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HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOB COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARdEST SALE OP ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it ncitlier allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. BEWARE OF COUGHS I REMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, AND CONSUMPTION 18 NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. Hearne's Bronchitis Cure the Most Effective A s eV ere Case Cured by Two Bottles of Remedy. Hearne's IJroncliitls Cure. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,- I have used a muni erol bottles of your medicine for bronchitis, which was a Alter otti chronic complaint of mine, and I must say that of all the medicines I have taken (including those from Mr j Hearne, Un Drs.) none have proved so effectual as your Bron- ? T ,. '" chitis Cure. I have recommended It to many others. tere 9 llom a se Yours faithfully, THOS. OLIVER, confined to i Proprietor of "The Lilydale Express," en « of lv . mc . , Lllydale, Victoria. g°< »P aild lned BRONCHITIS and PLEURISY. After other treatment had failed. BRONCHITIS. A Very Obstinate Case. Cured through persevering In the treatment by Hearoe's Bronchitis Cure. [ have taken (including those from Mr. Hearne, Chemist, Geelong. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear : ir,-Having been a Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,-It is w e proved so effectual as your Bron- Dear Sir,—Some months ago in Sydney, 1 sm- su ff mer f rol „ bronchitis for a number ol years and thankfulness I write to let you know lha lave recommended It to many others. feretl flom a severe attack of Influenza, and was no( liejll( , aWe , 0 get r „ij e f from doctors I started taken three bottles of your Bronchitis ant: Two obstinate cases cured by Hearne's lironchltls and Asthma Cure. After other treatment hud failed. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. confined to i end of whic got up and tried to transact my busin But I got up too soon, for the very next day 1 Had an j'[ a relapse, and suffered tortures from what the j ru ]„ doctor told me was pleurisy and bronchitis. The pain from the former In my chest and sek. at the taking your Bronchitis Cure about two years ago, Cure. I had previously suffered terribly from t better, I a n<l have huen taking it on and off ever since lam asthma for about 3 years, and had tried everyA Twelve Years Case with Distressing shoulders was frightful, and for four long weeks I Cough. Cured by Hearne's Bronchitis and Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—Please send by post to sided, told me of a medicine - Hear: was confined to my bed under the care of a wellknown Sydney doctor, and all the time his medicine gave me but temporary relief. The landlady of the hotel (the Cleveland), where 1 reppy to tell you that 1 nuw fid thoroughly cure d 1 can bear testimony to its worth. - 1 am you lly, W J. CLARKE, Redbank, via Avoca, Victoria. Copmanburst a complete course of your valuabl medicine, for obstinate asthma. The last medicin you sent to me cured one man that had a distress!]: cough tor twelve years. Please find post-oftic order enclosed for payment.—Youis thankfully, WILLIAM (ANIIAM, Upper Copmanburst, via Grafton, N.S.W. BRONCHITIS. A Camberwell Resident Expresses Gratitude. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir, Your Bronchitis Cure has relieved my wife of a cough which followed on an attack of influenza While I acknowledge that all good comes from only one source ordinary gratitude bids me to offer my earnest thanks tu you. through whom this particular blessing has come.—l remain, dear sir, yours very truly, GEO. S. CALDWELL, Camberwell, Victoria. Cure—from Victoria, which had cured her of a bad attack of bronchitis and pains in the chest, and begged of me to try it. 1 did so, and in thanks and A Child Seven Months Old-A Suite from Birth. Cured by a Bottle of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. begged of me to try it. 1 did so, and in thanks and Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.