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; V Vv V'v v : THE. SHARE MAItKET. ' . ; Business "was resumed , by sliarebrokers.yes- ; terday, but at. the 'sitting of -the - Exchange there was no- trading in investmentstocks., l'bis was not unexpected, for it' is usual to .. see: dullness, after -.'/holidays. - .There ;.were,,..» : v fair number of, buying - however, and l"'. this may lead up ' to business 'preseiitlyi .'- Bank v- ' shares were very dull; Nationals were offered for sale at £5 7s. . Insurance, shares were quiet — ' also,, with sellers - of New Zealand- Insurance i :.." at i-3:175. . Financial . shares were dull, - with . more sellers than buyers. New Zealand and. r . - Eiyer , Plate shares were in demand at £1 135., and there were sellers of Equitable Building -,'at £10 2s. Gd., Wellington Investment at 12s. 3d., Wellington/Deposit at'9s. 1 ; loan . -,and Mercantile at ss. Id. was no in-. : r Cv qniiy- for gas shares. Christchurph' Gas . shares,* - V/ore on sale at £10 2s, 6d. :Itt meat shares Gears; monopolised the attention, with buyers of the £1 issue at £9 155., sellers £IQ, : and'of ..the ' "Jil issue, buyers ,-2 9s. 6d., sellers £2 10s. 3d. Manawatu Bails .were firm, with buyers at 465. , Gd., and;' Wellington Woollens were ■ ' wanted ' at £3 . Is. ; ' Other ■' quotations were: : Leyland-O'Brien Timber, sellers; 435.; Mountain Kimu Timber, buyers;-225.'.'9d.V--New Zea?: land Drugs, - sellers-'JE2*'lis." 9d.; 'arid VWard and Co. Brewery shares, buyers £4 15s. . Con- . trary to expectation, Taranaki Oil shares .were v ; . not quoted. There was a fair amount of iri- ■ 1 quiry for these shares prior, to ■ the holidays, and sales were made up to 7s. 6d. .The reason :. - for the activity, is ithat the .efforts to shut out the water in the 'bore are believed to . have proved successful. The work of pumping the water out of the bore was commenced on Tuesday, and if, 'as is .anticipated,• the ■ difficulty is overcome, then 1 the question of getting the oil will be solved.':.Sofar;;every-, thing appears '.favourable,' :andi:it..'is-.-on'J : the'. V 'this''that , there .h'a's : -,been -ma;-ket • : . i;activity.The shares-' are-'difficult: to obtain] • for holders are disposed to see . the- matter . through. .-THE . MINING MARKET ■ A sale of Big Eiver shares was made ■ at 10s, 6d., but ,for the scrip of other companies , thero was no alteration- in values. -' Tho quota-v tions were as-under:— ; 11 . Buyers. Sellers. " Sales.' v -.-£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Talisman ... 211 0 2 12 G — Wailn ... .... 9 7 0 9 9 0 — Tairua Broken Hills 0 3 5 . 0 3 8 - — 2S Z Crown . 0 7 0' 0 7 3,"Kuraniii Caledonian :•■ — . -• ;0 IV 0 Big Eiver ... ... 0 • ' —0 16 , 6UNDERWRITING LOANS. , One of the subjects of discussioi at the Conference of State Premiers of Australia'was ' ;hat of dmng tho • underwriting • of . loans. There is, ' of course,; a-: good deal: to i : be said in favour of : underwriting from, the ■; . point of .view iof : the ; borrdwing;State. The* underwriter guarantees the loan; , "and whether* ..- or. not the public issue is a success,' the State ■ obtains'the required: money.