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• PASSED WITH CREDIT. '1 he.following arc the first' hundred camlide'cs, arranged iii order of merit, that.have

passed with credit the' Civil Service Junior lvvamination. held in Drecmbor, In'order to pass the examination.with "credit," a candidate must sain at least ,sft per cent.' in the two compulsory subjects 'of , the examination taken together, and at least 50 per cent, of the total possible' maximum' of marks assignable. The list docs not include the names of any candidates taking the Civil Service Junior Examination for; any other, purpose than, to qualify for entry .into, the, Civil Service under the provisions* of the Civil Service Reform Act,- ISSG. ' - ' ' 1. Arthur William Dempsey, ■ Auckland. •2. .Francis,, William . 'Harrison I'rideaux, Stratford; 3. Frederick William Watson, Christchurch; ,4. Frederick •Norman' Thompson, l'aiinersfon North. ' ■ ■ , 5. John Bell CohdliiTe,' Christchurch. 0. Hilda Jane Adlin;,'ton, Auckland. Stysanna'. Margaret* Hopkirk. Dannevirke. 8. .Elieh.'Christine Cnisey, Napier. ; '■ ■ : 9. Jamej Browning Watson, Christchurch. 10.- Dorothy .Nellie Johnson, .Duiialin., ,11. Lan Percy Grant, New l'lyniouth.- , , .12.' Agnes' Emily Satch'ell, .Christchurch... ,' 13. "John , Charles-.Carroll,' Auckland..., '. 14.. Liliaiv .Catherine Barker, ■ Dunedin and William..'.Charles'.Ryan." Wellingtons.equal:16.. Onslow' .Garth Thornton, „Napier. . . 17. . Gwendoline Minnie .von Tuhzelmann Saxon, ... ,18. Philip .-Wild, Invertjarffill; , ... . If). Roland.,.Jlarry 'Packivpod,. Christchurch... 20.' Robert. Blackwood" Steele,/.Auckland. ,'2,1: Norman Matth'ia's Paulsen; Dannevirke, aud Robert' Alexander Wilsorf, ..Auckland,' equal. . • ' ■ ' ' . ..23. Louis Allwyn' Thompson, Warigaiuii.' ■ 24. George William : AlbertsoiC Dunedin. . 2-5. Henry, Rocli fort,' Christchurch, and John Sutherland .Smart,Dunedin, equal. .27. Robert William M'Connoll,, Wellington, ■23; Mildred Clarke, Christchurch. . ■ 29. Mary 'Janet Hunter, Christchurch. ■ 30.' Leslie May, Thames. .' 31. John 'Henry Bainbridgc Norrie, Christchurch. ' , . " 32. Arthur Henry Goocli,-.'Nelson. . ' 33. Alexander Knox Anderson,. Gove. • 34; Ruby Alice-Clarke,, Christchurch.. 35. Norman Maze. Timaru.,3li. Norman Harrison • Dempster, Diinedin. ' 37.' Georgo Gordon .. Praia, Diinedin,; aiid, James Roehford,'Wellington, equal. - -39. Hector .Charles 'Johnson, Wellington. 40. Cedrio Whitby Salmon, Wellington. . .41.: Herbert Adam Cunningham, Dunedin, and George i Gilbert Hancbx,, Timaru; equal./ .43. Frederick. Charles Coombc, . Auckland,, Edna-/Florence , Greatbatch', , Wellington,. and Kathleen''Florence Ilnldane," Nelson, equal.. •46.' .Alfred James-rCiillen,' Wellington.. .- . 47.', Estelle Le ICeong, Dunedin:' •' 48. ■ 'Georgo, Grigg - Low,. Christchurch: 49.. Gordon - ; M'Beath,-.Dunedin. 50. John. Leslie-Gri(rm,;..Nelspn...- . . 51. Arthur .William .Allop,'Diinedin, .. . r ' $2.;.;Lynd6n Bastings', Dunediiv and Patrick James'Ryan, .Wellington',; equal... , ■ <5i . Kenneth, Edward' Stafford'. Patoii, Onnmru. ... ..... 