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riIASES OF THE ,MOON. FEBRUARY. • ' ■ Day. Ilr.m. Neiv Moon ...' . ... .2 8. fi p.m. First quarter.- .... !) 3.57.p.m. Full moon 17 8.35 p.m. Last yuurter ... ' 25 2.40 p.m. . . 11l Gil WATER. To-day, 11.1G a.m.; 11.38 p.m. To-morrow, 0.0 a.m.; 0.5 p.m. - ..■• SUN.,' Sun rises to-day, 5.5 a.m.; sets, 7.3 p.m. ARRIVALS. ■ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8. " TE ANAU, s.s. (2 a.m;), 1052 tons, Lindsay, from Nelson and Picton.-, ,62 passengers. HIIIA, , s.s. (2 a.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, from Motueka. ' , , ' BLENHEIM, s.s. (1.30' a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. • PETONE, s.s. (t.50 a.m.),..70S tons, Dilner, frflui Grevmoutli. ' . • OPAWA, s.s. (5.35 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. . KOTOMAIIAXA, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), In 7 tons, Collins, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Misses.Garth, Blamires, Reeve, Harris (2), I oxgrove, Cant, Ryan, Faher, Hodges, Maitlanrt, Gaze, Wood, Craig, Itowen, Howell, Moir,. Avscin, Scott, M'Allister, Kitson, Scott, Malonc, Campbell, Lady Trafalgar, Mesdames Rowe, Jorgenson;' Sheridan, Burling, Best, Edmund, Martin, Thomas and infant, Seater, Leslie, Heasley and 2 children, Willinms and child, Robbie, ! Charters. Eatiin, lngbv,. Herdman, Hickman, Dcnnehev and 5 children, Noble, Watson, Patterson, Cadflie, Douglas, Clarke, Dr. Martin, Lieut., Dalgety, Captain Brown, Rev. Thomas, Messrs. I)ouglafi, VVatson, 13ohtock, Dalgleisli, Watson, _ Seater, Parston, Tregear, Andrews, Cramp, Kindrick,'Piper, Robbie, Wheeler, Given, Stenson, Fox, Eaton, Barrett, Burling, - Wood,: Algev, Brown,Oram, Hickmant: Gee, Brooks,': Clark, JDonnehey, Sample, Caddie,. . .Tones,. ,M'Millan w Duncan,. Leslie, Vickers, In£ley,, Sheridan,yTaylor, Jamieson, Robertson,. Grant, Lusk,' Gibbons, Ford_ (J, M'Cron, Ferguson,'Piper, Edmund, Wliiteford, Scpbio M'Keuzie, laylor, .Osmond («);::30 steerage. 1 ' ; ' ■ " QUEEN' OF THE SOUTH; ,s.s. (8.30 a.m.), 198' tons,' Harvey, from Foxton. ' ! . ' ; PUTIKI, s.s. (10.10 'aim.), 400 tons, Dewhiirst; from Westport. ' '' : H.M.S. CHALLENGER' (11 ; a.m.); twin-screw second-class protected 'crHiser, 5800 tons,! 1-,500. horse-power, 11 'guns, Captain .Tudor, from : ■ • ' ',■■■■■

TASMAN, s.s;. (2.30.. : p.m.),' 179 tons, Cox, from.Nelson and Motueka. .

MANA.s.s. (3.30 pim.),! 132 tons,. Corby, from Patea. i - ' r: -' ' TORGAUTEN, S.s, (3.30 p.m.), 267 tons, Waddilove, from' Grcymouth, ■ STORMBIRD, s.s. (3,i5 p.m.), 217 tons, M'lntyre, from .Lydia Bay. ; PATKBNA,'"s.s. (8.10 p.m.),' 121 2; art, from Nelson. Passengers: Saloon Misses Hill, •,Mason, Andrew, Luke, ; Turnbuil,Osborne, Richardson, , Gyles, Jessop, Baird, Cobb, Mesdames Garrand and child, Chambers and 2 children, Foote, Hounsoll and 2 children,' Plat,/ Williams and child, Chapman and child, Schaab and 2' children, • Bitossi, "Johnstone, Jackson; : Gainbcrsazzi,-• Messrs.- Arnold; Grey, Jacobs,' Davis, M'Gliee, i Andrew, '1 urnbull, Jaques, Carter, Bitossi, Coleman, Collier, Peart, Hunt, Short (2),' Cann, Jackson, Porter, Harris, Griffin, Frith;-6 steerage. .- .

