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Clutha Horticultural and Industrial Exhibit Society.

ANNUAL bHUW. 'flic above society's nnnuni show opened iii the Oddfellow's Hull uM.teiduy and will ho continued to-day. The, show is very 'Strong in cut 'lovers, I,'i.t in pot plants there is n falling oil. Fruit is also rather weak, lint egetables are well up to the mar!-. '1 ho dairy produce sect ion made a very good display, and the industrial ard line art department was particul irly good. The classes for children were rather disappointing. S. Cousins, N. E. Valley, judged the fruit (lowers aid vegetables. We are indebted ;o Miss Wood, and the secretary, Mr -John Crawford for their courtesy in gi\ ing us all required information. Mrs Clark (Knitangntu), .Mrs Ibrn ,Core), \'rs •John McNeil, Mrs W. Hay, Miss Hope, Miss Robinson, Mr Esson, Mes-rs llowden and MoncriclT and Mcs rs Skene and Fleming (I)uuedin) hid \ nrious lines on exhibition. Mrs W. '<t»vvarl's ])ot plants, Mr Naish's <haw : n I n.ot of Northern Star potatoes, a-d his splendid Rosebank perf 'c'.\ >n p>>n, Miss I'atersnn's and Miss Rooinvm's c.irved work, Mrs Hay's Appli pie v.. rk, Mrs (.'lark's woman's cap lend* oy the. Duchess of Cordon seveiry-li-.e ago, Mrs Horn's painting and Mr lesson's also were among the leafing features of (he exhibition. I". I'i.wing s (he prize list :

■'LASS I, CRkbAIIOISI-: PLANTS IN POTS. AMATKUR. Petunias, two single varieties. Two entries- .J. Naughtie 1 and 2. Specimen Plant. Four entries—Mrs ('. Naish I, Mrs D. Stewirt 2. Pelargoniums, two single Zonale (geranium) vur. One entry- Mrs W. Stewart (Baldutha North).' Pelargoniums, two double Zonale /geranium) var. One entrv--Mrs W. Stewart. Cactus, two \ar. One entry—Mrs Butler. Cactus, collection of J var. One en-try-Mrs Butler. Window Plant. Ten entries - It. .Jones I. Mrs W. Stewart 2. Window Plants, three var. Two en-tries-Mrs W. Stewart 1, Mrs .). S. Fleming 2. OPK\. Begonias, two var. Two entries C. Naish I and 2. Begonias, four, double and single, var. One entry C. Naish. Table of Plants and Cut Flowers. One entry 0. Naish (.Judges' note : Very good ; well deserved.) CLASS 11. CUT FLOWERS. AMATEUR. Penstenions, three. One entry 1). P. Milligan. Marigolds, three African. Three entries Mrs Milligan I, W. M. All in 2. Marigolds, three French. Two ent-ries-Mrs Milligan I, R. .b.nes 2. Carnations, three, var. Four entrex -Alex Anderson 1, A. .1. Tlawke 2., three, var. Two entriesAlex Anderson 1.

Pansics, three show, var. One entry —Mrs Milligan. Pansics, three fanny, var. Throe rallies—Min Milligan I, R. .hint's 2. Pansics, three fancy and three show, arranged with foliage or moss. Four onirics—Mrs Milligan 1, H. .Jones 2. Rose, one. Four entries .1. Sinclair 1, Miss Wilson 2. Roses, three var. Six entries (I. W. Hutchins 1, Mrs R. Jones 2. Dahlias, three show, var. Two en-tries-.1. N'nughtio 1,. Rev. G. W. Davidson 2. Dadias, three ('actus, var. Pour entries—Rev. G. W. Davidson I, Mrs Milligan 2. Verbenas, three var. One entry - Mrs Millignn. Phlox Dnnnmondi, three var. Three entries Mrs Milligan I. -I. Naughiie 2. Phlox Perennial, (line, V ar. Three i'ritries- Mrs .1. S. I'leming I, Rev. G. W. Davidson 2. Asit it i!. inn in -, ti.i.-r, \ nr . Three entries Airs Milligan 1, .1. Xaughtic 2. Billies, two, var. Four entries Miss Graham I, Mrs Milligan 2. Gladioli, I ri'e, \ar. One entry—Mrs | JI. Murray. Stock, lour spike.:, iat.-rals removed, var. Two entries Mrs Milligan 1, Mrs R. -Jones 2. Asters, three var. Four entriesMrs Milligan I, Rev. (i. \Y. Davidson _ Asters, six, var. 0-v entry-Mrs v, .|- ligan. Jlollyhoeks, three, var. One eat:v■I. Xnughtitf. Sweet IVas, collection, six, var. Ten entries -Miss Cochrane I, Mrs Milligan 2, .Mrs R. Gorman h.e. Sweet Peas, .lollection, 12 var. Six entries--Miss Cochran- I, Mrs W. Stewart 2, d. W. Wilson h.c. Annuals, twelve var. One entn. Mrs Milligan. Annuals, collceiion of. One entry .). W. Wilson. Cut l''lowers, collection of. 'J.'wo entries Mrs W. Stewart I, Hardy Border Mowers, collection of. Two entries Rev. G. W. Davidson 1. Vase Flowers, three, artistically arranged, accessories allowed. Two entries Miss Cochrane I. H. O'Coinor 2. Decora led liaskei. Moral. Three entries Miss Cochrane I, Miss 1). [lutchins 2. Boiujiict, one hand, Two entriesMiss liraine i. Sprnv, one ladv's dress. Five entries Miss (.'.. (i.' Barr I, Miss Alice Brume 2. Buttonhole, oni» gent's. Five entries -Miss C. G. liarr I, Miss D. Jlulchins 2. I'ouijuci, one .-hower. One entryMrs C. Naish. Decorated Table. Sevei entries - Miss Grain in 1, It. O'Connor 2. Most points in Cut Flowers M••■= Milligan. CHJLDKFVS COMPFTITiON. Annuals, collection of. One: entry Lindsay Willocks. OPEN. I Best Decorated Lady's J;lat in Natural Flowers. Three entries it. O'Connor J, Miss Coates 2. Carnations, six, var. Four entries— Thos. Telford I, C. Naish 2. Carnations, six sell's. One entry— Thos. Tcllorl. Ficotees, six var. Three entries— T. Telford 1 and 2. Pansics, six show. One entry---T. Telford.

