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English News.

'Tel .graphic communications in Italy !is impeded by avalanches in the Alps. The son of the Shah of Persia is to spend a month, of the approaching summer, ih Paris Small-pox is now. increasingly prevalent in London, after., a, 'period of unusual quiescence*. ....;.• ;...,., Two youno* men were remanded at Liverpool on *r_ barge" of killing a boy while at rifle practice. ""'• - • , Prince Bismarck's medical advisers recommend the Prince a fresh course of '•the waters at Kissingem -. Miss Margaret Collett has, heen duly elected a guardian of .the. poor, of the : the. parish 7of'St.:-Pancras,. London. .;, Queen 1 Victoria,- before Coburg; gave 3000' nlarl_s r ('£ 150) to ; be distributed among 'the , '- poor" of; the' .town.; '7;,' :' / " / *"', ; _ " ":' ' ' 7 : .= : Bon 'Carlos proceeds" to* Syria,, and has informed the Austrian/ Go yernment of his intention to- take up.his residence there. -,- .. .. ■ ■< t,. .-> „■ „■ ... : ..... --...../j • The: Begum of.Bhopab is .building. a free hospital at .her capital,,, as o a. memorial of the Prince, of Wales' visit toJrtdia. *■'*- ' :i ' •*.-■•:•-•■-• 1-— .<• -■• • *<■••■. ---■ „, : The Russian artillery depaitment, it is said,, intend replacing 1 all the mitrailleuses in the Russian army by 9-poun-der guns. • r ", > ... V„ ... •. • Fifteen pilgrims .while, crossing tlie. • river -Vienne. : near Parsac; .were precipitated- into the water, < and all w/ere , drowned.-' ■-• ■ ';' The; state of health of Cardinal Antonelli is very serious. : The. Pope visited his bed- side^ remaining alone with him some time. • Her Majesty the Queen -has sent an .annual, subscription- of one. hundred .guineas to the Seamen's Hospital, late. Dread naught, Greenwich. ,. "/ The/ Jewish World '/.states that a. Jewish . resident . of Liverpool, . w°ll known in that town, as .Rabbi Lyzer, has: died' at the advanced age of 102 years. . < .... ' .: . At Norwich Assize Mrs Womach, whose • husband was 1 killed in the Thorpe- collision, obtained £3000' da- ■• mpges against the Great Eastern .Rail- : way Company.. ' ' ■. /" ' ' ''' ' ' k\ ■ Charles- Wooden, quartermaster of" the' 104 th .'Reg'iment/,di.d suddenly,, : at his quarters'at Dover Barracks... /He, wore/the Victoria Cross,, and was in the .charge at Balaclava. , „ ..-.-■ Professor, Sidney ; Col vin. telegraphs to the ■ Academy ' from' Corfu that he is about to send to that paper a series of letters 'on the excavations proceeding* on the site of Olympia.' -It has been finally decided that the two army . corps to be mobilised in July shall be the .ecpnd and fifth, the former. having his headquarters at Aldershot and. the latter, at Salisbury. Dr Tristram,- Chancellor of the Diocese ot London, consented to allow the churchyard of St.- George's-in- the- East to be turned into a "flower garden, with walks, for the benefit of the public. A policeman, named James Smith, . .was sentenced to eighteen mouths' imprisonment at Derby assizes for moving railway signals with the intention of causing an accident on the Midland Hue, •, ..-■.■'■-.,■ Mr. Gladstone has. denied the report .that ho was one of the two Prime Ministers to whom' the Queen, it .isalleged, isuggested a wish for and Imperial title before Mr Disraeli was con' suited. . . The l Standard' says :— "ln . an increasing number' of/churches palms were placed in vases on th.c supper-altar, on Sunday., In one country church ih Surrey .those -used were: brought direct ifro.m Jerusalem." /. . v , A remarkable: circumstance, has:occurred, at Inverkeithing— the election of a lady to act as a member of committee -on -"the Parochial 7 Board- 7 of Management. -This 'is I '^believed to be the first election of the kind which 1 has - been ,'ui'ade in Scotland.'. *' '['_ /,/'* : " '/ . T The Malabar tropp/ship arrived, in Portsmouth, Harbor..from/India. ... She' , has on board .tlie first/ consignment of animals .presented . to, .the Prince,, of Wales during ; his tour in the Eastern . Empire. .;There are. ;two ponies, four. dogs> and : five Brahma cows. ■ > - ; A curious item appears in the Par-, iliamehtary paper nn^civil contingencies of a payment of £226 3s 4d to the South Wales. Turnpike Trust 'under' am 'award made -more than 30 year's ago,, "but not claimed until thQ present time, ithrpugh :.inadyertenee.," , . ... ...... FQllowing the.; example, ,pf » the,-, •authorities in various burghs throughout/ Scotland,-; the. GovanT MagistcateSi4 Have. 1 resolved to ido^wha. theyncan; toi stop •'flip -use", of* profane-' language sin.- -the" streets-.'' r ßy*way->of. 'exam pie; they fined "seven men hal ; f'a'gaiiuea : ea_hp'-^ - ! ' ■ *•"-<' * ,/'..' John? B'eUHoV^/ : lobk'smit_i; WolVjer-' .hamplp'^ .putting; His. ;w^ Hei/dyingv deposition, /was : taken . '.. ,/SHe, / says.^sliej fell on ,the fire^ .while struggling}, .p r .,get, possession] of the, kettle, of .bpiling,;,*water which her husband was about; to. ; pouE' upon her,. ' -- i.- : ■..- :■: v.r. -j. -.. 1: ; : -.k-.u :.-.■-.- ; . The gas company of Geneva,- 'ELS;,--intend manufacturing: 'gas v. from'' wood;: and crude petroleum -instead of coal. It is asserted 1 thai /th<E., 'thus/produced gives as \ pure 'fiticl ,b.illiahf a ; light : a^ . coal gas, .ahd can, he made/and supplied' 1 to ;custprners , at greatly reduced', rates; '•'• i 4'; Engme_r. , /., !r . . '/// //.V//. '!/, •-• ''- "'The Benchers of Gray's-Inn^ aftei** -a ; Tcng. correspondence ;; iDr^Kenealy,. liiiye-^com'riienced legal prooeedingflin,

