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MANGATARATA ESTATE. 'jrriHE/follamDg; UNSOIiDirBIiOeKSiare now ' '■■ JL •ojpen"f6r;PJ*IV4a , E;SA , LE; k T!i ; .*• : V ■■.■■.'".'• ; .-' ..,'•--■•:"■■' ■• - ■>•;■.;-■-:- '■: -..-.Price ■ : . ...■■v.i, , ; Blocks. -~:■•.;:;..;;■>.;,-:> -,: v -: j> s. ■'. - '-. '* No., .1, containing ,?M aore? -\','., : -'-5... 7 0 No. 2, containing' 930 acres .....; 8 0 ■"■'■". No/ 3,.containing) 2060 acres . V.., ... 6 0 ; i No. 4, containing'. 1008. acre? ■■'..;.,„, a 0 : ' No. 5, donfajuing.'r'BGo acres- ■ >, ;;.' : 9 v 'o : . ' '•"; !So. ; 6, containing 018'autea '. .... ... 810 ? : ' .'■ No. 7, .containing : 990-aores ■ ... ' ;.. 8 10 ' ' No., 8, containing 1828,acres"/'... ... 7Q - ■ ■ i N0...!),-Containing' : 2sio-acres - f .f.^' : ■V.i'""B ! 10 1 " ;! ■-'■■ No. 10, containing'-2475'acres ■4....»-^ r . c -e 10 ■'. . ! No. 16, containing' 1765 i aores ... ...'7O-f , ; . : No. 17, containing .1510 acres- -i ... .... 710 • ' ; For further particulars'/apply-fail- ; v . ■;, . ■ "'■■■-■; ' de PEtftiKSf, M'LEOD ftNO-OtKpH V- : ; :.. ; ■■•: ■•• '-■:■ /-HASTINGS,':/ ' :■ ' y ■--.'■ ' ;,;. i '■ ; iGE^ '. - FOR SALE ~OR Jf V«; ■,". I\ V ') .!■ '-. FAEJM.^? f :^'i ; •:': •': . ; • v p^^HvliH|^!;'.: -^ <VXV fattening lanilVi: , will.carcy;.;4-:ineep : to • • the acre., Beautiful 2-§tory..Resi<}encei vyith alL'/s '''■'.• conveniences, etc.; /'AutbuiMingsC »'•■' ' '- ■ large woolshed, stableS,\4'rap%e'ol^.'', 1 "-''5eir , i, r i : ' '-'I fenced,viand watered. .-"."'":.-"■.;%•";.-. ;\,,:': rri - ; {.Price/ je4o:.per- acre^ r ter[Ha'.^nged;"^?- : T f ■■*. • ! ■■ ■; ■ Owner will exchauße .'for. larger ,tgr!n,V<wonfd &,? '. ■ ! prefer "property ■Manwt'tf \ ' ; about ; ',; ; :i. { " :i 1 '■>•■■:'■ ; .;. ■■.■> viyijjti vGi ett: . •■■•■■; /j. ;■; ;rbE»;s|iM'^i:^''-K... •■■ ■ .■ i 3' '4XEAE IJEAH^f-'Gooa'vHoiise'^^EA^i;'!■ ■! . :NAKimSI'KXCT ) • ' Well situated and! doing .a TUENOVEK. OE 1 '"" v :^£4S'PER-,\V,EBK.:, Rent,:^3'per Jveei-^Qood- ■ ■ - ' .will and fuirifture/iIOOO.- Stock 'at > ' : ' : ' ..Terms , .'iiwanged. ,; .'.,'i-.i'; : ;- ; --'-:-:;Vi;j,if. / fi{C! , --r^ :: " : ■■' , i HIC£MAN:P;;EUSSEI,L 1 ' ■: '■ "\ tyh. :;..,.}. ;;■.■■■....:;;,-: ,-v.:Ne\y;j > |ymputii..'