i'ansies. six inncv. Two entries - T. Telford 1 and 2. Antirrhinums, six. One entrv T. Tcllord 1. Penstcmoiis, six. Two entries—T. Telford 1, .). \atigntie 2. Dahlias, six cactus, var. Three entries C. Naish I. T. Telionl 2. .Marigolds, six l''rencli. One entry T. Telford I. Marigolds, six African. One entrv - T. Telford I.

Roses, three bvblid pelpet U lis, Var. Two entries T. Telford I and 2. Roses, three Ten or Noisette, var. Three entries C. \aish I, T. Telford 2. Phlox, three perennial, var. One entry T. Telford. billies, three var. One entrv -T. 'ldford. Cladioli, six, var. One entrv— T. Telford. (ila'iioli, twelve \ar., species. One try T. Telford. Stocks, six spikes, var. One entrv T. Telford. Asters. six, var. Two entries T. Telford 1. ('. Naish 2. Asters, twelve var. One entrv -T. Telford. Begonia, six blooms double, var. One entry C. Nat;;!;. Delphiniums, three var. One entrv---T. Telford. Pelargonium, six blooms, Zonale, ouble var. One i no\ 'l . Tellord. Pelargonium, six blooms, Zonale, double var. One entry T. Telford. Sweet Peas, twelve var., four of each. Two entries -Mrs .1. S. Fleming 1, R. .lones 2. Sweet Pens, 21 var., glasses optional ■. to (i each named. One entry- Mrs J. S. Fleming. Yerberas, twelve var. One entrv ■- T. Telford. Cut Mowers, collection of. Two entries— 0. Naish I, T. Telford 2. ('ut Flowers, collection 21 var. Ons entry—T. Telford. Collection Herbaceous Plants. One entry T. Telford 1. Bouquet, one hand One entrv, C. ¥.. Naish. Sprav, o'le ladv's dress. Five nit-ries-0. Naish I, Miss ('. 0. Barr 2. Buttonholes, three gent's. Five entries C. Naish I, Vibs 0. 0. Barr 2. Dinner Table, best design for. One entry- Mrs C. Naish. CLASS Ml. FRUIT. AMATEUR. Apples, six dessert. Four entries - •!. I). Willocks I, A. .Johnston 2. Apples, six cooking. Nine entries - .1. I). Willocks 1, .1. S. Fleming 2. Mis* Bratue lb Pears, six. Two entries- Miss Nelson 1, -I. S. Fleming 2. Plums, six dark. Four entries (I. F. Mitchell 1, .1. I). Willocks 2. Apricots, six. One entry - ■). S. Fleming. Tomatoes, six. One entry—J. S. Fleming 1. drapes, two bunches. One entry -- Mrs C. F. Mitchell. Best plate of light Cooscberries. Six entries Miss Wood I, .1. S. Fleming 2, .). 1). Willocks ,'b Rest pbite of red gooseberries. Two entries—J. D. Willocks 1 and 2. Best plate Raspberries. Six cntrieß •J. I). Willocks 1 and 2. Collection of Fruit. One entry .]. 0. Willocks I. Quinces. One entry- A. Johnston (schoolboy).