55.,' Arthur > Hainblev / Pearce,\-\Vhang'ar.ei v • 58. -Leonard-Jack 0 Coniiell, Nelson, "Arthur. Otto ,-von Keise'nberg; • Mastei:tori; aiid-. Ellen; Elizabeth 1 - Woni'noth, Christchurch,'.equal. 59. John.Edmund. Mills; Wellington.'' : ';.. 09.. .Beriiard; Charles Alton., M'Cabo;,, Nelson.'. : 61., Gladys ■' Gwendoline Curtis, . Auckland: George • Harvey, Hoare, Christchurch, iihd !• Gladys Maigu'erite 'Halmes;* Dunedin,' equal.' ,■... '■ 04.'- .Ma'rjorie ■ Agnes • Barnicoht,'Pilmdrston North..y_--- '»■"'■, | ■ 65. r JoKh;Henry.;-Lav. ; rie. .Dobbs, Auckland:' '- o.o.;GleiiientA-rt.lrtin •Suckling,, Christchurch, .G7.-.-\:ictor' -Leonard Westerinari,'.-.|Christ' churcH,.'. ".' 1 .-"'•' , :'6B.': 'Eric' Palm'erston North. • . 09.- David-George Napier,\ : Chri'stch'urch. : . - ■HO. George Beaumont,. D,unedin,,; and Maud Mary ■ Clifford, Nelson, ■ equal. ; ■ ' 72. Alice' Mabel, Gladys BagnAllj Auckland: ■73. ..Aiidrow Chrystal, . Invercargill.V Jolm Duggan, .Wellington,', and-' John / Alexander Scott,, Auckland; equal. j.' 70."'Albert Bell Rigg,• Ma'stdrton. . 77. William . Noresmaiv.Waugh, Auckland. - ■ 78 Blsa Sandel, Nelson'. , "' .. .7,9. William Henry Ellis;" Wellington. .. 80., Gabriel " MnsoiK-Luke; Dunedin;,' 51. Cedric Gilbert Adams, Auckland, and Eva Ellen .Grey,: Diinedin,' equal.. , 83. Frank Gordon .Dunedin. ' '84. ■ Herbert Stiiayt Invcrcargill.'. '" '85. Alice Winifred BbllingeV,"" New 1 Plymouth.- . "■. '■ " '•.' •'■ 80. -.Roy. Douglas Kelly. Whangarei.:.... 87.' "Margaret. .Mary Williams,''Hokitika. ' V • 83. Cecil M.'Lean "Smith, 1 Dunedin. ■'. < : 89. Matthew Henderson- Grigg; Auckland.'' 90. Oliver ' Douglas'' Boddi'neton.. Dmierlin.' •9,1.- Eric' Fabia'u-jSpain',-. Dunedin.; j.. :• .''92..:. John ' DelalJere Twentyman, ■ Christ.churcli. V',93." Leslie Ernest Judd.-Ran'Rio.'ra'.... 94. -.-Mary e. Maxivell,".'Christchurch,' 7; and' Myrtle I'circe Chnstchurch, equal . 90. ..Elaine, Mildred-Cooke,;-Auckland.-• ' -.97. ~ Vy.vienhe Gowdv, . • ~ j . ■ 98. Robert William .Stanley"Dotting,' Dunedin.', ,v/ ■' v.-'

09. Goorge .;Pirrit,.. Aflcklaind.!: ; ; ;• . 100. George j Frederick -.Bertrand,'.Napier. The following,, candidates havo also' passed with credit,' befougiug. toi'tho' iliddie liduca-' tional District: (Wellington, 'Taranaki, Wanganhi," llawkols; Bay,: Neiso'ri, .Westland, and Alarlborough). Their places on the entire list .are'.'indicated by- the ligures V— -• ' 101, • Eileen -.11. .Adams,. ' Nelson; - 103, J-JlleiiorC' L. . D. . ■ BruscWitz,. Nelson; ; 101, ; .M. * I?. : M'Lc-an, Auckland; li!s, _ 'F. • •J'.--:-;;o'Eeiuy,- ■ - "Wellington; 10b, L. G. Bell, Nelson; 111, A. S. -Faire, PalNorth; 113, W. V. Kingsbeer,. Palmcrstori 'North; ill, K. J. Hogari, Hokitika; 115, Mabel A; Mahoiiy, Wanganui; 117; Mabel l>. Loftus, Wanganui; .122, O: G. ■. N; 1 Evans, Napier 123,"' Elizabeth 13. Laiigbein, !Nelson; 124, 'E. E. i l C.'Bo'yes, Nelsb'ii; 12G, -W. L. ■Lawry, Napier; ,127/ (J. J; Lenilian, Hokitika; 129, A. *N. Ilancoek,'. Wellington';. 