.V- ■ -.;;■:; ?■. ; ;j AUciriONEERV ■VAtUffi.i'iND^ASENT^-j^.^ii l ' : ' : ; 1 ;; ■/;■.■';■;,■ v^.jpH^dNsiji^^V^:"^^^*f^,x^■"""■-I ■'•• '■■.'■:.. "V ■4^> l^ii^''"v.-: ,ir; :■] ■;.-; ■■^::: v r ■ ?•■>■:,- ':■ ■■:-;■•,■":;■ r ■.-■ ; -" l .^iw;;; .'.ifg , o.?,: -u.. ' ...,',( ■ /Poultry, to 9 acres', to je756.W 'ijrSU .*■,:; _•■; .':Town Sections,' the piokVpf Jdnnsbnfill&i , 'ai*^'' :■■"'.•-' ■' j ; i2 ' 10a yf ooti; ,.'.W;r•■ ,:; : \y-.';": f'v;■ )t.V;^#■ &sJaa;L■'•' : ' ■'• ; I -;Dairy'Farm,) 80 'acres, i£lß '..:■■ . : :j ■:• Bi]OU .Villa, i acre, ; ■-.'•>■•;^-.sar.C'/v.. : * ■;s-Acre and Cottage, , a'..vaieT. :i»>/ : ' .1 ..,>Acre'ajid,.9pttage l r -^oo,.Tawa,?lat.., l .;>.■<■ *;.*, ■■'■•■''-i ; :5 Acres'for* subdivision, £1000..:'-': '- ' ! :'.f 5.-room,Cottage,-.^3oo,.ca'sh7p , rice;Uet"9g r J,,> ■ { 1 , -!-. £50 ;will;'build- Honse f to;suit ■•ybn.'ir. , '4l-'-.-":- : ''"'>j /•"■■■'• : s 'rooms, Villa,.allconveniences, iEGSO.- '■'' ClOSJ , '" : : ; ; ;V : :-;'vVv ; .v:v:->>V-;,r viV;f-;. ; :,Ci053.:/ •/■ \{ ■ Li' : v^':'■';. h.': : .'h'eßE ; ltV-ISI"'; ': ■ - : ; ;■■ ->v 1 11 that:little; geoceej ■business;'-.;, '■%■; .; j -A ..••SNUG-. UTTLE: i; BlTSlNESSi ; dyng'£u6;;^ ; '' ' XL ~to iSiSO per month/ GOOD RELIABLE' ■"*•"■■ I, , EADE i .:HAIiE.CASH/.,'BAtAN.CE ; ' VGOOD'". 1 V. : .^ONTHEy.pAYS,-^;;.;,;;!^-;^ '.: 'BEEJIISES,—PrMhoId.-vCorner'. Se'cVionV /,'Shop;;4': ■ , : | ■."■| and .'six Eoonis,..with.every'lcon-'. ' . , ! .-Tenienc6;,'Bhod;i etc.: ,, ■:~k' v " : - ; ■peice;teeehold' isa.\ •■ -."■ -.;Sfock;af ; ihT6i6e v pri'ce. r ': '-i ; \'v:!-/ ■: ■' .. , .■ ' , lter^!!Ao.!apßroye^'vi^V l, 'V; Mt, r€quiririg;i7Srgoodwill, ■ \' v;-" i! : ' .-'Woaldexbhaiige for small Fruit ani'Pbultry "S" l 'Farm.-■;■•■;.• : : -^-,:C;r■■":'. '-.■ :: ; > r : '■■■ ■-AE-details-;froni;; :y-,'-.'.''>■'.••,';'•■:,•'-:'■' i.;' -, "■•.■■■;.';•...';;''.'-'l\!■:i ■ - - .'■ ;.;■'-'.' -^' ; •■'■ESTA r ?•«: :i. - ■ ; :i: : ■k--'ft::" : WAKGA^ui-^f^'V; ' :, = ■ .;.s : 5';.;». -.:; ■; 179: : Acr«s,(:; Splendid'■■ EESIDENCB^^ ;^ : : —: . ornimental firotinasV 1 etc.,.. clo§e ; .tp' Bail-j.,-.;.'[ : : way Station, School, and' Factory; ;'■!■■ • ' .;,. .