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' ' COMPANI ' Capital t>£ I&M-: ■ s ~™C E3- . •—; • ' - MUp- ' ' BANKS. • 5 • ■'£' - £ g. " ■'£ ■ £ s -.d' £«.A- ■ £ '«■ A £ s.S. v . Kew Zealand .- 5,000.000 581,675 ' 35' -31 10 ,'®" 2' 2 1 ? St,2 V National - ... 378,000 535,318 - 2j 15 12 6 6-0 6 7 8.6-6 0 .5 13 1 . INSURANCE. . ' . . „ ■■ ■ , ■ „ ...Kfttional, - 1 ICO.OOO 849,333 i unltd. 35 J ?-» .„ ' J? I « "-.1 Jtcw Zealand ! . , 300,000 .-.835,185 -.8 '8 . . JO .'. J., J J., .*,% ? *80• .5 0 0 / : South British ,- . 300,000- .512,499- .1 unltd. 30, 510.0. ,6116. ;, ■'Btandard.' -..■ :. , 75,000 . 62,183 : 3 'unltd. 10, 1 3 ,-Q j4 °. . FINANCIAL, V. ■ ■' "' • EquitableßuildinS ■ ' i CO.OOO.: ■ <5,5<0 , 5 . V .JO . 10 13 0 10 5° - -W 5 6 <18 S . MetropolitanßuildinS 21.000 - 6.229 JO nit. - , 7 -. „ ' ... . . . . ■ Wellington Invest. :- . 50,000 • 3,933' 4 '-i •: • 6 • J™. ?. ®}J 9 s0 0 ,Wcl'gtoriTrust&ioan 101,250 ' 44.331 1 6 •■ 5 ■ 8 5 I2S 888 1 National Mortease -. 500,000 112,250 ' 2 g JO ?.5 5 3° " 63 1 and River Plata - £00,000 252,000 1 nit 1■ , 1 0'„ _ ' -.106 <15.0 ; . Loan and Mercantile - 135,223 315,133 i 64 D ■" »>" 05 3 •'■••• ■- GAS.'- .' ' .'• " ' " : • Auckland - .... 180,370 £0,55-2 5 nil 36 ■„ „ , ; -Christchurch ■ . ~1E2,C00 ■ 65,087 • 6 nil 10 ' 5 . -Fellding ■/.; . 10,605 , 103 1 nil - ° Gisborno .. . .17,100 ,1 nil , 12i 213 0 \- 'Hawera . -. 8,250 745 ' 5. i 10 ■; KowPlymouth ■ . -18,000 i 3,159 , 5:. nil,- 10 . 717 6 ,„ „- i .Kapior - .. , . , \ ,30 nil', 35 *». 0 0 ' ■ - . 49,837} ' 23,183 5 ,5 '.'- 15 35 10 0 .' . .. . ~.) "... 1 . .9 ,15- . ■' ,3 7 6 '■ PalmorstonNorth" ' U,093 : '4i ' 1 30 JJ • -.* • ® Wellington - - io<™' 71,'0S 10 nil 10. 3817 6 19 0 0 19 2 6 65 0 . „ - . - " 5 6 30 - /' MEAT. ■ ■ . r«ntcrbury........ 363,727- .80,074 ' 7i -2i 8. „ ... rhrißt-ohurch . ■ 163393 17,641 ■ 10 nil. (• 10 13 0 -3015 0 10 12 6 130 7 - .' - TOml r -96,261.- 1; nil;'". 'I' 4 2 ,8-0 ',- 210 0 210 0 50 0 ■ .... i" 000 ; 5... i'- 6 i2j . i Wellington Meat Ejd ) ' .5 ; nil. 8 {3J -® . , : „ . M 105,766 K ' f3,767 .1 ..8 ,5 0-0, ~5 2 0 61 0 65 6 "• /..'-'"fv JS 24 - 8 3 5 0'- ,3 5 9 .} f_J 689 . Wuisanni - -,- .-r - 45,650 -. 11,401 6' 'nil. ■ ("B .'. ' ■ TRANSPORT. ... ■W.i-M.Bailifay . 170,000 .121,453.- "1, . 4 7 23 0 34 :0 'M II- 33 9 ; K.Z.Shipping .- r ■- : 473.840.. '.113,751 8,, nil.,, . 5 . ,6. 7 6 .. .' UnionStoam, ■ i\. '. . 800,000 . ' 472,593 ' .1 nil.,/ ,71 .1,11. 6. : 112..0 Wgtn.Steam-Ferry46,2s3' : C 5 t : 1- nil. 6. r 1 ' . ' ... i -.-••• ■ •/ ■ ' ■', ■ - Wcsiport , - . -'EEO.OM 117,215 35 li . .15 710 0 ' 717 6 ,-716 0 614 7 ~ £2,500. : 6,339 1 nil. 74 . 019 6 ,1 0 3 : ■/ WOOLLEN. '. Kaiapoi- . . 100,000 - 52,851. -'5, mL .6. ■ ". Moßgicl- ' . ' 63,457' 17,212' *34 'li '' 4' v" " lv . ■" ' ' I Wellington: - , ■ 69,000 - ■-'.54,3«S i 1 6' . : "" ElO 0 .'. 36 0 J| 6 MISCELLANEOUS.-'I - . DonaghyHope- ".'..47,000' 5: . Hit: - ■ 618 0. ,6 00' .. . Lcyland&O'Brion . ;25,000 ' 57,7 a. . 1 nil 15S 5 6 2,5 6 6.6 0 MiiuricevilloLima ' . • 7,000 ' - 205. '1 . nil 8 ; ' ' 1a 0 ■ K.Z. Candle - -. ' . 10,000 -' - ■ 10 • nil — '-' : ■ ; .H.Z.Druga -- - . ECO.OOO : .34,514:. 2. nil .7 „• SllvO S.B 0 -211 Z-. 59 6 ■N.Z. Paper Mills ' 84,755 1,177 -1' nil 7 1.3 0 1' 33. ; 1 3 3., 60 5 K.Z. Cement- - ' . .40,000. .: 2.741 1i ~ nil:, —. „;i 12 fl P ai3'o ; ; . i Mannings Co, ■■ -. : 96,000 -; .57,070-- ,4' -. 1, >. 10 i■ . . Ward & Co. - . " ; f0,000" " £0,655 . 4 1 ' 10 , ' 50 0 '■ Wgtn. Opora Honas 18,630 ' ,1,705 - ; 6., »:* ■'■i'. ,v ; J-'O'O 614 0 i Wgtn Presttyood 28,261 ■ • v - 1 nil. . ; Whitconibe & Tombs- .46,350 £0.153 -.'6 * nil-; 10 -,; Ibarland. Limited ,46,676. ; MU'- i, ' » il 74 .- 018 6 0 18.3 84 4