31,'.. L.-'.' j3. Foster, .-Wellington; 32, C. E. Monaghan, Wellington; 133, A. W-.Robertson,-'Nelson;:• 3(i, 'Elsin .M.,.-Stevensoni:.Christchurch';' 3S, A. ,-H. l'ollen,,' Wellington; 40, G. ,\V. Coornbe, Nelson; 41, Gladys ; N. J.ordan,' Nelson;, 12,.. J",. S...Marsden,' Wellington; •13,'.: A". "E. 1 Lawry,- Napiw; 50,. H. : Clement;, Stratford; 52,' R. (/.. Cameron, Wellington; 58, L. A.- Rogers, Napier; 60; "A. I}.. 'Sievwright, Wellington;: IG3, J.. Clarke, Napier; 16/-, H. , ,G. '.ft. • James, M'almerston North; 171, .n.'r L.'Griffiths; Wellington'; 172, ,r. M. /Cole; Auckland; ' : -173, ; C. -G': .Johnston, Wellington;: 17C'.]).; 1 J. \Kyan, /Wellington; !175, X.. F. ; B.urnett,V Wellington; 177,. Lilian '.Horner) Nelson';'l7!),' H.vL. 'Exeil, Napier; 184, R. W. Lavery. 'Wellirigtbri; 183, Margaret O. Max, Nelson; 200, W- R" Mulgan, Wellington; 201, Edith .A:- Arthur, ■ New Plymouth;-, 202,'. Constarico E: Elliot,-, >iasterton; --203,'.. D. Gibbard. Wcstporti 20J, ;C. .. G.. Whitaker, Greymoiith; 205, J. F.-Gumming, Wellingfori;'2oß, IT. O. Asbworth, Marton; 210. Alice K. Har-greave.-i,. N,olk>n: 211, D. L.- M'Kay, Greymouth; 217,':8.• A.i'R., Mossmari, Nelson; 221, J. Harvey,' Masterton; .223," • .Margaret C./ Troy, Greyinbu'th; : '.-225,: : A.' :' Ingrnni,; ■ Nelson; 22G,.C. Iverr, Wellington'; 228, Mary Koan'e, 'Wanganui; 239, G.' X.' B. 'Popplewell,. Napier;. 240, Hilda Ross,'Dannevirke; 241; Vera I. Cowan; Wellington r.SO,' Eleanor: J;"Herdman,.- Masterton; 2sl; Ellen O'RouikoV'Napier ;'-2iS." John T. . M'Crano; ...New,. ..Plymouth;.' 253, . W.'' P. 1 Thompson, Napier';. 254, T. C. V. Rabone, Blenheim;'2ss,' C.'L.'C.. Smith, 'Palmprston North; 253,' \Viriifred.-R. Bates,' : Hawera";' 260,' Gertrude iM;.:.Coolco,-: Nelson;.. 261, -Minnie Irwin, Hokitika; 263,• Noql G: Grant," Napior; '266, G.. B.' M'Rae,- Nelson ;i 278, : J..-A.- Wilkinson, Wellington;,2Bl,..H..'M-.-.Milne, Masterton; 287, Chloo. R.. 'Lehndorf, ■ Napier;.: 288,' R, J.. Burko, Wellington; 291; P. l Condohj Greymoutb.; ; 293, J.' - J;, MJLeary;'; Wellington ;: 297, ,'H;. A., John,ston,-. Wellington; ■ 298;. G.- E; 'Wilkinson, Wellington; .299, JP.Gra'tli,',Wellington; 302, J.i Busby, ■ Napier-;-303,' 'T. 'E;' Beard, '.Masterton'; 308, : Dorothy. E;: Jackson,- Masterton; •' 311, Edith P., Miller,'Masterton; .322, W. B. Lambert, Wellington; 324,"L.'. F.' Sartcn, Wanganui; 327,-R; H.- Bailey,-New'Plymouth; 332, IC. ;N; Edwards, Napier; .333, jR.;-.Miller, Masterton; 334, H. L. Morgan, Napior; 336, D.