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PHASES OF THE MOON. ■' FEBRUARY. .Day. llr.m. Now Moon 2 8. 6 p.m. First quarter ... . 9 3.57 p.m. Full moon ... ... 17 8.35 p.m. Last quarter ... 25 . 2.45 p.m ■HIGH WATER. To-dny, 2.50 a.m.; 3.10 p.m.. To-morrow, 3.32 a.m.; 1.0 p.m. • ' SUN, Sun rises to-day, 5.12 a.m.; sets, 0.57 p.m. . ARRIVALS. l-RIDAY, FEBRUARY it. PATEENA, s.s. ($.15 a.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon-r-Misscs Spencer, Chattel-toil, I'uttledge, Morton, Biitclielor, Lewis (2),' Nelson,' Saunders, Coley, M'Grath, M'Carron,'Paine, Batty, Gimn, Mesdames Cliatterton, Bennett, M'William, Morton, Knight, Suowdon, Nyluno and 2 children, Gate. Williams - end child, Ryan, Flood, Law, Richardson, Cooke,: Patchett; Messrs.. Airell,.' Krabngen, Chattorton, Elley, August, Baker. Kelly, Knigfre,; M'Kee, Poison, Morris,. Hope, M'Williams, Knight, Rowley (2), Spiers,' Gate, Logic, Tlamilton, Jones, Lusty (2), Thompson,' Downes, Coleman, Clifton, Ibbdtsbu, Williams, Lloyd, Duffy, Nelson, Goodnll, Law, Giiiin, PeWott,; Bagge, Robertson; 26 steerage'. "

WARRIMOO, s.s. (5.45 : a.m.), 3529 toiiE, M'Douald, from Melbourne, Hobart, Bluff, Dunedin, and Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses. Walker, Greig, Stewart, Christie, Peck. Whitehead. Mesdames Smith, Fitzgerald ajid infant, .AVilson and child, Stewart, Peck and child, Hon., Mosman, Dr. Ogstoil', Dr. Fitzgerald, Rev. Q'Callaghoh, Messrs. Coldicntt, Robertson,, M'liitosli, Blackmore,. Barnett, Gill (2), Bottom, Tovey; 07 steel-age. . , " '• MAORI,..s.s. <G.lO a.m.), '3399 .tons, Manning, from Lyttelton.—2so passengers'. ',

VICTORIA, s.s. (7.30 a.m.). 2969' tons; Waller, from • Sydney,' Auckland, Gisbonie, . and Napier.' Passengers: Saloou-tMisses Pitt, Wilion, Houphen, Knight. AVilson, Daniels, liey-, noUls (3), Humphries, Biggins, King, "WilliamSon,* -, Mesdames'-' Hemming, Batchelor and child, Mason, Scanloii, Collins, .Higgins, Reynolds, King, 'Jtov. H. .Wright, -Messrs'.tfers, Miller, Kelly,' Boot', Sherwiii, Flynn; Mason. Sc'anlon, Crouch,- Ellison, -.Flynn, .'Ritchie,' Reynolds . (2), • Lilico, Wicks, Fairbairn," Byrne, Cooper,.. Alwnrd, . Clil'istic, Roberts, Ash-well; 11 steerage.

ORETI, s.s. (8.30 a.m.),' 215. tons, Robertson, from Waitganui'.

i WAIHI, s.s. (9.40 : a.m.), 92 tons, Careyj from Blenheim.- , •. ■,

; KUAPEIIU, s.s. (5.15 p.m.),, 7801 tons, .laggard, from . Loudon, . via Plymouth,.. Tencriffe, Capetown, and Ilobart.. . '.

HULV, s.s,. (8.5 p.hj.), 127 .tons, Dowell, from MotuekaV- ."• 1 ''~ ■

KjVIAPOI.'.s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 2003 tons, Dawson, from Westport. . " V " '

. BLENHEIM,' s.s. '(9.45 p.m.), 120 tons, Wal son, from Blonlieim. ' .


