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Tni; SHAKE MARKET. •V - An ■ average; amount ,of idonoj; • .on 'Change yesterday. LeyluncPO'Brien.VEm-i. = ber shares sold at 455., showing no change on tbo previous sale. Auckland. Tfamway Ordinary (shares sold at 245. 6d.,' and ajiart from : these'transactions the market 1 was quiet. /"Bhares wei'ft neglected. Nationals were wanted' l; ?at' ~£s '.6s. FinancialVsharos,; plaimed mo?t;.at- ; , ( ton tion, and ".there were ;buyers.' ; of: Wellington. 5 Trust and > Bs. J 'l'lifew, 0n,4 " ■ lliver PlateV''at ';£r and~ : Mercantile,' < buyers '4s.' 9d.';' 'sellers' 55. ; 3dj jland.',Wellington... ■ Deposit shares' were offered'ai; 10s./ Gas'fchares' were not. quoted. In insurance y shares; the . only quotation, iwas.ifor. ; 'Neiv Zealand .Insur-; • ance, which, were on-sale ..:divi:;' ■ dcnd. Meat'.'.'.sHves'.iWere ;avallablua?,to "'lraj-er^, Gears at, £2'lOs.Y Wellington Meat Export at £6 12s. 6d., £5 25., and .63 ss. 9d. ,forthe respective issues;':. A; J .demand"fdr:"AVellihgt6ia( Woollen shares was ''evincedj-yesterday; ' buyers'. • ' offering £3 5:5., and .sellersholding f or. J23"10:5.. : Taupiri'Coal shares were in demand at £1, and ■ Mountain Rimu Timber! at 23s;> j.Xherb'* ' were sellers of Loyland-O'Brien Timber'at US* ss. 6d., and of Wcstport Coal at £7 155., cum dividend,-:. >. < ■ . . THE MINING MARKET. A, ...-better.' tone prevailed; l ; yesterday, '-'bptl}, \ "Talismans and Waihis'b'bingjquoteci *a shade . ; higher. The former changed hands at £2 12s. 3d. The buying and selling quotations yesterday as under:— .• . . i.. Buyers. Sellers. Sales. -V .C.s. d. ,£ s. d._£ s. d. ..Talisman'-"; : ' ! r.. 2 12 : G' 2133"2 12 "9 ,'Waihi 8 15- 6 8 17"G'" " May -Qneen,o..-to 9«.,0 . Tairua Broken Hills* **— * "*"0 T't.r r . • " A"; ; Auio ii'iV.'./VAGISBORNE GAS .COMPANY. , r Tho balance-sheet of. this > Company." for theH year .ended December '31, w '1907, v is" fo'hand. The year's profit amounted to is .3d., :. which includes the premium' received on«.the: •i-salo r.of shares amountiiig to JE3IG 15s. With ;v the- amount brought forward, tho sum available for distribution is JE7431. The dividend,, /which approximates to 13J per'cent., absorbs . £2368.55. The sum of ,£IOOO is added .'to the reservo fund, leaving JG4OCS to bo carried for-, ward. According to tho report, tho gasr-coi-. ... sumption shows an increase of 14.42 per cent.' over 1906, and'lol.B5 l per cent. over .that .of four years ago. "Tho'sales of gas,;'coke;' tar; etc., and rents received totalled £9281; the ■ materials used in tho manufacture-of-gas';" etc., wages, salaries, etc., .£1321: repairs o'f work, £711; bad debts, £35.. Tho paid-up capital..- of_-tho...Company.- now- stands- : at ; £17,300, in 17,300 shares of £1 each.

