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(By S. H. Whichellb, of the Gregg Shorthand Institute.) PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES." Tho wonderful flexibility and power of expressing every sliad.o .and. depth, of.meaning given to tho languago by the 30 suffixes and six prefixes will be, apparent to tho'.Teader .if he will consider tho.immensb number of. combinations that can biv mado from these suffixes and prefixes. By their-aid hot thousands but millions each of which would have, on account of the invariability, a definite and 'distinct meaning, " now and for all time, and that. 1 moaning grasped at a Bingle,gl&rieo.\ ' Tho'Grefek^student will remembcr.hbw, .if he wanted, to get tho esoteric meaning of some Greek word, tho number of authorities and lexicons.:ho would bo obliged to consult. > Hoir»vastly different is this languago. Tlio 'Esperanto:lexicon..can be carried in your waistcoat pocket; . Surely the man or woman, must , bo very, .busy who can't find timo'to study-this marvellous and interesting language..;.. 1" \ . LIST OF TREFIXES. - "Bo" denotes any, relationship resulting from marriage; "patro," a , .father;.... ."bo-, patro," a father-in-law.;,."filino,',' a:;daughterj "bo-filino," a , „'.'l)is"; denotes division, dissemination, separation,' as it does in Englisli;-'jhotii'-to throw; "dis-jheti," to throw about, to scatter.'

"Ek" denotes tho beginning of an action, or. its short duration ; ~','kanti," to sing;."ekkanti," to begin to sing; "brili," to,shine; "ok-brili," to-flash., "Ge" denotes persons of both sexes taken together ; . "patro,". a father; ge-patroj," - parents or ■father... and mother.' "Mastro," a master; "ge-nmstroj," master and. mistress; "edzo," a—husband; "ge-cdzoj," a married.couple or.husband and wife. "Mai" denotes the direct .opposite of any idoa; "forta," strong; "mal-forta," weak; "estimi," to esteem ;■ "mal-estimi," to. dospiso. "Re" denotes, as in English, repetition, again, back;" "iri,"'to go; "re-iri," to go again; "diri," to say; "re-diri,!' to repeat. . • '

ORDER OF, SUFFIXES...;;-• The grammatical terminations a,'o, i, o, u, as, is, OS 1 , us, showing the partvof speech l and mood and tenso of verbs must'end all words (except some of the primary words), the accusative "n" or plural "j" being added if required.-. Suffixes precede ' this termination in their natural order; For instancej'.if ;you • want I ', to say a tiny female kitton,'rwe; com-1 nionco with the root "lsat," .then add "id" (suffix for offspring of), "kat-id," kitten; then ."in" (suffix for'ifeiiiale), "kat-id-in," kitten female; then "et" (diminutive 'suffix), "kat-id-'in-et," kitten female tiny. ~\Ye have j now got the root and tall", the suffixes, 'and we might make the wbrd;'ari-''adjective'.'by;;'add-ing !'a,":biit wo want a.noun, so,add; "o" ; "kat-id-in-et-o," a tiny female kitten. -If,we place "et'.' '-after-'-'kit," we ;'c6mmenco l»yi speaking of,a-tiny cat','for'"kateto'l'lias that' meaning, so' would "be: the female offspring of'a tiny . cat. ;If, we reversed ,the three suffixes wd should get<"katr in-ot-id-o," offspring of. a tiny, female cat. 'This shows the importance,of, placing them in their natural order. The i student can make,

no mistake if ho' commences witli. 'the , : root' and forms a word of 'eaoli-'.'suffix /r in '' succession; for instance, "hundo," a' dog; "hutid-id-o," a puppy; "hundid-in-o." a femalo puppy; "luinilidm-cg-o," a huge female puppyHOW TO USE THE PREFIXES AND SUFFI\LS "Larn," root/word; "lern-i. J !to learn; "leni-ad-i,'' to study; "lern-igh-i.'; "lern-og-i,'- :to' cram; "lein-ig-i, 1 to cause to, loam; ; "-leni-et-i, 1 -' to ' dabble in learning; '*dis-lorri-i,"to■ learn--in- a-desul-tory manner. ; .' 'Ek-lerri-i," -to: begin, to learn; "el-lenri," to learn thoroughly; :lerni,!' to unlearn,; "re-lorn-i,"'- to , ■ le-leariv; "lem-anto,", a pupiU; (mas.^; > '.'lernant?-i 11 -o;*'■ a pupil,' 'a'learnor ) -^feift^s-: : "lorn-ej-ah' : oi" .'iischoolboy; - Vloyn-ejiif-inio,'' 'a . schoolgirl; "ge-leni-ant-o-j," , pupils' (mas. and fem.).'; "lem-oj-ist-o," a school- tcaclier; ' "lern-ej-ostr-o," a head schoolmaster; "lern-ant-ar-o," a class; ''lern-fj-o," a school; "lern-ej-et-o," an clementaVy School "lerri-ej-ar-pj" a university';; "lerniiil=o;" a-, learned man; "lern-ul-in-o,'.' ; a learned woman,. a "blue stocking; knowledge; "lern-il-o,"'; intelligence '• - worth learning;"ler%6,",, a,qt qj, actijan /'.of,, learning; "lern-ebl-a," learnable; "lern-cc-p,'''. loarnedness;' er-o,". a subject of iv curriculum,; "lerri;^,"^.|fiarri(sd l ;, -.|"lerji-e," learnedly. .:.'