! order to compel him to ; give , up to them -possession; of the.^chai'nbWrs iii-. tlie inn occupied by him previously to his I being disbarred} arid which lie has since I refused to vacate. r

A young man named Deacon was hanged at Bristol for the murder of his wife in February last. The couple had lived unhappily together^ having been addicted to over-indulgence in' drink ; and the tragedy took place when the husband returned, to his wife after', an absence of several years.' ,

; The favorite relaxations of the late Mr A. T. Stewart,. :the .American millionaire, . were , J books : , on theology and searching for- a classical origin of English words,, andi 'he... mentioned with evident satisfaction that he had traced : the slang Americanism ' skedaddk' to a Greek root: ' !

The; Calcutta 'corresponaent of the" -'Times'. telegTqpj? :'-— Anbther muti-' rieer of 1857 has been; brought to ius/ /tice. . He vyas a. tr.qpp,ei\;in\ ,. the., Ist : Bombay- Cavalry, and \yas, concerned .in the .mutiny at, Nasi'.aba^ i-a,Juae of 7 that ; ■'yiear.,.. 1 He. has... , been. !tried ; ; by? court-, niartial. and,. convicted,' .and sentenced I to. fift-een years' •transportation.:! ." .• - -.

| Lieutenant .Cameron* is .an*' officer of the Royal Navy*; i; and ;!f the : 'Duke of Edinburgh,- as* a "member of the ; same' service, recognised the ; splendid; feat performed by his. brother officer by a Icing the chair at, a meeting, 'of the'Hdyaf Geographical " Society at', which the Lieu tenan.t,, told ,tlie .story of his fvvo-years-and-eight months' march across the continent of Africa. ... .

: Mr Wh alley,, M.. P., presided over, a stormy meeting Jn'.-. Clerkenwell, London,, at .which; a* resolution, was carried,, amid great uproar, .Renouncing- .Dr Kenealy as- a traitor to the. cause he pretended to advocate. The chairman challenged Dr Kenealy to meet him in a public meeting to di&prove the fact that he (the Doctor) was the enemy of the working classes, and unworthy of their confidence. ; '.

An amusing incident, occurred at the Liverpool Police Court. A. case ; of alleged assault was heard, in .which the complainant stated ithat ,the;discolouration of one .of his eyes .was caused by a blow from defendant. The latter, however, suggested -that'- the' blackness was manufactured for the occasion, 1 and on an officer ofthe* Court applying a/handkerchief to the affected part the flesh assumed its natural colour.. The summons was of cours. dismissed.

The. .Bristof "Cathedral Restoration Committee, who have already spent nearly L 40,000, met to consider the attitude taken by the Dean and Chapter in removing the statues of four Latin fathers from the -north porch.' They unanimously resolved to retire from work, leaving the Dean and Chapter to complete or leave it unfinished. It is stated that statues identically the same were placed on the Gloucester Cathedral with the sanction of the Dean Law.