; ; THE SnARE mabkbt., ■ , •' The market opened, very quietly; yesterday,- . nd brokers had .'no '• transactions'' to 'report., ill- shares .remain; at previous .'quotations. -In ank' shares thero'iwere' no 'declared: buyers,, tot there .were sellers of ißank .of New-Zealand; . glares at 155.,' and Nationals at-.£s : '- 7s: insurance; shares' 1 we're \quiet and neglected; Wellington Gas shares, £10 paid up,-were again • jifered: at ~£l9, - cum - dividend;' without - attracting buyers.; -According.' to tho"speech", of-' the, ;kairnian at the annual'meeting, the additional lapital' required is to be obtained by the issue of ; the; unallotted shares. The'; ; shareholders' are to have the option on,the basis of'one new. share .. for every .two .shares", how; held, at ,a, premium of \£s ;pe'r share., This .makes, tho i value; of the share's i£{s, which is much under ', their present market valne. Meat shares were quiet, with sellers .of Gear Meat at SOL. 105.,. Meat' Export, \£s 25." and"t£3 'ss:': 9d. v the second-and third issues respectively.- ■ There were buyers, of Manawatu Kails, at .£2 3s, and tellers'.at i:2'4s'.' -- Union , Steam' shares'were, offered at 325., and Wellington Woollen. Ordinary at i£3 10s. There _ were buyers of Westport Coal at £7 lGs.,"and'sellersat £7 17s'. Gd.; Westport-Stocktou / Coal shares wore- offered at 10s. 3d., Leyland-O'-Brian Timber at ,£2''ss.. Gil;, and Miranwr, Preference at ,21s. . Gd. The; shares of the Rogotire Company were -demand;- the preference, shares at a premium -of Is. Gd., and the ordinary shares at £1 2s. Gd. . THE MINING MARKET.',;.'; ' ' Dullness prevailed in mining; shares, a»d. the expectation that thero would. be a boom in Waihi shares : was not realised.; : f . Waihi .'shares are -firmer,'arid' buyers yesterday .Offered .£8 155., but sellers wanted J53. Talismans had no inquiry, but there wore seller's of the "shares' at 13s. The only other quotations were :Tairua Broken Hills, buyers 3s. 10d.;, Ngatiawa, sellers Is. lQd. . '

