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Tho Cilstonis rovenuo coli6<it6d dt .Wellington yosterday amounted to £6,761,145. 2d.-

His Honour,, Mr.. Justice Cooper, will hold a sitting in Bailed this, moriiing.Two ap-' poal cases'haVi'. be<3n'.set down for hearing 1 —Sorr&nsen v. Gioson, and Turner v,' Pat-'

a Billing' 111 .uanco tnis morning, iwo appeal cases'haVi'. be<3n'.set down for hearing 1 —Sorr&nsen v. Gioson, and Turner v,' Pat-' terson. Cabinet yestorday decided to get a report by tho Public \Yor|;s Department; as to tho' (losirability of converting the'Mouiit Cook. Barracks into a museum, together with an estiniato of the probablo cost. . 1 Tho central Police Court was relieved of a considerable amount of work during"tho

Cabinet yestorday decided to get a report by tho Public \Yor]:s Department; as'to tho'. ilosirability of converting tho'Mount Cook. Barracks into a museum, together with an estimato of the probable cost, . 1

Tho central Police Court was relieved of a considerable amount of work during "the

past year by the sittings of Justices hold at the Motiht Cook Police Station. The number of cases dealt with at Mount Cook for tlic year waslOSO. 1 - Tils Government steamer Hihemoa : left Picton for Lytt-olton yesterday. She has onboard tho prisoners .who bave been engaged at tree-planting at Dumgroo, Marlborough. Tho prisoners are i-o bo employed in planting trees at Hanmer. Tho Hlnimioa will leave the .Bluff for the West Coast Sounds, 1 ' G'teymouth, and Westpart on Saturday wiek.'

A canvass has been going oh throughout the middle University district for funds, for a gymnasium and social room .for tha Victoria College. The development of the gymnasium club has bten Very considerable,■ and the room is badly needed. A deputation will wait on the Minister of Education (the Hon. G. Fowlds) at 10.30 a.m.' to-day . to' ask for a Government subsidy.

Tho following have beo'n elected to hold office in tho Tramway Employees' Union for the ensuing term: — President, Mr. .J. ..C. Moir; vice-presidents, Messrs. W, Hilder and A.. J. Mills; treasurer, Mr. ,W.' B. Aitken; secretary, Mr. W. T. Young; trustees, Messrs; W. Whyto and Hon.'J. Rigg; auditors, Messrs. A. J. Thomas and F. Whitaker; committee, Messrs. J." Wyatt, J. Boyle, J. S. Waters.vl. 'Ward, ,'E.f Pincham, W.' L. Wilkinson, and J. Mackay; Trades and Labour Council delegates,. Messrs. J. S. Waters, G. Carnley, H. Atkinson, J; King; H. -Scoones, and F.. C. Jones. /

The Committee. of the Society for 'the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals held a meeting yesterday afternoon.' The Secretary read a painful list of eases of ill-treiitnlent of horses which the inspector had investigated, and it .was decided Ito briiig. prosecutions against two offenders, if, in the opinion of tho Society's solicitor, the evidence was sufficient to warrant legal action. Mr. G. Brown expressed tho opinion that, in the case of very old and decrepit horses that were found working, it was a mistake merely, to' order them off the roads. Very often the owner could not afford to keep a horse which was not working, and sold it. to someone else, who then commoncod to work the animal again, necessitating other intervention on the part of tjie Society. This might go on interminably, ''and he thought that it was better to condemn such animals and have them. shot. Collections were roported to : have been made since the last meeting totalling £5 19s. 6d. There were present: Mr. J. Iloit (in the chair), Mrs. Christie,Mossrs. J. M. Richardson, G. Brown, and W. Watson..,

Mrs. Ethel R. De Costa, LL.B. (nee' 1 Miss Ethel E. Beiijamin, of Dunedin), after practising for some years in that city, has. commenced practice as, a barrister and solicitor in No. G Nathan s Buildings, corner Grey and Featherston Streets, Wellington., Mrs. De Costa has the .distinction of being the, only lady practising at the Bar in the Dominion. In-> wnn}»R ausinti) oiw.niipfmd on prompt and cartful attention at Mis. De Costa's band*. >

It is expected that the new South Wellington barracks of the Salvation Army now in course bf erection in Constable Street will be opened for use on February 22.

A young man named Phillip Smith was airosted by Detcctives Kemp and Williams yesterday on a' charge of having committed the recent theft of £6 in, money from ' a dwelling iii. liixon Grove, off Austin Street. Smith was living in the house in which the tlieft occurrcd.

It has been arranged that Mr. T. Shields will attend at Te Aro Baths at 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoons, for the purpose of instructing school children in Swimming and iifc-Saviiig. Mr. Shields is to supervise the swimming for proficiency certificates.. The instructor oil Saturday afternoons will bo Mr. A. A. Somervillo.