THE WOOL OUTLOOK. Messrs. Henry P. Hughes and Sons, in their annual reviow,-: ; :.of Kthecolonial'-'" for 1907, emphasise''the riotwith-' standing the ' abundance'- of '-supplies,' iprices'--were fully maintained till the Veak in October, -induced;"; by - the' American - crißis, - and that, notwithstaridmg-ithe : 'abso,rptioiiVof<'evdrj7-' thing- that -was*brought to auction, there are : - at- present no 'stocks to speak of in users' hands.' The shipments from - Australasia were tho largest on record, but tho ijhols .experience of.the year exposes, the hollowriess of'tho. ~ contention, that'supplies . .;9uiremcnts.;'-.-;Th'o'-'amiriediate;-futui-'e; hftWever, . is not altogether- bright, bookjd'may -keep'the;-tradb..-b.Usy;'for : .'a'?fWvV . montns, xi 'is- sca'rcely-i - -likely-'th'ere : ' wilt- beany great inrush of new business unless an impovement in the general commercial situation take? place. Messrs. Hughes and Sons remark-.—"Although confidence, in our v sl;aple., \. has "momentarily vanished Vith ; the ■ tone 'of depressi6ri"'that"~is" everywhere visible, this fact ought not to be lost-sight 1 of, .''or ;i£eiclearly shows that, even with the largest-clip, of;colonial..wool-.on record, supply has not yet overtaken consumption.'' The" out-: . ,/look is regarded in very different ways. On the one side are those who cannot keep from looking back to 1900-1, and prophesy a return to something like the unprecedentedly -lijw- .. prices that then prevailed; but their numbers are few, and it is doubtful if they really ■:l)eli.V7o all that they 6ay. Others, more, _ numsrous, state that trado has, for the time; bein„', seer, its maximum point to the swing' of the pendulum and. tostho fact that/after a lengthened period.' df -'high 1 - E rices, a reaction and declining values must e expected, and are likely to exist for a ;• Bomewhat.i'lengthened-, l p,eriod.;;,ln!,a-egard;; crosssredS they point' to tho fact that even .with supplies at their lowest—as they were . at our recent; auction^—a.(U'o.i) Q_f. occurred,'arid is'only 'ia'foretaste of what is to come when, as will soon : be the case, free" arrivals Zealand : come in; while as-'concerns-incriribs''th'ey^ 'fore-'-see much difficulty in the, largo quantities-'that to 'hand, for the next few months, a, considerableipropbrtion, . of which was, of course, bought in the colonies at'high figures ibefore.-,etho.'American«trouble'; began. - Finally, in suptjort of these views, . the favourite argument, is (as might be ox- , pectj-1)' thfjt .as , prices Jow, ,in,:.19JJ0,,., when Australasia -only exported 1,156,000 bales, it is impossible for tho existing much higher level to be maintained now that she has so enornnusly increased her production .as to ship this year upwards of 2,100,000 bales. To this, however, comes the ready* answer v from ; the oilier .side that it ,'(vanted'..' , ;..y , ,' SL 'GOLD MOVEMENTSr Notwithstanding tho largo shipments of gold to the United States. during tho last three '. months of last "year, on balance, Great Britain shows a substantial gain. Tho imports and exports for tho past fivO' vy.car3v'.coinparoy.,as . under:— i ; ii--vr.rf? . Year. , - Imports. . Exports. ' ! 1903 .;i.':27,7b0;0b0' ;; ' 1904 'v.. ! '..i. !'33,900,000'..-.1^33,600,000 ' > 1905 i:i"i'r3s,soo;ooof!'.sr 31;000,000 ■ ' 1906 kf.'-f'';v.. ;-;46,100;000:; ;43,600,000:--< 1907 ,V--- 54,700,p«!^5i;00(^000-'V|;". The position '■'with!:: regawk to-'sUvcrVis" r quitd iifferent, ae'thV exports more often exceed .the ijiports. The'figures for tho past fivo years com■lare as under., Year. . Imports. a-. , 1903 ... ... 11,300,000 '11,400,000 " 1901 ... 12,900,000 ... 13,300,000 1905 ... ...: 14,400,000 -14,600,000- • 1906 19,300",000'' i.V "18,900',M0 1007 ... 18,100,000 ... 17,200,000