-Kindly forward > ratitnde to vou, led you that, after the second me a small bottle of your Bronchitis Cure as bottle, my cough had ceased; but what is more as- soon as possible, as I cannot speak above a whlstonishlng, the pains from pleurisy entirely 'eft me. {><*, owing to a co'd. I had a bottle from you and in about a week I was able to attend to my before tor my little girl when she was seven Yours faithfully, J. BRAHAM, Melbourne " Punch" Office. Melbourne. BRONCHITIS. Child's Life Saved by iiearne's Bronchitis Cure. After the Case had been "(riven up." Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—We have to thank your bronchitis cine that we have rne lictie boy spared to us as we nearly him After dociors had given him up, we saw the adv. nisemeut (or yieii" Bronchitis Cure, and gave it a iiial, with the re,ult abovementioned.—Yours faith fully, (Mrs) E GRANT, Chi, tern, Victoria. months old. She had bee chitis from her birth, and : old. and has not had a re a splendid medicine for bro sort.—l remain, yours truly, thing, and had advice, but without avai . 1 had been for a fortnight at a time without moving day or night out of my chair, .If I went to bed I was not able to lie down. We came to New Zealand about 3 years ago from Tasmania, One of my uncles there suffered with asthma for a number of years till he took your cure about 5 years ago, and has never had the asthma since, I knew this, but it had passed out of my mind until reading your advertisement in some Tasmanian papers brought it to my memory. I told my husbind, and he got your cure for me, which I have taken with completely satisfactory result. -Yours respectfully, W. McCOMBE, Mosgiel, New Zealand. BRONCHITIS. Mrs. H. RAMAGE, Violet Town, Victoria A SEVEN YEARS CASE. Expectorating Blood and Matter. Completely Cured. Mr, W. G. Hearne, Dear Sir,—Your medicine has cured 1 SEVERE COUGH. |iiientioiied.-Yours faithfully, Completely cured by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure ' Chi.tern Victoria after other treatments had failed. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir, -Having used your Bronchitis Cure with very speedy and good results QUEENSLAND TESTIMONY. for severe cough, and cold on the chest, I am sending you this testimonial to make any use ol it From Brisbane Wholesale Chemists. you wish. 1 have used many cough medicines and can unhesitatlngl) say that yours gave me the qui. k- We often hear your Bronchitis Cure spoken wel est relief, and I have not been troubled wit:, the of. A gentleman told us to-day that he had given i Cough since I have also given it to my little boy, to a child of his with most reinarkab.'e re.tilts, tin aged 2 years, with equally good results, and now child being quite cured in three doses. We are recommend it to my friends. Wishing vou every faithfully yours. success.—l am, yours truly, J. ER.-KINE, THOMASON. CHATER and Co., Kilbirnie, New Zealand. 69 Queen Street Brisbane. quently the difficult; ol breathing was so distro ing, that for nights in succ ssion I had te sit i I write 10 you this acknowledgment linn a sei of duty, as In my cee every other trriutuc had failed. For a year previous t had In en g, ting very much worse, an i ai ibe time I ul'tain your medicine I was confined to bed sulleii from a most violent cough expectorating bio and matter, and apparently beyond hope of 1 covcry. The first dose <f tin- medicine gave i welcome relief, and 1 steadily improved as 1 cc tlnued the treatment, untl 1 became as I ; now, quite well.—Yours si ceiely, H. WALKER. Balmain, Sydney 1 of it since. It is A ■Sydney Qenl'eman is so Satisfied with litis or colds of any Hearne's Bronchitis Cure that he sends a Supply to London. i. H. RAMAGE, i,.i T„«m viMnri-i Mr - w - G - Hearne. Dear Sir,-1 am in receipt ,tt rown, viciona. o( y()(|r favor q( t])o jn wlljch y()U acknowledge my order for Bronchitis Cure to lie sent to my parents in London. I am sure S CASE. their annual bronchial attacks will be greatly relieved it notiured or prevented, by your valuable and Matter. preparation My own experience., and that in contred. ueciion with my two-year-old son, has been preeminently satisfactory, and [shall continue to high y recommend it for both old and young, and 1 idler has cured me of you the use .if this letter should you deem it woi th .■hich I had suffered the using. Yours truly, HERBERT K. WHITE, lining which period " Holinsda'c," Bowral-strcct. in coughs, and Ire- Kensington, Sydney, N.S.W sense ACUTE BRONCHITIS. anient " " l ' 1; Life Saved by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. 'taincd ileiing Mr W (', Hearne. Dear Sir, I have much pleasblood ure j„ stating that I have derived great benefit iroin °' ie ' taking Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, (.'an confidently ve mo Sciv j( i l;is save) m y |jf e I W a; a martyr to Acute I con- lironchilis before taking it. I trust this letter will I am induce otlieis to try it.-Yours trniv, E F. BKOTHEKTON, Iney. 323 Chapel Street, Prabran Victoria. Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELONG, VICTORIA. FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. Hearne's Bronchitis Cure is Sold Wholesale & Retail by £ o'' C m,n»r hin 'bJ2S£! ,u ''

