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TO LET. TO LET, Several New Op-to-date- SUopa, Feilding, best positions; rants front 255, week.' tpply J. Darragh, Feilding, . : ■ ' ms TO LET, 7-roomed Housei bathroom, wasli- - house, fine view,.verandah, large garden. . Apply, R. Tait, Taitville. ~- . ,453 rpO LET, Shop aud. Workshop,-, suit any line, JL good yard accommodation. Late Hunt, .Upper Cuba Street. ■ ■.. ,'. .-. - 460 TO LET,:Double Room,', furnished, balconvi and beautifully situated. 88 Hill Street; ■'. ■ . ■'■-•. - ■■■ '■■ ■■- .-;;.-'-' -J-- 1.'.-.'- -'- : r 50grjpO LET, four-roomed House, all conveniences, ■A- near Basin Reserve. Apply 73-PirietStreet. . ■■■-"• ■•'••'- .■■:■■•■ - ';; . ''■'"■:.> -v'■■■■ -'-. -610: TJIO LET, 7-roomcd House, bathroom; scullery,' ■ X" : and waahhouse, verandah; fine viewi Apply B. Tait; TaitviUe;. -.. "■ " .•'■'..', .' ..■-,'.• ;454 TQ,.LET, Br6oklyn,,,7jro.omed House, every, li.'and c. watery 20s.' Wood,. Land Agent;, , Brooklyn. ■ ■ ': ~ :, 569 O LET,. Shop and' 6; Rooms, IG9 Taranaki t Street;i-,conveniences, and good 'stable. Apply oil : 7 . .... -'■.;"', '551. mO LET, Brooklyn, 5-roomed House, ; 155.; 6 A. -rooms,.. 16s. .■■■ J.- H. Wood,: Land Agont,' Brooklyn.■• ■. ■■,:'■!,.. :':';.:•'.- ;. ~ . ,569 rpO. LET, Roxburgh Street,. high side,' six -*• rooms, one floor, vacant Monday. Adplv 80 .Ellicp Street."., / . ' ■■-•... '•', ' 613 TT)O. LET,. Furnished, four-roomed, Cottage; JL , ' water laid- on; close to wharf, Rona Bay; rent, 10s.-; Apply Siegel, Manners Street. ..' 564, nnO 'LET, Seven-roomed House, Burgess Road, A: Johnsonville,-- 12a. 6d.-weekly; good position; key nest:door. ■■■ ','■[:■ y'-. 5279 mO : LET, Furnished House, Oriental Bay, 7. :■*•''- rooms, ! every v c6uvomence, 9 months' rent .£3..y'rOriental," Office. ■ : .548 (po LET, Unfurnished RoomV best part TinaJL "''Kori:• Roa'd') all • conveniences; '■■ ground noor.V"Alpha;" Office.'.'. •. 616. IT)Q. LET, •, Rintpjil. Street, Xarge" Workshop, X'-iWitK , stable, containing' 2' flats'," each 28 x' 20t't;, ■. : ipply J. 'Harmer, 10,'Eenwyn Terrace.: :- ; -'■'•■.'■•;.■■ •■ : :r;- : .-- - :■:■ :■■■■■ '■.■-;- ■•■■■;■:■ 550 ryiO.LET, a ■*- ' one with a little capital; would Jet cheap to a good tenant, Address, at "Dominion? Office. ;-.-,..,;; . ... ■-..;-• •■- ; : ./ .■■-•;■.;:: :53g npO LET, 5 Rooms,- Wallace. Street, ,205.; , :' 6; JL, Rooms, Berharapore, 18s. .and 20s.';, and" numerous others. Allen and Moore, 31 Manners Street ■ !?■■:■ : ■■•-..■ : .:.''. ~- -".: . ;■■,";'.," / '-.56? rpO:LET,,on Shares, Sheeprun, 300 .fenced, :i 600 ,unfene'ed," 12 turnips,. 6 .orchard;. cottftge, furnished; sohopl an'd:pOsf.'olose..'.SiinpT son, Lower, Moutere,' Kelson.'■'■'.•; ■ . ;.: : 48C rpp ,LET,,»i-roomed' House,. Holloway. Road,-. ,A;-:\ofi.,Aro .Street; .all .conveniences; large, 'seotionj; house,'; in -/'capital order; on-! penny, section,;'rent, .15s.' 1 per week, Apply-J. H.i 'Bethnne-'ahd Co."- :'.■';'/ ,: : ' ''' : v ■■: ■- 5322. TO. LET, / 11-roomed Boardinghousf, ,: situated" ''.-.