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THE SHAKE MAKKET. At the afternoon call yesterday a sale of National' Bank shares at £5 6s 9d. was reported, and this the onlv transaction in investment shares. Bank of Now Zealand shares have advanced, buyers offering at X 8 lis. ou. National Banks, buyois £5 te ; Equuablo Building, sellers £!> 10s.; Wellington Investment, buyers lis. 3d.; Wellington Trust and loan, sellers JB7 2s ; Wellington Doposit, sellers, 95., National Mortgage, buyers £2 16s , N.Z. Loan and Mercantile, bujers 35.; Feilding Gas, buyers £1 0s 6d., sellers.ill Is.; Wellington Gas (.210 paid), buyers £17 12s. 6d. sel--1 lora .£18; Gear Meat (M b «y° r3 ,f„°: " (£1 paid), bujers .£2 lis.; Moat Export [So paid), sellers k 7s. 6d., (£2 12s. 6d. paid), sellers £3 Is 6d.j Now Zealand Shipping, selleri > £5 Ms.; Wellington Woollen, sellers £313s Tanpin Coal, bujers 18s. 9d. cum div.; Westport Coal, buyers .£6 Vs.; iWestport-StooUon , Coal, sellors 8s 9d.; D.I.C. (preference), buyers £1 is. 6d, sellors .£1 25.; Kauri Timber (15s. paid), sellers par; Leyland-O'Brion. limber, kvers M is." 0(1, seller. £1 25.; New Zeaand Drugs, sellers £2 75.; Now Zoaland Portland Cement, buyers .£2, sellers JB Is ;»#«l«jd8 (ordinary and preference), buyers Wi. Ju.., Ward and Co. (brewery shares), buyers .£•! 10s . THE MINING MARKET. ] Sales of Talisman at £2 Bs. and J. 21 lis. ,3d, Waihi Grand Junction at £1 IK,' Waihi at •h 2s, and Waitangi at 4s Sd. wero reported, J The quotations were as under.— x Buyers. .Sellers. ' Sales. / £s. d. £a. d. £s. d '.Waihi Grand ~„'..„, ',« « 1 Junction 1M 0 111 8 111 « Talisman ......279,283 2 8 a Tairua Broken _ ySb : :1I i' >t' Waiotabi - 02 0 _ Big River 212 0 - ~ ' - ' Con'. Goldfiolds ... -_ °" s 7 The Customs revenno collected, at; Welling- , ton yesterday .amounted to £W(S is. uu. OUR MSEJN SYDNEY. The Department of Industries and Commerce has receivcdja communication from the New < Zealand Govirnmenl Agent in Sydney dealing with the supply of Now Zealand fish in that - mtv. It forms ™ interesting supplement to an artiele on tho"samo appeared in The DosnNios on Apnl 17. . The agent ' reports that an effort is now being made,to successfully place Now Zealand fish on the Sydney market. With this m yio», Jr. Milesi ■nont across with a consignment of 300 cases ol assorted fish, and immediately entered into ncotiations with' the municipality winch controls tho fish market. •*■ Arrangements wero made for the supplies of fish from this Dominion to bo publicly'auctioffid by one of the city officials. The sale of Ish in tho markets at Sydney takes place at S am, which is not a convenient honr for householders,, and, consequently, the buying is in tho hands of the middleman. The prices realised for this trial .shipment were not satisfactory, and Mr. Milesi is now arranging to i»ell direct to the general public, by temporally renting a i shop in one of the pnnoipal greets, and per : ' 6onally superintending the sales. Ifi Mr. Milesi k can thus break away from the middleman and ' get into touch with tho purchasing public, the ' industry should receive a great stimulus. "At the present time the supplies are erratic .and ' meagre, whilst the public are simply clamorous for fish diet Freight, duty, and incidental " charges amount to 2d. per lb., and the perusal of the appended schedule showing current prices evidences the good market offering— Fresh bToam/7d. per lb.; fresh English bloaters,. Id. each; fresh N Z. blue cod, 9d. per lb ; fresh NZ. flounders, 10d.' per lb.; fresh NZ. soles, lOd. per lb.; fresh mullet, 4d. per lb.; fresh echnapper, Od.-per lb.'; fresh whiting, Is. per lb.; fresh garfish, 7d. per lb.; " ifresh flathead, 7<l. per lb.; fresh salmon, 1«. 3d. per lb., smoked N.Z. ,barracouta, Bd. per lb ; smoked N.Z. 1 bine cod, Is. Id per lb ; Bmoked'mullet, 7d. per lb.; smoked Tappers, fid. per pair; smoked N.Z. schnapps, lOd. per lb.; smoked N.Z. wharehou, lOd. per lb.;smoked N.Z. trumpeter, lOd, per-lb. v