. THE MARKET. . Last week's Batik of . England .return dis- •\/ played great and : increasing strength. The metal reserve increased by over a million ster- ■ ling; while the reserve "'of notes and 'coin'.vwas. • .nearly 'J82,500,000 'larger than in the previous /• week. The proportion of reserve to. liabilities / is how SS.GB p,er cent.,as against-54.87, per. cent. iu the previous week.-and 48.38 per cent, in tlje : ; . corresponding week of last year... Thpse fire.un- •' / : , usually' big figures', sufficient /to/.warniritthe Bank/rato being reduced to 2s'per"Centra're- , duction in the/rate which, while, warranted, . . may not be l made, berause • there 1 aro 'indications of fresh disturbances. The assassination / ' of the King and Crown.': Prince" of' Portugal- : - may'develop strife within that kingdom, and .lead to interference oil the part of the Powers';* . and in any.'case tho incident is sufficient, to cause a disturbance on the .Continental Bourses and London St'oek Exchange;..'. Resides /lUiis.' . there'is the. trouble that is likely to arise/from President : Eoosevelt'ss impassioned appeal to Congress ~to. legislate against the trusts ) and : 1 railroads, and the web'of-business corruption-is-'likely to . cause furthec nervousness amongthe. big money-bags. Railways extensions that , have been 'projected will; be suspended, and • securities generally will tumble down in Wall • Street. .ThevUhited States-!is suffering: from a financial, headache, and the President's latest, ' ' message will, make tho pain a great ideal worse. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Imperial Consols : have shown ' a .wonderful i improvement' 'during: the' past four or five / weeks. -In July of last year the. 2J/per /cents.- . - were as low': as ,£BO/ and some financial experts, were of opinion' that they would' .go lower. Consols; are .'now standing: at -,£BG- 15s:; - and show a- strong . upward'; tendency^But Colonial Government securities have improved also, as • the following table shows. •

•.February, wherens/already, -sonio fair." weights aro "hiivingi/lifted'. • AVe: tlien'ihad',a 6 per/ cent. Bank rate; Jbut • the': trade- both at '-Home'"and abroad felt' no spasms of- financial difficulty,,;. •ahd''i'confi(lcnce,'iwhicli is l now. so ■ much-wantingj-was there all the time.' Today, . is- confronted with - excessively ■ dear, .money;; bankers are t putting oh- the screw,' .noboilyi - will ' buy "anything either in. raw :wool, yarns,; of pieces, 'and wool is coming along thick, and "fast. The result is : that.'the trade .is in a pessimistic mood.' The financial .outlook, in Germany is troubling not a few, • | and- remittances, from that ''qtaarter'-nro'-'Brao-.'..titially 'at r a" r standstill. 'There -was last week , a, big-.failure in Bremen,. and Bradford felt very uneasy. 'Tliere arc heavy liabilities owing by 'Gyi'miiny; to''-Bradford export houses, aiid consequently, everybody is' fidgety and ner- . vous."

The South' Australian, denominations exhibit' very little chance, but practically all ;the .other .stocks show substantial improvements during the month. . • TIIK WOOL SALES'! /. According to the latest private cable messages, the market is weaker, and shows a , downward tendency.' Crossbred: Vool hasVde-. ' clined 5 to 10 per cent. The quantity of. wool catalogued- up to Saturday last .wus. 107,950 bales, of which 98,612 bales have-been sold, leaving 9308 bales to be carried forward. The outlook is not very pleasing. Messrs. Helmuth, Schwartz and .Co.'s statistics show that tlic_ total, supplies. fo'r. ,1907 amounted to 2,378,000 bales, an increase' of. 319,000 bales as compared with 190 G. This is made up as follow:—239,000 bales Australian, 81,000 bales New Zealand, and 49,000 bales Cape. The River Plate clip was slightly smaller than in 190 G. While there is an increase in the total supplies of 319,000 bales, the total deliveries 6hoiv an increase of only 307,000 bales,-of which, 107,000 bales fell to the share of the British trade, and 151,000 .ybales". td- the share of ' the Continent, while America took .119,000 bales.; The total deliveries made to the three sections' if the trade during the past' nine : years comoare as under:— : •: ■ .■:■■■■■■