The Board of Directors of the Wellington' Y.M.C.A. lias decided t(5 eiigage a physical director, who will have charge of the gymnasium in the new building. Mr. H. J. Greenwood, who has been appointed to the posi-

tion, was fof tlireo years at the great Y.M.C.A. Physical Training School in Springfield, Mass., ,U.S.A., and is an oxport in all branches of physical and gymnastic culture.

The Tramway Employees' Union recently received a deputation from tho Building Committee of the Trades arid Labour .Council with reference to certain proposals of tho Council for the acquirement of a building for a Trades arid Labotif tfall. The deputation wished to ascertain if tho Uriibn were prepared to occupy certain rooms in the building/ Consideration of the question was postponed until, the next meeting.

Residents of Kafori have been complaining ,for some.time of 'the want of oloser police, supervision of that Ideality, arid, as tho. result of-specific complaints Having been brought ufider the notice of'tho Minister'-of Justice by a deputation, consisting of Messrs. Agmoh Smith, Wedde, and a promise.

has been made to have tho matter gone iritp. The Minister said it was clear,to him that some increase in the force would bb necessary in the suburbs of. Wellington.

It now seems toierably certain that New Zealand sportsmen will' be able in a few years to follow the shy chamois as well as

.the deer' over the rocky' ridges of' .' the Sbuthern-Alps. It will bo remembered that the Emperor of Austria a short time agqjpre*. sented tho Dominion with: specimens,'of the breed, and, according to information received by tho Teurist Department, the little'herd has. twico recently been seen in. the vicihity of the Mount Cook Hermitage, where they were liberated. One of the females had a fine strong kid with her, Which indicates that the chamois have thrived in their new.librae.'

The , Wellington' Education Board has allotted senior Board scholarships to the first ten among the successful candidates, the full list of which appeared in our issue of yesterday. The names aro:-4lary Edith E. Murray, Masterton D.H.S.;' Robert W. M'Connell, Petone'' D.H.S.; Hilma Fogelberg, Wellington Girls' College; Hector C. Johnston >. Wellington Boys' College; Ma ry Boyne M'Kenzie,. Masterton D.H.S.;. Ediia- ,F. Greatbach, Petone D.H.S.; Arthur 0. von Masterton D;H.S.j John Ed 7 mund Millsj Petone D.H:S.; Jessie Toiiey, Wellington Girls' College; Albert Bell Rigg, Masterton D.H.S. . : • . > :..

;On Friday, evening next, tho Wellington 1 . Division of Garrison Artillery, less the Petone Navals, will go into camp at Mahanga Bay/' * for tho "annual course of training in fort manning, etc. Tho units of tho division will bo the' Royal New Zealand Artillery;' Royal . New; Zealand dSngineerß, No. 1 Company - Garrison Artillery Volunteers ("Wellington. Navals), and No. 3 Company'(Electric Lighting Section of the Divisional Artillery). - The• initial. Jrfeplifationsfor the encampnieht haVo been Satisfactorily .com-' pldted by the Permanent Forpe i,hiCn. Tho final parades Of Nos. i and 3 Companies will take plaeo' at: Mount Cook Depot, when the i men will receive their instructions. : . v.; 7

.' At. last/night's meeting of the WellingtonCentre of the N.Z.A.A.A., Mr. W. Coffey was granted leave to withdraw a-.motion .recording the,dissont, of th<i Centre from tho suggestion, raado by Mr. Green on Saturday night, • that the Centre should pay the expenses of M'Kay to Ilobart, on the ground that New.. Zealand representatives should bo firianced by the parent body, whosi funds are in a specially, sound condition. Mr., Coffey remarked that, in view of tho.passing of tho resolution)that' night, affirmihg a desire that, tho headquarters. of the' Association should be removed to Wellington) and consequent on counsel tendered him by others : keenly in-' tercsted ih athletics, ho had come to the conclusion', that it' would bo bettor not to bring on the moti ( ony aa it might imperil the, chanoeS of M'Kay'or any other Competitor who might ho nominated by tho Centre being included in the representative team.

, Tho Case of .Henry "Wright, who was fined; £5 for. failing to attend ( when summbried to servo on the Grand Jury, was mentioned at tho Supremo Court yesterday. Mr. Von! Haast, who appeared on ,behalf of Wright, informed Mr. Justice Chapman that Wright had Written to the Registrar .of the Court stating'that lie'had arranged to leave Wellington !on business prior to, tho date on. which ho had been summoned te attend, j Subsequently ; Wright mot the Registrar on tho stroet, and. informed him that be wasover sixty yeiirS of', age. His Honour remarked that either exouso! would have been ample. Wright had not exercised sufficient o&re in the matter. "If everyone who found it inconvenient to serve was only required to do what . Wright did," observed His Honour, "I am afraid wo would havo a very thin attendance of jurors. However, as Wright appears to have, acted in good faith, I shall remit the , fine." .

