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12th ANNUAL EXHIBITION. A FINE DISPLAY. The Warepa Agricultural Society held its 12th annual winter show in the Warepa Hall on -Wednesday. The weather was ideal, and a large number of the residents of Warepa aud surrounding districts turned out to witness the display of farm produce, etc. The entries showed a slight falling off compared with those of last year, but the quality of the exhibits was up to the high standard of previous shows, and was a tribute to the fertility of the district, eliciting complimentary references from the judges. However, there is still considerable room for improvement, not as regards the quality of the entries, but in the number who take an active part in the show by sending in produce for exhibition. During the 'past year the society has had the misfortune to lose the services of two of its most valued officers, Messrs T. 'Marshall (secretary) ami W. S. Thomson (presideut), both of whom have been accepted for active service. The acting-secretary (Mr W. 'Heckler) aud acting-president (Mr Skinner) proved themselves to be the right men in the right place, carrying out their duties in a most capable and courteous manner. They were assisted by an energetic committee, and every detail in connection with the show was carried out smoothly. The ladies as usual were to the fore with refreshments, and kept the boilers going all day. Weight-guessing competitions were held both in the afternoon and evening, while various other forms of amusement helped to enliven the proceedings. Miss Anderson, of Waiwera, sent a nice bunch of chrysanthemums and a pumpkin for exhibition purposes only. The special prizes were won by Mrs Farquhar, for the best six home-made oven scones, and Miss M. Heckler, for most points in baking. The prize for the former competition was a beautiful aluminium rose bowl, donated by Messrs .James Gray and Sous (Milton), the prize for the latter being the president's special prize of £1 Is. JUDGES' REMARKS. In every class except the poultry the judges expressed themselves as highly pleased with the exhibits. Mr Barclay, who judged the grain and roots, said that on the whole the entries were very good, the white-fleshed turnips being a feature. The yellow-fleshed variety were nicely grown and shaped, but could not be classed in the same standard as the white. The potatoes were also very good. The vegetables and fruit were considered by the judge (Mr J. Edwards) to be very much superior to the quality shown two years ago, the last time he judged at the show. This section as a whole was very creditable. The fruit, owing no doubt to the exceptionally mild season which the district has experienced, was of splendid quality, although it could not of course compare with that produced in Central Otago. The entries in the cut flower section were not numerous but of good quality, the chrysanthemums deserving special mention. Although it is now late in the season, sweet peas were exhibited, and the judge expressed surprise at seeing them in such good condition. The baking and butter exhibits were a prominent feature of the show, and there was very fair competition considering the present price of flour and eggs, these being big items in baking for show purposes. The judge (Mrs Faris) said she had never judged better pastry than that exhibited. She also spoke in eulogistic terms of the fruit cakes, which were an outstanding feature of the section. The oatcakes were the only entries that could not be described as very good. A small entry in jams and jellies was staged. Mrs Faris, who also judged the bacon, ham ami eggs, said these were well up to the usual standard. The entries in the section for industrial work were poor, but the work shown was of good quality. The judge of the poultry section (Mr Jarvie) expressed'himself as not very well satisfied with the quality of birds shown. The black Orpingtons'and white Rocks were about the best, the Minorca pullets being fair. 'Most of the other varieties were shown in poor condition, and most of the 'birds were crooked breasted. The fanciers required coaching, and should visit some of the poultry shows in the larger towns to get an idea of how to get their birds up for show purposes. For utility purposes most of them could be classed as fair. The white Leghorn cocks were of good type, colour and face. The Indian Runner ducks were of fine quality and good type, although not up to the standard in colour. The wool section did not draw much competition, but the quality of the entries was however very good. The following is the prize-list:— GRAIN, ROOTS, ETC. Attending members: Messrs J. Gunn, D. Sheddan, W. Murray and J. Gordon. •Judges: Messrs -John Barclay and Thos. ■ Soper. Velvet Wheat—W. M. Heckler 1. Black Oats—J. Gordon 1 and 2. Three entries. 'Chaff, white—W. Ross 1, J. Gordon 2 land 'A. Five entries. Chaff, black or dun—W. Ross 1, D. R. ■lack 2, Moore Bros. ,'i. Four entries. Up-to-Date Potatoes—T. Stewart J and 2. Varieties not mentioned above—W. M. Heckler (British Queen) 1, E. Skinner 2 and 3. j Swede Turnips, any variety—J. Christie 1, W. Marshall 2 and 3. Ten entries. I Hybrid Turnips—E. Skinner 1. ! Aberdeen Greentop Yellow Turnips— j W. M. Heckler 1, T. Stewart 2, E, Skinner 3. Nine entries. I Aberdeen Purpletop Yellow Turnips— J. Christie 1 and 8, J, E. Ruwet 8. Seven entries,