- R. Dinnie, Wellington; 337, Josephine M: Barker, Nelson, 339; H. K. Lynch, Wellington; 3-10, C. J. Playno, Wellington; 341, Miiriol J. Morecraft, Hawera; 342, T. H. Morrison,' Darinevirke; 343, Edith Conway, Reef ton; 348, W. H. Burgess, Palmerston North; 349, N. M'M. Chnpirall, Stratford;'3sß,. Florericc 'E. Shone, Ne150n;.359, Kl C; Stockman, Wellington; 360, R. L. Macalister, Blenheim;'3G2, J. P. O'Dowd,: Wellington; 363, Mabel D. Wiseman, Napier; 3G4, H. I'l. Huston,: Masterton; 3C9, li. • K. Watson, Nelson; 371, A'. G.: Clark, Napier; 372J Lily E; Hall, Wellington; 373, Janet I. Russell, Masterton; 374, F. C. Bryan, Palmerston North;-375,, J; A; Shannon, Hokitika; 376, W. Rule, Wanganui; 380, A. Selby, Masterton; 382, H., Phillips, Nelson; 383, Violot M. Pitt, Napior; 385, H. G.' Carlson, Pannevirke; 387, 11. S. Ilurle, Now Plymouth; 395, Constance M. L. Harney, Westport ;'39G, I!. A. Patterson, Napier; 399, 1\ R. M'Elligott, Wellington;'4o7, A. E. .Sfanne'rs, • Westport;. 409, C. Burgess, Wellington ; 414, R. L.. Jcllicoe, Wellington; 417, L. Smith, Wellington;- 418, R. R. Burrids?i Masterton; 420, Ellon D&n* jichu,'Westport i i&, G■ P. - Eaxtw, Napier;

425, A. M'A'rtlmr, New, J. A. it Ashcr. Napier; 1-30, A.-11. liockie, Napier; 431-," i An'nio if. Aitken, Recftori; -C. T. Stafford, Jlarton; 438, P. G. Wltite,' Westpdrt; 441, W." , •K. Monk, New Plymoutli; 1!2, .lleiter S/Wil- .' linaison, Grcymouth; 444,.H;' Newton, Nelson';- ; ! 440, C. 8.. i'eart, Nelson;. 450. Charlotte E. . Mackcn;:ie, Nelson; "152 i M. Butler, Welling- •! ton-;* 458," 11. A.' Pegg, Wellington;' 434,.' 1 M. M.urrny. .Masterton; 45.VG. M., Haigh, Wol- ,i lington; -159. Ida Woodrulfe, Stratford; 462, G. G. C'iillonder, Wellington;''.46s,- W. N; Bingham, Danncvirke'j 4G7,' P;','D!' Wellington: MS, A. Wheeler; il'nstertoii; 477, A. I. 11. .loncs, Napier; 47!), Alice L: Thoirison', " Greymoiith; 482, K. ' J:' Downey, ,'AVellington; 45.1, G. -V. •'. Palder, Wellington; 48(. 11. G. M. Priestley. Wnngaiiui;'^4Bß, C. lIS liiddiek, Wellington; -IS!), J.'Dolph,' ITokitik.i;490, M. Mnhcr, Wellingtoil; {Jfll, li. Bray, Masterton; 483, C. 11. Pole, .Palmerston North 4!K, M. B ; Atkinson;. Nelson; 400, Mary E. O'Brien, Nelson; 49!), J. W. Baigent, Nelson; 500, /.elma A. K. Enting,' Napier': - 503, ,F. P. llagan, Wellington; 504, E'. B.: Younj, Wei- ;■ lington; 503, J. P. Cannody, Wellington; MS, W. ]•;. Capper, Wellington; 510;.Emma'Hatch', llokiiika; 511, Annie B. Stitt; N'ew Plymouth; 512, Gladys L. Watson, Napier; 510, : Ji. J. Bayfield, Westport; '518,' W. Ivonnedy, Nelson; A. C. Stewart, Wellington; 523, E. Buiman, Reefton; 524, l'. - Gilligo.n, 'Wanganui';, 525, Clara _'Hy ; Risk, Westport; 52G, C. M'Ewan,-Napier; 528, M. O. Pairfiirst, Daiinevirke; 531, Elizabeth Willctfs, .llokitika; -532, Cna'M. O'Sullivan, Hokitika; 537, I', J. Lloyd; Wellington; 512,-Eunice .I?.' Oliver," Masterton"";'■ 518. Edith J. Cradwell,' Napier; 540, Hilda,il. Wilson, Marton;"sso, Agiies Winifred, Napier; : 553,- R'.-; W." Smith, Dannovirke: 55-V F.' -G.. Eyres,': Wellington; 556, A. Leggett, Wellington; 557. Mary A. Bourke, Masterton, . and Irene- A. ; Do V.. Campbell, Grey,mouth.; 502, Phyllis A. Ronton, "Nelson; 503, A. Md. White,, Napier;. 504,. C/.- IT. Neal. Na'pier; 55(5., A.'. P. I'arfitt, Gri'ymputh; 507. ,F. : R. Come;.' Wellington"; 5G8.