The ' Western Morning- News ' correspondent describes the first dinner party ever given by the Seyyid Barghash of Zanzibar to Europeans, -.- the chief English. residents, both ladies and : gentlemen, being present. There was abundance of excellent provisions ahd music, but no wines, and the proceedings were exceedingly dull, though the Seyyid was extremely gracious. • ; The Mahommedans, however, were "scandalised at the affair.'. " ;

* Greece is how/even more destitute, of royal personages . that was., recently Great, Britain^ when : . hitherto.: unsuspected .; Constitutionalists : became, for the safety of the country because the Queen was in Germany, the Prince of Wales on the -Mediterranean, the Duke of\ Edinburgh at St;. Petersburg, the-Duke of Connaught at Gibraltar*, and Prince Leopold in the South of ; France. - King George/ and his Queen, his uncle"; and his 'five children, all sailed' from /the'* Piraeus oh Saturday in ; order , tp /enjoy a .short' holiday in • Denmark,, feayjhg the Regency in, : the hands o,f,,the,Mihi*f ( ter^.., /■,//.'„, ..,„.-/ ....The.-, , proclamation -declaring. , the, Queen .tov,be> Empress ,ofi. lndia: has .been issued. After recital, the procla-i ma'tion declares that- so far' as r .'may be-v convenient on all occasions :ahd> in all. •instruments wherein the style and titlesof Tier Majesty are used, excepting' •charters, v copimissiphs, ; letters' patent; gran,ts/ [writ's 6f ■appoititme'nt;,' arid/sir&ilar instruments /not' ; ppera'tihg. 'beyond the - United Kingdom, the 'following' addition -to ; the stylq.and titles, pertaini,ng tto the- .Imperial Crown, of, the ,United 'Kingdom and, its , dependencies shall s henceforth . be'-nade/xin the ;-Latin tongue "•Inditje- lirypemtri'x" ih'Eiig•iish Vi - Emprebs* of India;";*- * The^procla.mation: furt^ ■ shall' coiiti i_ue/to f^e r la*-^ additionaf title v tiji }:.ij : /tqe^^ u^jPs^les^ , ■'■ [further declared.,/// ///| / /,/[['_ :,: An. /important was -opened on Msiy^l §t, ',-. namely ektpnsion of the npidj^na/ system* from fettle to Carlisle, u a[di_t^npe e of t! \ The ,newf. line, .gives., a, third; ( 9 ( c,t',r;ppte> [from London; : ,to.*-. Scotland,; and/greytjyj -.shortens the distance, between ..Scotland, and the large towns/of.; theiWest-Ri ding of Yorkshire and ;.the"ceri teat Midlands^ •ft rWs through' the a wildest -cbuht'ry in* England; and 1 h a's[ 'cbhse'q iie'niily «n tailed' some very heavy ' en'gi'neenh'g */ wbrki One of/ the ;tuhn'els : i_; 'a "m.l6 w a[nd[ a' half lone, and 'another ;_93,_f .'yards, '"tKe'lfettt-jr. being 7 cut'-'thfough" ' black limestone'. 7 Some % „ } bf ..., x -hTe" '^embankments , ,"„ mosses," ij ( §Yfi alsp[yery "exp'^si *^e; un"?,',' deri:akings./ t JJ£§acly .th^.ope'ning^p^^e; .•line" liajs c#u3§a\, ; the ; j Companies w,sfpfe=.

„™1 , ,..,vr;^-.m«^.,.t. rla »~, f »„,_,, .w.-.,.«-iuM^— .»■ lin ,j>Wj_> have hitherto carried orf the Seotchantl English traffic, to smarten h-p'/b'y rediici t ing their first and second' cliis's ;, fa ; fep ' arid increasing the speed of their trri'jjf. • The night express from Edrhburg.-T. London, by. the East Coast route, \?' t ..- he accelerated "by no less tha.d : an/noiiV r and ten' minutes, and a similar saving! of time is promised, by the West Coast' ' ' route. . A g;ood d*?al .tised 'to' he* said v at one .time about " pceup .facing " by' ; 1 the Atlantic steamers, and it" is predicted/that we; shall hear' sp-mefhiri^ye*.; , a.bout railway ; racing from London ''$'.' Edinburgh, arid, Glasgow. ," ■'-'/'"

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Clutha Leader, Volume II, Issue 103, 30 June 1876, Page 6

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English News. Clutha Leader, Volume II, Issue 103, 30 June 1876, Page 6

English News. Clutha Leader, Volume II, Issue 103, 30 June 1876, Page 6