'' MAPOURIKA, s.s. (9 p.m.), 1203 tons, Kennedy, from Grcymouth, Westport, and Nolson. Passengers: Saloon—Misses' Gould, Palmer, Harris (2),. Ilcnncry, Stevens, Guidpr, Masters, Mallay, Shrine, " Ryan, Murdoch, Aldrick, Haase, Mesdames'Johnston'and infant, Brennan and infant, Harris,-Goodwin and child, Shine, Parkinson, Dwan, Hill and' 2 children, Aplen and child; Messrs/ Palmer, Croll, .Watts, Brenman, Bamhill, Fraher, Parker, Parkinson,. Armstrong,-Mirams, AV. Hill, O'Keefe, Ryan, Dickens, Clinton, Mullins, Richardson, Kerford, Masters Gould, O'Connor; 27 steerage. - WAKATU, s.s:, (11.15 p.m.), 157 tons,-Willi from Waipapa. . ' .; ,- ' . - ■

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 0. . MAORI, s.s. (9.30 a mi), 1 3399. lons, Newton, from Lyttelton. " PassengersSaloon—Misses Richard (2)',' Duff, W-lielder, Cannon, Oger.Fox, Giles; Kerr, Morngon, Dcveaux, Bohitn, Dickenson, Dunn, Parlctt.,' Sweeney, Elixon, Cooper, 1 Wylie '(2), Mesdames Franklin,- Duncan; Wright,rHqunsell,'•■.Walker,-, Carter, Freero, Henderson,."i)a.vis;Fra. < $r, M'Laitghlnn, .Eraser, M'litdoe,."Fothergill, -.lamb; -.Kennedy, Pbipp, Saddler, Fothergill, M'Lcod, Wylie, Messrs, James ;E. Pilchcr, ' Cant... Fenwick, /Kingslancl, Andrews, Dr. Wilson, Wright,'Capt. Robinson, Capt.' Smith, Capt, Blackburn; Messrs. Shand, •Freere, " Dykes; . Webster, * ' Chaffey,' Cross,' Amorntty, iV J.. Scddon, Henderson, Manson, Hockey, School; .T. D. Hall,.' Vincent. .Ballinger. Tanner,' Gillcspio : (2), J. C. Maddison,, Molineant, Grange, liartgill, Fothergill, Singleton, A. MTjolh, Lamb,-Wheeler, K.-Jagga, Co. .Robin,. Roy. M'Millan, Dr.' ~Wi; Reipa, and;GO steerage.