Any other variety Yellow Turnip—E. Skinner 1. Three entries. White-fleshed Turnip, Imperial Green Globe—T. Stewart 1 and 2, E. Skinner 3. Eleven entries. Heaviest Turnip, any variety—J. Christie (6-Mb; 1, J. E. Russet (601b) 2, •E. Skinner (321b) 3. Four entries. | VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. Attending members: Messrs W. M. Heckler, J. E. Russell and J. Moore. Judge: Mr John Edwards. Carrots, short variety, garden—W. M. Heckler 1 and 3, C. Hallburg 2. Five entries. Carrots, long variety, garden—C. •Hallburg 1, W. M. Heckler 2 and 3. Five entries. Carrots, field, any variety—W. M. Heckler 1, 2 and 3. Parsnips, any variety—C. Hallburg 1, W. M. Heckler 2. Three entries. Three Beet—W. M. lieckler 1 and 2. Six Onions—W. M. Heckler 1 and 2. Three entries. Three Leeks—W. 'M. Heckler 1, Rev. A. Watson 2. Vegetable Marrow—Miss M. Marshall I and 2. Five entries. Cabbage, table—W. M. Heckler 1, W. Jenkins 2. Cabbage, drumhead—W. M. Heckler 1, Cabbage, Savoy—Rev. A. Watson 1, W. M, Heckler 2, Mrs W. Sandford 3. Cauliflowers —W. M. Heckler 3. Curly Greens—Rev. A. Watson 1, W. M. Heckler 2. Collection Apples, dessert, three varieties—Miss H. Stewart 1, J. E. Johnston and W. J. Keys (equal) 2. Six entries. Collection of Apples, cooking—W. J. Keys I, Mrs W. Ross 2, Miss Marshall 3. Six entries. Collection of Pears—Miss 'Heckler 1, E. Cousteu 2, Rev. A. Watson 3. Four entries. CUT FLOWERS. Judge: 'Mr J. Edwards. Chrysanthemums, two varieties—Miss Marshall 1 and 2. Chrysanthemums, four varieties—Miss Marshall 1 ami 2. Bowl Cut Flowers—Miss Alison Allan 1, Miss Heckler 2 and 3. Six entries. Aspidistra Plant—Miss M. Ayson 1. Bowl of Stocks, varieties—Miss Hecklar 1. PRESERVES, BUTTER, EGGS, HAMS AND BACON. Attending members: Messrs W. Claris, T. Stewart and D. Farquhar. Judge: Mrs Faris. Bottle Honey—Mrs W. M. Heckler I, J. W. Jenkins 2. Three entries. Collection Jams and Jel'jes—Mrs W. Murray 1. Bottle Preserved ■Frnit-'Mrs A. Watson 1. Two entries. Fresh Butter, non-separator—Mrs A. McLean 1. Two entries. Powdered Butter, non-separator—Mrs A, McLean 1, Miss Marshall 2. Four entries. Fiesh Butter, separator—Mi.iS H. Stewart 1, Mrs 'W. Ross 2, Mrs W. M. Heckler 3. Five entries. Powdered Butter, separator—Mrs W. Ross 1, Miss 11. Stewart 2, Mrs Christie 3. Five entries. Salt Butter—Miss Marshall 1 and 3, Mrs W. M. lieckler 2. Five entries. Hen Eggs—Mrs W. M. Heckler 1. Roll 'Bacon—Mrs Christie 1. BAKING. Attending members: Messrs Geo. Roe 1, W. Benson and Geo. Jack. Judge: Mrs Faris. Home-made Loaf, white—Miss J. Laing 1, iLrs Davis 2, Mr J. Ayson 3, Mrs W. Ross h.c. Seven entries. Home-made Scones, girdle —Mrs W. Murray 1, Mrs J. K. .Jenkins 2, Mrs W. Ross 3. Seven entries. Home-made Scones, oven—Mrs I). Farquhar 1, 2 and 3. Eight entries. Home-made Scones, brown—Miss M. lieckler 1. Plain Oatmeal Cakes—Miss M. Heckler 1, Mrs A. McLean 2. Three entries. Wheatmeal'Cakes—Miss H. Stewart 1. Pikelets—Miss M. Jack 1, Miss M. lieckler 2. Three entries. Collection of Pastry—Miss M. Jack 1. Shortbread—'Miss Marshall 1, Mrs A. 'McLean 2, Miss M. rieckler 3. Five entries. Fruit or Pound Cake—Miss M. Heckler 1 and 2, 'Miss W. Murray 3. Four entries. Seed Cake—Mrs W. Murray I, Miss A, McLean 2, Miss M. Heckler 3. Six entries. Gingerbread Cake—Mrs W. Murray 1, Miss M. Heckler 2 and 3. Six entries. Sponge Cake—Miss ! M.'Heckler 1, Mrs W. Murray 2. Three entries. Sponge Sandwich—Mrs W. Murray 1, Miss M. Heckler 2. Three entries. Sponge Roll—Miss M. Heckler 1, Mrs W. Murray 2. Three entries. Collection of Biscuits—Miss M. Heckler 1 and 2. Three entries. CHILDREN'S SECTION. Girdle Scones—Miss L. Davis 1, Miss M. Stewart 2, Miss A. Milligau 3. Four entries. Oven Scones—Miss L. Davis 1, Miss IM. Stewart 2, Miss A. Milligau 3. Five entries. Pikelets—Miss May Stewart 1 and 2, Miss -L. Davis 3, Six entries. INDUSTRIAL WORK. Hand-knitted Stocking or Sox—Mrs Milligan 1 and 2. Three entries. I Plain -Sewing—Miss M. Sandford 1. Worked Buttonholes—Mrs E. Stewart 1, Mrs W. Ross 2 and 3. Four entries. Mountmellick Work—Miss Heckler 1 and 2. Three entries. POULTRY. (To be judged fur utility.) Attending members: Messrs R. Ross, T, Guyatt, W. Wilson and W. J. Keys. [ Judge: Mr A. S. Jar vie, Kaitangata. Silver Wyandotte Hen—W. M. Heck-' ler 1. I White Wyandotte Rooster—W. M.' Heckler 1. I White Wyandotte 'Hen—W. M. Heck-' ler 1. . White Wyandotte Cockerel—W, M. Heekler L