: WAIRAU VALLEY GOLD MINING r : "'ST COMPANY; Tho mcetirtg' the''sharoliolders. of tho above , Company, was held in' tho . Cumber of Commerce on February 11.. „In.'their report for" tho 'year ended... December'. 31, "'1907, tho directors,, statevthat , tho coat, of putting the mine in- order, and the length : of timo that , be. rcsquirjid','„tQ. completo ' the- repairs, "ircre .-much; .under-estimated,', and..' ais -.the direc„tprs ' I were'.,'djsfflUsfiedV.with .tho.': progress of affairs; a of .managements-was • ma'do. . weeks' bdfdro' Christmas; - , has", not hadi-muchv.oppor-tunity 'to. produce results,.,.thoyfirst..crushing, ■ before,thtf/.mine shut down,' 'being only about •iS-to'? 50 tons, stone, producing.': some, fifteen , (OuncesVof' gold•■from,' l th'e tables",only'. ~;With tho quantity, left, behind on : .tho, and ,ini tho, vats, tho directors consider .tho stone 'shotild' aveniKe 1 ' lOclivts.; to the tail, which is . quantity, of. ] stone';;,is , ready, :DUt:'-crushihg''operationsare delayedvowing-to the exceptionally dry season prevailing. Tho first-class order, ■and are'-'capable of'-daaling with from 400 to 000. tons of stone monthly. , Mr. T. - P., Coveney, chairman , of. in .moving the adoption of, tho .report iind .balance-sheet, .spoke.: of..the .work-, of-.the. Company during the past,year,_and-the-'difficulties .that had. been surmounted, in getting the mine jariijiplant, ;irijtj jgojpg order again.' ; He . stated that recentassays made by the manager, Mr. Thos. Wearne, showed that 1 the Company .had reefs, in. its'property, carrying very payable -gold,-arid when the, mine was properly, opened up he considered the shareholders should reap good results. After a number.of shareholders 'ha'd / spOke'n; i 'the'.'motion' for the adoption ■of ' •the--report? arid': balance-sheet was put to tho meeting., andt '^ e carried. :,. .. ■The'-'following . directors were elected: ■ Messrs.'- Thos.' '.'P.' .■ Coveney, John '.Wright, AY. 1 -A., Clwte, D.-Robertson,' J. A. Baron, C. Young", •F. W. Eenell, R.. Sloan, r J.: A. -Lutz, : W:"'..Faffjuhar.'' '-Mr.'."D.' : As. was ap-' pointed-'auditor;'. ■ A very full report was read from tho mine manager to the meeting giving assays of values ; oWcefs and"cyatoido Jsands.,-''The-report also/ nlluded to tho shortage of water owing, to the dry weather, which had prevented crush- . ing_operations. • vM At a meeting of directors-held subsequently, Mr. T. P. Coveney was elected chaiman. ' STOCK EXCHANGE. ;i(By iTELEGIIArH—pitBM;'ASSOCIATIOK.I Dunedin,. February 12. ' StDck:''Ek6hahg'c(. l siiles'':'' .Alexandra_ Lead, - 9d.> Sailor's Bond, Us.; Milbum Lime, 275., 265. 3d. " WELLINGTON; PRODUCE MARKET. ■ -The'.United Farmers' Co-operative Associatij n,mfioi»(i'!fnilows:—Wheat.: ss. 6d.:

tum,M<ta.v quonajßD-uyM""'... *• —-» maize, 55.; Algerian, oats, 3s. ,3d.; Sparrowbul feed,-25.10d;, 35.; new oaten sheaf chaff, £S 15s: ; pollard, £1 10s.;' bran,. .£5 10a.; Sunlight oil--cake.wjft • lOs.-r-flour;-'sacks ■ .512.-H.V' per -ton, prime..separator (in: Jb.'.'T)ats.)rls.;-. factorT. Is. 2d.,'' bulk dairy butter (in 561b. boxes) lOd.b&eon, ' sides Bjd., •hams- 9d.;:;choose, r - old'-'factory 6Jd. : ; loaf ,7d;; •honey,-;refincd.j.(in. SCIbJ. tins) '4Jd.; '.'imported ;sup«phospßateMiii"S>iton parcels), M 15s.- jj'er. ton; woolpacks; | loose tops 2a. 7d.,. full ako 2sV lid.; antiseptic sheep dip, 4s; Cd. per-gallon; ■galvanised roof-iron. 26g., rip to Bft. ,£2O-It's., ■ 9ft'.' '■£2f' l'Osl',' 'ltiVMi ,-10s.;', Johnson's. galvanlisedj.wire,, Nos:;:7 i.and ; 10s.;; Johnson's I'barb' wire,';3in;. andu6in., J6lß} Johnson's -reJisteeLMre,,£l6.;.; American 8," JBII 103;- nei i'< prime - machined 7d. ' : to .'7sdii. farmers'.rparcels,- ?Jd.' .and. 7dJ; ryegrass, perennial Canterbury machined, :55.. 6d.-to 6s. 6d. per bushel; Pacey's English ryegrass, ss. Gd. per bushol. ; . Mi HOitSE SALE. ' ■ vMe6srs. -. Balgaty and Company,' Ltd.,. Wellington, held their fortnightly, horse .sale at Mr. J. Keir's Abel Smith Street. stables, Weliington," submitted about 20 horses, including some very nice van horses. The attendance ot buyors was not so largo as usual, and'bidding was dull at the com--merfccment,—but ..livened up ... later. Useful jjbujtgf; vani hdrsesjreached from .£2O to JE2S, aged draughts) 1821; light horses,' to .£l2 10s.; ponies, to £7 10s. • _ ■ ' !,, , ; Tbe next-horse sale will be held on Wednesday, February 26. ' r STOCK-SALES. !-U!. Messrs/ 'Abraihani' and Williams, Ltd.,- reiport t on ;■ their. sale-as, follows : I A fair entry' of nullocks of fine quality made' 215.; best bullocks? : ''7s. 6d. to jM'. 155.; others,'.Jß., 17s. 6d. ss. A full, entry-of sheep of mixed : "qu'Sllty were : above requirements. Wethew 15s:;tqa5s.'l0d.j 16s. Id. ; ewes, 13s. Id., 135., 12s. 6d., lis. 9d. Lambs of medium, quality 12s;.- 11d.;,.:125.v1d., ; lis.'' Id.; plain; 10s.' 3d. to 10s. 6d. '. .' ««•' "'(Br'TELEGBAyn—PEESS ASSOCIATION.)' fafrmriZ. .?•c-",i .CnnisioiruECHj' February V l2. •' At .tno Addington''live stock market to-day there was a 'fairly'gdod varding of all classes of stock. The entry of fat.:,cattle , was just 'b6ttor''"thai'.''last week, though, the quality was not up to the usual-standard, only , two or thrco extra primo lines being 'dfferetL"-Tho"t6tal yarding was 290, and the pi-ices ranged as follow Steers, £6 10b. to .£9 „1?5.,;;,,-heifers',■ i jE!s ji -7s, to',.£7; ■cows, £4 ss. 6d.,< 19s.i to. 225. • for .pririioi and 14s. to 19s. for inferior,, per, 1001b. There was a larger-entry-ofifat'dambs than ;iast : .week, but they were of- indifferent quality, only a few pens containing lambs of good qualify. Prices: —Freezers, 13s. to 155.; lighter, :105..-to 12s. Gd! There was a fair yarding of-fat sheen of good quality, and prices were Prime wethers, 17a. Od; to £1; lighter, to-175,; priino ewes, 15s'.i-3dii-.£o 18b;; 6dV-;7,iiießium, ■ 135., to 14a. Gd. ■ aged-'arid light, 'Bs."' gtf., to ,12si ; Store sheep •wero . entered in fairly largo-numbers, - and the demand was good for sound v mouth , ewea • and 'forward* l condition '.'/' lambs. Sound-mouthed -breeding. ewes:Tnade~froin 135.