\.' '\ : ,i ? -' >',PEICE. £25 pe; .Aore. :which':includes,M Cows .":"' r /(mostly, Jerseys), 6'HeWers,.9,Kige; : ,:HorsW;Car"t.'''-'' v - ■' ■ 'and Harness; Milk CaaSj Plough and Harrows, V■;..--■.-■ ■. vHarnessi : .'Hayj' , '.eti);''-' :i;: .. i :-_'■):,:'■■■ ■■■y-.'.y ?,-';'* : : . .. :,:TEEXlS^jt2ooo:}at■ , !|.i:per-li6ent;f''balai!ca , ;cMlt l ' ; '. V*--' '•' '. : No'agen.tfi..?r--eic.hangea wanted.'i-.' ■ - : - $■:,:.':■-i''--ii<l :, ■■;• .{Apply, ;by"letter, - :to-' vi-.iVh;.: ii t : te :■/■■'. •'.■'.' •;C1018> ; h '*:/':]: '~ :/■' .^j---" i: l; V^N.;fHis : ;cANNqT; , aE : -BE^ "a ; .faem-^foe-monet-making,*^- v - ;'. -."'■ .■ OE A'EETIEED MAE TO MAKE' "•' i' ! " ' r' .■ ;^" >V HV ; :Vv'-: ? jHIs:;HOME,;:-;v:;-,,^:y■&,; /;:;^'\;-".: , nnHEvLaqd is all firflt.olass; level', : anj.piongk jVji •■;' :. -f : "oble; has. two >s H;; i ttierbus' outbuildings!: 30 Acres, of. :,. j Native, Bush;."■• Consists'of 1060!,Acres v close.vtov.'i-v-. .■'• : i town,. railway, school;.;.etc. ■ : .-: ; ■:'' : .-':':-,'..:"■. I-"..'• .I;,',V\ '•■'..' I ' ~ ''■ ' "'v.^''■>'.'"-'-"VV'■••:-:V-~ v' , ; ji \; ;,;' :.'■;■;''--■:. ■':•':! "| ~ .-Further particulars oh ; ; appljcaHon „-. -■:< :'LAN&tbMMISSTbN;AND:E&TATEiGEN^I r v •! ; : A BIG:OPPOETONITT:FOE:THE HOMBmSi:;-' ;.' : : '; :,:'?,■ ;■:-■.: v f:ABUttDpV , ; 'v vi : ; it ; many : ;peopi^ -who .appreciato^nd: J :>) •**■ rwantjartistio. •hom.ea:.;.arer.n'qt J 'able ! to; ;V, ■; ' seleot the materialsbr:the harmonious'cbm.iiina-' >;'''" '..■■■) t)ons : of colour make, the .hou'sVdiplactf ;■' .■ ' ; " ] 'of .rest 'andgo'od.taste.,-Busy Vwitii bther'inter-''' ■:' '-'.■' I eSta, ; few; have;.:the: bpportunity:Ho'iiny(atigate;':•■■■,' ' : '--'/'\ thelppssibiUGes of /artistio yet decora- ; '- ,:: ' :'' ; ' \ tioiii-.■ >r-'."■'■•■■. ■'■.-'-:• -■-'. ■■j'-'-.v v i'vi-.r , /; '"'-.■■'" ••«■•'*■;-:*.■.' ':■ ,'.; ';■■-■ .'■ •..■"••'■•• J ' : -K/ ;-;»Lir--.. 3i?r,: .■■ ; '■':■! ;iAn\nnusnal:Opportunity:is ! nowJßpen:.toHiose-'; ,, ''' J ': 1 v?ho are planning; to.; build:.a^neW 3 6bme. inVthe \ ''' : : :'•■ 'near-future;' or who'. are' : .alread's' r buildmg r a ':'~*~ : ''■■ "i house.or ■remodelling i,he' : pid one that .they".:''; ' j ;can-;•. '■How-., ;obtain j^ iefpM^ r |fv . Xvi atlvice . : antl; ;assistaice; : ;.regar^ifig"^ : ' >*. i ing and f iirnishing, v both-;. mWe .;'and ; ■ iout,; "i >' '' •'' 1 !. Messrs.," E. and /E. ':._Tu'gey.