•WARRIMOO, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 3529 toils, McDonald, for- .Sydney..' Passengers-.' SaloonMisses l''ergusori, Harding,. Marshall,! Hutnpliries, Bntlei': (2), Johnston, Sclby, Mesdames May, M!Canon, Luxmore, Rnncbn, Reid, Gibb, Allan, Young, M'Mahony Clarke, Bagg, Mac-' ltay, Stuton, Stiiples, Ttirnbull,. Nelleford, Messrs.' May,. Yates,-, :Snodgrass,\'Johnston,■ Beeston, Stuton, Brouglitqn, Daniels, Mackajv Nodin, Rancon, Ritchie,. Reid, ltov. Dr.-Gibb; Allan, Rowley,, limes, • Morgan, . Truebridge, Young) ' Milloy, Hardingc,' Harcourt, . Kane, M'Malion, Rape, Ellis,. Ilomor, Lincoln, 'l'ur--. ner, Lloyd, llackay! ; . ; '

WAKATU, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for lvaikoiira. ■ i, ■'.

VICTORIA, s.s. (5.20.p.m.), 2969.t0n5;;: Waller, for Lyttelton and Duuedin. . Passengers—Sa.loon': For Lyttelton—Miss Valentine,; Mrs. Grenfleld, Messrs.: Valentine, Shields, ' CroiicHi Master Valentino. For. Dunndin—Misses -Richards, M'Lean (2), Messrs! Logie, Crouch.' - ' ,

WAITABA, s.s. , (5:30 ; vessel foi;-Boat Harboiir. 1 \ 1 : '■ ' ...TOROA,-s.s.' (5.30 ; ■ 388 tons, Petersen, for Napier and Gisborne. '

LSTORM.BIR ( Ij>|..s.s. ' (5..i5'p.7n.),.'217 tons,"M'lrityrb, ;f<m Waugaiiui.;. x

PATEENA, 5.6. (6.50. p.m.)," 1212 tons, Steiv art, for ;Nelsoa. ;30 passengers. '

WAllii, .s.s. (8 p.m.), .92.. tons,. .Carey, for Blenheim.

OPAWA,:s.s. (8 p.m.),-110.'toils, 'Nicholas,- for Blenheim. . ... -'/. K . ~3IAOIi.I,'s.s, (8.15, 3399. tons, Manning, for, Lyttelton. 110 passengers.. '

■ EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ' Kuliu, East Coast/ February 15. ■ .Tasmanj Motuek'a, February' Hotoinahana,-Lyttclton, February' 15. >.■' ' Putoeiia,: Kelson, February. 15. v . 'To . Anau, Picton, February -15. ■'r.V'Aorere," Patea; February .10,- .: ■ : ; ■... ? Mapourika, West-'-'Coast •• and' Nelson,.. February 15. .'... , ■ Queen .of. tho South, Foxton,'February 15. Manaroa, Motueka, February. \ls. .< . Defender, Jlokitika, . Fobruary 35. Kotukn,.;Grcymouth, Fobruary 15. Takapuna,- OnoUunga arid-New 1 Plymouth, February 16. "■{ ■ : > 1 Koonya,'Southern;ports.'--February lflL • ; Stonnbird, Wanganui, February, 18.'; Maori, Lyttclton, February 16. . ■ ■ ' Opawa, Blenheim, . February 16. ■ , AVailii, Blenheim, 'Fobrtinry., 16. Blenheim, Blenheim, February 16.' > ; . Alexander, Takaka arid Sounds, February 17. i Aorero, Patea, February 17.' . Wakatu, Kaik'our.V. February '18. . i Waikare, Dunedin and Lyttelton; ' February IS; : ; : ! ■

Monowai,' Auckland,, 'Gisborne, and Napier, February IS. ; Penguin, Onokunga . and /Now Plymouth, Fobruury 19.' • Alaheno,. Sydney, Fobruary. 19. " Aralmra, AVost Coast find: Nelson, February J9. ; , ■ ■ • Victoria, Dunedin and. LytteHon, February 20. . V . ; ;

/ PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ' Charles' Edward, Nelson - and 1 . West Coait, February-15. Aorere, Patea,- February 15. " 1 Arahura, Nelson and .'West Const, February 15 - i