LIVE STOCK SALBS. J Messrs. Dalgety and Co, Ltd., report—At our Palmerston sale yesterday a mjdium entry of 6tock capie forward. Our principal sales wore—Empty store cows, .£2 4s. to £% 10s ; 16-montha steers, to £% 6s.j cows and calves, to .£3 9s. Messrs. Abraham and William's,' Ltd., report that at Palmorston jesterday an average entry of both sheep' and cattle came 'forward. ' The demand for catjle was better, and, all classes met with a ready sale at improved, prices. Sheep, however, were dull of sale, and most lines Were passed at auction, but ,changed hands privately at the following prices.—Twotooth ewes, 95.; 2-tooth wethersj Bs, lid.; mixed aged ewes in lamb, 7s. 3d. to 8s ; forward ewes, ' 6s. 9d. to 7s. 10cL; cull ewes, '2s. 4d.; cull lambs, 2s. 6d,; 3-year steers, SA Ms. 6d ; 2-year steers, .£3 os.-6d.; fat and forward cows, £Z 4s. to £3 355. 6d.; forward cows, £2 ss. to .£2 125.; I store cows, 2os. to 305.; good weaner heifers, 17s, j mixed veaners, fls. Gd, VSKIN'SALES. . At the wool, hide, and skin sales, to be held this afternoon, a very big catalogue is to bo submitted. There will bo 10,000 skins, 2500 tides, 450 bales wool, besides 8, quantity of tallow. These sales are held fortnightly, but owing to the Easter holidays theio was no sale a fortnight ago. This accounts for the big catalogue to-day. \ i \ i' I ' N WAR OFFICE CONTRACTS. The Department of Industries 'and Commerce has received from the British War Office, through the High Commissioner m London, forms of tender for the supply of preserved meat to the British War Office These tenders aro to bo delivered at the War Office, Whitehall, London, by 12 noon on Juno 14 next. TALLOW SALES \ '. (BT TEKaBAPH—PEESS ASSOCIATKN—COtTffIIOHT.^ ' •> " ' ' London, April 21/ At the tallow sales 1412 casks wero offered and 1052 sold. Mutton, fino 335. 6d. per'ewt, i medium 30s. 9d.; beef, fine'3U: 6d„ medium 80s. , - ' ' ~,,,, THE METAL MARKCTS.' _'- (37 TEIEGRAPH—PEESS ASSOCIATION—COPTBIGET.) i London, April 21. Copper-On the spot, .£57 ss.' per ton; three months, .£53; electrolytic, «£6B J2s.' 6d. <■ ; Tin—Spot, £Ui per ton; fcbrije months, >,£135 2s 6d. 'I ' 'I', ' , , ' I Lead, .filSr&u ' • y • •' BANK SHARES AND DEBENTURES. (or ijtLEattArn-rnisss^AssOciArioN—coPTiiionr) London, April 21. The following aro the latest quotations l — Banks— < - • Buyers.' i Sellers/ " £ s. d. I £ b. d Australasia' ... ~ 108 10 0 109 10 0 N.S. Wales ... -. 4410 0 45 10 0 Union ' ... v :.. .., Gl 00 v G2 0 U National ... '~. ... **0, 0, -5 5 0 i New Zealand 910 0 10 0 0 Debentures.4-Ba-nk o£'*Now Kealand, guaran--1 teed 4s. per cent debentures, J3102; jJow Zealand Loan and Mercantile Debentures, .£9l. C. ci AND,D.,COMPANY. (or TZLzamrh— p'bess association.! i , Napier, Apnl'22. The CC. and D. Company 1 cable—There is a slight improvement in lamb values. Forequarters of beef havo fallen id. To-daj's quotations are —Canterbury ' mutton, 3£d. ; Napier, Wellington, and North 'Island, ,2Jd., lamb, first 4id, second 4d.; beef, hinds 3]d, •fores 2id. fJTOCK EXCHANGE. (DT TELEOB APR—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) ' Dufledin, April 22. The following sales were loported on tho Stock Exchange to-day —Standard Lrjuraneo. £1 os. 6d.; New Zealand Portland Cement, £2 1 and £2 os. 6d. - ■ ' < , Auckland, April' 22. - Stock Exchange- Waihi Sales, £3 it. Closing prices- Waihl, 4s Gd 1 sellers, Gd. bujers; Talisman, 48s. 9d. sellers, 48s. 3d.' buyers. THE HIDES MARKET. til- TitsßßAi-a—mass Assoc'iATioN-rCoPTtttdnT.V (Rcc. April 22, 10.5 p m ) 1 Melbourne, April 22. At tho hides "markoti light sorts noro Jd. lower, stout sorts wero unchanged,

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 489, 23 April 1909, Page 8

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COMMERCIAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 489, 23 April 1909, Page 8

COMMERCIAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 489, 23 April 1909, Page 8