In the "Financial. Times" of December 17, a wool expert thus 'expresses himselfp— "Everything be making for inflicting a severe blow upon wool values. Last season arrivals never got bulkv till the middle of

\ '.'. '. " / INDIAN WHEAT CROPS. The first general memorandum of the .Indian Government on -,the» wheat crop of . the'.season .states ■ that .. .the reason ' has been ex'-, tremely.' unfavourable owing to. the untimely cessation 'of!, the, rains, which, restricted and'; delayed "the'.; sowing's;' and induced the.' substitution: of food grains for ' local 'consumption, ."'he total „area under wheat is consequently returned ,;at only ;: 15,477,600 acres, . against 23.553,G00. acres,. lastseason, a decrease of 8;106 ; 000 ; acres; T 'or ■* 34.4 . per N cent. Prom all, is/reported-that, as regards tlio, rat# .of; yiekT'.from. the' area sown, everything depends ; on the .'timely arrival of sufficient winte'r rains: ' In the Pu'njaub the complete withdrawal of > the moisoon in August make' it 1 impossible^,to -brings tmirrigatetl lands under cultivation except in riverain tracts and other areas under the action of flood water. In the United Provinces there was practically no rain after the, end, of August, and at seedtime the soil wasquite, dry; sowings wero later than usual,' and' irrigation has almost invariably been resorted to.- Germination has been good, arid,, thatthe estimated- area of 4,457,000 acres in the United .Provinces iriay eventually perhaps be exceeded. In tlio Central .Provinces and Bevar very little i-aiii fell •hfwr-.»tK&. close : of-''-August, and a" full area could not be sown. - In Bengal, sowings were still in-progress, in some districts late in December, but tlib total did not come up to ex-pectations-owing -to .' continued drought in October and November, and prospects. wei'O reported , tor be; poor, in most districts: • -

> ; STOCK:EXCHANGE. " . (BY TELBOnAPH—rRES3 'ASSOCIATION.) ■ " ; Dunedin, February 3. • Stock Exchange sales: Waihi, .£8 155.; Eisin" hun, 235. Gd. ■'■ . '. ■ °-i Stock Exchange' , quotations Dredging stocks.Alexandra- Eureka, sellers 75.; Alexandra Lead,-.buyers 9d."; Bignell's No Town, sellers 45.; Central Charlton, buyers 55., sellers 7s. Gd.Electric, buyers 12s. Gd„ sellers Ms. Gd.; Enterprise,: buyers 3s. 75d.,' seller's 4s. 6d.; First .Chance,...sellers, 3s. Gd.; Golden .' Bed, buvers Bs.-Gd.;-;Hessey s, buyers 55.,-" fellers' Gs. Gd.; K9put.ll; fellers £2 10s.; Lady Roxburgh (contributing), buyers..4s„ sellers Gs.'Gd.; Manuhenkia, sellers-;, 175.; Molyneux buyers 2s...sellers 2s Gd. ; Mystery Flat,' sellers ■U- ■ ls :„- Gtl -Roxburgh Jubilee (paid), sellers 9s.._.Gd,; v Neiv sellers IDs.: No Town. Creek,, buyers Bs.;- Olrig,' sellers -ss. Pactolus,' 95., sellers M lis.; Eise aiid Sliine, 45., sellers £1 55.; Bisin'g Sun, buyers £1 3s, Gd., sellers '. ,£1 4sV Sailor's Bond, buyers'/13s.- Gd.,' sellers /los. Mining stocks: Nokoinai Hydraulic, buyers £2 12s.'3d. sellers. .£2 135.; - Tasmaniau Copper, sellers 7s! ™-.;.,:Koxburgh,vAm'a]gamated, buyers 7s. 3d.; Wailn. buyers .£8 12s. Gd., sellers .£8 lGs. Gd • Big River, sellers.l3s; Gd.; Mount Lyell, buyers a!l 10s. Investment stocks: National Bank sellers JES 7s.j,Bimk of New Zealand, buyers lis.,', sellers ; i£9." 15s. Gd.; National Insurance, buyers .<£l 7s. 9d.; Standard Insuranco, sellers £1 4s. 3d.; Union Steam Ship. Co., buyers ,£1 lis. (Id.; New Zealand Paper Mills, W" s '£,1 3s. 9;1.; D.T.C. (preference), sellers .£1 3s, Gd. ; ( Milburn Lime (20s. paid), sellers .£1 7s. ;- Ne^-.,Zealand Drug (40s. naid), buyers p iOs.':Gd.-,"sellers',£2 125,; New.Zealaiul Portland Cement. buyers il 12s. 3d., sellers ,£1 14s • VOtago Daily Times," buyers .£2O; Donagh'y's Eojie, buyers £5 18s. : . . • v • J