Oreti, Wanganui, February: 15;.- ■ Quoen .01, the South, Foxton, Februaryi 15. . Huia, -Motueka, FebruarJ ~IS , Blenheim, Blenliciin, February : 15. .! Arahura,.,Nelson and AVesf . Coast,: February ■ 35.. ' ' ••' • '.'iiapiti, Patea. February': 15. ; Rotomahana, Lyttclton;' February' 15. : Te Anau, Picton, February 15. ; Kuniara, < Auckland, February'-15. : ■ 'l'e Anau,-Nelson,---February id- ' ' , Ta6inan,-Motuoka, Februai-y 10—'■ Storinbird, AVanganui,.Fobniary;i7, Tninui, Waihira, lebruary 17. . K'ahu, Fast Coast, Fobruary 17. . ; ' . Manaroax 1 Motueka, February if; ' '. • . Waihi, Blenheim, February . 17.. ■ Opaiva, Bleuheim; Feßi'iittry-'wr.'' Maori, Lyttclton, February;.l7: " ; , l'-.vtcciia, Picton and. Neiwn, February 17. ■ Kooiiya, West'■-Coast, Febiiuary 17. ' Takapuna, New . Piynioutlr Vand Onciiiinga, February 17. : , • :J • . ; . Monowai,. Lyttclton - arid ''Dunodin, February 18. . ■ > ■■...>. . _Waikare, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland! February. IS. . \ . -_Mapourika, Picton, Nelson, arid West Coast February .18. -. - . ; Wakatu, Kaikoura, • February lft iNTEnCOLOhIIfIL SERVICE. ZEALAND]A, b.s.;; leaves -Sydney, Februarv. 19, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne aacl Napidr. Due Wellington, February 28,' and leaves, same day for; Jiyttelton and Dunedin.: '. JtAII.FNO, s.s., leaves Sydney,- February ]5 for' Wellington direct.- Due ..Wellington, February ID. Leaves Fobruary 20, I'm- Melbourne via Southern ports, aud llobart. ~ Due . Melbourne, February 20. ■ . , ' . MOBUAKI, s.s., leaves ..Melbourne, February 19, for Wellington,' viu.Hobart and 'Southern ports.' Duo Wellington,-February -JS. Leaveslor Sydney direct came day. Due Sydney, March 3. , MANUKA, s.s., left- Sydney, February 12, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne,' aiiii Napier. Duo Wellington, February 21. Leaves for Lyttelton and Dilnedin same day. ■WIMMEI'.A, s.s.,' left Melbourne, ■ February 12, for Wellington, viu llobart and Southern \iovls. Duo Wellington, February 21. Leaves 'or Sydney direct same day. 'Due Sydney Vebriiary 25. WAHItIMOO, s.s., leaves. Sydnev, Februarv 22,' for Wellington direct. Duo WMlingtoii February 2G'. Leaves February 27 for Melbourne, via Southern ports and' Hobart. Due Melbourne March 7.

'MOiCOIA, s.s„. leaves .Swl#ej,;;February .26,; for Wellington, via- Aueldijiul^Gisboi-ne,-and Napier. Due "fi,.," Leases same day for Lyttelton ■ ,j •, • fCTOItIA, s.s., leaves,,Jhmqiliniv,February: IR, for Sydney, via Lyttelton, Wellington, Aapicr, Gisborne, and AuckliWd.' Arrives and leaves Wellington Febru)i»rßo.n'il)ue Sydnpyi February 28. _ ~, V OVERSEA SHIPPING."' '* STEAMERS From London. • srai !;!::evr '■ NEttEdANA {duo WelllngtiJK raWnt-''FoC-''' fuary IB),' sailed on . DecUifibei' 'j;':: V'id" IV'UjS-! tralian 'ports, Auckland, audi "Napier; : (TyserLine, agentß.) • - „ IIAKEIIE (due Wellington,-.aboufc 20), Bailed- on Sydney,, Auckland, and Napier. ■(Tyser Lino, agents.) 1 1 ; ! .1": j?™*' ' 'i'OKOMARU (duo Wo.llift&tb'fi - aß&yif'"EebyW |*ry 13), iailed on December Aiicklarid-.' (Slmw. Savill, agents.) c.i. 1 AHA WA (duo WellinfftoH" ttb'ont'FibrUSry' 25), toileil oil January f)> 'Plymoutli January 11, via-Capetonrii and £avil.t agents.). . ; s .-V ,'.ii ItAICAIA (duo Weilinpton. abqiit-i March. 10),6aileil on January 11, .vii^upklaadv,otlWiS,,Co.. asents.) - " ItIMUTAICA (duo, Wellington about J-). .sailed on Jauuarv ' '2fj,' L via'.' I'lvnuj'iiih,'. lensriffe, Capetown, and JIoI»rt. < ,(NAS: ; -'C6:,' Agents.); '