Sergei Nicolaivetich Mondeison, a Russian journalist and political prisoner, lost both his legs and arms in an accident at Odessa. With rare determination he learned to write by holding the penholder between his teeth. Removing to St. Petersburg, he started the Daily Graphic, says Vodovorot (the Whirlpool), an advanced Radical organ. A few montlis ago the paper was suppressed, and the annlese and leggless editor imprisoned. Hi 6 utterly helpless condition left him at the mercy of liis brutal warders. His punishment hii's now been commuted to close arrest in his own house. NEVER KNOWN TO PAIL. Mr G. S. Fitzwalter, Charleville, Queensland, writes :—" I have much pleasure in testifying to the excellent qualities of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy, having on several occasions experienced most beneficial results. Have also recommended it to many people suffering- from bowel complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery, etc., and have never known it to fail. For sale by G. W. Hutcliins, Chemist, Balclutha. Me<s6T6 Matkeleyne and Devant thus du scribe their new illusion : 'lt is said that Alexander once asked Diogenes if he could get into his tub when both ends of' it were closed up with marked parchment. Diogenes replied that that was quite easy, and Messrs Maekeleyne and Devant demonstrate the fact that Diogenes did not lie, but thev refuse to disclose to bewildered audience how Diogenes accomplished his difficult feat." An empty tub is coveied at both ends with parchment, and on one end is drawn roughly the face of a mnn. A moment later the parchmen! is broken open, and "Diogenes" appears. ARE YOU COUGHING YET ? It is unwise to let your cough run on, for this frequent coughing naturally increases the irritation of the bronchial passages. You are wondering I what to take. Suppose you try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy this time. It has relieved others, and will relieve you. Pleasant to take—soothing and healing. For sale by G. W. Hutchins, Chemist, Balclutha. Lucien Descaves, Paul and Victor Marguerite, and other distinguished men. have started pleading the cause of the sulfrngettes, awl it is said to be quite likely that Fronch women will simn have the ■nte. They are rc.illy entitled to it, say Ihi'ir supporters, because the prosperity of the agricultural and commercial classes is due to them. The Frenchwoman is her husband's partner in business. She holds th* keys of the cashbox, and, during her husband's absence, keeps a watchful eye on employees. Thanks to her, the husband cannot indulge in speculations or gambling transactions, fjrhe has a rooted aversion to debte, and because of this aversion a French farmer rarely gets into difficulties. A LIFE SAVER. The Federal Government compels all vessels to carry 'ife-saving apparatus, but it is love for their children that causes parents always to have Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at hand to give ,their little ones when attacked with croup. Mr W. A. Peake, Mount Marker, South Australia was prepared. Says he :—"I have always considered Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the best cough mixture in the market, and after my recent experience am prepared to say it has no equal. I firmly believe that by timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, we saved the life of our child when attacked with croup." For sale by G. W. Hutchins, Chemist, Balclutha.

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Clutha Leader, Volume XXXIII, Issue 2040, 21 August 1906, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Clutha Leader, Volume XXXIII, Issue 2040, 21 August 1906, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Clutha Leader, Volume XXXIII, Issue 2040, 21 August 1906, Page 8