-— There >is 7 the / ;• alternative plan of fixing" a price'"w6ir*'below'' the current market quotation, and to ((all for tenders as to' quantity at that fixed price. This appeals to market,..and lets the small man in .on''the .same'"floor as the . large dealer.. A price -'judiciously chosen, in • tempting speculators and investors alike, goes a long way towards ensuring the success of a - ; loan, and one success paves the Way for_an- . other. ' . - '■#••-. "i :.n ■' EXPORT FIGURES. According to the figures , furnished in the . ~"New Zealand Products Export' Leaflet)"' there has been a falling-off in the total values of i the principal j)fod.ucts, such • as dairy produce, frozen meat, and hemp, for" the year ended -March 31 last, in comparison with the .previous .'. year. March is ' not; the correct termination ! of the produce' year, 'but' the Department "of Industries and. Commerce has taken up the ? blunder perpetrated' by: the Agricultural De- ; payment.'.-The Wellington-'Chamber■ : of 'Com- , merce regards the produce year as terminating on September. 30, ■ tind this.-is . certainly;-; the . correct, period. '.However,,-'taking.', the- figures' . to March 31; we get "the following"compariV" Eon:— : ■' T - - 1908. 1907. : ' : <£ " £ Butter. : -..vv 1i333,057 v i;522j113 Cheese . 745,099' " ' 449,676 . Beef . . ... ... . 421,216 . ' 380,984 ' ~ Mutton ... ... 1,217,149 1,345,460 "" Lamb 1,376,761 :.-. 1,430,122. Hemp ' G97.923 ~ -850,653. ...' <£5,791,208 ~.,<£5,979,003 ;r:.;..The past year,exhibits a decrease*of' ]eiB7,BOOV which, is a .small .amount, and. the significance. " / lies in ( the fact that it . lias occurred princi-' : pally in the-, past-six months.' It will be . ■ noted ihat, /butter shows-: a -shrinkage. in' valufe" of 'but if both 'butter and cheese:are taken,'together there is!" in-.' , crease.-/ -'The following table- jrill be found interesting;—', . '-'; r ...C, , i ' ■ ■ Butter. ' Cheese. ' K 'Total. March 31. < £: £. ,c; -1908 . 1,333,057 74-5,099 2,078,156" ; 1907;-- ';-. ... 1,522,113 ■ 4-19,676 : 1,971,789 '' 39061,443,234 2G5,0'84'1,708,388 • -1905 ... . 1,514,150 : -M,87-l . 1,695,030 , In .the value -'of. the dairy produce' has increased jby v£383,126, or more than 20 '-per cent.-, ibiit. this improvement is .due en•v. tirely ti).cheese, which during, tho period has . expanded: by 225, more than 310 per cent. If we ;tjko ;the quantities exported, we get the following:— ■ - Butter. Cheese. Total. March -31. . Cwt. Cwtv. Cwt. . .1903 V i-'v 270,748' . 260,76,5 531,513 - : 1907 ... 308,330 162,013 ..'--471,^i3--• '1906 . '300,106' • /107,825 '' 407,931* ' ■V 1905' 342,853 82,121 425,274 In werght the -increase 1 in the three years amounts to 105,239 owt., or about 25 per cent., and here again it will, ba seen:, that the favoarablo, exhibit is due entirely to cheese, which in tho three year's shows an expansion of 215 per cent. ;. .. BRITAIN'S EXPORT IN WIRE. Export business .in wire' and , manufactures, of wire has (says tho'"British Export' Gazette") been excellent of late, the most progressive markets for British manufacturers being New Zealand, South Africa, and the East Indies. Our total shipments of vire .' . during the . first month of the year amounted ' to .£88,894, as compared with .£78,985 in 1907, ttnd I £s9.S"''l in 1906, while thoso -of .-wire-man-u-