S-l AE OF SCOTLAND (duo AEcllingtotviabonlw April 1), sailed on January 17,cvin.'MolbourilCr Sydney, Auckland, and (Tysei'vLinc, ajjentn.) ' . '. .... (due •WellingJ.onHaboufj April-' 12), sailed on January 31. via Mboufne,'Srtl-' a"eiits A ) llCklan 'd' ' lUd i

trom Liverpool.!, ■:- v /- OSWESTU'Y ' GRANGE'' ' ( i; "'W6tllfigVrii l about February It), .sailed r dh Deccm'bbf IG,Auckland.' (N.Z. ;and A.Sv-«£o'''apents.)(.i\v, i KIA pit A (duo ..WelHuptou raboutrFebrharj;; 21); sailed on Jamiary'2, viar Aiickland^-(Shan*, r Savill; agents.) / ' ir ; lt ; ..RUURISY: (duo Wellington about Tilarcii 211. finilcd on -January IS, - Line, auontfi!,) i ... BfiVON= (duo .abont .April 17), failed on February B,.via"-I\ustr'ali-a :and'-4ucfe-land. (F.K.S. Line, a'gent^.)^- .. Vj • ' • -ivilir.w;,; From New York. • v •J.OUD SEFTON (dub W,cliPflfffen a ruary 1C), fiailotl on November -S. via. Aufitva-. imn ports! and Aucklaud. 'Liie,, SKCnIS.) ' • ■ -nj-i JwliT .tWui

_NEW ORLEANS .{duo-'-'iVeltinfiton -Tibont February 15), sailed on ■Diffifenilsei?' I !}.o; ! 'ft!f land direct. (Ar an d-A l ->I./To e 1 r rt gents.pJ-'<>*' l : INJIUALEMA (due WelUhgfoii"about-I'ebru-Tfr 16), sailed on' Decom'beY- ti, HHs" AriistJalia and Auckland. (Tjrscr Lino. l -agents.) *i ;■ABERLOUR (duo ! Wellington • 'about>"March'i .12), sailed on- January . 2,. via.,l'ort'.CUalinci's;:.^

, ? OF. ENGLAND (due!WL'lli 11 irtdft ab'dut April .i). sailed on Ja'-; up, rv -14: vi .-v - M elbiTurnP pydney, -and' Auckland. ; (Ty-sec v Xinfc;,. agents.).;.: •jSTBATHAVON' (duo Wellington. ahout-.Apnl 8), sailed on' January. IS. - v la- -Mclboiirne,---.Syd-ney, aud. Auckland. "(A. and A. .Lino, agents') SAILING VESSEIS 10 ARRI\ E ,

• INVERSIAY, barque, SHlled'tfrbii'LivdfWoo'l' -Novcrnber 19, :via Dunedini'ivi ' r;,»»V«# 'j.WBATHERSFIELD; bm-que,:.left--lJimbirry : February. 1,,f0r-Wellihrtoii I j • COLONIAL .'EIIiPIRH, fuuri!nfls{ed"-bar(ttt6" l left; Monto: .Video on - February .-frfor -Wellilig- .1 -ton.; I.;:'.;'" ' - 1 .rffjj :. ' "J"" _ !, . BY TFJ.EGH U'E 1 - . OVERSEA Mm; .' [~i February-14.' . 'bailed.—li-oromiko, for 'Zealand.... '. melbou^E.- „ .. . - C.d. .• February 14. . bailed.—Alexander Craig, for Auckland.-; SYDXE-YC--'. Arrived, at" 7. p.m; V , land. , Sailed: Ysabcl, for Aucklaiid_ J■ . - 1 I'i f-..> j j"i i-U; COASTAL. . J rRIDAY, FEBRUARY <14.<.«n CAPE MAEIAi..r> 1 ■Stella passed east; 4.50 'pm su.t Ji' ''e<U V! ■ Arrived.—lua Ora pool. , ;Ajrivqtl.—Oswestry Gra&go,o7?^SL)','utioiii Liverpool,. via Capetown -iOJ'd v ;H : 6b4i;t'/ '' Tlio S.S. Eiiiierdale, froin oydncy.Vis'ancliorccl' outßide.'.'./ . . 'v Hf.v n-3 . imi

