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Clutha County Council

The ordinary monthly meeting of the above Council wa* held, here on Friday last. Tliere were present *-: Messrs Wm. Dallas (Chairman), Keys, Christie, Hay, ; Smith,, M'Lachlan, Mackenzie, and Scott. j The minutes of previous meeting were ; read and confirmed. • - CORRESF_M_>ENCK_ Mr Brydone wrote explaining his unavoidable absence from- the meeting. — Leave of absence granted by the Council. Mr William Tosh wrote explaining that through the roa&jworks now being carried out by the Borough Council at the southern boundary of the township, the drain- • age from his property would be stopped. • To provide for a continuance of the drainage it would be necessary to- cut a channel through a section adjoining his property. This channel was required for water coming upon his property from the district up to the Te- Houka. road, and also for the water from the water channels, of the main road to the top of the hill. He thought, therefore, it was scarcely fair ; that he should be called upon to pay j the whole expense of the outlet. He asked the Council ta consider the matter, and arrange for having the necessary outlet opened up. — Mr Tosh, being in at- j tendance, was heard upon the- subject. — He explained that the ditch now being filled up by the Borough Council had | been cut by the Government 26 years ago, and had been used ever since. The culvert formed by the Borough Council . was not in the proper place, and the dis- 1 tance to it was longer than to where the water originally crossed the road line. He (Mr Tosh) had spent Lls in cutting a ditch from the road to ths river, and Mr Dunne now agreed to keep this ditch clear. — A discussion ensued, in the course of which Councillors expressed an opinion that the Borough Council was not justified in filling up a water channel that had been used for 26 years. It was, however, thought that some amicable arrangement could be arrived at, and the matter was referred to the Engineer and the member for the riding to inquire into and report at next meeting.

The Secretary -to the Treasury inti- -, mated a remittance to the County fund of L 195 16s 3d, being rates on Crown lands for the year 1885-86. The Property Tax Commissioner wrote ■ intimating a payment of Lil29» ss, being an advance of 75 per cent, of subsidy ■ under " Tlie Local Bodies Finance and Powers Act 1885-." Tlie Secretary to the Greenvale Progress Committee wrote calling attention to the road line known as Begg's Road, which required to be formed and a few culverts erected ; also to the necessity for forming Knox's Road. — Received ; no action to be taken. A circular was received from Mr Yin- - cent Pyke calling attention to the case of Edward Peters, the pioneer gold-finder of , New Zealand, towards whose support Parliament had at last session voted a sum of LSO, on condition of the people subscribing a like sum. — A vote of L 7 10s was passed towards the fund. The Bruce County Council forwarded memo, of agreement regarding the Clydevalt punt as follows : — The Bruce County agrees to the Clutha County Council having control of the punt on the following conditions — (1) That the Bruce County agrees to pay one-third of the cost of putting the punt in repair and of maintenance of same. (2) That no extraordinary expenditure be entered into exceeding a sum of LlO without the sanction of the Bruce County Council being first obtained. — The Council agreed to the above terms. Capt. Mackenzie presented a petition from seven settlers asking that some culverts be erected and ditching executed on the road through sections 10 and 2, block IX, Glenkenich. — Referred to Engineer to report at next meeting. THE POISONED WHEAT. The following letter from Mr D. Wood was read : — Balclutha, Dec-amber T 7 , 1885. To the Chairman and Councillors of the Clutha County Council. Gentlemen-, — From a local which appeared in tho Clutha. I__vder of the 4th inst, I find that Councillor Christie and other Councillors are-sported to have mado certain statements in connection with the manner in which I had prepared the grain intended for th© destruction of small brids, which are calculated to lower me in public estimation, and consequently tend to injure me in my business, to wit, that bad wheat had been used, and they did not believe a single grain of strychnine had been mixed with it — statements as grossly unjust as they are untrue, and quite uncalled for. The wheat I made use of is what is termed seconds, and was perfectly sound and good, and was approved of by Mr Dallas, who also saw a portion of the strychnine dissolved ready for mixing with the wheat. But granted that the preparation is not what, in the opinion of Coucillors, it ought to be, the blame does not rest with me, seeing that I have been preparing the grain according to the reoipe furnished me by your Chairman, and I can conscientiously affirm that I have strictly adhered thereto, and I had a conversation with the Bruce County Olerk on the subjeot, q,nd ha dissolved a portion of the strychnine while with me. ft was said that no dead birds had been seen ; surely you do not consider that sufficient evidence to prove that no strychnine had been USQd. Had Councillors made themselves acquainted with the quantity of grain disposed of, and the area over which it was spread, I feel sure they would have been more temperate in their remarks. For the information of the Council I have enclosed particulars of salen made, which will shew that only 30$ ounces of strychnine had been made use of for the whole of the County, which I would say is one of tho reasons why the arrangement has not been a success. Another reason is, the poison was two months late in being laid, and in my opinion it would have been much better to have used small seed instead of wheat. Trusting that you will give an expression of opinion as to whether the aforesaid statements are to be allowed to pass without a refutation by you as to whether you believe them true or otherwise. As a matter of justice I must free myself from such a reflection on my -character. — I am, &c., David Wood. The Chairman said that upon the Council deciding to arrange for a supply of- poisoned grain, he had written to the : Clerk to the Bruce County Council and procured a copy af the recipe that had been found bo effective in that County. With reference to the strychnine, Mr Wood had told him he dealt with Messrs < Kempthorne, Prosser and Co., and that he could get the strychnine from them at a cheaper rate than if purchased locally. He (Mr Wood) accordingly obtained it from tliat firm, the cost being 6s per-

