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RACING FIXTl','.::. April 8 ntul!).—Groymoulli J. C. Autumn, April 10.—Wellington Pony unil Galloway R.C. April 10, 12, and la.'-Auckland it.C. Aututuu. April II) m<l 12.—Wairarapa R.C Autumn. April Vl— Patau R.C. Annual Meeting. April 12 and 13.—liVjildinjr J.C. Easter. April 12.—Wainiikurait J.C. Annual. April 12.—Taieri Amateur T.C. Autumn. April 12 and 13.—luminra R.C. Autumn. April 12 and 13.-C.J.C. Autumn. April )5 and 16.—Wetland B.C. Autumn. April 21 and 22.-— J.C. Autuinn. April 21 and 24.—Wellington ft.O. Autumn. April 23.—Wellington any ami Gallownv R.C. April 24, and 2S.—Avontlalc J.C. Autuinn. • April 28 and 29.—Manawatu R.C. Autumn. May I.—Cliristchurch R.C. Autumn. May 5 and 6.—Mnrlbofough R.C. Autumn. May 5 and o.—Hftwke's Bay J.C. Autumn. May 8 and 15.—Wellington Pony mid Galloway May 12 and 13—Efrlnont R.C. Winter. Mfty 12 and i3.—Ashburton County R.C. Autumn. May 22 and 24.-"Wftngehui J.C. Winter. June 3 ami 4.—Dunwlin J.C. "Winter. NOTES AND OOMMENTS. fRt Glexc6e.] J. M'Combo will ride Los Apgelos in the Groat Easter Handicap at Iliccarton nest Week,'; and Boliiform ih the Great Autumn Handicap. As April 23 will bo St. George's Day and a Government holiday, the Wellington Pony and Galloway Racing Club have decided to, hold tho Charity nicotine on that day, and' not on April 22 as originally stated.* There is no truth in the rumour that the Wellington Racing Club will insist on bookmakers, licensed at tho autumn meeting, lodging a deposit as yiaranteo. It would bo a good idea, however, if tho Racing Conference looked Into this question at its next sitting, and advised all tho clubs to receive-a deposit from the bookmakers. Mcrriwce's half-brother, Loeholme, had ft good record at tho Lauilceston (Tas,) races the week before last, his sons and daughters capturing five out of the six races on the programme, The Auckland trotting horses Lβ Rosier, Kohine, and Pierotte passed through Wellington on Tuesday on the way to tho Metropolitan Trotting Club's Easter meeting. Tho nominations received for tho Maiiawatu Racing Club's autumn meeting constitute a record for that fixture, Last year's total nominations, when there wore 'eight races a day on the programme, numbered 278, and this year's total is 339, though tfcero are- only seven races a day. According to tho "Australasian" Aurum is now a regular attendant on tho Flemington tracks. A correspondent writes correcting the statements mado in this paper regarding tho cases of "welshing" at Manaia. Ho tays that it was only a enso of "balancing," i.e., own money returned, balance owing. He further adds that tho bookmakers should bo ' termed bookkeepers, as their system makes for profit whether the hot favourite wins or loses.

Diabolo has apparently not been galloping well enough to warrant his being started in tho Great Easter and Great A\lt\itnn Handicaps, and tho black colt will not be sent to Riccarton.

Flitnway is gnlloping better than anything pn tho tracks at Riccarton, and sho is at present favourite for the Great Easter Handicap.

Despite the rich stake attached to the Groat Autumn Handicap at Riccarton, tho milo and a half event never attracts a big field, and it does not appear as if there will bo mush improvoraont in the numbor of starters this year. At tho present tfmo only about seven of tho'.Sandidates arc considered certain to go to the post. Tho feature of tho meeting .will tin-doij^tedly.-,bo the Challen*o"Stak'es,..jrivTv;liTcn' tho three creat two-year-olds, Provocation, Nnutiform, and Broadsword, are to their Weloomo Stakes battle over again.

Arrangements have been made hotween the Governments of Victoria and New Zealand whereby stallions purchased in tho Domihion for Victoria may bo examined in New Zealand by tho Government veterinary staff for certificates of soundness. Stallions granted these certificates will bo accepted hy tho A T ictorian Government as sound animals without further examination. This arrangement will save importers from tho risk of bringing horses from New Zealand which might be condemned as unsound by the Victorian Government veterinary Btaff. The New Zealand Government will charVo a fee of £2 2s. for each single stallion examined, and a smaller fee for a number of horses submitted by tho samo owner.