-R.IP, T., Milling-' ton,.'Greymouth; 572, Naomi Beetha'm, Wellington; 573, J.. G. Fulton,- Wellington; 575;' Mary E. Stevens,'.Masterton; 570, W. D. Corliott, Napier;-577, Margaret L. Scarlett,'Rc'eftoh : 578, . Marjory.-E. -Millier, "Napier; SSM, _P. A. EdmOndSj Nelson; 580, T.. Matone,; Nel6oii;' 589,- li. D. Ilardie.-. Palmerston :North; 593, Laura- Gray, '••Palnierston North; 597,. Jessie-A. M. Sinclair, Palnierston.'.North; ,599, Fanny I'inder, Napier; COO, M. E.'Kiit'ulson, Palmerstori . North;- 003,- J. - Mackenzie, -.Dannevirko; GOG. J. F Welsh,' Wanganui;' GO9,- Myra ,IC.. Hill, Wellington; Gil.- ; J. Leo, Wellington; "Florence L.' llarnian, Napier, / . . PASSED. ■ The following candidates in.the same educational district have obtained a : simple pass :—. 621;,' T. D. M'Lean,^'..Wellington; 623, Pl' B. Desmond, Palmerston North; G25, A. Gi/Williams, Nelson; G2B, G. L. Morrison. Wellington; G3O, ICva W. Watson, Palnierston ■ North; G32, H,. P.:• Rasmussc.a, -Wellington;. 63G;. Adelaide M. N. .Campbiill, .Napier;- 637, L. _W'. Louisson', Nelson; G3ii,\Jane G.' Ramsay, Napier; G4O, G.W; Sampson.'Greymouth; G42, Elio 11. ■ Collingwood, Palmerston North; G441 Margaret B. M'Callum, Blenheim;, ,015,; R,- G646, G; Davev, Marton; G47, El'M. .C. 1 Burr, Wellington; 650, O. T. Brewer, Dannc-! virke;- G51," A. E. Webley, . Wellington; G53, 1 Marv Kirkpatrick, Paliners.toni: North; 6W," | Doris M. Glazebr'ook, Napier; 600, C. G. Baker, Wellington';, GGI, 11. B. Leaper, 'Nelson Josaphino Pfoifcr,* llokitika; .GOV, Alice B. Gleesoii, Now Plymouth; .GGB, Gorirude' A.. Sham, Nelson; GGO.'I'H.' M. .* Hari'ej-, ; - Masterton; 670, Merriel W. Mander. Nelson;- 672, W. B. White, Nelson; 674, Alice Coward, Palmei-ston North-j G75, Gr'aeo M. Montagu,-Greymouth; G79, Joyce. ' Munro, Nelson; G80;:AI' F. ,Rogen, Nelson ; ; _GB2;D. G.;.Cod\v Wanganui;. 6sl; : L. G.'Devme;' Wellington; - GSS, ..'S;: R-.-v EdwaTds,- Masterton; • •687,-R. James, Reef toil; i 689,' Florence, T. l'avlor,-' Napier; 680,'• Aniy L/d'Emden,,-Wel-lington;', 094;, T. Faiycett;l BlenhSini;, G96y 0. A., MaiigmV* Ndpirr; 697. ,l\atb ,Hcaly. Reefton; 701, R.' W.'Colbeck; \NcJfip.n : Goulditig, Napier,;' 707, ( •Nelsoiv; 703,' Olive ' Bng'g/' Masterton; VtlJVvViplpt -M.* Wright;- Hokitika; 713, ! J.'- ; Jf. Wan-. ga'iiui;: 71G. P;- J,, Hogan. .'GrejJioutn; d 3, Jy A". 'Sargent,- VJlawera;" fyf&e, M.,i?lack, ; ' Daiiiievirke; i 722,, -ElsieV Uutfell, iM ellington; 724, -Muriel,S. JohnstonV'Stratford : 72GrMary A.'-'O'Sullivan; -Hokitika-;' 72G,",E|hel-,M. ;Npb.l.e, Reefton ;* 727, ,p. J. O'Brien, Wellington;./728,'Doris W. Argvle, Palmerston- North,;" iMgW-:. F. Jensen, Dannevirke;. 7?l, J. Murphy, Wangaiiul;' 732, Minnie K. .llare,:,3lastcrton;-i33, W. 11. Hunger,l Waiiganui:.-73t, Johanna. Sjullahe, Wollihßton; " S.' F..: Stevens,- Nelson; 736 Kv.'E. *Liil;e, Wellingtou; : <39, •. Constance M.'Piiider, Nariicv, 742, H.' A.,-Husband, Westport; . 