' -T8.ANA1F,(12.20 n.m.),':1G52-tons,.-find-Gay, from Picton. Passengers : Saloon—Misses AVillis, Coulter, Sowman,- Oben' (2), Mowat, Ewart, Adams, Mcsdnmes, Adams, Bowman, Messrs. Mills, Burke, 'Adam's, Pain, Manning, Melville, -I'latts, '.'Fai;<iuliar, Linstrom; Stags,' Chocseman; Congdon, Goulter,- Wift'en," Jones, Master. Myerscough; S steerage; • •; ■ ■ TAKAPUNA, : (4.25 p.m.), 1038 tons, Hutohings,' from" (jneliunga and New -Plymouth:. -.. Passengers: . Saloon—Misses ~ Aljjo, Hunt,. Horn. Mesdames Watson : and child, Frenehiand 2.children, Osborn;and 2 children, and infant, Young, Kemptborno.. and child, Messrs. Watson, \ Greenlfill,' Taine, Woon, Trench, Oslinrn,-Alpe;'Robertson, Evans, 'Mastors . Rout, ; Christie, . Keinpthorn; Brown';';. 3 steerage. ' ' I'AREORA,, g.s. (!).50 ' a.m.)j 650' tons, 'Black,, from' Grej'iaouth. . MANAItOA, "b.'s. (2.30 p.m.), 122' tons. Hart, from Havolock. ' ' MONOW.4I, >.s'.: (3.5 p.m.Jr.V 3133 tons, from Lyttelton and"' Duncdin. se'ngers: Saloon—Misses MTjackl-in', '.Tones. Coffee, Fitzpatrick, Burgess, Richards, : Ciirtis, Larney, 'Dougnll, Mesdames M'Lacklan, Campbell, Gillies, Trent-and' child; Craig, Cameron, Govordale; ■ ; Pougall, Willis,'; 'Messrs; M'Lacklan, ; Campbell,. . ..M'Kay, Dixon, Hooper, ' Craig, Camoron, .Larney, Neville, Willis, Ballin, C. Von Sierakoroski, Cathie, .Clifford, Hatningway, Weston, Piper; 24 steerage. , . ICAPITI, s.s. (5.40 p.m.), 242 tons, Shaw, from Patea. ' HERCULES, s.s. (6.50 p.m. in Stream), 3967 tons, Hormaia, from Sydney.' ■'■ KONGSBYRD; barquontine (10.15 'p.m.), 253 tons, Johnston, from/Port' Stephens." ; ' WAVERLEY, s.s.'(iO.'iS p.nh),157 tons, 'Wild-' ,man, from' Nelson. ••• DEPARTURES. 7SATURDAY, FEBRUARY B.' . WAIRUNA, s.s. 12.20 a.m.), 3917 tons,.Robertson, ,for Lyttelton. r ■ . i. ; ■ : ■ ASHANTI, s.s. (10.40,-a.m.), Burroughs, for Mouto Video. RANGI, scow (11.25 a.m.), .86 : .tons, Sorenson,. for Karamea. . ... .. - ' HAUROTO, s.s. (noon), 1088 1 tons, ITutton, for .Westport. 1 . . ' '• . CORINTHIC, s.s.-, (12.15 p.m.), 12,231 tons, David, .for Lyttelton. , iIPPINGHAM GRANGE, s.s. (12.15 p.m.), 5804.t0n5, .Lay, for Lyttelton. TE.ANAU, s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 1G52 tons, Lindsay, for Picton. . KJIIIPAKA, s.s., (5.15 p.m.),* 211 tons, Shaw,' for Patea. TASJIAN, s.s. (0 p.m.),, 179 tons, Cox, for Nelson .and Motueka. . ; . Ngunguru,; s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 80.tons, Fletcher, for Karamea, via Picton. i PETONE, s.s. (0.15 p.m.), 70S tons, Dil'hicr, for Greymouth. ROSAMOND, s.s., (6.30 p.m.), 721 tons,'Crawford, for Greymouth. AOREKK, s.s. (7 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, for Patea. .■ QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (8 p.m.), 198 . tons, -Harvey, for Foiton.. ... . MANA, s.s. (8.45 p.m.), 131 tons, Corby, for Patoa,. ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (11 p.m.), ,1777. tons, Collins, for Lyttelton; 50 passengers.' . TUTANEICAI, s.s. (11.10 p.m.), 811. .tons, Post, for O'nelitinga. . ARAHURA,: s.s. , (11.35 p.m.), 159G . tons, Lambert, for Nelson and West Coast. HAWEA, s.s. (11.50 p.m.), 1758 tons, Tate,' for Napier.. . ,: . \ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9. . • KAIPARA. ■ s.s.- (10 a.m.),, 7596 tons, Cornwall", for.Picton. ; s.s.-.(3 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, foi w Blenheim. • . 'J'E 4KAU,' s.s.. (5.10 p.m.), 1652 tons, Lindany, for Nelson; 30 passengers. " HUIA, ■ s.s. (10 p.m.),' 127 tons, Dowell, for Motueki