steamilr'vlHs Nbrfolk..'ißliSnd. : .. .■ ■ ' :r.: •'«'lis

* OMUIUNOrA. ( £ ' ( akapuna < Sailed.'— I Takanuka, 'forn': N&tv^t ia\ttK ■ Passengers: Saloon—Missos;,Chfcn,y v OTaihidl«g4 gartjv Codlc,' M'Eca, BlacJibjitn,: jo\vottt;3Ceiir nett; Mesdames Chouy, Thomson, r ,Sii)qki]V Coitroll,: Archdeacon .Colq, Sinclair, .BlliJFo/ Gibby, LiM.S son,. Bickford, Bond, BrjMik'j Cobfei- TlM' Cottrull, | M'ltinessi • Mjw riAUQuik IJ J oLj , • Arrived.—Earawa ; (l.lD«"a;ui'.)^>hfrdm J --One-' liungai .• 'r ; '.:.,.■' Arrived.—Kittawa ! ; (8 a.nj,=) n froji>; r ,Q M jb.ijnga;; hailed.-rKarawa.-.(!). p.m.t-foc, Ouohuiiga-r, Sailed.-Tutanekai (9.- ;■■■ : v.\ ■■■;'' WAnganct™ ¥f .! Sailed.—Cliarles Ed«f»rd' lingtoh. ;, I-i-V , : Arrived.—liana (8. a.m.J^froiiiiLWelliiigfon:;!', , Sailed. r Aorcl'e (8.10 a.m.),-for. Wellington lo Bail.—Mana (8, : f for. Woljingtoi>/'j.i;' ; /:■ V foxt^J Arrived.—Queen of. the ' day), frbm .Wellington. v,. i>"•! Sailed;—Queen-.or t(io. Soath'-*f7.3o!p.iiil),': for; Wellington!-' ■ ".'•■• I'vlVf.": ! . ''f Arrived.—Mokoia...( for ''ffiplHOß*'' t0 »- -W.;fc Od BLLMinnr , '■;• Arrived.—Blenheim (5 ajui .'trofii^elifnfr ; ton.i . . ; ,■■,.■'"■,...' '.C PICTO\ T .. . Arrived.—Alexander 'jtfe.t-' soil. ; ■; ' .* ■' ' ' '" '• " ; To' sail!— To. Anau(lo, p.ifl;),- 'M'TVellifiSton:. i;. r;~' V: nlri^V' "Arrived:—Manarba Wei* lingbnw? ■•. .•. ; Ti-v.ii.iV:i.. n i To sail—lfanaroiv (6 .Pjjni>,LSPXl^M£jU»gtPiV»-*, PU'ongA Sailed.—Tainui '{8 . ; ■ ■ NELSO^f ; >»">ja;';j of Arrived.—Penguin (620" Tasriian (B.' a.m.) * and To AnaiHfif :anii.);*f i-olii ; .Wullington. .. '*■" ■'<" /.'■ Sailed.—Te Aiiau 1 '(£ls •]y.ra;)i' , f6r''fPidtsn? i,l,i To Sail.—Mapourika (6wwniv«-&tnWiv)«y'foi"' Wellington'.:-.:: ',L ";.i ,Lv