ounce against 8s 6d paid by the Bruce Council. He (the Chairman); handed the recipe to- Mr Wood, and saw a portion of strychnine dissolved. He thought a portion of the strychnine should be analysed tp ascertain its quality,

Mr Christie said he had not at the previous meeting mentioned Mr Wood's . name. He did not means to- reflect upon Mr Wood, and was- sorry if he had taken '• offence at tlie remarks he made. Seeing the Council had paid L2_ for the strychnine, he could not see that Mr Wood : could have any object in not mixing it. < But he maintained that fault rested somewhere, as the poisoned grain supplied had turned out a complete failure. He saw his own fowls feed freely upon it, and it had no injurious effects. He, one afternoon, watched two piegons feed upon it for a couple of hours, and they were still alive and all right. The small birds had also eaten it, but not a single dead bird had been found. This was his own experience, and also the experience of his neighbours, and he therefore was justified in characterising the whole thing as a complete failtfre, and he was very sorry that the Councillors had their, names mixed up with it. He thought the grain supplied should be analysed to ascertain whether or not it contained strychnine. Instead of wheat, small seeds should have been used, and used earlier in the season. The Chairman said he had procured some! of the grain from Mr ■ Wood the night of last Council meeting. ■- He scattered it upon drills; of turnips, and afterwards got one dead' bird about a chain and a half off. Mr Keys said he had procured some of i the grain. It had been eaten by the small birds, but he had been unable to find?any dead bird's. Mr Hay believed he. had asserted at last meeting that the wheat was .bad!. He had procured 10 lbs of it, and it was the greatest rubbish of seconds he had ever seen. , The birds,, however, had eaten it, but no dead ones could be found. This was also the experience of his. neighbours who had used the wheat. | The subject was then allowed to • drop.- ! ROADS AND WORKS. The following report by the Engineer was read : — . f December 18, 1885. The Chairman, Clutha County Council. Sir, — I have the honour to report that, according to instructions, tenders liave been ■ called for road works as follows :— Contract No. 17-, formation and metalling on Mill and Clin-ton-Puerua road • contract 177, ditching Balclutha to Poit Molyneux road *; contract 208, to supplymaintenancemotal Te Houka main road ; contract 209>, formation and metalling on Te Houka district road ; contract 210, formation and metalling on Clifton road ; contract 211, metalling old lake road • contract 212, metalling on Ashley Downs new road; contract 213, formation on Little Puerua road ; contract 214, formation on Owaki road ; contract 215, formation and metalling on Owaki road ; contract 216, formation on Brugh's road ; contract 217, formation on Yarrow street, Kelso. Tlie following contracts have been completed since last meeting of the Council — viz., 159 and 170- on Popokmoa-Wyndham road, 176 on Port Molyneux road, 184 on Waikoikoi road, 185 on the main south road, and 182 on the main road south of Clinton. I have inspected the place in the Warepa Bush where the bridge was burnt down, and estimate that it will cost about Ll2 to build a rou^h timber bridge and make up. approaches thereto. The culvert and embankmont *>n road from Carterhope to Warepa railway siding has been attended to ; alao the footbridge across, the Kaihiku Stream at Whitelea ford, I beg to recommend that the