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ' Waverley, Nelson, February 10. Oreti, Wanganui, February 111. To Allan, Nelson and I'ielon, February 10. Tasmaii, Motueka, February 11. Rotomaliaim, Lyttelton, .February 11. Jlnia, Motueka, February 11. Aorere, I'alea, February 11. Queen of the South, Fox ton, February 11. Wiiikare, Auckland, Gisborne, February 11. ' Flora, Southern ports, February 11. Pateenn, Nelson, I'ictoii, February 11. Arahura, West Coast, Nelson, February 12.'• Penguin, Now Plymouth and Onebtinga, February 12. Maori, Lyttelton, February 12. Marama,'Sydney, February 12. Corinna, Onehunga and New Plymouth, February 12. •• Mofcoin, Dunedin, Lyttelton, February 13. Warrimooj Melbourne, via South, February It.' '■ PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Monowai, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, ;Febru'ary 10. Pateena, Nelson and Picton, February 10. Waverley, Nelson and AVest Coast, February 1(1 Wnihi, Blenheim, February 10. Wakatu, Kaikoura, February 10. . . : Oroti, Wanganui, February 10. Stormbird. Wanganui, Februarylo. : Mauaroa, Motiucko\ February 10. Maori, Lyttelton, February M; •••. Waimato, London, February 10. , ■ Takapuna, New Plymouth aud. Onebunga, l'ebruary 10. .' , . Opawa, Blenheim, February 10., Waitara. Blenheim, February 10. Kahu, Fast Coasi. February 10.' Aorerc, Pa ten, February. 11; Queen of the South,: FoxtW; February 11.; Mapourika, Nelson and' West Coast, February 11. ' •• •• Tasman. Nelson and Moiueka, February 11. . Rotonuiliana, Lyttelton, February 11. . Waikare, Lyttelton. Dunedin, February, 11. To Anau,,,Picton, February 11. Flora, Nelson and. West Coast, February 11.' Oreti, Wauganui, February 11. ' Wnihi, Blenheim, February 11. Ivazembe, Melbourne, - February. 1.1. Pateena,' Picton, Nelson, 1 February 12. / ' Corinna,' Timaru and Dunedin, February .12. Marama; Melbourne, via South, February 13. Mokoia, Sydney, via: Auckland, February. 13.'. Te Anau, Nelson, February 1.1. . Penguin, .Picton, .Nelson, New Plymouth and Ondhunga, February .1& ' Warrimoo. Sydney, February 11; '• Pateena, Tiitoii and "Kelson; February 11. < INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney, Febrnary' 5, for Wellington,' via Auckland, Gisburno, and Napier. Duo Wellington February 14. Leaves for Lyttelton and Dunedin samo day. . < WARRIMOO, s.s., ' left, Molbourna,' February '5, for 'Wellington,' via Ilobart and Southern ports. Due, Wellington February 11. Leaves for Sydney direct samp day. . Duo Sydney February 18.' '■ ■< i . MARAMA, 5,5., ( left Sydney, February 8, for Wellington direct."'Due WelliugtonVi'.Fobruary 12. Sails February 13, for Melbourne, via Southirn. ports', and' Hobart. Due Melbourne February 22. ; MOKOIA, £s., left Sydney, January" 29, foV Wellington, via 'Auckland,-' Gisborne and Napier: 1 Duo Wellington,' February 1 7. 'Leaves' same'day for Lyttelton and'Dunedin. •

WIJIMEBA, s.s.,' leaves Melbourne,' February 12, for Wellington, vii Hobart and Southern ports.' Duo • Wellington, February ■ 21. Leaves for direct samo : day. /..Duo Sydney, February 25.' . .■> ■;


From London.NEUEIIANA. (duo Wellington about February 18),/sailed ..on December , ,3,. via Australian jlorts, Auckland,, and, Napier. . (Tyser. Line, agents,)

lt-UAI'GTIU (duo Wellington .about February ■16), Bailed on December 28; Plymouth December 30,' via Capetown and Ilobart. ' (N.Ziti, Co:, agents.)'