So far little uso has been made of the fund collected in this country during the Boer war, for the purpose of keeping in order the graves of New Zealand dead. The sum of £100 was sent 1 originally to the Central Graves Committee of the Guild of Loyal Women of South • Africa; but since then there has been no.oall on tho fund, which now presents a balance of £659 14s. V Tho Now .Zealand Government took steps to mark the graves, and it seoms that the authorities in South Africa are carefully maintaining them in proper order, along with those of all the.' other, soldiers who fell on South African battlefields. Under the circumstances the New Zealand Soldiors' Graves Guild, of which Mr; H, F.' Von Haast is treasurer, is feeling some perplexity as to what should bo dono with the money. The Committee of the Guild has'already taken somo troublo to ascertain the requirements of . the case, and it is hoped that more definite information may be obtained from South Africa. '

If you are contemplating removing, tho first thing you should do is obtain a quotation' from J. Keir, 12 Featherston Street. lie has hod many years' experience in this class of worX, and is in a position to pack, store, and remove any description of furniture. He also clears goods through Customs, and despatches packapes and parcels; to any addiesa in the world, telephone. No. 1180. C 566

Tho following cases will probably be taken at the Supreme Court this morning:—Adeline Lilian May Francis, alleged forgery; Phylis Ferraro, alleged assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm.

It was stated at tho Supreme Court yestorday by thp Crown, Prosecutor that the charge against James Malachi Sheridan of having committed manslaughter would not be gone on with before to-morrow.

It is not perhaps generally known that the Government ha 3 declined an offer to take over tho Kamo hot springs, which are situated about, three miles north of Whangarei. A higher prico than tho Government carod to give was asked. Mr. T. E. Donrio, ; General Manager of tho Tourist Department, visited the locality, and the matter was fully gouG into beforo tho decision was arrived at.

Tho diiiiculty in ' securing seamen for vessels is being experienced throughout tho Commonwealth and Dominion ports. -On various occasions the domands of tho applicants for positions have been published in this column, and the rates bf wages usually asked are moro than equivalent ito shoro positions. Ten shillings for an eight hours', day, six days a week, is frequently asked for, but oil very, few occasions is this high rate paid.- The captain of the ship Loch Garvo has had considerable difficulty in procuring his complement of men. In order to fill up lie lias had to sign; on five sailors at what ill Claimed-to bo the unusual rate of £40 pe'r man for the voyage. Tho Loch Garve is in readiness for sea, aud will set saii for London as soon as tlio wind is favourable.

During the last week of tho Christmas vacation, a summer school for teachers in-' terested in school agriculture Work. Was Organised at Grey town .under the 'supervision of Mr. W. C. Davies, instructor in agriculture under the Wellington Education Board, lhe school was opened.on Monday,' Jariuary 2 <, by Mr. Robert Leo, chairman of tho Education Board, and Messrs. T., R, Fleming and J. S. Tonriarit, tho Board's inspectors, were also present. As the w<srk was to a Considerable extent laboratory practice, the attendance was. riecessarily limited,,to a certain number. Good work was done] and the school has been extended, over tlie present weik, those toach'efs Who are' attending the classes having been granted all extension of

holiday leave iii order t6 complete tho course of lecturcs^nd.experiments.. - , J

A deputation, of which . Mr. Crowes. was

leader, .waited ,on the Wellington Centre of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association last, night .with a request • that, the Centre should nominate Kerr, the well-known walker, as a member of tho New Zealand team to represent the Dominioil at the Australasian Amateur Championships at Hobart

at the; end of this: month. , i The deputatioriista mentioned . that 1 the , £20 subscribed by citizens towards .Kerr's; expenses .would b'o handed over to . the' Centre.; ' Subsequently) in reply to a question,, the Chairman (6r.: Nowman) 1 stated that the Centre could nomi-' nate a competitor, ' but it' would" have- to;provide his expenses. It was resolved that a committee, consisting of the president, vicepresident, secretary, and troiisurori bo appointed to arrange tfitk'tlio, New' Zealand A.A.A. for the inclusion of Kerr ill the New Zealand team.- The Commit tee, which met' after, theimeeting,- decided to' forward Iverr'ft i. expenses to 1 the- Association) and ask it to include him m the team.

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 113, 5 February 1908, Page 6

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LOCAL AND' GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 113, 5 February 1908, Page 6

LOCAL AND' GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 113, 5 February 1908, Page 6