wj'STpqu^r Arrived.—Rosamond ( .fromi.>Wolliiicton. - . '•.To'.Sail.— Mnpourika: (5 . foj ; -^elson,:; : !i' ; _ noKmrtA^ Sailed.—Defender. 'a.m l Tf 1 ingtbiiT■ via"WßStport.-:';,'. ... GEEYMOI'ITt i ." Sailed:—Mapourika (71, a:nl.),"-£or We6tportW n ' Sailed.—Defender (2.25 ton. : ■■>.; ■ ' 'lis!;; '';:.:". Sftilod.—Kotulcn (10.5 p.n^) 1 .-&r',M f elliiigion..V , LYTTLI rov 1 . Arrived.—Murnmii (7.13 ."iiTra"'ilotamahauiv (11,10'a.irt.), from WelHiiiitpii. , -r- „ : / Arrived.—l'etone (4';®'- :^.Cv'lfls&;{uiiß! « mouth; Talari- (8 a.m.), froiiV' .TiiharU..', Sailed.—Hippingham Gra!h'Kd.':y.!ffl''i).lii3,'i!f<irr • Dmiwlin. ': ■ J ' Sailed.—Kippla ; (5 p.m.),'.-.foi-",Cliatham, lands; ■ • J : "'L„-iy I 'iV-.'Vi.'iis-,*,; ; Sailed.—Canopits,;for.Westpo ft. : . Sailed,—KnitUlia, for- G)'evJflA«Tlir"- . Sailed.—l'etono, for Gre.«mftitli..>.tifj «sirJV 0.Siiiled.—Rolomaliana toil, with'loß passengers, ■inui? ": r '- 'uaa-.Se ' Sailed.—Mararna (5.20 if;m;-)i' for-jDunediii'' ; Bluff, liobart, and.MclboWme.Vi, DU.StdkS'' Arrived.—Waikare, froafAuckland, Sailed.—Poherua,'" forWi%t ;i <soast. ; , pout chai<mbbs. ■ Arrived.—'Waipori (8 a , .ml);' l: 'frbH ; ., jYelling- -! ton. . •■■ ■ *' 5 "BLUFF. j Aiiived.—Orori, from Lyttelton. i

; TJIB- KIA OKA. ' The- Shaw,;.Savill .and Albion Company's Stijamer'luii' OraV'which left Liverpool' on 'January 2, arrived in Auckland at 4.30 yes- : ctmlAy afternoon. Slio is 'due in Wellington about February ■I IMPORTS BY THE STAR OF. AUSTRALIA. . /"iTh'o /i\v£er.;.Xmo,:steamer ; Star ,of '.Australia,; nyhicli left the Bluff last Sunday for London,' . /via. .way' ports,. carried produce from-'Now,. . i/fgaland : ports an .'follows:—Wellington, 1210 ~ ,-tniis;-Jinpicr, 1372 tons; Gisborne, 737 tons; .Bluff,"sSfi;tbtts'., 'Her Bluff.'shipment- included. t ! 'l2oo'and'-1300 .-bales of wool, .672 carfcasesof :lainb,-.aiid .427 .'carcases mutton! ' ■ • ■ V; , : 'v - the lordsefton. ' ' .. >y fk'o *N6W''Zehl4nd:''and'" African: Stearii' Ship. ; ,S9,'. n P An s'.advise.- that the .A; 'and A.' Lino steamer,-. Lord . Sefton,-'from New Torfc, left.' Thnrsjlaj-" .for Auckland; ven--i, s :<luo;.at •'Wellington- about February. . ; 25, ! yAV'lieii tho/Lord Sefton has completed; unload" :-.-lDg-' her ;Nelf-^Zealand cargo, sho \vill'ib« " 'handed over lo~the Howard- Smith Comp.iny, ■tovijjg recently been ohartered by the Com-'.. probably, for its Australian-Sail Frail, i Jisco -service. '> " OF ; STEAMERS TO ,' • VANCOUVER. ... , ' • '^'V'srs;" : . Johnston''' nndCompany, Ltd., • •agbnta for the Line-of. steamers to Vancouver',' 1 lmvo been' advised * that tho . stcaitier«'Of;,liiitlivoii"is leaving ' Vancouver to-day; • 'Zealand.-.••Affcefrdischarging at -New >££$,"\ n 4 '• P.o.vtsj.j.she-, .proceeds ,to . Australia, to ShO r.iis - time-tabled • to' learo Sj'dney oji "April.JO, i ,^du-Wollmgton April 15. Tho • PM? ; *,9^L.-Hv^VGn- will .* do . tho i i>Xs^ravGlli > about June 10.,./. BY TEE THORPE GKASGK • ; • Line' 'st6amor* Thorpe Grange : .i?S-72rn ho S fo l l^2'^K: -^ ir S° At;.sVellmgtbn for. --u.nM. of,.England ports:—'ll,432 carcases ' lamb, 953 ■ carcases mutton,! G3B quarters beef. jSh boxes,boned'beef, 2032 boxes butter, 21IV; .coses, .cieese. .721,.ca5e5.,-preserved-, meats,- 41£, ;bales .to)y,y 102.- bales '-hemp,. 1, bale -wool; ?. packageß."siui(lries.'' Tlite Thorpo Grange' sailei? lor I qrr Ohaimers-oil Tliurglay night in co!> .tmnauco of bei' Homeward lonning operations ' * ary 22 . : from 'Lyttelton on Febrtt". ' "if r .. THE: WARRIMOO. ' tiimH n ' on , -. Company's . intercolonial' ]L4ci ft »,ftrnmoo, which arrived from Melbourne, vin> I 'Uooart and Southern ports, brought .the follo«ing imports_for. Wellington:—33 bags .flour,"' f -'-2?!; P 0 ,iP cases gasolene, 99 ingots' -ton, ioU eases motor spirit, 98 bags onions. 300. jfjJSW:: powtow;.- 75 - bow* 'sultanas, 573 bags' gend. bait. 18 _ cases brandy, 21 bdrrels oil, "n^ a f s :h iS. e J ul . ce > 25 csteps. grease, 67& pacliRfe H-Pieces.;timber, ,57 cases bottles.: ■V' cas ®s tobacco, "d cases and ft - bodied • cornsacka,- 170 cases. /AlPi# millc;'. 34 hogsheads ; k»al-p i oa i ' i fiicks grass seed, , 91': 'drih rf wM' : ' a ''"K' quantity of. sun-. ' Wl FWnrr l m°o sailed for Sydney "direct diin bl f- • afternoon^:abd is ; duo back m A\ellingtoD on Wednesdhy jveek.-