-.' ia' , .: Manga'roa • Township, -i in ■ the. Ohura: District;; present occupier leaves February 28."; House well furnished throughout; kitchen has large,double-ovened iron' range. T.ho building arid outhouses command : premier- position for. business. -For . further particulars, apply- to ~C.' E. Hope, Mangaroa, Ohura. : :',;:•5092 TOHNSONVILLE.-T6 Let, ■Shop' and DwelW ■ vling, Main Read; opening Library,' Stationery, or. Saddler,' 135.; J. ' W. Jchnsonville.. / ■'.: ■■■ '■.' -~ . , .-■■'■ .•,;.- .'"••-■"!' 507. NICE-Singlo Front' Room to.Let; suit gen-' ,-vtleman;,breakfast,- if-/.desifed.--,;-;, ■';■: v. ,„::'- ■■■■•.■'- .'■'., '':, "■'.- I'Mi MOTUEICAv-Wanted, Tenant;; for; Bakery, old-established-house; central .situation; terms•■ moderate.^'. Apply. '.'Dominion";. , Offlc'e., Furnished Room, fpr.lady; (only lodger). Apply 35 Boulcott: Street, City.-r.'.'-i..---- ,v-v.' ■■■':-. -'■:-.-• -,-.'VV; '.:'.:, -605 Let, two :Furnished Rooms, gas■•'VV".,cooker,'cbnveniences; rent 12s; per. week. Apply'-arJopperlStreet.:;'' :«:":.- ; : : : -169 ; ; : ,;:':;",BbA ; RO;AND:.REEipENCE.--, : ;',;' OARD-RESrDENCE.-Vacancies.:for , four ; 1 young-geutleuien; 'every home ■ oomfor.t;, e.L, , telephone (1925), and good Stable; piano. Ophir. Lodge,. U. Hawkestone Street,:. -. 581 .'■'.'■ ,J- •,•■:■.■•■■}!'■-.■•'.'. ;.-■ > .'•'■/■"• '.--^:i.'..■. I :>.-:....,; ■ 'i v■'•,;■ ■ ,; .,.,.-'.'-^;.FBIENSS'.-HoSTß^;,.:.':i-.. : -:.±, :..-.'; ; ,-.', : ';'■'? iMOMFbteTABLE'' Homei : i or ; v'Girl \ Students.:' V : nearGirls'.College; .sunny.:, and.-'sheltered* position;'" p'lea'sant:' 'garden,'--, with': lawn; terms, 18s., 6d. per week, .'For'further particulars, ap-.. ply Lady .Superintendent.'. :■ . ''■•■. ■;..',; 9949 ■-.. v. ..OHAKONE,.Main teune :: l±ne. -■. ■■■■. v .- iptOOD,' Accommodation', can be.'-procured,-at; Eraser's Boardinghbuse; 2minutea' walk',; from Station; strict attention; moderate;; ■ Breakfast fax ; early.trains..'.,.: ;'.v';. v^9463!

■'•:■--.;: ; ■-::■■:.qhakunb. - - ;> ':-,;■ .v, ; ■'.•rv'OlllNl-O'Nv-BO'Aa'DIN'Q-HbUSEV. D- ,' i IN.TOWN.- V;-/: ;,. n v ':. 20—Beds iKept for, Through^Passengers—2o.: : : No SliakouoWns. -Hot' Meals bn A^mal. r •'. 5 o'clock; '...TevmsV'63. per day , . ■■ "J ''. ■ ;. Telegrams.promptly, attended- to;.. : .-,■•■'■ • "T i; ;:' - :; MRS.MOE CODY,,Proprietress,:; :■.. A| eiOSO'.;■. "-•■'■ Late .Wonganui and. ; New' : X^yinouth. HOME in private family 01; twoifor Couple, 1 as Paying Guests. 4 Karori Road, oppo- : BiteiGa'rdea. ; " ; ■'•■ ';' : - ''..■.;.' ;.'.\ '!!'! '.'■'■■.'.'-;. : 465.. THE-Trocadero , Private : . Hotel, Wellington.— : , A home from home; The finest and most up-to-date Hotel-in town, where_ybu get every home comfort. A. T. Almond, Proprietor. ... :■ -■.-....,'..■■ ■;, r-.i-. :',: ■-.•. : ,-■, --./j ... -■!503P "WILLOW BANK PRIVATE HOTEL," .' K''.. ; .:- :■-PAXMBRSTON--.NORTH.'.•■'.; : -■;.■'■■•;' , STJPEBIOR .Accommodation for Travellers, and .Boarders. Two minutes, from Railway Siatiou.' Moderate Tariff/ ' ; -. ;"."■: .:. MRS;LAW, Proprietress, i- ' ClOOl' W , ' ANTED, by young;raan, Board and.R«si-■'V-den'o'e.