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AMUSEMENTS; - 1 ; THE SQUIRES-11CRNS" PICTURE ATIO.IO. ; rfl H E A T R. K.. ' R O Y A L. Prop., Julin Fuller and Sons, v ; .....FULLER'S ADVANCED. YAUDEVJLLE.. ' " * us t' wtived'.frpm America, the Greatest . Boxiiig Film ever : produced— .Shown Nightly, at 10.1(1. p.m., AMERICA V. 'AUSTRALIA-.. : HOW,'BILL "SQUIRES' WAS BEATEN BT .. TOMMY BURNS, ,U.S,A:.CliampiottV..:,- . , ■. -....l,or..ji le ..Champicnship; - of: tho World-.' ■'• ; Graphic I'ictufc S'torv"of a'-Oiife-nicled' Contest. : ' ."TII.B . ,;;V-A L'D.'EN E:S. s ■. ; . . ,■ T :H'E'.''- i -V»A 'L-D'-E* N-E S. -.' . 1 --|--"Xlit3 Wonderful -Trick- Cyclists. ' ■ '. " '.' DAyEi'v^AKN'B;',,S*niSinir.' , Cpniedian, v ■ "-"Oh the Scviiatciratn' of 'March."' •• ;'n: -H. 'GOLCINS,: Tenor:'.^vv:■ : r''„l!T,V''C<fttfC.'.'.Bt'loved,"': . • LC-RfeAINE- TANSLEY. IDA INGERSOLB ';.'NEEl'ie-the-Queat,ys-iurry:\ . I Comwlv-Sk-btfch,-"OWEN'S-D;T.'s." I ■;'■ •WILL:'GILBEI(T.'-AND DELAVALE-ERN,'.' .; .: 3..RACOONS.;:3' *•; ■ 1 r• : • ■ Two -Men and a • Dor. - - ! .MASTER RUPERT CHRISTIE. ' • The Brilliant- N.S.W. Gold Medal' Soprano. "GEItTIE-EVERETT, ,i ' : '' Clever'.Character. Coriiedieh'ne.'...'"' Prices—Zs.- and Is. Plan Dresden. Doors . 7.30. Oill rjnwNHUL * town mill ■ i OWN'HAIL. • ' .TOWN HALL TUFSDV\ \LYI NOVEMBER 1' Till iRIDr OI DIiNMRRON" "THE BRIDE OF DDK KEF. RON." 1111 BJ IDL 01 DUNIvERI ON" . , (lieiiry,Smart). \ i,■ V ' , .'Dy the WFLI IN&TON MUSIC M UNION WELLINGTON MUbICVL IMON ; • :, '':';.:sqiCiSTS^ ~ .The'. Soa Maiden, .....1... Miss.'Rosioa Buckmahij.' Dunkeri'en : Mr. E. -J.-IliU. . Thu-iSea-King -Mr.VC.-ClarlJsoßi. -: '.'".T.Conductor';-. Parker. • . .. BoiwPJaii. iiowVopen at the' Dresden.'! / PRICESr-Circle. 35.: l';ront Stalls. - 25.; Bqdk- • V. :,. "'." .' • •"£?!? IS! \Fij IN FGIPT TSRAJ I IN FG\ Pf ISRAEL IN LGIPI PJ iOV, N II \.LL TOWN 1 HALL. :: ! r.. '::.'. 'V' 1907.. . "-The Executive ' of'. the 1 WELLINGTOJI < MUSICAL. UNION . will be. pleased to rcceivß ■ the;assist:incq of; friends,- who arc fair; readersi, 'in-'-.'-the i production .of this 'grand '■ Oratorio., 'which lias not" been . performed '.here...for . over ten.--years. •• Applications' are invited by; po'st-card or . telephone, to-thb-Honorary -.Secretary, who will supply all particulars.. ; :,'. i-Mi. ; . ... S ~ .. . .A. M. LEWIS, Hon;. Sec. ;i To ■ Aro/- Telephone-1.18.—J.. '5610 PUBLIC NOTICES - . . , v -, ' (pEN'ERAL ASSEMBLY OF- THE PRES- ' BYTEIvI VN CHURCH ■.Business,as suggestejl.'by tlie ArrangementV • , :.. V*:'., Cpmriiittce.'.' ■ i ' I ■' .' : . 10 - a.m'.-^Tliei.rLord's ''SupperA'dispeiiscd,- -and--1 . ...' Devotional Exercises.,' , I, 11 a.m.—Overtures tin RepreSfeAtations; Report :."■ of ' Business-- Committee,--'and-- Com- , . mitte-3 on: Commission; Report on •; State-.of..Religion and, Temperance. 7 p.m.—Maori-Missions; Home Missions, and , • Training of Home Missionary Re- • - ... ports;' Overtures, and'An'ent HOni'e ■ •'•. ■ Missionaries • and ; .Sessions ■ for >, .. .. Home Missioin Stations. 5622 • "PRIMITIVE METHODIST SUNDAY Jt-, SCHOOL,-Webb Street. i TO-NIGHT WEDNESDAY, : NOVEMBER''6. ■ ;; -Ai.nivUrsary Tea, G. 15: ;■ TickSts,' Is." -. • • ' 'Annual Reunion, .7.30. "Chairman, Hon. C. ■ M. Liike, MlL.C.;'Vicc-Chairuian, Mr.