen, competition in Rangoon'-.i.candles,'- but'•-■:sales•'> arc 'not af- : t ected. tv. .The; -New',;Zealand -:*'Candle • Company's, quotations, issued; Defcember' 19, are:— Premier's stearine.afid five medal, 51(1;; British sperm,/.Ere'noh' '■'gperm, ; Universal'wax. Excel, sior;->T)araffine,; Cd.;; "Apollo sperm "and '.Tenus 'paraffine,'' 6Jd.';'; .Venus cblouredV-fluted, :CJd:,;' pianp, bedroom,., and carriage sorts, packed in cardboard .boxdg;:7Jd.;''e discounts.' .:; Price's- London .sperm; ■; lfioz.;'■'■: ' 14oz.;.,61d:i:;Bu'nna,;,16oz;,;6|d.;;'/:^.';.,' i" -'. meeting with fair sal»; ' ! B/and . 'P.,'sid. to Ssd;,- J Johnson's, 2Jd.;; Brown's, 3d.'.;' -Chicago, 2Jd. ; , ■'/•". '>;.' '■:':" ::-.;■'■■'. i-V-'.;;. :%i;: >-:•,'■-' ■'■ r.Dried.Eruits—Carrants,;. finest-provincialß,; 3d; per lb.Kclearied'Amalias,-.35d:; lib. cartonsi .3Si;6d."por.doz.V. Sultanas, Selected' 3Jd., choice ' 4d.'; gpldehi'4Jd.: to 5Jd. per Ib.'i.-llbi cartons,: if'. 6d..:per./dozen: fDa'tes.vtalk,-:2sd.'ip"er,lb'.,•.'car-' : 'tons,; 3s. f 6d'i : per dozen. ,;Pigs;>l2oz.'glove :-bbxes,: ; 35. ; 3d, I :per dozen.'. r rigs/' : llb.':layeTß,:'4sd;; 51b. 'natnr'als;.'Sd. per lb.; vSeeded -raisins: are Slightly lowbt,'ifane'y lllil packets 45.; choice 3s. Gd. per dozen. ;<"-Muscatels, Califohiian,- s's boxes'Gd.', ' :W'g.:S{d.;-SO's^ld.-.'per,-lb;; : Malaga,;sj's at lOd. ''.V:'...;:.:.^Vi ; :v-: ; r'v\:.-'" l ,..i i -;V.'.;'l;.-.s--..'..;•'.•'■ ■•".' - i-^paJDied l ffuit'.''meets'.with''flowVsalo\'at'Bs.'-6d; io^3:::Cd^J'.:::-':y-%^':k^:-:-r^ : -y, v::■■:.:;■: i' ; ; : Evaporated fruits,- such as apples,; apricots',. . /and. peaches,-m'ako from,7id.. to;8d,- P.w 11>.;. •'. , ;.'.Qocoa—A; steady; hand-to-mouth v business:'is . doing.-;,,-).Va'n Ho.uteVs, l's, 3s. 2d..i l i's> 35.. 3d.; J's; 3s. Id; per lb; s .Bensdorp's, Vs, 2s. 10d., J's, 2s;. lid.;;-i'B,A3s.'; -Fry's/Ms.; .Bahia, ; 2s/ 10d.;:N-'.'A:.; v r,.::,: . •'■ M ; a 'yiew/'tb' regulate, 'tan'.'.supply, of ■ cofTee.Vthe' State of; Saii Pa'ulo,"Br'azili agreed .Under ; .the cpffee'valorisation.scheme : tb restrict ,'the..exports -to-~:9,ffoo.ooQ";bags.-Hevying;'aihoary daty.'when;that'limitwas- The ; [Port of Santosiweht' work, and : it'was ■expected ithat the;' .9,000,000' /limit;,.would.: be i Reached 'about ; '.the middle /of, Marchrr-some. 3} |.'.m.onihs"'before','- : the';;terniination of ; .the. ! ',coffeo ' , : year.-/. : Thcrefore;::Santos -would/.have.Uo - stand : .tidle;after,.that date,-/whilo/'-'ports;like.. Eio ■ and/B'ahia could; go on'expp.rting.all-the'more: ■ ■merrily' .because Santos'.(the ■ biggest 6hip'per/of I [the lot) was/shut.down.: -.This, it is considered, -spells ruination, to 'Santos,'so it has/petitioned 'to .have; the 'limit:, removed.' - But tho :ment;. is/not; easily,: revoked; as':, there are•• the .agTeements with the Federal 'Brazilian Govern-, . mentvand /the >contraetors -for. .the : X15,f10f1.000 loan. •,/ So^in/March,/the great:'coffee port had a '-prospect.of/ 'enforced . all ■ tlio /other'coffee growers were making sales at good i :prices.',/,/;v.// ! -;;:' ; :>: : -/:;/;-/; •// ;,//,//:/-•..'■/-..T■■ :■ '.'Condensed ■■', Milk.—Highlander,/ ":ssi; '■ Cowslip,is/'.edjy'Swiss; Milkmaid/6s. ;6d. to 65., lid. per rdozen.J./'; O'//"'//;- .'';;'■;■'■ /'''•■'■;;'■''. : -.-- : V /; /Cannid ■ Meats.—Sheep' tongues, '10s.' 6d. to lis. .for.l's; 'oxitorigues, 2i'fl,;3ls.tolMs;; 3'si 34s;to iMs.-per.-.dozen-j.Gear's/assbrted, l potte'd, is;-Cd. l ;-, ;;St/:Geprko's,/ss;', r ; '■ ',;■;• -/;"/;-. '•'•,•.'■■.;■/» ''- Cahnw;, Fish.—Herrings'~'in, tomato sauce, ■I's.-.^'-Vs..',-Ito'iYs. /6d.;;.,J's-'/.'4s'."; ; ,6dj■'-to ~55.; 'kippete.d- ;' herrinss, l;--l's,' '.'-7s.i. 6d;' >,to 7s..9d.;i's, .is. ilid. to-55.; fresh herrings, l's, 65../ to 6s. 6d.>; lobster, C. and: 8., Jib. tins,;Hs. Cd;;.to:,lss!;'.>salmon; reds, -lib.; 'tells, ..Bs...Cd. to 95.; jib'.; flats,/9s. to.9s. 6d.; silver,'}lb./flats,'ss.;.Gold'en.