AERIVATj OF' THE RUAPEHU; - 1 7icnlaiid Shipping Company's- • from London, via war ports an j ved^ii}..'the; 'Stream - sliortlv after '5 pm' • fif Pvv 1 * 1 was -granted, and nho !!ir» , nt Is ° 1 noitl. Queen's Whuf, about .■i'SlW#. six. She. passed: Cape JFarewell' at 7',, light bar S.E. aire, ' si Jit hai!f>,_and fino weather till: arrival 'in / St.earn it Wellington it 515 p m The Ruapehu has 55-10. tons of cargo for die•faPfrH expected-to IraVQ +»fw- i ir '' a I'-t, »«t--'W«lnesdav.' Cap- '■" iritli ■ ln ■• o ° mlnrj «l.- ; nnd has, 0 P via J 11 ?^ 8 ofßct,lS -Chief, M r . Jleart; fceeoiid.-Mr. 6- Ei' Worthinirton- • ••"• fifth' IffJ'il ,, | ott ; ; " 1 : o »rth,'Mß-,G. E; : Fox| ■■ - ?r' to-lively; ship's surgeon, Dr A Viile 1! Mr.- A; r ,ulle,. qhiefestowardviMr.-iN. jr.; Janes., .

EM'ORIS BY THE ICAIKOURA ,' J "' 1 "lho 2"fo\y. Zealand -Shipping" CombinvV IwL f | r S rtltl ' lctt on ihuisday for London,, via 'Monte. Video*'. 1 St ' ' •nnrH ? W too - k tlie ' ' ports {-From 'b6xes : butter ' ' bales wool, . 39. -bales " ' ? - - 'W'-<»r6as& : mUt-,' ' 501Hqnart(ir6 beef,' 130 - ? i ; ®n r ' CrateS infants ' food - 1727 ™ r sundries.- • : From- i >•' ,55J. iPlyiamUhj-MOe boxes butter,, 2184 cases • * boxes, iintter, 5442" me« -plieese.-.i-.i-roni 'Napicr-940 boxes '.butter, " V ' coses:.,cheeso. : Eroni -boxes bntZ s^mttru^lS^balfes 1 wool.' 10 "bales ' , * cheese.- '' r From ,'. 'MPi' lPi 1 ? l ? a bales- 'tow, !t 1 !9?,.*K°01. 22^.-bales sheepskins, 61 -bales --rah oilskins, 10. bales, horse hair, : 33. casks-tal-- ■- }|93rr luy, -pcicKages 638, cases, cheese,' 28 • :• i , ??sMrcs; v sundries.'-.,- ,• From,.■ i M7--.Boseft. batter,, 2.5S cases iiheeso, • b . a M : - w 9-Ol>; ll ' ,J ? lc ''" R heep.skins l 80 cafits tal. ! m,- 52 o dumps >and' 20a.:'bale S ' : .t6w; ,100- caskq 1 nrelts,';. 136: bales-Miomp; : '.;lo -.bales 1 leather, 515 ,- ; boxes| ludneyp,- ..SSSVv.'-fiarcases^'miitton,'"24,9oß '■ ■ 18'packapros sun- •• lL r ™ s i- chpt)in^s.. From AucklandigS22 hpsdaMttec/m 'cased chccso'. .::Frohv Gis- \ .bornc^l-;'boxes ; butter.. -Ffom' Blenheim—lls • ; ' :cbco!it. ; ' -.7 - i'v-