factures " increased in" )the three years from :X89,432..t0 i!1C0,731 ,and .£113,166. Of wire, including- telegraph and telephone wire, South .Africa is' ' increasing, purchaser, her January'imports from the United Kingdom rising to .£6712, from ,£5123/ and 'm'thd - 'sam;e r ihohth'of: the:tivo preceding yt-ars, and -reqmrements' of wire . manufactures, 'while Inot I 'comparing''so well ''with , tyiose in 1906, Nevertheless,'"showed a: substantial increase over those of last year. New Zealand, lio'weveiv' made- the irio'st remarkable forward movS as a buyer of wire, her'purchases rising from only .£3388 -in 1907 to no less than .£10,027 in; 1908. This is a branch of the export business with capabilities of great /ex- - pansion, and offers. material returns to thoso engaging in. 'it '-'on' 'enterprising lines, for tho construction of telegraph' ami telephone systems, l J is . proceeding; apace in maEj oversea countries. ■' '■ <>"' j-- > i' - . . " ' ' WELLINGTON DEPOSIT COMPANY. Tho report of the Wellington Deposit, Mortgage, and Building Association, Limited, for the' year ended March 31 last, to be submitted ~to ths,'shareholder, on-May 1, states that tho --net.profit -for tho year-?ambunted to J!1868 14s. 10d.','which,'with'the* ddditio'n of Is. 9d. brought forward from last year, gives an avail-:able'.total-of iE1994 16s; 7d., and this is to be distributed as .-follows:—The paymentof a divi- ' dendi for : .the-year;-at 'the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, which will absorb about .£1487 16s. 9d.; to add tqr tho reserve fund. making that fund iSIOOO, and to carry forward the balance of .£256 19s. lOd. ' The profit and loss account shows that the interest on mortgages receiver* and accrued totalled .£3457 3s. 2d., and transfer fees- and share certificates 'brought Vin iSSiislj.imaking- the total receipts for the-'year"i£3ss2 "7s:: ; 2d.- The expenses-. of management amounted to .-,.£485 12s. 5d., and the interest on deposits paid and accrued totalled* ;19^ , 11d.; making, the., total . outgo -iJIGSS'- 12s;:4;d.V : and leaving.' the net profit ;at SIB6B 14s. lOd. The paid-up capital of 'the Company amounts to .£25,000, the deposits and interest', r t'6tal' .£28,461;, 12s. 10d., 'and there- is an. overdraft at'- tho-'b'ank. of '£1029.' • The .amount advanced on ' mortgage and interest totals.- £57,283.,, Last ,year , tho - directors were voted' £100, and. it "is:. not unlikely that a similar sum will be''voted them this year, in which case tho carry-over will be £156' 19s. ,10d. ' " , - - - ' • > './"'. ; NOTES. • . ~Last' ilialf-yearv,lss; of pennies, to.nsj. arid' worth £646,000, were paid into the penny-in-the-slot gas meters of -the' London Gas Company. . .The .golji output;,of :;West Australia for tho first-three months of;the year totalled 110,639 .line ..ounces,, iagainst, .425,156 . ounces for' the . corresponding .'.period of 1907, ' or a decrease. ' of' 15,517 1 ounces.-'-V-: ' The Commercial Union Assurance Company is endeavouringto f a. private - bill : through the English Parliament to. enable it to transact any class of insurance business in any part, of the world. It also desires ]ower to form and, subsidise companies abroad. . - - " »• ■ ' , .-In 1907 the revenue of Egypt was £16,357,518, the expenditure £14,280,413, and- the surplus vras £2,03,7,405, all these being in Egyptian pounds, worth' 20s. 6dl;' The reserve fund was £13,607,959,' less various . expenditures cn -works, leaving a, cash, balance at disposal of £6 G62;i53.' ' Last year tho Egyptian public -debt -was reduced - by 380. ' .. STOCK EXCHANGE. . (BY TELEOnAPH.—-PRESS ASSOCIATION.) ~ ,'vf ■; /.Dottedin, April 22. Stock Exchange sales: Alexandra Lead, 35.; Manuherikia,;, 225. ;.,,Westport Coal, £7. iiivE-.stock'^^ sales., . V- ;. Messrs.; D'algety and-.,CoV, Ltd., report:—Wo .held., our !fortnightly.;sale at Masterton j-ards' yesterday. Sheep did not como forward ' up to advertised . Mimbers, and we have to report a; - sile, 'owing to the quality being inferior. Wo quote as follows:—Aged ewes, 2s lOd.'to 3s.'6d.'; "f.m.',"6's."6d. to 75.; cull lambs 3s. to 3s. Gd.; forward heifers, £3 75.; bulls, -15s. ..