-,Gd./t0,:155., and -young* ewes'" from-'lss. to 17s.' 3d'.. The yarding .iof.; pigs:, was .'small;--but-thd^marTtot...was. fairly .brisks-Baconers'TOado 45a.- to : -5(ls.' • ffe email, arid •545. .t6-:'655.; for; J largeri>;:Pofkors''.brought Ms -tor 445.- /for; medium 1 ,-?, and .;up3 to. : 50s;for - heavy weights (equal to from sd. to s}d. per lb.). Stores made from 12s. to. 16s. for small, and 355. to 435. ; for larger, while weaners brought 10s! to ~v , „.(I)TV; TEIiEQRAPn —PRESS ASSOCIATION.) -T- - - - -«■ rv-----'J3unf,din, - February 12. ""At„Buriisido' 1200 sheep were penned, a small yarding, composed princijalix

of medium class wethers, with a few peiiß of extra good wethers and ewes. In> consequence of the small entry prices showed an advance of Is. to Is. Gd. per head. Best wethers, 18s.' to. 205.; extra, up to 215.; good, from iGs. to 175.; medium, Us. to 15s. Cd.; best ewes, from IBs. to 18s.; extra, to 225. 9d.-; medium and inferior, .9s. to 12s. Lambs, 1342 penned, a good entry, but prices wero a shade easier than last week.' Freezing buyers wero operating freely. .Best, 15s.' to 17s. 9d.; medium, 12s. to 14s.;' unfinished sorts, 10s. to 12s. Pigs: 150 yarded, a. good entry, but a decline of 2s. to is. per. liead was noticeable. Suckers, 13a.' to 15s. fld. j slips, 17s. to 18s. 6d.; stores, 20s: Gd. T.i 255.; porkers; S3s. to 385.; light' baconers, 435.' to. 4Gs.; heavy baconers,.4Bs. to 6-ts. Cattle: •141, yarded. A small _ yarding of indifferent quality, but prices obtained showed, an advanco of from 10s. to 15s. per head. Best bullocks up to J6lO 155.; medium to good, £3 10s. to .£9 15k. ; small, i£G 10s. to £7 155.; best cows and heifers up to M 10s. GRAIN MARKETS. ./ (BY TELEGRArn—MUSS ASSOCIATION.) - : ; ■ _ Duotidin, : February. 12. - Oats.—There is improved inquiry for shipment and milling." Stocks of old oats, in storo are light, and'very ■ little new'season's'crops have come to - hand. Prime- milling, 2s. 3d.; good to best feed, 2s Id. to 26. 2}d.; medium, 2s. to .2s. Id. Samples of new wheat are offer-ing-from the north. 1 Values quoted 1 at 4s. <sd. to 4s. ■ Gd. for milling delivered at Dunedin. Old wheat finds ready sale for.-fowl feed, at prices above that obtained for milling. Prime milling' (old), 4s. Gd. to 4s. 7d.;i new, 4s. sd. to 4s. Gd.; fowl wheat, 4b. 64., to 4s. 7d. , . AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE MARKETS. BY TELEGRAPH—PRESS ASSOCIATION —COPYIUGIIT, Sydney,. February 12. Wheat, 4s. 4d. to.4s. 5d.; chick',, from 4s. Flour, ifilO 10s. Oats—Algerian milling, . 3s. 4(1.; White, 3s. 2d. to 3s. 3d. Barley—Cape, 4s. 3d. Maize, 4s. lOd. Bran, 13d. Pollard, 15Jd. Potatoes, M 10s.: to £7 10s. Onions, £7 10s. Butter, 110s. to 113s. Bacon, 9d. Cheese, 7d. Melbourne, February 12. • Wheat, 4s. 2d. to 4s; 3d. Flour, .-<610.. OatsAlgerian feeding, 2s. lOd. to 2s. lid.; milling, •35.. Barley—Prime Cape, 4s. Maize, 4s. 3d. Bran and pollard, 14d. Potatoes, <£3. Onions, ■EG. . Adelaide, February 12. Wheat, 4s. 2d. Flour, £9 10s. to JCO los. Bran and pollard, 14d. LONDON METAL-MARKETS. .. ~ BY TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION—COPYRIGHT. London, February. 11. Silver is quoted at 25 3-lGd. > , Copper.—On spot, 7s. Gd.; three months, £59 155.; electrolytic, £62. - Tin.—On spot, £127 155.; three months, '.2128. Lead, £li 2s. Gd. ... , .