-Link,',Siicfcaye; lib/ .tails,-, 10s. 6d,; llb,-nats, lis.; Southern Cross,- ; Jlb v ;6s. 6d.; herringlets/ in/oil; Senator brand, BSi t0,85./Gd.j ,in .tomato: san(le,;Bs.: ; ;to.Bs.- 6d.; : s'aTdihes,/Skipper,'Jib.'.tins, ssl to 55.,6t3.;'1'a, 95./9 d. .to,los,;,"King Edward," i's, 45.-9d..t0 56.;■:}'5,;85..6d.; ling,,'■ Sm'ethurst : 'brand; is making/,555.' to -565.i per,' cwt.; 'codfish, in 21b. ;blbcks; and strips;-is'meeting/with fair.inquiry. '/Chemicals.-T-Cream of 95 per cent.; 9d. /Is. 3d: perjb.; 'sb'da:crystals-,' £o 10s.; biearbonsoda, -£10 10s.'; calcium carbide, "£i& to \£\6; -hluestone,',. :^32 .los. ;',whiting,' £i 15s. '' ■' •'• Mhstard.—Fair sales. Cblman s D.S.F., J's Is. :5Jd. to Is.. 6d.; }'s, ■ Is. '3Jd. to Is.' Id.; Dur;,ham, 71b.; tiris;.7d;/to"74di ■; '.'-,:■ /.'■: Matches'.—plaids,; 3s. \ Bd.■!■ to 3s/-9d. a -gross; .penny" slides,"Bs; 9s. 6d.; safeties, small,' foreign, 3s. to 3s. 3d.; Bryant and-May's, small, .45../6d;;/large,'7sV.'6d. ■":"•' ■.■".■•:?"•.■': ■: : -'- //■:■-.;- :,<rNutmees,:ls. 6d. to' ls.'.9d. 1 - per'lb.■."'■-. . -: Oil.—-Thei Home markets 'for cottonseed' oil ■jsince beginning "of, the year- have steadily , appreciated, and, according, to .reports from that side-it. ;is 'not /thought' that .'-there, is much ohahce otaDy decline oven though the :demand 'should;fall away, thfi'requiremehts'for edible purposes; being /suffljieht■" to' 'prevent, a re-' 'action in • vblues.,; The principal cause, for this -general advance, of. cottonseed :oil throughout the World's markets, has been the failuro'of' the ..olive xrop ,in Italy-and elsewhere,, 'tho produc-' all European countries being generally ,yory greatly/reduced. Spain;has -proved the one ;exception.-, Tho total/production all.'itbld 1 this'season' was only/half a good average crop. Consequently excessive prices had been ruling for olive, more or less' prohibiting the sale to consuming classes, and restricting the demand ; ; for, industrial purposes. ;Under, these,condi/tions with the use/of olive'oil'from necessity much -curtailed, more attention had been given : 'to vegetable -Oils,/which,, had,/..withUhe,• im?rovement in the demand, advanced in value. n;.rtaly.'.ihe' existing stocks of /oil were insuf■ficient to supply.home requirements.'and it was oxpected: that .substitutes': for-.'.olive',oil would ,have. to make good tho deficiency'which" might, •exist. ''There had l .been ah increasing demand from Europo for American-cottonseed oil.for •some' months past, and oxpprts''-from ■ the ' United-States since the 'opening, of the. season , wero decidedly/in advance of,those in the same .period'of last year. The current oil crop: there 'was/estimated as half a/ raillibn barrels moro than- in the previous year,/but/this excess in supply' had;" had /no effect' in '■ checlcing '■ -. the; upward'niovement: in/.qubtation's.;/.Foreign ror . quirements, / also - domestic/ 'consumption,,, were expected ,to be moro than' sufficient to absorb,the increase ;,in fact; eo optimistic /wore holders 'therethat had,tho surplus quantity been larger ,no'difficulty! would have been .experienced in ,- disposing- of/the' same,/ while prices would have, continued,to be maintained without disturbing the, views ..of .sellers;- -~,, ■■ ;;. ',-■■■''■' '■ /Peel.—Lemon peel 'is 'reported scarce,.'/and '. further,supplies from .Messina'; will not reach thi« market: until June. -For lemon 7's the i- quotation remains at sjd.;;orange,/6d.; citron, i' Is. per lb. ■•.."'■/■-..""■ ■'/■:' ;.-■.-,,' •:■';■ ;- /■ - '/Pickles.—Morton's hexagon 10s. 6d.y round . 12s. 6d. per dozen; Captain White's; 235. 6d.; , Garten's H.P.; i-pints, 12s. 6d.; pints, 225. 6d.; pure pickles, 9s. 6d. to 10s.•'■•. ■•.';/'. i.: ; .Eico.—No/1, 16s;; No. 2,,-15s. per ewt■■"."■■ . ./'Salt.—Fine, 71b. bags, ss. 6d. to Cs. 6d.; owt. ; ( bags. 3s. 6d. to 45.; coarse, ia'cwt, bag6,3st to jL2a. /6d./nai:.;.cwt/.' / !, /,