-George - Peti-'erick. ; 1 "■ ■' ~ ' . ' . ; i Short Addresses by Rev. C. E. Ward, Presi- ! dent of the-'.-Conference:• llev.'- -J.- Cocker, and liev,. James Flanagan. England: ; Festival .Music by the. Children, Ch6ir, and Orchestra- ■■ - V- : ■ S6OO 'Wellington . collegb. sports.;, •., OLD BOYS ■ are reminded tliat the Sports will be held on FRTDA.Y NEXT, Novern'hiT- 8, ' ' • ; . '• ' - From 10,,,'.-nna i 2-.p.m. to 5-pim. ; - - Ob 3 ■ ' ;L, : , J., P. FIIiTIL NOTICE OF HOLIDAY. .., ~. ■" ...'. ".KING'S .:BIRTHDAY..V i rfIVHE WAREHOUSES of the undersigned'will ' be OI'EN-AS' USUAL.on SATURDAY i'. November !), and will bo CLOSED lor Holiday ' on Mondiiv, November...lL- • I : , BING. HARRIS: AND CO.; LTD. '. SARGOOD, SON, AND EWEN,-LTD. • ROSS AND .GLKNDINING, LTD. ARCHIBALD CLARK AND SONS, LTD. ' ' MACKY, LOGAN, CALDWLEL, -AND CO.. --'ABBOTT ORAM' AND CO.' R. 11. -ABBOTT'A'ND CO., .LTD.. 5615 - ©IB" 'WELLINGTON' ■ MASTER BAKERS' - - INDUSTRIAL UNION OF VVORKERS.SATURDAY,Vthe''9tIi inst., -being a''Statutory Holiday under the Bakers': Award, .. that day will he - observed-as a holiday.' ; ■. -IT.-F. -ALXEN,'• -. ■ • . Secretary. . November G,'1907. ... - v . 5607 ' 'THE WELLINGTON CRICKET '...-■ ASSOCIATION. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING. . V 4 SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING will b»' A ' held at Batkin's, Lambtoh Quay, on TUESDAY, November 12, .1907, at' 8 p.iri". ' ■ business : . I.'To consider report of Sub-Committee appointed by the New 'Zealand Cricket Council with reference to qualifications .of players.. ' . ' . , - - 2. Nfltice of motion by. Mr.; 'S:. 'Jacobsi—To delete subsection 5 of- Ch'alnpionship ■ Rule -.4. (Provided that in the case of, Senior - Championship Matches,' at'the, end of the 1 • '• first round; tho fOiir leading teams shall ' pla t v -Semi-Finals - and a Final Match, which .'""last-mentioned . match shall be played to a finish, if possible,'and tlic team : .winning such Final Match shall be declared ; , the ;. W.iuner of ' the Senior Championship. li'i-.thoevent-of the Final'Match'not being ' played, t.lio Championship shall be! awarded'•on -points). And. to substitute the following ill lieu thereof:— , Provided that in the case of Souior Cham- : pionship..Matches at the .end. of .the fii-st round,' the lour leading teams shall play . • ' .d ; .'socbn'd round on tho same conditions, ns tlie-first round.- In the event of such round 1 - . not' being completed through lack of time or ■ any other reason,, the Championship - shall' ue decided on tho -first>'roundt ; E. B:VANCE; jalill) • . .Hon. Sec. ! ' WELLINGTON COLLEGE. '- -, WANTED, two Assistant Masters'; salaries' ■n'.S2so<and".El7s. '_' Applications, with ' testiinoiiialsi -will lie' .the- undersigned up to'the.'26th November, 1907..' '; ... '' , • y.'J' '. /CHAS P I'OWLES, " , Secretary. - 559J ■ '. v

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 36, 6 November 1907, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 36, 6 November 1907, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 36, 6 November 1907, Page 1