718,- "Barbara -1 - .1. Robinson;-- r Grey r; mouth; .. ■ 741; ;V.A.Sutton', :Master 7 ton;' !745,. t.Whouipppn,-. Nap cr.: "740 ,W. i ■ 'K- ; Wilson, r ,Dannevirke; 748;f J., ■ Clachon, Wellington VS., W- Fanzclow, Nelson; 751. L. -R. Russell, l'dmerston North; .o9 b. M'Doivall,' Wellington; 7GB; MalieP R. Wh te, ' Greymouth ;■! 770',' Pi, J; .'Priest, rDonnovirko;. 771." C. Watts, Napier; . 772, J. D. Alexandev, Nelson; 773,-R,. W. Laing,, New-Plymoutlii; 782, Edith B. Montgomery, Welliugton; <83, Marv,O'Donnell, Greymouth; 787..D. D.,Adkin, Levin; 788. ' V. R. .Bernard, -.. Wellington ;/!>O, W-. F. Dudsbii,: Masterton 793,,. Kate Warren, C> revmoiith; 791, T. A:.; Burthonsbaw, Dannevirke; 797, Euphcmia "M. Gordon, .Wellington; 801, Helen 'M-'Carrisoft;- Wpllmgton; J., G. Rice, Wanganui; 808, , A- E. Law,. Danne-, -'A. L':- Viclcerman,-: Nelsbii ;- '1812,;: Georgina .Turner, Hokitika: 818,: J. ;W; Brabyji; ' Wellington'; Sl9, G. A. : -Mills; Nelson £820, • W. F." Gil igan', : Wanganui;.' S2lv;.G.' J:'. Nicholas, Pklmcrston North; 823,' ,li, W. Chvvstall,.,Wellington ;\ 830, V. B. Portman; .Wellingt'on;S3l,■A;' C.' Ridgwav, Napier ;-'B37i- Leila'- Flanagan", Wellington ;-83S, Gladys'M. .N.,-Ditchings,\Wel-. . li'ngtoii; 841; "T. v -'N. i -\'s Heiclitti"-' -Jf.felson-; v 844,. . D. K:' N. ; Glnii; Nelson; 818, ,D. ; G.--Jack,-Wel-lington;' 819,•. H-'H-.- 'Fnrncaiixv, 'Westport; 'Ssl; •J; El' Douglasl' Dan'ue'i'ii'ke'; '852,;Elizabeth..E; Morgan,. Marton: 851; -E.v.C. Bi-Wilkinson, Reeftou; 855, E.:M. Blniidell; Stratford;,Bs7,,C.", E. C;'•'Milncr, Wellington'; , 858, F.l-Robinson, Blenheim; 860 - G:-;Lv- Stednianr-Napiei': - 865, G. > 1\ Ciiapiniiri. .Nelson';. BG7.\ Eva B.'. Mills, Nelson ; BG9. R. D. Baker, -.-'Wcllinßton'.;'- 875, J. E.-Hunt,-.'Wellingtoii ;1550,,F.-G.M'lvee,-Nelson; 882; -Maggie' 'Malone;:: Wanganiii';Bßs,'" K. .'.C. Pegg, : Wellington; 88G, D, 1 M-Liughlin; Strat-. ford', -887," C-- -G. Rriinsden;: Wellington:--890, L.' S. M'Lernon. -Napier; '892;'-.H>!W. Cpcke'rill, Wellington; 895, Louisa Williams,'- Greymouth; 8!)G, -D.-'-K, Batcheloiv Palmerston; North; 897, E. J. Burke, Wellington; .899, : .'Martha; MfCallnm, 'Blenheiinf .901, Annie M. L. Anderson, Napier;'-902, -T. J. Bolton,- Wellington;' 803. F. B. ICnutsoir, - Masterton; 905.-,G.. Williams,' Blenlieirii;9o6, L., -Masterton'; 907, Charlotte'' T. Harvey, Masterton; 90S, - Hildred -A.' Parker,.' Dannevirke; '910,'";-Eliza.' Gallop,' Blenheim; 913; :C.\ F;" Cronin, "Wanganui [J314; Frances- H. .Heat-li; Wellington; 015; Vera- I. Curtis, Wellington; 917;:-: Dorothy E.'v Corner, Wellington; 918, R. G.- Davis,^'Wellington; 920, E. A. Fretiioy. iNow.' Plymouth ; i 921,' A: J.~T. Wilson, Grnymonth;.',923,l Eniily M. Montgomery. Wellington;- 924, H. .-1!. Ilarre,' Stratford;'- 926, J. -Cody.'--W.'uigahui;. -927. L.'; D: Nairn", -WeNingtoii ;-931:5-Ja; IV/Birrl,- Wcstfiort.; 9112. Norah M. l!oche,- Hawera:;* -940,'.. Catherine' Bonifacio, - Westport;. 