Sauces—L. and P., J-pints, Ik. to lis. 6d.; pints, 255. to 2os. Gd.; ■ HolbrooK's,-i-pints, 7s. ■fid.;-, pints,' 10s.' 6d. * to - 10s. 9d.'; Garton's/ -{-' pints, 7s. Gd.; pints, 10s. to 10s. Gd.; Eagle brand (N.Z.), i-pints, 2s. 9d. to :35.; pints, .Is. 6d. to' Gs. Starch.-Colman's, lib. boxes, 5Jd. to 53d.; 51b: packets, sd. to; 5Jd.; New Zealand, lib. boxes, 385., to 395. per cwt.; slb. packets. 375. to 38s. per owt. Sugar.—The, market is steady, with a good demand. 1A nnd No. 1, 56's, £16 15s:; No. 2, £16 55.; No. 3, .£ls ss. per ton. Vinegar.—Midland'Red Hock, quarts, Bs. Gil.; Championi quarts, 9s. Gd.,v/Red Seal, quarts, ■45.; Midland concentrated, 8oz; bottles, 11a. 6d. per doz.; concentrated, sgal. casks, 9s. Gd. per gallon; pure malt, 28gal. casks, 2s. 9d. per gallon. ■ ■ ' './ , . Jute —Writing under date, Calcutta, March 20,. Messrs. Gillanders, Arbuthnot, and Co., in their jute report, stated that during the fortnight there had-been a bettor inquiry for heavy goods, ■■. chiefly emanating from Europe, and more business had also;been done for the country trade. Mills were showing more disposition to sell for the forward positions, but were firm -in their ideas (in spite of easier jute, arid there; had- been no give in''prices, but rather, a , hardening tendency. - The demand from the colonies had been.restricted, but at the' close' thero was. a somewhat better inquiry, though buyers generally wero. offering lower prices than, sellers, would accept' on this' side, though, the ' difference/ which had existed between buyers' and sellers' ideas was decreasing, and: prospects of • business were somewhat better. Packs, had beon-ui/ less request, but some- fair lines'had been put through up'to July. There had been an improved inquiry for Australian sacks/but buyers' ideas had been too low to -pentitt-: of.' business fori tho 'season. At the close, however, buyers appeared-to be raising their limits. New; Zealand sacks had been in less demand. Brans had been'somewhat, neglected; also ores. Hessions had generally been in poor demand for the U.S., and the market dosed, easier. .-Some small lines, had been done-for the colonies.up to July./