-to -265.; pigs, Bs. K . At Wanganui sale to-day sheep came forexcess 'ofadvertised numbers," 6000 being-iyarded. t Tho<.average quality was not good. Good lines sold well, but cull lots were 'S?Siected.'-'iFat (sheep showed an advance. A small entry-,of cattle sold at late rates. Quotations: Eat wethers,'l4s. 9d. to 16s. 6d ; fat ewes, 13s. j 2 "and" 4-to"oth store wethors, 10s 3d. to lis.; 2-tooth ewes, 9s. 3d.; good lambs, cull owes, 2b, 1 2d. -35.. 1 d., to ss. 5d.; mixed weaners, 15s. to 20s • i TELEGRAPH.—PRESB ASSOOUIiqN;) '' 'inVr April 22. At Addmgton live stock market thore was a fairly, large entry-, of .-stock, but the'attendance on account of tho rain,'^was'smaller.than usual' Store, sheep mot, sale, lambs' seHingihe liest. -Fat lambs were rather firmer, and-tat sheep sold at about last week's rates Fat cattle were rather dull of: salo, and pig.i were,in good demand. There was lit'tlo demand for store cattle. "•Store'-sheep.—There was a smaller yardind of store sheep than of late, and the bulk had been travelled from a distance, and were con; sequently, in low condition. Thero was a marked'falling off in the demand, except for lambs,' arid , many lilies of ewes and wethers were; pas'sed;.;;]?or,:l.ainbs there was a-good' inquiry, and last weok's rates were fully maintained. Fat lambs.—There was a moderate entry of fat lambs, and tho quality showed a consider-, able improvements on the previous week's yarding. Among the entries were a number of large linos of good lambs from Choviot. Thero was a, good demand, for export, and prices wero rather. firmer. Tegs mado 15s. 6d. to 17s. 5d.; an extra lino, 18s. 9d.; ordinary i freezing weights,, 13s. to 15s, 3d., and light and unfinished, 10s., to, 12s. Gd. , i, Fat sheep.—'fhe"yarding of fat sheep was much smoiller than last week, but included ja few prime lino? of -wethers' and ewes, tho bulk being. medium quality owes. Tho butchers, were the only buyers, and prices were about on a level with last week, competition not being' very'keen. The range, of prices was: primo wetiifir, ISs.jJ4s,litei\.lia..3cL_tfi_l7e._

Gil.; primo owes, 16s. to 10s. fid.; medium, 13s. to 15s. Gd., and uged and light, 10s. to 12s. Gd. Fat Cattle: The entry of fat cattle totalled 272 head, and with few exceptions the quality ■was not of vory high-class. The salo was dull and dragging throughout, and towards tho close sales were difficult to effect. llio range of prices was: Stcors, '<£6 to .£9; and extra, to Jill. 17s. Gd.; heifers, .£5 to .£0 17s. Gd.; and cows M 10s. to £7 155., and extra to JGB 155., equal to 215., to 255. Gd. for prune, 18s.' Gd. to 20s. for medium, and 16s. to 18s. for cow and . inferior beef per 1001b. Store and.'Dairy Cattle: A small entry of store cattle met with a dragging salo and many lines failed to elicit a bid. As a whole the class was inferior, with the exception of a few tlireo year steers and two and a half to three year heifers. Yearlings mado 55.; fifteen to eighteon months olds, 225./ to 265.; three year steers, JK; two and a half to three year heifers, Is.: and dry cows 15s. to '14s. Dairy cows, which wero medium sorts, met with a fair salo at .