9(3, Ellt'if Carmody, Wellington. : v i' j ' '• -', ~ ' SENIOR -FREE PLACES. : Tlio' following' is 'an' additional, list' of can-; didates in tlie 'Middle Educational District 1 who, 1 is", the Civil; Service' Junior aud Senior Free ; Place. Eiaminationsl-.of'.'Decembe'r, .1907,1 satisfied the requirements.'for.Senior 'Freri Places, either (1) directly as- candidates; in the Senior Free,place.oxaniination; or (2) as'randidates sitting specialljv (a)-'.for. Education Board' Senior Scholarships; (b) in accordance with' the conditions • of- tenure of Junior National Scholarships,' or (c)- ,-fo'r '• the • First Examination of' Pupil Teacliors, The-Middle Edncational .District . includes . Wellington, Taraiiaki, • "Waneanui, | Hayvke's Bay," Nolscin, Westland, and Marlbprougli... ; -.' ,• Janet D. Allan; Westport;. Annie'.,R;.V. Alsop, Palnierston-'North; : • H.izel. 1 J. Andrew, Palmerston North;, J. D.'. Andrews, Nelson;-E.'S. Baker,'Pal'mers.ton Nortli; Mary. ,E.. A 1 ~Barh-ett,-Dannevirke;' Tliirza' I; Barrio, 'Napier; Zaida:P.:Bayly, New Plymqu'tli; J.-*Av. BarrV, Napier;' li.;.G,,.Berry, Palnierston:- North;\Vidn G;*. Billing, I New' Plyiiloutb ;"< P. 1 J." Blick, Blenheim ; Marion Bold,- Wellington; Kathleen. M: Bolton, Nelson; Daniel C. V. Bowler;-Palmer-ston -• North; Lucy ,-E. -. Box, Wellington; Kathleen Bright," MastertonA.." -'G. Brofckett,. - Wellington; - .' Lilian' Brooking, -' ■ Gisborno; Alico :• M. Brdwn,' Palmerston. North"; Elsie Brown,. Stratford; G. .B. Brown, Wellington; Ivy M.' Browne, Blenlieim; Margaret S. Bullard, New Plymouth; II; .W.-. Cannington, • Nelson; Margaret Carmody, Palnierston North; F. J. Carroll, Levin; Georgina Chatwin, Wanganiii; Alice E, Clemance., New Plymouth; . A. Collingwood,- Stratford; P.. M. Corkill, Wellington; Lilian L, Crabb, Wanganui ;- Cedric Crawshaw, Stratford; ,T. ; Av Cropp, Nelson; Laura Dalziell,.Palmerston North; J. F..Davie, -Wanganui; Hilda-V. Davies, Nelson; E. C. Day, New .-Plymouth;. L. W. Dean, Napier; Estelle '•M. Derrick, -Nelson; E. - T. Dewar, Palmerston Nortli; Nina A. Dowling, Hawera; Louisa H. Drummbnd, Nelson [ Olive F. Eagar,' Wellington; Berenice E. -Edwards, Marton; A. J. Engebretsen, Dannevifko; J. V. Enner, Nanier; Edna A.; Evans, Wanganiii; Lucy Flavcll, Wanganui; Doris N. Flux, Wollington; Hilmn E. Fogelberg, Wellington; A. M: Fowler, Stratford; Ruby M. Fowler, Stratford; E. M. Fraser, Blenheim; F. If.-Galvia, Wellington; M. , Gandar, Wellington; Violet Garland, Nolson; F. J. Gaze, Wanganui; Elsio E. Gibson, New Plymouth; W: T.' Glasgow, Wellington; W. B. Glasgow, Neir Plymouth; F. G.' Glastonbury, Blenheim; E. W. Gibbons, Blenheim; Thomas S. Grant, Dannevirke; Margaret ,1. Hanse, Wanganui; Lionel,W; p.. Hall, Napier; Janet C, Hue, PttJatotoa• .Scrli;