OPEN. I Grapes, two bunches. One entry—C. Naish. : Tomatoes, plate of. Two entries T. Telford 1, C. Naish 2. ; CLASS IV.-VEGETABLES. I Cucumbers two. Four entries—T. 'l'olford 1, J. W. Wilson 2. I Vegetable Marrow. Four entries— ' T. Telford 1, J. D. Willoeks 2. Cabbages, two table. Eig .t entries -J. D. Willoeks 1 and 2. Cauliflowers, two. Three entries—J. W. Wilson 1, P. Mason 2. Carrots, long var. Six entries J. Naughtie 1, J. D. Willoeks 2. Carrots, short var. Six entries —J. Naughtie 1, A. Miller 2, W. A. Matthews 3. ! Peas, two doz. pods. Three entries— C. Naish 1, J. 1). Willoeks 2. Peas, pint shelled. Five entries—C. C. Naish 1, J. D. Willoeks 2. Potatoes, doz. e aly, other than kidney. Thirteen entries—C. Naish I. P. Mason 2 and 3. Potatoes, six varieties, four of each. Four entries—C. Naish 1, A. Miller 2. Potatoes. doz, early kidney var. Nine entries—C. Naish I and 3, A. 11. Naish 2. Potatoes, twelve varieties, six of each, named. One on<rv--J. 1). Will- I ocks 1. Uhubirb, six stalks. Four entries | Mrs T. Bishop, sen.. 1, J. I). Willoeks I 2. i Rhubarb, six stalks heaviest. Three entries—J. S. Fleming 1, C. Naish 2. j Mrs T. Bishop, sen. 3. : Onions, six. var. Ten entries—J. I). j Willoeks'l, T. Telford 2.. [ Onions, six heaviest. Three entries i Naish 1, J. 1). Willoeks 2. ! Shallots, twelve. Ten entries - R. ; Jones 1, J. S. Fleming 2. j Turnips, three vellow. Two entries— i J. D. Willoeks L A. Miller 2. j Turnips, three w lite. Three entries j J. 1). Willoeks 1, 0. Naish 2. I Beetroot, three. Three entries- J. I W. Wilson I, J. P. Willoeks 2. j Beans, doz. pods, broad. Six ent- I ries—l. Naughtie I, J. I). Willoeks 2. Lettuce, two. Six entries —J. \\. Wilson I. W. A. Matthews 2. Parslev Plant. Four entries -J. I). Willoeks 1 and 2. Parsnips, three. Six entries-J. 1). ; Willoeks' I, P. Mason 2. Radish, six. Six entries -T. Telford i 1. J. Naughtie 2. j Collection of vegetables. Three en- j tries- -T. Telford I. J. W. Wilson 2. J. ' D. Willoeks 3. Most points in Class IV.-J. 1). Wil- ' locks. j DAIRY PRODUCE. ETC. •)udges—Misses Moir (Balelutha) and Nelson (Lovells Flat). j Butter, 2tb fresh, in plain rolls. Three entries-Mrs W. Bain 1. Mrs R. ' Jones 2. , Butter, plate of fancy. One entryMrs Simon Wright. Butter, 2fb jar powdered. Two entries—Mrs R. Lawren p 1, Mrs R. Jones 2. |

Jams, I varieties. Three r>ntriosMrs J. V. Robertson 1, Mrs V. Ludlow

•lellv, 2 var. Light entries—Miss McLean ], Mrs J. F. Robertson 2. Fruit, three kinds. Two entriesMrs Davidson 1, Miss Cochrane 2. Loaf, home made, 2tb— Seven onirics -Mrs Denniston 1, Mrs R. Laurence 2. Scones, six plain girdle. Seven en-tries-Miss Ban- 1, Miss Wood 2. Scones, six oven. Nine entries—Mrs .]. F. Robertson I, Miss Wood 2. Oatcakes, three plain. Six entriesMiss McLean 1, Mrs Robertson 2. Fruit Cake. Five entries—Miss McLean 1. Miss Paterson 2. San iwir-h Sponge. Fight entriesMiss Paters. m (Ilillend) 1, Miss Oraham 2. Shurtbreafl, cake. Flevcn entriesMiss .1. Stewart 1, Mrs R. Lawrence o Pikelets, six. Fight entries-Miss Webb 1. Mrs Brownlie 2. Cream PnlTs, six. Five entries-Mrs Brownlie 1, Miss Cochrane 2. Pastrv, puff, tartlets. Five entriesMrs Brownlie 1, Miss Barr 2. Small Cakes, three var. Four entries—Mrs Brownlie 1, Miss Paterson 2 Cingerbread. Three entries Mrs Browniie ]. Mrs A. H. Naish 2. ' Special prize for most points in baking—Mrs Brownlie 1, Miss Paterson 2 FARM PRODUCE. Turnips, three Swedes. Two entries —l. I).' Willoeks 1 and 2.