Co., agents.) ! ■ MARERE (duo Wellington about February' ■29),. sailed on December 19, via Melbourno, Sydney,. Auckland, and.i Napier. :■ (Tyser - Lino,agents.) ;:■ • . ■ . ' 1 • • TOIvOMARU, (due 'Wellingtoh nbout Febni-< ary 13), iniled on December -11, via .Auckland;: (Shaw,. Savill; agents.) • ; ARAWA (due,'Wellington'\ about > February,. 25), sailed on January 9, Plymouth January 11, via Capetown aiul Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) RAICAIA (duo .Wellington about March 10), sailed on Jauilarjr.'lfc -via!-Auckland. (N.&.S. Co...agents.) v ;-\ RIMUTAKA (duo Wellington about March 12),-. sailed' on" January ' 26', - 'via - Plymouth, Teiurilfe, Capetown, and Hobart.'. (N.Z;S.>-Co.; agents.) ' . . -.■■ .-' v v -i STAR'OF SCOTLAND (due Wellington about April-l),'sailed on January 17,, via-Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and. Napier. '(Tyser Line, agents;),.:.. From Liverpool. ''' OSWESTRY GRANGr (duo Wellington about February 10), sailed on; December 10, Auckland. .(N.Z. 'nnd A.t>. ( >.. agents.) ' : KIA OltA (duo Wellington about February .21), sailed tin JanViary; 2. via Auckland. (Shaw, ! Savill, agents.) ■• ' : - ■'SURREY' (due Wellington : about ;March : 21);' sailed: oi| January 18, 'via Auckland. (F.11.i),' Li'ue; agents.) ■ ; From New Ycrk. : LORD SEFTON (duo Wellington about Febmary 1G). .sailed on Noveinber 28. via Austrnlian ports'.anil' Auckland.' (A. and; A,i Line,;' »gents.) NEW., ' ORXjEANS . (duo .Wellington about February 15), sailed'on December 10,,.f0r' Auck-' land direct. ■ (A. and'A. Line, agonts.) " INDRALEMA (duo, Wellington. about Febru*>), sailed; on December 8, via-Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line; agents.) ; \ ABERI.OUR (duo Wcliingt6n"'about March' 12), sailed on Jiinuary 2, .via Port Chalmers.' - STAJt OF ENGLAND (duo Wellington' about April 5); sailed' on J'anuarv H, via' Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. (Tyser Lino, agents.);! ■ STRATHAVON (due Wellington about April. 8), sailed-on January 18,, via Melbourne, ney,..and .Aucklaud.. (A. and A. Line,, agents.) . .'SAILING VESSELS "TO ARRIVE. INVERiIAY. barque, sailed from' Liverpool. Novopiber. 19, via Dunedin. , KONGSBYRD, - barque,: left Sydnoy January, 2-1,. for Wellington. . '• ' / ■ WEATHERSFIELD, 'barque/. left Bunbury February 1,. for Wellington. BY TELEGRAPH. ; OVERSEA. LONDON .' . . ' ' • February.- 7: ' Sailed.:—Colonial Empire, for Wellington. ' ' NEWCASTLE ... 1 February B.' ' Arrived.—Sofala, from Dunedin.! •Sailed.—Rakanoa,'for Bluff. , .. ; SYDNEY. , • ■ • ' February 8. ■ Sailed.—Marama (2 p.m.;, for Wellington direct. -• - , ; -- -■ ■'.; HOBART. -i-, Arrived.—Ruapehu (G p.m.), from London.. COASTAL. , SATURDAY,: FEBRUARY S. ; - CAPE MARIA. Nereharia passed; eu route, to Auckland, at; 8 o'clock on Saturday morning. ■ WAII'ARA. Arrived.—Thorpo Grange (5 a.m.), from Sydney. AUCKLAND. ; Arrived.—Nerehana (7 a.m. Sunday), from Sydney. ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—Corinna (7.15.'a.m.), from New Plymouth. Arrived.—Earawa (9 a.m.), from Now-Ply. mouth. ■ . ONEHUNGA. •, Arrived.—Kittawa (3 p.m. Sunday), for New Plymouth: • > . -Arrived.—Penguin (10.15 a.m. .Sunday), for Now Plymouth. v . . . Sailed.—Corinna (4 a.m. Sunday), for New Plymouth . Sailed.—Rarawa (1.5 p.m. Sunday), for New Plymouth. NEW PLYMOUTH. . . . Sailed.—lvittnwa (9.10 p.m.), for Oaohnnga. ; Sailed—Penguin (9 p.m.).' for Onehungn. WAITAR A. - Tii sail.—Thorpo Grange (.5 p.m. Sunday),'for Pieton. - -' r ■j .- m:i-sox. Arrived.'—A rah lira (9.50 a.m. Sunday), from Wellington. •• ; ' • I Arrived.—Tasman (7.30 a.m.), from Welling'toiv.- .-■■■■■• , Sailed.—Aranura (1 p.m. Sunday), for Westport.