-.' Apply, stating torms,_ to "Com-' mercial,'' care 01. Oraoe,': : 609. : two Ladies -or Tradesmen 'y¥ . Boardei's to 'share front bedroom; terms ..moderate', 'v 126'Brough'am*; Street'.'; ■ ":■ -549 \aTANTED;' young' Man -Lodger j;,quiet, pri- : . TV ivate family; 'n. and c. bath. ii 93 .Wiilii. , StreeU---;;i«i.>-.'- ■"■.■-,. :-■■":'" - : -" : - ; . ■■ 537: "«TACANCIES 'for Married Couple, and twoV '.Gentlemeu; comfortable homo. Apply' Brighton House, Kilbirnie. :: ■'.'-.;-' - : ;. tiOl " OUSES AND FARMJS FOR SALE; : WANTED Sell, Fpur-roomed.House, opposite Reclamation Site, .neairMiramar Wharf, Kilbirnie. "No Agents." Omce.-A .'■;.■•■ ■ -';' ■■ .'■; ■. '■■'■- -■■• ■'-.-''<■■■:';■-' ■ .533 ■\STANTED ■ to. Sell, Brooklyn, newly built S-? f¥- roomed House, every;convenience, near trams; i£4Bs, terms. Wood, Land-Agent, Brooklyn.'. '. •■,'- ':; :-.•-:..-,-i , .■:-•--" •'■■- , - 1 - '.'sb9 iUE bale.: 816-Acres, L.IP.;-250 graas, hoiisa r -Main -Trunk , , lino;''price- £i,< required ■£i 00- balance ;5i ■pe'r'ceut -- i'ryer and Heslopf Waipuknran.-; :... .'. r .'-..■;. ■■'■■:•, ''■'■'-■."'; C 83 1: TTIOR SALE, Brooklyn,-.fine , , Building- Sections, JU. harbour viow.; i!s' per. f00.t, ; terms, ■J. .H. Wood, Land Agiinty Brooklyn. ''. . ■ . , / 569 mo SELL; Long Lease, ,'new. shop, ;Toa and •Sl Supper;, Rooms'; good .town;' good', busiiiesaj; prinoipals-ioniy.- : "Supper." ;'Doniinipn''vOffice..-.-■■:.,. - .." ..'.;, ; : . ■ 598. |i on a ACRiis,. 1i.1 , .,. I2a. ea., house, eneds, JL/vy" 'yardvin 2 years can purchase free-- : hold';'tobe sold cheap. Apply Fryer: and Healop r Wdipukuraui:..'. ■ : , CB3l ■tiynn. ACRES, Freehold, house, woolehed,x< W -y\rds, 1400 in good English grasses, balanco basS; price 10s. Fryer and Heslop, Waipukuraa.. . ....-' ' : . CB3l /GENTLEMAN'S Ee'sidence.for Salo, on the \X: NapieriHillsi.the property of Thomas Tanner, Esq., situate'at'tho'corner of Napier Terrace and B.urns Road, .consisting of- favo. acres of. level land, suitable for. subdivision into , building "allotments; , - large "Modern '-.- House, stables, and. outbuildings: complete -,-Crice, Apply ■•■■•".•. :■ - ~'■'■• ■■■■■:. r - ,:■■ ■".:'■■'■ W. J. TABUTEAU,: '163 . :.: '■■'- ~,..Tennyson,S.treet, ;Napier; iQ/« ACRES, .all nice dairy.'land, 30 acres XO\} have been ploughed, tie whole p'lougii able when stumped, : well divided and well watered by -good trout stream, 2 -houses and all necessary .conveniences, good outbuildings, garden and orchard; the land grows splendid root"oropp; the situation: is one of A good cheeso factory' adjoins tho proporty; Bohool and P.O. .within 11 miles, and railway, station.within 3.miles.. A real oheap proporty. Freehold; .£2l 10s.; £600...t0 wCBOO cash, balance tit 5 per coat, Apply. .to Haro and Evans, Pahiatua.; . ' , C6Bla : "'"'"' ■"" 'FOR'.HIRE..; ;'■,-' '■' "-- '' ' OTOR-CARS for Hire, for long or short journeys; exporienced drivers. All partiaulars ou application to Trocadero, Lambton ftuay. ' ....'■

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 419, 30 January 1909, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 419, 30 January 1909, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 419, 30 January 1909, Page 2