Mr. D. Buick's two-year old Amphianser (Amphion—Goosander) tool; charge of her rider' on the tracks ono morning last week, and, beforo she could ho pulled up,.collided with a post and sustained several sevoro cuts. As a. result, she will not bo ablo to race for somo time. Gold Battery will not race again ui;til tho spring, and Rangipapa is nloo to bo speller] for a lengthy period. Tangimo.ina and Aberbrnthoek aro both well, r.KI should carry Mr. Buick's colours with "rodit during tho remainder of the season. All going well, Aberbrothock will bo brought to Trentham for tho autumn meeting, at which ho is encaged in tho Thompson Handicap and tho New Zealand St. Logcr Stakes. Eleven brood mares from tho 'Waikanao Stud will arrive in town this mornint, and will bo shipped by tho Manuka for Sydney this evening, whero they aro to be sold at auction on April 19. Maiora is top-weight of the seven acceptors in the Easter Handicap at the Wairarapa meeting, but ho has onlv Bst. 51b. to carry. Special interest will attach to his meeting with Effort, the Advance filly that won thrco races at tho Dunedin Cup meeting. Bonnio Doon, the half-sister to Aeolus, has boon stinted to Strowan, and has probably seen the last of tho racing track. Rangikura, who is engaged in tho hack races at Feilding next Monday and Tuesday, is a half-brother to Rangipapa. C. Pritchard's solo representative at the Feilding meeting next Monday will ho Mon Ami, but AVhatakura may bo taken through to compete in tho hurdlo race on tho second day should the weights suit. Special train arrangements are announced in connection with the Wairarapa Racing Club's autumn meeting at Tauhorinikau on Saturday and Monday next. On Saturday, a special train will leave Te Aro at 7.10 a.m., and Lambton Station at 7.22 a.m. Trains will leavo Featherstriiuon tho return journey at 6.25 p.m. and 7.22 p.m. A slightly different timetable will obtain on Monday, wheu two special trains will leave tho city, while thrco trains will make tho return journey.

A case of interest to sportsmen was recently tried at tho Countv Court, Victoria, when S. I*. Mnckey, of Berwick, clnimed £200 from R. O'Connor, trainer of Moorofiold, amount alleged to bo duo to Mackcy through Scotland winning tho Newmarket Handicap of 1908. Tho horso, Mackcy stated, was sold conditionally, viz., that the ex-owner (Mackey) had to havo £25 on tho Wallace horse for tho Newmarket Handicap, which ho claimed at 4 to 1. Formal dofonccs wero a denial that defendant had received tho money, or that there was an agreement to make a bet, and that if there was any eueh agreement, it was void under Section 72 of the Polico Offences Act. 1890. Tho decision was in favour of defendant, judgment being entered with costs.

PONY AND CALLOWAY RACING CLUB. The following arc tho acceptances for tho principal events on tho second day of tho Wellington Pony and Galloway Racing Club's April meeting:— AUTUMN HANDICAP. Six furlongs.— Aurifera, list. 91b.; Miretta, list. 41b.Moata, lOst. 111b.; St. Helena, lOst. 81b. ■ Sweet Lethe, Oat. 121h.; Firefly, 9st. 71b • and Psycho, Bst. 91b. ' TAUHINU HANDICAP. Four furlongs and a half.—St. Helena, lOst. 131b.; Billv lOst. 711).; Sweet Lethe, 9st. 91b.; Morr'io Oliver, 9st. 21b.; Inltcrman, Ost. lib.; Picotoo, Bst. 91b.; Merrimauu, Sst. 91b.; Miss Dean, Bst.j Hover, Sst.; aud Mahnku t Bst.

TRAINING ATJ=UERSLIE. IDY TEtMKAl'n—l'ftfiSS 'ASSOCtiftos.V Auckland, April 7. There was very little fast work registered at Kllerslio this morning': .'. -All -Red covered a mile on the sand at three-quarter paco; Sir Antrim covered sewn furlongs in lmin. 31 2-ssec.; Maori King arid Moriarty spurted four furlongs in 5250 c.,'. Aborigino beating Wimmora over a similar,.;;distjtuco,,;jn; 3-Sscc. ~..■.• All Red, Lady Medallist, Masterful, Golden Eagle, Hot Voile, Waipu, Bullworth, and Moral arrived yesterday. ' " ; ■ AT RICCARTON. (uy lEt.EGnArjr—riilis's association.) Chrlstohurch, April 7. For training work at'RiccaTtori'this morn« ing beautiful weather prevailed. There- was a slight frost over night, : and not much work of Interest took place.' Sharpshooter, dashed over half a mile on the plough in 49sec., finishing Well, tho effort being in strong contrast to tho poor showing yesterday. Thistledown did six furlongs comfortably in lmin. lSsec.; Xylophone, Rialto, Shawnee, and St. Foltx tan a steady circuit, tho lost threo furlongs very strong. Ability did easy cantering .over a circuit, and most of the horses did only half to steady pacing. After, breakfast tho_work was. roor6''oarnest.:\Southern Cross, with a feather-weight iip, raivaniilo in lmin. 47scc. ; Czar Kolohol a half-milo in 605e0., Kilwinning the samo distance in 45 3-ssec. (?), and Contender and Tremulous a circuit at a strong 'paco,' tho last halfmile- in fil 2'ssce. Contender's work was very pleasing. Three-quarter speed and medium to steady pacing'was-done by most of tho others. .•-■...:..::..; ;.:.::..,-