WELLINGTON PRODUCE MARKET. . Laery- and Co., Ltd.. Wellington,, report wholesale prices ruling on the market/—Milling wheat ss. Gd., fowls' ss. 0(1. to ss. 7d.; oats, 3s. to 3s. 3d.; maize- 4s. 3d. to 4s. 10d.; crushed •malt; Bs.; prussian"'blue peas, Gs. to Gs. Gd ■fowl peas:4s,'..Gd. to-4s. 9d., all at per bushel; 'flour,'' New Zealand' 1 ,£l2, Australian i! 13; pollard; 36' 15s. 'to £7; bran,-,£5 :10s. to ,£5 las.; .pearl barley, >£18; split peas, ,£18; bone meal, £G IBs.; bonedust', superphosphates, .£1 15s. to ss.'; chaff (oaton sheaf), Xsto Xo 10s.; oatmeal, JBli to .£ls; new potatoes, whites 7s. •to 10s., reds ss. Gd. to Gs. Gd. per cwt.; bacon, 'factory;'side's'BW:, hhms 9d.} rolls 9Sd.; butter, bulk, paptry,-"7d : to Sd.; poultry, liens 2s. Gd. u 35.; ducks, ss. Gd.; turkeys, gobblers 15s. ta: 225., hens Bs. to 95.. all at per pair; cauli-flowers,-2s. t0"55.; cabbages. 3s. to ss. Gd., all 'at. per. sack; green ;peas,'9d.: to Is. per peck; fresh eggs. Is. 7(1. to Is.' Bd. per dozen; cheese, factory, Gd. -to Gld. per lb.; onions, 10s; to £9 10s.- per ton. '

■ ■ ■ • 'FEILDIN6 • MARKET REPORT. A. 11. Atkinson and Co., Ltd., report :—At our sale on Friday we had. a good sale of pigs, poultry, produce, fruit, etc. i The. attendance was good. Slips and stores were well competed for, but small pigs were in poor demand. A large consignment of fruit and potatoes was well .competed for at satisfactory .' prices. Horses': Aged 'horse and' trap, .£l4. Pigs: Suckers and wenncrs, 45., 4s. Gd., 55., 7s. i slips and. small stores;.,, 12s. .Gd., 13s. fid;, 9d.; porkers, 205., 2:15.; - 21s. 3d.; good stores, 245. •'2!)s. Poultry Hen, and 10 chicks, 3s; chicks, Gd., young roosters,. Is. 2d., Is.' 3d., hoiis, Is. Gd., Is. 7d., Is; Sd.;" ducks, Is. 7d., Is. 9d., 2s. Turkeys: ljcns,_2s."Gd.; geese, 2s. 3d., 2s. Gd— all at each. Pair P.B. Iloudons, Cs. Produce: Potatoes, jd. to Id. per lb. Fruit-.Plums; 2s. 9d.,' 35., 3s. Gd..>4s.»and 7s. Gd. per case. Tomatoes, 3s. per easel. " " ~ WAIRARAPA LAND SALE. v TnE iTQCKER ESTATE. Tlio sale'of thft-Tocker. Estajto,' Featherston, at Masterton on ■Saturday attracted a largo attendance of-farmers froin all portions of the Wairarapa. ' The whole estate, comprising 1130 acres,- was soldi the aggregate price being J£?,815,' : and the' avei-iip' l running within a

