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ENTHUSIASTIC PROCEEDINGS. SPEECH BY THE PREMIER. .The; Hon. W. '.Hall-J ones, Minister for public, ,TVorks : . flnd. Minister for- Railways, as ;«oleomed back. to New- Zealand at a : social .held'.in. the• .Concert"Chamber• at- tho • Town Hall laht-night, -under tho 'auspicevof the. "Wellington brunch of the Libcial and i /, Federation.Thero.wns a-large attendance. .Mi.; George Winder,-'president of, / tho branch presided; andthorn were with .hun on ; tho .platfoi m, besides tho 'of tho evening, the Right Hon the Premier ■ - (Sir. G. -Ward), :the-Hons. ,1. M'Gowan; J. - A. Millai., R. ,M'Nab, G. Fowlds, aiiil Dr'. - Fmdlay, Lad\ Ward, Miss Ward, Mrs. HallV JonosV Miss Hall-Jones. ■ Mrs , and '■ Mias Windei, Mi T M Wilford, M I'/Mr.- C; H. Izard, M.P, and Mrs Izmd, Mr. H. Beauchamp, Mr G Toogood, and Mr.' F. Djer... Tliero , irej-e also present the Hons. O- M. -Luke, and T. Jv. Macdonald,: M.L.Cr's, Toil T W. Hislop (Majoi of Wellington), fon C II Mills, M P , Mcs< s A W: Hogg, . HA. .E, Remington; ;n«l •TV: 11. P. Barber, t.P.'s,. and a nnmber:. of lending citizens , /Congratulatory .woro received 'from Messrs F Law rj and J F Arnold,- M P.'?,

■ tho Auckland "Branch of tho Libcial and Lnboni . I'cdorßt ton, -Mi. 1). Nathan and ■' -,- »thcrs. ■ • CHAIRMAN'S ADDRESS ; . The., Chairman,, hisopening -remarks)' moved tho following resolution > ' \.^ : :>''Th'at. .this: meeting^- a » most . heart} uolcomo to tho Hon W HallJones -upon • lnsi return from - England; v . and .sincerely -congratulates <■ linn.- upon* •. v - his restoration to health..; Thosa present ... desire to express;• their -greatvpleasuro at : ■ seeing. hira .oiice more 111 Now-Zealand, > - and trust that, for many years to come, ■ . he, may he spared to continue . to. « o rk foi the good of the people of this Domillion. ; \ Mr Winder said that Mr Hall Jones had • al^aj; s ;heeii found to be a true Liberal; and , ® v en;; before ho- was in. Parliament ho Vii* . battling; away for, the Liberal cause: lii' Par.... liamcnt ho. soon -toofc-. his placo leaders ns Sir George Grey and Mr Ballanco i his, country had never had a better Public , \\orks Minister - .than Mr. 'Hall-Jones. On the death of tho late Mi Seddon, lie acted in a v ,iy | which .showed,; true :! : and fatherly and sympathetic kindness; and'l : won tho aliection- of -all colonists': • Oil -Sir. - ; Jo&eph Viard s return, he,: with a sole regard -?° r t S°°d,' put-himself asido that -; oir-jl.eseph.'-Vyarcl liiight' take the reins. .. I He be, long :'romembered aiid 'honoured-for that action (Applause) It v,.is foitunto - '•• J"? 4 .-Hall-Jones..on his return found tho dominioni 111 such a prosperous and'progressive condition (Applause) , ,

OTHER SPEAKERS . . Mr.. Robort .Fletcher, seconded,. the \resold-, .•*{!??•,-..f hp said, was ono'on which they should not .enter,- into ..politics,..hut join wolcoiDing lionio ono iviioiiiad done veonmn sen ice for tho Dominion (Hear,'hoar) - Jionesty of purpose, enrnestness,, and lii- . - .tegrity had marked that, gentleman'-: administration of hi§ Departmfuts 111 "tho past (Vpplause) Theviall hoped he had bencfitol - by his holidaj', and ,:that .he would -take up his -work in tho best of health, for thev fel*tiiat in tho future his services would be of- . .the same great..value us'm t-lio past; (Lmi'd ■ applause:) ■ M , r J H Broduck, n ho l , supporte<l tho resolution, said that tho Hon. Mr. Hall-Jones • .J J^ SSC S\ . -through keeri' 'criticism'." to uniyersnl psteein (Hpar, hear) 1 This young country was very fortunate m . possessing men like him; ivlio had'risen from' . .tho ranks to thp' highest positions, and were examples .worthy - , of --emulation by Oiir ainhiV.®? 8 . - youth. _. The'.speakor ■ro.viewed' ihc' contrade and labourvin'New;.Zealand irom 1870, companng'thp eighteen years 'thht r immediately .preceded tho; advent •of the Liberal party to power with the cightren- , years that had succeeded, and spbalcing of tho' /; unemployment" and-.'di3tresi /i 6f---"th'e' 'form'er period and tho piospenty of the latter. . As tho speaker proceeded at. some i length •J""® w ero erics . from tho back of tho hall of , (<; I ' n , e ' .'?, ; 2 c *od/ dcil. of ; continubus .. applause ,uith the., feet .of somo- of tho ■ audionce. - ■ * ... -