-; J: and' :r Co., -VLtd., -i ■•■ • i i.have an; expert, :.whp.Vif.busy year's- ■,■-• ; i ehd to another', preparmg..c~o|puj , : .echeraes,>tc. i '■'■.■ -•'!■ ) fpr smallest 'cottiige Jargest :\ Eatterns sent, post-free.;.'.-.-: \v-:<>X-:Q : .~'.' 'i.Xi-1 ■■■■.*•■&■£ : ::■■'] '■;'A member of thefirm/lTr. LirHi.JTingey (who' v'-^,, I '':.! :\ Itas just returned-from.England,:BelectedV' while , ''! : 'k ■■; I ■in the faotories,;all the.lateat.'wallpapers'ifbr'''";' ■'■.'{ the ''season 1 190,9.: The3e'.papere ; !are.'.n6w'-'6pen' , ' ' : '-' '■' ', and , we. are:; the. only. peopl3;/;^hp. , '.can:'sh r dw*''.'''-" ! .1909 designs:* :It will:pay- )ou,'te'; ; eonsult\us;- *^ v/ ■'■' ■ | Anyhow,;, we don't .charge ybii : ;forj-lcoming to': V- ' ; ' 1 see our lovely'new season's. '->] find four- shop-in Manners', Streef,';jvhere:there-' '.':■- ■ ! is always such > a: lovely' 'shoTf': 'of. Pictures.'''■'-'""■, : : 1 ■Don't, forget the name,■'..' ■:.'■;•""••:rr .■. ■..• ..,. . .. '.-. i. | '■''■' .",'.' '■'.''•'.:', '.''.■•>'2^-.-' , '''.i' : .. : 3T , ,-'..'.:v',.-. : . : ■i'.'i'i';'" '. :".i ; ;,. .E^AND'E;'jTINGEr-JH^ GLASa ; O.ND 'WALLPAPERigifffitCHANTS, ■'•''• i f ! ' : iA ;^:X''-.!v^^X^O^i./!^i:;T'.'.''.^, ;!i: \l K:[->- :v -' . 'W : '■''■-■ f:'; :'' r - :c :- ■'■ V 'C693:-^:' V '-'i ,; : ;f '.' •■■ : .MASTBETON^ ; i:,,'?^^i^''^ : ''v '] G^lMfeh^? IE ' J ,VT TEACTOES, Agents N.Z.-,Express. Cot •• S ;MasUrton,' Goods and-Par ? eii-;forwar<Ud, P to v'>-' -1 all parts; of the world; 'C6ai.l%bal.-Samples' a^;^t r .. ] speeialityi new and-up-to-dateVSatSple 1^ ■■'. ■in Exchange. Bnildings; co.uWryS{Hbe' nrraS *■■*/:■ i for; all tramejmetj HoßpitalVAmbnlance^nnv , "- :i hire at ehortest notice,.day.«rcnight.;f StUblea^ , JS? «-X re T, Koomß, ; B annister Street- : 'Phoaa - 126j.P.0. Bμ 50, Mostertpn. .■'■".•■; : ■■■■■'•■ 1

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 419, 30 January 1909, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 419, 30 January 1909, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 419, 30 January 1909, Page 10