WKSTPORTr-- rr.'ia**-. -u .To sail.—Waipori (2.30 f'pvm.-'.fSuJida.y),. for-•, Wollington. .O.'C;'.. • Arrived.—Hauroto (12.30 .p.m., Sunday), from Wellington. LYTTELTON.:!.' my}':' Arrived.—Mokoia (;),'- froih'i/'Wellingtoil. ' ' .li> -VfiM,; -1' f. Arrived.—'Wairuna- (5,20 ;p,n],)(;,jffom<..;Ti!J'elliugton. ; £. Arrived.—C'orintliic. ' Eippinuluini Grange (O.iiO miilian'a -alin. SiidflflyJ^ftt^'WSliliifgtiai? 'Sailed.—Delphic (1.30 'j),rii'.' Supday),- 'foT-' ton-, ilon. - ,; i. i..'.£is.VArrived.—ilonralu (SaVtirJoy),"''iffbtn Sydney, via. Cook Rlrair. , Arrived.'-'-Storm •(SatnrflliJ)i , S'(iifnt'®jttdt6tt.'Ari'ivril.— (Sua'da>y)v-frohii-SjHlK"eyi;'via Auckland. , Sailed.—Kaiapoi (Saturday.),'.for West Coast. Sailed.—Flora (Satm-dav); for...Northern ports. Sailed.—Wanaka (Saf<S^^J^o/ , %Kiffi*Si'ji Northern poi'ts. oi/« .l-i-wi..rvi. Sailed.—Jloeraki via Bluff. ■. : . 'dimvtevi>'u- 5-a> ; - at> iiO't:' BtUKP. DCS J'a . Sailed.—Flora (fl^oNfirU^tmi port°£V > Sailed.—Star .of. Austratiit (7i.a.<h.'.Sunday), for London. -\ : , ARRIVAL The barquentine left .Port Stephens on Jamiai-y 2J, '_wm towed into the Stream at. 10 o'clock.,last. ,;ii£W : .by.the ttipr Duco.. '.She mt'-HMi ber for dischargo; s JherOC«« , 3ih«hJ' tin-i, «an.«i-i<rf .•. j. —4-—r 1 o.t -'io Co i .j,. 11 T , ,v the' The Union Compßny.'ic rt-oatii.ckiMnrfniariett •Sydney 'at 2' -p.m. on"'Saturday, ton direct Shu is .brijprmEsteerage passerigetf' for WelUHßtdiu'.aii i d'' i i , s ' dlie. to arrive here- early on^Wt'dil'esda^'inoVMn^ _ '• THE. JlßJJte|l-LES4a« mlulclfc. j Tho Spanisii route from Sydiiey to 'Ant.rtfS'j;inita'._ 'tlfrived'M'n the Stream last night. The. veij&eTilasi called to take in 200 tons of blinker coa.KlMld,'TCiU .probably resume., her morrow. . " •" 9fl "v- 1,-.;Vo- •> NEBBHANA Tho Tyser from London,' via' Australian r 1 .pO i l-.ts,j,ar£ivejl ,in Auckland yesterday inonnn'g'."" Rne:--.-ciin_s ■ (It Napier before • c6ming" > fiWe J ® arrive about February ,18. RUAPEHIf^ !^SpSTf' ,i The New Zealajndr.* , stcunior Kuapohn, froni'Lbiidp'ni'.via ■ Capetown, nrrivod at Ilobart at' C 'Ruapolm left London on hnji'is tinic-tablcd to arrive hcr^stibouf.iliiCbKUor^ls*' TUB ASH/m'i. On; Saturday. .. morniiWv Asbaiiti departed for tfouy \ldo6. Willie at Wellington tho vessel./ discharKcd^a ; _ fj«an.uty• of jarrah timber,' and iobk * in- '1000 1 toiiß .of bunker coal. It is ; the Ashanti will take 32 . days to .reach Monte ji distance' of 700»'•••mildsr'^^^^va«^!i•epArt^» , Ashanti lost an anchor and Revcral chaitf, - while* -.mooring'* and, although a diver was employed*; 'and nt.maUOr ; sevoral descents,: tho covered.; /.v i; : TURBINH *' , ilovd's '!aiinual ; Sfaify "turbWo vessels, whether intended., ijpr; °Qcan^ f or charincl • j puro: ; • p)11'-. poses, have already bevn classedjwith Lloyfls Kegister,their ■' • total ( •tonnnge'-i.-imauntjug; ito 83,865 tons. Ten others, oi' 92,4.10 tonV'.are ats. present in course of.' cofiStniction under - the inspection of tho , society's! .&anejo» r . lnttar iignres '''include' fivo ,w V'essol?' : 'of 1 -tyfrr--10,000 tons each—viz.,' the.. Mauretauia ; (nowrunning), .12,000 '- tons fT'dft-"i*3,600 tons each being built'at Nagasaki; and.rtlnri Heliopolis and the: Cairor*ofcit?3(lO' tops each,_ which aro intended for the Egyptian Mail S.S. Company's' : passenger' i kob^J.^ajEcfxlles; to'Alcxan'driaT- "" >• • • '■ (1; |JH An exchange says:—"lf fho _xo watch tho' course of irebot^s 1 ■nnd ! ' I l:eep' Trhhs- • atlantic r ihftfriftad-V'iof'ili^thtf 1 proximate, ■•.positions; vthesor .-dangerscan /be' established,'ja.. great;igood-3,willr:.have. been . accomplished.,/, -'iltiiinVf bs.eii Bugcestp(l). that Great Britain,' Germany* -l«iaacg, pep. ,}no ; United' portaint /matter I'o" bqtpol f .,tho "waters' f reci'iilHted,. by^tho, .icebergs' that como down from 'thff- , A^tf'-(mdsWi!^th'6; > path! of Transatlantic3iißrs'," r alJd' t r(firort.,tri'oi£;' positions -by ' wireless telEjjl-hpli' 1 td*' ? Giii\i! sf, Eac;e , i l wjhenco Transatlantic !slappm'g:i«co<dd;'cbo iitiJ: formed: of,:the riuiWi* This|isisoniewliat[/oir tho ■. • same 'lines..a«< tiie ivor.k.ithat .is.-to'ibß'porformed,' by..tho derelict -destroypr ijovf:ibuildinjg. forstho' United .-.States.. Qoyernji)(sn.b,,by,;. N cws ,Sh ipbiiilding'. a, .aercr.lict can bo of harm's' way, while vin' can' ohly^l)o. reported im'd-its co'ii'i^|'|fi(^3'^t-aiitt'^l§pp&^ 1 ; wiifned ■ accordingly." 'f, j' ; fi'T ZEALAND snip co:, ltd.'- ' ■■ ' 1 •