£t 10s. to i£B ss. Pigs: Thero was a small yarding of pigs and prices were firm, choppers soiling at ,£5 55.; heavy baconers, 60s. to'GSs.; and lighter 50s. to 555. (equal to s\d. per lb.); porkers, 325. to -ISs. (equal to' Gd. per lb.), medium stores 18s. to/21s.aiid weaners 55.. to 10s. (BY TELEGRAPH. —rRESS ASSOCIATION.) . Dunedin, April 22. • At Burnsido torday 1247 sheep wero penned, a light yarding. The quality was better than last 'week,- especially in ewes. For best wethers thero was an advanco of 25., and for best ewes about 3s. per head. Best wethers, 21s. to 215.; extra, to 2Gs.; medium, . 16s. to 265.; inferior, 1,-ls. to 17s. Gd.; best ewes, 17s. to 195.; extra, to 20s. 3d.; medium, 14s. Gd.; inferior, 10s. 9d. to 13s. 6d. . Lambs: 6 ( 00 penned, a: small. entry. Good quality were .firmer than last week, but lighter sorts showed a slight decrease in price. Best ,lambs, 16s. 3d. to 17s. 6d.; medium, Us. Gd. 'to lGs.; inferior and light, Gs. 9d. .to 12s. A few extra show lambs brought 20s 3d. each. Cattle: 226 yarded. Good bullocks • wero scarce and sold at fair value. Best bullocks, ',£8 to ,£9 155.; medium, up to ,£7 17s. Gd.; light, ,£4 10s. to oPG 12s. 6d.; best heifers sold up to £8 2s. 6d.; best cows averaged' .£5 each. Pigs: '85 yarded. Porkers and baconers showed an advanco of id. per lb., but small pigs were again easier. Suckers, 9s. 6d. to lis.; slips, 12s. to 15s._; stores,. 17s. to '.£1; porkers, .235. to 435.; light baconers, 48s. to 535.; heavy, 575. to 60s. GRAIN;. . .' IBT TI'.LEGHAm —PHES3 ASSOCIATION.! Dunedin, April '22. _ Oats: Tho export demand to the North Island still holds, and the market is quite up to late pricos. Seed linos, 2s. sd.- to 2s. 7d.; prime milling, 2s. 4d. to 2s.' 4Vdi ; good' to best feed, 2s. 31d. to 2s.' 4d.; inferior, 2s. f to 25.'2 d.; sacks extra. Wheat: Millers are not operating freely at present, but. holders are firm and the market is consequently dull. Prime milling, 4s. GJd. to 4s, 7d.; medium, 45.. Gd.; best whole fowl wheat, 4s. sd. to 4s. 51d.; medium, 45.-3d. to 4s. 5d.; broken and damaged, 3s. 'Gd. to 4s. 2d., ex store sacks extra. LONDON MARKETS. BT TELEGRAPH —MESS ASSOCIATION —COPYRIGHT .. ■ London, April 21. Silver is quoted at 25 3-lGd. per ounce. The quantity of flour and wheat afloat for the United Kingdom is 3,880,000 quarters, and for the Continent 2,775,000 quarters; Atlantic shipments, 1,330,000 quarters; Pacific, 25,000 quarters.' • . AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE. " ! 61' TELEGIIAPH—PJtESS'ASSOCIATION —COPYUIGH'I , , , . ' Sydney, April 22. Wheat, .4s. -sd. per bushel. Flour, .£lO per ton. Oats, Algorian, 3s. 2d. per bushel.. Barley, Cape, 4s. 4d. per .bushel.: Maizo, 4s. per bushel. Bran , and pollard, £7 10s.-per ton. Potatoes,. Tasmanian, ss. to ill 106. per ton. Onions, Victorian, .£6 per ton. Butter, 955. to 985.. per civt. Cheese, 6.\d. to' 7d.ji,er lb. Bacon, 9d. per* lb. .'"

■ , • Melbourne, April 22. Wheat, 4s. 3d. per bushel. Plour, £10 per ton. Bran and pollard, Is. 6d. per bushel. Adelaide, April 22. Wheat, 4s. Id. per bushel! Flour, XS 10s. per ton. Bran and pollard, Is. 7d, per bushel.