LA FlEX.O:p(Daiirigo:) ' Apenau • shia patrino'.'sliin .'rem'tirklsj'' shi kriis al shi. .Nu mia ;filiiro?~,' JCs,':'patrmo,'re-: spondis al shi; la jmalglibntilulino, s f eljetante Unu, sorpenton kaj uriu' raiion. Ho, 'chiblo 1 ftkkriis la 'patrino, k , i6n s mi'vidas'?:"'ShTa fro-; tino on cliio cstas , kijl.iia H ';B!i'i^pjfgi!(i i> i)l '.s|ii--pof. tio chi!' Kaj shi tuj kuris bati shin;',Lh ma|felicha infano' forkuris -ls.ij .k'asbis sin en la plej proksima arbaro.' La'-Hlo de la regho, kiu rovonis ! 'do ;'chaso, ; -jshih'-renkontis;V.kajj.':vi-dautp, ko shi cstas bq]a, l.i .ilemandis shin, kion : shi faras/tio chi.' tute ( :sdia"kaj pro. kio shi ploras. Ho.,'ve,. sijijpfo',. mia;pa,truip forpelis min '..el • la'.; <ipmo;' ; lia reghido,. kiu; vidis,'*ko el shia buslio diris kelko .da ■ perloj kaj kelko da: petis shi diru al li, dekio tio"islu':venaß;.\'Sßrrßfcbntis al. li sian tutan aventuron7.„La reghido korisideris, ke tia kapablo.havas pli grandan indon, ol chio, kion oni povus doni dote al ajia fraulino, forkumlukis shin al la palaco de sia -patro, la regho; l;ie li edzighis. jo.shi.; Sed pri shia fratino ni povas'diri,' kd slii farighis tiel malaniinda, ke. shia propra'patrino. shin forpelis do si;-kaj la malfelicha knabino,.multe kurinto kaj (trovinte,neriiun, kiu volus-shin akeepti, baldan mortis'en angulo dcarbaro.-.. THE TAlßY.—(Continued.) - . (Literal; translation.) As soon as her mother saw her, slie called to her, "Well, : my, daughter.}'; !'Yes, : mother," replied to her tlio rude girl,. ejecting a serpent and a frog;'"-"Oh, Heavens!" exclaimed the mother,..''what 'do I'.see? .Hor sister ris in everything to. blamo; X will pay her for'this." And she immediately ran to beat her. Tho unhappy child ran away and hid herself in tho;ncarest"forest,' Tho son ol the king, who was returning from tho chase, met her, and seeing that slip;was so beautiful, ho asked lier what sh'o is ' doing here, : quite alone, and for what she'is crying. "Alas, sir, iny mother drove me- from tho house'.'..V . The prince,: who. noticed that., from/.her mouth issued some pearls and some diamonds, asked her to tell him from whence this; camc (comes). She told him hor. whole adventure. Tho prince considered, that;' sUch a capability has : greater, valuo than./ everything (all) which ono would ~bo ablo ;tc givo as dowry to ': another girl;., took hor to the palace of.. his .father,,, the king, where" ho married herV jßut concerning hei sister, wo may say that - sho - beoamo so intolerable that her .own mother , drove liei away from her, and t)io unhappy girl, having wandered a long time about and finding-nc ono who would accept hor, ■ soon died .in a corner of the w00d.,,, .* .... •.; Iv. ;..

If a man loses wo; say "A fobl. and his money are soon parted." If ho wins we say "A fool for luck!" . i. J ■

"But lifo has no bright side I" wailed tho pessimist. -'"Tlicn'.'got-i.bußy--;nnd ; polißh-\up the,dark side," rejoined,tho optimist.,. ■

"Somo people," said the-earnest citizen, "aro saying, that ..ybu iJiiido. most"" of. your money in politics." 1 " "I know it','!'' replied tho boss, "but there 1 aro others who: say I modo all my money out-of politics, so who aro you going to beliWo?" 1

"High sir?"- remarked an AmoriCan, contemptuously; to his Cockney friend. "Why in England you don't know what'height is. Last.timo I was in- New York it was a-blazing hot' day, and I saw a man coming out of .the lift wrapped from top to too in bear skins, .and I,.said to him, 'Why aro you muffled,. up.on a broiling day liiso this?' 'Wa-al, I 'lio said, 'yon seo, I live at tho top of the buildin', and it's so high that it's covered with snovr all the year round 1' "

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 122, 15 February 1908, Page 13

Word Count

ESPERANTO. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 122, 15 February 1908, Page 13

ESPERANTO. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 122, 15 February 1908, Page 13