I Movements of ruary'7:—Vj Fede-al Houlder Sh tc Line

! •CornwalL-r-Now'■ Zoaiaini -wto j-®est «Coaßt; United.- Kingdom ' portal vy}.; o»p9l.'Bftr.O«<Wts \\ T ellington..ljecember.2p, ljO<. 3.-.. 7 > s; ; .l)evon.—\Tcst. Coast to i Surrey.—\\-\'6t'C6ast'TOiCeil Kingdom to Kfcvr' Zealand, left I,iyerpbol Jan\Vary ,! lS',:'l9l)B. i: i ' : '. Fifeshire.—New 1 Zcaliiyd'V''to- i: .' Wfst '^Coast :: ■Uiiited .ICingdnnir.poi't^ , ;'.s'ia-iiC^poVlidriliW-left : )Vellinglon January.'. 2S;-«l9(Biii- fci 'aajiW orill r Morayshire—Now..';Zwilaiidi-'.otoi' (jo'ciste United. Kingdom ports, iWtil'Rd; Avonnnonth January' SO,,i'JOS: v- - ' Nairnshire.—!New., IVest .....Coast" United '''Kii^d6m ; ''p6rts,7 ; December 26,. 1907. '' ' >r : : - ! Rippiiigham " Orangd'?—' West' Coast' r United Kin'.'dom - ports- to Whip-/('itlaud direct: at Lytteltoii.jFebruary W, jISOS.:'.. : ... ' Oswestry- Graiigc—W driifloast United 'Kingdom ports Ur. New left Hobart-February-7,'1908. . ' ; t J%-.s? /.', 'J''.-".,-.Thorpe Grange.—Nek United Kingdom' ports, \ leave' New iSeaiiiiid 'Feß^u^y|2,, i ,)9QS'. American and Austrafj^,-Line,-.; j,;.,,-,, ~.w fiord Seftoii.—New -uaii Australia, at Sydney, ■l l VbruaFy i 3j-{J-!)0b\ ,'tc'j 'i.'i ■ New■ Orleans.—New;,inrJc; .t;o„.Vw.r Zealand., direct,' left' New York (150.7;i',s Strathavon.—New" NeSv 2eajafi(l, via : Australia,' left New oz-J^j.aiiii'lflOS! iNotherloc.—New-York -to Ne!i\' Zealand' difecß to 'loavo 'Now'-York ■ 1908.1' 5C 5 ?«?! --' : Alley v: Lihe.' ■ . lCa'^^.-^Vancouf^S;iMc^%wt'4ndjW®f-lington, via' Suva, amYea'''\Vfcll'inß{b'ii February C;-1908: ;