•Judges—( arving, Mrs Moore (Anderson's Bay) ; Painting, Mrs Horn (Core) ; Sewing, etc.. Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs Clark (Keilangata)' ADULT SECTION - AMATEUR. Wood Carving, chip. Thirteen en-tries-Miss Paterson 1, -L Bat trick 2. Wood Carving, relief. Kleven en-tries-Miss Paterson 1, -I. Battrick 2. Flat Carving. Thive entries—Miss Wood 1, J. McDonald 2. Specimen of Landscape Painting, oils. Six entries—Miss Lawson 1, Miss Somerville 2. Specimen of Flower Painting. Nine entries—Miss Lawson 1 and 2. Specimen of Fruit Painting. Two entries—Miss Lawson 1, B. O'Connor 2. Specimen of Landscape (under 11). Three entries—Miss Poole (Kaitaneata) 1 and 2. Specimen Animal Painting. Twelve entries—Miss Agnew 1 and 2. Specimen Painting, black and white, Three entries—Miss Hope 1 and 2. Landscape Painting, from Nature. One entry—B. O'Connor. Specimen of Flower or Fruit from Nature. Three entries—Miss Hope 1, Miss O'Connor 2. Photography, still life or landscape. Ten entries—Mr Brame 1. Miss Nelson 2.

Photography from Life. Three entries—Mr Rrame. Pair of hand-knitted Sox or Stockhgfi, rihlx-tl. Two entries—sl iss Wood ], Mrs A. 11. Naish 2. IVd Quilt. cotton, knitted or crochet. One entry—sl rs W. Stewart, Bal 'Jutha North. M t ountmeJlic. Work. Three entries Mrs W. Stewart 1. Drawn Thread Work. Four entriesMiss Smith 1 avl 2. Corticelli Work. One entry—Miss Dale (Kaitangata). Made-up Cushion. Three entriesMrs W. Stewart 1, Miss Angus 2. Made-up Tea Cosey. One entry Miss Dale. Washing Table Centre. Two entries —Miss Ella Johnston 1. Specimen of Point Lace. Two entries—Mrs W. Stewart 1, Miss Mabel Stewart ?.

Washed und Ironed Frilled Pillow Case. Two entries—Miss Cochrane 1, Mrs A. Nais'i 2. Daintiest Article for Toilet Table in Crochet. One entry—Miss Cohrane (pincushion). Unit's Dressed Shirt and Collar. One entry—Miss Paterson. JUVENILE SECTION. Judges—Writing an 1 Mapping, Messrs A. McDonald and J. 0. Mitchell.. Other classes, Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs Clark. Map of South Island of New Zealand (Klin x i iin). Two e".triesMaggie Willoeks 1, \orah Angus 2. Map of South Island of New Zealand (lOin x 12in) (for competitors under 12 years of age)- One entrv—Marv Willoeks. Freehand Drawing. Six entries— Nora Angus 1 and 2. Specimen of Plain Writing. Seven entries-Clara Dale I. Nellie'Wright 2. Specimen of Plain writing (for competitors tinder 12 years). Three entries—Oswald Ludlow 1, Donald Slewait 2. Collection of Birds' Eggs. Oiv entry —Charlie Willoeks. Chip Carving. Two entries--Hazel Ctirrie 1, Nora Angus 2. Ivory Work. One entry K. Currie. Hand-knitted Sox or Stockings. One entry- Bessie Lawrence. Darning, heel of stocking. One entry—Ella Johnston. Plain Sewing. One edn—Maggie Willoeks. Plain Sewing (for competitors under 12). Two entries-Mary Willoeks I, Bessie Lawrence 2. Plain Pillow Slip, girls under 12 years. Three entries- Agnes Ludlow 1, Mary Will.. j;s 2. Monntmelliek Work. Two entries -- Kiln Johnston I, Clara Dale 2. Drawn Thread. Two entries Hazel. Currie 1, Ella Johnston 2. Collection of Post, Cards. One entry —Hazel Currie. Huckaback Darning. One entryHazel Currie.

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Clutha Leader, Volume XXXII, Issue 1990, 23 February 1906, Page 4

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Clutha Horticultural and Industrial Exhibit Society. Clutha Leader, Volume XXXII, Issue 1990, 23 February 1906, Page 4

Clutha Horticultural and Industrial Exhibit Society. Clutha Leader, Volume XXXII, Issue 1990, 23 February 1906, Page 4