:/:■/'/ TALISMAN DIVIDEND.. ' ;: ' ; Tho -. following / is; a' copy of <a ; telegram 'received from tho'Talisman Consolidated-by-the Wellington Stock. Exchange., It- is dated April 28:—"Quarterly dividend-of Is. CcL -has been declared, payable May 25, to registered share-' holders. May 11 transfer books'-'closed one .day." '.-- -:-,:'-,'' .//:-■ ■■;■■'...■ \: ■■■ ;.-.'.',•' ■ ■ ,■. ;\

".:;/,-,U STOCK EXCHANGE. /:, , "-"V "■:< : :\ (bt.TELEGRAM—PRESS ASSOCIATION;), 'v' I '■,'•-' ''■ ■ V. ■;:-'-.v-\.. : '.': ; .'-'' : ''Diinetfin l .-'April'.2B.' Stock Eschango sales:—Koputai, £2; Rise and / Shine,: £1 /. 125.; Standard:.lnsurance,/ £1 Osi 9d.;. Perpetual-..Trustees,!-!7«l.,- Sales, havo been'reported/asfollow:—Big Bivef, X 3; NewZealand Portland Cement,, £2 os. Gd., £2 Is.' (two/parcels); Waihi Grand Junction, -JGi-VUB.;-Standard Insurance, jei:os.;Gd. ■'.'■'■'■■X-.:;.....-■■<

i ;-";'■ /LONDON'WOOL/SAIiES,:';/: /;' //: ■.'"■' Messrs. Dalgety and Co.; Ltd/, report having received the following cable message from their London /house, under date of April 26:—"The list of .arrivals,'is closed,, and, all your wools have arrived in time. :, The /new 'arrivals amount>to 378,000.ba1e5,. and v .of/this quantity 213,000 bales have.. been forwarded direct, : to manufacturers; at■'horn© and/;abroad, I .leaving (with:: the .13.000. .bales;, left ..over from' v March ; series),-178,000 -bales '...available for /the .May. sales."/;/ ''■'~:■'.':■':''<: /. :••■/■■ ■■-'' : -':''-'' ; --., :'"::',:

:•;. -'//;; .the mat:WOOL SALES. V// (BT TELEGRAPH—PRESS /.ASSOCIATION—COPnUGnT.) , : - ;V ;' ;/',-,; -""London, April 27/ ror ■ the /forthcoming London wool sales the arrivals: to date are •;. 377,6(6; bales,. 'of which 213,i00 have bce.y forwardedl direct to •manufacturers, leaving : 177,500 -bales Available, ineluding the/wool brought .'over from last gales. |nr KMORira—'raisa's-association—copTttHiirrl „ W// ■'::, ■„'-/ V, ; .■':'. /London;; April 27. Copper—On, ,£57 125./6d)per ton; threo.months, .£SB 7s.' 6d:; electrolylic, £59. Tin-Spot, ,£133. 12s. J Gd. per toil. ■ •'' Lead—.£lß Ss./per,. toa.: .-•//', '■'■■■': ■':" ■' / , 25Jd; ppr/auncb st/andard.'-.-J. ,

BANK .SHAKES-AND/DEBENTUKES:;; / (in TELieauAPa—miss assuci'annN'-'roi'viticnT.). „,,;''„'„'.' //' ; //; : /\; London; April 27, The/following arb/tho latest quotations:— . ; ;"'■'■' : /'', '■'■■ \.".-'.. .' Sellers. ■ Bant:- ■//,•:• •- £ s.d. "■ • "jg.s. d. : Australasia' : ;/..; 108 10 0 109 10' 0' >;." N.S:'Wales, '-, ..'.- 44 10 0.- '. 45 10 0- '■•' Union•':■(■.■;;'. '...:" 01. 0 0 - 62 0 '0; ■'• \National :l„i.'..;;';-. ■-■ 5 0' 0 - V.5/5 -o'./ : '- New Zealand'/.'.. -910; 0 /; ;10:/ 0:0' Dobentures-r-Banfc' of -New Zealand l : per ceit.' guaranteed stock, :/£102; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile .debentures; £di. ~ v.: '• ■ ■/■'■' -';.-■■■ ./' i

AUSTRALIAN PEODUCE. (nr TEr.EauAi-u—niEss assocuhon—corrmnnT.)

-'•••■rm.l ■■'■/''•' '< .•''■,-'■ : ; 'Sydney,; v April,2B; V ~ Wheat, .nominal, ss.:' ss.'.':2d.' Flour' .£l2 10s..;; Oats, Algerian:-2s. GdV 'to '2s'; ? 7d•" white; 2s. Bd. .to 2s. V3d, ' : Barley,VCape; i :2s.' 9d: ,to_2s.i lid. /Maize, is. 3d.;to ( '4s.;sd.' Bran anr) pollard. ,£6. APotatoes,', .Tasmanian,"'^s-'.ls ■Onions, New.Zealand ~i£6 to 10s„ Victorian £6 15s. :• prime,. 965. to 9Ss; Cheese, 6id. Bacon;-;8d... ;.,.-■; ■■":-;■:,.-:;:. ■.-v'.■.',■■- '•■ :^ri ■:'.",'-■■■ ":■'•; •"■ •■-■?'' V, Melbbiirrie.'April '28 : ,; ':^ e ? f t '.''* s i Wt FI <>". Oats, Al-■lf'fSls-'IM. .to.'2s.-.11d., white 2s. 4d. ' Barley; £nghshv malting 45.,: Cape'fe. 6d. 'to. 2s. 8d al^- .^-,M.' to Us v 9(f..Bran, and. pollard; Is. 3d. Potatoes, .£3/ to £4; Onions,... £b ss. ' ' -rmi •■''!•"',''■ i■,' ; ■' .Adelaide; April 23.' ; .WheaWs,,lld. Flour,, m. .Oats, Algerian 25.. 3d. • Bran and pollard, Is. 4d; ■■*■■? •

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 494, 29 April 1909, Page 8

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COMMERCIAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 494, 29 April 1909, Page 8

COMMERCIAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 494, 29 April 1909, Page 8