o'v• : '• • Beservo Liabir. . rmav.n. T? _ Tj> rhMT*A>5V Capital : Fund&n* Hvpot- S> -. ■— *_ ...,, .... coimirr. waup. m™. st™. ;•' rt g ■ Bl * er . ■ 3. '**• ™ ■ mmtor. :, T?AWTT<i'' ' ' £ 1 jB £' % jp £ g, d. £ B. d. £ e. d« £ F.fl. : : . rew Zealand •• «,(WM*n . r Si.. « . JO . »w 0; DM fi 012 0 !1! = '.\. .. National - ' • 675,000- £35.313 it- - *>■■■ 13- 6 • c » 7 ' 0 6 5 0 c 13 5 Wft 'V; - ' Kational 1^? .- , 300.000 • MM® .? nnltd.- jg qij'n' ''Vj» X ' T S ,y..^y.-■■- New Zealand ■ -,... . .'SCO.OOJ ES6 '"1 . • } A . 30 , ! i 32 ? foathBriajh 1 •?•- voskol- ;*<*?%.. • w ' ~ 16 °, .. ?,£,.£ Standard ' - • MS.OJO B7.3iiu S unltl 10 . 120 : • . FINANCIAL. ' '•. ■■".■■ ■"■*■•■•■ „ •» ■'" in n i!V . „ ■ 'Equitablo Building' . M.000 ff.!« .5 S 10 " 10 0 0 r r r • V ; v*' . ' Metropplilan13uildin3 43.5GI, . ;* .M* JO "If.. 7 „ . ; ■ Wellington Invest. - *'00,003; • •'.'8,031' : •* J 4 6 r n n ' S n n 5 » n VToretonTrust&I/oaa' . 101,2-53 . , '14,331 . ■-. 5.. 5 ... 6. . _* ® ® J J 5 o n 0 • 1,1'?• Kational Mortgage - fOO.MI '"312,2-50 ' -2 ■ 8" 30 " 3 0 ; 0. •"1.-3 0 POO • OS * ■ K.z; and River Plate 300,000 . SM.OM ■ ,j ml 7 113 0 I18- S . 1*3.0 .J 6 0 loan and Morcantila. 135,221 '• £15,133 f 6 0 5 1 L 5 1 L fi 0 10 0 0 V V. ' {-/-GAS. : ' • '• •. 180.37-1. • f3,35l B • J}}j 36 : Christchiirch: ;» • 152,OX) , C5.087 . 5 uf} 30 M 8 6 ; 10 0 0 C 0 0 V .' - i■)nfm ■■ 10J . 1 'Uil — 01G 0" ' . Gisborno- .... 17>0J 10,5 il , l Hj -2 0 0 213 £ 10 0£ 10 0 -V;.;'., Hawera - . '.'8,951 . 745 • jt Y ■ ."10 - * ■ ; - ■ 1 : • ;- v lb,(XX). E.100' ."6 • ,"!!' 10 .' .jj ;* ' . ■. > ■ .;i,tijier - \ 10 "i 1 15 ..... - . . 40.057 £3.!83. ;; o 5,. . 15- ,. •: : M ) 1 ) ■ - ~ ' '1 1 '• • 15"- . -•*■**- *. # i -;V;-, J'almerstoh-NorkU : '.•* £7,000- . J1.093 J. 10. A 10 (1 p n • 1ft eiJkotou - - ; . i',M 10. e" - 10. . . 10 9 0 1911 0 t!!, - ("anterl ury '-' j ■ •' * irri7-" 1 ? . 50,071. 75 ~ ; 8 7 10 0- 8,-2. 0 ' - : : ' =1U •:« - BY -WG'-O- 10' 7-0 7 14 7 . . . • > 1 J . loi.ui .. 1 , M 2 9 0 210 3 2 0 0 5 1,0 ' .''.v <1,4.. t ; 915. 0, ' . Wtlllnslon Meat Exp • * ) , & m }' ' .B CIS 6 _ _ r; i" ■: m 765 12X51, ■ • . , 8 ... . 6 2.0 5 2 0 f 5 P " . ;; : / 3U>, ' t)a } u * " • 2/- 1 8 :-'i 5- 3 £ 5 u , c,o 3 -7 ; >v- ; : .•••. i5',550 . b. . j'.'V ; 370,03.1." ••'KMIJ v5 : ,'1 -,-Vi;'r 2,fi -6n , ( S.30.-0 • B0 P Kt-.Sbippini • ' "473,81) *• ,. 8. r . , „ „ ,•; 0 , .ViiionSteam ' • . • 6u),Ji)) ' £!*>&■* : 1 Uu * . ''4 113 9" lii G Vi tin. Steam Ferry - . iu,±ij ,• ,'\V. b . • i;y-V - ■ ■ , KOTOOV 117,-215 ; ' J& ! v " ' Hj 0 ■ ,,J 7 10 7 0 0 fi 5 0 ••v-;-. - •' iiupiri*- • '• U50J ;>• 1 . \i ,1 0 G. 1 0 G -1,0 3 7.8 .0 'iV;-:--' WbOLTias. '' •• <ii-' < '• • ■' -i j < •• 1 1 '■ ■ iaiapoi-. ... 100,00) \ .,5 « lu G ■ . f _ • .. ta , P..0..A ; .13 6 ,3 10- 4 12 0 : V Nieiiington - - bb,0Jj U.AJ i 3 1 0 3 6 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 :V aiibC/EijIjANSOUS. / • ' „ii" , • , • . - : 47,03) ; - /.-B . • ,f!j . : "! c ? 0 , 6 5 0 6 , \ ,S rt . . . U0jj -V £7,761 1 . • • J • G 2. 3 0 ! ■*•3 9 G17 2 iV--'; 7 — liauiicevilleLimj 7.U0J . '-0j " 1 : X K h.2.,Candle - - . lO.OJi — lo • : . • ■h.'L.Druzs.-' iOO.O'/J ■:.E«U., fn I .211.0 , 2119 fllO M O |a.K.i'j.PftporMills . W,75i . ... 1 2 fi 1 3 3 1 3 3 t 0 fi ir'y- • ' . 4U.U0J 1.. 1 12 9 1 13 6 I.:.: )uaciDiug^- ' * U.oOJ. 4 W 213 6 ' . •'"'■v : '-Vvaia Co. - - ' lu.uui, ' LC*,i>3i 4" • . r i- S i 17 U 0 8 8 5 p:/ -'. ; . . Vmiu. opera Hoast. ;• ' t ' J 1 :. '* }' zs " *' ' . v : " i'/V'tm l«'°oJ -. 1 • > ' . • ' Tombs* . 6u,iJ5J , . ip.loi - , I B ' 1 10 , , . v .,480 yV:"'-:;-/'bbbn^au.-V yc.ui . ■ 1: : 0-13. C '-l-O'O "CIS 9' 8 0 0

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 178, 23 April 1908, Page 10

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FINANCE AM COMMERCE. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 178, 23 April 1908, Page 10

FINANCE AM COMMERCE. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 178, 23 April 1908, Page 10