White Wyandotte Heckler 1. Three entries. ' * White Leghorn Rooster— Mj ss ... Allan 1, W. 11. Heckler 2. Th *•» tries. * White Leghorn Hen—Miss .\ii w lan 1, Mrs Milligau 2. Tiny,, m> - ** White Leghorn Cocki'n'l-_\ v lieckler 1. ' * White Leghorn Pullet—Mis„ »| Allan I,'W. M. Heckler 2 and ;i. entries. '^ Brown Leghorn Booster—\V i v 1. ' '' **!" Brown Leghorn Hen—\V. ,1 ft,, Brown Leghorn Pullet—.l. r ' \". ston 1, W. J. Keys 2. " " it: Black Oriiington Rooster—\V, ,| iBlack Orpington Hen—W. .1. jj Black Orpington Cockerd son Allan 1. Black Orpington I'iillet—W. .1 ft . Miss A. Allan 2. ' n Black Minorca Roostn•- \i„, v Marshall 1. Black Minorca Hen—Mi-s Mm-v.. shall 1 and 2. Black Minorca Cockerci \|,„ y. Marshall 1. ' < Black Minorca Pullet—W. M. jj^..,_ 1, Miss 'May Marshall 2. T!m Y ~„,'* Campine Cockerel—W. .1. Kcv> 1 Campiue Pullet —W. ,1. R,'\, |, Any other Purebred K'i.i. -:,-—,\|,,» France. Any other Purehreil I'nckcivl—J[, * France 1. Any other Purebred i *■ >[i.-r ,t p Johnstou and .leukin- •■u U;i ! . Three entries. Aylesbury Drake— Mi>- M,.\ \\ Wi 1. Two entries. Aylesbury Duck—Mis-, \| ;lv )\ :i 1. Two entries. Indian Runner Drake—W. M. ||,.,j.:., 1. Indian Runner Duck-W. \|, 1. Crossbred Drake—W. M. lie ki,. : ; Crossbred Duck W. M. 11,-,-klir < Pair Farmyard Hens \">. \|, ||,,;„ 1. Children's Pet Bird I/:/-.,. K,.,. . WOOL. Attending inemliers: Mess;. W. \|: lv , and R. Shearing. Judge: Mr Walter Mu: T .iy, Fleece Hall'bred Woo] -W. T. Tii»R. son I and 2. Three oniric,.

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Clutha Leader, Volume XLII, Issue 90, 19 May 1916, Page 2

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WAREPA SHOW. Clutha Leader, Volume XLII, Issue 90, 19 May 1916, Page 2

WAREPA SHOW. Clutha Leader, Volume XLII, Issue 90, 19 May 1916, Page 2