.v, Mr; I DaigleisliH-jiils 'joiiied: the Maori /an as- '. 1 . -distant--! purser; '^iee■'.Mh'-'Piisfcoe; wlio 'trans-'' ; ' ferred Jo- the .Maramii. •:v • ; . i ThO' steamed Putiki' i 3. loading timber •at : i ■ -Greymoutli ,for iytteltoni Sho is. duo in. Wei- 'v' 'lingtoii-'.abont*. Wednesday.'; '.' ' ••• Captaii'r LB'eir'arrived' from' .'the'' souih,' yeo- : ;terdnj'rtß;''t/i(k6 egiii)n'aild 1 of th 6 : Kini, . ; wliich ; . J.: -leiivciS • f6r'.Chwymontb' -' '.Messrs. Johnston and Co. advise , that,".the ; ; ' ; Jltiia |.sails.' for 'Motueka, 'froni""Wellingtpn, iliis evening, and the Manaroa leaves Welliiig-. "tpn for'-'tho sanio porl on Monday.'. ' -i-. /• ; Thoi--F.H.$. tine ; 'steamer;Oswestry Gr.ings, v', >fiom <LlveriUo).'.Tia> Capetown . and-. Hobart,: 1 < in' "An'iiklii'nd ~at .7 : last night. She . ! |s. du6 -ih. , r\Yollingt6h.:about , i i 'ebruary 21. - ,

,! Captain Newton' joined the. Waikaro a£ Lyt-v' - .) lelton oii, Thursday,- Captain Kolls has trans- : : I l'erred_ ffjini ithe : tlio Monowai, 'and v.: Captniri ■ : Colm"lt'Uoiiald left in', command of- ■ i •the Wa'rrtmofr for"lSydiit-y yesterday.'' *j yet' been 'fixed for v the v v 'magisterial :'_in[iuiry: .into' the;, ciremustahccs • i with..the, touching. of ; ,Karoi.;reefJ ; by/v,the:'steamer.' W.iihi - , on. February,; 7. ,'Tha':, .te'P: liautical .'•assessors.' .will' not be appointed.' V until j dato ; is'^fixodi 11 ■■i' / 1 *'*"• -Tho[ i^dst.oh':';tfadti' : ..Qtieen' of, 4he ,-Sonth;> : '-' -which;;-has, been grounded' in ,the' Maiiawatn ' ltiveri since ;; lost.": Sunday,'. was -7ioated 'off otV.Tiuii'sday night's tide.' She is dua .* ; ', ..a^JVpllington'.thisi'inornilig, ;and is to leave' : for roxton later'invthe-day.. ' ! : Consepuerice, of ,'tlm late- arrival at ; Dum,, -edm- tem^-Ayellirißttn ( ''.« "Waiklirei "which usually arrives' a'f ' on' Sunday from Dunedin: and Ivt t'eltoli, -will- not'-airivc this trip until'.Tu'o» ' : v Sho ; sAils,:. the '.sainfe day- for Napior,. x 'Gisborne, .; and Auckland. v. -■.

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 122, 15 February 1908, Page 7

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SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 122, 15 February 1908, Page 7

SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 122, 15 February 1908, Page 7