contract for metalling on Lambourne road be extended towards Clydevale Station about 25 chains. This portion of the road has been partly gravelled, and unless it gets a coating of metal this summer, it will be entirely wasted. Besides, it is necessary to do it before the present contract is metalled, or the stone will have to be carted over the new metal. In regard to motion, passed at last meeting of Council — viz., " That with a view to bring same before the Government, the Engineer prepare and submit at next meeting of Council a statement (showing- value) of all works undertaken under the authority of the Roads and Bridges Construction Act, which will have to be suspended in consequence of the repeal of the said Act "~-I beg to report that the .two roads which I understand the motion to have special reference to are Kelso- Pukerua road and Balclutha-Port Molyneux road. These were both new roads undertaken under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act. My estimate for bridge**, culverting, and formation to make the first three miles on the Kelso end of Kelso-Pukerua road passable for traffic was L 1290. There has been expended on it the sum of L 513 undor the Roads and Bridges Construction Act, and about L4O voted by the Council. The road is not yet made passable for light traffic. On Balclutha-Port Molyneux road my estimate to make the road passable across the swamp was L 786. There has been received for this road under the Road 3 and Bridges Conr structiou Aot the sum of L 252 15s. When the contracts at present on hand are completed, the road will not be passable for traffic. — I am, &c, M. Paterson, Engineer. The report w&3 adopted, and the recommendation with reference to the extension and metalling of Lambourne road was agreed to. MISCELLANEOUS. The folio wins: resolutions were passed :— Moved by Mr M-Laohlan, seconded by Mr Mackenzie— "That the engineer be instructed to arrange with the contractor to have contract 181, Clinton-Waipahi road, extended for — say four chains of metalling at schedule prices." Moved by Mr Mackenzie, seoonded by Mr Scott—" That Mr Reunert collect the dog-tax at L2O remuneration, and that the collars be supplied by last year's contractor at the same rate.' Moved by Mr Hay, seconded by Mr Smith — " That the engineer call for formation and metalling on Owaki road at Mr Green's property ; also, about seven chains at Mr Gearey's property ; tenders to be opened at next meeting of council." Moved by Mr Hay, seconded by Mr Smith — " That tenders be called for furination of road through sections 3 and 4, block X, Glenomaru (Puerua Valley road) — cost of work not to exceed L 10." Moved by Mr M-Laohlan seconded by Mr Hay — " That the engineer be empowered to survey Mr McLaren's road, with the view of expending a sum not exceeding L3O ; South Molyneux riding to contribute L2O and Wairuna riding LIG." Moved by Mr Christie, seconded by Mr Keys — te That the engineer report on the road known as Gunn's road at next meeting." Moved by Mr Scott, seconded by Mr M'Lachlan — " That this council guarantee to the Minister for Public Works that all roads leading to the proposed Kuriwao railway siding will be opened for traffic, and that the council also urge upon him

the great necessity that exists for said siding."

Moved by Mr Hay, seconded by Mr Smith—" That tenders be called for the* formation of the road between blocks XVI and XX, leading from the main, district road to Otanomomo railway station — the amount not to- exceed L7O ; tenders to be opened at next meeting."

