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Misoellarieous." '■'" '"""•'-"--■.•r.----. ."Jj£ „' % I> " 1,. 0' A L. Private Dispensary,' Palmerston Buildings, Foot, of Queen-street, ; Auckland.- Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic, Nervous and Special Diseases. Dr. Speer is a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard' Col- . : lege, U.S. He ha* devoted a lifetime to, ami is acknowledged to bo the most expert Physician in h?s specialty in the United States. Young. Mfiu and Middle-aged Men, who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Loss of Energy and Meinorv, Eruptions on the face. Mental Depression, Kidney aud Bladder Troubles. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Hcrofula, Rait Rheuia, Paralysis,. Fits, Spiual Disease, St. Vitus' D:inc'e, i Liver- Complaint, Asthma, Cattarrh, Hpiirtij Disease, Gravel, Piles, &c, and are tired of taking mineral drugs, will do' well to coma and try the Doctor's method of cure, as it will, if properly applied, relieve them of their sufferings and . restore them to health. . The Doctor usts no mineral preparations ; his treatment consists wholly in tho use of vegetable remedies.: Mnny j are they who havo implanted iv their system, by , improper use of calomel, seeds which produce an annual crop of disease. To such he would say, come and be healed. It matters net •svhat ydur troubles may bo. came amJlet > the Doctor ex:amine your case. If it is cun.vuiiE, hb will . TELL YOU SO ; IF IT IS NOT, HE WILL TfiLL YOU THAT ; for he will not undertake a cuso unless he is confident of effecting a cure. It will cost you nothing for consultation, so please call and satisfy yourselves that thu Doctor understands your case. Dr. S. cures Humours and Diseases of the Blood. To Ladies who aro afflicted by any of the followiug complaints,— Cold extremities, weak stomachs, lame ami weak backs, nervous and sick headaches, constipation and indigestion, ' pain in the side and back, leuchorrea, etc., etc — I wish it distinctly understood that I do not claim to perform impossibilities, or to have n 1 miraculous power. All npplyiug to mo will receive my houest opinion of their complaints. No ; .experimenting. I will guarantee a positive euro , in every case I undertake, or forfeit £200. Consultation in Office or by L>>tt'jr, Freb. Charges Moderate. Examination and Advice £1. Call or address : Dr. H. J. Speer, Palmerston Buildings, Auckland, N.Z Office Hours : 9to 12, 1 to 4, 6to 8 p.m. ; Sundays, 10 to 12. N.B.— All Medicines nocesaary for a complete cure can bo sent free from observation on roceipt of symptoms. §5 "Throw Physic I Dogs!" • TRY NATURE'S OWN REMEDY, ELECTRICITY, PROF. ALLEN'S- Miniature Qalvanlo Battorlea Arc acknowledged by Eminent ThyBsw^A BicianK, and by tltoncands of snt/A. ferers to too- a positive Hemody loi •liK™^^ ncar-brall the ailmotit« mankind it (nuj2M|JQ|^^g heir to. Tlw efficacy of thteWondorful Invention as a curathee agent P^r X^iS! i 8 ce'to'nlF The Crowning McdlI /ds Jk^ • ca ' an<l Scientific THumph of I*S3B, 9 *3 the 19th Century. This BATTHttT- is not larger tlmn a half-crown piece,' and Is worn on tbo olicst, noxtthe skin, pumjxjjided by a silk- cord around tho nock. Tho several motals of wldch it is composed are bo arrangod that the natural humiditr of the skin is Eufflciont to set the chemical* in the amalgamated metals in motion, generating a constant l'uf^i^^^j^^ gentle flow of Electricity whiali j&^ pasßG3 from the Battei-y into tho Byatem, purifying the liiood, strongtbetiing the Werve3,BralQaj)d Miis« (SmSsgm iro olcg, infusing fresh vigor into the 'fi*SfUß fpj Debilitated Constitation. Stlmula- ■sdgfi*msffl tiny the Vital Organs to thefr proper .^gjsKgf^ action and enabling naturo to throw ' - off numerous diseases. •_The Battery will euro tho following ailments : Reoriaoho, lthCumatiem, Sciatica, Nenralffln, Uloora, and TurnQM, Nervous Debility, lmpotenoo,liiver Complaints, Fever and AgiV}, Diaeaso of tho Kiilnoya wid ITriual Orgaus, BronehitUß, Asthma, Biphtharia,-Fita, CJonstipatton, 'rilos, Heart Dispjfefeijpigpagjtsgg; oase, FaralyßiF, Diiscaßof the Z<un((f and Throat, Skin Dinordors, and w^^^^^^^ nlmost every form of Aches and HHaH^Hi «S . Tito Bnttcry has n soothing cfgga^^^g^^ feet upon children vrliifa toothing. ' -Illustrated Cirenlur sont free. il|l||ifflftgP|i givinjr full particulars and direq©S'rics, 5"I-V"S SKCIXjIjiasTO-S. ' By Post to any address, or supplied by all Chemists and Storekoopora. SMITH & Co., Modloal Galvan lets. 160 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne , THE GREATEST Wonder of Modern Times. LONG- experience bas proved .tbese famous remedies to be most effectual in curing either the dangerous maladies or tbo sligbter complaints wbioh are more particularly incidental to the life of a miner, or to those living in • the bush. Occaoional doses of tbeflo Pills will guard the system against those; evils which so often beset the human race. :— Coughs, Colds, and all disorders of the liver and stomach— the frequent forerunnors of fever, dysontry, diarrhoea, and cholera. • . . , • Is the niost effectual remedy for old sores, wounds, ulcers, rheumatism, and and all slcin ' diseases; in fact, when used according to tho printed directions, it never fails to cure alike deep and superficial ailments. These Medicines may be obtained from all respectable Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the civilised' world, with directions for uso in almost every language. They are prepared only by the Proprietor, - Thomas HoMiOWAY, 533, . Oxford-street, Loodon. Beware of Counterfeits that may emanate from the United States. ■ npOKOMAIRIRO AND CLUTHA' GAZETTE. . <: His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the Clutha Leader to be a. GAZETTE ".'.' for the districts of Tokomairiro and Clutha. The appointment is made under j;he s,th 'section of the "Debtors arid Creditor/ Act 1875." V •.■■"•

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Clutha Leader, Volume XII, Issue 598, 1 January 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Clutha Leader, Volume XII, Issue 598, 1 January 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Clutha Leader, Volume XII, Issue 598, 1 January 1886, Page 4