IC./D. Harknses; Nelson:; Ella I, F. 'MJvHarfo ness,-Nelson;.'Ethel' E.",, Harrison, Wanganui; L. R. .p. Haworth, Stratford; Dorothy G. ,Hotter, Blenhefnv; 11. .Si.'HiUs;'Hokitika; M. C. Hodge, Masterton; Gertrude .Hogan,-;.Pal-;mer'ston' .North; J.; P. Hooper, ; Levin; •L M. Horton, . : Blenheim'; Eva" Hull, Dannevirke; R. H. Jackson, ' New. Plymouth; S. ,-M. James, Stratford; Georgina E, Jamiesoii, Palmo'rston-North Winifred' 3;- Jamison';New Plymouth; J. .A. . Jenkins, Blenheim;' Jehnens,'. 'Nelson;. .Annie' 'Johnsto' Hawera; .0. A. Jordan, Wellington;. Rcna Karsten, Nelson;- kucv D. Kershaw". ,'leU' f E. R. .Jviric;; Wellington; G. E. Kit '. lington";'Rcta* CI Lane, Wellington; " :,r " Blenheim; R.. J. Law,/.Palmerston V.. ii •C. Laws, Napier;' Marv E. L'oo| Levin; : W. lf . Leol Wanganui; li. G.'Leonard, Nelson; A. ' Lewis, .Masterton';, L.,•"•Mv Liardet, Stratforc. Alice Lusty.; Nelson; B. A. A. Mabin, WeU. lington; Gflbcrtiiia MacAllister, Napier; A. B. M'C'oll, Wellington;..'!). T. M!Cormick,'Wan--galnui; Helen B. "McDonald,' Wanganui! Doro!. thy C.'-Mace. New Plymouth; E. K.\M'Gaughran, Daiinevirke; Ma'r.v Bl- M'Kciizin, Master-,' ton;. H. J. Maekie, "New .Plymouth; C. E.; Makeliam,. Wellington;. If.'' B. Miller, Palirier-' ston North; V. W.!Mills, Dannevirke; Ci: N. Mitchell, 'Blenlieirii; J. D.'R. Muriro, Palmer-;' stou. North;.-Maryl E. -Murray, • Masterton; Emjna- Jv'Murtaghl W. 0. .Neal,--'Na-: pier; L. R. Neilson-, Wanganui;-. Winifred Neilson,' Wanganui; . Monica Neumann,. Blenheim;.- Esther .'-jr.' ;'Nortli; Wellington; Bridget M. M..' O'Donoghuo, Blenheim;' P., O.'DonoghuiS .Napier; T.-, R. ;o'Cohrior; Strat-'. ford;. W. R.'P. vpalmer, Wanganui; Sarah E. : Payiitor, N'plson;C.\ Q... pe'rriii; PalmOrstps North; Mabel H. Pie.rcy, Palmerston' North;! G. . 8.. L. rorteiy PnlmeritOn -North;- Grace Prince, Wellington:' C. N.' Rabone, -Blenheim 1 ; Ii: .RfissV Napier ;, A", I'l ..Roydhouse., Masterton; 1v."J1.; Ryaiii Dannenrke; W;,.GI -Salmond, Wellington;r A; S: - Scott, Wellington; H.'. A. Shaiu,..Nelson';. H.-, G. Shakes, Wellington; .Mildwd. tV. Shep.h'erd.'.Palmerston.North';.. W. R.' Simmons,' 'NjEir, Plymouth; W. N.. Simpson,; 'Wellington Frances! N; ,p'lTi Smith;'-Nelson; H.-JI. Smith, '■ Wajiganui ;.*'■ Jaiio Smith)'-' Dinne-, virke; L. Pi-.'Sple;.. New Plymo'tith; -Lilian ,1. Sorensen';'Palmerston-: North; -P.- Mi.-Spencer,. Wongiuiui• Iva; M.. Stace,: Wellingtoil;Florence' E. Stansell, Levin; .Flora J. S.tevensl Weir lingto'n;. P. .. V. Storkev, Napier;'Bl'Synics, Stratford;. G. Tappiri, Wanganui; H. Hi Ta!ylor, .Datinevirke;.'.Teresa F..Thonias, Nelson; Jessie ; Tollcy, Wellirigt6n;\ P. Tolme, Hawera; Margaret B. Tonkin, Napier;' Grace M. Torr, Napier; M." A..Tretiiewan, Wanganui; S. A. Tresize,, Wellington: C. T. iWard, Wellington; j; C.' Whihley. D'arin.evirke; ,H. W. Wi White, Blenheim; W. R. Wliitton, Nevr Plymouth; ■AV ,D. Si' Whyte,- Napier; •V. S.. Williams, -Wanganui; A.. Wilson. '"Napier; Elizabeth I. Wilton'. Wanganiii; Rubiiia M.' Wilton. Masterton: J. A. Wiseman, Danheyitko:.. C. I'. Worlev. Nelson;. E. M.' Wyllio, ' Strafford. ■ V :''

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 111, 3 February 1908, Page 8

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EXAMINATION RESULTS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 111, 3 February 1908, Page 8

EXAMINATION RESULTS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 111, 3 February 1908, Page 8