g? JiSS; -ad : ,™«< ™ '"""■ sa ffiS- '^ r W. -y.^gBASKS.'. , - £. -' . '■■■£■■:■;; .".'£ ;, ,Vi,'..'.. V.a'S'o- '•'oA'* 1 nV •.,-'V.JtewZe#tana;i.„.-:;.Ur .iA»W0a4 4!8wn'v: -Mt- iitk' 10 ■ .- "5 ... Bis'J' . Rational. . ':••* '•« . v-575,000 >:■ -'335,318 "T trf" "'15 '' 12; ;:6-6"0- 0 . .5-6 8. 6 IS . i ■■■:■ ST'" i'«e , « « ,- ' rational '.'i ,249,3;*) :• »«!,.. iinltd. 15 J'? Sow Zealand- . • 300,000- ''-.2; ,-;:8 . 10 -"'5"j<j 0 ' '1 n'V Vn 11 . EouthBritish. . 100,00!) .512,400 1 nnltd. ISO- —if.?® -2- -Wt'U- O Standard - - 15,000 62088. •■'. i unltd, 10> •' 1 " ' 1 • FINANCIAL, . . • T !r :v '. : TC-T-V--;Vi ; f7,tICM- '! " ' in n n , n n . . Eqmtabl0.BnUdingL : w;/ v H),OOO-.;-. ...5 . • .B ' 10 , ,- , . • 10 , - , 50u Metropolitan'Buiiding ~ 21,000 ' "5,220""' 10 -'".fall ■' IT'-'.";,'.'". /" n'l'i"' « '. . • c • n : Wellingtonlnvest. , - 60,000 3,933 • 1'- Vi 1 a; ..ViJy ... .»■" 3 . ' . ».8 U ' Wel'gton Trusts Loan 101,250. 44,334 S 5 ; 8 1 J ° -.-, . . .■•«•!•'T ' '■ 2 !• National Mortgage. .Vm2W,;, •V.A'. ■'<.'8..--', f.5'2' •i'i • 5 i5'. r/vN.Z.andHiverPlata>' 800,000':. . 253,000 :il- nil' jr. —i 1 ? n -'f Y: i !- ; 'J ; ,i . S V t Loan and Mercantile?- -''135,2U:'- 1 •'•MM®'.- ' '"i • 1 "ti "• ' IP'' v 0 4" % ... 5 .'-O;# . M # .«• gas. •<•',>: ■ ... ->vni . .' ■■ . Auckland • • . 180,370 .. 03,359 . 6. nil 16 . , Christchurch ' ' : . •'•1M.OOO- - --65.087 --5--"-nil:"" Tiff" "" 2 •: Feilding ' - . . , 10,805 . . 103 . V nil - S -1 • <••• Oiibotne • . . 'J7.S00/- 10,5ili;.ir 1 nil 133 ' v" u . .- V... , -Hawera - . . . 8,250« 1 ' >.-745 e 01 5 i 30 ■ • ' ••. . ' ' -Kcwl'lymonth . 18,000 .'3053 ~ 6 ml ■ '10' 7" 6 ■::'ilai)ier - v - - . - • 1 10 nil' -15' - ■ - ' - • . . <9,957f 23,183 5 5 35 . . , 7 6; ' -J'-" -'-10-' j';t 'J' ' r T-: 1 ' *■: , < • °. :.'Wellington - • - ioj 7i,V03 10 ■ nil 10 13 15 0 ; . MEAT. ' -. .»'« ,- - Canterbury - . ' 183,727 £0.071 7i 81 • ■ 8 . , n 'Vo bn ChriBtohuroh . - 108,399 . - -W; ,-nil, ■ -,8- frM.Mj.ft. fOOS 0 -10.12 6.. 7.0 7 : -Gear. ; • ,«^0'. 'nU' ' ! 