H.Jf.S."'Pegasus' antt'/.Chtirengerf are f ox;])cctecl- to ge.t away, foi'.-!Hobnrt, l "eitfi6f, to'-3ay or to-morrow.; -ii-l' ■»;'«: K -^v-s The Tys'er !Line. left the Bluff yest.erdk^J* t ro^i^itUd^'°.yi4' l 'jS^4 ! Palmas. ' •' .fc-.ovj: JBj "- ' . The Union' Company's timed to' leavo Westpoi;t. 'da'y;_ for" Lytteltou'. ' .The, Delphic for London, at Lytt^n'' & finally sailed yesterday, lmjrmngj. ( .jj,, , The Union Company^; Dunedin, for Wellington,nviar.-.wrtyjlxiorts'.'.j-cs. te'rday, and is -due ht'qVrt^PX'rfffy-.i, .y-Vfr •The 'Union Largo Laiv is-expected 4ft ISTOiwy n 'morrow for Newcastle,, to, kad.a. ca'rgo-of-coal . for Dominion ports...]p;. . Tho Wliangapo left .AucklandlOm'-Friday, -for Sydney, and,will.load cpiUfo^pominion,ports. Sue proceeds to foj pgyjjjyjji completing'discharge iff, r ".' , . Tho Government Btenpicr on > her cruise , of tho, t Southor^i,; •lighthouses, 'lia&-r,<ifr. rived . at Port' ' via Akaroa.lTeads and'Mo'eraki! '.'.'Slio,'successfully .worked' Capo Saundofs.; on ;^i®ij)faii , d ;i r l : fei turned to Dunedin, whoro sho 'will 'i'cmoin' until to-day.' 'Tho HiiitinOa Ts\.due'''ai:,.tli6 Bluff on Thursday., Tho Sydney ''Coinmorciat'NTOs''- s"tatest'|tli!>t three charters hivvo lx>e'n- offbred 'for itjxe.'isliip Dartford, at'present lying in'SydAey labour, and several firms ' ha'vo- v inade"Ov;ei'tih l eSf. With a view to'lior purchase taflJo-converted v dnt6 n hulk, but there linS befiii'-n'O" I'e'sult?' l ;.--'iTHe Union Steam Ship . Obmpany-< wasV'mentioned as, one of tho firms endeavouring,.to :buy..: the ship for a,coal hulk, -c : , Captain 'T. I A, ' Dyk'es'v fciiji'f. officer ' ol\ ','tli'b Government' sleainer Thtilife^Si; 1 liold^'an : extra ; master's certificate,- has been-appointed-examiner' of masters and mates .and survoyor of sliipsnt.Auckland. Captain Dykes' l iif'l'b'tiike up his position at Auckhvmhwlreii the TutaneUai has completed her I crilif!o,,,wi.t).i Ui.e.,.Governor, and Lady '.Plnftfelifc'!tfiivWaraJ'.!:'"'::Mr,; Whiteford, .second' nfKc'er. ofth6!'l|Liiifemba.''..Kai: iieeii promoted to. the' positioii-" "of; of/the Tutanekai. -. i.,v!.^!-ri

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 117, 10 February 1908, Page 9

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SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 117, 10 February 1908, Page 9

SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 117, 10 February 1908, Page 9