, ~r iMi% .Georgo.Toogood, ia.tho c6uraft'of'i'.fewat : the ..Minister s return, and hoped tliat his renewed . iioaJth' would permit.;him''to take, up .much" .■ . important' work, that. ;lay,'bef6re': him. ; - ; ; Miv;T. M/-.Wilford, -;il.P.,v-said■.it was"lS / years .srnce /.he-liad first contested j a seat, and all through his political,lifo lie had never f a r e red /in' hi.v ; admiration for - the 'Hon. Mr. man able to point . .tlie fiiigor a)f scorn at ]iim..-.: . ]lo- -Jir"ontlv / advised their/ guest not .; to: devote >Jl 'his time to >vork,, but to : go in 1 for'some irecreation.. ; 'IfJ not' golf,' let; it be - marbles I (Laughter.) : jlhose/.whq'.saw;him in the• House,: and , saw wJiat long hours; he -worked,.'realised that, though .the spirit/might be ■ willing, the flesh- . must-'give, way; : The, Preririier,'.-too—the waiif ot- exercise ;was making liiiii pjit oii-avoirdii- , ...nois. 1 '(Langhter.). ; Mri Hall,.i\ Jones ./in . the. hottest .-debate neror- an ,r rv ■ - \when worried to ' death, • always cheerful •' never ,saying-a .stinging; -unkind thing. Th'osewere- qualities that- made, a: man home -to th'e- , front,-/and th'ey.' were ithe 'qualities: of- the 1 r e ™' e r>. as'of,Mr. Hall-Johes.' ; :He wished dura that health, whicli he undoiibtedly ;, deserved, 'and that -he''might livo - anil prosper. (Applause.) 1 . ."/',/ l: ; • . 'V: THE PREMIER'S SPEECH:' -

n ' B - is.'one'fpr rejoicing, not for ; I®! 1 . 4 !®?. 1 • a king," ; said ; the* /Premier (Sir Joseph Ward), who ,was> received" r with loud ■ applause. //- (Hearj ; hear;)- Thev had heard '.expressions -of pleasure at the' Minister s return; from' representative people, • but none were, more -pleased r to see. him' onto more m restored, health' than his' old colrecalled the anxiety ot tlie Dominion' at the time of Mr. HaliJ,ones s -critical ;]iealth,: but' cveii:.they : coii'ld Jiavp no.; ;conco'ptipn of - '.the.' anxiety, if the his family, ancl his'relatives. Ho dwelt-on the; universal anxiety with which news'was.; awaited from -Home, -aud ; the finali gratification at the tidings that his was being • restored.' -'Then had come the Minister s,- safe - return,;-.and.-. the,v joy > of •>. a happy re-umon>'. (Appjause.) Tlioy : could ioiget their politics, continued the, Premier, in their admiratioir.tor the man,'and expross ,thcir unanimous /pleasure that he had been restored'to-.that good health-thai. was. sonie-•.thing--/;..possess ,beyondall" .political positions.;- (Hear, hear.; ■. Tlie-speaker' and 1 his colleague's, had had: no /difficulty' in- ca'rrying on Mr. Hall- Jones's 1 work "between them onjjng' M?;..absence, and theyfhad done. it Willingly; ; A speaker .that- evening' had suggested the rest cure foi'-.Ministera, biit occa-' Bionally. they.,found - that sort, of - thing opposed. -The; papers -had referred, to- Ministers' work, and said'they go travelling and speaking over,-thecountry., Why do y®' 'ssjeed the . Premier,-..-Because, ■ tho"' people want:to.see the responsible of tJio Government'."-; - The men ; arid rroraqn in the .back' blocks had an ,' etjjial right with those- in the'cities/to hear from' themwhat there' was' to; be ;said about 'the,-Government of the/country-,' and"to', see what -sort of men they wore. (Applause.) 'As long as Ministers could/stand it, it was a good'thing'for i the country,/and .was monev well spent. It'--was wonderful what imagincd'wrong even thbii-iper-Bonal appearance sometimes' removed.- (Laughter iir.d applause.) Ho expressed the Willingness of his collf:agues l td'relieve the' Minister as much-as possible until fully, restored. "I also would like, to' say a word' of; Welcoitio to-Mrs; JLdl-.Johes/'r said; tlie Premier. .(Loud and continued, . "It has. been .upon, her that the chief care and/anxiety; has fallen." (Applause.) ' Ho would say, on behalf of the men and women the ' Dominion, how-glad th'ey were to . welcome her. back-r (applause), nnd' he also oxpressed similar .sentiments' io : wards Miss Hall-Jones; , Jn conclusion', the Premier 1 said' .he" could. only "express ; to Jlrl, Hall-Johes and the members of his' family his sincere' hope that li'o ■ f urtlier "illness in ay: •'all upon his colleague to,cause retire sven tomporarily from-office, and"t-hat health,..