Moved by Captain Maokenzie, seconded by Mr Scott— " That L2OO be expended Irom schoolhouse-towards Pomahaka siding on Waikoikoi road ; formation and gravelling. That L2OO, be expended upon the Kelso-Pukerau road, and that the engineer call for tenders- for the works and on the- latter road to- make the work already made as useful to the settlers as possible." ... Moved by Mr Sgott, seconded by Capt. Mackenzie — '* That the engineer be: instructed havethe Waiwerabridge repaired, the cost to be equally apportioned to the Clydevale, Pomahaka, and Clinton ridings. " Moved by Mr Ha.y, seconded- by Mr Smith, — " That tenders- be called for formation and metalling about three chains of road leading from Baratta bridge to Mr I PatersoE"- store, Port Molyneux." TENDERS; The following, tenders were opened and dealt with : — Contract 174 — Formation and metalling, Mill and Clutha-Puerua road : A Mofiat (accepted), L21 17s 6d. . Contract 177— Formation and ditching, Balclutha to Port Molyneux- road : W. Allan, L 263 53 ; Jain_s Millar (accepted), L 175 10s ; Geo. Ottoway, L 225 4s 6d. Contract 208 — Maintenance metal, Te Houka road : Beaton Marr, Lll7 3s 4d ; John M'Neil (accepted), LIOB 7s 6d. Contract 209 — Formation aiid metalling, Te Houka road : John Sinclair, L9B lis 5d ; John M'Neil, L 95 lis 6d ; Beaton Marr (accepted ; to be extended up to 1,100), LOl 12a 8d ; Bain & M'Kay, L99 14s. Contract 210 — Formation and metalling, Cliffton road : Thomas Tait (accepted), L6O ; Geo. Ottoway, LTS ; Thos. Steele, LB2 10s ; Hugh Munro, L 95. "Contract 211 — Metalling, Old Lake road : Thomas Seeele, LlO3 5-j 4d ; W. Allan, L9O 15s 6d ; Thomas Tait (withdrawn), L52 4s ; James Cruickshank (accepted ; to be extended to L 75), L 63 * P. M-Rorie & Co., L37 2s ; W. Nelson, LlO7. Contract __*2 — Metalling,. Ashley Downs new road : T. E. Steele, LlO6 13a . 4d ; Geo. Ottoway, LllO ; W. Allan, L 162 18s 4d ; W. Millar, L 11 8; Anderson and Mouat, L 136 13s 4:1 ; John Sinclair, Lll6 13s 4d ; Thomas Tait (accepted), L9B ; W. Nelson, LlO7 ; James Cruickshank, L 11 0; Bain & M'Kay, Lll7 10s ; P. M'florie & Co., LlO9 ; Patrick Kean, L 150; 0. J.. Sutton, Ll4O. Contract 213 — Formation, Little Puerua. road : Robert Topp, L 143. 13s ; Peter Wright, Lll9 ; Allison & Chalmers (accepted), Lll6 19a. Contract 214 — Formation, Owaki road at Mitchell's place : Harris &' Sim, L34 16s 8d ; Robert Chalmers, L36 3s 8d ; Thos. P. Braid, 3_23 19*- Gd * Gillespie & Mitchell (accepted), L26 15s ; Allison & Chalmers, L2B 4s. Contract 215 — Formation and .metalling, Owaki road : Geo. Ottoway (accepted), L7l 12s 8d ; Harris & Sim, LB3 sa. Contract 216 — Formation on Brugh's road : Geo. Ottoway (accepted), L4B 13s 6d ; Harris & Sim, L 49 15s. Contract2l7 — Formation, Yarrow street Kelso : Samuel Hagen (accepted), L2l 13s 9d ;M. Gillies, L 44 83. This concluded the business, and the Council adjourned.

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Clutha Leader, Volume XII, Issue 597, 25 December 1885, Page 6

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Clutha County Council Clutha Leader, Volume XII, Issue 597, 25 December 1885, Page 6

Clutha County Council Clutha Leader, Volume XII, Issue 597, 25 December 1885, Page 6