few pence of ,£2O per ncrc. Most of the land is suitable for dairying, and also for sheep, although a thousand acres would be better utilised for fattening purposes. The buyers knew the locality well, and, as the sections wei-o sold practically without reserve, the prices paid may bo said to bo a good indication of land values in the Featherston • district. The sale, writes our AVairarapa correspondent, was carried out by Mr. W. B. Chennells, acting on behalf of the Public Trustee, while Mr. J. B. Moodie, of Messrs. Dalgety and Company, was a most convincing auctioneer. Following js the list of purchases, the price per acre being included in parentheses:—Lot 1, -J£a. lr. liOp., Mr. Jos. Tocker (J.'2o), ,£!)2G; lot 1101 a., Mr. 'A. Tocker (,£2O), .62205; lot 3, 103Ja_., Mr. A'. Tocker (.£2l las.), .£2377; lot i, 78a. (with buildings), Mr. ,T. Tocker 10s.), .£1911; lot 5, S9a„ Mr. J. Tocker (■£l9), JJ18S1; lot 6, 51Ga„ Jtr. 0. Cooper (as agent) (.£2O), ,£10,!)20; lot 7,512a.,Mr. O. Cooper, (as agent) (,£10), £5120; lot S, 77a. 2r. 23p., Mr. Q. Donald U2O), .£1551; lot 9, 9a.,- Mr. Q. Donald (<£27 10s,), .£257 10s.; lot 10, lou., Mr. W. Davis (.£2l), X'lls; lot 11, 27a„ Mr. W. .T. Nix (iCI3 Ss.), .£3GI llis. Totals: 1G42a., .£27,815 Ss. ■

CHRISTCHURCH WOOL SALE. j . (DT TELKGItArH—PRESS ASSOCIATION.}' CnßiSTciiußcn, February 3. At the fourth of the current season's, wool sales to-morrow 7700 bales will be offered. • CANTERBURY GRAIN CROPS. j (DT TELEGRAPH—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) , Chkistchurch, . February 3. Exports from the country districts show that the grain crops are all threshing out uncxv pectedly well, heavy yields beinp reported from all ports of the province. The qualitv of the grain is uniformly good, and unless there is a great change in the weather conditions during the next three weeks, the average quality should be equal, if not. suuerior. to that of recent grain coming on the inarkpf. Holders show no disposition to accept pri-vs below is. 2d. to is. id. for wheat, and 2?. 1,1. to 2s. id: for oats—both at country stations sacks extra. | ■ . ' BRITISH MARKETS . \ '' / ■ METALS, st riwaßAPH—pttzss AssociiTios—copi-nionT. London, February 2. Silver,/2s. 1 9-16 d. per oz. /Antimony,. .£l2 to JEI3. Copper.-Spot, oG6I • 15s. per ton; three months,-<£Gl 17s. 6d.; electrolytic, „Ti n -;~Spot, £Vll per ton; three months! «£124;155 v Stock, 15,340 tons; spot, 6035; afloat 1163; deliveries, 2536. Lead,- ,£ll 15s. per ton." WOOL. ■ ' ; At. the wool sales there was a good demand 'and-'■prices were lirm 7 for all qualities. The ";W.D." clip brought 9Jd. per lb. The quantity catalogued' to date is 107,950 bales, of which 98,G42 bales have been sold. GENERAL. . New Zealand mutton .and lamb are unchanged. Beef—lßo,22olb. f.a.q., on > hand—ox hinds, 3..d. per 11). ' Hemp quiet. "January-March shipment, <£27 15s. per. ton. i ■ . ■ Hides negl^ctcd ; prices nominal, Queensland heavy ox, 4jd.;'light ox, djd.j eon*; 4|d. Tallow;— Stock, 1-1,850 casks; imports, 8525; deliveries, ■115 f. Leather dull. First dressing hinds, 15M. Basils are a halfpenny cheaper; first' Wellingtons; 18ld.. Rabbits (quiet- and unchanged. English are plentiful., 1 _Wailii shares, buyers X 8 IGs., setters £B,lßs. 9d.; TV'aihi Graiid Junction's, • biivers '205., sellers 225. 6,d.-"" *' '