strength ami prosperity might always altcm - : (JJoiicl applause.). , The-'resolution Was parried with ontliusi asm', 1 -'and' the "audience' sang; "For lie's s Jolly 'Gobd/.fcllbtr-I-'i-* ■ : MR. I-lALL-JOXUS IN REPLY. The Hon. W. Hulj-Jones said lit: coiih scarcely give expression to his Mings, nii< wnrmly'/tharikod ':ill* who had, shown hin kuidn'cSs/'consideration and .sympathy during Ins ]illiless','and abSeiiee. 1 lie specially ]ihpii tioncd his'* Ministerial colleairuos. ami 'members of Parliament : on both sides of tin Honse] ' Hiv Would'not bo human if one did not,/during-the remainder of his life, hart a'f warni' : corner :; iii 'his heart'for those whe had lichavedW;b kindly when lie was wavering b'otweeh this worki r and the next-i "Thank God,',' esclaiined' Air. Hall-Jones; "I, have returned,to; this country in renewed health." His wife and daughter fully 'deserved the kind 'things'"; Sir Jo'soph Ward , had] spokoii of fhem.'" ;: Pc'oplW had-' asked why the Corinthie, "on which he had returned, did not ar-rive,-as, sqon/a's-she, was expected. " Tho explanation was quite simple. The captain was looking for the colony of New Zealand, but there was 110 srich place. It was wiped ,ofi the] nmp. 'New Zoaland had bccomc a Dominion. (Laughter,.)] Now Zealand had emorged:,frqm; thof youth of colonial life into manhood.- He-lia'cl ,seen in the Old Country awful'contrasts, of "wealth and poverty. In London y,;cjty ' iiiission'cr had shown; him _ a liouso of eighteen rooms, where two families wcre'liviiig in .almost' every room. There wero many iother' jibusesj like that-. Just' a curtain (lividpil .one'- .faniily] .from another., He. did some,'slumming,'"aiiil .welit to the homes of the peojiie, 7so '.that 'when'- having his Chrir.tnias dinner on. thb' Corinthic lie had had tho pleasure .'.bf-'-linowinE that certain people in London werd.also'liayirig a .Christmas, dinner, fliore ],w£ro ppqplo who,, when they wont to bed at night, did'not know where they would get-their . food, tho, next, day.. ,Thoy_ went again'and jagain oh tlijb same round in search if wofjy-,'withqht' i '.firidjnp;' it. .-Wo' in . -this land,..which, his. lat'e .chief called "God's Own Country," Jiarcjly. realised the advantages wo possessed!]*',He New Zealand was respccjic^; ; .at fipjnoj'-.jand.-lio was .well re-le'ive-tl/'iiot.' bec.ausp,-he was a Minister,, but becausb, lie. iyas', : a, .Jfpiy Zealander. . This fortunato in the men who had represented it: at Home/ First,'there ii'as tlioir- -la.f-o;'dear/old '• cliief;. Mr. Seddon, mil then' Sir Joseph Ward. No other stated rnan,,afc.the. late .Cqnfcreiice ]made sucli/ii iecp'.Vahd-' fa^yourabld,, impression as - their Premier./ Of.anoMier statesman-it was generally, extromel.Y'eloqucnt, but v'ius '.'proposals" 'were unpractical.' Sir Joseph •jy.eijd s tho other liapdj comiiionded/themselves as ,practicable, and busi-ness-like/.!',lt] ';was,','fdlt. that: thero must bo. moro' bf ; thesqicqnfereiices. Tho expense of sanding a'roprosentativ.o Homo, wouki bo well ucurred as long as tho Dominion had, such moil to] send'as had .represented it in tho oast.;" was one for :han.kfjilii.ess on .lijs l part, rather., than jfor ,jVs for tho. future, ho would ta'k'o.tho/kind. advice, offered. , ; "To .thoso' vho hayo : so.;kijid]y ,'au.d heartily, welcomed-1110 ldrsj'.'ijie'/s'aidj in conclusion, "I again give ilv heartfelt ithanks.'' ' (Loud applause.) ;■ Selections,wero played during the -evening iy Mihifio's'/orclieitra. Songs wore r'enIcre'd by Miss' Lissapk; Sir. H. Graves,/and \l.'r. R(iy Slinifie,' atid -'recitations by Mr. 'F.' Bust. " ' !' . ]• finally, 'aftc ; r : a v : 6te ..of thanks, to. the Chairman and' all tho'se'Who had- assisted ] with ] the : gathering';V(moved by Mr] ' ffallJbnes.' and. chrriecl_ l>y j'icclamnt'ioii), tho Na-' .■tibiwL''Ahthejn , -'was' , iuiig/- and tho gatherings broke-lip-with',.clieefe for Mr. and Mrs. Hall-" Jones. .(.' '. ■ ...■■■ .

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 8

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HON. W. HALL=JONES. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 8

HON. W. HALL=JONES. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 112, 4 February 1908, Page 8