AT RAN6WICK. (W TEbEGBAFII—PRESS ASSOCIATION—COPYRIGHT.) ""'Sydney,' April 7... Rain fnado the tracks at Randwick slow this morning, Pendil made a poor showing against Artfllorie over a mile and a. quarter, which tho Now Zoalandof covered in 2imn, lGsec.j beating Pendil by ..three seconds.: Dunolly's heels afo badly,.cracked,, and unless lio considerably improves during thonext day or two ho is unlikely to fulfil■.his,ongagoinents. Trafalgar got homo over a mile and three-quarters in 3min. 20sec. Perkoo, with light shoes on, made an indifferent show against Golden the first sevon furlnogs of a mile, but rapidly overhauled the Multiform, filly 'in..tho last furlong. Golden Slipper covered the distancoin lmin. 48sec, beating 'Porkoo, by. half a length. ... ! '..-. SCRATCHED. cut TisißGßArn—niESs association.) Chrlstohurohr April 7. Diabolo was scratched for nil engagements at tho Canterbury Jockey Club's Autumn meeting at 10.45 a.m. to-day-. ■•• i WAIRARAPA R.C, ACCEPTANCES. Tho following aro the acceptances for tho Wairarapa B.C. autumn meeting:— HURDLES. Ono mile and a half.—Lebcccio, 9st. 131b.; Straban, 9st. 111b.; Dreamy Daniel, 9st. 31b. EASTER HANDICAP. Ono mile and a distance.—Maiora, Bst. 51b,.;, JGffort, Bst. 41b.; Merrie Rose. Bst. lib'.'; Aberration, 7st. 131b.; Silken Rein, 7st.Mllb.; Merrivonia, 7st. 71b.; Gaelic, Gs't. 71b. ' . TE WAKA WELTER HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—Knight Commander, 9st. 61b.; Royal Maid, 9st.- 21b.; Sealer, Bst. 131b.; Diplomatic, Bst. 121b.; Castiglionc, Bsfc. 91b.: Mildura, Bst. 81b- Golden Rein, Bst. • Grand Myrclla, Bst.; To Utuatiii Bsti': RosoHerald, Bst. -, ', .-'-,• ' WANG AIMO ANA HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—Silken Rein, 9st. 81b.; Kelso, 9st. 71b.; Aboriginal, 9st. 21b.; San Fernando, 9st. 21b.; Daisy Paul, 9st. 21b.; Advantage Sst. 91b.; Splash, Bst. NURSERY HANDICAP. Four furlongs. —Aema, Bst. 9ib.; Kiltie Lass, 7st. 131b.; Stepalong, 7st. 10lb.; Undecided, 7st. 101b.; First Consul, 7st. •:'9lb?j''Sea' i Queen, '7st. 71b.; Royalty, 7st. 71b.; Subdue, 7st. 51b. WARDELL HANDICAP. Sii furlongs.Kelso, Bst.' 71b.; Aboriginal, Bst. lib.; Advantage, Bst.; Rock Ferry, 7st. 111b.; Inoy, 7st. 91b.; Mussel, 7st. 71b.; Elfrida, Gst. 71b. MAHEKI HACK. Five furlongs—lney, 9st. 71b.; Waiwarcwarc, Bst. 101b.; Lucretius, Bst. 71b.; Miss Vera, Bst. 51b.; Axito, Bst. 21b,; Andrew Mack, Bst. lib.; Toanga. Bst. lib.; Conquer, 75t..131b.; Swallow, 7st. 91b.; Leahora, 7st. 81b.; Kimmerian, 7st.71b.; Oblivion, 7st.: Matira, 6st. 121b.; Meriting, Gst. 111b.; Lady Paul, Gst. 111b.; Happy Now Year, Gst. 111b,

NEW ZEALAND TROTTINC ASSOCIATION. -. (B.» TSLEUBAfJI—rIIJWJ ASSOCIATION.) Christchurch, April 7. At a meeting of tlio New Zealand Trotting Association this afternoon, a committee (tho president and Mr. Duncan), appointed at tho previous meeting to deal with a proposal that a conferenco of tho governing bodies of New Zealand, New South Wales,- and Victoria bo held at Mclbourno to consider tho adoption of a uniform standard for Australasia, submitted its report. It expressed itself strongly against tho proposal, as it would loosen tlio existing standards of trotters and pacers adopted by the National Trotting Association of America. The report was adopted, and tho matter was left to tho committee to enter isto correspondence with tho authorities of New South Wales and Victoria. It was resolved: "That with the view of carrying out tho resolution passed on November 4, 1908, regarding the adoption of standard of tho trotters and pacers, tho association from August 1, 1909, compile a standard, list of all horses winning or givingpublio trials in tho following times:—Trotters, 2.30, pacers, 2.25; that a committee bo appointed to framo bylaws for the regulation of performances for standard certificates and records."

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 477, 8 April 1909, Page 9

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THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 477, 8 April 1909, Page 9

THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 477, 8 April 1909, Page 9