HIGH COMMISSIONER'S CABLE. The Department of Industries and Commerce has received the following cablo from the High Commissioner, dated London, February ' 1' The mutton market is dull, and trade is very disappointing, thero being only a hand to mouth demand. River Plate mutton is in large' supply, and is being 1 strongly pushed for sale. The following-' are the current quotations'':— Canterbury mutton,' 3Jd. per' 11).; North Island. 3Jdi; Australian, 2|d.; Hiver Plate, 3d. per lb. /■ Thero is a fair local demand for tlisi season's New Zealand lamb Canterbury brands being quoted at Gd. per' lb. ■ ' The;beef market is weak, and thero is no change in prices" to report. The butter market is very-firm, and excited on account of the falling off of receipts. There are more buyers than sellers, and there is general confidence in the maintenance of present prices. Choicest New Zealand butter has averaged.l24s: per cwt. during Inst Week. Tongariro butter,: to bo delivered next week, lias been/ sold at 12Gs. per cwt„ and 128s. per cwt. is now asked. Australian butter is quoted at 1225.; Argentine, 120s.;; Danish, 1275.; Siberian, 117s. per ciyt. ' ■

The cheese-market is ruiiet, with a tendency in favour of buyers. Wlute makes are'quoted :at's9s.-.:6d., coloured at Gs. Gd. per-cwt."- ' .. The hemp market is dull, and no immediate. change is expected. The-following -'are-the current quotations Good fair gra<le, on spot fair grade, jn spot, .£27;' fair current •Manila, ;£2B 10s. January-March 'shipments, good, fair grade, J327 10s.: fair grade, .£2O 155.: fair current Manila, <£28. . The cocksfoot seed market is quiet. Buyers are not keen to do business; and; there are light stocks on hand. Prices aro firm, and ■blight,-clean dressed seed, 171b. to the bushel is quoted-at 775. per cwt; The wool market is firm 1 for merinos; Crossbreds'are quoted at id. lower than last quotation's.:l ' : . - ,

v ' •. . Dec. 29,I Jan. 81," 1907. ' • 1903. Hiso." '■ . , 1 « g • g 4 per cent. N.S.W. ... 105 0 ; .109 0 '4 0 31'. per cent.'N.S.W. ... 98 0 101 0 3 0 ' 3 per cent.; N.S.W. " 85 0 •' 90 \0 5 0 4 per cent. Vic 10! . 0', 104 '0". ;;3 0. 3J per cent., Vie. ... ... 96 0- 100 0- ' 4 103 per cent. Vic. §5 0" 89 0 4 0 3j per cent. S.A.'... ...100 0 100 0 3 per cent. S.A. 85 10 80 5 0 15 ' 4" per wont; Q'lnnd ... 103 0 ,10(3 10.. 3 10 3j per cent. Q'laml ...-• 9fi 0 99 10 . 3 10 . 3' per cent. Q'land ...' 8t 0 88 0 4 0 '4 per cent. .N.Z.. ...• ... 105 0 103 15 3 15 '31 per cent! N.Z.7... 99' 0 .. 100 10 -1.10 *■3 per cent. N:Z.' ... ,... 8-1 10 89 01 4 10 3V per cent. W.A. ... 95 .0 97. 10 2 10 . 3 per cent. W.A.', "... 81 .0 ., 87 0 ..3,.0 8} per cent. las. ... ... 96 0 , 99 15 3 i5 8 pef cent. ;Tns. .:: ..... :85' 10 SG 10.1. 0

Home. Continental.. American. Tear. ' Bales. Bales. Bales.' 1907' • ... 857,000 1,372,000 ' 149,000 ,, 1906 ... 750,000 1,221,000 ■ 100,000 1005 ... GSS.000 A. 1,023,000 130,000 : 1004 ... 625,000 874,000 77,000 1903. ... GCi.CCO 980,000 59,000 . 1902 ... ' ST"),000 1,060,000. 72,000 1901 ... 973,000 1,010,000 63,000 1900 ... 610,000 : .795,000 53,000 ,! 1S99 ■ ... . 812,000 1,083,000 20,000-

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 10

Word Count

FINMCE AND COMIERCE. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 10

FINMCE AND COMIERCE. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 10