1| -'"2'8"0' . '210'.0 .,210 0 500 v/ ' ]■; ; 'T.;6: ri'lgV o 'n ' , . ; : " ' I05,765 j' sti ... ir>8="j3 5".0£5'9 35 3 6 8 9 > Waiigannl " . (5,850 31,401"" * S ""ml." 8 r- ; - TRANSPORT :. W.dtM.BaUway-.170.003 -:" -121:453'"" ' I"' "" r 4 "" ' 7-2r3' r 6'"' , S T 'l.'0' 2 3 6 ' 83 9 V.-K.Z. Shipping- ..473.810' '113.751:.. ,.8. :..5. .6 -.-•-•j- • ... UnionStoam . - - 800,000 472,593 " - l". - nil. ' 74 1 13 0 ' 133 ■•■-. v-"'AVEtn.SteamFerry - 46,250 . 65 '. 1 nil. . : 6; ' CO All, ' - k " Wcstport - - . : K0.CM 117,213 35 U • .135 ...... - - J 15 0 : l'Bupiri - . E2.MJ 6.33i) 1 nil.' •' ' 74' ' 1. J O'O 10 3 • -WOOEriSX. , '.i>. .. .1..;.. ; Eaiapoi-- • - ' . . "300,001 • ' • F2.R51 .- -B- '-'nU. 1 ; "6' .' ' ':'■■■ ■ Jl03gicl- - 63,457 17,.211;.. >54: '.:li t4 " ., ' .' Wellington,- - : . 69.00J W.36J A, 1 6 3 5 0 £10 0 5 6 0 7 5 6 ...MISCELLANEOUS. . / 7, • ' . . Oonaghyllope ■ - . - 47,003 .R!' ' — ;,£.18',0.. 6 0 0 ...; J-cyland&O'Brioa ... 55,000 ••W.ISlviJ i'SU-.""ml"- 15 '••S'®'® . 3 5 0 613 4 ,: UanricovilluLinu . , 7,OCX) *i03 1 nil 8 , 1 2. 0 . ti.Z.'Candio - • ' . ■ 10,001. - M nil " -' - V • Drugs EOO.OIH !8. nil.. . 7. ,211,-0 .- 211,6 .-«U 3 .6 9 6. . N.Z.PaporMlllJ ' , 94,75pj:/ 3T/HTIT 7:3,' ' ml - : ' 7 • 1-.3 ;0 1 £ 3 . . ;1. 3'3: 605 K.Z.Csmont- - "• ".<40,000 .' 2,741- 1 -nil , —. 112 0. .114 0 .: Manning&Co. - " '96,000 87,670.- 4 1 10 . v, 1' ' ' ■Ward <t Co. - - - * . £0.0(1) Ifl.tSJ i \ ,i ..,, 1 . 10 ... .- 4 15 0 ' - : .Wgtn. Opora Housi " '18,630 .ln7Q5- '• - "-"5 r -. ".nil 8 v - v - ' ' . ,. '.Wgtn Fresh Food " 23,ail . .1. nil - . . . ■ ■ W'hitcomho & Tombs- '46,250 ■ . 1.0,153-. ?.- 5- -,. <]0- . n'pr-.- t : 1 '.i -'.- - fcliarlaud.'liimitoa, . ' 4fc.67d . ' fljirr." '-"I* "il""" • 0 : i3r 6 .018 3 8.44

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 120, 13 February 1908, Page 10

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FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 120, 13 February 1908, Page 10

FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 120, 13 February 1908, Page 10